An overview of land legislation allows us to identify such areas as recreational land. The definition of this concept is given in.

These territories include land masses, which are intended only for organizing recreation areas, tourist bases, routes and campsites, as well as for the purpose of carrying out sports and recreational activities.

Recreational lands are classified as territories requiring the establishment of a special legal regime of operation and .

Composition of recreational lands

The composition of this category of areas is strictly defined. The group includes sections of the following intended use:

  • for the arrangement of places of recreation for the population and certain categories of citizens;
  • for the purpose of laying tourist routes and setting up campsites, camps;
  • as a territory for accommodation of tourist centers, boarding houses, rest houses;
  • for the construction of sports and recreation facilities;
  • territories for the device of children's camps, parks, houses of the fisherman or the hunter.

the only limitation, which the legislation establishes regarding this group of territories - the lands must be located.

Previously, this group included arrays of suburban green areas, however, later they were excluded from this category.

Recreational land use

The operation of allotments of recreational equipment takes place under an agreement concluded with managers (owners or users by or urgent operation) lands. The use takes place on the basis of the concluded ie. land is not taken. The easement is public.

Recreational lands are intended and used for arrangement of recreation areas, tourist routes and conducting sports and recreational work.

With regard to such lands, a special legal regime of use has been introduced, according to which allotments are not withdrawn from owners and temporary managers, however, a procedure for free access for everyone is established for them.

The lands can participate in any legal transactions not prohibited by the current legislation - purchase and sale, donation, exchange. Responsibility for the safety and initial state of the land lies with the administrators of the territories. According to , the penalty can be from 0.5 to 1% from the cadastral value of territories, but at least 10 thousand rubles for citizens and from 1 to 1.5% from the cadastral index for officials, but not less than 20 thousand rubles. As for organizations, the fine will be from 1.5 to 2% cadastral value, but at least 100 thousand rubles.

Features of the legal regime of this category of lands are that any citizen can visit these areas, subject to the regime of use of the territories.

The law prohibits the performance of works in areas of recreational significance that do not meet their intended purpose. The transfer of land from one group of plots to another is also prohibited.


In conclusion, a number of conclusions can be drawn:

  1. Recreational type areas are used for organizing tourist and sports and recreational activities.
  2. The lands should be located behind and have a certain natural potential for exploitation.
  3. Such territories include places for organizing campsites, hiking trails, camp sites and sports facilities.
  4. The use of areas is permitted only in accordance with the intended purpose of the land. Transfer to another category of allotments is prohibited.
  5. Concerning the plots, a special regime of use is established and an easement agreement is concluded with the owners or temporary users.

The most popular questions and answers to them on recreational lands

Question: Hello, my name is Petr Vasilyevich. I am the owner of a plot on the shore of the lake in recreation area. The territory was recognized as such only a year ago, and I acquired the land about ten years earlier.

Now there is a situation where I am forced to provide access to the lake through my site for everyone. The corresponding order was issued by the local administration, and now I am forced to provide my site for access to the lake.

Unfortunately, this causes significant damage to the land, although I have installed all the necessary information signs that determine the procedure for using the site.

Tell me, do I have the right to prohibit citizens from using my site or not? Where can I go for this?

Answer: Dear Petr Vasilievich. According to the current legislation, since your site is located within the recreational zone, a certain land use regime is established for the allotment. However, regarding the provision of a passage through its array to the lake, with you, as with the owner of the land, the regional department must conclude service agreement (Art. 98 ZK RF).

Also, by law, the owners are required to ensure appropriate protection of these lands during operation. In the event that such use of the territory leads to a deterioration of its condition, you have the right to apply to the authorized body (administration) and demand termination of the easement agreement.

If your application is denied, you will need to expert analysis condition of the site, and if it is found that it has deteriorated significantly, you can apply to the court with a statement of claim. In court, you will have to confirm your position with the data of the examination. If your requirements are met, the easement will be removed by court order.

Regardless of this, you yourself have the right to operate the allotment only within permitted use, which prohibits the breakdown of gardens, orchards and other activities. Don't forget about it.

Recreational drugs are popular all over the world. Their use often leads to misfortune and crime. To deal with this problem, some countries legalize drugs, while others increase penalties for use and distribution, and generally declare "war" on drugs. This list contains the most popular recreational drugs in the world.

