Almost every pregnant woman is faced with a mysterious phrase - uterine tone. Doctors also call this condition hypertonicity.

The debate about tone continues. Modern doctors believe that it is not worth treating and hospitalizing a pregnant woman with such a diagnosis, while old-school doctors prefer to play it safe. In most cases, the tone of the uterus does not threaten the pregnant woman and the child, but exceptions do occur 1 .

Uterine tone - a side view

To begin with, it is important to understand what the uterus is and how it functions. It is worth imagining a hollow organ, shaped like a vessel, the walls of which are muscle tissue.

The organ consists of three layers:

  • Outer serous membrane.
  • Internal mucous membrane.
  • The central muscle tissue is the myometrium.

We remember from the school anatomy curriculum that the main task of muscles is contraction.

The myometrium is responsible for contractions, which is the main function of childbirth. In theory, the myometrium should not contract during rest. As the fetus grows, the uterus gradually stretches, providing the fetus with proper comfort. If contractions are observed before the onset of labor at any stage of pregnancy, then they speak of uterine tone. An obstetrician or ultrasound diagnostician, regardless of the condition of the pregnant woman, can make a diagnosis of hypertonicity 2.

Some doctors believe that short-term contractions of the uterus are quite common and do not threaten the unborn child. In Western medicine there is no concept of uterine tone at all; there is hypertonicity, which actually heralds the onset of labor. Short-term uterine tone can be provoked by stress, sex, and even a trip to the gynecologist 1.

The real danger of uterine tone

Any pregnant woman immediately understands when she experiences prolonged uterine tone. If it is accompanied by general malaise, unusual discharge and other unusual symptoms, then you should immediately consult a doctor. In addition, you need to know the real threats of prolonged hypertonicity:

1. In the early stages of pregnancy (first trimester), hypertonicity can provoke fetal death. Hypertonicity really poses a danger in the very early period of pregnancy, when the embryo has not yet attached itself to the walls inside the uterus.

2. In the later stages (second and third trimester), hypertonicity can provoke premature birth.

3. The tone of the uterus in a pregnant woman threatens the baby with hypoxia, since the compressed uterus partially blocks access to oxygen and nutrients. The child's growth and development are suspended.

4. Starting from the 32nd week, regular uterine contractions (which, however, do not cause pain or severe discomfort) are the absolute norm. Thus, the uterus “trains” before childbirth. However, regular medical supervision during this period is very important. If, along with increased activity of the uterus, there is an “unfavorable” obstetric history (termination of pregnancy, complications of childbirth), it is important to treat any manifestations of increased uterine tone with great caution and carefully evaluate each situation. 3

Causes of uterine tone

When symptoms of uterine tone occur during pregnancy, expectant mothers immediately ask the question: “what is the reason”? However, it is worth considering that uterine tone is not an independent disease. Uterine tone or hypertonicity is a symptom of another disease or problem developing in the body during pregnancy, and there are a lot of possible problems 4.

The main task after diagnosing uterine tone is to find the cause of the tone and influence this cause. At the same time, it is necessary to fight the tone itself and prevent its protracted course.

It is almost impossible to list all possible conditions of the body in which uterine tone is formed. But we can highlight the main ones:

1. Stressful condition. The most common cause of tone is ordinary stress. Any experience of a pregnant woman affects the tone of the uterus. This is why uterine tone is so often diagnosed during an examination by a gynecologist or during a routine examination in an ultrasound room. Unfortunately, not all doctors understand that this condition is caused by stress and after examination everything quickly returns to normal.

2. Lack of pregnancy hormones, which is a hormonal disorder. A similar hormone is provided to the body by the remains of the egg after fertilization. Progesterone relaxes the myometrium and allows the fertilized egg with the future embryo to gain a foothold inside the uterus. Lack of progesterone provokes hypertonicity, the organ can begin to contract, preventing the fertilized egg from attaching, which leads to an obvious and sad ending to pregnancy.

