The equipment of this category is designed to create healthy atmosphere parameters in residential premises. The article discusses in detail the supply ventilation in an apartment with filtration. There is information about simple and cutting-edge technical solutions, homemade products, current market offers. This information is sufficient to carry out the project at a reasonable cost without errors.

Read in the article:

Why do you need ventilation in the apartment

The previous photo, after carefully studying the actual situation, looks like a reasonable human outfit in the near future. Do not hope for a change for the better with the advent of the era of electric vehicles. Fossil fuels are still burned to produce energy. A huge amount of harmful emissions accompanies the production of batteries. The sources of problems can be listed further. But the most unpleasant thing is the lack of precise strategies at the state and planetary level. Nowadays, you have to take care of maintaining livable conditions yourself.

Certain disadvantages are different modern methods of construction. A perfectly reasonable goal, the improvement of insulating parameters, is brought to the point of absurdity. Impeccably sealed windows and walls do not allow fresh air to pass through at all. In economical warm rooms without regular ventilation, the composition of the atmosphere does not meet sanitary standards.

For your information! It should be noted that some artificial materials, dyes are capable of polluting the air with unpleasant odors and hazardous substances during operation.

These facts explain the need to use specialized equipment for forced ventilation in the apartment. Below are the exact answers to the questions asked.

Supply ventilation - what is it

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In the publication, we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of ventilation systems, why they are needed. The nuances of independent design of local and central ventilation, recommendations of experts.

The method is simple and clear. But it allows you to find out only the situation during the execution of control operations. To eliminate errors, you should install specialized devices for air intake from the street. An exception can be considered cracked wooden frames, holes in glass and giant cracks. Indirectly, good ventilation of the premises confirms the absence of crumbs, which nimble sparrows manage to peck before harvesting.

In such conditions, you will have to pay excessively large heating bills. It is much more reasonable and cheaper to make a modern high-quality repair. But we can confidently say that forced ventilation in an apartment with plastic windows will come in handy in most cases.

We leave the technical details for further discussion. This figure shows a schematic diagram of a functional system:

  1. The blue arrow marks the inlet.
  2. Red - fresh air intake. Pay attention to interior partitions that can create obstacles.
  3. Green arrows indicate places of accumulation of pollution (bathroom, kitchen) and outlet channels.

Types of supply ventilation systems for an apartment

The simplest designs

Such devices are mounted at the stage of order fulfillment. Window frame manufacturers offer different options. Apply smooth adjustment, built-in filtering elements. But such solutions in supply ventilation are not universal. Devices are installed in a timely manner, taking into account the features of a particular design. It should be noted low performance, lack of automatic adjustment.

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In the article, we will consider in detail the types of structures, the principle of operation, how to choose a place for installation, how to properly install the device with your own hands, useful tips and recommendations from specialists.

Such a device is installed in the wall. There is a manual adjustment of the ventilation opening. The grate, installed from the side of the street, prevents the penetration of insects, large contaminants. The porous sponge retains small mechanical impurities. In some models, a special petal valve is installed to prevent air movement in the opposite direction.

There are modifications of supply ventilation with a bimetallic element. When the temperature changes, it activates the stem with a cover. This engineering solution allows you to change the size of the outlet automatically. Such designs did not become popular due to limited accuracy.

How is the supply ventilation with air heating

It is reasonable to apply such solutions in domestic climatic conditions. The supply ventilation system must perform its functions all year round. Heating of the incoming air prevents overcooling of the room, reduces the load on standard heating equipment.

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In the article, we will consider in detail why a recuperator is needed, areas of application, advantages, types of systems, the process of making a structure with your own hands and useful tips.

This special item is made of ceramic. It traps large mechanical particles. But the main function in this case is not filtration, but the accumulation of heat when the fan is turned on in the opposite direction. When air is forced into the room, heating occurs.

Sophisticated air purification ventilation systems for an apartment

The sets shown in the photo below are installed in suspended ceiling structures. Ventilation ducts, dampers, silencers, filters and other equipment components are placed there.

The technical parameters of the equipment of this category are selected taking into account real needs. Accurate engineering calculation will provide good consumer characteristics, reasonable costs during operation. Fresh air supply ventilation unit delivers to the right places. The placement of output channels is organized in a similar way. With the help of sensors and automation, comfortable conditions are maintained in individual rooms. Connection to the control system of the "Smart Home" category will ensure the optimization of work in combination with heating and air conditioning.

Below are the features of the individual components:

  1. The air intake performs the usual functions. It is equipped with a visor, tilted blinds to prevent raindrops from getting inside. Next, a large mesh is installed that prevents the penetration of insects.
  2. In the channel of the supply ventilation duct, the walls are supplemented with a heater. Such modernization protects the walls from freezing in the winter.
  3. The air valve only opens inwards. It closes when the unit is turned off. In this position, heat loss is prevented.
  4. The primary filter traps large particles.
  5. An electric heater is used in winter. For automatic adjustment, control using temperature sensors is used.
  6. An H11 class filter, as in this example of fresh air ventilation, traps the smallest dust particles, allergens, viruses and other microorganisms.
  7. Next, a complex adsorption-catalytic unit is installed. It does not let exhaust gases from cars, harmful emissions from industrial enterprises, and fumes from forest fires into the room.
  8. The fan provides the required rate of supply of purified air to the room.
  9. The remote control displays operating settings, instrument readings, taking into account certain equipment.
  10. For control, a convenient remote control with an infrared communication channel is used (operates in the line-of-sight zone).

Expert opinion

HVAC design engineer (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) LLC "ASP North-West"

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Adsorption and HEPA filters for the air in the apartment cannot be cleaned of contaminants. They are regularly changed to new analogues, taking into account the peculiarities of operation.”

Comparison of an air conditioner with forced ventilation for an apartment

It is difficult to create duct supply and exhaust ventilation with your own hands. Such a system is expensive, and it is not at all suitable for standard ceiling heights. Therefore, we will further consider options that are more affordable in price, taking into account the possibility of self-assembly. When comparing such technical solutions with air conditioning, several important nuances should be noted:

  • typical split systems process only indoor air, but do not provide ventilation;
  • they do not prevent the penetration of unpleasant, harmful and dangerous contaminants;
  • even specially equipped air conditioners do not work at low temperatures outside.

