Embed a web page in a PowerPoint slide so that the presenter can showcase a website, show a video, embed a PDF document, or have an interactive vote among the audience without interrupting the presentation.


It turned out that PowerPoint has the ability to embed the Microsoft WebBrowser ActiveX control, which displays the pages.

However, this option has significant disadvantages:

Since the presenter will be embedding the pages themselves and may not have the necessary knowledge, it is desirable to keep this procedure simple.

LiveWeb add-in

After experimenting with Visual Basic, I decided to look for a ready-made speaker solution. Besides paid options like iBrowse , I found a free add-in called LiveWeb . The description page is quite fancy, but contains all the necessary information on installing and working with LiveWeb, which makes no sense to repeat. Microsoft PowerPoint versions from 97 to 2010 are supported. The add-in is popular and continues to be supported by the developer. Slides are saved with the *.pptm extension (ppt + macros).

In addition to conveniently creating and changing window settings, it is important that LiveWeb refreshes the page every time you visit a slide.


Embedded video (youtube)

Built-in presentation SMS survey

Add-in benefits
  • Wizard for embedding web pages in slides, setting parameters.
  • Add-in shows the current page every time the slide is viewed
  • You can fix the situation with IE7 by adding a meta tag indicating the desired version of Internet Explorer to the desired page:
  • When changing page parameters, such as addresses, other settings (size and location) are changed to default, which is inconvenient.
  • Problems with the progress bar and the empty page (if the site is not available) have not been resolved.

Of course, you can’t insert a meta tag on someone else’s page, a progress bar would not hurt, and the Internet is not always available. But as a turnkey solution for easily and quickly inserting IE7 compatible sites, the plugin has proven itself very well.

Creating Web Pages with PowerPoint

To save a presentation as a web page, run the command File/Save as Web Page, in the opened dialog box Saving a document set the file type, name and destination folder, and then click the button Publish. A dialog box will open on the screen. Web page publishing - p Fig.3.6, which allows you to perform a number of settings. In a group Object to publish you need to specify the content of the Web page, select a browser for viewing the presentation by potential visitors to your site in a group Browser Support. In a group Post a copy as... additional aspects of recording a Web page are defined.

Button Web Options opens a dialog box in which the parameters of the Web page are set.

Tab Options Are common allow you to include presentation content and buttons for moving from slide to slide into the Web page, set the color scheme that Power Point uses when changing slides, and provide animation viewing.

When viewing a publication in a browser window, there is a button at the bottom of the screen Full screen presentation, which you can click to view the presentation.

Create a simple presentation that reflects the Essential Questions of Marketing Automation. Save this presentation as a Web page and view it in an Internet Explorer window.

Part 4. Creation of Web sites using MS FrontPage

  1. Creation of Web sites using MS FrontPage

In the previous assignments, you learned about the power of HTML for creating Web sites. Although mastering this language is not very difficult, but creating a truly effective Web site is a painstaking task that requires considerable skill and knowledge. The use of MS Office tools can simplify the preparation of materials for publication on the Internet. However, for large sites, this tool is not always convenient, since it lacks the ability to edit the site as a whole, there are no service tools for checking the correctness of prepared documents, etc. In addition, the formatting of documents by means of MS Office, discussed above, occurs according to the WYSIWYG principle - the correspondence of its real image to the content. However, the technical means of users are very different from each other and the developer of the site can see it differently than the user of the network, that is, the principle of compliance is violated. All this is a significant limitation of the use of Ms Office (Word, Excel, Power Point) for website development.

At the same time, the work of creating Web sites can be automated, and one of these tools is MS FrontPage, a specialized Web page editor.

When you start working with FrontPage, keep in mind that the result is an HTML document built according to the same rules as when you create it manually. FrontPage is designed for Internet Explorer, and the HTML code it generates is most appropriately reflected in that browser.

Creating a Web site consists of three main steps:

    node structure design;

    creation of pages included in the structure;

    defining links between pages.

MS FrontPage allows you to design the structure of the site and its individual pages can be performed by any technical means, including using.

Suppose that a real-life bakery company is trying to expand its customer base using the Internet, as well as find new suppliers of raw materials.

From the very beginning, it is necessary to determine what sections such a site will consist of, what information will be presented in these sections, how the site will be navigated, and also consider the design of each page.

Let's say that the site we are developing will consist of three pages:

The "Russian bread" home page, saved in the index.htm file, should contain brief information about the history of the company and a general description of the products.