3. Inflammation and infections. Everyone knows that before pregnancy it is extremely important to heal all “sores” and ailments. But this is not always possible, then similar diseases can become the cause of uterine tone in a pregnant woman. However, in this case, hypertonicity is accompanied by symptoms characteristic of this disease, which facilitates diagnosis and further treatment.

4. Toxicosis. A common but unpleasant condition that accompanies pregnancy, especially its first half. Severe toxicosis causes vomiting and retching, which in turn affects uterine contractions. In this case, agents are needed to reduce the symptoms of toxicosis.

5. Rhesus conflict. A different Rh factor in the mother and father is always a risk for the unborn child. If an embryo develops in the womb and has inherited the Rh factor from its father, then the woman’s body will begin to reject it with all its might, which ultimately results in prolonged hypertonicity.

6. Previous abortions. After an abortion, synechiae (adhesions) form on the walls of the uterus. Further pregnancy always occurs with various threats, including uterine tone.

7. Intestinal problems. Gas formation, disturbances in intestinal contraction and the process of defecation have a physiological effect on the uterus, as does toxicosis.

8. Medicines. Taking medications during pregnancy is associated with risks. It is necessary to clearly know about all the side effects and contraindications of the medications used. Self-administration is harmful to the pregnant woman, the unborn child and can cause uterine tone.

9. Physical changes in the uterus. They can cause polyhydramnios, multiple births, or simply a large fetus and its rapid growth. The uterus, in turn, reacts with tone 5.

Symptoms and diagnosis of uterine tone during pregnancy

As a rule, a pregnant woman herself understands when she experiences uterine tone; such sensations are difficult to confuse. Depending on the period, symptoms of uterine tone in a pregnant woman may vary slightly:

  • 1st trimester – pain in the lower back and nagging pain below the abdomen.
  • 2nd trimester – the symptoms described above are accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and tension in the abdominal area.
  • 3rd trimester - the tone can not only be felt, but also palpated, the abdomen becomes as dense as possible, its usual shape may change 5.

It happens that a pregnant woman ignores such symptoms or gets used to them, then the tone of the uterus is easily detected on an ultrasound or at an appointment with a gynecologist. For a more accurate diagnosis, additional tools are used, such as a tonometer.

But as already mentioned, it is important not only to diagnose the tone itself, but to determine the cause of its appearance. Sometimes outpatient monitoring of a pregnant woman is not enough, and hospitalization is required.

To treat or not to treat uterine tone during pregnancy?

An obvious question with a non-obvious answer. It all depends on certain factors, such as the duration of pregnancy, the frequency and duration of the tone, and most importantly, on the reason that causes this tone. If the tone threatens the unborn child, then naturally it needs to be treated, but such a decision can only be made by a gynecologist.

If the tone is accompanied by pronounced pain or unusual discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor.

In case of hospitalization and severe hypertension, doctors will try to deal with it promptly. For this purpose, electrophoresis with magnesium and other types of electrical stimulation are used. For severe toxicosis that provokes hypertonicity, endonasal galvanization is used.

If the doctor determines that the expectant mother is able to cope with the tone of the uterus herself, outpatient treatment is prescribed. Most often, doctors prescribe mild sedatives and antispasmodics. If there is a lack of progesterone, hormonal drugs are prescribed. Naturally, a pregnant woman is recommended to have complete rest, bed rest and the absence of any stressful situations 5 .

The two most important tips, which are also the basis for the prevention of tone:

  • Before pregnancy, it is important to cure all diseases and give up all bad habits, and during pregnancy, monitor your health and respond to any changes in the body.
  • “Calm, only calm” is the basis of life philosophy for expectant mothers. Lack of stress is the key to a successful birth.

