Mushroom soup is famous not only for its aroma, which calls everyone to the table, but also for its low... True, the meaning of the latter depends on what exactly you decide to serve this dish with.

How many calories are in mushroom soup?

Based on the fact that most of the mushrooms are water, the nutritional value of such a soup will be only 70 kcal per 100 g of product. If you use fried mushrooms, the calorie content will increase to 250, because they absorb oil very quickly.

If we look at everything in more detail, it turns out that:

  • the calorie content of fresh porcini mushrooms is 25 kcal;
  • dry – 210 kcal;
  • fried – 180 kcal.

True, a soup made from this type of mushroom will be dietary if you use only 50 g of it. It is generally accepted that russula (22 kcal) is considered the most dietary. And its opposite is dried boletus - 320 kcal. Because the most common are oyster mushrooms and champignons, the nutritional value of the former is 38 kcal, champignons - only 27 kcal. The calorie content of mushroom soup with cream depends on the fat content of the cream you choose. On average, its nutritional value is 51 kcal.

Mushroom soup recipe for weight loss

The calorie content of this dish is only 40 kcal.



To prepare vegetable broth, fry celery, carrots and onions without oil. Place the vegetables in a saucepan, add water, salt and bring to a boil. Next, fry the onion in oil. Add sliced ​​champignons to it. Simmer for 10 minutes. While they are cooling, prepare the croutons. To do this, cut the bread into squares and place in the oven for a couple of minutes. Grind the cooled onions in a blender and add to the pan. Then don't forget to add cream and salt.

Worried about their figure and wanting to get a wasp waist, many begin to think about whether they can eat soup. But in pursuit of ideal forms, most people forget about the principles of proper nutrition and the need to maintain a balance of nutrients. Whatever your diet, you shouldn't give up soup. Of course, if you are losing weight, then fatty foods are not for you, but a light vegetable soup will come in handy. There is no need to worry about the calorie content of vegetable broth; you can afford it even with the strictest diet.

But if you also want a tasty first course, then prepare it for yourself. Its calorie content is low, and you can safely eat such a dish for lunch. True, you should not add animals or pasta, various cereals or fry it. All this makes the dish more nutritious, but the number of calories in each serving increases significantly.

If you want the calorie content to be minimal, then you need to prepare it as follows. Take the mushrooms that you will use to make the broth. They can be either dried or fresh. A good soup can be prepared from any variety: champignons, oyster mushrooms, chanterelles, porcini mushrooms and many others are suitable. If you took dried ones, do not forget to pre-soak them in cold water. Let them sit for at least 15 minutes. After this, throw the mushrooms into the pan and boil, strain the resulting broth. Don’t be afraid to use it for further preparation, the calorie content of mushroom soup on it will not be higher than 20-30 kcal, its nutritional value will depend only on the vegetables used. The calculation is based on 100 grams of the finished product, based on this, you can adjust the serving size yourself. And if we talk about the calorie content of such a broth, then it is not much higher than the nutritional value of ordinary unsweetened tea and is 3 kcal per 100 g.

For further preparation of the soup, use the resulting strained mushroom decoction. Add potatoes, carrots, green beans, and onions to it. Don’t worry, the calorie content of mushroom soup with potatoes will not exceed 40 kcal, even if you make it thick and rich

If you don't like onions, you don't have to add them. If you want, put a whole small onion in the pan and fish it out at the end of cooking. It will add an interesting flavor to the soup, but you won't have to eat it. In addition to the above vegetables, you can add tomato, pre-cooked cauliflower, peas and greens; the calorie content of mushroom soup will not change significantly because of them.

If you are the only one on a diet, and your family wants to eat well, then do not force them to eat your broth. Pour out the required amount of soup for yourself, and drain almost all the liquid from the rest and pour the vegetables with a small amount of broth into a blender. It will be nice if you do the separation during the cooking process. In the soup for the household, potatoes, onions, carrots and, of course, mushrooms will be enough. Leave the remaining vegetables in your broth.

Using a blender, you can prepare excellent puree soup for your family members; do not forget to season it with heavy cream or butter, and decorate it with croutons on top. This will significantly increase the calorie content of the mushroom soup and give it an interesting flavor. And you can feed yourself a delicious dietary dish, and the rest of the family - a hearty puree soup.

