Garlic is a fairly popular vegetable crop. Grown everywhere. The plant is famous for its medicinal properties and unpretentiousness of cultivation. The demand for garlic is also growing in pharmaceuticals and cooking. Therefore, farmers and agricultural producers increase the turnover of vegetable cultivation and increase its yield in various ways.

To determine what methods can achieve a high yield, you need to know the conditions for growing garlic.

Description of culture and agricultural technology

Garlic belongs to the lily family. It is very widely found in the wild in all northern latitudes. The plant has one corm, divided into teeth.

The diameter of the bulb can reach up to 15 cm. This is a very good indicator, which is taken into account in cultural cultivation. Another advantage of the vegetable is its protection from pests and diseases. The teeth are covered with several layers of protective scales, which prevents the pest from getting inside the bulb. And of course, a unique smell, which, perhaps, no other plant has.

Cultivated garlic is represented by two types:

  • Not releasing an arrow;
  • Shooter.

Each of them has spring and autumn forms. Garlic is grown from air bulbs, which are formed on the arrow after flowering, or from cloves. But modern breeders have tried and brought out a plant that does not release an arrow, which also has its own advantage. At the same time, the bulb does not shrink.

Today, garlic is grown in large areas. Although until some time it was cultivated only in household plots. The manual landing has been replaced with a mechanical one. The designers have developed an automatic garlic seeder that can sow large areas. When planting a crop with such a seeder, the labor intensity is reduced by 1/3, compared with the manual method of planting. With the help of this machine, 12 cloves are planted per 1 m2. The speed of the unit is 3 km per hour.

All processes of vegetable farming are very laborious. If you can plant with a machine, then weeding and cleaning requires manual labor. But this work quickly pays off. Many gardeners, having ten acres, are able to grow large crops of garlic and make a profit from it.

The main costs that need to be taken into account when growing at home:

On average, 1000 kg of crop can be harvested from 10 acres. A large amount of garlic can be taken to the store for sale or sold on the market. Russian garlic is in great demand, unlike Chinese garlic, which is inferior in taste.

Growing Features

The yield of garlic from 1 hectare or hundred square meters is higher, the better the seed. Bulbs or teeth should be intact and healthy.

Winter garlic is more in demand among farmers, as it has a high yield, is not whimsical to low temperatures and soil. Every farmer to get a big harvest. chooses certain varieties. The best varieties of winter include:

To achieve high performance, every gardener must know the rules of garlic cultivation technology.

In addition, a number of factors affect the yield of garlic, such as soil and its composition, as well as fertilization.

Soil selection and preparation

To achieve a high yield, you must first prepare a ridge for cultivation. The best option would be richly fertilized with organic fertilizers, loose soil.

The place should be well lit. Garlic feels great on light loamy soil, with neutral acidity. And with a sufficient amount of organic and mineral fertilizers applied, it will allow you to harvest more crops from 1 ha.

Another secret of growing vegetables is the predecessor: a very good place for planting is the place where cabbage, melons, legumes grew. During the growing season, they are able to saturate the soil with nutrients that do not deplete the soil. It is not recommended to plant after potatoes, this significantly reduces the amount of the crop.

planting garlic

For planting under the subsequent mulching of the soil, the teeth are planted to a depth of 5 cm, and if mulch is not expected, then 7 cm. 30 cm. So, for the future garlic, there is enough space to increase the mass and the impossibility of thickening the plantings.

It is advisable to mulch the beds with leaves, chopped straw. This factor greatly affects the high yield of the crop. Watering should be carried out as the soil dries out, you can once a week. Such a planting is carried out for spring garlic.

To plant winter, the beds are also prepared in advance, about two weeks before planting. Such preparation is necessary for soil subsidence. In the case when garlic is planted after eggplant or cucumbers, it is not worth fertilizing, since they have already been applied under previous crops in the summer.

You can make mineral top dressing, in the form of Ammophoska, potassium, Superphosphate. It is not recommended to make fresh manure, the crop will be born unsuitable for food, as the bulbs become loose and saturated with nitrates.

garlic care

Since autumn, the bed is covered with a layer of humus or compost. In the spring, after the snow melts and when the first shoots appear, young seedlings need to be fed.

