Refers to monocotyledonous bulbous plants. The diameter of the bulb does not exceed 10 centimeters.

The flower has a vertical stem that reaches a maximum of sixty centimeters in height. There are 2-5 large flowers on it, about twenty centimeters wide.

The inflorescences resemble a lily and are colored white and pink. There are lighter and brighter shades. The flowers are collected in inflorescences located in two circles, and they have six petals. From the side, the inflorescences resemble umbrellas. They can consist of several flowers, from two to twelve pieces. Amaryllis flowers smell amazing.

The green leaves are located opposite each other. They can grow to enormous sizes, up to 50 centimeters in length and 3-4 centimeters in width.

After the leaves die, the flower goes into a dormant state. At its end, the foliage, along with the inflorescences, emerges again.

At the end of the twentieth century, Amaryllis began to be called Hippeastrum in literature.. Although these two cultures are similar in appearance, especially their flowers, this is the only similarity. All they have in common is that they belong to the same family and both plants have a long dormant period. We wrote in more detail about the comparison of amaryllis and hippeastrum.

Amaryllis differs in the size of its leaves and flowers, as well as their shades. The leaves do not appear immediately after flowering and quickly grow into a lush cascade of greenery that does not fall to the ground.

Amaryllis belladonna – bulbous plant with an umbrella of elongated, bell-like, drooping flowers on the crown of a tall bare peduncle.

Amaryllis belladonna, or Amaryllis beauty, as it is also commonly called, is a monocotyledonous flowering plant of the genus Amaryllis of the Amaryllidaceae family.

If you are interested in a flower such as amaryllis, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with other popular varieties of this beautiful plant. We talked about this in.


You will see a photo of Amaryllis Belladonna:

Depending on the variety, the flowers have a variety of shades and amaze with their grace. You can admire this handsome man endlessly. Its flowering will not leave you indifferent. Therefore, this flower is actively used for growing on your windowsill. You will find more information about this plant in separate articles on our website.

When and how does it bloom?

Belladonna blooms once a year and lasts about two to three weeks.. But the flowers do not bloom at the same time. In nature, the plant blooms in late spring or early summer. And in our natural conditions, Amaryllis will delight you with its stunning flowers only in late summer - early autumn.

Poisonous or not?

Attention! The bulb of the plant is poisonous. It contains the alkaloid lycorine.

Delicate human skin may become irritated even from a light touch to the bulb. The stems and leaves also contain poisons, such as amaryllidine, phenanthridine.

When these substances enter the human body, breathing problems arise, saliva production increases, blood pressure rises, and intestinal function worsens. When planting and replanting a flower, be sure to wear gloves..

After the procedure is completed, you should wash your hands thoroughly. Amaryllis should be kept away from children and pets.

How to care?

We talked about how to care for amaryllis at home.

From the video you will learn how to properly care for a flower so that it pleases you with abundant flowering:


By shoots


You will find all the nuances of planting and growing this plant in.


Sometimes Amaryllis is affected by a fungal infection.. It can appear on the stem, flowers and bulbs. Expressed as red spots or stripes. To prevent disease, you need to wet the flower as little as possible during watering. If the plant does become ill, special preparations are used: Bordeaux mixture or Fundazol.

Yellowed and deformed leaves indicate that thrips or aphids have appeared on the flower. To get rid of the disease, you need to wash the leaves with a soapy solution. This is done immediately after pests have been discovered.

We talked more about diseases and pests in.


Amaryllis belladonna - an unusual ornamental plant. Obviously, this flower needs proper care. You must follow all the rules and recommendations for care, and then Amaryllis will delight you with its wonderful bright blooms for many years.

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International scientific name

Amaryllis belladonna

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Amaryllis belladonna, or Amaryllis beauty(lat. Amarýllis belladonna) - monocotyledonous flowering plant, type species of the genus Amaryllis ( Amaryllis) family Amaryllidaceae ( Amaryllidaceae) .

In some sources, it is defined as a single species of the genus Amaryllis, but to date, 2-4 species of amaryllis have been identified within the genus.


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  • Hippeastrum and amaryllis // Floriculture. - 1976. - No. 1. - P. 21.