Solvent and glue

Solvents are an extremely unpleasant class of drugs. Their abuse was popularized as early as the late 70s as the choice of artists in the punk rock scene. The general availability of these products makes them popular among poor or underprivileged children around the world. To understand the full extent of the tragedy, for example, in Casablanca, Morocco, for 10 cents, a street child can buy a small tube of bicycle glue to repair the camera, enough to take him away from the world in which he lives, and bring a feeling of satisfaction and warmth. Often glue is inhaled from a plastic bag, sometimes by putting it on the head. It's not hard to imagine how often people unknowingly die of suffocation in the process.

For millennia, psychedelic or hallucinogenic mushrooms have featured in society, culture, and religion. There are over 180 varieties of mushrooms that contain the psychedelic substances psilocybin and psilocin. These mushrooms were often used in Mexico in tribal societies, and today they are still the most popular natural psychedelic drugs. Psilocybin and psilocin are psychoactive components that cause hallucinations or the so-called "trip" and begin to act approximately 20 minutes after taking the drug. The effect is similar to that of LSD.

Some of these "magic mushrooms" are actually poisonous, so choose them carefully. While eating and storing mushrooms is legal in the UK, processing, drying or selling them is illegal. In the Netherlands in recent years, the possession of mushrooms has been completely outlawed, which may surprise those who are aware of the availability of marijuana. Psychedelic mushrooms can be eaten fresh, dried, cooked or brewed into "tea".

Being an ancient drug, opium influenced the economy of countries, caused wars, inspired and ruined many poets and writers. This plant is native to Greece and China. Opium poppy seeds, when eaten, do not have any narcotic effect, they are usually used as a spice and to enhance flavor. But the juice collected from unripe seed pods has a strong narcotic effect. It is also characterized by a powerful analgesic effect, it can be smoked and eaten, and if you dissolve the juice in alcohol, you can drink it. Opium tincture was especially fond of many poets of romanticism. The Raphaelites (among them Lord Byron, Shelley and others) used this drink. The image of a pale, gloomy and drunk on absinthe and opium tincture of a romantic poet is quite common. During the Victorian era, opium was freely available and cheaper than gin, making it the drink of the working class. Opium tincture was even prescribed to children during teething. Opium dens were popular in many cities at the end of the 19th century.

LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is the most powerful hallucinogen known. It was discovered in 1938 by the Swiss chemist Albert Hoffman, who was looking for a cure for the common cold. Many cult personalities supported the use of LSD including The Beatles, Hunter Stockton Thompson and Timothy Francis Leary. 1-2 hours after taking the drug, the person has increased visual awareness, sounds become expanded, emotions and physical sensations change. The self-consciousness of a person and his interaction with people or objects, the perception of reality is called into question. Strange visual stimuli that can calm or frighten overwhelm the person, and there is a real risk of reckless fear, paranoia, confusion or panic.

Barbiturates and benzodiazepines

This is the first drug on our list that is a prescription drug. Barbiturates were derived from barbituric acid in the 19th century, and over the years they have developed a huge number of derivatives. In psychiatry and psychiatric hospitals, it was often used to calm violent or violent patients. It is a sedative and tranquilizer that is used to render the patient unconscious before real anesthesia is administered.

They give rise to a sense of calm and relaxation, physical and moral. Barbiturates are mostly replaced by benzodiazepines. In the 1950s, a fairly wide range of sedatives appeared, including phenazepam, valuim, clobazam, chlordiazepoxide, and others. Safer than barbiturates, benzodiazepines caught on and marked the beginning of a whole culture of sedatives. Refusal of drugs is very painful for the patient, "withdrawal" is even stronger than when refusing opiates.

Amphetamines are a group of stimulants that work by affecting the dopamine and serotonin hormone group in the brain. They usually create a feeling of euphoria, increased mental alertness and lack of physical fatigue. They were used medicinally as an appetite suppressant in adults and children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and were given to the military during World War II. The most common name for amphetamine is "speed", from the English speed "speed", because of the unstoppable energy that the drug gives. This made him extremely popular among the youth in the discotheques of the 70s and 90s. During the Second World War, the German armed forces used it recreationally and strategically. Adolf Hitler was injected intravenously every morning with a mixture of amphetamines and vitamins.

