Until recently, quail eggs were considered a delicacy that was cooked and served only on special occasions and holidays. But today this product can be found on free sale along with traditional chicken eggs. Many even completely switch to eating only quail eggs, believing that they are much more useful. For example, there is an opinion that the calorie content of quail eggs is lower, and the content of valuable substances in them is higher. Indeed, this product is rich in protein, it contains useful fatty acids, E and D, B vitamins and an extensive list of trace elements: iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc and others. But the calories in a quail egg are not so few, because it contains a sufficient amount of fat.

How many calories are in a quail egg?

Quail eggs differ quite clearly from chicken eggs, first of all, in their appearance, so it is impossible to confuse them. In quails, the eggs are colored with small brown specks, and they are much smaller in size and weight. When compared with a chicken egg, the ratio by volume will be 1:5. Therefore, the calorie content of quail eggs also seems to be less, although in fact it is quite comparable with the energy value of ordinary ones. For example, in one chicken egg there are 70-75 kcal, and in the calorie content of a quail egg 1 pc will be approximately 14-15 kcal, which means that five pieces will also have 75 kcal. In order not to increase this figure, it is recommended to boil or steam the product. After all, fried eggs with the addition of oil will be more fatty and less healthy. A boiled quail eggs will be almost similar to the energy value of a raw product. And in a boiled dish, almost all useful substances and vitamins will be almost completely preserved.

The calorie content of a raw quail egg per 100 grams is 168 kcal. 100 g of the product contains:

  • 11.9 g protein;
  • 13.1 g fat;
  • 0.6 g of carbohydrates.

Quail eggs are saturated with vitamins A, B1, B2, B4, B9, E, PP, minerals potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, chlorine, phosphorus, iron, manganese, cobalt, molybdenum, copper, chromium.

Calorie content of boiled quail eggs in 1 pc. is 15.12 kcal. In one piece of such eggs:

  • 1.07 g protein;
  • 1.18 g fat;
  • 0.05 g of carbohydrates.

If you have no contraindications, the daily intake of quail eggs can be up to 4 - 5 pieces. This amount contains only 60 - 75 kcal, 4.2 - 5.4 g of protein, 4.7 - 5.9 g of fat, 0.2 - 0.25 g of carbohydrates.

The benefits of quail eggs

The following benefits of quail eggs are known:

  • the product is enriched with essential amino acids that are not synthesized by the human body and come only with food;
  • there are no antibiotics in quail eggs, since quails are highly resistant to diseases and do not need additional medical stimulation of immunity;
  • such eggs are saturated with B vitamins, which are important for maintaining a woman's hormonal background, stimulating metabolism, ensuring healthy hair, nails and skin;
  • in women over 50, quail eggs help maintain skin elasticity;
  • the product normalizes blood pressure;
  • in men, quail eggs improve potency. Such a product is indicated for erectile dysfunction, problems with the speed and quality of ejaculation;
  • in Asian countries, quail eggs are considered an effective natural remedy for improving memory and stimulating brain activity.

Harm of quail eggs

The following harmful properties of quail eggs have been proven:

  • the product is contraindicated in chronic and exacerbated diseases of the liver and pancreas;
  • some people have allergic reactions to egg protein;
  • with individual intolerance, quail eggs provoke flatulence, bloating and other disorders in the digestive tract.

When buying a product, be sure to ensure that the shell is not damaged. If the integrity of the shell is violated, there is a high risk that pathogenic microorganisms will settle in the eggs. The use of such eggs can provoke serious food poisoning.

With high cholesterol, it is advisable to consult with your doctor about the inclusion of quail eggs in your diet. Most likely, the product will not be excluded from the diet, but will be consumed in limited quantities (no more than 2 eggs per day).

One quail egg contains approximately 20 kcal, 1.4 g of protein, 1.2 g of fat and 0.06 g of carbohydrates. Calorie content directly depends on the size of the eggs, one hundred grams of the product contains 158 kilocalories.

The calorie content of a quail egg is small, so this product is popular with those who follow their figure. Quail eggs have immunostimulating, antibacterial and antiviral properties.

