The nanny who looked after the children waited for the parents with the eldest child to leave the apartment, set fire to the dwelling together with the 4-year-old girl, then decapitated her and went out with the child's head to the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station, shouting "Allah Akbar"

In the north-west of Moscow on the morning of February 29, a tragedy occurred in a young family that shocked many. The nanny who looked after the children waited for the parents with the older child to leave the apartment, then beheaded the four-year-old daughter of the owners, set fire to the dwelling and went out with the child's head to the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station, shouting "Allah Akbar," RBC reports. The woman was detained and sent for examination to psychiatrists. The mother of the deceased girl, who learned about the incident, fainted, the father had a nervous breakdown.

An eyewitness told the Dozhd TV channel: “I was leaving the shopping center, they tried not to let me out. There were a bunch of some people, they were running, shouting: “A terrorist attack, a terrorist attack.” I saw a woman walking right next to the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station ", near the road, all in black. She was with some not even a bundle, but with her head. Maybe it was the head of a child, as they whispered in the crowd. She was shouting something."

A TASS source in law enforcement confirmed that the detainee had a child's head with her. An Interfax source in law enforcement agencies said that the detainee was in a state of drug intoxication.

"At the second interrogation, which was conducted at the Shchukino police department, Bobokulova unexpectedly refused to speak and said that her command of Russian was too poor to communicate with investigators," the source said. - After that, her interrogation was over. In the near future she will be transferred to the ITT, where she will spend the night. As early as tomorrow, the investigators are planning to petition the court to place Bobokulova in custody."

Meanwhile, social media users are angry about the actions of law enforcement officers during this nightmarish incident. The security forces are blamed for the fact that the woman was detained for an hour, and in the first minutes law enforcement officers fled from her in different directions, the radio station "Moscow speaking" reports.

“The Moscow police had a terrorist threat near the metro for an hour, and as a result they were detained by ordinary cops,” the radio station quotes the post of a Network user with the nickname Ilya R. “And the riot police? And the FSB TsSN? She was detained an hour later! Catch up with the MVD. And those who were nearby immediately fled when they saw her."

User Arseniy Vesnin posted a photo with the comment: "A policeman is running away from a woman with a child's head. He doesn't stop, doesn't aim a gun. He runs stupidly."

Sergei Goncharov, a veteran of the anti-terrorist division of the FSB Alfa, told reporters that the law enforcement officers who worked at the scene of the emergency should be fired.

The police did not respond to complaints. "The Investigative Committee is now giving any comments and explanations. I have no information for you. Unfortunately, I have nothing to add," the radio station was told in the capital's Ministry of Internal Affairs.

At the same time, Anton Tsvetkov, chairman of the security commission of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, said in an interview with a radio station that it was premature to evaluate the actions of police officers, since the police have a clear algorithm of actions in the event of a threat of a terrorist act, which they followed.

“If, for example, a woman who is in a certain place threatens to blow herself up, then they must first cordon off this place, ensure the evacuation of citizens and take all appropriate measures, not only to preserve the life and health of citizens, but also for the life of and the health of the personnel," he said.

Full version.

A woman in a hijab held the severed head of a child and promised to blow herself up near the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station in Moscow. The headless body of a child was found in a burnt-out apartment where the criminal worked as a nanny. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the woman was detained by law enforcement agencies, her condition was called "inadequate".

Law enforcement officers had to block the exit from the metro at the Oktyabrskoye Pole station in order to detain a nanny who killed a child, cut off his head and set fire to her employers' apartment.

On the fact of the brutal murder of a child in the north-west of Moscow, in which his nanny is suspected, a criminal case has been opened. As TASS was specified in the Investigative Committee, the case was initiated under the article "Murder of a minor."

This morning, in the apartment of one of the high-rise buildings on Narodnogo Opolcheniya Street, after extinguishing the fire, the decapitated body of a child of 3-4 years old was found. According to preliminary data, the child was killed by his nanny, a citizen of Uzbekistan born in 1977.

From the message of the Investigative Committee: “Having waited until the parents with the older child left the apartment, for unknown reasons, she committed the murder of a child, set fire to the apartment and disappeared.”

The nanny is currently on hold. Investigators are working with her, the motive for the crime is being established.

From the message of the Investigative Committee: “Given the obviously inappropriate behavior of the detainee, the investigators immediately ordered her a forensic psychiatric examination to establish her ability to understand the meaning of her actions and deeds.”

Earlier, a law enforcement source said that the decapitated body of a child was found in the apartment after the fire. The nanny took her head with her, she was detained at the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station. According to eyewitnesses, the woman was dressed in all black, and carried the child's head with her. To detain the woman, law enforcement officers had to cordon off the exit from the subway.

Video of police detaining a woman in Moscow near the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station. In her hands was the severed head of a child.

The video was taken by a surveillance camera. The footage shows how law enforcement officers knock the woman down on the asphalt.

A nanny killed a child in Moscow because of revenge on her parents.

The 38-year-old nanny-murderer herself, during interrogation, named a new motive for her crimes.

“Bobokulova said during interrogation that she wanted to draw maximum attention to her act and was not going to hide, she was not going to deliberately set fire to the crime scene and destroy evidence. According to the woman, she wanted the baby’s parents to know who exactly dealt with their daughter.”
Earlier, Bobokulova told law enforcement officers that her husband's betrayal pushed her into reprisal against an innocent child.

Surveillance cameras filmed the nanny after the murder of the child.

Video of the interrogation of a nanny who killed a 4-year-old girl:

Rally in memory of a brutally murdered four-year-old girl:

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On the afternoon of a leap year on February 29, Moscow shuddered - social networks and the media were filled with terrible photographs, news and videos of a woman in black shouting "Allahu Akbar" at the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station. In her hands, a woman dressed "like ISIS" held the bloody head of a child - a 4-year-old girl she had killed.

The Moscow police reported that while working as a nanny in an apartment on Narodnogo Opolcheniya Street, a citizen of Uzbekistan cut off the head of a girl - the daughter of her employers. After that, she doused the crime scene with fuel, set it on fire and went to the subway. At the nearest station, a woman in black was stopped by a police officer to check her documents.

"In response to the law enforcement officers' legitimate demands, the woman snatched the girl's head out of her bag and started screaming that she had killed the child and would now blow herself up," writes Lifenews. Immediately, the metro station and the surrounding areas were blocked, special forces, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and the Investigative Committee left for the scene.

"I hate democracy. I'm a terrorist. I want your death. You've matured so much, you've destroyed us so much. Look, I'm a suicide bomber, I'll die, the world will end in a second," the woman shouted, according to Dozhd.

"The woman was sent for a medical psychiatric examination and for interrogation," Zvezda says.

"The investigators also specified that a 39-year-old citizen of one of the republics of Central Asia was detained. Later, a clarification appeared in a number of media that a 38-year-old woman, her name is Gulchekhra Bobokulova, she came to Moscow from Uzbekistan," Moslenta writes.

“She screamed furiously, waved her baby’s head, walked by the subway, then entered the transition. Then a daredevil from the police ran up to her, knocked her to the asphalt, covered her with herself - the child’s head fell out of her hands and rolled. Then the police began to run up, all sorts of other people , probably the Chekists, they fixed her and took her away, ”says Ruslan, an eyewitness of the incident. “Then explosives technicians drove up, covered their heads with such a cap, probably from an explosion, and began to check the crossing, the station,” adds Olga, a Muscovite who saw what was happening.

The media also reported that "detained on suspicion of the brutal murder of a child, a 39-year-old native of Uzbekistan, during interrogation, told why she committed the crime." "According to Gulchekhra Bobokulova, her husband's infidelity pushed her to such a step," quotes information from the investigation.

"The apartment, located on Narodnogo Opolcheniya Street at 29 Building 1, has been rented out for the past 10 years. A family with two children lived there - a 15-year-old son and a 4-year-old daughter. cell phone companies," media reported.

Due to the fact that the parents worked, were not rich and did not have the opportunity to hire a professional nanny with recommendations, they hired 38-year-old Gulchekhra Bobokulova, a native of Uzbekistan.

“During all this time, the woman was responsible for her work and seemed to be a good teacher. However, recently, when her family began to discord, she was often in an agitated state,” said parents whose daughter was beheaded by an “ISIS nanny” .

A woman detained on suspicion of killing a child in Moscow confessed to her deed. News about a Muslim nanny who cut off a child's head and walked with her near the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station shocked Muscovites the day before, on February 29, 2016. Photos and videos of a nanny who killed a 4-year-old child in Moscow are being actively discussed on the Web. Read the latest news about the investigation into the murder of a four-year-old girl in the material below.

Brutal murder of a child by a nanny in Moscow being investigated by law enforcement. The woman who cut off the child's head and walked with her near the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station was detained on February 29, 2016. According to the latest news, the detained native of Uzbekistan, Gulchekhra Bobokulova, confessed to the murder of a four-year-old girl, Interfax reports.

Investigators found that the nanny killed the child in Moscow on February 29, 2016. She cut off the head of a sleeping girl, put it in a bag, and set fire to the apartment. After that, a woman with a child's head walked near the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station and threatened to blow herself up. After the arrest, law enforcement agencies learned that Gulchekhra Bobokulova had committed the murder of a four-year-old girl when her parents went for a walk with another child. The police also found the body of a decapitated child. He was discovered after the fire was put out on Narodnogo Opolcheniya Street.

In the latest news about the nanny who chopped off child's head, it is reported that the woman committed the crime after she found out about her husband's infidelity. According to Gulchekhra Bobokulova, she recently went to Uzbekistan and found out that her husband started a second family, and he offered her to become a second wife.

The parents of the girl killed by the nanny confirmed that she complained about the bad relationship with her husband. However, Gulchekhra Bobokulova could not explain to the police why she committed the murder of a child, noting that she was not going to hide. The Federal Migration Service said that the woman worked illegally in Moscow. After this news, some deputies called on the FMS to tighten control over migrants and over recruitment agencies that select nannies.

The murder of a child by a nanny from Uzbekistan in Moscow is active discussed on social media. A woman who walked near the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station with the severed head of a four-year-old girl was caught on video. It was also recorded on video and her detention. Muscovites are shocked by the latest news about a Muslim nanny. Meanwhile, Ildar Alyautdinov, chairman of the Spiritual Board of Muslims of Moscow, the chief imam of the Moscow Cathedral Mosque, asked not to link this brutal murder of a four-year-old girl with all Muslims.

"We are talking about an absolutely inadequate personality, therefore it is absolutely wrong to associate any actions with Muslims and Islam on the basis of attire or some slogans," he said, noting that Gulchekhra Bobokulova, accused of killing a child, is probably mentally ill.

Today, February 29, in the Russian capital, law enforcement officers detained a 38-year-old nanny walking around near the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station with the severed head of a 4-year-old girl. In more detail about the detention of the nanny who committed a crime horrific in its cruelty, the journalists of the "News of Russia" section of the publication "Market Leader" found out.

Yulia Ivanova, spokeswoman for the Investigative Committee, said that a 38-year-old woman was detained by Moscow police today, walking near the Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station with the severed head of a 4-year-old girl. Law enforcement officers have already identified the killer - it turned out to be Gulchekhra Bobokulova, a 38-year-old native of Uzbekistan.

The RIA Novosti news agency, referring to information received from eyewitnesses, reports that the woman walked near the metro station with the severed head of a child in her hands for about 20 minutes, and only after that she was detained by police. According to eyewitnesses, the woman approached the entrance to the subway, holding a red bag in her hands, from which she then took out the child's head. One of the witnesses said that the woman walked along the street for a long time and at the same time shouted something, but they were simply afraid to approach her.

Another witness said that a few minutes after the woman arrived, a police officer appeared near the metro station, but when the law enforcement officer tried to get closer, she shouted that she would blow herself up if he approached. A video surveillance camera recorded how a police officer knocked a woman to the pavement, after which other law enforcement officers ran up to them and jointly detained her.

At that time, the metro station had already been cordoned off by police officers. Employees of the Investigative Committee and an ambulance also arrived at the scene. At the same time, the police assumed the danger of a terrorist threat. However, later it turned out that the criminal did not have any explosive devices with him.

The detainee stated that she killed the child because of the betrayal committed by her husband.

According to the LifeNews TV channel, during the interrogation, the woman admitted to the police that she went to kill the child because of her husband's infidelity, while the detainee could not explain what connection between this situation and the family where she worked as a nanny. An examination showed that the detainee was under the influence of psychotropic drugs.

The police have also already interrogated the mother and father of the murdered girl (earlier, the girl's mother was taken to the hospital in an unconscious state). They reported that Bobokulova was hired about a year ago, because she seemed to them a good specialist and a responsible person.

LifeNews journalists, referring to the materials of the interrogation, noted that a discord began in the family of Bobokulova herself some time ago, and the woman often complained about her bad relationship with her husband to her employers. As the source explained, the employers noticed that the nanny of their child was in an extremely agitated state, but they attributed this state of the woman to ordinary fatigue. Currently, specialists from the psychological assistance service are working with the parents of the murdered child.

According to investigators, Gulchekhra Bobokulova, having waited for the parents and older brother of the ward girl to leave the apartment, committed the murder of a child, after which she set fire to the apartment and left the scene of the crime. According to the information available to the Moskovsky Komsomolets publication, the girl's parents left the apartment at about 8 o'clock in the morning, and at about the same time, the elder brother of the murdered woman, a student in the cadet corps, left the house. The publication, without specifying the source of information, also reports that the nanny committed the murder of her ward at about 08:40, after which she set fire to the apartment in which the crime was committed. A message about a fire in this apartment, located on Narodnogo militia street 29, building 1, was received by the Moscow Emergencies Ministry at half past ten in the morning.

The nanny who killed the ward child worked illegally in the Russian capital.

Olga Kirillova, who heads the FMS's Moscow department, told the Interfax news agency that Gulchekhra Bobokulova, who allegedly killed a 4-year-old girl, was working illegally in the Russian capital. Kirillova, in particular, explained that Bobokulova arrived in Moscow in early January of this year, after which she got registered in the Vykhino-Zhulebino area for migration.

The woman named work as the purpose of her visit to the Russian Federation. The fact that a citizen of Uzbekistan is in the northwestern part of the capital, as well as that she works, has not been reported to the FMS. At the same time, the head of the Moscow department of the FMS stressed that the department had repeatedly appealed to both individuals and legal entities to hire citizens of other countries only if they had a patent.

Meanwhile, the children's ombudsman Pavel Astakhov called this crime monstrous, and also appealed to parents to demand a certificate from a psychiatrist from applicants for the role of a nanny for their children. He recalled that earlier cases were repeatedly revealed when nannies who were hired to care for children tortured their wards, beat them, and now the situation has already reached the point of murder.