To connect the parts, install drainage pipes and connect to the power supply, you have to create special channels in the walls. Next, finishing is done to hide defects. The listed works are associated with significant costs of time and money.

How to create a functional supply ventilation in an apartment with your own hands: an algorithm of actions, important nuances

For these works, you need a sufficiently powerful puncher, drills of the appropriate diameter. They cover the floor with plastic wrap, use garbage bags (as in the photo). If it is planned to install the simplest set of forced ventilation in the apartment, the hole is placed above the heating radiator. When turned on, it will heat the incoming air.

They use additional devices that allow you to perform the necessary work quickly and accurately. You can make the markup yourself, install the ventilation components in the apartment using the manufacturer's official instructions. Suitable places are determined taking into account the placement of 220V power outlets.

Overview of supply ventilation in an apartment with Tion filtration: a modern solution to the problem

For a better understanding of the potential capabilities of this manufacturer's equipment, we note the features of the S3 model with the most advanced equipment:

  1. Powerful fan with flow control 30−140 m³/h.
  2. Built-in heating element (1.45 kW).
  3. Filters: HEPA G4 (rinsing, vacuum cleaning); HEPA H11 and catalytic-adsorption (standard replacement mode - 1 time in 2 years and a year, respectively).
  4. Noise in different modes: 19-47 dB.
  5. IR remote control with built-in LCD display.
  6. Recirculation mode for energy saving.
  7. Operating temperature range: -40°C to +50°C.

The manufacturer included MagicAir in the basic package of the set. This module controls temperature and humidity level, carbon dioxide content. It ensures the coordinated actions of the Tion supply ventilation and the room air conditioner. Bluetooth is used to transmit commands and receive information. A specialized application can be installed on a smartphone or other mobile gadget.

What is a suitable air filter for an apartment: determining the criteria for the right choice

Before studying specific market offers, you need to set the parameters of the necessary equipment. An accurate calculation of the supply and exhaust ventilation for an apartment can be done using specialized programs that are posted on their websites by manufacturers, trade and service enterprises. Complex calculators use additional data, take into account the number of bathrooms, the type of hob.

For independent calculations, a standard of 3 m³ of fresh air per hour per square meter of area is used. It is used taking into account the constant presence in a relatively small residential area (up to 20 m²) of one person. Increase the performance of supply ventilation in the presence of a fireplace.

Premises / Features of equipmentAir exchange rate per hour/Inflow, m³/hourRoom operation mode, notes
Living room, bedroom, other rooms of the living area0,35/30 Permanent presence of one person
Kitchen/ Electric cooker−/60 In the maximum mode of use, the inflow is increased to 180 m³ / h
Kitchen / Gas stove−/90 Calculation for 4 burners. As in the previous paragraph, they plan the possibility of increasing the productivity of supply ventilation
Toilets, bathroom / Separate rooms−/25 Maximum - up to 90 m³
Combined bathroom−/50 Maximum - up to 120 m³
Dressing room, pantry1/− Adjusted taking into account the features of the optimal mode of storage of things


A healthy microclimate in an apartment can only be ensured by good ventilation. Modern building technologies practically nullify the efficiency of natural air exchange systems. Therefore, consumers are increasingly thinking about installing supply and exhaust ventilation in apartments.

The importance of apartment ventilation

Signs of poor ventilation in the apartment:

  • musty smell;
  • aromas of the kitchen spread to other rooms;
  • stuffy in the bathroom;
  • the smell of air freshener lingers in the toilet for a long time;
  • mold may appear in far corners and near windows.

But unpleasant odors are not the worst. Residents in an unventilated apartment suffer from a lack of oxygen in the winter: depressed mood, pain in the eyes and fatigue are just the very first signs of a lack of oxygen in the body.

Millions of dust particles, particles of the epithelium, pet hair, villi from carpets and clothes are in the air and enter the respiratory tract.

Children suffer the most from dust allergies, and allergy sufferers also have a hard time. Normal air exchange eliminates this problem. Together with the air flow, all harmful allergens and impurities are removed from the room.

Many owners of air conditioners are convinced that they are provided with fresh and clean air. This is a dangerous misconception: the air conditioner only filters the air, partially solving the problem of impurities.

But there is no more oxygen in the room. Only the most expensive premium models have an inflow function.

The problem is eliminated by installing supply and exhaust ventilation in the apartment or by increasing the inflow (outflow) of air. Supply ventilation in the apartment can also be adjusted by installing special valves on the windows.

Supply ventilation units

Supply ventilation units provide clean air to the apartment. At the same time, the outflow is carried out by the ventilation system of the house - the exhaust air is forced out through all possible slots and openings, including exhaust in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet. The result is a combined ventilation system.

Benefits of installing fresh air ventilation:

  • relatively low price;
  • air of optimal parameters is supplied to the room;
  • compactness;
  • selection of equipment for the parameters of each apartment;
  • automatic control.

Before entering the room, the air in the ventilation unit is filtered and heated (during the cold season).

The supply unit for ventilation consists of:

  • air duct systems;
  • fan, heater;
  • filters, silencer;
  • automatic control unit.

The supply ventilation unit can be stacked, that is, it can be assembled from parts according to the type of constructor directly on site. The main disadvantage of the prefabricated supply ventilation unit is its large dimensions. Therefore, for the ventilation of apartments, small offices and cottages, compact monoblock air handling units are more often used.

The compact supply ventilation unit is a single soundproof housing in which all working units are assembled.

Small size and quiet operation make such equipment attractive for apartment residents. Another advantage of the compact plant: costly design and calculation work, as well as commissioning activities are not required.

Individual supply ventilation unit

Individual compact units for forced ventilation provide air exchange within 100 cubic meters per hour, therefore they are designed to serve a single room. Such an installation works without an air duct, is easily and quickly mounted, does not spoil the decoration and design of the room. Supply ventilation units are produced for an apartment with. They are more economical. A plate heat exchanger is built into the body, which freezes over in frosts of more than -12 degrees. Therefore, the installation of such supply ventilation in an apartment is possible only in southern latitudes.

Supply ventilation unit Marta

Ventilation unit March made in the Czech Republic is a compact case with two control knobs: air heating and fan operation intensity.

The main advantage of the Marta type air handling unit: no air duct is needed, installation takes only an hour and a half. But there are also many disadvantages:

  • the body is placed directly in the room;
  • poor soundproofing.