It is better to do this with ammonium nitrate, you will need 15–20 g per 1 m 2. Further, you need to feed in May, when the sprouts begin to gain growth and strength. For this, nitrogen-potassium fertilizers are suitable. Potassium and superphosphate are added one more time before the bulb is laid, that is, when the seventh leaf appears.

As you know, garlic is not very susceptible to diseases. The only pest may be a nematode. In small quantities, they do no harm, but if you create a swampy environment, then the entire crop will die.

To eliminate the nematode, tagetes (marigolds) are planted along the edges of the beds or near them, which repel pests.

Proper care of the beds with garlic will allow you to harvest a large crop of vegetable crops, both from 1 weave and from 1 hectare.


Collection is carried out after yellowing of the lower leaves of garlic. Experienced gardeners believe that it is better to underexpose in the ground than overexpose. Unripe garlic can reach the garden during drying. The stem contains nutrients that allow the bulb to acquire full maturity.

They dig with a pitchfork so as not to damage the teeth, while you need to pull the stem with your hands. It is necessary to determine for storage after thorough drying in the sun, removing the remnants of the soil. If garlic is supposed to be eaten, then dry leaves and roots should be cut off.

Garlic, which will be used for planting in the future, must be stored at a temperature of +15 degrees, separately from edible. Store in a ventilated area, in wooden boxes.

According to the reviews of experienced gardeners and summer residents, a number of secrets can be identified, the implementation of which will increase the harvest of garlic from one hundred square meters or a hectare:

By following the simple rules of growing technology, as well as the time-tested advice of experienced growers, you can get garlic yields from 1 weave to 30 kg, and yields per hectare up to 30 tons.

The owners of summer cottages, by definition, have somewhat more opportunities to organize a home business. You can, for example, not only engage in gardening or growing fruits and vegetables, but also have pets. Although, of course, many summer residents and aspiring entrepreneurs prefer crop production to caring for animals. This is not only a less labor-intensive undertaking, growing vegetables and fruits, moreover, it does not require such large financial investments and constant (daily) monitoring, and it pays off faster.

One of the good business ideas is the cultivation of garlic.

Land plot

Growing garlic on an industrial scale requires a land plot of about twenty acres (a minimum of 10 x 20 meters is required). A summer cottage is perfect for organizing a small business, but if it is not available, land for agricultural needs can be rented. When looking for a suitable place, it is worth giving preference to sandy loamy soils or chernozem-type lands, which are the most fertile and allow you to grow a really high-quality crop.

Renting land within the Moscow region, of course, is too expensive for a novice entrepreneur. So, a plot (twenty acres) near the Rechnoy Vokzal metro station will cost 185,000 rubles a month, that is, more than two million will have to be paid for the year just for rent. In the Smolensk region, for example, the lease of a similar site will be only 20 thousand rubles / month, or 240 thousand per year.

Type and variety of garlic

Having decided on the land for planting, attention should be paid to the choice of type and the purchase of planting material. Growing garlic as a business ideally involves the sale of large batches of product with a long shelf life, in addition, it is desirable to obtain large bulbs and cloves - such goods are sold faster. But each type has both its advantages and disadvantages:

    Growing spring garlic allows you to get a product with a long shelf life, but the small size of the bulbs and cloves, in addition, you may encounter low yields.

    vegetable dealers and retail outlets (small wholesale);

    large retail chains.

    Promotion and development

    Growing garlic as a business involves looking for wholesale customers. So, you can advertise in local newspapers, gardening magazines, online catalogs. At retail, they often start selling to friends and neighbors, after which advertising is built on the principle of “word of mouth”. Promotion of goods on the Internet, which has become an effective method of increasing sales in modern realities, is inappropriate for this business. You can develop the business either by increasing the volumes, or by replacing the product - it is profitable to grow parsley, onions, strawberries, and other crops.

    Start-up capital

    So, summing up all of the above, we can say that a small garlic growing business does not require significant financial investments in order to further sell the product. You only need:

    rent a land plot (taking into account an area of ​​​​twenty acres), which will cost an average of two hundred and forty thousand rubles a year;

    purchase planting material in the required quantity, the cost of which will be up to three thousand rubles;

    purchase shovels, watering cans, rakes and other equipment and enlist the help of several workers;

    pay for the water used for watering the beds, and buy fertilizers, top dressing.