  • (English): information on the website
  • : information on the website IPNI(English)

An excerpt characterizing Amaryllis belladonna

Mom woke up from brutal pain and, making a sharp movement, fell from the operating table, losing consciousness from pain shock. When the same nurse, returning from where she was sent, went into the operating room to check if everything was okay there, she froze in complete shock - the mother, bleeding, was lying on the floor with the child falling out... The newborn was dead , my mother was dying too...
It was a terrible crime. This was a real murder, for which those who did this should be held accountable. But what was absolutely incredible was that no matter how hard my dad and his family tried to hold the surgeon Ingelevichius accountable, they failed. The hospital said it wasn't his fault as he was rushed into "emergency surgery" at the same hospital. It was absurd. But no matter how much dad fought, it was all in vain. And in the end, at mom’s request, he left the “killers” alone, already rejoicing that mom somehow remained alive. But, unfortunately, she was still “alive” for a very, very long time... When she immediately underwent a second operation (to save her life), no one in the entire hospital gave even one percent that her mother would remain alive . She was kept on drips for three whole months, receiving blood transfusions numerous times (my mother still has a whole list of people who gave her blood). But she didn't feel any better. Then, desperate doctors decided to write mom home, explaining that they “hoped that mom would get better sooner at home”!.. This again was absurd, but the suffering dad already agreed to absolutely everything, just to see even more If only my mother was alive, so, without resisting for a long time, I took her home.
Mom was so weak that for another three whole months she could hardly walk on her own... The Seryogins looked after her in every possible way, trying to get out faster, and dad carried her in his arms when needed, and when the gentle spring sun shone in April, he sat with her for hours in the garden, under the cherry blossoms, trying with all his might to somehow revive his extinct “star”...
But to my mother, these tender, falling cherry petals only reminded her of the equally tender, fragile child’s life that had flown away from her without time... The thought that she did not even have time to see or bury her baby burned her tormented soul , and she could not forgive herself for this. And, in the end, all this pain spilled out into her real depression...

Amaryllis is a plant from South Africa. It is a genus of plants in the Amaryllidaceae family ( Amaryllidaceae), isolated and described by Carl Linnaeus in 1753. As an indoor plant, one of its species, Amaryllis belladonna, is very common and popular. This is facilitated by the extraordinary beauty of the flowering of this plant and its relatively simple care at home. We'll tell you how to grow amaryllis belladonna in this article.

Genus Amaryllis ( Amaryllis), consists of two types:

  • Amaryllis belladonna, or Amaryllis beauty ( Amaryllis belladonna).
  • Amaryllis paradisicola, described in 1998 and not very common in culture.

Previously, the genus Amaryllis included species that are now separated into a separate genus Hippeastrum ( Hippeastrum) (representatives of these two genera are often confused, since they are very similar in appearance).

Belladonna, as an additional species definition, is the name of a beautiful shepherdess from the works of the ancient Greek poet Theocritus. Belladonna means beautiful lady. Amaryllis belladonna is a bulbous plant, the bulb reaches 5-10 cm in diameter.

The amaryllis peduncle is leafless, and the leaves themselves are green, 30-50 cm long and 2-3 cm wide, arranged in two rows. Leaves appear in the fall or early spring in cold climates and die before the end of spring.

In late summer, each amaryllis bulb produces one or two bare flower stalks, reaching 30-60 cm, each bearing an inflorescence consisting of 2-12 funnel-shaped flowers. The flowers range from white to pink, and are also available in red and purple. The size of amaryllis flowers is 6-10 cm in diameter and consists of six petals.


Amaryllis prefers direct sunlight or bright diffused light. During dormancy, the bulbs do not need light. Pots with resting bulbs are kept in a dry place at a temperature of about +10°C. During growth they are photophilous.

Watering amaryllis

During the dormant period, the plant does not need watering.

  • In winter – limited;
  • In summer – moderate.


Amaryllis are propagated by regrown daughter bulbs - children, which can be separated from the mother bulb during spring transplantation. Already in the 2-3rd year, flowers appear from the daughter bulbs. If you want there to be many flowering arrows in one flower pot, the solution is simple - do not separate the children from the mother.


No spraying.

Feeding amaryllis

  • spring-summer - once every 2 weeks with mineral and organic fertilizers;
  • winter-autumn - without feeding.


Doesn't need it.


The plant is poisonous!

The dormant period of amaryllis (dry in its homeland) occurs at the end of autumn and the beginning of winter.

Features of growing amaryllis

There is nothing easier than growing amaryllis: just a bulb, water and sunlight.

As a houseplant, amaryllis is grown until late autumn, but one should not forget about regular watering, and use standard fertilizers as top dressing. When the danger of frost has passed, the plant can be transplanted outside to a well-lit place.

After the plant has flowered, there is no need to do anything with the vegetative part and bulbs. It is enough to simply remove the amaryllis flower stalks without affecting the leaves, as they will replenish the supply of nutrients in the bulb. After flowering, the bulb should be grown for 5-6 months.