The disadvantages of installing Marta supply ventilation far outweigh the advantages. Therefore, the equipment is in limited demand.

According to the reviews, the noise of the March ventilation unit at the minimum setting does not interfere with sleep, but at the maximum it is quite noticeable.

In reviews of the Marta air handling unit, the difficulty of replacing filters is mentioned. They must be ordered from an authorized dealer, and the price is quite high.

Consumers note a loose filter mount in reviews of the March air handling unit. It has to be additionally compacted with isolon or other material.

But the advantages of the Marta air handling unit include a neat and small body, which is hung on the lower half of the door to the balcony.

Supply ventilation unit Selenga

The Selenga air supply unit is manufactured by the Moscow company Ventmachine. It differs from the previous model by the presence of automatic adjustment. The Selenga air supply unit heats the air with a safe ceramic ten and purifies it by passing it through a carbon filter. The latter is quite expensive, but some craftsmen have learned to make suitable filters from improvised means.

The Selenga air handling unit collects a lot of positive feedback, it works quite quietly and efficiently.

Air handling unit Sphere

Supply ventilation unit Sfera is currently out of production. The unit contains a whole system of filtration and air improvement: 2 photocatalytic filters and one carbon filter, an ultraviolet lamp.

The Sphere supply unit is controlled from the remote control, equipped with an air valve that does not let cold air from the street into the room. The temperature sensor allows you to accurately maintain the temperature set by the user.

Most of the components for the Sphere ventilation unit were supplied from Germany.

Duct supply ventilation

The duct supply ventilation unit in an apartment is a stacked system: a unit with equipment from which air is supplied to the premises through air ducts.

Full ventilation for the apartment, providing air flow. The complexity of the installation lies in the placement of the unit and ventilation ducts, which must be decorated or hidden under a false ceiling. Grids are attached to the outlets of the ventilation ducts. The choice of places for them is also very important for creating a comfortable environment in the apartment.

A domestic supply ventilation unit in an apartment should have an average capacity of 400 cubic meters of air per hour, and for country houses up to 2500 cubic meters. When purchasing a supply ventilation unit for an apartment, you should consider:

  • static pressure;
  • performance;
  • noise level;
  • complete set;
  • functions of the automatic control system;
  • air filtration;
  • placement.

Performance. Without having special calculation skills, you can, on average, focus on the following indicators:

  • for apartments with an area of ​​​​35 - 60 square meters. meters productivity of the supply unit - 200 - 350 cubic meters per hour;
  • for apartments with an area of ​​70 - 130 sq. meters productivity 300 - 500.

static pressure. It depends on the length and shape of the air ducts, the number of additional filters. For apartments up to 90 sq. meters, a supply and exhaust ventilation unit with a static pressure of 450 Pa or more is suitable.

Network resistance must be taken into account, which reduces the actual performance of the equipment compared to the maximum declared.

Noise level. Determined at the input and output. The acoustic power of the supply and exhaust ventilation unit is of the greatest importance when it is installed directly in the apartment. If you mount the equipment in a pantry or basement, the noise will not interfere. The output noise level indicates whether the hum through the channels will reach the living rooms. Silencers are used to reduce acoustic power.

Completeness. Any ventilation unit for an apartment should be equipped with automatic control and a control panel with a display.

Automatic controller options. The simplest systems only change the intensity of rotation of the fan, the temperature of the air supplied to the room. More advanced ones notify the owner of the need to clean the filters, have the ability to set different operating modes for different times of the day. The most advanced are connected to the smart home system.

Air filtration. All supply and exhaust ventilation units are equipped with a coarse filter for the air supplied to the room. It catches fluff, coarse dust or particles of wool. Smaller particles are captured by fine filters, which is included in the optional package. An additional filter is necessary for residents of large cities with unfavorable environmental conditions. When deciding to buy it, you should know: it increases the load on the supply and exhaust ventilation system in the apartment and reduces its efficiency.

Place of installation. When choosing the location of the ventilation system, the need for its cleaning and repair should be taken into account. A special hatch is used to replace or remove the filter. It is desirable to mount the equipment before finishing the walls, since a hole with a diameter of up to 20 cm is drilled in the outer wall. It is done using a diamond drill, which is constantly washed by water. Yes, and it is desirable to hide the air ducts under the boxes before painting and plastering the walls.

Air flow in the apartment

When planning the ventilation system in the apartment, it is important to correctly distribute the movement of air flows. Clean air should be supplied to the living rooms, flow through the corridors to the kitchen, toilet and bathroom. From here, the exhaust air is removed through the ventilation grilles. Such a scheme of air movement provides increased pressure in "clean" rooms and the displacement of exhaust air from them, prevents air from being sucked from the toilet or kitchen into the living rooms.

When installing supply ventilation in an apartment, you should be aware that the exhaust ducts of natural ventilation are designed for the fact that in one hour the air in the apartment will be completely replaced once. At the same time, too intense inflow will increase the load on the exhaust system and it will stop working on other floors (the air from your apartment will be blown into the neighboring ones).

Combination of air handling unit and air conditioning

Often, the supply ventilation system is combined with air conditioning.

Conditioning methods:

  • one channel air conditioner for the whole apartment;
  • several split systems according to the number of rooms.

The first option is preferable, since it is the duct air conditioner that can be combined with the ventilation system. An excellent effect is also achieved when installing zone systems that provide the necessary temperature for each room without drafts.

A simpler option for an apartment is a supply ventilation unit with a cooler. That is, in the cold season, the air is warmed before entering the room, and in the warm season it is cooled.

The air handling unit can be supplemented with a humidifier.

Supply and exhaust ventilation with a heat exchanger

This is the most perfect type of ventilation for an apartment. The recuperator heats the supply air using the heat from the exhaust air. The mechanism allows you to save up to 70% of the energy used for heating in winter, and this is no less than 4.5 kilowatts per hour!

Such devices are very good for large apartments or country houses, the ventilation and heating of which requires significant funds. Supply and exhaust ventilation for an apartment with a heat exchanger makes it unprofitable in small and medium-sized apartments due to its cost. In addition, the air ducts are quite voluminous, it is difficult to hide them with low ceilings.