Soups are nutritious, tasty, they saturate the body with useful substances, and low-calorie first courses promote weight loss. In addition, soups:

  • normalize digestive processes due to the fiber contained in vegetables;
  • normalize the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improve peristalsis;
  • prevent constipation, the development of gastritis and other diseases of the digestive system.

Soups help normalize the water-salt balance in the body, remove decay products, and improve well-being. The first diet dishes are quite filling and relieve hunger for a long time, but at the same time contain a minimal amount of calories, which promotes weight loss.

Important! The body spends more calories digesting soup than it receives from the dish, so low-fat soups help you lose weight. There are also diets based on eating exclusively soups.

Dietary champignon puree soups are especially useful for weight loss, since the main ingredient contains only 27 calories per 100 g of edible part. Mushrooms contain 4.3 g of protein, 0.1 g of carbohydrates and 1 g of fat. The low calorie content of champignons is explained by the large amount of water contained in them - its amount is 91 g. Mushroom puree soup is excellent for protein diets.

These mushrooms also contain vitamins (in mg):

  • A - 0.002;
  • Group B (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9) - 2.73;
  • C - 7;
  • RR - 5.6;
  • E - 0.1;

Macro- and microelements in champignons (in mg):

  • calcium - 4;
  • iron - 0.3;
  • sodium - 6;
  • fluorine - 0.014;
  • potassium - 530;
  • magnesium - 15;
  • phosphorus - 115;
  • iodine - 0.018.

Important! Champignons are good for digestion because they contain a lot of dietary fiber - 2.6 g.

The best options with photos

Mushroom first courses can be prepared either based on one ingredient or with the addition of additional ingredients. For cooking, you can use frozen or fresh champignons, which are selected according to a number of criteria:

  • the mushroom cap should be free of inclusions and stains; their presence indicates that the product is not fresh;
  • the color of the product is brown or whitish, darkened mushrooms are considered overripe, they will be hard;
  • champignons should not be soft to the touch - this indicates long-term storage and the beginning of spoilage of the product;
  • the aroma of the product should be pleasant, characteristic of mushrooms, without any admixture of the smell of rot and dampness;
  • Violation of the integrity of the film between the stem and cap indicates that the mushrooms are not fresh.

Important! Before cooking, frozen mushrooms are thawed and washed under running water.

Classic like "mash"

To prepare a flavorful mushroom dish according to the classic recipe you need:

  • 0.6 l of water;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 40 g flour;
  • black pepper and salt - to taste;
  • 0.5 kg champignons;
  • 0.3 liters of cream with a fat content of 20%.

The dish is prepared in several stages. First, the mushrooms cut into slices are fried in half the oil until cooked, they should acquire a golden color and become soft. At the same time, melt the second part of the butter in a separate frying pan, pour flour into it, lightly fry, and then, constantly stirring the mass, pour water into it. The mixture is boiled for 10 minutes, during which time the fried mushrooms are ground into puree using a blender. When the flour mixture is ready, add mushroom puree and stir the soup.

Important! Once the mushroom puree is added to the flour mixture, there is no need to bring the soup to a boil.

Cheese and mushroom

To prepare this first dish you need:

  • cream with a fat content of 15% or less - 100 ml;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • medium-sized carrots - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 3 medium;
  • processed cheese - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • champignons - 0.5 kg;
  • pepper, nutmeg, salt - to taste.

The process of cooking puree soup begins with preparing the potatoes - they are peeled, washed and boiled until tender. Then 0.5 cups are drained from the potato broth, and the rest is poured out; the potatoes themselves are mashed into a puree. At the same time, sliced ​​champignons are fried in melted butter in a frying pan until tender.

Then the remaining vegetables are chopped in a blender and sent to the mushrooms, the mass is seasoned with spices and simmered for 5-7 minutes. Place chopped cheese and potato broth into the prepared soup base, simmer the ingredients until the cheese is completely dissolved. Lastly, pour cream into the mixture and add puree, mix and boil.

Important! After adding all the ingredients, cook the puree soup for no more than 12 minutes.

Delicate, like cream

To prepare this dish you need to prepare:

  • 0.5 kg champignons;
  • medium sized onion;
  • 2 large spoons of flour;
  • 60-70 g butter;
  • 200 ml cream;
  • a mixture of peppers and salt - a pinch;
  • 650 ml chicken broth.

