Transitional age is a special stage in the life of children and their parents. It is during these years that the child is formed as a real person with his principles, dreams, knowledge. It is possible to create a comfortable room design for a teenage boy if you follow some simple rules. It is necessary to take into account the independence, desires, interests and aesthetic preferences of the guy. It is worth remembering that his room will not only be an overnight stay, but also a cozy corner for solitude with oneself, study, creativity, and fun gatherings with friends. Our article will help you responsibly approach the choice of the desired design.

Design features

It is very important for parents to realize that adolescence is a kind of beginning of the path to adulthood, the formation of the child's personality. Therefore, the personal space of a young person must fully comply with his requirements and desires. There are different age periods, the features of which can help in the design of a beautiful and cozy room for a boy.

For example, at the age of 12–13, young men begin to show a special interest in something, find hobbies in the form of sports, board games, and musical instruments. It is good if the room is decorated with elements that can inspire the child to develop their new talents.

More emotional can be called the age of 14-15 years. It was at this time that the teenager finds idols, begins to get involved in the work of his favorite musical groups, hangs colorful posters of concerts over his bed, and also scatters things in a chaotic manner. Do not forbid your child to express himself in this way. You can choose such a style direction of the room, which will perfectly harmonize with the rebellious nature of its owner. For example, loft, pop art, ethnic and Mediterranean design.

At the age of 16-17, the teenager is already almost formed. He can independently draw up a plan for furnishing, decorating and decorating his room, and you can help him with turning ideas into reality. Most often, teenage boys of this tender age like such interior styles: modern, minimalism, hi-tech, loft, pop art, classic, kitsch.

Choosing an interior style

The right choice of style direction is the basis of a beautiful and comfortable room for a teenager. We will consider the most relevant and creative options for decorating a room in different styles.

Minimalist teen boy's room

This interior implies an abundance of free space, conciseness of details and the absence of bulky furniture. The play of colors (contrasts of white and black, gray and pink, beige and brown), original finishes (the use of brick, glass or wood), as well as stylish and simple decor are responsible for the aesthetic effect. For example, wall music records, black and white photographs, original lamps, colorful sofa cushions. Such a room would be ideal for an introverted boy, a creative rebel or a young intellectual. The room will be spacious enough for relaxation, inspiring reflection and study.

Loft-style teen boy's room

Attic motifs and rebellious notes in the design will appeal to active guys who do not like boring standards. Industrial elements, a combination of old and new furniture, original finishes, as well as cool colors perfectly characterize the loft style. A special highlight of a teenager's room can be a brick wall (or imitating wallpaper), a fireplace or aged mirrors. You can also zone the room into two separate zones (recreation area and study area) using creative metal / wooden shelving or multifunctional lighting (brighter and more subdued).

Mediterranean-style teen boy's room

The main distinguishing characteristics of this style are the sunny colors of the finishes, unusual furniture upholstery, the use of natural decor and textiles, as well as an abundance of light. Such a room will become a real paradise for every teenager. It can be decorated using Italian or Greek motifs.

In the first case, you should take a closer look at delicate neutral colors (white, beige, peach, light green) and decor in the form of colorful frescoes, mosaics, and shell products. In the second, you can create warm contrasts using two shades (for example, decorate all the walls in white, and leave one in blue or green), decorate the room with weightless curtains with a marine theme, wooden chests and laconic figures on the shelves.

Kitsch teen boy's room

This room design is perfect for guys who are not afraid to express themselves with bright clothes and unusual music. A kitsch-style room is an abundance of bright extravagant details, a combination of a variety of colors, exclusive finishing materials and flashy accessories.

Silver ceilings, gold wallpapers, mosaic tiles, original hanging chandeliers, posters and paintings perfectly characterize this trend. In such a room, a teenage boy will be able to realize all his wildest dreams, using incongruous colors, colorful accessories and an original approach. One of the most interesting decoration options is the design of one of the walls in the form of an art gallery.

Ethnic style teenage boy's room

It will become a cozy corner for young connoisseurs of different countries and traditions. It can be the luxury of the East, the conciseness of Japan, the brightness of Egypt or the mysticism of Africa. You can arrange a room in one of the ethnic directions, creating an atmosphere of a different culture in a small room, or you can combine several options at once. For this, stylized handmade details, comfortable furniture and neutral colors of finishes are suitable, which will become a full-fledged backdrop for such an unusual and original room.

How to choose furniture

In the room of a teenage boy, there should be basic and additional furniture. The main one includes a bed, a desktop, a wardrobe, a bookcase, an additional one - hanging shelves for decoration, room zoning elements, a sofa. Simple tips on arranging and choosing furniture will help you decide on the right option.

