Kitchen utensils are an integral part of our daily existence. And the physical and moral condition of a person depends on how high-quality, comfortable and beautiful it will be. Currently, kitchen utensils are presented in all their diversity. Titanium-coated pans are high on the list.

Types of pans

Previously, the housewives had mostly one. They fried meat and baked pancakes on it. The food has never burned in it. They were replaced by beautiful pans with non-stick coating. By the will of unscrupulous manufacturers, the non-stick coating does not always work. Therefore, the choice should be approached with all seriousness. Dishes of this kind primarily differ in purpose. For example, models for steaks have a corrugated surface that resembles a grill. The elliptical shaped cookware is suitable for frying whole fish. Wok - deep, designed for quick preparation of small pieces of food. - flat, light and designed for a small amount of oil. Electric models are a specific technique. It is inconvenient in everyday life.

Material for manufacturing

The taste and benefits of the dish directly depend on the dishes in which it was cooked. Such dishes are made of aluminum, cast iron, stainless steel and alloys. Titanium-coated frying pans are the most versatile invention of mankind. They have all the advantages and at the same time are not afraid of rust. This quality, of course, is reflected in the price. Manufacturers often call their products marble or granite. However, the essence is hidden in the non-stick coating - titanium coating interspersed with stone chips. It is a strong, lightweight and heat-resistant metal that prevents food from burning. The material is harmless. But manufacturers often combine titanium with Teflon, negating the environmental friendliness of the product. Another disadvantage is that titanium-coated pans cannot be used on induction-type stoves.

Non-stick coating

There are two ways to apply a non-stick coating - spraying and rolling. In the markets, sellers often pass off a layer of black paint as real Teflon. The right option would be to purchase several pans for cooking different foods. But it's expensive for the price. It is better to buy products of famous brands. For example, the Rondel pan with a titanium coating has proven itself well. There is a large selection of such models, from pancake pans to stewpans. The main material is extruded aluminum alloy. It has a three-layer titanium non-stick coating (TriTitan). The thickness of the walls and bottom is about 3.5 mm. Can be washed in the dishwasher. Suitable for all types of stoves, except oven.

Frying pan "Tefal" with a titanium coating is made of aluminum. Titanium coating - Titanium Pro. The durable bottom of the cookware heats up evenly and is suitable for all types of stoves. There is a heating indicator that turns red at the optimum temperature. Comfortable bakelite handle, walls and bottom up to 4.5 mm thick.

Features of choice

Titanium-coated pans should have thick walls and bottoms. The non-stick coating may consist of titanium ceramic. Such products are quite expensive, but you can use them for several years. The model is selected according to the application and the number of eaters. The size of the pan corresponds to the diameter of its top edge. Ease of use also depends on the quality of the handle. It can be made of wood, plastic or metal. Can be screwed, removable or cast. Not every model can be put in the oven. Well, if the style allows the handle to be removed. If it is not removable, you need to pay attention to how securely it is attached to the body. The bottom must be thick, multi-layered and match the size of the hob burner. When operating, it is not necessary to use only a wooden spoon or spatula. The heavier the pan, the longer its lifespan.

Pros and cons

Despite the fact that the titanium-coated pan is quite popular, reviews about it are mixed. Most note that the dishes are ideal for quick cooking and delicate frying with health benefits.

Such cookware heats up evenly and is resistant to all sorts of damage. But still, users believe that even in branded dishes with a three-layer titanium coating, frying without oil is unlikely to succeed.

Such products are washable and scratch resistant. But many do not recommend the use of aggressive liquid dishwashing detergents. Most people prefer to use wooden or plastic spatulas to stir their food.

As for the service life, titanium-coated products are chip-resistant and last longer, unlike Teflon cookware.

In conclusion, we can say that before choosing a frying pan, first of all, you need to decide what characteristics it should have and for what purposes you are buying it.


There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a frying pan. And the first thing you should pay attention to is the material of the vessel. The material for the pan should be strong, heavy, not oxidize when heated and not rust when wet. Choose a pan according to the principle "the heavier - the better." The thick walls and bottom will distribute heat evenly, and food will cook faster and taste better. Metals such as cast iron, titanium, aluminum and steel are now used to make pans.

Cast iron pans are familiar to many since childhood, because this metal was used before anyone else. This unique metal is not at all pretty, but it does not deform under high heat and does not spoil the taste of food. A cast iron pan will take a long time to heat up on the stove, but it also takes a long time to cool down. That is, the food in it remains warm for a long time. Cast iron pans with a thick bottom perfectly fry the meat, do not convey the taste of metal to it. Because of the thick walls in this pan, you can stew food for hours, and it will be tasty and rich. But there are also negative aspects of cast iron - it must be periodically ignited so that the metal does not rust. To do this, a new frying pan must be thoroughly washed, dried, smeared with a thin layer of oil over the entire surface and placed in the oven at 150 ° upside down. After an hour, turn off the oven and let the pan cool. Wipe the remaining oil from the dishes, then you can cook in it. Try to keep the pan a little oil, otherwise the procedure will have to be repeated.