The algorithm for preparing the soup is as follows:

  1. Fry chopped mushrooms and onions in half the oil until tender, place in a blender, pour in a glass of broth and chop.
  2. Fry the flour in a saucepan in the second part of the oil until golden brown.
  3. Next, add the mixture from the blender, the remaining broth and seasonings to the saucepan. The mass is boiled for 7-10 minutes over low heat.
  4. After this time, pour cream into the soup, bring it to a boil and turn off the stove.

Important! This soup can be served with toasted croutons and a small amount of herbs.


Low-calorie recipes for first courses do not contain meat, fried foods or other high-calorie ingredients.

You can prepare a delicious soup from the following products:

  • fresh champignons - 0.5 kg;
  • cauliflower - 0.5 kg;
  • carrots - 0.1 kg;
  • olive oil - 35 ml;
  • onions - 60 g;
  • spices and salt - to taste.

This soup is extremely easy to prepare. All vegetables are cut into small pieces, filled with water so that its level is slightly higher than the ingredients, sprinkled with spices and boiled until softened. When the vegetables are ready, they are chopped with a blender, after which oil is poured into the soup, mixed, and the dish is served.

Important! The soup should be removed from the heat as soon as the vegetables are cooked, so that more nutrients are retained.

In a slow cooker

To prepare a fragrant and tender first course in a slow cooker you need:

  • 350 g champignons;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • 200 ml cream;
  • 3 large potatoes;
  • a third of a head of garlic;
  • a glass of clean water;
  • green;
  • salt and spices.

Greens and vegetables are washed, peeled and cut into small pieces. They are placed in a multicooker bowl, salt and spices are added, water is added and boiled for half an hour in the steaming mode. Once ready, the dish is left to simmer for a quarter of an hour under a closed lid. The prepared soup is pureed with a blender, heated cream is added to it, mixed and poured into portioned plates.

Advice! If you want to make a dietary soup, you can remove potatoes from the recipe and replace them with cauliflower or broccoli.

About mushrooms:

Mushrooms are called “forest vegetables”, which are now an industrial crop. And our forests generously supply us with these delicious products that contain a large amount of nutrients: complexes of vitamins and minerals, proteins, fats, etc. Special flavoring and aromatic substances contained in mushrooms develop appetite and promote the absorption of food. If we consider the nutritional value of mushrooms, then in terms of protein content it is twice as high as that of beef.

It is best to collect mushrooms in a hard wicker basket that is well ventilated.

Beware of poisonous mushrooms! Do not take too old, flabby edible mushrooms: they can also cause poisoning. The cap of a mushroom is much more valuable than its stem.

To the hostess in the notebook:

  • Do not leave fresh mushrooms for a long time: they contain substances that are dangerous to health and even life. Immediately sort them out and start cooking.
  • If fresh mushrooms are immediately placed in salted water, they will not turn black.
  • If fresh mushrooms are doused with salted boiling water, they will not spoil within 24 hours.
  • To prevent fresh mushrooms from spoiling, you need to put them in a sieve, colander or enamel pan and, without covering, put them in the refrigerator or a dark, cool place, but for no more than 1 day.
  • To prevent the mushrooms from turning black during cleaning, they should be placed in a saucepan with cold water to which a little vinegar has been added.
  • It is not recommended to boil boletus mushrooms together with boletus mushrooms, which cook faster.
  • Boletus should not be boiled with boletus and boletus mushrooms, as they give the boletus a dark color.
  • When cooking, it is better to separate large mushrooms from small ones, since small ones cook faster.
  • Separate the legs from the caps and cook separately, as the legs take longer to cook.
  • Each batch of mushrooms must be boiled in clean water.
  • To prevent the boletuses from turning black in the soup, rinse them in water with vinegar or citric acid.
  • Raw mushrooms float, cooked ones settle to the bottom.
  • When preparing champignons, you should not use vinegar - the mushrooms lose their natural aroma and taste.
  • Before cooking, boletus and aspen mushrooms should be doused with boiling water, kept in this water for 10 minutes, then rinsed with cold water.
  • Not all parts of the mushroom are equally nutritious. The caps have less mushroom fiber, so they are better digested. But for old mushrooms, you need to cut off the tubular layer from the cap where spores form.
  • Large but strong porcini mushrooms, boletus and aspen mushrooms are best dried. You shouldn’t marinate them: when cooking, the caps become soft, fall apart into separate threads, and the marinade becomes cloudy and clogged.
  • Store dried mushrooms in a sealed container, otherwise the flavor will evaporate.
  • Do not wash fresh mushrooms before drying - they will not dry well. After cleaning them from dirt, they need to be thoroughly wiped with a clean, dry cloth.
  • Dried mushrooms are better digestible if you grind them in a coffee mill or crush them to make mushroom flour. You can make delicious sauces and soups from this flour.
  • Dried chanterelles boil better if you add a little baking soda to the water.
  • To make dried mushrooms look like fresh ones, soak them in lightly salted milk for several hours.
  • Before use, dry mushrooms should be washed well to remove dust and other impurities that adhered to their surface during drying.
  • Dried mushrooms should be stored at a temperature of 10–12 °C.
  • Damp dry mushrooms must be dried immediately in a moderately heated oven or stove, otherwise they will begin to mold and quickly deteriorate.
  • Dry mushrooms should not be stored for a long time (for years): their taste deteriorates and they are not aromatic.
  • From 10 kg of fresh mushrooms, only 1–1.4 kg of dried product is obtained.
  • When pickling mushrooms, it is good to use horseradish. The leaves and roots of horseradish give them pungency and protect them from souring and any damage.
  • When salting russula and valuev, you must definitely use dill. It is best to salt milk mushrooms, saffron milk caps, white milk mushrooms, and white mushrooms without aromatic herbs.
  • Cherry and oak leaves give the mushrooms fragility and strength, and green branches of green currants add fragrantness.
  • The circle and oppression that cover the salted mushrooms must be washed at least once every two weeks.
  • It is recommended to store salted mushrooms in the refrigerator or other cool room at a temperature of up to 8 °C, but not lower than 0 °C, since at sub-zero temperatures they become flabby.
  • Mushrooms containing bitter juice (volnushki, milk mushrooms, etc.) must first be soaked in cold water, changing it 2-3 times a day for 2-3 days, then salted.
  • Moldy mushrooms (salted) must be thoroughly washed in salted water and filled with fresh, stronger brine.
  • When marinating boletus, you must definitely use dill.
  • Before marinating, chanterelles and valui need to be boiled in salted water for 25 minutes, drained in a colander and rinsed. Then put it in a saucepan, add water and vinegar, add salt and boil again.
  • Do not cover jars with salted and pickled mushrooms with metal lids: this can lead to the development of the causative agent of the disease - botulism.
  • If you want to make a salad of salted or pickled mushrooms, drain the brine or marinade and rinse the mushrooms. Cut large caps into even pieces.
  • To prevent the mushrooms from becoming moldy in the marinade, pour a little vegetable oil on top.

How many calories are in mushroom soup?

Calorie content of mushroom soup is:

40 - 70 kcal per 100 grams of product

But this figure depends on the cooking method. The more ingredients such as potatoes, butter or meat are added, the higher the calorie content of mushroom soup becomes.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) of mushroom soup per 100 grams:

Proteins - 1.9

Fats – 2.4

Carbohydrates – 5.7

Recipe? Recipe!

How to make delicious mushroom soup? Here are some recipes:

Soup with mushrooms and homemade noodles:

1 liter of broth (meat or chicken) or mushroom broth, 1 small onion, 1 parsley or celery root, 150 g of fresh porcini mushrooms, champignons or umbrella mushrooms, noodles.

For noodles: 160 g flour, 1 teaspoon melted butter, 2-3 tbsp. spoons of water.

Knead the flour with other products until a viscous dough is formed, then roll it out in a thin layer on a board and cut into strips. The dough is easier to cut if it is allowed to dry slightly while rolled out. Place the chopped noodles in boiling salted water and cook until they float to the surface. If you do not need to cook all the noodles at once, then the rest should be dried. In this form it is well preserved. Place the roots and mushrooms cut into strips, cut in half or into four parts, into the boiling broth and cook until tender. Add separately boiled noodles to the finished soup.

Mushroom soup with vegetables:

200 g fresh mushrooms, 2 carrots, 2-3 potatoes, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon butter, 1 bay leaf, ground black pepper and salt to taste, parsley.

Peel the mushrooms and cut into slices. Peel the carrots, rinse and cut into slices.