In addition, it is worth getting used to a healthy diet and normalizing your water balance. It is necessary to avoid any heavy physical activity. Wear loose clothing and walk outdoors more often. During pregnancy, try to lead a healthy lifestyle, because the health of the unborn child depends on it.

  • 1. Berezovskaya E. 9 months of happiness. Desk aid for pregnant women / E.P. Berezovskaya. – M.: Eksmo, 2015. – 576 p.
  • 2. Gasparyan N. Modern ideas about the mechanism of regulation of contractile activity of the uterus / N. D. Gasparyan, E. N. Kareva // Russian Bulletin of Obstetrician-Gynecologist. – 2003. – No. 2 (3). – 21-27 s.
  • 3. Bakhmach V. Changes in the uterus and cervix during pregnancy and on the eve of childbirth / V. O. Bakhmach [et al.] // Saratov Medical Scientific Journal. – 2011. – No. 2 (7). – 396-400 p.
  • 4. Enikeeva G. Prevention of disorders of contractile activity of the uterus during childbirth and the early postpartum period / G. K. Enikeeva [et al.]// Abstracts. I All-Russian Congress of Obstetricians-Gynecologists and Pediatricians. – Chelyabinsk, 1992. – 49-50 p.
  • 5. Sidorova I. Guide to obstetrics / I. S. Sidorova, V. I. Kulakov, I. O. Makarov. – M.: Medicine, 2006. – 848 p.

The uterus is the organ that experiences the greatest stress during pregnancy. During pregnancy, each muscle fiber thickens and lengthens several times. However, such a process is absolutely natural, natural and painless, and in the normal state of the uterus it is not accompanied by tension in its muscles. In other words, even stretched and elongated, they are at rest.

However, many women during pregnancy experience a situation such as increased uterine tone. That is, the muscles that should be in a relaxed state and not cause concern to the expectant mother contract, causing increased pressure in the pelvic area.

In some cases, increased uterine tone is not a pathology: when muscles contract during laughter, sneezing, or even orgasm. In addition, in the last trimester of pregnancy, the muscle tissue of the uterus can contract as part of the so-called “training” contractions: rather weak and short-lived, representing a kind of rehearsal before the birth of the child. As you may have noticed, in all these cases, the increased tone persists for a short period of time, and there is no need to get rid of it. If it does not go away long enough, then there is a threat to the health of the mother and the unborn child, as well as the likelihood of premature birth or miscarriage.

How to determine increased tone in the uterus?

The main symptoms that indicate that your uterus has been in good shape for too long are as follows:

  1. Drawing, aching pain in the lower abdomen. As you might guess, they can feel very similar to those painful urges that you feel during your period.
  2. Abdominal tension. This symptom is most noticeable already in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy: the abdomen literally hardens and contracts due to excessive tension in the muscles of the uterus.
  3. Pain in the lumbar and sacral area- the parts of the spine closest to the uterus.
  4. Bloody spotting discharge. This is the most alarming symptom, and if you detect it, you should under no circumstances self-medicate at home. Call an ambulance immediately, otherwise you may lose your child.

How to relieve increased uterine tone in pregnant women?

If you have been experiencing increased uterine tone for a long time, we strongly recommend that you consult a doctor. The main techniques with which you can relieve tension from the most important reproductive organ at home are the following methods:

  • Bed rest, avoidance of physical activity, healthy sleep, frequent exposure to fresh air. If you planned to go to work until the last minute and are faced with increased uterine tone, then you should think about whether wages are more important to you than the health and well-being of your baby.
  • Antispasmodic drugs. This is a standard treatment aimed at relieving muscle hypertonicity of any organ. Pregnant women are most often prescribed drugs such as Papaverine or No-Shpa.
  • Sedatives. Increased tone is often associated with emotional tension and the stressful state of the expectant mother. Therefore, she may be prescribed a tincture of valerian, motherwort or other relatively harmless sedative herbs.
  • Physiotherapy, reflexology, psychological consultations. These are several more methods, the main goal of which is to relieve stress in the expectant mother: both physical and psychological.