The "Price List" page (price.htm file) provides information about the product, such as the name, price, and feature.

The "Order" page (file order.htm) should provide an opportunity to place an order and make suggestions to the manufacturer.

Schematically, the structure of such a site and the flow of information between pages can be represented in the form of Fig. 4.1.

Rice. 4.13. Site structure

To create a Web site structure, you need to load the MS FrontPage application and run the command File/New/Web(File/New/Web) , and then in the dialog that appears New(Fig. 4.2) specify the type of site (One Page Web) and its location.

Rice. 4.14. MS FrotnPage window structure

The created site is saved in a new folder (My Webs by default), which is placed on a local disk or Web server. It can be later opened with the command File/Open Web... or select from the list of recently opened nodes (command File/Recent Webs).

The FrontPage application window contains three parts:

    panel Views(View) contains shortcuts for displaying different views of the Web site;

    panel Folder List displays a tree of files and folders that make up the physical structure of the node;

    window to work with the selected view.

Panel Views allows you to view the website in the following modes:

    Page view(page view);

    folder view(view folders);

    reports view(report view);

    Navigator view(view in navigation mode);

    Hyperlink view(view hyperlinks);

    Tasks view(view tasks).

To save a Web site page located in the active FrontPage window, use the command File/Save(File/Save). If the web page has never been saved, a dialog box will appear. Save As(Save as).

New Web pages can be created in several ways. For example, to create a "Price List" page, place the cursor in the list of folders Folder List and run the command File/New/Page(File/New/Page). Using context menu and command Rename(Rename), enter the file name price.htm. To create the next "Order" page for entering information from buyers and suppliers, use the button new page on the toolbar. Define the name of the new file as order.htm.

To include pages in the site structure, drag files from the panel Folder List to the work window in the mode Navigation.

The built-in FrontPage editor becomes available in the Page and allows you to interact with the Web page in one of three ways:

    Normal - page editing in WYSIWYG mode, i.e. when the page is rendered as it would appear in Internet Explorer;

    HTML - page editing in text view;

    Preview - viewing and testing the page.

To introduce the principles of editing Web pages, let's open the index.htm page. There are several ways to open pages in FrontPage. You can use the command File/Open(File/Open) or click the button open(Open) toolbar Standard. Try to open the page by double-clicking on the page file name in one of the modes - F olders, Hyperlinks, Navigators or Page. The web page will open in Page/Normal and will be editable. Enter the text corresponding to the content of the Home Page (fig.4.3). Please note that an effective means of structuring a document is the use of headings for various paragraphs of text.

To create a heading, place the cursor on the paragraph for which you want to apply style formatting, and then select one of the six levels of headings in the list style(Styles) on the formatting toolbar.

To create logical partitions on a Web page, horizontal lines are used, which are set using the command Insert/Horizontal Line(Insert/Horizontal line). To change the appearance of a horizontal line:

    select a horizontal line;

    select item from the context menu Horizontal Line Properties(Horizontal line properties) and set the width in the opened dialog box ( Width), height ( Height),color ( color) and location on the page ( Alignments).

Rice. 4.15. Homepage

Preview the page formatting results by clicking on the shortcut preview. This mode cannot reproduce all the nuances of the edited page, just as no editor can. The final viewing of the Web page should be done with a Web browser. To launch the browser, use the command File/Preview in Browser(File/View in browser). In the opened dialog box Preview in Browser select one of the browsers installed on your computer, set the size of the browser window in the options group window size(Window Size) and click the button preview. If the page has not been previously saved, a dialog box will appear. Save As(Save as).

A significant advantage that FrontPage provides is the ability to manage the site both during its creation and when users visit the pages. This possibility is provided by common fields and navigation panels. Navigation bars are sets of hyperlinks located in the common margins of a Web page. General fields are located at the choice of the developer at any edge of the page. In addition to the main navigation function, common fields and navigation bars give Web pages a consistent style.

You can create navigation bars like this:

    Choose a team Format/Shared Borders(Format/Common fields) in one of the modes - Folders,hyperlinks,Navigator or Page.

    In the dialog box Shared Borders(Fig. 4.4) specify the pages on which you want to display common fields (on all or on selected pages), determine the placement of common fields and navigation buttons.

Rice. 4.16. Dialog Shared Borders (

Adding a navigation bar is done by the command Insert/ Navigationbar.