To learn how to assemble a supply and exhaust ventilation unit with heat recovery for an apartment with your own hands, see our video:

The presence of ventilation in the premises of a residential building makes a person's stay there comfortable. Such a system may be forced, natural or mixed. Which type to choose can be decided depending on the characteristics of the building and each room that needs constant air renewal.

Forced ventilation in an apartment is considered the most effective, with its help it is possible to achieve the removal of exhaust air and the influx of fresh air, while oxygen can enter individual rooms or the entire apartment. To create such a system, it is necessary to purchase the appropriate equipment, which must cope with the renewal of air in a room of a certain area.

Why Choose Forced Ventilation

Forced ventilation in an apartment has certain advantages over alternative solutions. This should include the ability to adjust the power of the system, the quiet operation of the equipment, as well as the ease of arrangement. You can purchase systems that will be equipped with functionality that can not only update, but also heat the air in the cold season. To implement such an idea, it is not necessary to have special skills, but some attention should be paid not only to the choice, but also to the place. Such a system is considered relevant if plastic windows are installed through which fresh air cannot penetrate.

Due to the fact that apartments are most often limited in free space, it is recommended to choose devices that are compact in size and can be controlled using a remote control. An additional advantage of such systems is the presence of check valves in almost every node, due to which the exhaust air does not return back to the premises, and when the equipment is turned off, air is not introduced.

Varieties of forced ventilation

If you have chosen forced ventilation in the apartment, then one of the existing systems of this type can be installed. This should include exhaust structures, supply equipment and supply and exhaust devices. The first type works on the principle of removing air from different rooms. The supply equipment provides for the injection of oxygen, which has been cleaned and also heated.

Supply and exhaust devices perform the function of the first pair of varieties at the same time. These are divided into general exchange and local. The first variety is used for large and specialized rooms and can serve the entire building. To install such a system, it is necessary to create a ventilation project, which in the process of work will play the role of a supply unit and exhaust. Local systems can be exhaust or supply, their installation is carried out in a separate room. Such ventilation is intended for rooms in which there should be fresh and clean air. The latter in such cases are usually subject to special requirements. Additionally, forced ventilation in an apartment can be divided into monoblock, as well as stacked systems. The former are made up of individual elements, while the latter are created from various components installed in the rooms of the building. They can be combined and connected to powerful equipment.

Features of installation of forced ventilation

When forced ventilation is installed in an apartment, many people think about what technology to work with. To do this, you can only manage on your own, as the process is quite simple. It is important to carry out calculations that determine the power of the equipment, because it must cope with its tasks. If the apartment has a complete system, then for this it is necessary to plan a highway, its installation is carried out even at the stage of building a house. You will have to install supply valves, as well as exhaust fans.

The best solution for an apartment is to install equipment for a separate room. More often, forced ventilation is created in the bathroom or bathroom. Such a system can complement the existing natural hood. To do this, an exhaust fan is installed in the ventilation shaft, if any. It will effectively purify the air. The kitchen should have an exhaust hood that removes exhaust gases outside the room and performs the functions of purifying oxygen from pollution, impurities and odor. After the air is returned to the room. If the system is created at the construction stage, then it should include the installation of a monoblock system, it ensures the creation of optimal humidity and atmosphere in each room.

System installation technology

If you will install a forced ventilation system in the apartment, then you need to deal with the technology of the work. To begin with, it is worth improving the existing ventilation. To do this, additional fans and valves are attached to it. This technique will allow you to turn natural ventilation into forced ventilation. It is important to follow simple rules, the first of which involves drilling a hole in the wall, the diameter of which should not be more than 7 cm. An open window will help to cope with dust. From the outside, a grate should be installed in the pipe, which will exclude the ingress of large debris. The gaps are sealed with construction foam. From the inside of the premises, on top of the pipe that protrudes, a box is installed. The box is filled before installation. This technique will partially improve ventilation, but a fan must be installed to ensure air outflow. It is also important to choose the right one. Such a device could be:

  • axial;
  • window;
  • centrifugal;
  • channel;
  • ceiling.

As practice shows, the most silent and convenient is that it can work autonomously, therefore it is recommended for use in tandem with an air exhaust system.

Work methodology

If you will install a forced ventilation system in the apartment, then you will need to follow certain recommendations, they indicate the need to purchase equipment that will come in handy in your work. This should include plastic pipes from which air is vented. At the next stage, intakes are mounted for fresh air intake and exhaust air exhaust. These elements must be opposite each other. Next, forced ventilation equipment is installed in the overall system. The connection of the pipes to each other must be carried out carefully, making the mates airtight. This is due to the increase in air pressure when the system is turned on. If the connections are of poor quality, they will simply disperse during operation, the air flows will become uneven. This will cause ventilation to malfunction.

For reference

Forced exhaust ventilation (the apartment needs it) is also called artificial, mechanical or supply and exhaust. It is implemented only in two cases: when a natural system is problematic to install or when all other types of ventilation are ineffective. The forced system is based on the inducement of the movement of air flows with the help of equipment. Given that the draft in the ducts depends on the difference in temperature outside and inside the building, in hot weather or in areas where it is warm most of the time, it is recommended to install forced ventilation. At the same time, it is possible to install an air conditioning system, and one of the nodes can be a filtration system. This guarantees the supply of purified air inside.

Installation of supply devices

If you will be installing forced ventilation in the apartment, then you can use window valves. They are a drive that is located in the upper crossbar of the window frame. These devices can be installed in any kind of windows, and their throughput varies from 5 to 35 m 3 / h, which is true for automatic mode. The price of such devices varies from $20 to $25. On sale you can also find wall duct valves that are installed in pre-drilled holes. Their throughput is from 20 to 50 m 3 / h, while you will have to pay for the device from $ 23 to $ 28. The operation of such installations is based on hygroregulation. This phenomenon is associated with the properties of the polyamide fabric, which are expressed in expansion with increasing humidity and contraction - with a decrease, this ensures the closing and opening of the valve leaf. Fabric elements act as drives for the entire device.