  • Hormonal drugs. Sometimes the cause of hypertension is a lack or, for example, an excess of progesterone in a woman’s body. In this case, she is prescribed hormonal medications designed to increase or, conversely, decrease their concentration in the patient’s blood.
  • Proper nutrition, medications to reduce gas formation in the intestines. Problems with the digestive system are a standard pregnancy companion, and sometimes it is they that cause prolonged increased tone of the uterus. To get rid of such problems, a fortified diet and special medications can be prescribed.

  • Hemostatic drugs. They are prescribed in the presence of bloody discharge. This may be “Sodium Etamsylate”, “Dicynon” and other drugs.

These are just a few of the most common answers to the question of what to do with uterine hypertonicity. And even from them it becomes clear how individual the prescription of certain methods of dealing with the problem is, and how much the treatment will vary depending on the causes of increased tone. Therefore, we advise you to use these data only as general recommendations and be sure to consult a doctor to specify your treatment program.

Why does increased uterine tone occur?

Before prescribing you treatment designed to reduce uterine hypertonicity, the doctor will conduct an examination to find out its causes. Most often this situation occurs in one of the following cases:

  • Anomalies and malformations of the reproductive system, that is, individual (most often congenital) characteristics of the body.
  • Hormonal problems (lack or excess concentration of progesterone).
  • Inflammatory processes, tumors and infections in the uterus or its appendages.
  • Stress, emotional breakdowns, psychological or physical stress, violation of the correct daily routine, lack of sleep, etc.

  • Bad habits (drinking alcohol, drugs, smoking).
  • Previous abortions, miscarriages or premature births that occurred before the current pregnancy.
  • Various somatic disorders (diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart and other organs).
  • Toxicosis, unhealthy diet, problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Multiple pregnancies, large fetuses, or excessive amniotic fluid.
  • Rh conflict between mother and unborn child, in which careful monitoring of the patient must be carried out from the very first days of pregnancy.

Thus, there can be many reasons for uterine hypertonicity, and correct diagnosis in your particular case is extremely important in order to eliminate this problem effectively and harmlessly. Take care of your health and the health of your baby - identify symptoms and consult a doctor in a timely manner!

Every woman faces one or another problem during pregnancy. A diagnosis of “uterine body tone” is common.
Uterine tone during pregnancy is the degree of tension in the walls of the uterus. The uterus is a hollow organ consisting of several layers:

  • external (perimetry, serous layer);
  • middle (myometrium, muscle layer);
  • internal (endometrium, mucous layer).

To understand what uterine tone is, you need to understand the myometrium, since it is the tissue that has a contractile function, which is necessary for pregnancy and childbirth. Tone is not always a negative thing. The muscles of the uterus contract when sneezing, gynecological examination, or coughing. Pathological is prolonged high tone, which can appear at different stages of pregnancy. Tone is a consequence of disruptions in the mother’s body; it is not an independent disease. There are the following types of tone:

  • increased - both short-term and permanent, in localization it can be local or extensive (total);
  • moderate - normotonus, the state of a non-pregnant uterus or a pregnant woman in a state of calm;
  • reduced - abnormal physiological state of the uterus, its excessive relaxation, is an unpleasant addition in the postpartum period, the cause of uterine hypotonic bleeding.

Hypertonicity is an anomaly in the order of contractions during childbirth; it cannot be compared with increased tone.

The first and last two, of course, are dangerous conditions and can lead to very dire consequences. In the early stages, this leads to pregnancy fading (up to 28 weeks), and later to untimely birth. High tone leads to disruption of the blood supply to the fetus, as a result of hypoxia (reduced oxygen supply) and delayed development of the child. You shouldn’t be too scared, just if such symptoms occur, you should consult a gynecologist.

Causes of hypertension

There are two types:

  • somatic;
  • psychosomatic.