To force amaryllis to bloom in winter, the bulbs must go through a dormant period. In August, you can stop feeding and gradually reduce the amount of water given. After three weeks, stop watering completely. Allow the leaves to yellow and wilt on their own. Cut the leaves at a height of 5 centimeters from the bulb.

In September or early October, plant amaryllis bulbs in a pot and place them in a cool (+13...+15°C), dark and dry place for 6-8 weeks. As long as at least one leaf remains green on the plant, it does not enter a dormant period. All you have to do is put the pot of bulbs in the basement and forget about it.

In November or later, place the amaryllis pot in a well-lit area, water it, and the vegetative cycle will begin all over again.

The soil should be damp, but under no circumstances wet. After amaryllis begins to bloom, do not let the soil dry out too much. Remember to rotate the pot daily to ensure the leaves grow evenly. Ideal temperature +13…+18°C. Higher temperatures weaken growth. Be careful: flowering should begin 4-8 weeks after watering the bulbs is resumed.

How to distinguish amaryllis bulbs from hippeastrum? It is quite difficult to distinguish one bulb from another. Amaryllis bulbs are pear-shaped and quite large. Hippeastrum bulbs are more round and slightly flattened.

Why doesn't amaryllis bloom?

Possible reasons for the lack of flowering of amaryllis: immature or small bulbs, too short a dormant period, very high temperatures during the growing season. It should be noted that the longer you have the bulb and the larger its size, the more flowers and leaves it produces, so it makes sense to store and use them year after year.

Amaryllis propagation

All bulbous plants: hippeastrum, amaryllis, lilies, tulips and others, reproduce by daughter bulbs, which are separated from the mother plant during transplantation. This is the easiest way to propagate such plants.

Planting daughter amaryllis bulbs is no different from planting the mother plant during transplantation: the composition of the soil and the height of the bulb are the same. The pot should be taken based on an adult onion. Young plants grow quickly and reach the size of the mother bulb in two years, and amaryllis often do not need to be replanted.

The second way to propagate amaryllis is by seeds. To obtain seeds, amaryllis flowers must be cross-pollinated with a brush and allowed to ripen. The process of seed ripening lasts about a month, after which they are immediately planted in the ground and watered well to keep the ground moist. In about a month, shoots will appear. When the plants grow, they are planted one at a time in small pots.

When propagated by daughter bulbs, a flowering plant can be obtained in the third year; when grown from seeds, amaryllis blooms in the 7th year.

Amaryllis transplant

Amaryllis is transplanted after flowering has finished and the flower shoot has dried. Land for planting is made up of equal parts of leaf, turf, humus soil and sand or purchased at a store for bulbous plants.

The amaryllis bulb, which was removed from the old pot, is freed from rotten roots and dry scales, from the children that form in the axils of the outer scales of the mother plant. The bulb prepared in this way is planted one at a time in a pot so that at least 1/3 of the height of the bulb is on the surface. You can leave it on the surface up to half the height of the bulb.

The pot must have a layer of drainage, and it is advisable to pour a layer of sand under the bottom of the bulb. Amaryllis does not tolerate stagnant water. It is much safer to forget to water this flower than to flood it. The pot should not be too big. From the edge of the bulb to the edge of the pot, it is enough to have about 3 cm of free space.

Usually amaryllis is planted in small flower pots in November-December when the plant has gone dormant. But with the same success you can plant in the spring, before the plant awakens. At the bottom of the pot, organize drainage from broken shards and only after that add a soil mixture consisting of turf, leaf, peat soil and sand (1: 2: 1: 1).

Before planting, it is very useful to soak the bulb in a Humisol solution, and then plant it in a pot, burying it halfway into the ground. If you are transplanting a bulb that has already begun to grow, it is best to place a pot of amaryllis on the windowsill of a south-eastern or south-western window, since amaryllis is a light-loving plant. And don’t forget to water the planted bulb.

Pests and diseases of amaryllis

Sometimes amaryllis can become affected by a fungal infection: red spots or stripes appear on the stem, flowers and bulbs. To prevent this disease, it is recommended to wet the plant as little as possible when watering. If the amaryllis does get sick, you can use special preparations: Bordeaux mixture, HOM or foundationazole.

Description: Amaryllis belladonna is a flower native to South and Central America, as well as the Caribbean islands. An exceptionally spectacular flower, symbolizing wonderful beauty and splendor. It belongs to a monotypic genus (consisting of only one species). Belongs to, and is largely distributed in the plains of the tropics and subtropics. Hybrids are known as Hippeastrum.

Ornamental plants of this family are mistakenly classified as lilies. The Amaryllidaceae group differs from the family (Liliaceae) in the anatomical location of the ovary. These types of amaryllis are considered biologically more developed than lilies.