As the Internet develops, the design of pages and Web sites becomes more and more refined and, in essence, turns into an art form in its own right. FrontPage provides a wide range of Web design options: Web sites can be created using wizards and templates, as well as using stylistic design themes. The use of themes greatly simplifies the site design process and ensures uniformity in the design of pages, in addition, the theme can be changed, deleted, applied to individual pages or the entire site as a whole at any time.

To apply the theme, you need to run the command format/themes(Format/Theme), which opens the Themes dialog box for selecting a theme and setting its properties - fig. 4.5. Yes, setting options Vivid Colors(Vivid Colors) makes the color of certain blocks of text or graphics more vivid, ActiveGraphics(Active Graphics) creates animation of some elements of a Web page, backgroundImage(Background Pattern) adds a background texture to the Web page, applyUsingcss(Using a style sheet) allows you to use cascading style sheets.

Rice. 4.17. Themes window

Apply one of the themes to the site we are working on and compare the results with Fig. 4.6.

Rice. 4.18. Appearance of the Home page using a theme

  1. Table design using MS FrontPage

We will consider the use of tables on Web pages using the example of the design of the "Price List" page, the purpose of which is to provide information about the goods manufactured by the company.

When developing Web sites, the use of tables provides structuring of information of any type: numerical, test, and even graphic. Depending on the type of information presented, a table can have a traditional look, that is, with border lines around the table and its constituent cells, or without border lines, which is often used to present graphic information. Let's place on the "Price list" page a table containing the name and image of the appearance of the product. For this:

    in mode Page select the price.htm file and set the cursor to the place on the Web page where we intend to place the left corner of the table;

    create a table on the "Price List" page, consisting of four rows and three columns, using the command Table/Insert/Table(Table/Insert/Table). When the Insert Table dialog box appears in the Rows(Number of lines) and in the field columns(Number of columns) enter the number 3.

    fill in the table with information in accordance with Fig. 4.7. We will introduce the rest of the information presented on the page a little later.

Rice. 4.19. Web page Price list

After creating a table, you can change its appearance in the dialog box tableProperties(Table properties). To do this, select any cell in the table and run the command Table/Properties/Table(Table/Properties/Table). In the dialog box tableProperties(Fig. 4.8) the following options are available for the installation:

Rice. 4.20. Table Properties Dialog Box (File F_Table_Properties)

Layout group (location):

Alignment(Alignment) - sets the horizontal alignment of the table relative to the width of the Web page;

float(Wrap) - allows you to position text that is not included in the table to the left or right of the table.

cell padding(Cell margins) – defines the size of the indents in pixels from the edges of the cell to the elements that fill it (the default is 1);

call spacing(Cell spacing) – defines the distance in pixels between adjacent cells (default is 2).

Borders group (borders) changes the line thickness and border colors of the table. The frame consists of two lines - light and dark, and applying different colors to them creates the effect of a three-dimensional image:

light border(Light border) - defines the color of the light line;

dark border(Dark border) - defines the color of the dark line;

Border(Border) - defines the color of the border, if the options light border And DarkBorder defined by default (Default)/

Group Background (Background):

color(Color) - allows you to set the background color of the table;

Use background picture(Use background image) - allows you to select an image that will be selected as a background in the table.

You can optionally place a title before the table. To this end:

    Place the cursor in any cell of the table and execute the command Table/Insert/Caption(Table/Insert/Signature). The text insertion pointer moves to the center of the table.

    Enter caption text, such as the date the table was updated.

  1. Creating links and forms on pages using MS FrontPage

Recall that a hyperlink is a link that leads from one Web page to another page, picture, email address, or file outside of the site you are creating or viewing. This allows you to subdivide hyperlinks as follows:

To create hyperlinks, you need to understand that this process consists of two parts. The first is to select text or an object on the page, which is defined as a hyperlink, and the second is to specify the target resource, that is, the file or page (place on the page) to which the hyperlink is clicked.

Viewing all links related to the selected page can be done in the mode hyperlinks.

Let's consider some ways of creating hyperlinks using the example of further design of the "Price List" Web page. First, enter all the initial information on the edited page in accordance with Fig. 4.7. Then, to create a link to the bookmark, you need to:

    Create bookmarks using the command insert/bookmark(Insert/Bookmark).

    Select the text or object, when pointed to, you want to follow the hyperlink and execute the command Insert/Hyperlink(Insert/Hyperlink).

    In the dialog box that appears, Fig. 4.9, highlight the page on which the bookmarks are located, and select the desired bookmark from the list bookmark(Bookmark).