The first are directly related to the presence of physiological problems in. The second is the emergence of a psychological aspect, that is, experiences, worries for a certain period, which has a sufficient impact on the nervous system, its excitability and the body’s response in terms of bringing the uterus into tension.

Physiological reasons:

  • living conditions, main activities, bad habits, age;
  • obstetric features - structural features of the uterus, the course of the previous pregnancy, infections during pregnancy, complications of pregnancy (Rhesus conflict, toxicosis);
  • excessive physical activity during pregnancy;
  • decreased progesterone levels;
  • polyhydramnios and, as a consequence, severe distension of the uterus;
  • non-compliance with the work and rest schedule;
  • The nutritional pattern affects changes in the tone of the uterus. Eating excessively salty, peppery, gas-forming foods that affect the condition of the body.

Symptoms of increased uterine tone depending on the trimester

The most dangerous period is the tone of the uterus during pregnancy - symptoms - 1st trimester. At this time, contraction of the uterine muscles may be felt, including pain and discharge. The uterus tenses and hardens, in this case you should lie on your back and touch the lower abdomen. Most often, increased tone is diagnosed by ultrasound, but it can also be detected by a doctor during a routine examination. If you notice at least one of the listed symptoms during the first 21 weeks of pregnancy, there is a reason to consult a doctor.

In the second trimester, it is more difficult for the woman herself to determine the tension of the walls of the uterus, because a number of other sensations are added (fetal movement). The discharge may be the same as in the first trimester. For this, it is recommended to use panty liners. Pain due to spasm of the uterine walls during this period can easily be confused with back pain or renal colic. If the sensations are strong, you should immediately call an ambulance.

In the third trimester, the appearance of periodic similar increased tones indicates the preparation of the uterus for the upcoming birth. These are the so-called training contractions. It is important to distinguish them from false abbreviations. Training sessions are short-term and lack regularity. With such contractions there is no discharge mixed with blood and pain.


High uterine tone should be treated according to the trimester of pregnancy and under the supervision of a doctor. Uterine tone during pregnancy: symptoms will help the specialist correctly prescribe treatment and save the woman and unborn child from unwanted consequences. Progesterone is a pregnancy hormone. Often its lack causes an increase in tone. This problem is solved by using progesterone drugs such as Duphaston, Utrozhestan. The use of progesterone in the first trimester is in demand, since the risk of miscarriage is high. For severe tone, progesterone is prescribed by injection. In some cases, No-shpa (Drotaverine) is used with caution in the first trimester and lactation, for cramps. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor. Such drugs should not be taken constantly, as they smooth out the uterus and can cause freezing. One of the remedies used to treat this condition is with papaverine. The cause of tone may be a lack of magnesium and vitamin B6, which is compensated for by the use of Magne B6 and Magnefar. The latter should not be taken together with vitamin-mineral complexes for pregnant women, but taken only as prescribed by a doctor, if the potential benefit to the fetus outweighs the risk to the mother. In case of prolonged, continuous increased tone, treatment in a hospital is indicated. It is recommended to combine the above treatment with the drug Ginipral. According to its pharmacological action, it is characterized as a means that reduces the contractility of the myometrium and its tone. The drug affects contractions (premature) and they stop, which helps prolong the gestation period. It has a slight change in the cardiac activity of the pregnant woman, her blood flow and the fetus. This drug is tocolic. Can uterine tone be caused by increased bowel function? Yes, it can. A gastroenterologist will help normalize your general condition. Perhaps the woman is not eating properly, eating a lot of spicy, fatty, gas-forming foods. He drinks little fluids, which contributes to the formation of constipation or, conversely, the occurrence of diarrhea, to eliminate which, in addition to changing the diet, you can use enterosorbents, such as Enterosgel. Correcting the intestinal microflora with the help of special medications can help. Taking antibiotics during pregnancy often leads to these types of intestinal problems. Nutritionists recommend eating more bananas, molasses, and persimmons. Lean meat of turkey, chicken, rabbit, and beef is healthy. Soy contains a lot of vitamins, as well as natural phytohormones. A mixture of properly selected nuts and dried fruits will also be beneficial. You should eat at least a handful of this per day. It is advisable to avoid drinking green, black tea and coffee. These drinks can trigger a spasm. You should completely exclude carbonated water from your diet, as drinking it can cause flatulence.

At home, women who do not have vaginal discharge due to uterine tone can lie in a warm bath, listen to classical music, and perhaps use valerian and motherwort. But you should not lie in a hot bath, steam your feet, or add essential oils to the bath - this can cause increased tone. If spasms occur suddenly, sit down, take a couple of deep breaths, exhale, and relax. It is very important to maintain maximum calm during pregnancy; it has been noticed that the tone of the uterus increases after unnecessary worries. It is not recommended for a pregnant woman with increased uterine tone to have sex, because orgasm stimulates the uterus to contract.

Is it possible to wear squeezing, constrictive clothing if the uterus is toned? No.

Uterine tone during pregnancy - it is very important to choose the right treatment

For prevention purposes, you should adhere to the following tips:

  • it is necessary to avoid both physical and emotional strong overload of the body;
  • maintain a daily routine, alternating work and rest time;
  • limit sexual activity;
  • if the uterus is toned, you can go swimming and do some exercises to prevent uterine spasms;
  • walk calmly, avoiding sudden movements;
  • it is important to maintain genital hygiene to prevent infectious diseases;
  • a full night's sleep of at least 8 hours. It wouldn't hurt to lie down after lunch;
  • frequent walks in the fresh air;
  • proper nutrition;
  • You cannot self-medicate; all vitamins and medications should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor;
  • do not violate bed rest if it is prescribed by a doctor;

Uterine tone during pregnancy: symptoms -2nd trimester is not as dangerous as the first and third, but you still shouldn’t relax. Carry out everything according to the doctor's recommendations. Uterine tone - symptoms, if they appear, it is important to inform the doctor in time. The choice of treatment depends on how the patient describes her condition. In addition, your doctor will recommend learning how to relieve uterine tone during pregnancy.

In addition to traditional medicine recipes to relieve increased uterine tone, there are folk remedies. The simplest is lemon balm. It has a calming effect and relieves stress, anxiety, and calms the nerves. To prepare 1 liter of lemon balm infusion, take 20 g of herb, add 1 liter of hot water, and leave for 20 minutes. You can add honey. Divide into 3-4 doses, drink throughout the day. Another remedy is valerian root (50 g) with linden flowers in the same quantity. Infuse for 1 hour, consume 50 ml three times a day. If the uterus has increased tone, do not worry too much. You must strictly follow the doctor's instructions.

Why is uterine tone dangerous during pregnancy? was last modified: May 2, 2016 by Gulya

Hypertonicity of the uterus is its increased contractility. Due to the fact that the uterus tends to contract, the child is born. But such uterine contractions should be normal only during childbirth.

If the tone appears during pregnancy or lasts for several minutes, this will not provide the child with normal nutrition, so as a result, the child may have disorders, and the pregnancy may even freeze. To prevent anything like this from happening, you need to know everything about hypertension and how to prevent it.

So why does the uterus begin to contract? Contraction of the uterus is caused by many factors, but most often it is hormonal changes in the body.

Common causes of uterine tone

Doctors identify several reasons:

1. The presence of surgical interventions in the uterus, including abortions.
2. Abnormal development of the uterus (bicornuate, adhesions, bend, etc.).
3. The presence of endocrine diseases (polycystic disease, diabetes mellitus, etc.).
4. The age of the woman, up to 21 and after 40 years.

