In recent years, more and more often our yards and summer cottages have become covered with heaps of freshly dug earth. This is the work of moles. Of course, traces of their activities do not decorate the territory. In addition, plants often die from their "works". Especially a lot of harm they bring to flower beds and vegetable gardens. What can be done to stop these animals from bothering you?

Mole lifestyle

The mole is a small and rather cute animal with smooth short fur and strong paws with sharp claws. It feeds on earthworms, larvae of various beetles and insects. The mole finds them in the process of moving along the passages that he digs with his paws. Its communications are a real labyrinth with comoros-warehouses of worms in reserve, bedrooms and ventilation ducts. In the process of laying them, it loosens the soil, drains it, and improves aeration. But at the same time, it undermines the roots of plants that come across in its path. Not to eat them, but not to interfere.

In winter, the mole sits underground in its "bedroom", which is usually located on a hill or high ground. This allows him to begin his life activity with the first rays of the spring sun. The mole breeds in early spring. The female bears offspring for a month and a half. Little moles live in a nest for a month and only then begin to develop nearby territories.

Moles live in families, multiplying rapidly. Adults constantly move in moves, checking their integrity, and dig new ones. In one minute, one mole can dig 30 cm. All of them are located at a depth of up to 20 cm in the fertile layer of the earth. Therefore, the number of moves and molehills from one family is quite large and can cause a lot of trouble.

The number of individuals in a certain area can fluctuate greatly due to weather conditions. They do not like both drought and waterlogging. Often die in the absence of snow and severe frosts.

How to catch a mole

The mole moves especially actively in the early morning. Then it can be caught in a pre-dug jar or bucket. Just make sure that after setting the trap there is no draft. The mole as a real owner will seal this move. He is very smart and careful.

You can buy a trap that is shaped like a tube with two lids. Cheap models have a small diameter and a smooth surface inside, from which the mole cannot push off with its paws, therefore it is reluctant to go into it. Therefore, they are ineffective. Traps with a rough inner surface are more suitable for catching moles. But they are also more expensive.

A mole can be caught by prying with a shovel at the moment when it moves near the surface. But catching is only half the battle. Moles have very strong paws and spiky claws. Therefore, it is very difficult to hold them with your hands, except perhaps for small ones, who sometimes, out of inexperience, go out for a walk in the fresh air. And an adult can scratch and even bite.

Sometimes moles are caught with traps or special mole traps. They are installed in pairs in each turn, directing the wire in different directions.

The mole can be destroyed with special electric mole breaker. But animals don't deserve to be treated like this. It is more humane to scare them away from your site or block the path to it.

Types of repellers

  • Mechanical. It is located in an even row of molehills. It makes a sound that is unpleasant for both moles and humans. Inexpensive.
  • Electronic. Repels moles with ultrasound. The man does not hear him. May be harmful to pets. Information about this should be found in the instructions for use.

How to choose a repeller

When choosing the type of mole repeller, experts advise evaluating your financial capabilities, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe plot, the ability to change batteries.

  • Mechanical repellers are cheaper than electronic ones.
  • If the area of ​​​​the site is small, then you can purchase a model with a small radius of action.
  • Find out how often the batteries need to be changed (3 to 8 months).
  • Repellers with a plastic body are lightweight, do not rust, but are easily damaged by impact. Metal is stronger, but heavier, and can corrode.

Do-it-yourself mole repeller

Beans planted along the edges of the site should scare away moles. True, the mole can go around the roots of these plants and "work" further.

If you have no time to monitor uninvited guests in order to catch them, set up mole traps, and it’s a pity to drown or kill, you can try to build a mole repeller with your own hands. It can be a tube of reeds one and a half to two meters high, inserted into the passage. The wind, entering it through the hole at the top, creates a strong sound that frightens the moles and makes them leave the chosen area.

Instead of a stalk of reeds, you can use an indispensable plastic bottle. It is inserted with the neck into the course, after cutting a small hole in the bottom. The wind, falling into this gap, creates a sound that is unpleasant for pests. The mole repeller, made from a bottle, does its job well.

You can buy and install special turntables in the molehills on the site that scare away animals.

But the efficiency of such homemade products is low, about 10 percent.

Electronic ultrasonic mole repeller

Moles, like other rodents, sense danger by detecting changes in the ground's vibrations. In this they are much stronger than humans. The action of the electronic repeller is built on this feature. The device electronically sends signals amplified by a motor up to 45 m. Signals with a frequency of 400 to 1000 Hz are generated for several seconds at intervals of half a minute. As a result, moles, sensing something was wrong, run away from the circle of this radius. But you need to take into account that there should not be large obstacles and voids on the territory that extinguish the signal that the mole repeller gives. It is better to install two devices at once at a distance equal to the radius of action.

There are a large number of repellers on sale, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich ranges from 600 to 2000 square meters. These are special devices for eliminating moles and universal - for fighting snakes, bears, mice, rats.

Model LS-997MP combined random vibration with mechanical amplification of vibrations. Therefore, it is a more efficient device. Moles cannot get used to vibrations sent at random, and constantly perceive it as a signal to flee.

Installing an electronic repeller

When installing the device, you need to firmly insert it into the ground in order to achieve good signal transmission quality. If the soil is very hard, then a hole is made in it in advance. The hat should be above ground level so that it is not flooded with water. The LS-997MR mole repeller works with one set of batteries for about 8 months.

For the winter it is taken out of the ground. Looks like it will last one season. But how effective is such a mole repeller? Customer reviews indicate that the animals did not react to the device for a week, but left the site a month later.

Solar powered repellers

In order not to change batteries, you can purchase an ultrasonic solar-powered mole repeller, for example, Weitech WK-0677 Solar. It operates on an area of ​​about 350 square meters. Batteries are included. To make the device work, the cable inside the aluminum case is connected to the connector in the "hat" and the case is connected to the cover. The solar powered mole repeller lasts 48 hours on a full charge. This is enough even if the weather is overcast or raining. Buyers say that the solar-powered mole repeller performs its function quite quickly. Reviews note the durable aluminum case as an advantage.

Ultrasonic vibroseismic mole repeller "Tornado-OZV 02" operates on a plot of 2000 square meters. It has a durable housing through which moisture and dust do not enter the device. The Tornado mole repeller is interesting in that the batteries can be changed without removing the body from the ground. True, customer reviews indicate that this has to be done every three months.

The SITITEK Grom-Profi LED+ repeller, in addition to scaring away moles, has a decorative function, illuminating the territory of the site at night with the help of LED backlighting. The frequency of the signal changes randomly. The AA battery at 800 mA per hour is slowly discharged, therefore it lasts a long time. The rubber ring protects the device from dust and moisture. To install the repeller, a hole is made in the ground, the diameter of which is slightly smaller than that of the device. This allows you to shove it tightly into the soil for efficient signal transmission. Such a solar-powered mole repeller is rated by buyers as one of the best.


For winter or during heavy rains, the mole repeller must be pulled out of the ground. This will extend its validity. But what to do, after all, when installing the device, you tightly compacted the soil in the area where the mole repeller is located? Customer reviews say that it is not easy to pull it out. Especially if its body is made of plastic. You have to dig the device so as not to damage it.

After being removed from the ground, the batteries are removed from the device and stored until spring. If the housing is metal, the storage location must be dry. At the repeller on electric batteries, remove the cover and disconnect the wire from the connector.


If there are no moles in your area yet, and "black marks" have already appeared nearby, you can prevent their appearance. To do this, the entire area along the perimeter (if physically possible) is fenced with slate, steel mesh or, in extreme cases, several layers of roofing material. They are buried 60 cm deep and the edges are left outside to a height of 20 cm. Then uninvited guests will not be able to get into your site.

Cats and dogs will help fight moles in the area. They need help by showing the moving earth above the move.

Below is a selection of hits among folk ways to protect the territory from moles. However, solutions are suitable for getting rid of other pests: earth rats, bears, mole rats, voles.

The methods below are extremely popular, judging by the number of video views, the abundance of likes, and most importantly, the heated discussion of what they saw on YouTube and forums. Under the description, epic comments are published, heatedly discussing the effectiveness of the method of people.

1. Noise, underground

Method taken from YouTube channel 6 Sotok and Sergey roller We expel moles from the site with the help of science and nanotechnology . Views at the time of publication of this article - 49 thousand, likes - 250 thumbs up.

A task: Create unbearable conditions for moles with noise and sonic vibration.

Necessary: bury the speakers in molehills, placing them in containers that are insulating from natural influences. Then connect to a tape recorder, radio, music center or player - depending on what is at hand.

How it's done: there is a molehill on the site - alas. Excavated, there are horizontal galleries on the sides of the excavation. An empty plastic bucket or container with a tight-fitting lid is installed deep into the hole under the diameter of a suitable container. The depth of the dug hole should be sufficient to completely bury the bucket. Only a small edge (about 5 centimeters) should remain above the ground to prevent water from entering the “music box”. The speaker of the column is placed inside the bucket, wires are connected to it, insulation is made from moisture. Wires run from the speaker to the music control unit and connect. Naturally, the length of the wires must be taken with a margin, because. the mole will certainly move around the site, and the bucket will have to be rearranged several times. The container is tightly covered with a lid. Insulation is placed on top, such as plastic wrap. The structure is covered with a layer of soil. So that the sound remains in the ground, and above - only silence. If you are lucky and you have more than one column, then you can repeat this procedure in other molehills - until the dynamics or molehills end. Or install "underground noisemakers" in advance in places where protection against moles is desperately needed.

Get a speaker...
We try on the column to the bucket ...

Result: moles listen to music, get upset and crawl away to less creative neighbors.

Recommendation: select heavier music compositions with a predominance of low-frequency sounds. AC DC, Aerosmith, and no doubt Rammstein will do. Hendrix and Led Zepelin are weak. Attention: from Mozart, Vivaldi and the Beatles, the mole population may not decrease, but grow!

disadvantages: The probability of success is 50%. Those. moles can leave, or they can stay. It's the same as meeting a Tyrannosaurus rex in Red Square - you may meet, or maybe not. Apparently, the efficiency depends on the quality of the speakers, the presence of an amplifier, the level of sound pressure and vibration.


2. Herring

Method taken from YouTube channel Favorite estate . Screenshot photo taken from video How to get rid of moles Unusual but effective way . Views at the time of publication of this article - 548 thousand, likes - 2734 pieces.

A task: create unbearable conditions for the mole with the stinking smell of rotten fish.

Necessary: eat herring and bury the remnants of the meal in a molehill.

How it's done: After a nice lunch / dinner or a strange breakfast: potatoes, mashed potatoes with herring mmm!, leftover herring - only the head is needed, set aside, not thrown away. Then the camera pans to the scene of the drama - the molehill. The molehill is dug up to a horizontal gallery, a fish head is thrust into the hole, head first and buried. Everything.

The cat is watching...

Result: the herring of the week rots underground, smelling stinking. The cadaverous smell of dead fish spreads in wormholes. The tender respiratory tracts of moles, moles, moles and moles do not stand up and the refugees in a panic leave their homes, leaving along the way the goods acquired over the years, moving to more compassionate summer residents.

disadvantages: moles have learned to cut off galleries with an unfavorable situation - collapse, smell, moisture. Therefore, the effect may be short-lived. Again, pets can dig a hole with a hidden treat for fun or to satisfy their hunger.


3. Gas chamber or Auschwitz in the field

Method taken from YouTube channel Zhenya Shpak . Screenshot photo taken from video Method of dealing with the mole. . Views at the time of publication of this article - 60 thousand, likes - 338.

A task: kill the mole in the gas chamber with nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide.

Necessary: apply exhaust gas through the molehill to the molehill galleries.

How it's done: take a lawn mower, trimmer. Attach a suitable hose to the muffler. Prepare a mixture of gasoline and oil. Pour oil, more than usual. To smoke! If there is a Soviet classic, dead motorcycles where harmful exhaust goes off scale - just super. Insert the hose into the hole in the molehill. Dig in tightly around the hose and tamp the earth. Start the engine. Everything. Wait. Sit down and have a beer. If the mole is lucky, it will crawl out and half-dead crawl towards the positions of the Red Army, i.e. to a neighbor. If not, they will die in the Nazi gas chambers.

Chemical special composition. The main thing is more oil ...
Hose - to the muffler, the other end - into the mink

Carbon monoxide smoke rises above the minks ...

Result: moles die quietly from such a touching care of the walk-behind tractor, CO and human cruelty. The efficiency of the method is extremely high. Moles do not risk approaching the concentration camp site for a year or two. Then the genetic memory goes out and the procedure will need to be repeated one more time.

disadvantages: not environmentally friendly. The soil is poisoned with heavy metals. Cruel. You need a powerful exhaust source. Neighbors will guess what you are doing and come up with sophisticated revenge in retaliation.


Video comments have been disabled.

4. Smoke attack

Method taken from YouTube channel kapotO . Screenshot photo taken from video How to get rid of moles in the garden and the garden . Views at the time of publication of this article - 272 thousand, likes - 1168, dislikes 105.

A task: simulate forest fire in wormholes.

Necessary: put the smokebox into the moles' passages. Make them flee in panic.

How it's done: Created a weapon of mass destruction from a car muffler pipe. On the one hand - a narrowing, on the other - a penny with a small hole. Under the blow gun. You hammer dry needles into the narrowing, like into a cannon. Then you place the silencer in the fire and wait for the smoke to appear from the penny. As soon as it appeared, it means that the gun is ready for battle. Then take the compressor with the receiver. By the way, do you have a compressor with a receiver? Insert one end of the muffler into the molehill. To the other end (a nickel with a hole), bring a blow gun. Tamp tightly around the muffler - so that the smoke goes exclusively into the molehill. After some time, smoke will pour out of neighboring holes and exits.

Result: moles run under the onslaught of a rapidly spreading smoke, as from the ashes. Pogoreltsev are taken by the closest relatives from neighboring summer cottages.

disadvantages: not everyone has a compressor with a receiver at hand. Yes, and preparing a smoke flue tool also requires pumped skills and training. Again, stink. Be sure to smell the fire during the execution. Again, the neighbors will look suspiciously at the site and watch for the invasion of blind fluffy.


5. Firecracker "Kiss of Death"

Method taken from YouTube channel Leonid Efremov Kuban Cossack Leonid Efremov. Screenshot photo taken from video The most effective way to deal with moles . Views at the time of publication of this article - 302 thousand, thumbs up - 823, thumbs down - 275.

Be sure to watch the video. Powerfully made. The flavor of the Kuban is felt. Even if it doesn’t help in the fight against moles, it will raise your mood by 100%.

A task: suffocate the moles underground.

Necessary: create a vacuum bomb by filling passages with suffocating gases instead of air. Simply, f ... c moles.

How it's done: take a firecracker with the gentle name "kiss of death." Probably, another model will also fit - the main thing is not to overdo it with power. Otherwise, it will be p..ts no longer for moles, but for the Cossacks. A molehill is dug up and two holes are found. Any Cossack knows this. A bowl with a pre-prepared ammonia solution is placed down. Further simply - the firecracker is set on fire. Lays down. All this is quickly covered with an iron basin. Or copper - depending on which one you have. Exploded! We wait.

Here it is - "Kiss of Death"

Result: moles die in families in convulsions and convulsions. Our land is no longer gnawed. A few shell-shocked lucky ones on Koryachka crawl away kilometers from the damned sadistic Cossacks. However, they can recover relatively quickly and return in a year or a month. It all depends on the particular mole and its vitality.

disadvantages: you can tear yourself something very valuable. Then the victory over the moles will be Pyrrhic.

Evgeny Sedov

When hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


Many people think that the mole is a cute harmless animal, but in fact it can harm any garden plot with its complex and long underground communications. Tireless diggers annoy gardeners, undermining berries and root crops, and flower growers, disfiguring newly planted flower beds, and lovers of green lawns, plowing up and down their well-groomed lawns. To combat the activity of this animal, there are several ways. One of the most modern and effective among them is the use of such a device as a mole repeller.

What is a mole repeller

A mole repeller is a mechanical or electronic device that can protect a summer cottage, garden, lawns and other plantings from the harmful activity of small animals. Due to the fact that moles spend most of their lives underground, they navigate in space using their sense of smell and hearing, rather than sight. Their hearing aid has an increased sensitivity, which makes moles vulnerable. Vibration and loud sounds that mole repellers can create greatly annoy them.

Principle of operation

Mole scaring is a more effective and effective way than catching all the animals on the land. Some use traps with a rough surface, but they are expensive. Sometimes mole catchers are used, installed in pairs in each turn. The best choice is still considered to be the use of special devices, the principle of which is simple: they generate sound waves that are barely distinguishable by the human ear, but which are well heard by all rodents and moles in an area of ​​700-1500 square meters. m. As a result, the animals have to leave and look for a quieter place.


The key benefit of using mole repellers is that they are safe for humans, earthworms, beneficial insects, and plants. The radius of action can reach 36-45 m in diameter, if there are no obstacles around in the form of wells, ditches, stones, underground structures, etc. However, keep in mind that when the installed device is turned off, there is a chance that the animals will return to their places again. The average period of expulsion of animals is about 6 weeks. The main types of mole repellers:

  • Mechanical. At the heart of this design is a disk-shaped eccentric. This mechanism is capable of generating vibrations that occur mechanically. The resonance in this case is formed due to the mismatch of the center with the central axis of the shaft. Domestic manufacturers offer customers a choice of several models of devices equipped with an electromechanical vibrator that has a double effect.
  • Ultrasonic. This repeller functions on the basis of vibrations that are created by an ultrasonic emitter. The wave propagation range varies from 36 to 45 m. Such devices will not cause discomfort to either humans or pets, but at the same time they will become an insurmountable barrier for moles, some rodents (for example, rats), snakes and insects. The performance of some models depends on how tightly they are in the ground. In this case, much will depend on the foundation of the objects and the structure of the soil.
  • Biological. This version of the mole repeller works on the principle of spreading the smell of essential oils in special balls. One of the most popular products is Detia, a German product for repelling moles, which is presented in the form of lavender balls. Compared to electronic devices, they do not need to be taken out of the ground to replace the battery, to control, to see if the device has stopped working.

There is also a classification of mole repellers according to the type of power source. On the market you can find both an anti-mole on batteries and a battery, and a device that runs on solar panels. Separately, you can select a combined device powered by batteries and solar energy. This ultrasonic model is a generator of low-frequency or vibration oscillations. The solar-powered device accumulates a charge of energy, so it can be used even in the dark.

The best mole repeller

A considerable part of the mole repellers offered today are made of high-quality materials, have reliable electronic or mechanical filling, and high efficiency. You can order a suitable model in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of the country in a specialized online store that delivers by mail. Effective and popular models of mole repellent devices include:

  • Ecosniper LS 997MR;
  • Remiling Terminator AN-A309;
  • Ecosniper;
  • Tornado OZV.01;
  • Sititek Thunder-Profi M;
  • Sititek Led+ Thunder-Profi;
  • EcoSniper LS-997M;
  • Chiston 4 Bioguard, etc.

Ultrasonic Mole Repeller

Among ultrasonic devices, the Chiston 4 Bioguard device, which has a successful effect on rodents over large areas, has become widespread. The signal from the emitter of the device is able to propagate at an angle of 180° - thanks to this, it is also effective when mounted on a wall. Can be used indoors up to 850 sq. m. There is auto-tuning for the internal features of the room in combination with 3 modes of operation. The generation of ultrasonic waves occurs randomly based on a special chaotic algorithm without repetitions:

  • name: Chiston 4 Bioguard;
  • price: 3250 rubles;
  • characteristics: application area - up to 850 sq. m., scare method - ultrasound, power consumption - up to 25 W, operating frequency range - 20-70 kHz, operating modes - 3, dimensions - 15.5x20x12 cm, weight - 500 g;
  • pluses: compact, lightweight, efficient, easy to use;
  • cons: expensive, does not spread radiation 360 °.


Alternatively, you may be interested in the electronic mole repeller Tornado "OZV.01, which is suitable for protecting a piece of land from moles, ground squirrels, rats, bears, shrews and other pests. It repels due to sound. After a certain pause, the device automatically generates body vibration and sound.The basis of the electrical circuit of the device is an electronic timer - it serves to generate the on and off of the buzzer.The latter transmits its vibration to the body of the device, which is buried in the ground:

  • name: Tornado OZV.01;
  • price: 1050 rubles;
  • characteristics: power supply - 4 batteries of 1.5 V, radiated frequency range - 400 +/-100 Hz, effective area - 1000 m2, ultrasonic pressure level at 1 m from the device - 72 dB, dimensions - 67x67x385 mm, weight - about 200 G;
  • pluses: different intervals of the emission of a vibrating sound, it is cheap;
  • Cons: Batteries are not included.

Grinda 8-422339_z01 is another model whose operating principle is based on the use of low-frequency sound vibrations. They propagate in all directions at intervals of 40 to 45 seconds:

  • name: Grinda 8-422339_z01;
  • price: 415 rubles;
  • characteristics: material - impact-resistant plastic, average range - 12 m, area - up to 500 m2, power supply - 4 batteries;
  • pluses: low cost, compactness;
  • cons: fragility, batteries are not included.


Among mechanical devices, the Ecosniper LS-997MR has proven itself well, which creates vibrations, exerting a depressing effect on rodents and forcing them to leave the inhabited land. Due to the introduced technology of mechanical increase in oscillations, the model becomes more efficient in comparison with analogues. Due to the random order of vibration, pests will not be able to adapt and get used to this device. The device creates vibration at time intervals from 15 to 75 seconds with different pulse durations (1.5-3.5 seconds):

  • name: Ecosniper LS-997MR;
  • price: 2140 rubles;
  • characteristics: power supply - 4x.15 V D-type element, principle - vibration, area of ​​​​action - 1500 m2, frequency range - 300-400 Hz, diameter - 4.2 cm, height - 41.4 cm;
  • pluses: large area of ​​action, different duration and interval of vibration;
  • Cons: Batteries need to be purchased separately.


If you are not satisfied with special devices, you can order a biological repeller. The products "Biogredka", which consists of a special mixture of essential oils, have gained considerable popularity. The drug is able to penetrate the soil to a depth of 10-15 cm, where moles, as a rule, cause the greatest harm. If the number of wormholes is too large, then the drug can be scattered directly into them:

  • name: Bio-bed;
  • price: 250 rubles;
  • characteristics: 1 pack - 100 g, designed to cover 15 m2, duration of action depending on precipitation - up to 40 days:
  • pluses: ease of use, accessibility;
  • cons: no.


"Antikrot" is an infrasonic device for scaring away moles, which is also suitable for fighting gophers, mice, shrews, hares, etc. This electronic device is buried in the soil before use and every 1.5-2 minutes it delivers seismic infrasound. The latter, under natural conditions, appears before an earthquake, so it strikes fear into animals living in holes. The device operates in long-term battery mode:

  • name: Antikrot;
  • price: 700 rubles;
  • characteristics: power supply - 4 batteries C 1.5 V, frequency - 400 Hz, effective area - about 600 m2, length - 34 cm, diameter - 7 cm, weight - 200 g;
  • pluses: low cost, good efficiency;
  • cons: small area of ​​influence.

Battery mole repeller

To scare away moles, you can order the Help device, which runs on four batteries. The body of the device is made of plastic. It is also suitable for scaring away other earthen pests that spoil the appearance of vegetable gardens, orchards and lawns:

  • name: Help;
  • price: 529 rubles;
  • characteristics: power supply - 4 R20 (D) batteries, dimensions - 7x7x28 cm, package weight - 270 g;
  • pluses: affordable cost, compactness;
  • cons: poor efficiency, batteries are purchased separately.

solar powered

SITITEK Grom-Profi LED+ is an independent and effective mole repellent device. The device is completely autonomous due to solar panels. At the same time, the developers provided it with a removable battery, which accumulates charge during the daytime, and ensures its operation at night. The housing, made of plastic and aluminum, is resistant to almost any negative environmental influences, including heavy rain. A bright and beautiful LED is mounted in the device stand for effective lighting, which turns on in the evening and at night:

  • name: SITITEK Thunder-Profi LED+;
  • price: 2990 rubles;
  • characteristics: power sources - Ni-MH battery (1.2 V, 800 mA / h), solar panel (4 V, 45 mA), solar battery size - 9x7 cm, operating frequency range - 400-1000 Hz, shutdown frequency - 30 sec., exposure area - up to 700 m2, dimensions - 37x15 cm;
  • pluses: no need to buy batteries, efficiency, durability, LED;
  • cons: not the most affordable cost.

If you are looking for a cheaper solar powered mole repeller, then the Feron E5204 will suit you. The device is a decorative gardening device:

  • name: Feron E5204;
  • price: 400 rubles;
  • characteristics: power supply - 300 mA battery, battery - NI-CD, dimensions - 10x8.5x38.5 cm, degree of protection - IP44, range - 30 m;
  • pluses: decorative, cheap, no need for batteries;
  • cons: no.

Solar Pest Repeller With Led Light is a solar-powered device that can repel moles from an area of ​​​​650 m2. The vibrosonic principle is used to fight:

  • name: Solar Pest Repeller With Led Light;
  • price: 900 rubles;
  • characteristics: coverage area - up to 650 m2, frequency range - 200-900 Hz, battery - 1.2V 800mAh Ni-Cd, solar panel (7x9 cm) - 4.5V 45mA, aluminum tube length - 22.7 cm;
  • pluses: battery life, aesthetic appearance;
  • cons: no.

How to choose a mole repeller

On sale you can find dozens of models of devices for repelling moles. They are installed underground, and to protect against pests they are often placed in PVC film packaging. Most devices are made in the form of cylinders pointed to the bottom, which must be buried vertically in the ground. Decide between electronic, mechanical and biological device. Each of them enjoys a certain popularity; electronic scarers have begun to acquire great demand today. Before you buy one or another option, consider:

  • Power type. Some run on batteries, others run on solar panels. The latter option will help save on the purchase of batteries, but it is optimal if the number of sunny days in your area is more cloudy. In addition, it is believed that devices with conventional batteries produce stronger vibrations.
  • Site type and soil characteristics. A repeller in too loose soil will spread vibrations worse, so one device cannot be dispensed with. Repellers should be arranged taking into account the radius of their action.
  • The presence of obstacles in the soil. Wells, building foundations, fences dug into the ground, and other objects of this type will reduce the effect of the repeller. In this case, more devices will also be needed to protect the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe land.
  • Appearance. It is desirable that the repeller is aesthetically pleasing, if this is important to you. With the help of decorative devices, you can effectively decorate the lawn and even an ordinary summer cottage.

Ultrasonic rodent and insect repellers appeared on the Russian market not so long ago, but they have already managed to win the love of many users. Such devices are the most humane way to control pests because they do not kill animals, but only force them to leave their habitat. Ecosniper ultrasonic repellers are designed to rid your garden of various types of rodents and insects, there is also a special series of devices for repelling moles.

What is an ultrasonic repeller

An ultrasonic repeller is a device that emits sound vibrations that adversely affect the psyche of moles, rodents and insects. Under the influence of sounds, they lose their orientation, cannot feed and reproduce. For this reason, they have to leave the inhabited territory.

Today, against annoying moles, tools are increasingly being used that only expel this unwanted guest.

Ultrasound is sound waves having a frequency of 32–64 kHz. The human ear does not perceive them, but the hearing of rodents and moles is more acute, so they are susceptible to the ultrasonic repeller. Thus, the use of this device is a fairly effective method of controlling these pests. Another positive characteristic of the device is that it is harmless to people and pets.

Video: mole repellent devices

Ecosniper: what is it and how does it work

Moles are pests that live in the ground and can cause quite serious damage to a garden or vegetable garden. Although they do not feed on plant roots, they are able to dig tunnels and pits, because of which all planted vegetable crops die. The roots, which find themselves in the recesses dug by moles, begin to dry out, nutrients do not enter them, and the plant itself dies. To prevent such a situation, it is necessary to get rid of these animals as soon as possible. Some gardeners use poisons and chemicals in the old fashioned way, but this is not only ineffective in the fight against moles, but also dangerous for planted plants. But the Ecosniper ultrasonic repeller will not only perfectly cope with the task of ridding your land of these annoying animals, but will not harm either plants or people.

As you know, the mole has practically no vision, but its hearing aid and sense of touch are very developed, which was taken into account by the developers of sound scarers.

Ecosniper ultrasonic repellers are manufactured by the Taiwanese company Leaven. The operation of the device is based on the generation of sound, some models, together with it, also emit vibrations, which are also unpleasant for animals. Moles have very keen hearing and a fine sense of touch, which compensate for poor eyesight, so being near the apparatus is unbearable for them: they leave their minks and look for a more peaceful environment for existence.

Externally, the Ecosniper is a plastic or aluminum column with a diameter of 40 centimeters, which is closed on top with a larger sealed lid.

Most Ecosniper models are made of an aluminum base and a plastic cover.

On a note. In some models, sound vibrations and vibrations constantly change duration, which eliminates the addiction of animals to radiation. Such devices are marked with the letter "R", which means "random", that is, "random". If there is a motor in the device to create vibrations, it is marked with the letter "M".

Ultrasound in the Ecosniper is produced by special speakers that transmit it to the walls of the device, and then into the soil. The sound frequency is only 300–400 Hz, but it causes significant discomfort to moles. However, we should not forget that obstacles such as concrete paths, buildings and tree roots can interfere with the propagation of ultrasound.

In the course of research, it was revealed that it is the frequency of sound waves from 300 to 400 Hz that can scare away moles.

All Mole Ecosnipers are powered by four D batteries (not included), with the exception of the SM-153 and GH-316 models (which use a battery in combination with a solar panel). In total there are 6 types of mole repellers.

The solar-powered ecosniper is charged during the day from the sun, this charge is enough to work at night

Table: Varieties of the Ecosniper and their characteristics

ModelArea of ​​action, sq. m.Range, mDimensions, mmFrequency of emitted ultrasound, HzWeight, grprice, rub.additional characteristics
LS-997Pup to 1000up to 20height - 338; diameter - 58300 300 from 1190The simplest Ecosniper model. Consists of a plastic leg and a plastic cover. The interval between oscillatory pulses is 15 seconds. The device has a fairly small size, which makes it invisible on the site.
LS-997Mup to 150025–30 height - 415; diameter - 80300–400 500 dated 1890The device is equipped with a vibration motor that amplifies ultrasonic waves. The interval between them is 15 seconds. The model consists of an aluminum body and a plastic cover.
LS-997Rup to 150025 height - 415; diameter - 65300–400 420 dated 1990This device is an aluminum leg, closed with a plastic cover. The device has the ability to change the duration of the vibration, which eliminates the addiction of moles to the emitted sounds. Sound waves are produced every 1–3 seconds and last up to 70 seconds.
LS-997MRup to 150025–30 height - 406; diameter - 42300–400 500 from 2190Universal Ecosniper, which is able to emit ultrasounds and vibrations, as well as change their frequency (the break between waves can be from 15 to 70 seconds). Has a metal leg and a plastic cover.
SM-153650 up to 25height - 330; diameter - 155400–1000 360 from 1490This device is suitable for scaring away not only moles, but also rodents. Powered by a solar battery, so there will be no additional cost for a set of batteries. The repeller is charged throughout the daylight hours and works without problems at night. Fully charged batteries last for 48 hours. The interval between emitted sound waves is 30 seconds. Consists of an aluminum base and a plastic cover.
GH-316700 up to 25height - 330; diameter - 155400–1000 310 from 1750The model is solar powered. Able to rid the area of ​​moles, mice and snakes. The operating time of a fully charged battery is 48 hours. Sound waves are emitted at intervals of 30 seconds. The device is an aluminum leg, closed with a plastic cover.

Video: LS-997R Device Overview

The choice of model depends on the area of ​​​​the site on which it is planned to install it, as well as on the financial capabilities of the buyer. However, the LS-997MR device is considered the most effective, as it combines all the advantages of other repellers. All models come with a 5 year manufacturer's warranty.

All Ecosnipers are packed in cardboard boxes and equipped with instructions.

How to use Ecosniper

For the Ecosniper to work effectively, it must be installed and used correctly.

Hitting an Ecosniper with a hammer or other heavy object is prohibited. This may damage the device.

Do not hammer the repeller into the ground with a hammer, stone, log or foot, since such actions can easily damage the body of the device

Ecosniper is usually installed in the center of the garden plot. If the area is quite large, then you need to purchase several devices.

On a note. If the soil in your area is too hard, then you can make a recess twice as narrow as the diameter of the repeller, and install it there.

A set of batteries should last for 6-8 months of continuous operation of the device.

If the repeller is stuck into the ground, then the soil around its legs will be additionally compacted, which will further ensure high-quality transmission of sounds and vibrations.

Some gardeners leave the Ecosniper for the winter, believing that moles can enter the summer cottage at this time. But manufacturers do not advise doing this: there is a possibility that the device will fail under the influence of low temperatures. Getting the Ecosniper out of the ground is not an easy task. In order not to damage it when pulling, you need to carefully dig around from all sides. It is necessary to store the device with the batteries removed from it. If the batteries are solar, then you need to remove the cover of the device and disconnect the wiring from the connector.

The effectiveness of the device in the fight against moles

Ecosniper devices in most cases are able to cope with the task assigned to them, however, there are examples when moles absolutely do not react to the presence of such a device on the site. It also happens that the animals dig holes right under the ultrasonic repeller and turn it over. This can happen for several reasons:

  1. The Ecosniper trademark is quite popular, which is why it is often faked. Sometimes on sale you can find a Chinese fake instead of a Taiwanese product.
  2. Moles, like any other animals, are able to get used to extraneous sounds. Sometimes these animals are even afraid of the rustle of reeds, and sometimes they live next to a busy highway, the noise of which does not frighten them at all. In this case, summer residents will be helped by devices that can change the frequency of vibrations and the strength of sounds.

It is impossible to give a 100% guarantee that the Ecosniper will work, but the probability of effectively getting rid of the problem is high. Most gardeners who have bought this device leave positive reviews. In addition, the operation of the device is not capable of harming either animals or humans. Therefore, having the desire and financial capabilities, you should be convinced of the effectiveness of using the Ecosniper from personal experience, because this method is much more humane than getting rid of moles with the help of traps and poisons.

The European or common mole is a small animal, no more than 15 cm long. It lives underground, arranging underground labyrinths at a depth. Gardeners do not like moles and stubbornly fight them.

Why are moles dangerous

Unlike hamsters, moles do not eat crops. They do not destroy tulips and potatoes, do not gnaw carrots and other root crops, they are not interested in cabbage, like any plants. Like mole-rat shrews, moles are insectivorous animals, feed on earthworms and soil insects, destroying many pests. And yet, the mole can harm the plantings. Mice and bears roam the paths he has made, nibbling roots and destroying crops.

The mole arranges molehills on the site - soil dumps, similar to small volcanoes, which spoil the appearance of the garden, make it difficult for garden equipment to work. One mole, appearing in the garden, can ruin the entire landscape design. Quickly, there will not even be a trace of perfectly even lawns and lawns, and the site after the work of the self-proclaimed "designer" looks deplorable. In many cases, the fight against moles is a necessary and justified measure.

Prevention of the appearance of moles

It is not easy to get the accustomed mole out of the site, so it is better not to bring the matter to war, but to use preventive measures. Prevention is more humane and cheaper than the extermination of animals.

If the neighbors have molehills, a fencing system of sound repellers should be installed along the border of the site. The device is dug into the soil and batteries are placed in it. Moles and shrews, bears and mice begin to bypass such a site, as they do not like the harsh sounds heard underground. The devices are in the ground and a person almost does not hear sounds - this is a pleasant difference between a mole repeller and a household rat and mouse repeller.

Important! For prevention, devices that emit ultrasound are not suitable, because they need to be inserted into existing holes. Ultrasound, unlike ordinary sound, does not diverge well in the thickness of the soil, but it spreads remarkably along the mole passages.

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There are folk remedies for moles that do not require the cost of purchasing electrical devices. It has long been noticed that animals do not like the smell of garlic, onions and legumes, and if you plant a plot around the perimeter with these plants, moles will bypass it.

How to scare away moles

If the mole has already wound up on the site, it will not be easy to frighten it away from its familiar place, but it is always better to do it in a humane way, without destroying a useful animal. Such methods include

  • scent;
  • vibration;
  • ultrasonic;
  • biological.

As mentioned above, moles do not like the smell of garlic. To scare them away, you need to prepare a mixture of crushed garlic and camphor alcohol and decompose it into holes. You can also use to scare away:

  • kerosene;
  • diesel fuel;
  • ammonia water;
  • valerian;
  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • rotten eggs;
  • kefir;
  • acetone;
  • naphthalene;
  • petrol.

Items moistened or lubricated with these substances are laid out in molehills, and sprinkled with earth on top. The animal will not dare to approach the source of the unpleasant odor and leave the site.

Vibrating devices are powered by wind. Moles, like all underground animals, are sensitive to noises and sounds. When the ground shakes, the animals hide and try to find a source of danger. If this happens often, then they will feel uncomfortable on the site, and after a few months they will leave it. Various devices are used to shake the soil, but they all operate on the principle of a conventional turntable. Experienced gardeners know how to get rid of moles with a regular plastic bottle.

Homemade repeller from a plastic bottle:

You can use simpler devices.

  • empty glass bottles dug into the ground at a 45-degree angle to the prevailing winds;
  • cans of beer, put on metal rods stuck in the ground.

Ultrasonic mole repellers spread sound waves. Ultrasound irritates and frightens animals, makes them move away from an unpleasant place for them. Ultrasonic devices are placed in mole burrows, the animals leave the site after 1.5-2 months. One device is usually enough for 2-3 acres.