Quail eggs can be added to salads, sushi, soups, make original snacks from them and prepare homemade mayonnaise based on them. Eat 2 raw quail eggs daily in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening, and after a month of their regular use, you will feel the positive result of this product!

The use of eggs in the diet

Quail eggs can be stored for no more than 2 months. If there is a crack on the shell, but the quail egg must be thrown away. Quail eggs do not go out, but simply dry out, therefore, if the egg floats in a glass of water, then it has already dried up and the expiration date has ended.

In addition to eggs for medicinal purposes, their shells, which are 90% calcium carbonate, can also be used. Until recently, quail eggs were considered a delicacy that was cooked and served only on special occasions and holidays.

Many even completely switch to eating only quail eggs, believing that they are much more useful. Quail eggs differ quite clearly from chicken eggs, first of all, in their appearance, so it is impossible to confuse them.

Daily dosage of quail eggs

And in a boiled dish, almost all useful substances and vitamins will be almost completely preserved. The calorie content of foods is an important and significant issue for those who follow the figure and try to eat right. This article will talk about the calorie content of shawarma and how it can be harmful to our body.

How to choose the right eggs

The quail egg is an excellent dietary food product that is actively replacing the traditional chicken egg from the shelves in stores. One product includes important vitamins and minerals due to its high nutritional value.

Quantitative rate of eggs

Vitamin A is also useful: it improves vision and immune defense. One serving of quail eggs contains almost 120 mg of choline and about 244 IU of vitamin A. These amounts replenish the daily requirement by 23% and 8%, respectively. Regardless of the low calorie content of raw or boiled quail eggs, they contain many trace elements and essential amino acids.

In terms of the concentration of potassium, phosphorus and iron, quail eggs are four times superior to chicken ones. Small testicles contain cysteine, lysine, tryptophan, methionine, aspartic and glutamic acids. There is hardly a person in the world who has not tried some kind of egg dish. This is one of the most common food items. Eggs of all kinds of birds and even some reptiles (turtles) can be eaten.

Eggs are not only useful, but also a unique product. A chicken egg is absorbed by the human body by 97%. The third part of the egg is the yolk. It includes proteins, fats, cholesterol. One medium raw egg contains 70 kilocalories. Many nutritionists advise eating eggs during a diet. It is recommended to consume 2-3 boiled eggs per week. Eggs promote weight loss and support the functioning of the human immune system.

Useful material

Eggs are contraindicated if you have allergies, cholecystitis, or an intolerance to any component of the protein or yolk. In this matter, you need to decide which eggs you need - table or diet. A child of 2-3 years old can eat from 2 to 3 yolks per week, a child of 4-6 years old is recommended to eat 3 eggs per week.

Eggs can be eaten in a variety of ways. Hard-boiled eggs are used in the diet, as this is the lowest calorie product. There are several popular and delicious dishes from this product. Omelet is a popular, easy-to-cook dish. To prepare it, beat eggs with milk, add salt and pepper and fry in a pan. You can add ham, tomatoes, fresh bell peppers, sausages and even cheese to the omelet. It all depends on your imagination.

An egg is relatively low in calories. But there is no cholesterol in a raw egg at all. Unlike chicken eggs, quail eggs contain less cholesterol. How many kilocalories in quail eggs figured out, and now let's move on to the nutritional value of the product.

Bird eggs are a valuable dietary product. When following a diet, especially for weight loss, you need to know how many calories are in an egg. Chicken eggs are very popular, because. they are widely available and cheap. Quail is also often consumed. More exotic ones - ostriches, turtles - are included in the menu of expensive restaurants and are not cheap.

Egg composition and nutritional value

Bird eggs are absorbed by the human body by 97%. The yolk is 1/3 part (17 g) of the total (50 g). It consists of:

  • proteins - 16% (2.7 g);
  • fats - 26.5% (4.51 g);
  • carbohydrates - 3.6% (0.61 g);
  • cholesterol - 0.8% (139 mg).

In the yolk, fats are represented by poly-, mono- and unsaturated fatty acids, incl. Omega-3 (0.06 g) and Omega-6 (1.2 g). The calorie content of a chicken egg mainly depends on the energy value of the yolk (352 kcal / 100 g).