In addition to the woman’s hormonal background and the reasons listed above, there are others. Among them, one of the central places is occupied by the state of the nervous system. And all because, due to the restlessness of the nervous system, the level of oxytocin and adrenaline rises. If everything is in order with the nerves, then these hormones do not increase above normal, and the smooth muscles of the uterus remain at rest. If the level of these hormones is slightly too high, the uterus begins to contract, because it’s not without reason that during labor, an oxytocin drip is given to stimulate them.

And also, for the calmness of the uterus, a full-fledged one is very important. So, when you are pregnant, dear ladies, do not forget to sleep 9 hours a day, and 2 hours at lunch, if possible.

Other causes of uterine tone

In addition to the groups of reasons described above, there are several more, although they can affect a normal, adult woman, without nervous disorders and lack of sleep. And these reasons are:

1. Correct lifestyle. Very important, it includes the ability to do everything slowly without sudden movements or tension. Here is slow walking, transition from a lying to a sitting position, etc. phenomena.
2. Proper bowel function. Due to the close location of the intestinal loops to the uterus, increased peristalsis also provokes uterine contractions, leading to tone. That's why it's so important to eat right during this period. And it is advisable to eliminate constipation not with an enema, but with food (prunes, dried apricots, raisins, etc.) or use papaverine suppositories.
3. Lack of vitamins, especially folic acid and vitamin E. Ask your doctor to prescribe you the correct vitamin complex or a balanced menu in which all the necessary vitamins will be supplied from food.

For the expectant mother, a good mood is very important, then there will be no worries and the tone of the uterus. You must try to control your emotions, especially during the 3rd and 7th months of pregnancy. After all, no one can help a baby to be born full-fledged better than a mother. Doctors provide only a little support in this whole process.

1. Control your sleep and wakefulness patterns.
2. Transfer some of the household chores to your household members.
3. Don't communicate with people you don't like.
4. Be careful during sexual intercourse, especially at 3 and 7 months.

It is clear that you will not be able to spend your entire pregnancy absolutely calmly, but it is worth trying at least in the main aspects. If everything is done correctly, the baby will be born healthy, and the parents will be simply happy that they now have a small, beloved miracle for which they can do anything.

Almost every pregnant woman is interested. Someone was “delighted” by the doctor with such a diagnosis, someone was frightened by a friend who had previously given birth, and someone, having heard this term, wants to quickly find out what it is so as not to have to deal with it in personal practice. To define the concept of uterine hypertonicity, phrases such as “toned uterus” and “increased uterine tone” are also used. So what is uterine hypertonicity? Why does it occur? Is it dangerous for the baby? Is it possible to treat it?

What is uterine hypertonicity? Symptoms and signs

The uterus, a woman’s reproductive organ, consists of three layers: a thin membrane, muscle fibers and endometrium, which covers the uterine cavity from the inside. The muscle fibers of the uterus have the ability to contract, that is, to tone. Nature provides that during the period of bearing a baby, the muscles of the uterus are in a relaxed state and do not contract. But if for some reason the muscular layer of the uterus is exposed to irritants, it contracts and contracts. This creates a certain pressure (depending on the strength of the contractions), and then they talk about uterine hypertonicity. The condition when the muscles of the uterus are relaxed and calm during pregnancy is called normotonus.

Since uterine hypertonicity is a symptom of the threat of spontaneous abortion or, in later stages, premature birth, you need to know how it manifests itself. This will allow you to contact a specialist in time and eliminate the causes of hypertension. The first signs that the uterus is in increased tone are nagging and unpleasant pain in the lower abdomen, as well as in the lumbar or sacral area. Pain in the pubic area often occurs. A woman experiences a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen. Women after the first trimester, when the tummy is already quite large, feel as if the uterus is made of stone.

How is uterine hypertonicity diagnosed?