For a small room, it is best to use modular furniture, which will be decorated in one color scheme. The desk should be multifunctional (for lessons, computer work, creativity, reading) and roomy. Most often, a self-assembly table meets these criteria. Hanging shelves are a great alternative to bulky accessory racks.

If you decide to purchase wooden furniture, be sure to look at its edges. They should be free of any roughness and cracks. A sliding wardrobe is suitable for storing things, in addition, it will fit into almost any style of interior. For more practicality and added security, you should prefer open bookshelves without a glass or metal door.

Decor and accessories

Decorating a teenage boy's room with decor elements should depend not only on the basic design style and practicality, but also on his own preferences. It can be sports, games, music, art, science. Accents directly related to a teenager's hobby will easily create an original and cozy atmosphere. The main thing is not to forget about the overall interior design. For example, a sea chest will be a great addition to a Mediterranean-style room, a brick wall is suitable for a loft, posters and paintings with your favorite musicians will decorate a pop art room.

Room design for a teenage boy - photo

Our collection of interior design photos for teenage boys will help you get inspired and find the option that your child will like. Enjoy watching!

Decorating a small room can be tricky. At the same time, furnishing a small children's room is even more of a challenge, since children usually have a lot of things that need to be allocated storage space. With a few visual tricks and multifunctional furniture, you can easily decorate a small room.

Design a room for a teenager in a modern style

One of the main rules for decorating a small room is light colors for the walls. This does not mean that all walls should be painted white. Bright shades create a good mood and beautiful color accents. To create a special atmosphere in the room, it is important to adhere to a certain color scheme. Choose shades that are similar to each other, for example, yellow and orange, blue and cyan, pink and purple. Visually expand the space will help thin vertical stripes placed on the wall.

The idea of ​​​​decorating a room for a teenage girl 12 years old

During the design of the children's room, there may be a problem with storage space, since the room must simultaneously serve as a sleeping place, a playroom and a work area. Pay attention to functional furniture, such as a wardrobe with a built-in bed.

Photo: room design for a teenage boy

How to choose the most suitable bed for a nursery? Now there are many different options, including single beds with drawers, built-in beds or a sofa bed. If the room has a high ceiling and your child is not afraid of heights, a loft bed is ideal for a small room. There will also be room for a table, bookshelves and even a closet. Avoid dark furniture, as it creates a feeling of "crowding". A combination of white with light shades will look best.

Design Ideas for a Teenager's Room

White furniture will make every room visually larger and brighter. It will look especially good in a room with a dark wooden floor. In combination with an unusual wall design, which depicts various patterns, the decor will look quite harmonious.

Modern teen room design

The choice of lighting should be approached thoroughly. Take care of the right lighting, as there should be many and different types of it so that the child does not spoil his eyesight and feels comfortable even at a late time. The main thing is a well-lit desktop, which will be equipped with a lamp. In addition to the chandelier, you can also install spotlights or LED strip.

Photo: interior of a teenager's room

Decorate the wall above the bed with an unusual painting, lots of picture frames or photo wallpapers. Despite the fact that the room is small, use every square meter rationally. For example, equip free space above the bed with shelves. During their installation, pay attention to the height and distance from the bed to avoid possible injury to the child.

Room style for a teenage girl

If you decide to purchase a bunk bed, use the space below. Create a place to store things or arrange a place for reading books, studying or relaxing. Some furniture manufacturers offer ready-made solutions that combine a wardrobe and a table placed under the bed. It should be noted that such bunk beds can only be used from a certain age.

Photo: room for a teenage boy

The built-in wardrobe is a great solution that will allow you to place all the toys, books and clothes. The compartments can be partially opened, as shown in the photo above, and painted in any color. The white glossy surface not only acts as a bright accent, but also simplifies the maintenance process.

Furniture in the children's room for teenagers

Wall shelves can act not only as a space for storing books, but also be a great room decoration. In the photo above, the shelves serve as a bright accent in the room and bring variety. In combination with beige, yellow looks especially good.

Photo: room for a teenager 14 years old

The cappuccino-colored walls look very calm and unobtrusive. This color can be combined with almost any other shades. It is the perfect backdrop for bright wall decor and brings out the warm glow of the wood. Yellow can add contrast and create a happy atmosphere in a room.

An example of the design of a children's room for a teenage boy

Make sure that there are not too many bright and dark colors in the design of a small children's room. Designers advise using no more than two or three colors. For example, you can combine gray, white and light green colors that complement each other perfectly. Bright accents can be a storage box, a chair and a stool.

Wall decor in a teenager's room

Pay attention to how impressive a combination of black and white colors can look. The nursery automatically becomes colorful by adding lots of toys. This means that primary colors can be more neutral. In addition, there are many interesting ways to use black in a child's room. So, it can be boards or magnets. Black and white wallpaper with a beautiful print is another great idea.