Closely related to the use of amphetamines (from which it is derived), ecstasy, or methylenedioxymethamphetamine, was originally used as a psychotherapeutic drug. Ecstasy is a hallucinogen that induces a state of euphoria, reduces the level of fear and anxiety, and enhances sensory sensations. Its use is illegal in most countries. Ecstasy is one of the most widely used illegal drugs in the world. It is taken orally or inhaled as a powder. The drug can cause an unexpected reaction in the body, and in the first years after its introduction, many people died from an overdose. Exceeding the dose of the drug can lead to severe dehydration, which leads to death. Many clandestine ecstasy factories use dirty tools and questionable drugs, putting everyone who uses the drug at risk.

Cocaine, derived from the coca plant, has been used in various forms for over a thousand years. Originating from South America, the coca leaf has been chewed by Peruvian Indians for centuries. Cocaine is a powerful stimulant that suppresses appetite and has an analgesic effect. In the Victorian era, many drugs contained cocaine, and it was even given to babies to relieve pain during teething. Coca-Cola produced, during the first 20 years after its invention, contained cocaine, but already in 1900, the authorities banned such additives. The high cost of cocaine has made it the drug of the wealthy, but the modified version of cocaine, or "crack", smoked through pipes, is conversely associated with the lower strata of society.

Heroin is one of the most insidious drugs. Being a derivative of morphine, it was used as an alternative in the belief that it would help with addiction. The drug is a strong painkiller, causes euphoria and a pleasant feeling of relaxation and peace. It is smoked, inhaled or injected intravenously. Giving up heroin is very difficult and for a person who has not experienced it, it is virtually impossible to explain what kind of torment an individual experiences. During "withdrawal" a person feels physical pain, nausea, stomach cramps, tremors, convulsions and an irresistible desire to take the drug again. Very few people cope with heroin addiction.


It is truly the most popular recreational drug. It has many names: marijuana, hemp, cannabis, hashish, weed, dope, pal, plan, marijuana, ganja have all appeared in regions around the world for thousands of years. Central Asia is considered to be the homeland, but in the modern world it is grown everywhere. The leaves and buds of marijuana are smoked, sometimes the juice is squeezed out of it, or the resin is collected from the sticky parts of the plant. The effect after taking comes quickly, usually a pleasant relaxation, but it all depends on the variety of cannabis and on the dose taken. May cause confusion in the head, which quickly passes.

Reading time: 4 minutes

Land is recognized as a valuable and protected resource, so its use must be careful and consistent with the intended purpose. The purpose of the land is the criterion for dividing the plots into categories. For example, the lands of settlements are allocated not only for housing construction, but also for the development of the territory. They provide places for recreation and tourism, which are combined into recreational lands.

Main categories of land

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 7 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Land Code of the Russian Federation), all lands of the Russian Federation are divided into seven categories in accordance with their intended purpose. This allows you to determine the legal regimes of the territories and establish the scope of permitted use, within which the site must be operated. For example, it is forbidden to build residential buildings in agricultural areas.

So, it is customary to allocate land:

  1. Water fund.
  2. Agricultural purpose.
  3. Specially protected territories and objects.
  4. Special purpose: territories for traffic, for space activities and others.

Recreational lands belong to the category of lands of settlements. At the same time, urban planning regulations within the boundaries of populated areas provide for the presence of residential, public and business, engineering and transport, as well as other zones.

The concept of recreational land

The definition of the term can be found in paragraph 1 of Art. 98 ZK RF. The legislator indicates that the lands in the composition of recreational zones are plots used for recreation, tourism, physical culture, recreation and sports activities of citizens.

Not every site is suitable for these purposes, although each territory has resources that can be used to meet the needs of the population. Only the lands of settlements with recreational potential should be appropriated for recreation and recreation.

The potential is assessed on the basis of natural, ecological, sanatorium (balneological, mud) and cultural and historical preconditions. They create the necessary conditions and climate to restore good health and performance of people who are tired of the bustle of the city.

Recreation of a land plot is the existing and created favorable characteristics of the territory for the restoration of human health.

What areas are included

Recreational lands are heterogeneous. They differ depending on the specifics of use.

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 98 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation, this category includes sections with:

  • campsites;
  • rest houses, boarding houses;
  • objects of physical culture and sports;
  • tourist bases;
  • stationary and tent tourist and health camps;
  • children's tourist stations;
  • parks;
  • educational and tourist trails and tracks;
  • children's and sports camps, other similar facilities.

Such lands include forest belts, parks, as well as squares located outside the city or within the city limits.

Recreational lands are intended and used to provide sports and health-improving activities of citizens, as well as to organize their recreation and tourism. This defines the scope of its operation.

For the organization of educational and tourist trails and trails, a special easement agreement may be concluded with the owner, user, owner or tenant of land. This allows you to lay routes through the territory without withdrawing it from use.

An easement - a limited right to use recreational areas - can be both public and private. Public implies the availability of the territory for all. Private, as a rule, is provided to legal entities for the purpose of building holiday homes and similar facilities.

The implementation of recreational activities on forest lands is allowed in accordance with the provisions of Art. 41 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the RF LC). The legislator also provided for the possibility of erecting special temporary structures in the forest. In this case, the territory is provided to state and municipal institutions for permanent (perpetual) use.

For legal entities, it is possible to lease forest fund lands for recreation (clause 4, article 41 of the RF LC). Note that this category of land is not provided to individuals.

Legal regime

The considered lands have a specific legal status. They are exploited for the purposes of recreation without withdrawal from the owners or temporary managers. However, the rights of the latter are encumbered: their allotment can be free for everyone to access. Everyone has the right to visit such a site if he observes the regime of use.

The value of recreational lands is evidenced by the fact that their misuse or transfer to another group of sites is strictly prohibited. In addition, if an individual or legal entity has the right to own a site with recreational potential, the state can forcibly withdraw the land for state or municipal needs.

However, such allotments are not excluded from. Recreational land ownership can be transferred to legal entities subject to the consent of municipal and state bodies.

Prohibition on the use of recreation areas for other purposes

P. 5 Art. 98 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation establishes a direct ban on the use of recreational land for other purposes. This means that this category is not suitable for any activity other than tourism and recreation.

Restrictions apply to the construction of real estate. For example, a residential building cannot be built on the territory of the park. What can be built is determined by the purpose of the site. All buildings and structures must be designed for recreation, sports, recreation, tourism, or for servicing the listed facilities.

The lawful use of land is controlled by the bodies of state land supervision:

  • Rosreestr,
  • Rosselkhoznadzor,
  • Rosprirodnadzor.

Public control is also included in the checks. Each citizen who has identified violations of the use of the allotment may apply to the indicated authorities with a complaint. If the fact is confirmed, an administrative fine will be imposed on the violator.

The amount of the administrative fine

Administrative responsibility for violation of the procedure for using recreational land varies depending on its subject. So, if the site is provided for use by a state or municipal institution, then their officials will be responsible.

The amount of the fine will be from 1 to 1.5% of the cadastral value of the site, but not less than twenty thousand rubles. If the cadastral price is not set, a fine will be imposed in the amount of twenty to fifty thousand rubles.

In the case when the site is owned by a legal entity that ignores the rules for the intended use, the fine will be from 1.5 to 2% of the cadastral value, but not less than one hundred thousand rubles.

If the cadastral price is unknown, the organization will be fined from one hundred to two hundred thousand rubles.

The limits of liability are established by the provisions of Art. 8.8 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses. The punishment incurred does not cancel the obligation to use the lands in strict accordance with their purpose.


Recreational lands belong to the category of areas of settlements. They are intended for recreation, recreation and tourism and should not be used for other purposes. Violation of this rule entails administrative liability in the form of a fine. This type of plot is not provided to citizens; only legal entities can acquire ownership of it.

Types of permitted use of land: Video

Master of Laws in the direction of "Civil and Family Law". In 2005 he graduated from St. Petersburg State University, in 2012 - the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov with a degree in Financial Analytics. After receiving a second higher education, he founded an independent appraisal company. I specialize in valuation of real estate, land and other property.


The use of psychoactive substances for recreational purposes has been known since ancient times. The list of substances used is very wide. Preferences and prohibitions depend on cultural traditions. Issues of harm to health from the use of certain substances still continue to be the subject of scientific discussions.


The most common recreational uses are caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, opiates, and cocaine. Less commonly used are other psychostimulants, psychedelics, and hallucinogens, as well as sedatives, hypnotics, and tranquilizers. There are cases of recreational use of other substances.

Health impact

Legal issues


Links and notes

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