Foam lovers will certainly appreciate such a simple snack as homemade dried fish. Its preparation requires a minimum of ingredients, and if you follow basic drying technology, the result will be amazing: soft and slightly salty fish flesh with a delicate aroma will literally melt in your mouth. How to make dried bream will be discussed further.

Dried gutted bream - recipe

Drying fish without entrails is much easier, since the risk of developing pathogenic microflora in the intestines of the fish disappears when choosing the wrong temperature and humidity in the drying room.

Before drying, the fish must be cleaned of its entrails, being careful not to catch the gall bladder. Rinse and dry the cleanly gutted bream (we also remove the gills). After weighing the gutted fish, we calculate the required amount of salt from the proportion of 250 g per 1 kg. Sprinkle the sides of the carcass with salt and don’t forget to salt the abdominal cavity itself. We leave the fish to lie under pressure for 2 days, after which we clean off the excess salt and leave the carcasses hanging to dry. The temperature of the drying room should not be higher than +15 degrees or below zero, and the time varies depending on the drying conditions and size, and can take from a week to two.

How to store dried bream?

As a rule, fish are wrapped in natural fabric or placed in linen or cotton bags, so they are guaranteed to last for more than six months. In order to store fish for up to a year or longer, the carcasses are rubbed with crushed aspirin; this procedure does not affect the taste, but it significantly prolongs the freshness.

Dried, non-gutted bream at home

Cooking fish without gutting follows a similar technology, but here it is important to remove gills and cut the esophagus, it is advisable to do this immediately after catching or in the near future, in order to get rid of the breeding ground for pathogenic microflora as soon as possible and ensure uniform distribution of salt. Having calculated the amount of salt according to the same proportion (250 g/kg), the fish is generously covered with it and left under pressure, the weight of which is half the weight of the fish.

How to pickle bream at home

After a few days of salting at a temperature of no more than +10 degrees, the carcasses should be cleaned, and then they can be hung out to dry for 1-2 weeks, determining the period based on the weight of the fish. Whole carcasses of dried bream are stored cool, wrapped in bags made of natural fabric.

("" Of course, the stores are now full of fish for every taste. You can buy almost anything. But it’s still more pleasant to treat guests and eat home-cooked fish yourself. Especially if this fish is caught with your own hands. But this process requires due attention, because improperly salting or drying fish at home can lead to disastrous consequences.

When salting fish, brine or brine, as it is also called, is released from it.

How to dry bream at home recipe

Since various microbes like to multiply in it, it needs to be drained periodically.

For home salting, fresh, just caught fish is suitable. Before salting, the fish must be cooled. Do not freeze, just chill in the refrigerator. But not all fish can be salted at home. The most dangerous are sturgeon. They are the most common source of botulism among home-cooked salted and dried fish. If you are already drawn to sturgeon, then amateur performance is inappropriate here. Salted or dried fish for sale (, which is carried out in almost every store, is prepared under industrial conditions in compliance with all rules and standards, so it is safe and it is better to buy such sturgeon rather than risk your health and life.

Suitable for pickling “for herring” are white bream, silver bream, roach, gudgeon, and bluefish. An enamel pan or a wooden tub is used as a container for salting (if there is a lot of fish). Fish can be salted with or without giblets. In the first case, a mixture of salt and food nitrate in a ratio of 10:1 is used for salting. If there is no saltpeter, then the fish must be gutted, removing the entrails and gills. Saltpeter is added for preservation and protects fish from spoilage. In addition, it gives it a pleasant reddish color.

Having prepared the fish, place it tightly in a container, and sprinkle salt and saltpeter or salt alone on top. If desired, you can add bay leaf, black and allspice, cloves or any other spices that you prefer.

A wooden circle is placed on top of the fish, which is pressed with a stone or other heavy object. Place the container with fish in a cool place.

This fish is consumed without any additional cooking (unless you have to gut it). Although you can marinate it before using it. For the marinade, mix water and vinegar in equal proportions, add ground black pepper, sugar, onion, and table mustard. You need to keep the fish in the marinade for 3-4 hours, after which homemade “herring” is completely ready for consumption.