Pour 1.5 liters of water into a saucepan, add salt, add prepared mushrooms and carrots, put on fire, bring to a boil and cook for about 20 minutes. Add prepared diced potatoes and bay leaves, bring to a boil and cook over low heat until tender. Then remove from heat and add butter. Season with eggs, ground black pepper and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

How to prepare the dish “Mushroom soup with potatoes”

  • Wash, peel, cut the mushrooms into slices, and fry in a frying pan in sunflower oil.
  • Place the fried mushrooms in a saucepan, add boiling water, and cook for 25-30 minutes.
  • Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes.
  • Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the onion.
  • Add all the vegetables to the mushrooms and cook for 30 minutes.
  • Salt, add pepper, bay leaf, herbs and sour cream.

The soup can be made from any mushrooms, porcini and chanterelles are better, and you can also use champignons.

Bon appetit! Ingredients for the recipe “Mushroom soup with potatoes”:

  • Mushrooms (various) – 500 gr.
  • Potatoes – 600 gr.
  • Carrots – 150 gr.
  • Onion – 100 gr.
  • Sunflower oil – 40 gr.
  • Bay leaf – 2 pcs.
  • Water – 2 l.

Nutritional value of the dish “Mushroom soup with potatoes” (per 100 grams):

Calories:31.9 kcal.

Proteins: 1 gr.

Fats: 1.5 gr.

Carbohydrates: 3.6 g.

Number of servings: 10 First courses Lunch Dinner Child Vegetarian During Lent Cooker 30-60 minutes Calories: Why do you need to know your daily calorie intake?

Of course, if you are in great shape and eat right, then you don’t need to know about it. If you can’t get rid of a couple of extra pounds even though you are on a diet, it is imperative to know the number of calories you eat per day. After all, even if their quantity is insufficient, the body will not be able to waste your accumulated kilograms, fearing that “hungry” days will soon come.

For example, a girl, based on her age and activity, needs an average of 1600-2200 calories per day. In this case, food should include fats, proteins and carbohydrates in a ratio of 15%, 25% and 60%.

Using the table, you can choose your favorite dishes that will be tasty and satisfying. The table shows not only the calorie content of the finished dish, but also the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. All data is given per 100 grams of product.

The calorie content of any salad depends on the ingredients. Pay attention to dishes that include healthy foods - vegetables, lean meat, eggs, low-fat cheeses. In addition to the fact that a serving of this salad contains a small number of calories, your body will receive many vitamins and nutrients.

Salad name Calorie content
Tomato, cucumber and pepper salad 22,3 1 0,8 4,9
Tomato and cucumber salad with sour cream 58 1,2 4,6 3,1
Tomato and cucumber salad with vegetable oil 89,6 0,8 7,6 4,8
Tomato and cucumber salad with mayonnaise 144,5 0,8 15,4 4,9
Radish with sour cream 70,1 1,9 5 6,6
Tomatoes with garlic 70,8 3,8 1,8 10,2
Fresh cabbage salad with apples 33,2 1,4 0,1 6,2
Sauerkraut 27,4 1,7 0,1 5,4
Sauerkraut and beet salad 40,6 1,8 0,1 8,2
Vegetable vinaigrette 76,5 1,6 4,8 6,7
Vinaigrette with herring 119,6 4,6 6,8 10,4
Beet salad with prunes, nuts and garlic 280,9 7,6 15,2 30,9
Salad with crab sticks and corn 102,1 4,9 2,7 9,7
Greek salad 188,4 4,1 17,4 4,2
Olivier salad with sausage 197,8 5,5 16,5 7,8
Herring under a fur coat 208,1 8,2 17,9 4,1
Salad Tenderness 213,5 5,9 8,8 30,2
Kremlevsky salad 250,8 5,9 21,8 8,4
Mimosa Salad 292,1 6,6 27,8 4,6
Caesar salad 301,2 14,9 16,8 25,9
Capital salad 323,8 15,6 25,8 4,6

The table shows that the lowest calorie content is for salads prepared from fresh vegetables and sauerkraut, and the highest is for holiday salads dressed with mayonnaise. Even Caesar salad, which many people mistakenly consider to be dietary, contains about 300 calories!

Remember that the table does not indicate the exact number of calories, since this indicator depends on what you season the salad with and in what quantity. For example, mayonnaise and sauces, especially high-fat ones, can turn a healthy light salad into a very fatty and high-calorie salad.

It is better to replace mayonnaise with unsweetened yogurt, which has only 15 calories per tablespoon and less than one gram of fat. As for the usefulness of the included ingredients, for example, eggs and meat are a good source of protein, vegetables contain vitamins and fiber. While dishes with different types of sausages and smoked meats contain salt, preservatives and a lot of fat.

