Considering residential buildings, you can divide them into typical and individual.
Typical ones are template samples that demonstrate ready-made solutions, where key points are developed. They are used in large-scale buildings. In such blanks, minor adjustments are made to local conditions. For example, orientation on the ground or a place to connect to networks.

And a special house, with unique layouts and facades, with personal wishes and ideas, is called individual.

It is also divided into multi-family and single-family houses.
Multi-apartment houses are called houses that have joint premises and engineering outside the apartment boundaries.

This also includes boarding schools, hostels and hotel complexes.
Often in skyscrapers there are other non-residential facilities: parking lots, retail outlets, service organizations and others.

Air supply

To create an airspace which meets hygienic and technological requirements, set the required air exchange rates. For a number of premises, it can be found in the codes of practice, for the rest it is determined by calculation.

In order to save money and ensure uninterrupted operation, ventilation is used with natural draft. The air supply is provided by supply devices air infiltration and through leaky doors. The direction of movement of air masses is organized by windows to the bathroom, bathroom and kitchen.

with air supply both the whole house and apartment spaces are faced not only by workers from organizations for the construction or operation of the building, but also by ordinary residents. For example, over time, the thrust in the channels disappeared. Or after the installation of plastic windows, an influx from the common house corridor was noticed. Of course, the tenant is looking for a solution to the problem. And it is absolutely necessary to take into account that there is a governing base of standards that regulates this area.

Before implementation in reality complex of project documents the object must pass a state or independent examination for compliance with the requirements of the Gosstroy of Russia. And only after a positive conclusion is developed a set of working drawings.

Ventilation snip norms

During construction for compliance with all requirements responsible for technical supervision from the side of the customer, production supervision from the side of the organization performing the work, and as designer's supervision, the specialists who developed the project are involved.
For ease of understanding, all regulatory documents for ventilation systems of a multi-storey residential building can be divided into two groups:

A. Mandatory regulatory documents of the Gosstroy of Russia, Governments of Moscow and administrations of subjects of the Russian Federation and regulatory documents of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.
Base list.


SP 60.13330.2012 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Updated Edition»

SNiP 41-01-2003 "- is the main one for the development of building air systems. In addition to the basic general requirements, it contains a calculation formula for calculating air and requirements for the thickness of air ducts.

SP 7.13130.2013 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Fire safety requirements” is a standard that reflects the conditions for ensuring fire safety.

SP 54.13330.2016 Residential multi-apartment buildings. The updated version of SNiP 31-01-2003 "- does not apply to semi-detached residential buildings that are subject to the design requirements of individual (private) single-family houses.

SP 73.13330.2016 “Internal sanitary systems of buildings. Updated edition of SNiP 3.05.01-85. This set of rules applies to construction work. The necessary steps are outlined, the installation technology, includes a list of final documentation based on the results of the work.

State standards:

GOST 30494-2011 Residential and public buildings. Indoor microclimate parameters»

GOST 21.602-2016 “Project documentation system for construction. Rules for the implementation of working documentation for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems

Sanitary norms and rules:

SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises"

B. Optional- in them you can find options for systems, their features and calculation. These recommendations or guidelines are created by engineering communities. They are based on binding documents, but more broadly reveal the issues of creating a comfortable air environment. Describe the calculation method for determining the required volumes of air by emitted harmful substances. Methods for achieving the most efficient and stable operation of systems are given.

For premises that do not belong to the main functionality of the facility, apply additional rules suitable for their purpose.

The above standards reflect all significant issues, including the safety of operation of ventilation systems. And with any intervention in the systems after construction, be sure to check their compliance with current specialized standards.

Ventilation in an apartment building snip

For a long time, private low-rise housing construction has been widespread - cottages, townhouses ... Objects of this type mean residential single-family houses with the number of floors above the ground level no more than three, stand-alone or interlocked.

When creating a microclimate inside a low-rise private building, the same list of standards as above applies, excluding SP 54.13330.2016. Instead, they rely on the set of rules SP 55.13330.2016 “Single-apartment residential houses”. Set of rules also applies to residential single-family houses with built-in, attached or built-in-attached non-residential premises, public or industrial (handicraft or agricultural) purposes.