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How to dry bream using the wet method

Dried bream can be a good snack for beer. Also, bream, cut crosswise into small slices and served with a side dish such as boiled potatoes, can serve as an excellent lunch or dinner. But if the bream was prepared with your own hands, then it will be even more pleasant to hear forest sayings about a snack or lunch from friends and relatives, the main thing is to know how to dry the bream correctly so that it is well salted and not over-salted and bitter from bile.

There are several ways to dry bream.

One of them is dry salting. To do this, wash fresh fish, rub it, sprinkle it generously with salt, and as soon as the fish gives juice, dry it in a well-ventilated room. True, this method has a small nuance, namely that the fish is severely dehydrated during the cooking process, becoming dry with a very dense consistency and very salty.

The second method is more flexible and is capable of salting fish with the desired salinity. This method is based on salting fish in brine, in other words, in salt water. With this method, the fish is well salted, since at the beginning of cooking, live fish, dipped in brine, swallows salt water. True, not any bream will do for this, but only those of the same size.

To do this, caught or purchased live fish are sorted and selected of the same size weighing 300 - 500 grams so that they are salted equally evenly, and then the bream is washed under running water.

Before drying bream, take a deep container, bucket or tank made of stainless steel or enameled and wash thoroughly.

How to dry bream

After this, drinking water is poured in and a brine is prepared, consisting of water and salt in such an amount that a raw egg floats.

Now they lower live fish in such quantity that the brine completely covers the fish, cover it with a lid with holes and place a load on top.

After 3–4 days of salting, the fish is removed, washed thoroughly in running water, soaked in plain water, and bream that have been lying in the salt solution are placed in a basin of water. After an hour, the bream is removed, and so that the salt is evenly distributed throughout the fish, it is left to lie without water for an hour.

Next, the salted fish is hung by hooks made of paper clips on a rope, which is stretched inside a box made of slats covered with a fine nylon mesh to prevent flies from flying in and put outside or on a balcony for drying until the fish becomes elastic, after which it can be considered drying completed.

Read also

  1. How to pickle bream

What could be tastier than salted homemade bream? However, for most housewives, preparing this dish causes many concerns and fears. By the way, bream meat is very valuable in the fishery, and this is not without reason. Bream is a tasty fish, large and, one might say, of good quality. In order for housewives to stop worrying about how to salt such fish at home, we give our advice and recommendations. Make sure it's very simple! The entire home salting process depends on factors such as the size of the bream and your personal taste preferences.

How to pickle bream at home - recipe

Now we will tell you in detail and step by step how to prepare salted bream at home:

  1. Initially, to salt the bream, wash the fish thoroughly under running cold water.
  2. The next stage of salting bream at home is as follows: generously grease the fish with coarse salt (if you want, you can rub the fish with garlic), this depends on your taste preferences.
  3. In order to salt the bream, we also put salt on the bottom of the pre-prepared dish, and put the fish on top of it and again cover it with salt. It is also very important to cover the gills with plenty of salt in order to remove as much bitterness as possible from the fish.
  4. After all these procedures are carried out, the bream is left under great oppression in a fairly cool place. As a rule, the very next day the fish gives enough brine to completely cover itself to the top.

    Dried bream. Technologies for quality products.

    To do this, you need to specially prepare the dishes, not too wide, but also such that the brine does not melt away.

  5. However, if you salt the bream and there is not enough brine, this can be fixed very simply; to do this, you will need to fill the fish with your own homemade brine. To do this, it will be enough to dissolve coarse salt in boiling water; as a rule, 300 grams of salt are needed for 1 liter of water.
  6. It is in this state that bream will be stored for about seven days at home. However, you should carefully monitor the cooking process so that the fish does not become over-salted. The ratio of salt to bream should be 1 kilogram of salt per 10 kilograms of fish, preferably coarse salt; iodized salt should not be used.
  7. After the bream is salted, it needs to be thoroughly soaked in plain cold water for about an hour. This will allow all excess salt to leave the fish, and the remaining salt will be evenly distributed throughout the fish.
  8. After all this, the bream that you plan to salt should be left hanging in a dry, fairly cool place at home for about a week and a half.