The plant has a vertical hollow stem 5-60 cm high and 1-3 cm in diameter, at the top of which there are 2-5 large flowers 10-20 cm wide with fleecy, brightly colored tepals. Three outer sepals, three inner petals of the same appearance. There are dots on the trunks of a dark red or other shade. The bulbs are 3-11 cm in diameter and produce 3-7 long-lasting leaves 10-60 cm long and 1-5 cm wide.

Growing: amaryllis belladonna in open ground

You can grow amaryllis in the garden only in those regions where there are no severe frosts in winter. Thoroughly drained soil is essential for growing amaryllis. The sowing layer should be 15-30 cm above the soil.

Preparing for landing

The planting period is from October to the end of April. The base and roots should be placed in lukewarm water for several hours. Remember, if you are not planting immediately after purchasing, or to store, place the bulbs in a cool (4°C -10°C) dark place such as a food container in the refrigerator for a period of at least six weeks.

Attention: cannot be stored together with apples, this will lead to infertility.

Planting and replanting amaryllis belladonna

Amaryllis is usually planted in open ground at the end of September or beginning of October, with one third or half of the bulb located above the cultivated nutrient soil, planted at a distance of approximately 0.3 meters and lightly sprinkled with soil. Water thoroughly after planting.

It is necessary to plant until sprouting in nutritious potted compost, carefully so as not to damage the roots. Press down firmly on the soil to firmly anchor the bulb after planting. There are many pre-mixes available.

The plant usually begins to bloom after 7-10 weeks. This lasts longer in winter than in spring. The dormant period for amaryllis belladonna is December-March. With this in mind, arrange a planting schedule between October and April. For continuous flowering, plant at two-week intervals.

Amaryllis: garden care

The soil should be mulched to retain moisture and to control weeds. Peat and perlite in equal proportions are an excellent mixture for fertilizer.

Continue to water and fertilize the plant as usual throughout the summer, or at least 5-6 months, this will allow the leaves to fully develop and grow. When wilting begins, which usually occurs in early autumn, cut about 5 cm from the top of the bulb and remove it from the soil. Clean it and store it.

Place the potted bulb in a warm location with direct sunlight as the stems need warmth to develop. The ideal temperature is between 20°C and 21°C. Water sparingly until the stem appears, then add water gradually as sprouts and leaves emerge. From this point on, the trunk will grow quickly and after it reaches full growth, flowers will develop. Remove spent flowers to prevent seed development by cutting the stem just above the bulb.

Caring for amaryllis indoors

In addition to everything described above, to care for amaryllis beladonna, you need to place the flower pot on a window on the sunny side. Water amaryllis belladonna regularly. Apply a balanced houseplant fertilizer periodically.

Do not fertilize bulbs without leaves, as this may kill them. Larger bulbs produce more flowers.

Amaryllis can be brought back to bloom. Cut the old flowers from the stem and when the stem begins to sag, cut it back to the top of the bulb.

Amaryllis(Amaryllis) belongs to the large Amaryllidaceae family, but is represented by only a few species of perennial bulbous monocots. The decorative species of this oligotypic flowering plant include only Amaryllis belladonna, a few varieties of which are used to decorate parks, gardens and squares. But breeders have developed very beautiful varieties of amaryllis, which are perfectly adapted for growing at home. Caring for unpretentious indoor amaryllis does not cause any particular difficulties even for novice gardeners. Photos of these wonderful indoor plants with luxurious large flowers, as well as important tips for caring for these decorative flowers, can be found below.

The long, strap-shaped leaves of amaryllis belladonna are dark green in color and appear immediately after flowering. This ornamental house plant is valued primarily for its bright, elegant flowers, which have a very delicate, pleasant and unobtrusive aroma. The enchanting smell of blooming amaryllis spreads throughout the room on chilly rainy autumn days or cold winter. The color palette of modern varieties of this flowering perennial is very diverse. The peduncles are crowned with lush inflorescences with beautiful bell-shaped flowers, with gracefully bent petals of different shades - from dazzling white to pinkish, crimson and bright red with yellowish stripes and spots.

- photo: amaryllis

In previous materials, we have already told you about such popular indoor flowers from the Amaryllis family, such as Clivia cinnabar, Clivia beautiful, as well as about home varieties of hippeastrum. By the way, many lovers of indoor plants often confuse amaryllis with hippeastrum, which are similar in appearance. The main differences between these related plants are that amaryllis has thinner and elongated leaves, and the number of flowers on the flower shoot reaches 6-12 pieces (in hippeastrum - 3-6 pieces) and is slightly smaller in size. The peduncle of hippeastrum is hollow, unlike amaryllis. In addition, amaryllis usually blooms without leaves.