Ventilation issues at home certainly arise already at the planning stage. Often the owner independently seeks solutions for air supply, without the involvement of designers. And although following the rules in this area less controlled a competent and responsible owner adheres to them.

Ventilation snip private house

Mostly in their own home, the owners provide a complex set of premises that require special approach. Therefore, the recommended reference documents are the most useful. They cover not only the principles of creating a microclimate, but also contain the multiplicity of air exchange volumes for most rooms.

Ventilation of a private house can be simple and complex. Often with the use of energy efficient solutions such as heat recovery units. Or complex integration with heating systems. Particular attention is paid to noise matching.

It must be remembered that legislative bases may undergo adjustment. Therefore, before working on the air supply systems of any objects, it is advisable to verify the validity of documents in the legal reference system.

8. Ventilation and air conditioning

SNiP 31-02 presents air cleanliness requirements in the premises of the house and the uniformity of air supply to the premises provided by the ventilation system, as well as to the parameters of the microclimate of the premises provided during the warm period of the year by the system air conditioning.
A single-family house must also meet the requirements regarding:

  • used ventilation systems;

  • the performance of the ventilation systems of the house, the volume of air removed and the frequency of air exchange in the premises;

  • placement of devices for removing polluted air from the premises of the house;

  • provision of ventilation and air conditioning systems with means of automatic or manual regulation and metering devices for heat and electric energy;

  • availability of equipment, fittings and devices of ventilation and air conditioning systems for inspection, maintenance, repair and replacement.
  • 8.1 General requirements

    8.1.1. The premises of the house must be provided with ventilation. A ventilation system is provided either with natural impulse, or with mechanical impulse, or combined (with natural inflow and mechanical impulse for air removal).
    8.1.2. Ventilation system should provide the normative value of air exchange, but at the same time, rarefaction inside the house is not allowed, which adversely affects the operation of smoke removal from heat generators.
    8.1.3. Estimated outdoor air parameters for design of ventilation systems and air conditioning should be taken according to SNiP 2.04.05 and SNiP 23-01. With increased requirements for the reliability of ensuring the parameters of the indoor microclimate, the calculated parameters of the outdoor climate can be specified in local hydrometeorological centers.
    8.1.4. The calculated value of air exchange in the premises of the house is recommended to be taken according to table 8.1
    8.1.5. Air exchange in the house should be organized in such a way as to prevent the spread (flow) of harmful substances and unpleasant odors from one room to another.
    8.1.6. To protect against the penetration of animals or insects, air intake openings, including ventilation openings in the outer walls of undergrounds and attics, must be equipped with metal mesh or gratings.

    Table 8.1. Estimated value of air exchange in the premises of a country house.

    room The amount of air exchange, cubic meters/h, not less than
    Constantly In maintenance mode
    Bedroom, shared, children's room 40 40
    Library, office 20 20
    Pantry, linen, dressing room 10 10
    Gym, billiard room 20 80
    Laundry, ironing, drying 10 80
    Kitchen with electric stove 20 60
    Kitchen with gas stove 20 80 for 1 burner
    Heat generator 20 Estimated, but no less
    Bathroom, shower, toilet 5 40
    Sauna 5 5 for 1 person
    Swimming pool 10 80
    Garage 20 80
    Garbage chamber 20 20
  • In areas of sand storms and intensive transfer of dust and sand, chambers for the deposition of dust and sand should be provided behind the air intake openings.
  • 8.2 Natural ventilation

    8.2.1. In a house equipped with a natural ventilation system, the supply of fresh air is provided through adjustable opening window elements (transoms, vents or slots) or valves built into the outer walls, which should be located at a height of at least 1.5 m from the floor, and air removal from the premises - through the ventilation ducts in the internal walls of the house. The exhaust openings of these channels should be located under the ceiling of the premises.
    8.2.2. In the living rooms of the house, exhaust vents for ventilation ducts may not be provided. In this case, the ventilation of these rooms should be provided through the exhaust openings in the kitchens, bathrooms and toilets.
    8.2.3. Ventilation of built-in premises public purpose should be separate from residential premises.

    8.3 Mechanical ventilation

    8.3.1. In a house equipped with mechanical ventilation, the inlet ventilation ducts must ensure the supply of outside air through the inlet ducts. The air supply is provided by a supply fan, to which outside air enters through the air intake.
    Removal of air from the premises should be provided by an exhaust fan installed in the attic. Outside air in such systems before entering the air ducts passes through a filter system and is heated to a temperature that the inhabitants of the house find comfortable.
    8.3.2. The outdoor supply air must be supplied:
    a) in each living room;
    b) to any room on the floor that does not have living rooms;
    c) in common rooms, a gym, a billiard room, a swimming pool.
    To distribute the supply air to other rooms, it should be possible for air to flow from the room with the inflow through leaks (slots) in the doors or overflow valves to other rooms with exhaust ventilation grilles.
    8.3.3. Mechanical ventilation system, as a rule, is intended for functioning during the heating season. During the rest of the year, rooms can be ventilated through windows. In rooms that do not have windows, it is recommended to install additional mechanical ventilation devices (exhaust fans), which should operate both during the heating season and the rest of the year. An additional fan, if necessary, can also be installed in a room with a window.
    8.3.4. In cases where mechanical ventilation system merges with air heating system with forced air circulation(figure 7.1), outside air must enter the recirculation duct of the air heating system.
    8.3.5. Mechanical ventilation system should provide for manual or automatic control.
    8.3.6. For mechanical ventilation, adjustable air diffusers, such as adjustable grilles or diffusers, should be used.
    8.3.7. The distance from the air intake openings of the supply ventilation to the windows, doors and hatches of the house must be at least 900 mm.
    8.3.8. The bottom of the opening for air intakes should be placed at a height of more than 0.5 m from the level of a stable snow cover, but not lower than 1.5 m from the ground level.
    8.3.9. Ventilation equipment must be available for inspection, repair and cleaning.
    8.3.10. Installation of equipment for heating and air conditioning, including refrigeration equipment and equipment for cleaning and supplying air, should be carried out according to factory instructions.

    8.4 Ventilation of the heat source room

    8.4.1. In cases where a heat generator is installed in the house with air intake for fuel combustion from the premises of the house, ventilation system must provide the heat generator room with additional supply air.
    8.4.2. Combustion air must only be supplied to the heat generator room with a power of more than 30 kW from the outside.
    8.4.3. Premises in which heat generators are installed must have exhaust ventilation grilles. For additional air inflow, a grating or a gap between the door and the floor with a free area of ​​at least 0.02 m2 should be provided in the lower part of the door.

    8.5 Ducts

    8.5.1. Everything ventilation ducts, their connecting elements, control valves and other devices must be made of non-combustible materials.

  • The use of combustible materials is only permitted:

  • - in air duct systems where the air temperature does not exceed 120°C;
    - in horizontal floor-by-floor branches of air ducts.

    8.5.2. Estimated service life of air ducts should be taken for at least 25 years.
    Duct materials used in locations where they may be exposed to excessive moisture should:
    a) not lose strength when wet;
    b) be resistant to corrosion.
    8.5.3. It is not allowed to use asbestos-containing materials and products in supply or recirculation ventilation and air conditioning systems.
    8.5.4. Internal and external coatings and insulation, as well as adhesives used in air ducts and other elements of ventilation systems, must be made of non-combustible materials if during operation their surface temperature may exceed 120 °C.
    8.5.5. air ducts must be securely supported by metal hangers, shackles, eyelets or brackets. Everything outlets and branches of air ducts must have supports that exclude deflection of the elements of the air ducts, violation of their integrity and tightness. air ducts shall not have openings, except as required for the normal operation and maintenance of the system.
    8.5.6. P when laying air ducts with the transported air temperature below 120°C, it is allowed to lay air ducts close to a wooden building structure, while it is allowed to use wooden brackets.
    8.5.7. To ensure the tightness of air ducts along their entire length, all connections and joints of air ducts must be sealed to ensure duct density not lower than class H according to SNiP 2.04.05. CONTENTS SNiP 31-02

    In pursuit of comfortable conditions inside offices and residential premises, one cannot do without properly organized air exchange. In other words, they must have a well-designed, adjustable ventilation system inside. For premises for various purposes, they are guided by the relevant regulatory literature, but first, let's consider what constitutes air exchange.

