- is it good or bad? What rights and opportunities does it give, what restrictions does it impose? All this needs to be sorted out before you take on the registration of a temporary residence permit or provide it to someone.

What is the difference between temporary registration and registration

There is practically no difference between these concepts. But there is a similarity: they are both outdated. It is now officially customary to talk about registration.

It can be either at the place of residence or at the place of stay. The latter case is equal to the concepts of temporary residence permit (registration) that have disappeared from official use.

What threatens the owner

Internet forums are full of "horror stories" about how the owners lost their apartments because of temporary tenants. It is difficult to judge how true such opuses are. But if you are the kind of person who is preparing to grant someone registration for a period of time, there are a few things to consider.

Consider both the myths and the facts at once:

  1. Temporary registration does not give any rights to your housing to a potential tenant. This is especially worrying for those who record the stay of young women in their living space. Fear usually results in the question: “What if she becomes pregnant, gives birth, and then I have to live with her and with the child?” The situation is unpleasant, but solvable.
  2. From the realm of reality: all payment points for an apartment, which depend on the number of registered ones, will increase.
  3. If no deadline is specified when granting temporary registration, then various problems can indeed arise. Just imagine: how to evict a temporary tenant if the period of his stay was not determined from the very beginning?
  4. A special moment for those who rent their homes to tenants. If you approach strictly, then you must have an agreement with the tenants, and they must have the appropriate registration. If everything is illegal and the Federal Tax Service checks on this, then you become a violator of tax laws.

How to get a

This procedure is carried out by those who provide housing: citizens, officials and legal entities. So, for registration of temporary registration in Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation?


If we are talking about registration at a hotel, sanatorium, medical institution, then only a passport (or something equivalent) is required. In other cases, the list of documents is also not very large:

  • identification;
  • applications from a potential tenant and the landlord (according to the standard form issued by the registration authority).

The following video will help you understand the intricacies of filling out documents for temporary registration:

Now we will talk about how to apply for and get a temporary residence permit in another city, as well as where this can be done.

Where and how can you do

  1. If there is an FMS unit in the locality, then registration is carried out there. Otherwise, the procedure is carried out in the administration.
  2. Responsible employees must accept the documents.
  3. And a maximum of three days to provide a special certificate of registration for a certain period.

The certificate of registration at the place of residence looks like this.

Certificate of registration at the place of residence

Now is the time to find out how much temporary registration costs.

How much is

So, what is the price of temporary residence permit (registration)? There are no fees for issuing certificates. The state duty for registration is not taken for a while. How much people sometimes require, for whom the provision of temporary registration is a whole business, only those who used these services know.

It's time to talk about the duration of the temporary residence permit.


The minimum period of temporary registration is 6 months, and the maximum is 5 years. Temporary registration can always be terminated early. This can be done by mutual agreement or (if the circumstances are unfavorable) through the courts.

And finally, we will talk about what rights a temporary residence permit gives.

What rights does

The most common goals for which citizens are trying with all their might to register for themselves for a certain period.

Since the legislation provides for the mandatory registration of each person, citizens often have the question of how to temporarily register a person in their apartment. Often there are cases when a person comes temporarily to another city and stays with his friends or relatives.

In this case, the legislation establishes the obligation of each citizen to notify the Migration Service of his place of residence and register at the place of actual residence. But not all people are ready to register in their apartment even a person or relative they know well, since if he has children, he will be able to register them without the consent of the owner. And it is quite difficult to write out even other people's children from the apartment.

To register another person in your apartment for a limited time period, you must prepare the following documents:

  • personal passport of the owner or all owners, as well as copies;
  • personal passport and copies of the registered citizen;
  • marriage certificate, if one of the spouses is registered;
  • title papers for housing;
  • an extract on the number of people registered in the apartment and the number of owners.
If the apartment is privately owned by several owners, then in order to register a person, they must all be present at the same time. If this is not possible, then they can issue a power of attorney to a notary to register one of the owners.

Registration procedure

After all the necessary documents have been prepared, the following is required:

  1. The owners of the apartment and the registered citizen must appear at the state authorized bodies for registration.
  2. There they will be given paperwork to fill out.
  3. The owners sign a consent to the temporary registration of a particular citizen.
  4. A registered person writes an application for temporary registration at a specific address.
  5. The employee checks all documents for compliance with the established requirements and notifies the registered citizen when he can receive his passport with a temporary residence permit.
  6. If there is a temporary residence permit, the data is not entered into the passport, but an insert for the passport is issued. It indicates the address of registration of a person and the validity period of this document.
With the expiration of the term of the insert, the registration of a person at the specified address ends. To renew it, you must repeat the registration procedure.