Small room for a teenage girl

With the help of photo wallpapers you can create a fabulous atmosphere in the nursery. Today, the choice of motives is huge. Forest and floral motifs look especially beautiful, which will bring harmony and add a touch of freshness to the room.

Teenage Boy Room Style

When furnishing a room for a teenager, you can stick to a certain style. Placing an image of a football player on the wall, as well as adding various elements of this theme, will pleasantly surprise the boys.

Children's room in white and pastel blue

Room for a teenage boy 16 years old

How to decorate a teenager's room with your own hands

Photo: interior of a teenager's room in gray, white and blue colors

Design of a children's room for a teenager 12 sq. m.

Beautiful decoration of a small room for a teenage girl

Children's room in light pink colors

Design of a small room for a girl

Decorating the walls in the nursery with stickers

The perfect color for a child's room - fuchsia

Decorating a room for teenagers

The furniture in this case is chosen as for an ordinary Art Deco bedroom. This design style of a teenager's room completely copies the classic patterns of a double bed, the symmetry of two bedside tables, a luxurious feminine wardrobe with many mirrors. Particular attention is paid to the boudoir area, ottomans and upholstered furniture. Textiles are also of no small importance - often in such an interior there are a lot of carpets, heavy curtains, not uncommon - pleated fabric in.

In Art Deco, colors are very important. Usually it is a very light neutral background (light powder, ash pink, beige, beige pink, ecru) with the addition of several slightly more saturated shades (pink, pale pink, pale green, pale blue) and a dark shade for contrast (emerald, fuchsia, purple, plum and the like). Thus, it turns out very "adult".

Teenage Boys Room Styles

For boys, we advise you to choose one of the following styles: loft, hi-tech, minimalism. They will reflect your child's desire for originality and everything modern. In a marine style, it is worth decorating a nursery for a romantic teenager, while a young man who spends a lot of time at a computer or other gadgets will feel better in a high-tech style.

Loft-style room for a teenager

The loft style primarily brings brutality to the interior and therefore is most often chosen by boys, not girls. In the loft, it is easy to imagine the interior as a public one, like a living room, which makes the bedroom ideal for receiving guests. In addition, the loft does an excellent job of decorating spaces such as an office, a library, an exhibition of a collection (car models, aircraft, etc.).

The loft is primarily characterized by the presence of a brick wall, the contrast of wood and black, brutal metal or in the case of children's plastic decor with a metal effect. Do not forget about the right upholstered furniture - if there is enough space, capitonné chairs or a chester sofa are placed here, “like in adults”. In decoration and decor are often used:

  • rack panels;
  • brickwork, brick-effect panels and wallpapers with such a pattern;
  • loft style;
  • pear-shaped ottomans upholstered in leather-look textiles or adorned with the British flag;
  • carpets in natural coffee, gray or beige shades.

For the loft style, it is very important to have a sufficient area (from 14 square meters) and high ceilings (ideally - from 2.8 meters). If the room has low ceilings, red or red-brick masonry (even if it's just wallpaper or panels) will look too brutal!

Room for a teenager in a marine style

Nautical style is not the prerogative of little boys! In combination with English traditions in the interior, it is used for teenagers, and in the design of offices, guest rooms and bedrooms in general, as well as living rooms. The atmosphere of either a surf beach, or the mood of classic wanderings is chosen.

Depending on the option chosen, the furniture can be white, light or dark brown, and the decor can be light pastel (light blue, azure, turquoise) or classic marine (blue, dark blue, navy, etc.). In a marine style, it is customary to design bedrooms specifically for boys; they look perfect with white doors and windows.

Photo: Instagram @matreshkina_interiors

By the way, this style is also well suited for a bedroom where two or three boys settled down, because almost everyone likes the marine theme and will easily become a unifying factor, an interior compromise!

Room for a teenager in the style of minimalism

In the style of minimalism, laconic furniture, a minimum of decor and a very restrained palette are most often used - black and white, white and gray, white and blue, etc. Very rarely there are bright and pastel shades, the interior turns out to be more monochrome than color.

Photo: Instagram @designer_m.konyuhova

Such a solution in the design of the room is perfect for an older teenager (from 16 years old), then this interior can serve him faithfully for 5, and 10, and even 15 years, because it is already designed for a young guy or girl.

The cost of implementation directly depends on the brands of furniture, so it may differ slightly in one direction or another. It's 100% true that you can't buy cheap art deco or neoclassical furniture, but expensive Scandinavian style furniture is easy.