    The concept of air exchange

    Air exchange is a quantitative parameter that characterizes the operation of the ventilation system in enclosed spaces. In other words, air is exchanged to remove excess heat, moisture, harmful and other substances in order to ensure an acceptable microclimate and air quality in the serviced room or work area. Proper organization of air exchange is one of the main goals when developing a ventilation project. The intensity of air exchange is measured by the multiplicity - the ratio of the volume of supplied or removed air in 1 hour to the volume of the room. The ratio of supply or exhaust air is determined by the regulatory literature. Now let's talk a little about SNiPs, SPs and GOSTs, which dictate the necessary parameters for us to maintain comfortable conditions in office and residential premises.

    Air exchange rates

    Currently, a lot of literature has been published, let's consider only a small part:

    Modern buildings have high thermal performance, sealed plastic windows to save space heating costs, which inevitably leads to the tightness of the room itself and the lack of natural ventilation. And this, in turn, leads to stagnation of air and the reproduction of pathogenic microbes, which is not allowed by sanitary and hygienic standards, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to maintain good health in a stuffy room. Therefore, in modern residential buildings, supply valves are necessarily provided in external fences with a natural impulse, and in office premises one cannot do without a supply and exhaust mechanical ventilation device. All this is necessary to create comfortable conditions for people to stay in these premises.

    Living spaces

    The ventilation system of residential premises can be: with natural inflow and removal of air; with mechanical induction of air inflow and removal, including combined with air heating; combined with natural air supply and removal with partial use of mechanical stimulation. In living rooms, air flow is provided through adjustable window sashes, transoms, vents, valves or other devices, including self-contained wall air dampers with adjustable opening. Air removal is provided from kitchens, latrines and bathrooms. The amount of air exchange in living rooms, according to, depends on the number of people living, 3 m³ / h per 1 m² of living space, if there is less than 20 m² of the total area of ​​​​the apartment per person and at least 30 m³ / h per person, if there is over 20 m².


    The minimum air exchange rate in a kitchen equipped with an electric stove is 60 m³ / h, in the case of a gas stove, it will be 100 m³ / h. In the kitchen, air flow is ensured, as well as in living rooms. Since steam is generated during cooking, as well as volatile particles of oil or other fats, the air from the kitchen room must be removed directly to the outside and not enter other rooms, including through the ventilation duct. In order for the natural draft to be sufficiently stable, the channel must be relatively high (at least 5 meters). Often, an exhaust hood is installed in the kitchen area above the stove, which helps to more effectively remove excess heat from the room. In order to prevent air from flowing into higher-lying apartments, an air shutter is made (a vertical section of the air duct that changes the direction of air movement), as a rule, in a building design.

    Bathroom and laundry

    The air in the bathrooms and the laundry room contains unpleasant odors, humidity and harmful substances from household chemicals, therefore, like the air from the kitchen, it must be removed outside without the possibility of getting into other rooms. An air lock is also made in the exhaust ducts of these rooms. From the bathroom, according to, the amount of air exchange will be 25 m³ / hour, and the laundry room 90 m³ / hour. Supply air enters these rooms by overflow from living rooms through an open door or through slots in a doorway.

    Office rooms

    The amount of air exchange for offices, administrative buildings is much higher than for residential buildings. This is due to the fact that the ventilation system must more effectively cope with the large amount of heat generated by numerous employees and office equipment. And a sufficient amount of fresh air has a positive effect both on people's health and on the work process as a whole.