When renting a home

It often happens that citizens do not have relatives and acquaintances in other cities, where they are temporarily forced to live. But this does not relieve them of the obligation to register when staying in this city at a different address for more than 90 days.

Therefore, the legislation establishes the possibility for citizens to register in apartments where they live under a lease agreement. If the owner of the apartment agrees to provide temporary registration in the rental housing, then the procedure will be the same.

The differences will be only in the set of necessary papers for registration. In addition to the mandatory kit, you will need the following:

  • employment contract certified by a notary;
  • district police officer's permission.

This permission can be obtained at the local police station, where the district police officer must write a written consent to the registration of a citizen.

Typically, such agreements do not meet with opposition from local authorities. But there may be the following exceptions when a person will be denied a temporary residence permit:

  1. The owner of the apartment does not have a document confirming that the apartment is in his ownership or that it has been privatized.
  2. The potential tenant has an outstanding criminal record.
  3. An incomplete set of documents was provided.
  4. The lease agreement is not notarized.
  5. One or more apartment owners do not agree to a temporary residence permit.
Temporary registration can be issued for up to 5 years. After its completion, the tenant is obliged to leave the apartment or renew his registration for a definite or indefinite period.

Minor citizens

The Civil Code strictly protects the rights of minors. Therefore, there are a lot of nuances associated with their registration. There are the following mandatory requirements for registering a child:

  1. He must live with one of the parents or his official representatives.
  2. You can register a child without the consent and presence of the owner, if one of the parents has a residence permit at this address, even if it is temporary.
  3. The period of temporary registration of the child will correspond to the period of registration of his parent. They cannot differ.
  4. The owner has no right to discharge the child before the expiration of the term without his parent.

To issue a temporary registration of a minor, you must follow the same procedure as when registering an adult. The following set of documents will be required:

  1. Personal passport of the representative of the child and a duplicate. In this case, not only the parent, but also the legal guardian can represent the interests of the child.
  2. Documents for the child. Before turning 14 years old, the original birth certificate and its copy are presented. After this age, you need a teenager's passport and a copy of it.
  3. An extract on the number of citizens registered at this address. It should indicate that the child's representative is registered at this address.
  4. Consent from the other parent. Certified by a notary.
  5. Documents confirming the relationship of the parents of the child (marriage or divorce).
  6. If there are documents of guardianship, they are also required to be presented.
Thus, based on this set of documents, we can conclude that for the registration of a child, the consent of the owner does not matter. The consent of the legal representatives of the child to live with one of them is important.


Russia is a large country, and there are many foreign citizens on its territory. The legislation establishes a requirement that after arriving in the country, all citizens of other countries must register with the Federal Migration Service within 7 days. The only exceptions are residents of Ukraine and Kazakhstan. They can stay in the country without registration for up to 90 days.

Other citizens staying within the country for more than 90 days must present, upon first request, documents confirming the legal basis for being in the country. These include:

  • documents confirming education in Russia;
  • inability to leave the country for health reasons, documented by a conclusion or a certificate from a medical institution;
  • a document giving the right to work in Russia.

In case of difficulties with registration on the territory of Russia, foreign citizens should contact the embassies of their countries or the Federal Migration Service.

The legislator obliges persons who are temporarily in the territory of the country or in the subject of the Russian Federation in which the person does not permanently reside, to carry out temporary registration.

Is temporary registration required?

Going to another city for temporary residence, many people ask themselves: is temporary registration required?

The registration procedure in the country is regulated by several legal documents:

  1. Law of the Russian Federation No. 5242-1 dated June 15, 1993.
  2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 713 of July 17, 1995.
  3. Administrative Regulations of the Federal Migration Service No. 288 of 09/11/2012.

In accordance with the said regulations, a person who stays outside his permanent place of residence for more than 90 days must apply to the registration authority for temporary registration.

This rule is valid both for foreign persons and for citizens of the Russian Federation who are outside the region of their permanent residence.

In the event that the term for filing an application for registration is violated, a fine may be imposed on the person in an administrative manner.

For persons who have not applied to the authorized body, the amount of the fine can reach 3,000 rubles. In the case of being without registration in cities of federal significance, the fine is 5,000 rubles. If such a fact is revealed, the owner, with whom the person temporarily lives, may also be subject to a fine. The amount of punishment for the owner can reach 5,000 rubles.

Rules for temporary registration at the place of stay

To date, there are two ways to make a temporary registration at the place of stay.

You can register in another city by yourself by contacting the authorized body, after an agreement on hiring or renting housing is concluded with the owner of the residential premises. In this case, the owner must give his consent in writing to the temporary residence of the person.

It is easiest to get a temporary residence permit in another region or locality (in fact, this is the only option) by contacting the owner of the premises, in which the arriving person should be temporarily registered. To do this, a person must fill out an application for registration, and the owner can independently submit it to the authorized body.