The age from 13 to 17 is called transitional for a reason. During this period, children are rapidly changing - both externally and in terms of psychology, which means that the interior surrounding them must meet new needs. When creating a room design for a teenager, it is important to take into account the individual traits, interests, and hobbies of a growing child. The ideas and photos collected on our website will help you choose an interesting option for decorating a room and equip it with maximum comfort.

Features of the teenage room

A year or two after the child graduates from elementary school, almost all parents are faced with the problem of re-equipping the children's room in a more adult format. As a rule, there is a need to replace the furniture, and the decoration often needs to be updated. All this requires a lot of attention and resources, but if all the details are thought out in advance, a stylish design will delight the young owner or owner until adulthood, or even longer.

Ergonomics of furniture

When choosing a new bed, desk and computer desk for a teenager's room, you should pay attention to transforming models. The ability to adjust the height, width or length will not only be useful in terms of the convenience and health of a teenager, but will also significantly save the family budget. As for cabinets and shelves, they should have a good supply of free space for future replenishment of the wardrobe and storage of all necessary things.

Neutral finish

In adolescence, the tastes and preferences of children often change. To adapt the interior to new hobbies, it is advisable to choose a neutral design, in which there is always a place for noticeable accents. For example, for favorite pictures, photographs or posters, you can take one wall or niche - so the teenager will have a place for self-expression, and the rest of the surfaces will serve as a discreet background for a longer time.

Influence of colors

Ambient shades have a great influence on the mental and physical state of adolescents - they are especially sensitive to aggressive combinations, which can often be observed in various subcultures. The dominant color in the underground youth movements is black, sometimes interspersed with red, hot pink, and yellow. Making a room in such tones can cause depression, outbursts of irritation, and sleep disturbances. Gloomy and overly bright colors are best replaced with calmer tones. Light gray, beige, blue, green, brown are suitable as a base.

The traditional design theme for young ladies is spring floral motifs. All kinds of hearts, butterflies, cats are suitable for girls who, even in the middle classes, retain childish spontaneity and serenity. For older schoolgirls, you can choose a design in the style of your favorite book, focus on the owner's hobby - music, needlework, drawing or dancing.

The color palette in the interior of the girl's room should match the character of the owner, filling the space with lightness and comfort. Delicate pastel and sunny colors are appropriate: white, pink, light green, yellow, orange, turquoise, lilac. Natural combinations and different saturation shades of the same color look especially harmonious.

The style of a girl's room can be both restrained (modern minimalism) and romantic - here you should pay attention to Provence, shabby chic, light classics. If a young lady is fond of the culture of a country, you can borrow from there the characteristic features of the situation, ethnic decor or symbols.

When designing a room for a teenage boy, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to practicality and only then to aesthetics. Spacious wardrobes, organizers and drawers will teach the child to put things in their places. To facilitate cleaning, you should avoid open shelves and unnecessary decor, that is, objects that do not carry a functional load. A good decoration of the interior will be awards: cups, figurines, certificates received by the boy for personal achievements in studies, sports or other areas of life. The attributes of success left in sight will increase the young man's self-esteem and inspire him to new victories.

The design of the room should be created taking into account the individual characteristics of the growing owner. Someone likes adventure style, someone is fond of rock music, cars, technology, history or astronomy. Many guys are associated with some kind of sport - they play football, basketball, do martial arts, athletics, etc. All this can be reflected in the interior using thematic prints, badges and decorative elements.

Zoning a room for two children

When children reach puberty, it becomes necessary to settle them in different rooms, but sometimes the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment does not allow this. In this case, zoning will help to equip each child with their own space.

Partitions. Almost all teens need their own private "nooks" to be able to get away with. This is especially important for children of different sexes. To divide one room into two parts, partitions should be used, but in no case should one be left without natural light. Thick curtains, plywood, wooden, plasterboard walls, tall cabinets and shelving are suitable as a screen.

Bunk furniture usually used in small nurseries, but you can find many interesting options for teenagers. Particularly convenient are the structures, on the first floor of which there is a working area, and on the second - a bedroom. The side walls are reserved for storing things. Such sets are more individual than simple bunk beds, as they remain in the sole possession of the child.

Podium- Another good trick for zoning a room for two same-sex children. Elevation above the floor level allows you to fill the vertical space more efficiently, and pull-out beds or drawers for storing things can be installed under the “stage”.

Teen room design - photo

In the photo gallery on our website you will find many creative options for designing a room for a teenager. But it is desirable to decide on the choice together with the future owner or owner. During the transition period, it is important for young people to feel that their opinion is listened to and perceived on an equal footing with adults.

By taking part in the design of their own room, a teenager will learn to create a comfortable environment, will appreciate order more and will be able to enjoy an interior that fully meets his tastes.