Rice. 4.21. Insert Hyperlinks Dialog Box

Perform the operation of creating hyperlinks that provide a transition from the pictures from the Characteristics column to the text of the page where the product characteristics are placed.

To create hyperlinks that navigate to other target resources, carefully study the options in the dialog box Inserthyperlink.

In addition to ordinary links in the form of text or images, FrontPage allows you to create so-called maps - graphic images that are assigned a link. Clicking on the active zone allows you to go to the specified link. You can assign a link to a whole picture or a separate fragment. Let's consider this operation on the example of designing the "Order" Web page. Prepare a small drawing by saving it in a folder images your site, and only then paste it on the "Order" page. Further, the creation of a map must be done in the following sequence:

    select a picture on the page. The toolbar will appear on the screen. Pictures;

    using the rectangle, ellipse, polygon drawing tool, draw a contour on the active area of ​​the image;

In this case, we will assume that the part of the picture in which the text "Marketing Department" is located should have a hyperlink to the product order form, and the text "Web administrator" should have a hyperlink to the web administrator's e-mail address. The order form can be placed on the same page. Type a title for the form at the bottom of the page and set a bookmark in front of it that will jump to when you click on the text "Marketing". The order.htm page is shown in Figure 4.10.

Rice. 4.22. Order.htm page fragment

In addition to hyperlinks, this page presents the use of a common and effective way to establish contacts between the user and the owner of the Web site. Forms can be created in several ways. One is the use of templates, where the web page designer chooses the appropriate form from a set of available templates. In the case when none of the proposed templates suits you, you can use the form wizard FormPageWizard. To do this, when creating a new page, a template is selected from the list of suggested templates. FormPageWizard. The design of the form is performed in this case in an interactive mode in accordance with the requests of the wizard.

Some developers prefer to design forms themselves. To do this, use the toolbar Form(Form) a new form is created, into which controls, text, and graphic objects are then placed.

The process of creating a form consists of several stages. First, we need to determine what data we want to receive from potential visitors to our page. The next step is to place controls, the choice of which is determined by the properties of the data. The last step is to configure the received data handler.

Each form control element has a set of properties that define the name of the element, default settings, appearance, and the type of data received. To open a dialog box in which properties are set, select the control element, call the context menu by pressing the right mouse button, and execute the command From Field Properties(Properties of the form field).

To enter the last name, first name, patronymic and other textual information, it is advisable to select a single-line text field On-line Text Box. This field has the following properties reflected in the dialog box (Fig. 4.11):

Rice. 4.23. Text Box Properties Dialog Box

Name(Name) is the name of the control, used to identify the data it contains.

initial value(Initial value) - characters that are reflected after the form is opened.

Width in characters(Number of characters) – length of the text field in characters.

tab order(Iteration order) - determines the order in which controls are cycled when a key is pressed Tab.

password field(Password) - set Yes if a password is required.

To fix the order of goods, use the field check box(checkbox). The properties of this field consist of a description of its name, the value sent to the server, and whether it should be set when the form is opened.

The form field that allows you to select the type of delivery of goods can be represented by a drop-down list. The properties dialog box of this control element is shown in Fig. 4.12.

Rice. 4.24. Drop-Down Menu Dialog Box

This window gives you the option to fill in or change the drop-down list:

    button Add(Add) - adding list items;

    button Modify(Change) - change the name, value or initial state of the entry;

    button Remove(Delete) – delete a line from the list;

    move up(Up) and move down(Down) - change the arrangement of records.

By default, the dialog box has the option to select only one entry from the list. To allow multiple selection in a row allowmultipleselections(allow multiple selection) you must set the value of the radio button to the position Yes(Yes).

If you create the form yourself, you must specify a tool for processing data sent to the server. To do this, open the context menu by right-clicking anywhere on the form and select the line FormProperties(Shape properties) - fig. 4.13.

Rice. 4.25. Form Properties Dialog Box

This dialog box offers various means of handling the form:

    Send to File name(Send to file);

    Send to E-mail(Submit by e-mail);

    Send to other(Other).

After choosing the data processing method, for example, sending data to a file, you need to set the options in the dialog box (Parameters for saving form results) - Fig.4.14. This window is accessed by pressing the Options button on the dialog box. Form Properties(Shape properties).

Rice. 4.26. Options of Form Dialog Box

This window has four tabs:

    File Results(Write results to a file);

    Email Results(Sending results by e-mail);

    confirmation page(Confirmation page);

    Saved Fields(Stored fields).