So, the organization of a business for the cultivation and sale of garlic at first will require from ten to one hundred thousand rubles.

Business payback

From twenty acres of land, you can collect four tons of garlic (variety: Ukrainian white and purple) or more - depending on growing conditions, varieties and other nuances. With a wholesale price of one hundred and ten rubles per kilogram, the revenue for the entire product will be four hundred and forty thousand rubles. The business will pay off in just one season.

If you organize retail sales, then you can earn even more: from one million two hundred thousand rubles. True, it is not so easy to sell four tons of a product at retail. So, a business plan for growing garlic, with a reasonable approach on the part of an entrepreneur, has every chance of successful implementation and making high profits.

Kira Stoletova

The yield of garlic depends on many factors. There are 2 types of culture: winter and spring garlic. In many ways, the number of root crops depends on the selected variety and region. There are special zoned varieties that are adapted to a particular climate.

  • Average yield

    Garlic is a crop that is popular all over the world. It has not only piquant taste data, but also medicinal properties that have been used in traditional medicine for many years. The quality of the crop depends largely on the variety of crops.

    1. Spring varieties planted in spring produce dense, small heads with straight, slightly pointed teeth. Shelf life is about 12 months.
    2. The fruits of winter garlic planted in autumn are much larger than spring ones. The teeth are even, beautiful with a spicy spicy taste. Shelf life is from 3 to 9 months, depending on the variety.

    The yield of garlic from 1 weave is from 100 to 500 kg. It all depends on the place of cultivation, variety and conditions. The average yield of garlic per 1 hectare is from 10 to 50 tons. To get a good harvest, you need to follow the rules of cultivation, crop rotation and provide the necessary care to root crops.


    Growing garlic is a complex process in which it is important to take into account all the nuances of the variety and the climatic conditions of your region. The largest yields are observed in Ukraine on fertile black earth soils. In Russia, when growing garlic, it must be taken into account that this crop adapts to climatic conditions for a rather long time. When planting a new variety, you need to understand that a good harvest can only be obtained for 3 years, when the culture is fully adapted, therefore it is recommended to use zoned varieties, especially in the northern regions of Russia.

    You should choose a good site for growing crops. Garlic is a light-loving plant, so for planting a winter or spring variety, you need to choose a well-lit open area. Lands with a close occurrence of groundwater are completely unsuitable for growing these root crops. The culture grows well in open ground, so the construction of a greenhouse will be an unnecessary waste of effort, money and time. 1 acre will be enough.

    Soil preparation

    It is very important to observe crop rotation on the site. Root crops should not be planted for several years in a row in one place. You can return the culture to its original place after 3 years. The precursors of garlic culture can be such plants:

    • cucumbers;
    • zucchini;
    • legumes;
    • cabbage.

    Root crops should not be planted after nightshade crops. These include potatoes, sweet peppers, eggplants. Soil fertilization for winter garlic is carried out before planting the previous crop. For summer varieties, dressing is usually carried out in the fall.

    For heavy soils, it is recommended to add 1 bucket of sand and peat per 1 m2. Plants respond well to nitrogen fertilization. It is not recommended to apply manure immediately before planting. A good harvest of garlic can be obtained on sandy and loamy soils. The yield of garlic from 1 weave in such areas is 450-500 kg.

    planting material

    The choice and preparation of planting material has a huge impact on yield. Root crops can reproduce:

    • teeth;
    • heads;
    • seeds.

    The preparation of seed material begins at the stage of harvesting. Only the largest specimens should be selected, without visible mechanical damage. The larger the root crops for planting, the better the harvest will be. Increasingly, farmers prefer such planting material as single-tooth. Such seed is equally well suited for manual and mechanized planting, while cloves are only suitable for manual planting.

    A single-tooth takes roots exactly along the entire perimeter of the bottom, and the roots of a clove appear only from the blunt end. Whatever the planting material, it must be disinfected before planting. For this use:

    • saline solution;
    • alkaline solution;
    • potassium permanganate solution.

    After processing, the heads are dried. You need to brush your teeth immediately before planting. Single teeth are not cleaned at all.

    Agrotechnical adaptations and planting

    The secret of a good harvest lies in the right choice of planting equipment. In a small cottage, you can process the site manually. To cultivate a garden of 1 ha, you will already need specialized agricultural equipment. This includes tractors with mounted structures for tillage and sowing or a walk-behind tractor.