    For ordinary office premises, 40 m³/h per employee is accepted, if it is possible to periodically ventilate the room through window sashes, transoms, vents, or 60 m³/h per employee, if this is not possible.

    Modern office buildings cannot be imagined without an organized ventilation system, which must meet the following requirements:

    • The ability to provide the required amount of fresh air.
    • Filtration, heating or cooling, as well as, if necessary, humidification of the supply air to comfortable conditions before supplying it to the room.
    • The device of both supply and exhaust ventilation from the premises of offices.
    • Installations must be low-noise and comply with the requirements in.
    • The location is convenient for maintenance of ventilation units.
    • Automatic control and weather-dependent regulation.
    • Economical consumption of heat and electricity.
    • The need to have a compact size and, if possible, fit into a business interior.

    A correctly calculated air exchange rate is vital inside enclosed spaces, because it allows you to remove exhaust air polluted by various technical fumes, particles of carbon dioxide emitted by humans, odors from consumer products and vital activity, heat from equipment and products, as well as many other sources. If all these parameters are taken into account, then thanks to the operation of the supply and exhaust ventilation, it is possible to maintain optimal indoor air indicators, creating a comfortable microclimate.

    How can it be implemented - multi-apartment or private? What do current building codes say about this? What air flow rates should be adhered to when designing independently?

    How to implement air exchange in a private house? Let's try to figure it out.

    Regulatory requirements

    Let's start with a study of the current regulations. Current SNiP for ventilation of residential buildings - 2.04.05-91 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning" and 2.08.01-89 "Residential buildings".

    For the convenience of the reader, we summarize the key requirements of the documents together.


    For a living room, it is determined by the temperature of the coldest five-day period of the year.

    • If its value is above -31С, it is necessary to maintain at least +18С in the rooms.
    • At the temperature of the coldest five-day period below -31C, the requirements are somewhat higher: the rooms should be at least + 20C.

    For corner rooms that have at least two common walls with the street, the norms are 2 degrees higher - +20 and +22C, respectively.

    Useful: the variability of the requirements is due to the fact that at low temperatures and an increase in heat loss, the dew point (the point in the thickness of the building envelope where water vapor begins to condense) shifts towards the inner surface. The indicated temperatures exclude freezing of the wall.

    For bathrooms, the minimum temperature is + 18C, for bathrooms and showers - +24.

    Air exchange

    What are the standards for ventilation of residential premises (more precisely, the rate of air exchange in them)?

    Additional requirements

    • The ventilation scheme may provide for air exchange between individual rooms. Simply put, you can organize an exhaust hood in the kitchen, and air inflow in the bedroom. Actually, the document specifies the recommendation: exhaust ventilation should be provided in kitchens, bathrooms, bathrooms, toilets and drying cabinets.

    • The ventilation of the apartment must be connected to a common ventilation duct no lower than 2 meters from the ceiling level. The instruction is designed to minimize the likelihood of tipping traction in windy weather.
    • When using separate rooms in a residential building for public needs, they are supplied with their own ventilation system, not connected with the general house.
    • At the temperature of the coldest five-day period below -40C for three-story and higher buildings, it is allowed to equip supply ventilation with heating systems.
    • Gas boilers and columns with the discharge of combustion products into the general ventilation are allowed to be installed only in buildings no higher than five floors. Solid fuel boilers and water heaters can only be installed in one- and two-story buildings.
    • The supply air is recommended to be supplied to rooms with a permanent stay of people. Which, in fact, again leads us to the already mentioned scheme: air flow through the living rooms and exhaust through the kitchen and bathroom.

    How it works

    So, we have studied the basic requirements for ventilation of residential premises. And how is ventilation implemented in multi-apartment and private houses?

    Multi-apartment buildings


    The traditional scheme for Russia and the entire post-Soviet space is natural ventilation, which uses the difference in density between warm and cold air for air exchange. Warm is displaced to the upper part of the room and from there to the ventilation duct; the influx of cold in Soviet-built houses was provided by ventilation windows and loosely fitting wooden frames.