When sending data to a file, the corresponding tab sets the file name to save the form data ( file name), file format ( file format), as well as options that allow you to send data paired with a field name ( Include field names) and added to the end of the HTML file ( Latest results at and). If the data is sent to a text file, then they are always appended to the end.

After creating the form, open the Web site in a browser. By going to the "Orders" page, you can clear the form or enter your information into it. The form data is saved by the server in the format you defined in the window Options for Saving Results of Form(Parameters for saving form results).

  1. Web site development control

Creating a Web site is a painstaking, systematic work that requires controlling not only a large amount of information that is supposed to be placed on Web pages, but also the stages of creating each page, the quality of the prepared material, the correctness of hyperlinks, etc. FrontPage contains tools that allow you to manage the process of creating and maintaining Web sites.

To obtain information about the node being created and its analysis, you can use the Reports view mode (report view) on the panel Views. By clicking on the icon reports(Reports) panel appears on the toolbar report(Reports), where you should select the type of report from the drop-down list. Standard mode - siteSummary(Site overview) – fig. 4.15.

Rice. 4.27. General Web Site Content Report

This mode provides general information about the pages of the site. In the report AllFiles(All files) indicates the total number of files and their total size. Report Pictures(Images) gives information about the number and size of images. Timing LinkedFiles(Related files) and unlinkedFiles(Unlinked Files) shows which files are hyperlinked from the start page and which are not. Line Slowpages(Slow pages) gives information about slow loading pages. Setting a page load time limit is performed using the command Tools/Options/tab reportsview(Tools/Options/Reports tab). A page is considered slow if its load time exceeds the counter " Slowpage" takeatleast… (“Slow pages load at least…”). The download time is calculated taking into account the estimated connection speed, which can be selected from the list Assume connection speed(Consider the connection speed equal).

To view reports that provide information about the correctness of hyperlinks on the site, use the line Broken hyperlinks("Dead" links). This mode allows you to detect the presence of links to a non-existent resource.

In addition to analyzing the content of the site, it is very important to keep track of the progress of the creation, modification and updating of Web pages. To do this, the project manager draws up a list of tasks, indicating the name of the work and the timing of its implementation, as well as information about the person responsible for the result.

FrontPage provides automation for maintaining such a list. To enter a new task and view a list of already created tasks on the panel Views(view) mode is used Tasks view(view tasks). A new task in this mode is enabled using the command File/New/Tasks(File/New/Task), the execution of which leads to the opening of a dialog box New Task(Creating a task). Entering information in the appropriate fields of this dialog box allows you to enter the information needed to monitor the progress of the work.

The task is accessed by double-clicking on the line with the task description in the window Tasks.

Part 5: Testing and publishing the Web site

Since the ultimate goal of creating a Web site is to present it to the judgment of a multi-million audience of Internet users, the stage of its testing is very important. The task of testing a Web site, on the one hand, is to assess the correctness of the information presented on it, and on the other hand, to check the site's performance, regardless of the browser chosen by the user to view information on the WWW, and the characteristics of the technical means that he has.

When checking the correctness of the information, you should pay attention to the following:

    reliability of the published material, its style and spelling;

    availability of references to publications when citing materials of other authors;

    the correct operation of the hyperlinks present on your site;

    the existence of information resources when referring to URLs on the Internet;

    the correct operation of forms on Web pages and the ability to contact by e-mail not only with the webmaster, but also with representatives of the firm or enterprise whose information is presented on the site.

When testing a site, it is important to take into account the technical characteristics of the computers of potential visitors. Pages should be viewed regardless of their design on screens with different resolutions using the editor command FrontPage File/Preview in Browser(File/Browser View).

After completing all the stages of creating and testing a Web site, it can be published both on the Internet and on a local network. The best way is to host the site on the server of your provider or corporate server. In this case, you will need to consult the Web server administrator on the methods and parameters of communication during publication, as well as the adopted system of addresses for new resources. Publishing a site can be done using the Web Publishing Wizard (Start button/Programs/Accessories/Internet Tools) or the tools built into FrontPage by executing the command File/Publish Web(File/ Publish Web site).

To host a Web site on a home personal computer or corporate network, or to develop and test a Web site before hosting it with an ISP. MS Personal Web Server.

One of the most affordable ways to publish your site is to host it on a public Russian server. This method includes several steps:


Open the /user page and register on the server by successively filling in the fields of the user's registration card. After successful registration, your page will have a URL like: /`Username. Each time you visit the server, you will be prompted to enter your username and password in the network password entry window.

Remember that according to the requirements of the server administrator, all uploaded files must be collected in an archive file, file names must consist of lowercase characters. Before you start downloading a page or file, you should enter information about the full name of the downloaded file and the page encoding option in the fields of the proposed form. Files are loaded using the UpLoad+UnZip buttons (uploading an archive file) or UpLoad(downloading a Web page).


    Web site browsing.

Enter the URL of the Homepage into the address bar of your browser and test the site.


This manual does not exhaust all the means and possibilities of creating Web pages. It is only the first step on the way to mastering this area of ​​knowledge. Most likely, graduates of economics will not need to create Web sites on their own, and enterprises and organizations will attract specialists in the field of information technology to carry out this work. However, the success of this project will largely be determined by the competent formulation of the problem, which is quite difficult to do if you do not understand the main stages of working on a Web site. In addition, the work done can be wasted if the information is not regularly updated and new sections of the Web site are not created to meet the needs of the business, which, with modern Web site development technologies, is the task of marketers. They play a key role in relationships with customers, partners and suppliers.


    Curter J., Markvi A. Microsoft Office 2000: training course - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000.-640s.: ill.

    Novikov F.A., Yatsenko A.D. Microsoft Office 2000 in general. - St. Petersburg: BHV - St. Petersburg, 2000. - 728 p. ill.

    Designing interactive Web applications: Tutorial - M.: Hot line, 2001.-272 p.: ill.

    Krechman D.L., Pushkov A.I. Multimedia with your own hands. - St. Petersburg: BHV - St. Petersburg, 1999. - 528 p. ill.

    Practical course Adobe Illustrator 7.0: Per. from English. - M .: KUBkK-a, 1998. – 336 p.: ill.: CD.

    Weiskopf J. Microsoft Frontpage 2000.: training course - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Peter", 2000.- 352 p.: ill.

    Dakonta. XML and Java 2 Ed.Peter press 2001 St. Petersburg Series "Programmer's Library", 384 p.

    Omelchenko L.N., Fedorov A.F. Microsoft® FrontPage 2000 Tutorial. St. Petersburg: BHV - St. Petersburg, 2000. - 512 p.:ill.

    Shaposhnikov I.V. Do-it-yourself website. - St. Petersburg: BHV-Petersburg, 2000. - 224 p.: ill.

    /designer/index_0001.html- Portal WDW, section Computer design.

    http:// members. rotfl. com/ bobleon- personal page of the Moscow writer, designer and specialist in advertising and marketing Boris Leontiev.

    http:// wings. da. en/ welcome. asp- WinG 3D World - a site dedicated to three-dimensional graphics.

    http:// www/ labyrinth. en-advertising, graphic design.

    /inet/web.htm-Enterprise website as a marketing tool, article by Elkin R.N.

    /train/tr12.htm- Website promotion through registration in search engines.

    / - Marketing research.

    http://barhan.poltava.ua/marek/21.html - MARKETING & ADVERTISING™ - Useful links - sites about advertising and marketing.

1 ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange

marketing; constituents marketing combination...
  • Workshop on the discipline of Internet technologies for business

    Dissertation abstract

    T.Yu. Bovt V.V. Workshopon discipline of Internet technology for... “ Electronic commerce”, “Internet marketing in banking”, “ Electronic system... from the current directory; quit- end of work... for everyone!... at MESI, oncourses included in the curriculum...

  • State educational standard

    electronic MarketingMarketing Workshoponexchange rate

  • IM Specialty 080103 "National Economics" Qualification economist Tambov - 2007 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SPECIALTY 0600700 "NATIONAL ECONOMY"


    Implementation tools. Machine-readable and electronic information carriers. Magnetic media... 138 OPD. F.07 MarketingMarketing as philosophy and methodology ... - M .: VLADOS, 1998. 2. Basova T.E. Workshoponexchange rate"World economy". - M.: Finance and statistics...

  • Embed a web page in a PowerPoint slide so that the presenter can showcase a website, show a video, embed a PDF document, or have an interactive vote among the audience without interrupting the presentation.
    It turned out that PowerPoint has the ability to embed the Microsoft WebBrowser ActiveX control, which displays the pages.

    However, this option has significant disadvantages:

    Since the presenter will be embedding the pages themselves and may not have the necessary knowledge, it is desirable to keep this procedure simple.

    LiveWeb add-in
    After experimenting with Visual Basic, I decided to look for a ready-made speaker solution. Besides paid options like iBrowse , I found a free add-in called LiveWeb . The description page is quite fancy, but contains all the necessary information on installing and working with LiveWeb, which makes no sense to repeat. Microsoft PowerPoint versions from 97 to 2010 are supported. The add-in is popular and continues to be supported by the developer. Slides are saved with the *.pptm extension (ppt + macros).

    In addition to conveniently creating and changing window settings, it is important that LiveWeb refreshes the page every time you visit a slide.

    Embedded video (youtube)

    Built-in presentation SMS survey

    Add-in benefits
    • Wizard for embedding web pages in slides, setting parameters.
    • Add-in shows the current page every time the slide is viewed
    • You can fix the situation with IE7 by adding a meta tag indicating the desired version of Internet Explorer to the desired page:
    • When changing page parameters, such as addresses, other settings (size and location) are changed to default, which is inconvenient.
    • Problems with the progress bar and the empty page (if the site is not available) have not been resolved.
    Of course, you can’t insert a meta tag on someone else’s page, a progress bar would not hurt, and the Internet is not always available. But as a turnkey solution for easily and quickly inserting IE7 compatible sites, the plugin has proven itself very well.

    I would be glad if someone shares their solution. I would also like to find a solution for Mac.

    The embed code you need must be in PowerPoint for the web. This feature is not available in the Windows or Mac OS versions of PowerPoint.

    Get the embed code

    Embed a presentation on a web page or blog post

    The HTML copied from the OneDrive page is an iframe tag that is supported by many web development environments and blogging services. The instructions below are suitable for most popular blogging services such as WordPress, Blogger, and TypePad.

      While WordPress does not normally support IFRAME tags, an exception has been made for IFRAME tags in Office Online documents. To use HTML editing mode, do not select the command Create entry at the top of the page. Go to your blog dashboard and click Entries > Add.

      In TypePad, do not use the Express Create editor. Go to section blogs, click the blog name, and then click the create, which allows you to switch from FORMATTED text to HTML editing.

      If you're using Blogger, switch from post creation to HTML editing. After completing the next step, you will be able to return to the record creation mode.

      In the blog or web page editor, create a post and switch to HTML editing mode.

      If your blog service does not support iframe tags in posts, contact your blog service provider for assistance.

      Paste the HTML tag you copied from the OneDrive page from your clipboard by pressing ⌘+V.

      Finish creating the entry. Review the post and post as usual.

    Embed a presentation in a SharePoint wiki

    You can also use the embed code to add a presentation to a SharePoint wiki. In this case, you need to insert only part of the iframe tag from the section src to the Page View Web Part.

      Open the wiki page and click Change.

      Paste the HTML tag you copied from the OneDrive page from the clipboard into the wiki page by pressing CTRL+V. This makes it easy to copy part of the tag into the web part. Before finishing, remove the tag from the wiki page.

      Copy the part of the tag between the quotes that starts with http. You don't need to include quotes.

      On the tab Working with the editor click Insert, and then select Web Part.

      Listed Web Parts select item Page Viewer and press Add.

      To paste the address you copied in step 3, select open the toolbar and in the field Link press ⌘+V.

      Click the button Apply and view the page.

      Make the necessary changes to the web part. For example, to place your presentation in a frame without scrollbars, in the Page View Editor, expand View and set the Height to 332 pixels and Width to 407 pixels.

      When finished, press the button OK in the pageview editor and remove the IFRAME tag from the wiki page.

      Changes made to a presentation in OneDrive are automatically reflected on the page where the presentation is embedded.

    Note: This page is translated automatically, so it may contain inaccuracies and grammatical errors. It is important to us that this article is useful to you. Was the information helpful? For convenience also (in English).

    In the process of creating a site, it may be necessary to integrate it into its pages Microsoft PowerPoint presentations. PowerPoint presentations visual, colorful, dynamic. At the same time, creating a presentation of a sufficiently high level of complexity does not require the user to have serious layout and design skills, which is an additional incentive to solve the issue. integration into the website of PowerPoint presentations.

    Posting a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation on a website

    Microsoft does not provide an open source component for integrating PowerPoint presentations into end user sites. The MS Office package includes tools for integration into the MS IIS server with the ability to process PowerPoint presentations. But, the vast majority of site owners do not have access to the server side (with the possible exception of dedicated servers) and support for certain components is at the discretion of the host provider.

    First, we offer you some simple or relatively simple ways hosting PowerPoint presentations on the website or "workarounds" that allow you to convert the presentation to other formats that are more friendly to the Internet site.

    Posting a direct link to a PowerPoint presentation

    Directly uploading a presentation to the site (just like you upload any document to the site) and publishing a link to it on any page. The site visitor will follow the link, download the presentation, open it on their computer and get acquainted with it. Yes, the method is ugly, but it requires almost no effort from the point of view of the site owner. In addition, the presentation can be large, the link will not cause the site visitor to unexpectedly increase traffic by online download.

    Convert PowerPoint presentation to PDF, Flash or video

    Converting a PowerPoint presentation to PDF. Perhaps the easiest way to convert. Using a virtual printer, for example, FinePrintPDF, you simply print your presentation into a document, which you then upload to the site using the manager component PDF(Most modern CMS managers have such managers or offer to install them for free). The disadvantage of this method is that it turns out, in fact, a printed copy of the presentation. That is, all animation, sound and interactivity are missing.

    Convert PowerPoint presentation to Macromedia Flash. This can be done with a number of utilities, for example, Wondershare PPT2 Flash. The result retains almost all the beauty of the presentation: audio, animation, interactive. Also, the file size SWF an order of magnitude smaller than the original presentation file.

    Converting a PowerPoint presentation to a video. There are a number of free utilities for this, for example, Fraps or Free Screen Video Recorder. The resulting video can be uploaded directly to the site or to Youtube, then paste the code for calling the video on the desired page. The video retains all of the properties of the presentation, with the exception of the support for interactivity.

    Saving a presentation in HTML format and then uploading it to the site

    Microsoft PowerPoint offers to save the presentation for publishing to the Web. But, unfortunately, this method has so many disadvantages that we would not recommend even trying it. Each slide is saved as a separate HTML page, animation and audio disappear.

    From simple to complex

    The methods described above can be applied in isolated cases. What to do if there are a lot of presentations, you need to constantly update the materials of already posted presentations? Let's look at more complex ways to integrate PowerPoint presentations into a website. To do this, we need a software component, a tool that allows, on the one hand, to manage loading, manipulation of presentations and, on the other hand, provides the ability to hosting PowerPoint presentations on the site pages.

    Hosting a PowerPoint presentation using Google Docs

    Perhaps this is the most popular way to publish presentations on your site. For this you need to have an account Google. Go to section Google Docs (Google Drive) and import the MS PowerPoint presentation. Next, you need to set up public access to view the presentation, after which in the dialog from the menu "File" - "Share to Web ..." you can get the HTML code for inserting the presentation on the site or blog. Copy the code and paste it in the HTML editor in the right place on any page of the site. If public access is configured correctly and the code is installed correctly, then the presentation will be automatically loaded into the browser of the site visitor along with the page.

    Of the pluses, it should be noted that the presentation is editable, and all the changes that you make to it will automatically be displayed on your site. The main disadvantage: a significant part of the animation effects, music and sounds that you used in your PowerPoint presentation will disappear without a trace.

    Hosting PowerPoint presentations on a website using SlideBoom.com or SlideShare.net

    Of course, there are other data storage services, but we will mention only two. SlideShare.net and SlideBoom.com are social services with elements of social networks focused on publishing office and media content with public access.

    Work with services in the same way Google Docs, register, upload a presentation to the site, set up public access, get an HTML code, insert the code into your site. From a personal assessment, we add that slideshare still cuts off some of the effects of the original presentation, and slideboom imports a PowerPoint presentation as close to the original as possible.

    Installing a component on the site that automates the download and publication of PowerPoint presentations

    For many popular open source (WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, and so on), a considerable number of software components have been written that, to varying degrees, implement the task of loading / importing / publishing on the pages of the Microsoft PowerPoint presentation site.

    Most of these components implement the function of loading and manipulating presentations on the site side, and publishing (embedding in site pages) is organized by calling the Google Docs API code.

    There are also several Internet companies that provide their own APIs for publishing Microsoft Office documents, including PowerPoint presentations. Software components developed by these companies have, as a rule, a high quality of convergence of documents published on the site with the original. However, all these components are a purely commercial product, so we will not dwell on their study.


    Which of the following methods of publishing Microsoft PowerPoint presentations you choose for yourself is up to you. We just tried to combine in one material different ways of solving this very urgent problem. Ways that sometimes seem non-trivial, such as recording a presentation in a video. Try it and you will succeed! Perhaps you will find your original way, we will only be happy if you tell us about this!