Window valve installation

Forced ventilation in the kitchen in the apartment can be installed. You can do this yourself, for which the window sash is removed from the stem of the lower hinge. Further, the valve conductor is attached with self-tapping screws to the upper part of the horizontal leaf profile. Using a drill, it is worth making a hole of the desired width and length. The conductor is fixed in the upper corner of the window frame profile, in the place where the hole in the sash will be located. It is necessary to make the same hole in the frame and fix the window valve on the sash. The outer visor is attached to the frame from the outside, after which the regulator should be switched to the desired mode. Welding is set to its original position. If you equip the ventilation in the apartment with your own hands using the technology of installing a window valve, then you will receive additional benefits in the form of removing condensate from double-glazed windows. This problem is quite common for offices or apartments, but it can be easily solved. Manipulations to install the valve will take about an hour.

Wall valve installation works

Such a valve should be located at a height of 2 m from the floor surface, near heating appliances. This is due to the fact that the incoming air flow must warm up. Expensive models of such valves may have heating elements. The device has a sound and dust filter, an insect screen, and higher performance acts as an advantage over a window one. Before making forced ventilation in an apartment based on a wall valve, a hole should be made in the wall, the diameter of which can be from 75 to 110 mm. It is unlikely that it will be possible to independently carry out such work, since this will require the use of a core drilling machine. Therefore, you should turn to specialists for help. Making a hole with a diameter of 110 mm in a concrete wall will cost about $ 1 per centimeter of the channel length. After you can make a hole, you should install an air duct, the length of which should be equal to the thickness of the wall. From the side of the room, a supply-wall device is installed, the frame is fixed with screws to the wall, fasteners are supplied in the kit. From the street, a wall visor should be installed in the duct, and at the last stage, the master adjusts the operating mode.

Exhaust fan installation

Forced ventilation in an apartment with plastic windows may include an exhaust fan. Since it works silently and consumes approximately 12.5-22 W / h, and its thickness is not more than 150 mm, it can be fixed in a wall cabinet or under a false ceiling. In order for the air from the room to go outside, it is necessary to lead an air duct from the outlet of the equipment through a hole in the wall. The wall hood will cover the outside of the duct. If you have equipped an economical option, then it can be brought to the inflow to the kitchen or bathroom.

Installation of exhaust devices

Considering the types of forced ventilation in the apartment that were described above, you can prefer special devices that are installed in the toilet, bathroom or kitchen. For their installation under the fan, an air duct should be drawn into the room, an exhaust device is installed in it. It is necessary to configure the latter for the desired mode of operation. If the toilet and bathroom rooms are located next to each other, then one duct can be used to draw air into two rooms. In this case, it is permissible to use a special tee for the duct system. If we are talking about the kitchen, then you should additionally use a grease filter. Preferring modern hoods, you will get equipment that has several modes of operation. Sometimes such devices have a presence sensor that causes the hood to work when a person enters the room. If you carry out the installation of ventilation in the apartment, then you can prefer equipment with one of several activation modes. For example, the device may start working when humidity changes, when harmful impurities such as tobacco smoke or volatile organic compounds appear.

Maintenance of the supply and exhaust system

Forced ventilation in the apartment provides for the care of it, for which once or twice a year, depending on the intensity and frequency of use, the internal surfaces and filters should be cleaned. In the process, you will remove the build-up on the grilles and visors with a vacuum cleaner or other suitable methods. It is necessary to wipe the surfaces of the housing and the damper of the device using a damp cloth. Due to the fact that the fan is powered by the mains, it is necessary to check the condition of the electrical cable and connections. If the operation is irregular, then once a quarter, the equipment should be run for 5 or 10 minutes. When forced ventilation is installed in an apartment with your own hands, it must comply with the requirements of SNiP, and the use of additional devices such as controllers, regulators, timers and sensors will optimize energy costs and extend their life.


Supply and exhaust ventilation in an apartment, house or office can improve the quality of human life. After all, fresh air is so necessary for the normal functioning of the brain.

Another year has passed without notice since I published the annual report on the operation of the compact supply ventilation - the Tion O2 breather. I continue to share my experience. As I have repeatedly mentioned before, this device has dramatically changed the quality of life of our family. Before, I didn’t think at all that fresh air is not a luxury, but a vital necessity, and if in the summer we lived with constantly open windows on the windows, then in the winter they had to be closed due to the cold. At that very moment, that same autumn-winter depression, constant drowsiness and loss of strength began.

But all this is long gone.

I will not repeat myself, because I have written a lot of materials on the topic of why fresh and clean air is needed, which can be viewed by the tag. Forced forced ventilation is the main one in any modern dwelling, whether it is a city apartment or a country house. I hope this is obvious to everyone, so today I propose to consider options for what the market can offer customers in the segment of compact air handling units for an apartment (we will consider centralized air handling units in a separate article).

And I'll start with what happened over the past year.

The operating costs for fresh and clean air in the apartment consist of two parts. The first part is the consumption of electrical energy for heating the air coming from the street, and the amount of energy consumed directly depends on how well your central heating heats up. In our conditions, one breather consumes from 400 to 600 kWh of electrical energy per year. That is, it is an additional several thousand rubles a year. This is not only a negligible payment for the health of the family, but there are no alternatives (more on that later).

The second part of the costs consists of the periodic replacement of the filter elements. It is they who ensure the purity of the air coming from the street. Long-term observations made it possible to develop the following filter replacement scenario:

1. I change the carbon filter from odors once a year (more often).
2. I change the base and HEPA filters once every 2 years. Despite the fact that the HEPA filter can objectively work longer.
3. Twice a year I clean coarse dust (fluff) from the supply chamber and from the base filter with a vacuum cleaner.

In the photo on the left you can see the condition of the filters after two years of operation. And in the photo on the right, a comparison of the new and old HEPA filter. But HEPA filters are cool because as they get dirty, their filtering ability improves.

And this is another O2 breather installed in the second room. In 2014, we delivered the first breather, but after a year of operation, we realized that we definitely need a second one. The calculation of the number of breathers per apartment is very simple: 1 breather for a maximum of 2 people, otherwise there will be a lot of noise. Both breathers are connected to the Tion MagicAir control station. One of the breathers operates in a fully automatic mode guided by a CO2 carbon dioxide concentration sensor and automatically sets the speed from 0 to 2 depending on the number of people in the room. The second breather works on a timer (speed 1 at night, 2 during the day). for automatic operation, a second CO2 sensor is needed in the room where the second breather is installed. In a good way, you would need to buy it so that both breathers work completely autonomously.