A titanium pan is similar in properties to a cast iron pan. They have the same quality. The walls and bottom of the titanium frying pan are also thick, which ensures uniform heating and long cooling of food. And this type of metal looks more presentable than cast iron. But titanium pans are not always pure alloy. It often contains nickel impurities, which oxidize at high temperatures. And dissolved nickel is dangerous to human health if it enters the body constantly. Therefore, it is rarely better to cook in such a pan.

The stainless steel frying pan is popular among young families. It is inexpensive, but at the same time it is pleasant to cook on it. It also contains nickel impurities, so strong heating of stainless steel is contraindicated. It is impossible to heat such a frying pan without oil and food in it. Due to empty heating, blue spots may form on the vessel, which will not affect health in any way, but will spoil the appearance of the product. If you like this metal in terms of cooking, then choose pans with a double bottom for better heating.

The aluminum frying pan has also been known to us for a long time. It is light in weight and cheap. But it has many more cons. Due to the thin metal, it quickly deforms, the bottom bends under the influence of high temperatures. The inside of the pan is quickly scratched and the food starts to burn. Also, aluminum can react with alkaline and acidic foods, which spoils the taste of food. The service life of such a frying pan is not more than three years.

If you figured out the material of the pan, examine its coating. The most famous coating is "Teflon", or polytetrafluoroethylene. He is famous for the fact that it can cook without oil. This is used by those who are on diets. Nothing burns to such a coating, unless you forget your breakfast on it. But there is a given coverage. "Teflon" tends to evaporate when heated. Also, this coating is easily scratched and erased from the bottom of the pan, so the use of metal spoons is not recommended. Stir the food in it only with a wooden or silicone spatula. Often a Teflon coating is used on aluminum or steel pans.

More recently, ceramic-coated pans have become popular. This original coating will please you not only with its pleasant appearance, but also with easy cleaning and cooking on it. In a ceramic frying pan, food does not burn, it heats up evenly from all sides. In addition, these pans are lightweight and do not require special care. But be careful when choosing. If you stumble upon a fake, then after a couple of months of use, such a coating will lose its properties.

At the bottom of some products there is a small circle (usually red). This small circle is called a heat diffuser. Manufacturers insert it into the bottom to lighten the pan itself. It is because of him that dishes with a thin bottom are not deformed.

Among the many options for frying pans in the utensils store today, you can just get confused. Manufacturers offer models with coatings not only from polymers, but also from other materials. A frying pan with a titanium coating is a vivid confirmation of this. What are its advantages and disadvantages? And how to use this dishes correctly so that they serve for a long time without losing their qualities?

Titanium is a high-strength, super-light metal with high anti-corrosion properties and biological inertness. It is fully adapted to temperature fluctuations. And often titanium dishes are very popular with tourists who make long hiking trips. The titanium frying pan and other items are lightweight, easy to use and incredibly durable.

But today we will talk about titanium coating and the phrase “titanium frying pan” is inaccurate, because the product does not consist entirely of this metal. Titanium microparticles are used only to protect the surface of the product, and with other heat-resistant materials, for example, with polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon).

And below, the concept of "titanium coating" means a non-stick material, where titanium microparticles are added. And the phrase "titanium coating" itself is used by manufacturers more for marketing purposes. Thus, the buyer is slightly misled, because in reality only the smallest grains of titanium are used in these products, and no more.


  • A titanium layer, consisting mostly of polytetrafluoroethylene and titanium microparticles, is applied to the surface of the product, which really gives the pan strength and durability. Often manufacturers do this by plasma spraying.
  • In most cases, the body of the pan is made entirely of cast aluminum or stainless steel, coated with a layer of titanium microparticles in combination with another non-stick material. Such dishes are not deformed by heat. Moreover, a cast base (not stamped) always costs more, but it also lasts longer.
  • The inner surface of the product with such a coating has a dense and smooth structure. It is believed that a titanium-coated frying pan has high strength and is resistant to any mechanical and metal influences. And that's right.

Titanium-coated cookware is completely safe.


A titanium-coated pan is lighter than cast iron, which is undoubtedly a big plus. Often its base is made of cast. And other substances are added to titanium microparticles, allowing the dishes to be multi-colored: a light surface and a dark one; brown and grey. But a titanium-polymer coated frying pan is always dark.