Soup nameCalorie content
kcal per 100 g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g
Vegetable broth 12 2,3
Chicken broth 21 2,4 1,1
Beef broth 26 3,7 1,3
Pork broth 29 3,2 1,5
Bean soup 66,1 1,8 4,6 4,4
Pumpkin puree soup 49,2 1,2 2,5 4,8
Rassolnik with pearl barley in meat broth 61,4 2,5 2,3 8,1
Pea soup 54 2,3 2,8 5,4
Mushroom soup with potatoes 72,7 0,8 6,1 4,6
Cream of mushroom soup 83,5 1,5 7,2 4,4
Chicken noodle soup (vermicelli) 68,1 3,1 2,1 3,7
Chicken soup with potatoes 49,2 2,7 1,1 3,2
Soup with meatballs 114,2 5,7 9,1 5,9
Canned fish soup 52,3 2,4 3,4 3,3
Solyanka meat team 167,8 12,1 10,4 3,9
Lenten vegetable borscht 34,3 1,4 1,3 4,4
Vegetable borscht with fried 60,8 1,4 4,4 4,4
Borscht with chicken 128 7,5 10,2 4,4
Borscht with beef 131,6 8,5 9,3 4,4
Borscht with pork 133,8 8,3 9,7 4,4
Lenten cabbage soup from fresh cabbage 32,9 1,1 1,8 3,8
Sauerkraut cabbage soup 29,7 1,1 1,8 3,4
Shchi with chicken 102,5 7,2 13,1 3,8
Shchi with beef 104,9 9,3 10,2 3,8
Cabbage soup with pork 106,2 9 10,6 3,8

The same can be said about the calorie content of soup. Any dish directly depends on the products that are included in it. It is also important what broth the soup was prepared with - lean beef, fatty pork or diet chicken. The table shows that the broth contains a minimum number of calories, but when adding cereals, pasta, or frying in oil, the calorie content increases significantly.

At the same time, even low-calorie soup provides good saturation, so first courses are often included in many diets. Such dishes include mushroom, chicken, and also fashionable vegetable puree soup, of course, without frying.

Lunch should be the most satisfying meal of the day, but moderate in calories. The category of “highest fat and high-calorie dishes” listed in the table includes fried pork cutlets, breaded chicken and fish, and fast food from McDonald’s.

Name of dishCalorie content
kcal per 100 g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g
Beef goulash 156,7 14,7 10,6 3,1
Pork goulash 237,3 13,9 16,6 3,2
Steamed chicken cutlets 127,5 14,9 5,2 2,7
Fried chicken cutlets 177,6 14,8 8,1 2,8
Steamed turkey cutlets 138,9 15 6,7 2,7
Steamed fish cutlets 86,8 14,6 1,6 2,9
Fried fish cutlets 142,3 14,5 5,9 2,9
Steamed beef cutlets 128,6 16,1 6,2 2,7
Steamed pork cutlets 203,3 15,2 10,9 3,1
Chicken chop 187,2 17,6 8,9 5,4
Pork chop 249,1 19,2 15,9 1,4
Grilled or baked chicken 179,8 18,3 8,3
Pork stewed or steamed 256,5 13,8 18,1 3,4
Beef stew 178,9 14,7 12,4 3,2
Cabbage rolls with minced meat and rice 222,4 7,1 14,6 12,9
Stuffed peppers 179,8 6,9 11,1 10,1
Liver stewed in sour cream 151,1 16,2 6,8 5,6
Fried liver with onions 188,1 16,1 9,9 5,9
Pollock fried in batter 194,8 16,2 10,8 6,3
Fried cod 122,3 16,3 5,3 0,3
Steamed salmon 195,1 18,8 13,2
Baked pink salmon 138,3 19,5 6,2
Meatballs (hedgehogs) with rice 217,1 14,3 11,6 11,2
Meat in French 243,4 14 18,6 2,1
Pilaf with chicken 222,1 11,9 9,8 18,7
Pilaf with pork 265,4 13,2 12,6 17,3
Beef pilaf 218,8 13,4 9,1 18,9
Cabbage stewed with meat 143,7 11,1 5,6 10,5
Fried potatoes with mushrooms 122,4 2,6 7,3 12,9
Dumplings with potatoes 178,1 3,9 4,5 32,3
Dumplings with cottage cheese 191,3 9,4 5,3 28,8
Dumplings with cabbage 142,2 3,6 4,1 23,1
Homemade dumplings 271,2 12,1 11,6 28,4
Hamburger 295 12,2 14,1 24,5
California rolls 176 7,1 8,9 17,2
Philadelphia rolls 142,2 9,1 6,9 12,9

When calculating the calorie content of ready-made dishes, do not forget that meat, fish and seafood contain water (especially when frozen), which increases the volume of the food. When cooked, meat loses from 15 to 40% of its original weight. Weight loss depends on the time and type of heat treatment. As for the ratio of fats and proteins in boiled and raw meat, it also does not remain unchanged.