Honestly, I did not immediately appreciate the automatic control mode. We leave the apartment - the concentration of CO2 drops - the breather turns off. We return home - the concentration of CO2 is growing - the breather is turned on. There is no need to enable or disable anything manually, everything works automatically. Despite the presence of a mobile application for managing breathers, I honestly don’t remember when I last launched it. There is simply no need for this.

By the way, about PM2.5 particles. Since the beginning of this year I have been measuring air quality in Moscow and I can say that in general the air in the city is clean, but sometimes there are local emissions of particulate matter or just a flowering season (allergy sufferers will understand). The three-stage supply air purification system very effectively retains all solid particles and they do not enter the apartment. But, as it turned out, there is a nuance.

This phenomenon turned out to be detected precisely due to the fact that I began to use the breathers in automatic mode and they turned off when we were not in the apartment. On one of these days, I received a notification from my AirVisual home station (installed in my apartment) that a high concentration of PM2.5 particles was recorded. What happened?

The breathers did not work and the apartment did not create a slightly overpressure compared to the environment. And the exhaust ventilation shaft (in the kitchen and in the bathroom) has not gone away. And there was a suction of dirty street air through leaks and cracks in the enclosing structures - in particular, through cracks in window frames.

Thus, if the air outside is polluted and you do not have a breather, then, of course, it is worth closing the window, but this is not effective. And if there is a breather, then in no case should it be turned off in such a situation.

And now let's talk about alternative devices that are on the Russian market. There aren't really that many of them. And the most surprising thing is that in terms of the totality of characteristics, the O2 breather (this particular model) from Tion has no competitors at all.

It has a very mediocre supply air purification (no HEPA filter and absolutely no carbon filter), no intelligent heating control (go broke on heating), a manually controlled damper, you can not dream of automation of control, it costs more.

Aeropac SN
It also has poor cleaning of the supply air (there is no HEPA filter, but at least there is a more or less normal carbon filter), there is no supply air heating at all (hello, drafts), a manually controlled damper, low performance, no automation. The only plus is that it's cheaper.

Lufter Jet Helix
It has a combined carbon filter (there is no HEPA filter), but its usable area is still less than that of the Tion. But it has a very compact body, automatic heating control and a quiet EC fan. It costs expensive. If he had the ability to automate control by a CO2 sensor, then he could seriously compete with Tion when operating in clean areas.

Ballu Air Master 2
In fact, a copied copy of Tion, supplemented with an incredible number of completely unnecessary options such as recirculation (there are no sources of PM2.5 particles in the living rooms, they are on the street - what to clean?) and aroma capsules (well, yes, allergy sufferers will especially "appreciate" this option). The design is copied from Tion, so the filtration quality is just as high, but there is a nuance - the ceramic heater is placed in front of the primary filter and protected by a primitive mesh. This means that, firstly, you will have to clean the mesh regularly, and secondly, the heater will still get dirty. In addition, such an arrangement of the heater reduces the useful cross-sectional area of ​​the supply channel. This is the only competitor that has the ability to automate the CO2 sensor, but the control algorithms need to be improved, and the location of the sensor is not the best. And after all, this is already the second generation of devices, and the first was even worse.

Even this year, Xiaomi released its ventilator. You can’t buy it in Russia yet, and it doesn’t have supply air heating (although it will definitely be no worse than Tion O2 in terms of the quality of supply air filtration).

But that is not all. There are devices that are called a reversible heat exchanger.

Vakio and Marley

The problem with these devices is that they are almost completely useless and will not replace either a compact air handling unit or a full-fledged heat exchanger.

Firstly, they have very big problems with productivity (30-35 m3/h at maximum speed, and this is only enough for one person) and, consequently, with the noise level. Well, what did you want from an axial (not centrifugal) computer cooler. Secondly, their design does not allow for full-fledged filtration of the supply air. Thirdly, insufficient air exchange (due to performance limitations) will lead to the formation of condensate and freezing of the heat exchanger.

But the biggest problem is that a compact reversible heat exchanger can only work in a complex of two devices synchronized with each other - when one heat exchanger works for supply and the other for exhaust, and every 30 seconds they change roles. That is, you need to install at least two such reversible heat exchangers in each room, which makes the whole idea economically unprofitable.

Why won't a single heat exchanger work, which first works for 30 seconds for supply, and then 30 seconds for exhaust? It is enough to think about where the air will come from in the apartment when a single reversible heat exchanger turns on for blowing. That's right, from a common house exhaust ventilation shaft or from a landing (with an appropriate smell). Although, in fact, the fan in such a heat exchanger will not be able to create sufficient static pressure to “overpower” the draft in the ventilation shaft. Therefore, any reversible heat exchangers are generally not applicable in apartment buildings with central exhaust ventilation. They are perfect for a small country house.

As a result, the best choice was and remains the Tion O2 breather in the Top version (MagicAir base station with Wi-Fi and CO2 sensor included). Do not forget that clean and fresh air is your health.

According to the regulations used in housing construction, ventilation in apartment buildings is implemented through ventilation ducts that remove exhaust air from kitchens and bathrooms. The ventilation ducts of the apartments are assembled into a single main air duct, which passes through all floors and leads to the roof of an apartment building.

According to its principle of operation, ventilation in apartment buildings belongs to the category of exhaust with a natural impulse, that is, its functioning is based on natural physical processes. The main effect is the vertical draft of warm air, which is formed due to the temperature difference between the temperature in the apartment and the temperature outside. The warm exhaust air rises through the exhaust duct and flows out through the outlet on the roof. It is replaced by fresh street, coming through leaks in windows and doors.

Such an apartment ventilation scheme is not without flaws. We list the main ones:

  1. This ventilation is inoperable in case of installation of hermetic double-glazed windows and entrance doors. As a result, the apartment has to be ventilated by opening the windows and letting in fresh air along with drafts, noise, dust, exhaust gases, etc. The use of double-glazed windows equipped with various air exchange openings (micro-ventilation mode, window or wall valves) partially solves the problem, but the throughput to ensure the required environmental performance is often not enough, and the issue of air cleaning remains unresolved. In Moscow and other large cities, the air environment does not always meet environmental requirements for cleanliness, so special measures are needed to filter the fresh air entering the apartment.
  2. The efficiency of this type of apartment ventilation is significantly reduced in the warm season, when the temperature difference between the apartment and the street is small.
  3. Often, the exhaust ducts in the apartment are heavily polluted or dismantled by neighbors from above.
  4. Residents of apartments on the last floors of apartment buildings suffer greatly, where natural ventilation does not work well at any time of the year. Often, a so-called reverse thrust is formed.