    Planting winter garlic is carried out 30-40 days before the onset of persistent cold weather. This period is from the end of September to the middle of October. Summer varieties are planted in April. Root crops, regardless of the variety, are planted in furrows. The distance between rows should be 25-30 cm.

    Planting material is laid out at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other, slightly deepening into the soil. When planting winter garlic, after filling the furrows with soil, you should immediately mulch the soil with sawdust or humus. If the winters in the region are snowy, you can do without mulching.


    It is possible to significantly increase the yield by carrying out proper care of the plants. When the first shoots appear, they begin to feed with urea. When growing winter varieties, fertilizers are applied to the soil that has not yet been warmed up. After 2-3 weeks, mineral supplements are added. When 5-6 leaves appear, phosphorus and potassium are added.

    Root crops love abundant watering. During the active growing season, plantings are watered 3-4 times a month. Plants should be watered 2-3 weeks before harvest. It is very important to take care of it properly. It needs to be loosened regularly so that the root system receives enough oxygen. In order for the garlic heads to grow larger, you need to shorten the arrows on the plants by at least 15-20 cm.

    Harvesting and storage

    Planting and care is only half the battle, you still need to properly remove the root crops in order to be able to save the seed for next year. Dates depend on the weather in the region. Usually, winter varieties are dug in early August, and summer varieties in September. A sure sign that it's time to harvest root crops is the yellowing of the tops. In small areas, you can harvest vegetables manually, in areas of 1 hectare it is better to use a mechanized harvesting method.

    The next step is treatment. To do this, the root crops are left in the sun for several days so that they dry thoroughly. After that, they are put under a canopy for 15-20 days and stored at a temperature of 25℃. After that, you need to cut the tops. The leaves are not cut completely, leaving a tail of 3-5 cm.

    How long your garlic crop will be stored depends on the variety and compliance with the rules. Throughout the winter period, it is necessary to sort out root crops, discard rotten and empty heads. Seed should be stored separately. It is recommended to put it in boxes and sprinkle with salt or ash.

    Final part

    How much root crops you collect from 1 hectare of your site will depend on several factors:

    • soil composition;
    • climatic conditions;
    • proper cultivation and care;
    • correct storage of planting material.

    The average yield per 1 hectare on chernozems is 45 tons, on heavy soils, subject to all the rules of agricultural technology, it is 10 tons per 1 ha. To improve the quality of the soil will help the introduction of peat and sand.

    To grow a rich harvest, you need to choose the right crop for growing in your area because these root crops have a rather long adaptation period, at least 2 years. The culture responds well to regular fertilizing, abundant watering and loosening. To grow large heads, you need to cut the arrows by 15-20 cm in time.

    When growing winter varieties, the soil must be mulched to protect plantings from freezing. Garlic is considered the most fertile and unpretentious culture. It is grown all over the world.

    If we analyze the current world situation, the economic crisis, the decline in the solvency of citizens in the country, we can conclude that agriculture has become an extremely promising area for creating your own business. And, if we take into account that a very small number of farmers are engaged in some plants, then it is possible to enter the segment of the market where competition is minimal. Garlic can be called such a plant, since vegetable growers are not in a hurry to grow it. There are several reasons for this, but the simplest is the expectation of low demand. Indeed, garlic is consumed in much smaller quantities than even the same onion. But despite this, garlic is a fairly sought-after product and you can make quite good money growing it if you know how to properly organize a garlic growing business and find distribution channels. We will talk about this in this article.

    Garlic - general characteristics

    Mankind cultivates the species Állium satívum for human consumption, which is the well-known garlic. It is a close relative of another well-known plant - the onion. Many people do not eat these two plants precisely because of their specific taste and smell, but nevertheless, garlic and onions are simply required as part of many dishes. However, garlic is also often used as a condiment.

    Garlic has a unique chemical composition: it contains more than 26% carbohydrates, 6.5% protein, up to 20 mg of ascorbic acid, as well as arsenic compounds that have medicinal properties when raw garlic is consumed. Garlic also has a strong antiseptic effect, which is why garlic is often used in medicine. Therefore, if you are not limited only to the search for buyers in the market, then you can sell large volumes of your goods in a fairly short time.