    It was equipped according to the already mentioned scheme: in bathrooms, toilets and kitchens. The rooms were ventilated with fresh air.

    Since each apartment has its own vertical ventilation duct - a luxury that is not allowed in high-rise buildings, the ventilation systems of individual apartments began to be combined with vertical shafts.

    The shafts were connected by a horizontal channel, which had an outlet to the roof and was equipped with an umbrella protecting it from precipitation; the outlet to each apartment was supplied with a short vertical channel - a satellite, which prevented air exchange between apartments.

    What are the advantages of such a scheme:

    • Ease of construction and, as a result, minimal investment costs.
    • Minimum operating costs. In essence, they come down to only a rare cleaning of clogged ventilation ducts. The cause of clogging is soot from gas stoves and, less often, violations during construction work.

    • The influx of fresh air into the room directly from the street, without the need for any intermediate treatment.

    Of course, it was not without drawbacks.

    • On the upper floors, the pressure that ensures the operation of ventilation is minimal. Hence the frequent cases of the notorious overturning of thrust in windy weather.
    • A long channel with rough walls (traditional materials of the shaft and outlets to apartments are brick and concrete) provides high aerodynamic resistance, which reduces ventilation efficiency.
    • The channels are often leaky: cement mortar is used to connect their elements, which tends to crumble. Air suction further reduces traction.


    Recently, in the construction of new buildings, a scheme with a warm attic is increasingly being implemented. How she looks like?

    Horizontal channels connecting several mines are a thing of the past. Instead, the entire attic was turned into a static pressure chamber.

    Important: thanks to the stabilization of the high temperature in the attic, one of the main problems of the upper floor is solved - a cold ceiling. As a result, heating requirements are reduced.

    The shafts are combined with horizontal outlets into a single block of industrial production. This minimizes the number of potentially leaky connections.

    An attic outlet is installed in each section of the house. Its combination with the machine room of the elevator allows, without violating the architectural appearance of the house, to increase the height of the outlet to 2 meters from the roof level, thereby further increasing traction.

    Umbrellas that protect mines from rain and snow are a thing of the past: they caused a slight drop in thrust. Instead, a tray with a drain into the sewer is installed at the base of the shaft.

    The shaft opening onto the roof has acquired a square section, which has improved traction in windy weather, regardless of the direction of the wind.

    The attic, assembled from reinforced concrete slabs, began to be divided into sections.

    This solves two problems:

    1. Air streams from different entrances cannot mix. Their mixing under certain conditions could lead to the fact that the thrust in one channel would be amplified at the expense of another channel.
    2. The current fire safety regulations were observed: a fireproof partition is able to prevent the spread of hot combustion products in a fire.

    What is the result?

    • The operation of ventilation as a whole has become more stable, independent of the strength and direction of the wind.
    • The aerodynamic resistance of the satellite channel increased from 1 - 1.5 to 6 - 9 Pa, which made the air exchange in the apartments less dependent on the floor.

    Nuance: on the two upper floors, the thrust may still be insufficient, since the channels - satellites of the required height, simply have nowhere to place. The problem is completely solved by installing exhaust fans in apartments: in this scheme, their work can no longer lead to exhaust air from one apartment entering another.

    Forced exhaust

    The main problem with any natural ventilation scheme is its dependence on wind strength.

    The solution to this problem is quite obvious:

    1. The aerodynamic resistance of the mine is artificially lowered (for example, by installing adjustable valves).
    2. The mine is supplied with a radial fan with a noise reduction system.

    The price of increased efficiency is a slight increase in operating costs and investment cost of the project.

    Overseas experience

    A rather curious ventilation scheme is implemented in apartment buildings by German builders.

    • Exhaust ventilation is organized through the kitchen and combined bathroom.
    • The air intake is a common channel that opens into the room with several small holes along its perimeter and a central valve equipped with a solenoid and a return spring. The air duct has an increased aerodynamic resistance and a sound dampening chamber.