In order to breathe easily in your apartment, it is necessary to apply additional measures to optimize air exchange. Among such measures, one of the most effective is the introduction of modern ventilation, which ensures a healthy microclimate in accordance with the norms established by law.

Normative indicators of ventilation parameters in the apartment

According to the regulation SP 54.13320.2011 "Residential multi-apartment buildings", the minimum air exchange is calculated based on the norm of 3 cubic meters per hour per square meter. m of total area. In this case, it is required to comply with the regime for auxiliary premises, according to their purpose:

  • for kitchens with a gas stove - 90 m3 per hour;
  • for kitchens equipped with an electric stove - 60 m3 per hour;
  • for combined bathrooms, toilets, bathrooms and showers - 50 m3 per hour;
  • for ordinary bathrooms and toilets - 25 m3 per hour;
  • for pantries and dressing rooms - 20 m3 per hour;
  • for living rooms up to 20 m2 - 3 m3/hour per 1 m2 of area;
  • for living rooms with an area of ​​​​more than 20 m2 - at least 30 ... 40 m3 / hour per 1 person;
  • the temperature of the supplied air should not be lower than +18°C, optimally +22...24°C;
  • relative humidity in the apartment in winter should be within 35...45%, in summer 45...65%.

Types and varieties of ventilation systems

To achieve the goal, different approaches and different design solutions are used, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. The most popular principal directions of the following types:
  • natural ventilation of the apartment using KIV valves;
  • apartment ventilation based on a ventilator (breather, airgriver, wall heat exchanger, etc.)
  • forced mechanical ventilation of the apartment.

Cost table for ventilation installation in a turnkey apartment

Number of rooms

Type of equipment

Approximate cost including installation

infiltration valves

4,000...15,000 rubles

room ventilator

30,000...50,000 rubles

55 000...95 000 rub

110,000...130,000 rubles

130,000...160,000 rubles

infiltration valves

8 000...25 000 rub

room ventilator

45,000...95,000 rubles

budget supply ventilation

85,000...150,000 rubles

supply ventilation unit

150,000...210,000 rubles

energy efficient VAV ventilation

RUB 210,000...290,000

infiltration valves

8 500...35 000 rub

room ventilator

75,000...125,000 rubles

budget supply ventilation

135,000...160,000 rubles

supply ventilation unit

180,000...250,000 rubles

energy efficient VAV ventilation

260,000...380,000 rubles

infiltration valves

15 000...50 000 rub

room ventilator

100,000...150,000 rubles

budget supply ventilation

145,000...190,000 rubles

supply ventilation unit

220,000...320,000 rubles

energy efficient VAV ventilation

330,000...480,000 rubles

You can get additional advice on the arrangement of the ventilation system in the apartment by calling our numbers listed on the website. The table above shows the approximate cost of the ventilation system in the apartment, the final cost is only after our engineer leaves to inspect the apartment and clarify all the nuances, subtleties and your wishes.

You can send us a preliminary Application for the calculation of the ventilation system.

Natural ventilation of the apartment.

One of the simplest options for improving the performance of natural ventilation is to install air infiltration valves (or simply KIV), which are designed to ensure fresh air enters the apartment with the windows closed. This will improve the air exchange in the apartment if the natural exhaust in the apartment is functioning normally.

Structurally, KIV is a product in the form of a pipe made of polymer material, which is mounted in a hole in the wall and closed from the side of the street with a decorative grille. Heat and sound insulation is mounted in the pipe, and at its inner end there is a special head, on which filter elements and an adjustable damper are mounted, with its help the incoming flow can be strengthened, weakened or blocked completely. In fact, this is an analogue of a window valve or a vent, equipped with means of protection against noise and dust and adjusting the intensity of air exchange.

On the shelves of specialized stores there are infiltration valves of several brands, differing in pipe diameter, shut-off valve mechanisms, filters, insulation and seals. For various versions, manufacturers give their recommendations on their preferred placement in relation to hood grilles, window openings and heating radiators. The requirements for the recommended placement height in relation to the floor and ceiling also differ. Therefore, despite the fact that the simplicity of the product, its installation is allowed on its own.

With all the variety of CIV models, they are united by the fact that the principle of their operation is based on forced convection due to the Archimedean force. This determines the advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of KIV include:

  1. Low cost. This is the most budget option for ventilation in the apartment. In addition to the fact that the installation kit itself costs only a few thousand rubles, installation services will also be inexpensive, since they are limited only to drilling a hole in the wall, inserting an air duct with insulation and seals, attaching a decorative protective grille and head.
  2. Independence from energy sources. The devices do not require connection to any power grid, their operation does not lead to an increase in energy costs. Where steam heating radiators are used to heat the flow coming from outside, energy costs are sometimes even reduced.
  3. Durability, reliability and unpretentiousness. There are no operating costs, periodic maintenance is minimal. It is only necessary to periodically rinse or clean the filter elements, and that's it.
  4. No need to lower the ceiling, arrange ventilation ducts in the sub-ceiling space and other capital works. Installation can be carried out in already renovated apartments. All components are easily dismantled and replaced if necessary.

Main disadvantages:

  1. Vulnerability from disruption of the normal functioning of the built-in ventilation system. If the hood draws poorly due to clogged lines or overlapping grates, the KIV is useless and its efficiency will be minimal. The performance of the KIV depends on the pressure drop, and the magnitude of the drop depends not only on the health of the ventilation system, but also on the season. In summer, the effectiveness of this method of ventilation of the apartment is noticeably reduced.
  2. Limited functionality. A simple and inexpensive product, by definition, does not have an extended list of functions. When used correctly, it provides a small controlled intake of outside air, cleaning it from insects and dust in class EU3 and below (coarse cleaning). But KIV does not have such capabilities as:
    • filtration of incoming air to an acceptable level;
    • odor removal and disinfection;
    • automatic heating or cooling of air;
    • control and regulation of humidity;
    • integration into an intelligent multi-component structure.
  3. It should be borne in mind that the throughput of any KIV is insufficient for full-fledged air exchange in the apartment. With a very large pressure drop, the KIV can pass 40-50 m3 / h, but in real conditions you should not count on more than 10-20 m3 / h, which is clearly not enough to organize full-fledged ventilation in the apartment.