    Young leaves and cloves are used for food. Garlic is used in salting and marinating vegetables, mushrooms, sauces, as well as in cooking in many cuisines of the world.

    In our country, garlic is grown almost throughout the territory, but, unfortunately, mainly in household plots. Recently, there has been a tendency to increase industrial space and the entry of large players into this business.

    Prospects for the "garlic" business

    It should be noted that the competition in this direction in the market is low. The main competitor can be considered cheap Chinese garlic, but its specificity is such that it contains much less essential oils.

    Domestic farmers are not too willing to grow this crop for a number of reasons, the main of which is the difficulty of mechanization. In other words, growing garlic on large areas is quite difficult and not very profitable, but for a small farm, when the area is measured in tens of acres, and not hectares, growing garlic can become a very profitable business.

    If you think it over well, then growing garlic can bring quite a lot of income.

    What are the main difficulties of the garlic growing business

    And the main problem is that garlic is a biennial plant, which causes some difficulties. In particular, if we reproduce the natural turnover, then instead of two points familiar to other plants (seeds-fruits), we get three (seeds - sevok - fruit), in which we get the result only in the second year.

    However, there is an option in which a full-fledged harvest can be obtained in a year, while everything is much simpler. In this case, a clove is planted - “A clove of garlic. But there is another problem here - with this method of cultivation, garlic degenerates in 3-4 seasons (and sometimes much earlier), and the yield drops sharply. This means that such a method cannot be taken as a basis. Another problem is that plant diseases are transmitted with this method of cultivation. The result is a lot of greens, and there are practically no garlic bulbs. Thus, periodically you have to return to a two-year growing cycle in order to again get the "first generation" of garlic. And not a single large farm wants to deal with such trouble on an industrial scale - unless it has other business options. We will talk more about the options for growing garlic below.

    Legal Issues

    If you have firmly decided to organize your own business on the cultivation and sale of garlic, then you need to legalize your activity, that is, register as a business entity.

    This is necessary so that in the future there will be no unpleasant nuances and unnecessary attention from various regulatory authorities, as well as for comfortable cooperation with suppliers and wholesale buyers of garlic.

    In this case, the form of a farm is optimally suited, although if you register as an individual entrepreneur, then it is quite possible to run your own business in this way. If you wish, you can even contact specialized companies that are engaged in the registration of new entrepreneurs, but they will require money for this, sometimes a lot.

    Although, at first, you can not register at all, but simply grow garlic on a small plot and sell it on the market. But, if you plan to reach high turnovers, then registration of entrepreneurial activity is necessary, since most organizations simply do not want to cooperate with you.

    How to grow garlic for sale

    When legal issues are resolved, you can move on to finding a site for sowing crops.

    At first, garlic does not need to allocate too much space, a plot of up to 1 hectare will suffice. But for the industrial cultivation of this crop, about 5 hectares of land may be needed.

    Already at this stage, it is important to decide what form of garlic will be grown: winter garlic loves sandy soils, but ardent - light loamy.

    Growing both types of garlic has its advantages:

    • Winter garlic is more difficult to grow, because the crop, given that it waits out the winter, is more likely to die, and it produces a crop until the time when the price of garlic on the market is minimal. But at the same time, the yield of such garlic is slightly higher than that of spring. Winter varieties are mainly used in processing, catering and supermarket sales.
    • Spring garlic, in turn, is beneficial in that it is harvested just in time for winter, when the cost of garlic is highest. Spring varieties of garlic are stored much better, but they have smaller cloves.

    But it should be noted that with proper storage, garlic bulbs can be stored for a long time, which allows you to delay the sale until the right moment.

    The next step is to decide how exactly the garlic will be grown. Depending on the variety, this plant can grow from seeds or from cloves. If you plant garlic cloves, then the harvest can be obtained within a year, that is, after the growing season of the plant. But in this case, the plant will already be old, which means that over time, the yield will only decrease. And this method leads to the fact that specific pathogens accumulate in the soil that harm garlic. This method is suitable if you get a garlic crop within one year.

    Otherwise, it is better to use sowing. As a result, young plants will grow that are more resistant to external influences, which give a good harvest, and which need much less for planting. This method is chosen if garlic is planned to be cultivated for a long time, because it is a perennial plant. However, experienced agronomists note that it is best to grow winter garlic using this method.