Phytodesigners often use homemade amaryllis varieties to form interesting floral compositions. Sometimes you can find very unusual compositions in a wide container, consisting of flowering indoor plants, the care of which at home is almost the same. And amaryllis, towering above other plants, often plays the role of a compositional center. You can create unusual floral compositions to decorate your home design from free-standing flowers. Together with amaryllis belladonna, such flowering plants as phalaenopsis or dendrobium orchid, tuberous begonia, European cyclamen, flowering geranium pelargonium, gloxinia with bright flowers, indoor balsam, hydrangea or bright gerbera will look interesting.

Amaryllis belladonna(Amaryllis belladonna, Beauty, Beautiful Flower) at home usually blooms in late fall or early winter. A lush inflorescence appears on a long, strong peduncle growing from a monocotyledonous bulb. The appearance of the bright flowers is very reminiscent of lily flowers. If you want to enjoy the annual long flowering of this wonderful plant, you must adhere to certain rules in alternating periods of dormancy and growth. In order to prepare the plant for the dormant period, do not trim the leaves of the amaryllis after flowering, water it regularly and apply fertilizers, but at the same time, over and over again, it is necessary to reduce the frequency and amount of fertilizing and water applied. After a few months, water the plant very sparingly. The dormant period continues in spring and summer. Already at the end of summer or at the beginning of September, you can expect the appearance of a peduncle and the beginning of budding. With proper home care, amaryllis blooms for 3-4 months. When decorating your home with flowering plants, do not forget to complement the composition with bush-like or tree-like decorative foliage plants. Blooming indoor amaryllis belladonna will look harmonious against the backdrop of such popular plants as ficus rubber or benjamina, beautiful schefflera, dracaena marginata, crassula money tree, zamioculcas dollar tree, yucca domestica, indoor lemon, clerodendrum Thompson, decorative myrtle.


Location and lighting.

Amaryllis is a light-loving plant. If possible, place the flower pot on the windowsill of a window facing southeast or southwest. Although on a stand next to a south window the plant will also feel comfortable if the window panes are slightly shaded on clear sunny days in spring and summer. It is permissible to slightly rotate the pot around its axis so that the stem stretching towards the light is in a strictly vertical position to preserve the decorative value of the plant.

Temperature regime.

During the period of active growth and flowering (autumn, winter) the temperature is 12-16°C. In spring and summer - 18-24°C. In summer and during the heating season, ventilate the room more often.

Air humidity.

The optimal humidity level is moderate (40-50%). It is not advisable to spray the plant. On hot summer days, you can place a container of water next to the pot.


Use soft and warm water for irrigation. Try to water along the edge of the pot without getting on the bulb. In spring and summer, water the plant abundantly but very rarely (once every 10 days is enough). During the growing season, water amaryllis after the top layer of soil is completely dry.

Earth mixture and fertilizing.

You can make a moisture- and breathable earthen mixture with your own hands. To do this, mix turf soil, humus, and coarse sand in a ratio of 2:1:1:1.

There is no need to apply fertilizer during the dormant period. During the growing season, fertilize once every two weeks, alternating mineral fertilizers with organic ones. You can also feed it with special complex fertilizers for amaryllis flowering plants.


To plant amaryllis belladonna, it is advisable to use a heavy ceramic pot without enamel. A drainage layer of fine gravel or expanded clay should be poured onto the bottom of the pot. Replant using the transshipment method very carefully so as not to damage the bulb. The plant is replanted once every 2-3 years, when the bulb grows. The babies that appear on the bulb are removed. It is advisable to treat the bulb with a solution of potassium permanganate or a fungicide before planting. Replant the plant after the flowering period. Change the top layer of potting soil annually and add more if the top of the bulb is very bare.


Amaryllis is propagated by seeds, by dividing the bulb and by cuttings. Propagating by seeds at home is quite labor-intensive work.

By dividing the bulb.
Without digging the plant out of the soil, cut off the neck of the bulb with leaves. Cut the onion into 4 parts with a sharp knife, not reaching a little to the surface of the soil. Between the lobules, into the slits, insert 2 knitting needles horizontally. Water the soil once every 4 days. Temperature - 22-24°C. After some time, a sprout will appear in each slice. The slices and sprouts are transplanted into separate pots in the spring of next year.

We separate the children with roots from the bulb during the process of transplanting the plant. We transplant them into separate pots and grow them for 2 years without removing the leaves.



Difference between amaryllis and hippeastrum. Helpful tips for growing:

How to organize care for amaryllis belladonna: