Battered fish is the perfect solution when you want something delicious for dinner, but you are tired of standing at the stove for a long time. Any housewife is already tired at work, and then cook the main dish, and even mess with the side dish. Batter is a lifesaver, with it the fish is more nutritious, fatter and does not require additional carbohydrate products. This, of course, is up to individual preference.

More useful than fish, it is difficult to find a product that is suitable for the composition of trace elements. In addition to protein, vitamins, it contains the most valuable omega-3 fatty acids. If you choose which fish is more useful, definitely the one that is found in the sea.

Fish is also called the product of the "women's menu". In addition to being useful, it is also a low-calorie product. Digested faster than meat and chicken.

Among the incredible number of fish fillet recipes, one of the most simple and original is to fry it in an airy crispy batter. Or bake.

The most common type of batter is a watery dough based on eggs, flour and water. If you want to change the dish according to taste, appearance, filling, just change the batter. Craftsmen make it on the basis of kefir, mineral water and even beer. Of course, it is worth choosing the breading individually for different varieties of fish. Then you will achieve a dish worthy of even a wedding banquet.

How to cook fish in batter

When mixing the ingredients, bring the flour mixture to a smooth consistency. If the dough remains liquid, or lumps form, the mass will simply drain from the prepared plastics. The opposite option - excessive density will also spoil: the fish in batter will turn out not to be airy, but too dense, as when cooking dumplings.

Before you dip a piece of fillet into the dough, sprinkle it with flour, or roll in breadcrumbs. Then the batter will evenly envelop the pulp.

Heat the oil in a frying pan ahead of time. So the dough does not spread, but immediately reddens and swells.

We remove excess fat with ordinary paper napkins. The fish turns out to be fried, but not oily at all.

Preparing the fish for pan frying

The easiest way to work with already cut fish carcass. Buy frozen - please just dry it properly, pat it dry with a towel and let the water drain.

We cut the whole carcass in the traditional way. We do not need a head, tail, fins, skin and spine. And we put the pulp into action.

Cut into serving pieces. Share as you see fit.

The batter is suitable for any fish recipes.

Pangasius fillet

Your time spent on this dish is no more than 15 minutes. Defrost the fillet, divide into strips, salt. This fish does not require much: the simplest batter from 1 egg, flour and spices will do. Directly in a bowl, mix the products and into the oil, fry until crispy bubbles on the dough. Don't forget to add a few drops of lemon juice.

Pike perch fillet

There are more than enough fans of this type of fish. Pike perch meat is dense, moderately fatty, and tender at the same time. And competently cook - mmm, you will lick your fingers. Soup is boiled from pike perch, cutlets are fried, baked, grilled and, of course, cooked in a flour mixture.

Believe me, you won't need fancy batter recipes. Pieces of pike perch are perfectly baked in breadcrumbs. Dip each in flour, then in the egg mixture, roll in crumbs and onto a baking sheet. Juicy crispy sticks will pleasantly surprise you.


Who hasn't tried it? One of the most dietary and inexpensive types of fish. For dryish pulp, not everyone loves pollock. However, it makes excellent meatballs, meatballs, casseroles, pies. It is also suitable for frying in batter, thanks to its dense fillet.

Pollock is thawed by pouring cold water. So its pulp retains its density.

It is often stewed with vegetables, then a full-fledged dish is obtained, which does not require a side dish.

Batter and oil make pollock pulp juicy. Therefore, housewives love to fry it in dough so much.

How to make batter for fish

The batter was invented by the French, culinary aesthetes. A simple version of it is a mixture of eggs and flour. We beat the eggs, handfuls of flour follow, break up the lumps. The rest is up to you. Salt, pepper, dried herbs, milk, kefir, water, you can add as much as you want.

Various products are dipped in the dough before frying - onion rings, meat, vegetables. For fish, modern chefs are trying to diversify the recipe. Since the fillet is tender, the taste is different, you need to process it very delicately, then the dough is selected with various additives.

There is only one rule - the batter will eventually be viscous. Thicker - for deep-frying, a little thinner - fry the fish in batter in a pan. Sometimes yeast is added to give sourness and splendor.

The batter visually increases the size of the dish, so even a small amount of fish will make a full plate of fried pieces.

Classic batter recipe

  • 4 eggs
  • 125 grams of flour
  • Art. l. vegetable oil
  • Half glass of water

It is important to separate the white and yellow parts of the egg. First, grind the yolk with salt, water and oil.

Next comes the flour, stir it in small portions into the egg mixture.

Separately, beat egg whites until soft foam. They give splendor to the batter. It remains to combine everything and start frying the main product in the dough.

How to cook batter for fish with mayonnaise

According to experienced housewives, this is one of the most successful batter recipes. It can also be cooked without eggs. And the taste is ideally combined with meat and fish.

  • 130 grams of mayonnaise
  • A glass of flour
  • 2 eggs
  • Half glass of water
  • Spices and salt

We turn the eggs into a single mass with a whisk. We supplement with a portion of mayonnaise, pour spices. Here it is necessary to mix intensively, simultaneously pouring flour and pouring water. Batter with mayonnaise will look like 20 percent sour cream. It roasts very quickly. Therefore, keep each piece of fish in oil for no more than a couple of minutes.

potato batter

  • 4 potatoes
  • 2 eggs

This is the easiest cooking method. Potatoes are prepared as for potato pancakes. Grind, salt, rub with eggs. Flour should not be overdone. Quite a bit, to fasten the dough, pour into the general mixture. The batter is thicker than usual, so we roll the fish fillet, holding it on the sides, and put it in a frying pan full of heat.

Fish in milk batter

  • Half a kilo of any fish
  • Thyme, basil, sage - at your discretion
  • 3 eggs
  • Flour (glass)
  • Milk (glass)

Squeeze a little lemon on the fish pieces. Marinate in spices.

Without wasting time, mix the batter from those products that we have at hand. We combine two types of liquid with egg yolks, gradually add flour.

Proteins, brought to a gentle foam with a mixer, mix in small portions. Knead the dough until smooth.

We dip each piece, fry the fish in batter and serve with herbs, bell peppers, mushrooms and fresh tomatoes.

Fish in cheese batter

  • Fish pulp - 400 grams
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Cheese - 100 grams
  • 1 egg
  • Vegetable oil

The batter is kneaded by combining all the ingredients, including cheese crumbs. We coat the prepared portions of the main product in dough and cook. But here it is important that the cheese does not burn. Therefore, the pieces are slightly fried and removed from the stove.

Lush batter with mineral water

Mineral water works wonders with batter, making it unusually airy.

  • Bulb
  • bunch of parsley
  • Glass of mineral water
  • Flour - 5 tbsp.
  • Salt pepper

Proteins are brought to a white foam separately. Mix the rest of the ingredients in one bowl. Rub the yolk with mineral water and flour. We complement the taste with herbs and seasonings. Lastly, protein is added to the test. The batter is ready.

Onion batter for frying fish

The batter is prepared in the same way as in all other recipes. The only novelty is that we add grated onions to the dough whipped on the basis of mayonnaise. For this, a medium bulb is suitable. Onions saturate seafood with a deep taste, gourmets appreciate it.

Beer batter for fish

  • Flour - 150 grams
  • Egg white - 2 pieces
  • glass of beer
  • Salt, pepper

How to cook? We use the main secret of lush batter - we deal with proteins separately from yolks. Combine the yolks with flour, add protein foam in portions. We cook carefully so that the base of our beer batter remains whipped.

Batter for frying fish with herbs

  • 5 eggs
  • Flour - 2 tbsp
  • Greens - 100 grams

With this batter, many people like to bake fish, so you can do without flour at all.

Preparation description:

As usual: proteins - separately, yolks - separately. Pour flour into the yolk mass, finely chopped sprigs of spices, salt. And put the rest of the white foam in the total mass at the end.

We dip the fish, put it on a baking sheet and at a temperature of at least 180 degrees, bake. Do not forget that the fish cooks very quickly. Don't overdry.

So, we found out that battered fish is a completely independent dish. However, if desired, it can be diluted with the color of vegetables, the taste of spices and herbs, add zest with lemon juice. In addition to being tasty, the dish also looks very appetizing.

They have been preparing various dishes in batter for a very long time. Even in ancient China, one of the most favorite dishes of the Chinese emperor was fried pumpkin flowers in batter. Today, there are a lot of variations of such dishes, because it is not only very tasty, but also satisfying. Even the unloved Brussels sprouts, if cooked this way, even children will enjoy it.

Preparation and selection of fish

One of the most delicious options for battered dishes is fried fish fillet. It turns out much tastier and juicier than with conventional frying, or even baking. There are a lot of options for making batter. To make it tasty, you need to know some subtleties and secrets.

Fish for such a dish can be taken very different. The most important thing is that it does not have a lot of bones. Suitable for both river and sea fish. Of the river species themselves, the best will be:

  1. Zander.
  2. Sturgeon.
  3. Trout.
  4. Carp.

Of the marine inhabitants, almost everything is suitable, but the most delicious are:

  • pollock;
  • salmon;
  • halibut;
  • cod;
  • flounder.

If you take freshwater fish for frying, which has a lot of bones, then it is better to choose them with kitchen tweezers.

Before cooking, the frozen semi-finished product must be dipped in cold water for several hours so that it slowly thaws. Meat for fried in batter should not be too tough or watery.

The selected carcass needs to be washed, cleaned, the spine and bones removed. After that, cut into portions, sprinkle with a little lemon juice, salt and pepper. The fillet should marinate a little, then the taste will turn out to be much brighter.

Choosing a batter

There are a lot of options for making batter. Its taste depends on the selected products and spices. It is the ingredients of the batter that will give not only taste, but also texture and even color. The number of eggs needed for the test is very simple to calculate: for about four pieces of fish you need two eggs, for ten pieces, respectively, four or five.

The most important thing is to use those ingredients that go well with fish. Garlic, mayonnaise, mustard, white wine and cheese can give an unusual taste to the batter.

It is very easy to prepare it:

It turns out very tasty batter with wheat flour and mayonnaise, as well as with corn starch as a thickener. Garlic or fresh chopped dill will add a piquant note. Below we consider some of the most delicious batter recipes that can emphasize the taste of fish, and the dish will become a real table decoration.

Cheese batter

It takes a little time to prepare an incredible cheese batter and the following ingredients:

  1. Eggs - 3 pcs.
  2. Flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  3. Hard cheese - 150 g.
  4. Salt.
  5. Spices.

Cheese should be grated on a fine grater and mixed with beaten eggs and flour. It will melt in a frying pan, and the dish will learn incredibly tasty.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective ones:

  1. Cool activator. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates their appetite. It is a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear you can find on the pages of my site.
  3. Lures using pheromones.

You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading our other articles on the site.

Sour cream batter

If you use this recipe, then the dish turns out to be very satisfying. For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream - 100 g;
  • salt;
  • spices.

In order for the fish in batter to turn out juicy and well soaked, sour cream must be taken fresh and with a high percentage of fat content.

Milk batter

This is a very gentle batter for gourmets. It only takes a few minutes to prepare and the ingredients are:

  1. Eggs - 3 pcs.
  2. Flour - 200 g.
  3. Milk - 1 tbsp.
  4. Salt.
  5. Pepper.

It is very important that there are no lumps of flour, the consistency should be homogeneous. To do this, you need to pour the flour little by little and mix thoroughly.

beer batter


  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • flour - 200 g;
  • beer - half a glass;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

To prepare beer batter you need:

  1. Separate the whites from the yolks.
  2. Mix the yolks together with beer and flour in a deep container.
  3. Beat the whites with a mixer and gradually pour them into a container with batter. Mix everything very carefully.

The fish prepared in this way is very tender and soft, and the beer gives a very pleasant aroma. A fish cooked according to this recipe will surely delight your soulmate.

Cooking fish in batter

When you have decided on the choice of fish and batter, you can proceed to the cooking process itself. If the fish is fresh, then it should be cleaned and cut immediately, but the frozen one should be put in cold water so that it thaws.

After the fillet is cut, it should be salted, sprinkled with lemon juice a little, add spices and marinate a little. So it will become even juicier.

If you took a sea fish, then after the backbone is taken out, the fillet itself can be cut into 5-6 pieces. The prepared portions are dipped in batter and lowered into the pan. To make the fish come out juicy and tasty, you need to follow a few simple rules:

The batter protects the fish fillet, and the meat is perfectly baked, remaining juicy. This dish can be served both hot and cold. The best side dish is boiled potatoes or stewed vegetables.

Fish in batter will become a real decoration of the table. It will be appropriate not only on a normal day, but also for a festive table. Cooking such a dish is very profitable, because it is not only tasty, but not too much time is spent on cooking.

Fish batter is a very easy-to-make solution that allows you to deep-fry, fry or bake fish pieces with a delicious crispy crust. Today we will look at several options for its preparation and tell you how to make batter for fish in the classic way, with cheese, on beer and according to other recipes.

To make a delicious batter for fish, it is important to know a few simple secrets:

  1. What is the best fish for batter? Suitable for any seafood.
  2. If a fatty fish is taken, it is better to use a thick consistency for dipping, it will allow you to keep all the juice and healthy fat inside. If dry fish fillets are taken, the dipping composition should be prepared in a liquid consistency, so it can pass the fat from the pan into the product itself, making it more juicy.
  3. When making dough for dipping foods, try to beat it as much as possible without leaving lumps. The mass should be homogeneous and lush.
  4. To prepare the batter, it is best to use chilled products, plus you need to make the dough 30 minutes before cooking the fish so that it has time to cool in the refrigerator. This procedure makes the mass more viscous, sticky and it does not slip from the pieces onto a baking sheet or into a pan.
  5. To get an airy consistency, you should add carbonated water to the composition during preparation.
  6. Before rolling, the fish must be dried, sprinkled with lemon (removes an unpleasant odor), salt and pepper. On dry seafood, the batter holds well, does not wrap around.
  7. To make the taste rich and the smell fragrant, professional chefs advise adding various spices, aromatic herbs, dried herbs to the composition.
  8. So that the composition does not blur in the pan, the oil in which the fish will be fried must be warmed up well, only then put your pieces on it.
  9. To get a crust and a pleasant crunch when frying, do not cover the food with a lid.

Batter for fish, a simple recipe with an egg

The composition of a delicate texture, thanks to which even appetizing pieces of fish are obtained. The classic version is prepared using the minimum amount of products that you probably always have on hand. You can vary this recipe to taste with any spices.

Ingredients for preparing a kilogram of fish fillet:

  • - Two chicken eggs;
  • - Three with a slide of tablespoons of flour;
  • - A pinch of salt and pepper.
  • - Chopped herbs, if desired.

How to cook batter for fish with an egg, step by step:

  1. Whisk the eggs with salt and pepper, separating the whites from the yolks.
  2. Gradually add flour to the composition, mix or beat with a whisk (blender) until the mass is homogeneous. Everything is ready, you can roll the fillet and bake in a pan until blush.

On a note! If the composition is very thick, you can add another egg or a little water with gases.

Batter for fish with mayonnaise

Fish fried in batter with mayonnaise turns out to be very juicy, soft, tender, but do not forget that the presence of sauce in the recipe makes the dishes somewhat higher in calories, plus more nutritious, which may not be to the liking of those who carefully follow his figure and is on a diet.

We take for cooking:

  • - Chicken egg - two large or 3 small.
  • - Mayonnaise (50-67% fat) - 4 tablespoons.
  • - Potato starch - 3.5 tablespoons.
  • - Chopped dill (you can take dried) - a few branches.
  • - Salt of your choice.

The dough for dipping fish products is made very simply and quickly, place all the ingredients, except for greens, in a blender bowl and mix into a homogeneous composition. Next, add dill and mix everything with a regular spoon.

Everything is ready! Let the food cool for about thirty minutes, and then roll the prepared fish pieces in the resulting mass, fry in oil in a pan.

Batter for fish: a classic recipe

A simple recipe that is often used to make fish sticks in cafes and restaurants. The best option for low-fat varieties of fish.

You should prepare:

  • - Cold kefir - 100-120 ml.
  • - Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • - Sifted wheat flour - 1.5 tablespoons or a little more, look at the consistency.
  • - Dried dill, black and red ground pepper, salt - all to taste.

Action algorithm:

  1. Beat eggs into a deep bowl, add spices, gently shake with a whisk until foam is obtained.
  2. Remove kefir from the refrigerator, mix with other ingredients.
  3. Gradually begin to pour flour into the mass, without ceasing to beat the products. For whipping, you can use electrical household appliances, such as a mixer, so the consistency will not only be lush, but also homogeneous.
  4. Put the composition in the refrigerator for 40-50 minutes, and then take it out and you can use it for its intended purpose.

It is worth noting that this recipe is perfect for both fish and shrimp, squid, onion rings, chicken fillet.

Batter on beer for fish

A very delicate, light, tasty composition that makes seafood incredibly juicy with a special yeasty aroma. Despite the content of a low-alcohol drink, fish cooked in such a batter can be safely served to children.

Product set:

  • - 150-200 grams of flour.
  • - A teaspoon of salt (maybe a little less).
  • - 1.5 teaspoons of sugar.
  • - A glass of light beer.
  • - 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil (the best option is to take olive, but absolutely any will do).
  • - Spices for fish according to your own taste.

Beer batter for fish is prepared as follows:

  1. Mix all the ingredients with a mixer or whisk, setting aside only the flour for now, it will need to be sifted.
  2. Introduce the sifted product in parts, spoon by spoon into the mass, stirring all the lumps.
  3. When you have the consistency of thick sour cream in front of you, send it to the refrigerator for half an hour, and then you can use it to dip the fish fillet.

Useful advice! For a change in this recipe, you can add two yolks, a little turmeric and paprika.

Lush batter for fish with mayonnaise

Splendor in this case is achieved by adding whipped proteins, a very tasty option, if you try to cook a fish in it, you won’t be able to tear yourself away from it.


  • - 2-3 tablespoons of mayonnaise (any fat content, you can use mayonnaise sauce).
  • - 4 proteins.
  • - 2.5 tbsp. l. flour (be sure to sift).
  • - A pinch of salt and Italian herbs.
  • - A little water (add based on the density of the composition, you may not need water at all).

Cooking process.

  1. In a separate bowl, beat the proteins very well with salt and herbs, they should be dense.
  2. Add mayonnaise, mix.
  3. Pour flour in parts, if the consistency is very thick, dilute the composition with water. Everything is ready! Keep the mass in the cold for a while, and then fry the fish pieces in batter and enjoy their taste.

Crispy batter for fish

The fish fillet in batter turns out to be incredibly tender, juicy, and the crust itself turns out to be crispy. A great option for a beer or just to crunch during a break for lunch or dinner.

  • - A spoonful of starch.
  • - 1.5 with a slide or a little more flour.
  • - 10 gr. baking powder.
  • - A spoonful of breadcrumbs.
  • — Italian herbs, salt.
  • - A little water, so that a moderately liquid mass is obtained.

We prepare as follows:

  1. Mix flour, flour, baking powder, spices.
  2. Add water to get a moderately liquid mixture.
  3. Cooling food.
  4. Before dipping the fish, pour the breadcrumbs into the mass, mix, roll the fish in the dough, and send it to fry.

Ask the chef!

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Cheese batter for fish

Delicate fragrant batter for cheese lovers. It is perfect not only for fish, but also for other products: poultry, squid, vegetables.

A set of necessary products:

  • - Any starch (corn, potato) - 1 spoon with a slide.
  • - One egg.
  • - 200 grams of hard cheese.
  • - Seasonings.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Beat the egg until foamy.
  2. Grate the cheese on a fine or medium grater.
  3. Mix starch with cheese, add egg composition, seasonings, mix. If the dough is very thick, you can add a spoonful of sour cream or mayonnaise to it. Everything!

Attention! If desired, you can make some adjustments to the recipe, add a little dill, garlic, a spoonful of tomato paste.

Air batter for fish: a delicious recipe

Such fish is prepared in batter in the oven or in a pan (as you like). It turns out as a result a delicious full dinner or lunch, which can be served with rice, bulgur, fresh or stewed vegetables, potatoes. It requires a minimum of food and time to prepare.

You should take:

  • - Proteins - 4 pcs.
  • - Cold milk - ½ cup.
  • - Flour - 1.5 cups.
  • - Mineral water - half a glass.
  • - A teaspoon of sugar, a little salt, spices.

How to cook, step by step:

  1. Separate the proteins from the yolks, the latter will not be needed in cooking.
  2. Beat with a mixer until the density of the proteins, add sugar, spices, salt.
  3. Pour milk into the bowl in a thin stream, continue whisking for about 2 minutes.
  4. Pour in mineral water, add flour, beat it for 3 minutes until the composition becomes homogeneous, lush. Check the density, it should resemble sour cream or condensed milk.
  5. Send the dough in the cold for 40 minutes, and after that you can safely use it. If desired, you can pour a little chopped dill and parsley into it, so the fried fish will look most impressive and appetizing when served.

Now you know how to make fish batter in different ways, improvise, add your ingredients to the recipes (original spices, herbs, different types of cheeses, etc.) and enjoy a new amazing taste every time. Bon Appetit!

How to make batter for fish: video

Fish fried in batter is very easy to prepare and is a very tasty and nutritious dish. With this preparation of water representatives, a greater amount of all nutrients can be preserved. The dough here acts as a kind of barrier that does not allow them to evaporate.

How to cook batter using tricks

Sometimes it happens that the dough does not turn out fluffy enough when frying or does not have quite the expected taste. So it is important to know and be able to use tricks correctly. Then the question of how to fry fish in batter in a frying pan deliciously will not arise.

  1. To make the dough tender, you should add not only water or milk, but also ice-cold mineral water with gases, beer, vodka or white wine. This will not only make the process of making batter easier, but will also bring new notes of taste to the finished dish.
  2. It is not recommended to knead the batter with a fork; this cutlery will not be able to carefully place and break lumps in the dough. The best way to do this is with a whisk or mixer.
  3. For best stickiness, the dough should be cold. Therefore, all ingredients must be cooled before use.
  4. If the goal is to cook fried fish in batter, with a dense and crispy crust, then the dough should be thicker.

In order to remove excess fat or oil from the finished dish, it is enough to spread it on a paper napkin or towel. So the paper will absorb all the excess, and the dish can be transferred to a plate for serving.

Battered fish can be prepared from fillets or pieces with part of the backbone

Which fish is suitable

To cook fish in batter, any kind will do.

The most popular are pollock, carp, tilapia, cod, trout, sturgeon, pike and mackerel.

The main thing in choosing fish is to look for the least amount of bones, both large and small, in the meat. Otherwise, you will have to clean them yourself. However, this can always be avoided by buying ready-made fillets. Which fish to choose is up to the hostess.

The best varieties of fish with a small amount of bones


Fried fish in batter is a very tasty and healthy dish that goes well with a large number of side dishes. But at the same time, it is also great as an independent treat.

Classic recipe

In order to fry fish in batter according to the classic recipe, you will need the following products:

  • 350 - 450 g of fish meat;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 150 - 200 ml of medium fat milk;
  • 150 - 300 g flour (the amount depends on the density of the dough);
  • salt and pepper in the required amount.

To prepare this dish, it is best to follow the instructions.

  1. Prepare the fillet or take the finished one and cut it into small portions. Put them in a plate with high edges and season with salt and, if necessary, pepper (black, ground).
  2. Set aside for 5 to 10 minutes and let the meat soak.
  3. Break the eggs into a deep bowl and beat them with a whisk. Then pour in cold milk and mix everything.
  4. In the same bowl, sift the required amount of flour and stir gradually.
  5. Beat the resulting dough with a mixer or whisk until a homogeneous mass without lumps is formed and season.
  6. Heat sunflower oil well in a pan with thick walls and a bottom.
  7. Dip each piece in the batter and place in the pan.

Fry the fillet in the dough on both sides until golden brown. After that, it is necessary to remove excess oil and put the dish on a plate decorated with fresh vegetables, lettuce or other herbs.

This recipe for fish in dough is very simple and is considered traditional or classic.

The oil in the pan during the frying process should hide the piece by at least half.

Fish in cheese batter

Such a fish dish can be prepared from the following set of ingredients:

  • 500 g fillet of pike perch;
  • 120 g of hard cheese;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 50 ml of medium fat mayonnaise;
  • 50 - 100 g of flour of the highest or first grade.
  • black pepper, ground and salt to taste.

A step-by-step recipe will help you cook fish in the dough.

  1. Grate the cheese (large), beat the eggs and mix.
  2. Add mayonnaise with flour to the resulting mass and mix everything thoroughly, breaking up the lumps. Season.
  3. Cut the meat into small pieces or strips (as convenient) and season.
  4. Heat the required amount of oil in a frying pan.
  5. Dip the meat in the batter and drop into the skillet. Fry them until golden brown on each side.

Such fish in batter in a pan is served with a side dish of mashed potatoes with chopped parsley or dill. It can also be supplemented with a salad of fresh vegetables in oil.

In order for the batter to be better fixed on the fillet, the pieces should first be dipped in breadcrumbs and only then in batter

Cod fillet in beer batter

You can make such a fish from the following products:

  • 450 - 500 g cod (fillet);
  • 200 - 250 ml of dark beer;
  • 100 ml refined vegetable oil;
  • 70 - 150 g of flour of the first grade.

You will also need salt and black pepper (ground) in the amount necessary to achieve the usual taste.

  1. Cut the fillet into small pieces, put in a deep bowl and pour 100 ml of beer. Place in refrigerator for 50-60 minutes.
  2. In a deep bowl, mix cold beer with flour and spices. Whisk everything until smooth.
  3. Remove cod pieces from beer, dry and dip in dough.
  4. Put them in a frying pan in hot oil and fry until cooked.

The question often arises, how much to fry fish according to this recipe. Ideally, fry each side for 1 to 2 minutes, then flip and fry the other side. However, if the cooking process takes place on low or, conversely, high heat, then the time may change. Then you need to monitor the formation of blush and crust. As soon as they appeared, then it's time to turn the fish over or pull it out.

This dish is served with fried or baked potatoes with herbs and sour berries. Small lemon wedges are also great.

If you are cooking such fish for the first time, then you should strictly adhere to the recipe. So you can understand what is missing in taste, and, if necessary, supplement it with fish seasonings

Carp fillet in mayonnaise and mineral water batter

To cook carp in batter, you should prepare the following ingredients:

  • 500 g carp fillet;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 100 - 200 g of premium flour;
  • 100 ml of mineral sparkling water;
  • salt, black pepper (chopped) to taste.

You can cook the dish according to the instructions.

  1. Prepare the fillets and remove all the bones with tweezers. Cut the meat into medium-sized pieces and season.
  2. In a deep bowl, mix ice-cold mineral water with eggs and mayonnaise. Beat well, but not until foamy.
  3. Then slowly sift the flour into a bowl and mix with a whisk until a homogeneous consistency appears.
  4. Heat the oil in a frying pan and dip the pieces of carp covered with batter into it. Cook the dish on each side until a crust appears.

Such a treat should be served on the table with side dishes of cereals (rice, buckwheat) or baked potatoes. You can decorate the plate with greens and lemon slices.

Frying meat in the dough should take place in a frying pan with an open lid

Deep-fried trout in dough

In order to cook trout according to this recipe, you will need:

  • 350 - 400 g boneless trout meat;
  • 100 g flour of the first or highest grade;
  • 70 ml of oil;
  • 30 g of Parmesan cheese;
  • 8 - 10 g of baking soda;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 130 - 150 ml of medium fat milk.

You will also need salt, black pepper (chopped) and a sprig of dill or parsley for decoration.

  1. Sift flour into a deep plate, add soda, grated cheese and egg yolk. Mix everything thoroughly.
  2. Pour in the resulting mass of milk and season. At the very end, add 30 - 60 ml of water and mix everything well until a homogeneous mass is formed. Cool the batter in the refrigerator.
  3. Cut the prepared fillet into small pieces, sprinkle with a little flour, salt and pepper.
  4. Beat the egg white until fluffy and mix with the dough.
  5. Pour the oil into the deep fryer, place on the fire and heat up.
  6. Dip the pieces in the batter and place in the fryer.

As soon as a blush with a crust forms, you can pull it out and decorate.

Serve such fish with a sauce of sour cream, lemon and capers.

To prepare such dishes during a diet, you should choose low-fat varieties of fish. Then their calorie content will be small.

Fish in batter goes well with garlic sauce. Together, the dish becomes especially tasty and acquires additional notes of aroma.

There are many ways to prepare this fish. The main thing is not to forget about small tricks that make it easier to cook and improve taste. Battered fish is good with side dishes, salads and just as an independent treat. Only in the latter case, it should be decorated with fresh vegetables and herbs.

The word "batter" in French means "liquid". Before frying, we dip the products in batter, fry until golden brown and get a delicious dish. For the first time I tried cauliflower in beer breading. It was very tender, not at all greasy and melted in your mouth. So I started looking for my batter recipe and found it. I am happy to share it with my readers.

A simple recipe for batter for fish on beer with an egg

Beer breading is great for fish. In this form, the product retains its shape and juiciness, and a crispy crust forms on top.

Kitchenware: container for kneading dough, mixer, spatula.


The main rule in the preparation of liquid dough- All ingredients must be cold. Therefore, both beer and eggs must be kept in the refrigerator. And so that the batter does not taste bitter, it must be done with light beers.

Fried foods are not recommended to be consumed often, but sometimes you really want to pamper yourself and diversify your menu. Yes, and on the festive table, such dishes look attractive. In order for the batter to be airy and light, it is necessary to beat the egg whites separately and add them at the end of cooking, just before frying.

Cooking steps

I immediately dip the pieces of fish into the prepared batter and fry in a well-heated deep frying pan with vegetable oil. This is very important, otherwise the resulting batter will absorb the oil, and the dish will turn out to be greasy! If the oil is well warmed up, you will get a thin crispy crust.

Video recipe for making beer batter for fish

All stages of preparation of the "correct" liquid dough are shown in detail in the video. The process is very fast and simple, does not require expensive products.

This is the recipe I use when preparing meat, fish and poultry dishes. I tried to fry champignons and cauliflower in beer dough, as well as fresh onions, cut into rings - the whole family really liked it.

I spread the products on the pan at a small distance from each other so that they do not stick together and spoil the shape. It is important that the resulting dough is not too liquid and does not drip off the product. And it is better to dry the ingredients themselves a little on a napkin or towel, then the dough will be better fixed. When the time comes to take out the finished product, I catch it with a slotted spoon and transfer it to a paper napkin. Thus, excess fat is removed, and the finished dish looks beautiful and retains its natural taste inside the crust. Many people make dough with water and sour cream, but still the recipe for beer, as for me, is the best. Try it and be sure to share your results with me.

A simple fish batter recipe with mayonnaise

Another option for making liquid breading is with mayonnaise.. Any batter must be cooked before the hottest. Try to make a batter for fish with me, the rules for preparing the dough for which I will describe in my recipe below.

Cooking time: 7 min.
Servings: 10.
Kitchenware: container for kneading dough, whisk.


I take light mayonnaise, with a minimum content of fat in it. Of course, you can add homemade mayonnaise. There are more benefits in it, but it is quite fatty, the batter will be heavy.

Cooking steps

Video recipe for making mayonnaise batter for fish

If you get a watery dough, you can add flour or starch. See how beautiful the finished dish looks in batter. But everything is so simple!

If desired, you can enhance the taste of breading with spices, add salt, pepper, mustard or any other spices and herbs. For elasticity, you can add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the dough. It all depends on your taste preferences. Well, the quality of the batter itself depends on its density and special additives. I prefer to marinate the fillets in spices and dip them into the finished breading. It is important not to overcook the chops, otherwise they will turn out overdried. Serve with baked or boiled potatoes or rice as a side dish.

In addition to fish fillet in batter, I like it with the addition of zucchini, due to which the minced meat is very tender, and from the sole. And recently I managed to find. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of fish products for the human body, they should be in the diet of every person. Try my fish batter recipe with mayonnaise and share your secrets for making thin breading.

A simple batter recipe for fish with milk

The main thing in the preparation of batter is to get the necessary dough consistency. Another recipe I have tested for the most delicate liquid breading for fish is prepared with the addition of milk. Remember that eggs and milk must be cold.

Cooking time: 10 min.
Servings: 10.
Kitchenware: any container, a whisk for kneading dough, a board and a knife, a frying pan and a spatula for frying.


For those who decide to cook fish in batter for the first time, I offer a detailed recipe for this simple and delicious dish. As a rule, you can take any fish, preferably fillets. I purchased a red salmon fillet.

When buying, pay attention to the absence of foreign odors. The eyes of the fish should be transparent, and the surface should be free of extra spots and mucus. It is better to cook fresh fish right away, it should not lie in the refrigerator for more than eight hours. I pre-washed, cleaned the steaks, removed the bones and dried.

Cooking steps

  1. Fish fillet (500 g) salted (1/4 tsp) and peppered to taste. I mix and leave to marinate.

  2. In the meantime, I pour 0.5 cups of cold milk into the container.

  3. I beat in 2 eggs.

  4. I add 1/4 tsp. salt. I mix and gradually add flour.

  5. In total, you will need about 100 g of flour. I add flour gradually, stirring so that there are no lumps.

  6. I put a frying pan on the fire and add 100 ml of vegetable oil.

  7. When the oil warms up well, I send all the pieces of fish to the batter and mix well.

  8. With a fork, I send each piece to the pan and fry until golden brown on both sides.

  9. I transfer the finished dish to a paper napkin. After the fat is absorbed into the paper towel and a crispy crust forms, I transfer the fish to a dish and serve it to the table. Fresh vegetables and herbs can be served with fish, potatoes and rice are traditionally served as a side dish.

Video recipe for making batter for fish with milk

For novice cooks, the entire process of cooking breaded fish is shown in detail in the video recipe. See how quickly and simply this appetizing dish is prepared in the most delicate breading.

And to make your dish even tastier, do it yourself.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in preparing dishes in batter. The main thing is to properly prepare the batter so that it does not spread, but is not too thick. Do not put the product on a poorly heated pan, otherwise it will stick and the appearance will deteriorate.

I would be very interested to know if your batter turned out to be as tender and tasty as mine. I would be glad if you share your recipes for making liquid breading for fish, because its composition largely affects the taste of the finished dish. I wish you success and look forward to your comments!