Temporary registration is carried out for the period for which the owner of the property agrees.

The law limits the maximum period of temporary residence - a person can live temporarily for no more than 5 years.

You can receive a document on setting a non-registration about a week after applying.

Do I need to check out for temporary registration

The rules for temporary registration at the place of residence state that it is permissible to register in another region or city without registering.

This means that a person moving to another city for temporary residence should not apply to the registration authority at his permanent place of residence with an application to remove him from permanent registration.

Sometimes, for example, in order not to make utility bills for a person who does not live in a particular apartment, utilities put a record that the person has temporarily left. Such an entry is made on the basis of a temporary registration document, but this does not mean that the person has been removed from the permanent register.

The law does not allow registration of a temporary nature when a person already has one temporary registration. That is, you cannot officially record that you live at two addresses at the same time.

This means that when moving to another city, a person must apply for deregistration, and in the new city of residence, issue a new temporary registration.

Temporary registration at the place of work

The legislator has not enshrined in any normative document the concept of temporary registration at the place of work. This means that a person who was invited to work in another city will not be able to actually register at the location of the organization.

Temporary registration at the place of work can be carried out only if the legal entity owns residential premises in which it can register persons invited to work.

By contract of employment

One of the grounds for registration at the place of temporary residence is an agreement on the rental of residential premises. Temporary registration under a lease agreement must be carried out by the owner of the premises independently, after the agreement with the person has been signed.

In this case, a person can be registered for the period during which the employment agreement is valid.

The owner retains the right to apply to the authorized body with an application for removal from temporary registration, if there are the following grounds:

  • The person has refused to voluntarily move out of the provided accommodation after the tenancy agreement has expired;
  • A person who temporarily resides in a dwelling violates the terms of the agreement or the provisions of the housing law.

Remember, in the case when the owner has not applied to the registration authority, he can be held, as previously mentioned, to the liability established by law.

Temporary registration of a child

The procedure for registering a child is regulated by civil law. In accordance with its norms, the child must be registered in the place where at least one of the parents is registered.

This means that temporary registration can be done at the address where the parent (even if it is temporary) is registered.

Please note that this rule applies to children who are under the age of 14. Upon reaching this age, a person may be registered at a different address on the basis of his own application, as well as the consent of the owner of the dwelling.

How to get temporary registration at the place of stay, in another city

So, after a person has temporarily moved to another city, he has several months to apply to the registration authority.

As a general rule, the application must be made after the tenancy agreement has been executed.

You can apply on your own or with the help of a representative. In this case, the representative must have a legal document for the exercise of such powers - a power of attorney. The power of attorney must be certified by a notary.

Before applying to the body, a package of documents specified by law must be prepared.

After applying, all submitted information is considered with the statutory period. If all documents are correct, a temporary registration is issued.

Please note that all documents can be sent to the authority by post. To do this, send a registered letter with an inventory of the papers enclosed in the envelope.

Who makes temporary registration, where to apply

To date, there are several bodies that can be contacted for registration of temporary registration.

First of all, this is the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Migration of the Russian Federation and its territorial departments. In order to receive a document in this body, you must know in advance the reception day and come with the necessary information. At the end of the verification period for the submitted information, the same body will issue a document.

In the case when it is not possible to contact the industry body, you can submit documents to the MFC at the place of temporary residence. Please note that in this case, the period for verifying information will be extended. You can get the document at the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which deals with migration issues.

Registration procedure, documents

In order to issue temporary registration to the authorized body, you must provide:

  • A completed application form of the appropriate form;
  • The basis for the use of residential premises for living;
  • Consent of the owner of the residential facility;
  • Passport of a temporary resident;
  • Passport of the owner of the residential property.

Sample Application

The application for registration at the place of stay was approved by Order of the FMS No. 288 dated September 11, 2012.

When filling out the document, indicate:

  • Name of the body;
  • Information about the applicant;
  • Information about the place where you need to register a person;
  • Information about the owner of the dwelling;
  • His consent to registration;
  • Method of obtaining a certificate of temporary registration;
  • Date and signature.

You can download a sample application for registration at the place of residence


The period of consideration and issuance of a certificate depends on the method of submission of documents.

The total period for consideration of the submitted information is no more than one week. In some cases, registration is carried out within three days.

In cases where documents are submitted through the MFC, the review period is extended to 9 days.

What documents are issued after registration

After the registration record has been made by the employees of the registration authority, the applicant receives:

  1. Document proving his identity;
  2. Certificate of temporary registration, which has the form of an additional insert with information about who is registered, for how long and at what address.


The registration procedure at a temporary place of residence is simple for any citizen of the Russian Federation. It is enough for a person to prepare documents and apply to the authority, without violating the terms of permissible residence without registration.