In order to diagnose this condition, there are several methods. The simplest is palpation by a doctor). This method is especially informative in the later stages, when the uterus is already outside the pelvis, or rather above it. Then hypertonicity can be determined through palpation of the anterior abdominal wall. The second method is ultrasound examination. Ultrasound is more informative in the sense that it also shows the tone of the uterus that the woman does not feel. This is relevant for the so-called local tone, when not the entire uterus is tense, but some part of it. The third method is tonuometry. It is carried out using a special device, the sensor of which is applied to the woman’s stomach and the information received is read.

What causes uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy?

There are quite a few reasons that cause uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy. For example, in the early stages, various hormonal disorders can lead to this condition of the uterus. Especially often, the “culprit” of increased tone is the hormone progesterone, or rather, its lack.

Structural changes in the walls of the uterus, such as endometriosis, can also cause hypertension. If a woman suffered from various inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs (uterus, appendages, ovaries) before pregnancy, then she will most likely know what hypertonicity is during pregnancy.

Also, the cause of uterine hypertonicity can be any strong emotional shock, stress, or fear. To this list it is worth adding such factors as heavy physical work, excessive activity of a pregnant woman, poor-quality and inadequate rest and sleep.

Who is most likely to experience uterine tone during pregnancy?

Doctors have found that there are certain “risk groups”. Women who belong to them, as a rule, have one, or even several, of the risk factors listed below. These are women:

  • have had abortions;
  • with underdeveloped genitals;
  • with weak immunity;
  • having inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • under the age of 18 and over 30 years of age;
  • frequently exposed to chemicals;
  • smoking, drinking or having other bad habits;
  • who are on bad terms with their husband or other family members.

Why is uterine hypertonicity dangerous?

In the first trimester of pregnancy, increased uterine tone can cause the death of the fertilized egg, non-developing pregnancy, and even miscarriage - spontaneous termination of pregnancy. At later stages, hypertonicity can cause spontaneous abortion or, if the period is more than 28 weeks, premature birth. If the tone is local, then it is especially dangerous along the wall where the placenta is attached, since in this case there is a danger of its detachment. In the early stages, chorion detachment may occur for the same reason.

For a child in the womb, uterine hypertonicity is dangerous due to impaired blood supply to the placenta. This leads to oxygen starvation (intrauterine hypoxia) and, consequently, to retarded growth and development.

How to treat uterine hypertonicity?

If a pregnant woman feels pain in the abdominal area and a “stony” uterus, the first thing she should do is go to bed. If the tone is not strong, this simple action is enough for the uterus to relax. However, this fact should be reported to your doctor as soon as possible. Especially if this happens periodically. During this period, you need to exclude any physical activity (including going to the grocery store) and stress.

As a rule, in case of uterine hypertonicity, the doctor prescribes antispasmodic drugs (no-spa, papaverine), as well as sedatives (tinctures of motherwort and valerian, synthetic drugs sibazol, trioxazine, nozepam). If the tone is accompanied by contractions and pain, the pregnant woman is hospitalized.

Women in early pregnancy are prescribed Utrozhestan or Duphaston. In the later stages, after 16-18 weeks of pregnancy, ginipral, partusisten, bricanil are used. Magne-B6 is often used to relieve uterine hypertonicity.

Prevention of uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy

Considering the reasons for the development of uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy, it is necessary to do everything possible to eliminate them. A woman carrying a child must listen to the advice of her gynecologist and follow all his instructions. The fruits of disobedience in this case can, unfortunately, be disastrous.

In order to prevent increased uterine tone, every pregnant woman simply needs to rest a lot and try to maintain psychological balance. The expectant mother should explain to relatives and work colleagues that stress is extremely undesirable for her now. You should also not go on tedious business trips. Sleep should be complete. Taking vitamin and mineral complexes is mandatory. To ensure that nothing provokes the development of hypertonicity, a woman must undergo a full medical examination and, if necessary, eliminate all causes that could cause her trouble. The most important thing in these 9 months is favorable conditions for bearing the baby. And everything else will wait.

Especially for Olga Rizak