    For the cultivation of spring varieties of garlic, the cultivation of sevka is practiced. This is a germinated seed, which is a single-tooth bulb. It is planted in the same way as ordinary slices, but in this case the plants are more stable.

    But, the best option for doing business would be to grow garlic, while simultaneously providing yourself with a replacement "seed fund", allocating for this a small part of the land on which onion sets will be grown. It is this type of cultivation that can be considered optimal, in which case you do not run the risk of facing the problem of degeneration.

    So, for the first time we plant exactly the “chub”, having decided in advance on the site on which we will grow our “gene pool”. Winter garlic gives the greatest yield, but there is more risk with it, so we will focus on the more familiar spring garlic. Moreover, thanks to good storage, there is no need to urgently sell it in the fall, when there is a lot of it on sale.

    They usually plant it “in a row”, the distance in a row should be from 5 to 10 centimeters, the row spacing is usually 45 cm. The planting depth depends on the type of soil, but in general it can be taken as 6-7 centimeters. Spring varieties are planted in early spring, when the soil warms up to 5 degrees, the growing season (depending on the variety) is from 90 to 110 days. Further care is quite standard - loosening and weed control.

    The next important period is when the “arrows” appear (from which the seeds will come out). Naturally, the arrows are not touched on the “seed” site, but on other plants they are removed manually.

    Garlic seeds (“bulbs” - air bulbs on arrows) are removed, dried, sorted. Then they are sown to obtain "sivk", from which we will later receive a new "first generation" of garlic.

    In order to start making profit from garlic on an industrial scale, you must first understand that garlic is rather a good addition to any main activity, or a crop for parallel cultivation, since it is quite difficult to make money from garlic alone. In this regard, this crop is grown in diversified farms, where it occupies a plot for several years, and although not so actively, it still participates in crop rotation. Good predecessors for garlic include green manure crops, legumes, cabbage and some pumpkins, except for cucumber. It is better not to plant garlic after closely related plants, that is, the amaryllis family (the most common crop is onions), as well as carrots.

    Planting garlic begins at different times depending on the region, but the further south, the later the sowing begins; and this applies to both spring and winter forms.

    Garlic prefers organic fertilizer, but you still have to add inorganic. In case of increased acidity of the soil, it must first be subjected to liming. The soil should be moist, because garlic is a moisture-loving plant. Subsequently, the soil under the garlic should not only be fertilized, but also moderately moistened. The sevok itself or the seeds must be placed at a considerable depth in the soil, otherwise the plants may freeze - this applies primarily to winter garlic. Phosphorus and potassium are introduced into the soil immediately, but nitrogen should be added later, in the spring.

    Garlic has a fairly large number of pests that can significantly reduce the yield of this plant. At the same time, garlic has both common diseases that are found in all representatives of the bulbous genus, and is resistant to some of them. Not only growing plants can be affected, but also harvested stems, this applies to bacterial rot, which also occurs in onions. But Fusarium is recognized as the most dangerous disease, which in some years can destroy more than half of the entire crop. This is a fungal disease that not only harms the culture, but also dangerous to the health of animals and people.

    From insects, garlic was chosen by mites, with which farmers fight almost always, as well as onion flies. Moreover, the definition of "onion flies" refers to several types of different families, so you need to study all possible pests in your region in order to more effectively deal with them. They destroy insects with the help of pesticides and pesticides, while today there are modern drugs that can effectively fight pests, but do not accumulate and do not destroy plants.

    It is more difficult to determine if the garlic is ripe and ready to be harvested. Some types of garlic should develop well inflorescences with seeds, this is easy to determine by the yellowing of the leaves. In this case, the plants are collected, but not only the bulbs are stored, but also the inflorescences themselves to obtain a seed fund.

    Storage of garlic

    Another important factor when it comes to growing garlic for sale is storage. Usually the order is this - after digging the garlic is left for two days in a field under the sun. During this time, the stems and leaves will dry out, and the nutrients from them will pass into the teeth. In addition, direct sunlight is a good preventive measure against a number of diseases and ticks.