Photo of ventilation valves installed by us


The fundamental limitation of the natural ventilation method is the dependence of the result on the difference in air pressure at the inlet and outlet. The creation of this difference artificially is not provided, so the provided air flow changes along with changes in external conditions, and not according to our desire. If this does not suit us, we should look for other solutions.

Air exchange through the hole in the wall for KIV can be increased to 120-160 m3/h and its stability can be ensured if a ventilator is installed instead of KIV.

A ventilator is a device that includes a fan that blows fresh air into the apartment.

The class of ventilators includes breathers, airgrivers, wall reversible heat exchangers, etc.

Ventilators, breathers, airgrivers and reversible heat exchangers (hereinafter referred to as ventilators) are more complex and expensive devices compared to KIV dampers, because in addition to the blower fan, the device kit may also contain soundproof inserts, thermal insulation, a set of filters, a control panel, automation and etc.

Ventilators, unlike KIV valves, provide better filtration of fresh air injected into the apartment. Depending on the model and manufacturer, the set of filters is different. The air filtration class that the ventilators can provide ranges from EU3 to EU9. Some ventilators are equipped with HEPA or even H11 filters.

Another important component of the ventilator is an integrated electric air heater with a power of up to 1 kilowatt (its presence is optional, it is not available in all models). If the heater is present, then the control panel also has an organ for adjusting its power.

Pros of ventilators:

  1. Ensuring a stable air supply with a capacity of up to 160 m3 / h, regardless of the season and how the ventilation ducts work.
  2. An extended set of features, including heating, improved filtration, timer on and off, climate control, remote control. In products of different manufacturers, this functionality can be implemented in different ways and to different extents, but it is always present, at least partially. At the same time simplicity of connection, installation, service and operation remains.

Cons of ventilators:

  1. The need to connect to the power grid and high energy consumption. When the heating is on, the energy consumption can be quite noticeable if more than 100 cubic meters need to be heated to + 20 ° C every hour, and there is no heat recovery equipment.
  2. Noise. The existing sound insulation does not allow to completely get rid of street noise due to the presence of an open air duct. But this is not so bad, the main source of acoustic discomfort is the blower fan, which makes quite a lot of noise at high speeds.
  3. The functionality of the ventilator is not extended by adding new modules. Integration into the structure of an automated "smart home" is also impossible, which limits the scope of such technology to small rooms.
  4. There is no possibility to control the humidity in the room.
  5. The high cost of filter elements and their low dust capacity.

Photo of the ventilator installed by us

You can see all the work in the portfolio section.

Forced mechanical ventilation

This term is understood as a generalized name for various ventilation units, which are united by the fact that they are multicomponent, automated, with high power and a wide list of additional functions. The set of ventilation units includes heaters, blowers, dampers, filters, various sensors, control automation, flexible or rigid local air ducts, diffusers, humidifiers, etc. The unit can be formed from disparate elements, or it can be one of a series of finished devices - ready-made ventilation units, which are more compact, and their automation is more advanced compared to stacked ventilation systems.

The construction of such a ventilation system in an apartment is associated with a large amount of construction work, so it is usually carried out during major repairs. For laying intra-apartment air ducts, in most cases, it is necessary to lower the ceiling by 15-25 cm. Placement of the installation itself also requires space, it is often placed in the corridor, in the bathroom, on the loggia or mounted outside on brackets.

Mechanical ventilation can be classified into several categories:

  1. Supply. Provides injection into the rooms, and removal is ensured by extrusion into the exhaust lines.
  2. Supply and exhaust. The air outlet is provided by additional exhaust fans installed separately or included in the ventilation unit. The use of such a scheme is justified if the natural ventilation ducts of the apartment are clogged or do not work well for other reasons.
  3. Supply and exhaust with recovery. The unit includes a recuperator - a unit designed to heat the incoming frosty air by heat exchange with heated air. The addition of a recuperator can significantly reduce energy costs for maintaining the optimal temperature regime in the residential area. In winter, the heat exchanger reduces heat energy costs by 50% or more.

This classification is not limited to diversity. Hundreds of volumes of reference literature, scientific research, patents and licenses have been written on the topic of ventilation of apartments and industrial facilities, and the vast majority of the methods and technical approaches described in them relate specifically to forced ventilation. Among the current directions of development are the following:
  • full automation of all processes;
  • integration of ventilation, humidification and air conditioning systems into a single complex that controls and regulates all microclimate parameters: heat / cold, humidity, dustiness, carbon dioxide content, neutralization of foreign odors;
  • widespread use of energy-saving technologies, the construction of multi-zone VAV ventilation (on demand) with the processing of information from temperature sensors, hygrometers, carbon dioxide concentration meters, indicators of the presence of people in rooms and corridors.

Photos of ventilation units installed by us

The advantages of such complex solutions are obvious and consist in the widest range of functions, which is expanded and configured in accordance with the preferences of the Customer. With the help of a properly configured combination, you can qualitatively solve any problem related to maintaining climatic comfort in an apartment. But one piece of equipment is not enough, we still need qualified specialists who will develop and professionally install a ventilation system that is ideal for this particular situation, taking into account all the wishes of the Customer.

When purchasing serious equipment for serious tasks, it should be understood that you will have to spend serious money. The cost of the ventilation equipment itself, its installation with related construction works, operation and maintenance is significantly higher than that of simpler structures based on passive KIV, mechanical ventilators or breathers. Which way to go and which system configuration to choose is up to you. Our specialists are always ready to provide any assistance, from advice and recommendations to the design of the complex, configuration and manufacture with the start-up of forced mechanical ventilation on a turnkey basis.

At the moment, we have accumulated vast experience, with the help of which we have implemented and continue to implement modern ventilation solutions in apartments, including complex ones (energy-efficient multi-zone and simple VAV systems, control and monitoring of ventilation via the Modbus digital bus, air humidification, ventilation control by sensors CO2, heat recovery, smart home integration, remote control, etc.)

The experience of our work in the field of forced mechanical ventilation of apartments allows us to issue competent technical solutions to the Customer in the shortest possible time.