The thickness of the bottom and walls depends on the manufacturer. A good indicator is the walls are at least 2.5-3 mm, the bottom is more than 3.5 mm. And, of course, the thick bottom of the dishes is an indisputable quality criterion. Housewives using such "titanium" pans confirm that food practically does not burn even after repeated use. It turns out that titanium coating brings undeniable benefits in the kitchen.

What should you know before going shopping?

Pans with a titanium coating are similar to cast-iron counterparts in terms of their performance, but in some respects they are significantly superior. They weigh less and do not require special care, like.

You can often find frying pans with a titanium-ceramic surface. The combination of physical properties of titanium and ceramics expands the functionality of the product, because pure ceramics are very fragile. In this case, titanium grains give wear resistance to the product, and ceramics - heat resistance.

It should be noted that the price of a "titanium" frying pan is higher than the cost of models with other non-stick materials. But considering all the positive aspects of operation, it justifies the costs. During the time that one pan with a titanium coating regularly serves, you have to change several other models with or other material. A large number of professional chefs and housewives have seen in practice that products with titanium microparticles really deserve attention.

Advantages and disadvantages

Numerous pluses:

  • Products due to the optimal thickness of the bottom have a high thermal conductivity, which allows food to be cooked quickly and efficiently. In most cases, the body is made of die-cast aluminium.
  • The heating of the surface of the pan occurs evenly over the entire area, which speeds up the cooking process.
  • It is not necessary to add fats to products for frying and stewing, because the surface itself has effective non-stick properties.
  • Titanium-coated frying pans are suitable for all types of hobs. These are gas, electric, ceramic and induction (there must be a spiral sign).
  • The dishes provide convenience when baking (if the handle is removable) - any cooked dish freely lags behind the surface of the product. Easy to clean (dishwasher not recommended).
  • Titanium-coated cookware is wear-resistant - products serve for a long time.
  • Food in such pans and pots does not cool for a long time.

Cons and a few:

  • High-quality frying pans from good manufacturers have a thick bottom (5-9 mm) and walls. This also applies to pans with a titanium layer. The massiveness of the dishes makes the product heavier - not all housewives like it.
  • Another vulnerability is the high price, as we have already mentioned above. People with ordinary incomes are more likely to buy cheaper dishes.

However, a frying pan with a titanium surface is considered a good investment for the kitchen, because when cooking in such dishes, its biological value increases.

Operating rules

But there is one more "BUT". Although the list of advantages of a frying pan with titanium microparticles is extensive, we still recommend that you listen to our tips on how to use it:

  • It is undesirable to fry food on too high a fire.
  • Do not use abrasive powders that adversely affect the surface. Eyewitnesses say that with repeated use of cleaning products with grains, the non-stick layer is gradually erased. Although dishes made of pure titanium are perfectly cleaned with sand.
  • It is not recommended to scrape the product with a fork or other metal objects with force. Too active mechanical action destroys the material.
  • For even frying of food, it is advisable to cover the pan with a lid.
  • After cooking, the product must be washed immediately and wiped dry.

The best titanium coated pans

What kind of titanium-coated frying pan to buy so that it lasts for more than a dozen years? You need to trust the well-known and old manufacturers of kitchen utensils from Europe, whose products have stood the test of time. First of all, this concerns European dishes. The leading brand Woll(Wall). French stamp Tefal releases Titanium Pro. The product is also of good quality. The only negative in both cases is the high cost.


We learned that titanium cookware and titanium coated cookware are two different things. Titanium frying pans, cups, mugs and cutlery are very popular with tourists. They are strong, light, reliable, but created for camping life. In addition, they are many times more expensive than other dishes.

Frying pans with titanium material contain only titanium microparticles in their composition, which enhance wear resistance. The body of such cookware is often made of cast aluminum, and the non-stick surface properties are provided by the well-known polymer - polytetrafluoroethylene.

Cooking is a whole art. Very often the question "What to cook?" will be replaced by the question “What to cook on?”. The modern market offers us a huge number of pans of various shapes and sizes. However, much more important is not the shape of the pan, but its composition. Today we will talk about titanium pans.

A titanium frying pan is primarily a coated frying pan made of ultra-hard ceramic based on titanium oxide to enhance the non-stick coating.

All the advantages of this dish on the face. It is environmentally friendly and completely harmless to humans. The covering does not emit any harmful substances, is steady against any mechanical influence. Ideal for both frying and baking: you can safely remove the handle and put the pan in the oven, be sure that your cake will not burn.

Unlike, titanium does not require oil, and your dish will be much tastier and healthier. easy to damage, while titanium will keep its original appearance for a long time.

The ability to quickly heat up, keep warm for a long time - these are another arguments in favor of titanium. A service life of up to 25 years will add confidence when choosing just such a frying pan.