    How it works:

    • In standby mode, the hood is carried out to a limited extent.
    • When you turn on the light in the bathroom or force the power supply to the kitchen valve, the throughput of the air intake increases dramatically; in addition, forced ventilation is switched on.

    Private housing construction

    Schema selection

    The choice settled on exhaust ventilation with forced induction and natural air flow through the basement.

    There were several motives.

    • Exhaust ventilation involves laying one channel. Supply and exhaust - two, which means a much larger amount of work and damage to the repair already done.

    It is worth clarifying: in this case, there was already a channel for air exhaust. This role was played by a groove disguised by the builders between the crossbar, on which the floor slabs rested, and the outer wall. It was only necessary to punch holes for the air intake and organize the hood to the street.

    • The calculation of the natural ventilation of residential buildings is extremely complex; for this, either complex formulas are used that take into account many variables, or online calculators, which often give unreliable results. For forced exhaust, the performance with a minimum error is equal to the performance of the exhaust fan.
    • The air intake from the basement (dry and below ground level) made it possible to make the supply air temperature stable regardless of the weather. The temperature of the soil below the freezing point is kept at +10 - +14 degrees.

    • Operating costs are negligible. Here is a table of the dependence of the power consumed by the fan on its performance.


    Do-it-yourself implementation of the scheme required a minimum expenditure of time and money.

    • Air supply is organized in living rooms. Holes in the floor are covered with gratings with nets to protect against insects.

    • Exhaust grilles are installed in drywall, covering the channel between the crossbar and the wall.
    • A hole was punched from the channel to the street, into which an exhaust pipe with a duct fan and an umbrella was installed to protect against rain and snow. The pipe is foamed and puttied; the fan is equipped with a remote switch.

    The total costs amounted to about 1500 rubles. The humidity level in the house has stabilized at a comfortable level; the temperature in winter with the heating turned off is at least +12C.


    We hope that our miniature overview of the ways of organizing ventilation will be useful to the reader.

    As usual, the video in this article contains additional thematic material. Good luck!

    Central Scientific Research and Design and Experimental Institute of Engineering Equipment of Cities, Residential and Public Buildings (TsNIIEP Engineering Equipment) of the State Committee for Architecture

    Reference manual for SNiP heating and ventilation of residential buildings


    The manual was developed in accordance with SNiP 2.08.01-89 Residential buildings. The parameters of the microclimate in the premises of residential buildings and the air-thermal regime established by SNiP are determined not only by the operation of heating and ventilation systems, but also by the architectural, planning and design solutions of these buildings, as well as the thermophysical characteristics of building envelopes. In addition to the above, in residential buildings a great influence on the microclimate is exerted by the peculiarities of the operation of apartments by residents. The combination of these factors determines the operating costs of heat and the level of air-thermal comfort. With this in mind, the organization and rational maintenance of the air-thermal regime in residential buildings is a complex task. However, the current system of regulatory documents, specialized in certain sections of the design, does not take into account this complexity.

    The design of heating and ventilation systems is carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.05-86. In this case, reference manuals to SNiP, reference books, advisory and other literature containing methods for thermal and hydraulic calculation of systems, instructions for their design, equipment characteristics are used. The listed documents, aimed at specialists in the field of designing heating and ventilation systems, do not cover the entire range of issues of ensuring a normalized air-thermal regime in residential buildings with a minimum consumption of thermal energy. Therefore, when compiling this Handbook, the main attention was paid to the issues that most often arise among designers and testify not only to the lack of clarity of individual provisions of the regulation, but also the lack in some cases of understanding the significance of various elements of residential buildings in their air-thermal regime.

    The manual was developed by TsNIIEP of engineering equipment of the State Committee for Architecture (candidates of technical sciences A. Z. Ivyansky and I. B. Pavlinova).

    1. Structural and planning solutions for residential buildings

    1.1. The air-thermal regime in the premises is one of the main factors determining the level of comfort in residential buildings. The unsatisfactory microclimate makes them uninhabitable.