In fried meat, the fat content increases significantly.

There are a lot of calories in porridge, even when compared with potatoes or pasta, but the benefits of the first course are greater. Any type of cereal is a source of B vitamins and microelements. Eat porridge for breakfast, then the calories will not harm your figure, but will benefit your body. The table shows the calorie content of porridges cooked in water and milk, without added sugar, as well as ready-made side dishes from cereals.

Name of cereal/porridge Calorie content
kcal per 100 g Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g
Buckwheat porridge on water 111,3 4,9 1,2 21,5
Buckwheat porridge with milk 209,4 10,2 5,8 28,8
Oatmeal on water (Hercules) 95,7 3,1 1,4 16,7
Oatmeal with milk 194,5 8,9 6,1 24,6
Semolina porridge with milk 223,1 10,1 5,4 32,6
Millet porridge on water 116,7 3,6 1,4 23,2
Corn porridge on water 109,5 2,9 0,4 24,9
Rice porridge with milk 214,1 8,2 5,1 31,2
Pea porridge on water 80,1 6,1 0,1 12,9
Barley porridge on water 79,8 2,6 0,3 15,6
Millet porridge with pumpkin in milk 174,1 8,3 7,1 24,9
Boiled pearl barley 118,3 3,4 0,5 23,6
Boiled rice 116,1 2,3 0,5 24,8
Boiled beans 122,6 7,8 0,6 21,4
Boiled green beans (asparagus) 22,1 2,2 0,1 2,5
Boiled potatoes 83,4 2,3 0,1 16,9
Fried potatoes 198,7 2,3 9,9 23,6
Boiled potatoes in their jackets 78,8 2,3 0,1 15,1
Mashed potatoes with water 83,1 2,2 0,1 15,8
Mashed potatoes with milk 132,2 5,1 2,4 19,9
Boiled pasta (spaghetti, noodles) 113,5 3,6 0,4 23,4
Stewed cabbage 98,8 2,4 5,8 9,7

The calorie table file for ready-made meals can be downloaded for free from the link –

Remember that 10 grams of butter added to a bowl of porridge doubles the calorie content!

It should be understood that in the table all data on the calorie content and nutritional content of ready-made dishes are relative. The bottom line is that the content of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in any product depends on various factors: its variety, recipe features, technological processing.



Many people are ardent fans of mushroom soups. Refined aroma and incomparable taste characterize such a first course as gourmet soup. The recipe for preparing mushroom soups is very diverse. Various varieties of mushrooms can be used as the main ingredient. Such soups can be included in the diet of any person. They help quickly saturate the body and fill it with numerous beneficial substances.

Calorie content of mushroom soup

The calorie content and nutritional value of mushroom soups directly depends on their type and variety, method of preparation, as well as the products with which this dish is served.

The average nutritional value of a finished dish is:

  • Carbohydrates - 2.6 g.
  • Fat - 3.3 g.
  • Proteins - 1.2 g.

The average energy value is 51.3 kcal per 100 ml of finished product.

Benefits of mushroom soup

The benefits of mushroom soup for the body are very great. First of all, most of its types are dietary, but at the same time they greatly saturate the body. The presence of aminocarboxylic acids of various groups in the main component significantly increases memory, the intensity of mental development and prevents the development of atherosclerosis. Ensure the full functioning of the nervous and circulatory systems, increases the strength and elasticity of blood vessels. Has an antiviral effect on the body. Significantly improves the condition of hair and epidermis.

Harm of mushroom soup

When preparing mushroom soup, you should pay attention to the fact that mushrooms can be deadly. The high content of toxic poisons in their composition has a negative effect on the body. Also, among the edible varieties there are also deadly poisonous ones, the slightest particle of which in the soup can lead to death. Abuse of mushroom soups provokes the development of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Nutritionists recommend that children under 14 years of age not include mushroom soups in their diet.