It also contains vitamins:

  • B1 (thiamine), B2, B5 (pantothenic acid), B4 (choline); B6, B7 (biotin), B12;
  • folic acid;
  • PP (niacin);
  • beta carotene.

The yolk contains a large number of macro- and microelements, but the main ones are:

  • phosphorus - 192 mg;
  • sulfur - 176 mg;
  • chlorine - 156 mg;
  • potassium - 140 mg;
  • sodium - 134 mg;
  • calcium - 55 mg;
  • iron - 2.5 mg;
  • iodine - 20 mcg;
  • copper - 83 mcg;
  • fluorine - 55 mcg;
  • selenium - 31.7 mcg.

Only 1 egg provides the body's daily need for cobalt (10 mcg). Due to this composition and energy value, the yolk is used to nourish and form various structures of the embryo.

Protein is poorer in its content:

  • fats - 0.3%;
  • proteins - 12.7%;
  • carbohydrates - 0.7%;
  • water - 85%.

In addition, the composition of the protein includes enzymes and B vitamins. Proteins have an antibacterial and bacteriolytic effect on the body.

Egg white, whose calorie content is 8 times lower than that of the yolk, is a source of protein. In 100 g of protein - 11 g of protein, which is much higher than in milk (4 g / 100 g) and beef (17 g / 100 g) with a low calorie content of the product. The total calorie content of a medium-sized egg is 70 kcal, or in terms of 100 g of the product, its energy value is 158 kcal or 663 J.

Calories in fried and boiled chicken eggs

In dietary nutrition, preference is given to soft-boiled products, because. proteins ovalbumin and ovomucoid, which have an allergenic effect, are denatured during cooking, and the beneficial properties of the yolk are preserved. They differ in energy value depending on the method of cooking. Before eating them, you should find out how many calories are in eggs:

  • soft-boiled - 159 kcal per 100 g of product;
  • in a bag - 157 kcal / 100 g;
  • hard boiled - 160 kcal / 100 g.

With different types of heat treatment of the product, its energy saturation changes. So, for example, how many calories are in a fried egg depends on what type of fat is used for cooking. In terms of 100 g of product, the calorie content is (kcal):

  • on vegetable oil - 170;
  • on cream - 200;
  • on fat - 280;
  • omelet (with milk) - 155;
  • without oil - 160.

These figures are approximate, as it all depends not only on the type, but also on the amount of fat.

How many calories are in quail and other types of eggs?

The calorie content of a product depends on its fat content. Of the types of eggs familiar to us, the most high-calorie ones are duck (220 kcal / 100 g) and goose (190 kcal / 100 g). In contrast to the popular belief that quail eggs are much healthier than chicken ones due to their low calorie content, it turns out that the energy value of a quail egg (in terms of 100 g of product) is 168 kcal.

The lowest calorie are ostrich eggs - 118 kcal / 100 g. And in turtle eggs there are almost the same calories (155 kcal / 100 g) as in chicken eggs. The calorie content of egg white in all types of the product is significantly (4-8 times) lower than that of the yolk.

Eggs in the diet - the norm of consumption

Eggs have established themselves as a valuable product - high nutritional value with low calorie content. They provide fat burning, because. more energy is needed to digest protein. Protein provides the building material for the formation of muscle tissue, so the product is used in sports nutrition.

Eggs normalize the level of insulin and glucose in the blood, the jumps of which stimulate fat deposits. Useful substances of the product:

  1. Increase the activity of testosterone, which is especially important in the prevention of prostate diseases.
  2. Prevent cataracts. Oxygen-containing carotenoids - lutein and zeaxanthin - are necessary to maintain the structure of the retina.
  3. Maintain weight by boosting metabolism.
  4. Prevent cardiovascular and nervous diseases. The choline (B4) contained in the yolk normalizes the activity of cholesterol, protects cell membranes from adverse effects, improves the functions of the nervous tissue, and has antidepressant properties.
  5. Prevent the development of breast cancer. Scientists have proven that eating 2 boiled eggs per day reduces the risk of pathology by 85%.
  6. Compensate for blood loss, incl. with regulations (menstruation), because the yolk contains a large amount of iron.
  7. Prevent rickets due to the high content of easily digestible vitamin D.
  8. They help the normal course of pregnancy and its planning, because. yolks contain folic acid.
  9. Strengthen bone tissue, hair, nails, teeth. The yolks and shells contain more than 26 minerals, incl. calcium and phosphorus.
  • children under 7 months of age are not recommended to use them, and older - there is only the yolk;
  • do not exceed the consumption (1-2 pieces per week) with cholecystitis;
  • exclude them in psoriasis, atopic dermatitis.

The calorie content of one egg eaten at breakfast helps not to feel hungry until the next meal and eliminate snacking.

Nutritionists do not insist on eating only boiled eggs. The calorie content of scrambled eggs is almost halved when vegetables and skim milk are added to it.

When following a low-protein diet and during the transition period to vegetarianism, nutritionists advise introducing quail eggs into the diet. They contain more vitamin B 12 than chicken. Only 1-2 pcs. a day help to get all the nutrients and reduce the calorie content of the dish.

Because Since this product contains less cholesterol, it can be consumed even by heart patients and the elderly. Nutrients in the composition increase memory capacity, stimulate cognitive functions, increase attention. This product is also shown to men, because it has properties that are superior to Viagra. But even for preventive and therapeutic purposes, you should not exceed the daily allowance, which is limited by nutritionists to 4-5 pieces.

Another property of the product is its ability to remove radionuclides from the body. Due to this, quail eggs are introduced into the diet of children and adults living in areas with a high radiation load, and patients who have undergone irradiation due to malignant pathologies. Scientists calculated the daily need for the product (pieces) depending on age (years):

  • 1-3 — 1-2;
  • 3-10 — 2-3;
  • 10-18 — 4;
  • 18-50 — 4-5;
  • from 50 and older - 4-5.

Quail eggs gained their popularity thanks to the Japanese, who brought birds from China in order to study the composition of their meat and eggs. As a result, the Japanese were convinced of the exceptional usefulness of these products. The time has passed when quail eggs were “a curiosity” with us, now you can buy them in almost any supermarket and you can feel all the usefulness of this product for yourself. How many calories are in one quail egg? What are the properties of a quail egg and what is its use? Let's take it in order.

How many calories are in a quail egg?

The calorie content of a quail egg is small, so this product is popular with those who follow their figure. One quail egg contains approximately 20 kcal, 1.4 g of protein, 1.2 g of fat and 0.06 g of carbohydrates. The weight of one egg is approximately 9 - 15 g.

Quail egg composition

Quail eggs are a real "storehouse" of nutrients. They contain vitamins (A, PP, E, Group B, choline), trace elements (copper, chromium, cobalt, iron, molybdenum, manganese), macronutrients (phosphorus, chlorine, potassium, sulfur, sodium, calcium, magnesium), as well as valuable amino acids (tyrosine, lysine, glycine, trenin and histide). In terms of their usefulness, they are 5 times superior to chicken eggs.

What are the benefits of quail eggs?

Quail eggs have immunostimulating, antibacterial and antiviral properties. This dietary product is hypoallergenic and can be given even to small children (over 1 year old).

Unlike chicken eggs, quail eggs contain less cholesterol. In addition, they are resistant to salmonellosis, so they can be consumed not only boiled, but also raw. However, it should be noted that during heat treatment, quail eggs lose most of the nutrients, so for medicinal purposes they should be consumed raw.

Quail eggs with regular use:

  • strengthen immunity;
  • by 20%;
  • normalize brain function and improve memory;
  • improve vision;
  • normalize the work of the digestive tract;
  • strengthen teeth;
  • promote hair growth;
  • reduce age spots and improve skin tone.

Quail eggs can be added to salads, sushi, make original snacks from them and prepare homemade mayonnaise based on them. Try experimenting - make ordinary dishes original by adding quail eggs instead of chicken ones.

Eat 2 raw quail eggs daily in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening, and after a month of their regular use, you will feel the positive result of this product!