    1.2. Optimization of the air-thermal regime of apartments requires their isolation from adjacent premises in order to minimize the amount of overflowing air.

    The flow of air into apartments from adjacent apartments and (or) stairwells is one of the main reasons that reduce the efficiency of the ventilation system and lead to an unsatisfactory state of the air in apartments. With this in mind, the construction part of the project of a residential building should provide for planning, design and technological solutions that minimize the possibility of air flowing through the entrance doors to apartments, junctions of enclosing structures, passing engineering communications through them, etc.

    1.3. As experience in the operation of modern residential buildings of mass development shows, one of the most common causes of underheating of premises with the calculated heat transfer of the heating system is the actual underestimation of the resistance to air penetration of window filling against the regulated SNiP II-3-79 ** for the window design provided for by the project. This underestimation takes place due to the poor quality of the manufacture of window blocks; poor-quality sealing of window blocks into the wall panel; absence of gaskets sealing the porches or their non-compliance with the design ones, etc.

    To exclude underheating of residential buildings at low outdoor temperatures as a result of the above-mentioned factor, it is recommended to conduct selective full-scale tests of windows in order to determine their actual air permeability, characteristic of a particular building area, for example, according to the method of full-scale tests of air exchange of residential buildings of TsNIIEP engineering equipment.

    1.4. The dimensions of the light openings determine not only the calculated heat loss of the premises, but also the thermal regime in them due to negative radiation and falling cold air flows in winter and overheating in summer. Therefore, one should strive for the minimum allowable dimensions of light openings from natural lighting conditions, but not more than with a ratio of their area to the floor area of ​​the corresponding premises of 1:5.5.

    1.5. When choosing a constructive solution for attics, preference should be given to sectional warm attics used as a static pressure chamber of a natural exhaust ventilation system. Open lofts with exhaust air venting require further research and design improvement, and are not currently recommended for use in mass housing construction. In buildings with a height of less than 5 floors, in which the construction of a warm attic is impractical, the exhaust ducts should go directly into the shafts leading above the roof level.

    1.6. Zoning of apartments is associated with an increase in the number of utilities, which leads to an increase in material consumption and operating costs. The presence of exhaust ducts in different places of the apartment significantly reduces the reliability and efficiency of the natural exhaust ventilation system.

    1.7. The adjoining of sanitary facilities and ventilation units to the outer walls of apartments makes it difficult to ensure a satisfactory humidity regime in sanitary facilities and requires special solutions to increase the temperature of their enclosures, which are subject to development and verification in mass construction.

    1.8. Planning solutions for apartments in terms of organizing ventilation should mainly be aimed at excluding horizontal air ducts within the apartment; to ensure the direct supply of air from the kitchen, bathroom and toilet to the ventilation unit; for providing access to ventilation units during installation, as well as for revision and sealing of joints during operation.

    1.9. In the basements and basement floors of apartment buildings and dormitories with heating systems connected to district heating networks, with an estimated heat loss of buildings during the heating period of 1000 GJ or more, a room should be provided for placing an individual heating unit (ITP).

    The ITP room must have a height (in cleanliness) of at least 2.2 m, in places where service personnel can access it - at least 1.9 m; should be separated from other rooms, have an outward-opening door, lighting. The floor must be concrete or tiled with a slope of 0.005. A ladder should be installed in the floor of the ITP, and if gravity water drainage is not possible, a drainage pit with dimensions of m, covered with a removable grate, should be arranged. To pump water from the pit into the sewer system, a drainage pump should be installed.

    The estimated heat loss of the building for the heating period is recommended to be determined in accordance with Sec. 2 of this Guide.

    1.10. The use of kitchen niches with mechanical exhaust ventilation is allowed only in residential buildings, all apartments of which are equipped with a mechanical exhaust.

    1.11. The arrangement of loggias with floor exits from the staircase is associated with a significant additional heat consumption and is not recommended if this is not related to fire safety requirements.

    1.12. In the course of a feasibility study of a constructive solution for an attic, in addition to traditional factors, one should also take into account the costs of insulating the utilities located in them and their operation.