However, this technology also has its drawbacks. Kitchen utensils made of pure titanium, as described above, are not made. However, certain ligature impurities, which are used as alloys for the manufacture of dishes, interacting with titanium tend to oxidize over time. This is a rather serious minus, especially when we talk about food.

Perhaps, it is worth noting also a rather high price. These pans are more expensive than pans with any other coating, and the average housewife is likely to opt for a pan with a more affordable price.

The largest manufacturer of frying pans, including titanium ones, is. The company every year improves the manufacturing technology, moving further and further in order to make cooking easier for us and to increase the quality of cooking.

In terms of quality, the German company BERNDES is not inferior to it, which has been offering the consumer very high-quality dishes for almost a hundred years. The main trump card is unsurpassed German quality. Again, the German brand "FIRE-BIRD PROFESSIONAL LINE" performs on a par with them, which guarantees a long service life of its products.

Price titanium frying pan directly depends on its shape and size. There are various types of frying pans on the market. Prices for quality products range from 3,000 rubles and above. The larger the pan, the more expensive it is. For example, a frying pan with a removable handle, 7 cm high and 24 cm in diameter will cost you 4,600 rubles. A frying pan with a diameter of 20 cm and a height of 5 cm will cost 3,100 rubles.

The titanium frying pan is a durability, reliability and a guarantee of high quality of cooking. Thus, for the time being, this is the best option for your kitchen. Make a choice in favor of titanium and you will not regret it.

And remember, overpaying for a pan now, you save on it in the future!

In continuation of the article in which we answered, let's talk about what pans are made of. The base material of the pan can be pure or coated to improve its quality. About whether Teflon is still harmful, why leave grandmother's cast-iron frying pan in the kitchen, and whether the ceramic coating is as beautiful as it looks, read on!


Cast iron

Cast iron warms up for a long time, but strongly, and then slowly gives off heat, which allows you to cook very tasty dishes. True, for fast frying, such slow heating will be rather a minus, so cast-iron pans are used mainly for stewing.

Such a pan is heavy, very strong and durable, it is difficult to scratch. At the same time, caring for it cannot be called simple: so that it does not rust, you need to carefully wipe the surface and do not store food in the pan, and it’s better not to wash cast iron with the usual dishwashing detergents. As an option - just ignite and rinse, and if something is burnt, rub with salt and a damp cloth.

Life hack: To give your cast iron something like a non-stick coating, grease a frying pan with oil and heat it over high heat. If you repeat the procedure three times, allowing the pan to cool, the food will burn less.


Aluminum pans are lightweight and heat up quickly, but that's where their benefits end. Aluminum does not find a common language with ceramic stoves and dishwashers. Thin pans made of aluminum are easily deformed by high temperatures, so you should choose a thicker bottom. Most of the problems of aluminum pans are solved with a modern protective coating, without it the material is toxic: if you have old grandmother's aluminum pans lying around, throw them away without sparing.


Stainless steel is a durable and neutral material. Steel does not have the best thermal conductivity, so the bottom of such pans is often provided with a layer of copper or aluminum. Coated steel pans are the best choice to keep food from sticking, but they are still a good choice for the kitchen without it.

A couple of care tips: do not leave the pan empty on the fire, otherwise the material may become covered with blue-green spots, and if a white coating appears on the steel, rub the surface with a slice of lemon.



Teflon is the most popular among coatings. Usually the base under it is steel or aluminum. The Teflon coating allows you to cook without oil or almost without oil, without fear that the food will burn. However, it is very gentle, it is better to use wooden or silicone spatulas for stirring. A more durable Teflon coating is called diamond, it is really more durable due to the diamond microparticles in the composition, but it also costs much more. Intermediate option - granite coating is cheaper than diamond, but slightly stronger and more heat resistant than Teflon.

Teflon becomes toxic only when heated above 360 ​​degrees, and above 200 the color and structure begin to change, so these pans are not the best choice for the oven. Also, do not use such a pan if the integrity of the coating is severely compromised.


Titanium coating is most often supplied with modern cast-iron pans. So they stop rusting, and the food does not burn. Yes, and you can wash titanium pans in the usual way - what a relief!


Ceramic-coated pans are often made colored - not only a functional item, but also a decoration for the kitchen. This modern coating is similar to the enamel used to cover pans, but it is much stronger. It is easy to care for a ceramic frying pan, food does not stick to it. It is enough to simply rinse such a frying pan, but you should not do it with ice water after heating - cracks appear on the ceramics from the temperature difference. Another plus: ceramic pans with suitable handles can also be used in the oven, two in one! But at the same time it is impossible - on induction cookers.