    If the weather is bad, then the garlic is immediately taken from the field and dried in a well-ventilated area for up to 10 days. After that, the leaves are cut (leaving about 3 cm of the neck of the bulb) and the roots (leaving about 3 mm). Then the garlic in this form is stored in the cold (not in the freezer, but in a cool place where the temperature does not rise above +3, but does not fall below -1 degrees) with good air circulation. Under such conditions, it can be stored for up to a year, and the loss will not exceed 4%. Although at first it can be stored at temperatures up to +10 degrees.

    If the room has been properly treated, then the plants will not rot and be strongly affected by pests.

    As mentioned above, garlic can be stored for up to several months, which makes it possible to sell it at the right time. But the most valuable, of course, is a fresh, only harvested plant.

    Organizational issues of garlic business

    To properly care for the plant, you need to have the appropriate equipment. In any diversified farm, apparently, there is already a universal technique, which includes a tractor with a plow and a trailer.

    You will also need a cultivator and a mini tractor. But for a tractor, it is advisable to buy a special garlic seeder, which is configured in such a way as to optimally plant seeds in the ground.

    In addition, for large areas, a specialized garlic harvester is needed. It is quite expensive, so it makes sense to either rent this equipment or lease such equipment. But such a combine will have many functions that will allow you to get almost sorted and selected garlic at the output. That is, there are certainly advantages to using such equipment, but if a decision was made to purchase such expensive equipment, then you can think about buying a special garlic processing line. Thanks to this, it will be possible to receive a ready-made product, which can also be sold at a much higher price.

    To provide manual work, it is best to contact the nearest village or village, where there are many free hands. For an optimal fee, you can hire a random number of workers, and for the duration of any hard work, you can attract third-party forces.

    How much to spend and how much you can earn on garlic

    Now you need to decide on the cost of seed. Agronomists note that the use of sets or cloves is sometimes very unprofitable, because a large amount of planting material has to be purchased. Rather, it is the mass of this material that will be large. It is more profitable to use seeds that are not much more expensive than the sets, but you need them (seeds) much less. So, cloves need about one and a half tons per hectare, while seeds will only need 20 kilograms per hectare.

    The yield per hectare is on average 15 tons of the bulbs themselves. However, some varieties give significantly more yield. The cost of seeds is an average of 50 UAH per kilogram, and for sowing you need no more than 5 thousand hryvnia. At the cost of a kilogram of cloves at 25 UAH. per kilogram, you need 185 thousand hryvnia to provide yourself with a future harvest.

    From this it becomes clear that sevok should be used only if it is planned to get a very good harvest from it. If we take into account that 75 tons of crops were harvested (out of five available hectares), then at an average wholesale price of the same 20 UAH. for one kilogram you can get 1.5 million hryvnia. Thus, the first harvest can even fully cover the cost of purchased equipment.

    To whom to sell garlic

    You can sell garlic, in fact, to very poor enterprises. First of all, you should contact those organizations that are engaged in processing or food products. As a spice and flavor enhancer, garlic is in demand in many food factories. It is best to start looking for future buyers right away, which will save time and money after the crop is harvested.

    Garlic can also be sold to resellers, who will take a large batch together and give a significant amount of money for one contract, but their price per kilogram will be very small.

    You can engage in wholesale sales with many partners, selling grown products at a slightly higher price, but in smaller batches.

    You can also join a cooperative, where it is easy to sell grown plants.

    But it is most profitable to engage in retail sales yourself, because in the market the price of one kilogram of garlic in the cold season can reach 80 UAH. But there is a risk of not selling anything at all or selling too little to recoup the costs.

    And, finally, if the products turned out to be of very high quality and have a good presentation, then you can engage in export sales, since Ukrainian products, in particular garlic, are of interest to consumers on the world market. But it is better to combine different ways of selling grown garlic, selling as large lots as possible to resellers and independently trading garlic on the market - this will reduce the risks of not selling anything and increase profits.

    A profitable solution in the presence of land is the cultivation of garlic as a business. Food culture is highly valued and is popular among consumers. At the same time, there is a demand for garlic throughout the year, and the peak of sales falls on the canning season. The process of growing a crop does not require serious investments and the availability of special equipment. The business is ideal for beginners and those who want to receive a quick and stable income.

    Choice of garlic: popular varieties

    Today, farmers prefer winter and spring garlic. At the same time, the first is more in demand and has a large number of advantages:

    • high yield;
    • resistance to low temperatures;
    • unpretentiousness to climate and soil;
    • economic benefit.

    Anyone can start growing garlic for sale at home, even without experience and knowledge. It is enough to have a free site and desire. The variety of winter garlic is determined depending on the weather conditions of the region where the planting will take place. The most common are:

    • Lyubasha. Easily tolerates frost and dryness. Can be stored up to 10 months without loss of quality. The average weight of the bulb is 80-120 grams.
    • Ukrainian white and purple. Two varieties, the weight of the bulbs of which is 60-140 grams. Varieties do not shoot, give a good harvest of about 200 kg from 1 acre of land. Suitable for long term storage.
    • Saved. Possesses high keeping quality and productivity. Bulb weight 60-100 grams.
    • Messidor. Dutch variety of winter garlic. The collection is up to 25 tons per 1 ha.
    • Gulliver. A mid-late representative of garlic varieties, the bulb weight of which is about 100 grams. Gives good seedlings, stored for a long time.
    • Benefit. One of the best varieties of garlic, bred in Romania. The culture perfectly tolerates frosts and is not whimsical to weather conditions. It has a high yield, does not get sick and adapts easily.

    Which of the proposed varieties to choose, you decide. In some regions, large bulbs with a delicate aroma are preferred, in others small and sharp. It is worth being guided by demand at the place of sale, as well as available capital.

    planting material

    High-quality seed material is the key to a good harvest. Since the culture is very susceptible to degeneration, it is almost unsuitable for planting on an industrial scale. However, as a home business, with careful selection of bulbs, a good income can be obtained.

    • Bulbs. Their second name is air bulbs. Suitable for planting in a season: in the first, the bulb is germinated from the cloves, in the second - a full-fledged garlic.
    • Single tooth. It sprouts from an air bulb and is the best planting material. Sevok allows you to get garlic with a large head and a large number of cloves.
    • Zubok. Obtained from a mature bulb. Refers to the first reproduction. Serves as a good seed.

    It is best to use seed obtained independently. Buying through intermediaries, the probability of getting a good harvest is significantly reduced. Therefore, after harvesting garlic, you should always leave the bulb or clove for further planting.

    Cultivation: from planting to harvest

    You can create a garlic business on your own by carefully preparing the garden and following all the steps. The winter crop variety prefers soil with sandy particles, which is prepared 1-2 weeks before planting. Planting depth is chosen based on the size of the teeth. At least 5 cm should remain to the soil surface. Otherwise, the crop may freeze.

    Read also: Agricultural business: ideas

    Subtleties of crop rotation

    It is best to sow garlic after cabbage, greens, legumes or pumpkin. It is not recommended to use the beds on which potatoes, tomatoes, onions were previously harvested. Sowing on fresh manure also negatively affects the yield. The place for growing winter garlic should be protected from wind and melt water.


    To get a rich harvest, the soil must be well fertilized. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers cope with their task. In the spring, when the first sprouts appear, fertilize with nitrogen. A mixture of micronutrients or soaking teeth in solutions with microelements has a positive effect. So, Rostock fertilizer allows you to increase germination up to two times, and the yield by 20%.

    Landing dates

    Landing in the western and southern regions is carried out at the end of October. In the northern and eastern regions, winter garlic is planted in mid-September, and in the central regions - in late September or early October. Additionally, soil temperature will help determine the timing of planting. The optimal value is 10-12 degrees.


    The harvesting procedure is carried out in dry sunny weather. The lower leaves of the culture should be dry and yellow. After harvesting, the garlic must be dried in the sun. After the culture is sorted: they are cleaned from the ground, the roots are cut, rot and damaged bulbs are removed, the stem is shortened by 1-2 cm.

    Sales channels

    The advantages of this business for farmers are:

    • high profitability of garlic cultivation;
    • minimum cash investment;
    • high demand for products.

    For 1 kg of goods, you can earn up to 150 rubles at retail. Dealers estimate garlic at a lower cost, but are ready to immediately buy large volumes.

    It is possible to sell the garlic crop not only to retailers and wholesalers. Potential clients are:

    • vegetable shops;
    • supermarkets;
    • restaurants and cafes;
    • canning factories;
    • catering establishments.

    By concluding a supply contract with a suitable company, you can solve the problem of selling winter garlic forever. Resellers take all the risks for the further sale of products, and you get a clean and regular profit.