Our salted bream is ready! However, remember that cooked fish such as bream cannot be stored for too long (more than one week). Now you know how to pickle bream, and you can cook it at home.

Video with a recipe for making salted bream at home

Proven ways to dry fish

How to salt caviar

Despite the fact that there are periods of spawning prohibition, amateur fishermen, depending on the fishing rules of a particular basin, are allowed at this time to do a little fishing with certain gear from the shore outside the spawning areas. And it happens that a fisherman comes across fish with caviar. If you followed the rules when fishing, then with a clear conscience you can pickle caviar at home. This is an incredibly tasty and valuable dish. And it doesn’t matter whether it will be perch caviar, pike caviar, pike perch caviar, bream caviar or other fish. If you know how to salt caviar correctly at home and have proven ones in your piggy bank caviar salting recipes, your pleasure is guaranteed.

What you need to know before salting caviar at home:

  • Caviar for salting must be fresh, that is, extracted from freshly caught fish.
  • The fattier the fish and the larger the caviar, the more enjoyable it will be for you to eat.
  • First of all, popular recipes for salting the caviar of pike, pike perch, crucian carp, bream, you can pickle the caviar of perch.
  • It is important to clean the eggs from the chaff: open the film and rub the back of your hand through an enamel colander - an aluminum colander is not suitable, because its sharp edges will ruin the eggs.

How to simply salt caviar at home - a universal recipe:

To salt fish roe at home, you will need an enamel pan, gauze, as well as water, salt, and seasonings (bay leaf, black and allspice).

Pour three times more water into the pan than prepared caviar. Let the water boil and add plenty of salt and omit the seasonings. Next, you need to turn off the stove and pour caviar into the prepared water, remembering to stir. Let it stand covered for about 15 minutes, and then discard the caviar through cheesecloth. The cooled caviar is put into the refrigerator. Store for about a month.

How to salt pike perch caviar

Pike perch in itself is an excellent fishing trophy. A pike perch caviar- a source of easily digestible protein, vitamins B, C, A, E, amino acids, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, nickel, manganese. Pike-perch caviar can be fried, but it turns out no less tasty home-salted pike perch caviar.
To pickle caviar, you will need:

  • 800 g of caviar, 300 g of salt for solution, 3 liters of water for solution, 1 teaspoon of salt, 4 tablespoons of oil.

Recipe for salting pike perch caviar: Place pike perch caviar in a deep cup and chop it with a sharp knife. Pour a boiling solution of table salt from 1 liter of water and 100 g of salt and stir it well with a fork so that films wrap around it. Then drain the liquid, prepare a new solution from water and salt, taken in the same quantity, and pour pike perch caviar again. Repeat the manipulation with a fork, drain the brine again and remove the films. Pour the cleaned caviar one last time with boiling water and salt prepared from the last 100 g of salt and a liter of water. Mix thoroughly again and place in a fine sieve for 15 minutes. Pour 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil into a clean liter jar, fill it 70% with caviar, add a heaped teaspoon of salt and stir. Now fill the jar with caviar and pour another 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil on top. Close the jar with a lid and put it in the refrigerator, after 5 hours it can be eaten. The caviar turns out lightly salted, crumbly, and delicate yellow in color.

Now you know how to salt pike perch caviar at home.

How to salt pike caviar

Home-salted pike caviar is an exquisite delicacy. Pike caviar is in no way inferior in taste to recognized delicacies, and we can talk endlessly about its benefits. Unlike black and red caviar, it is considered more dietary due to its low fat content, but the benefits of pike caviar are its high content of protein, trace elements and vitamins A and D. In Rus', pike caviar was eaten with pancakes, and it was highly valued. Every angler should have a few recipes for salting caviar pike at home.

Recipe 1
To pickle caviar, you will need:

  • pike caviar - 550 grams, salt - 2 tablespoons, vegetable oil - 10 ml.

Recipe for salting pike caviar: Rinse the pike thoroughly and carefully remove the eggs in bags. Rinse the pike caviar and remove the eggs from the bags, making sure that there are no remaining film residues in the caviar. Add salt to the caviar and whisk thoroughly with a fork until the salt has dissolved - approximately 20 minutes. Pike caviar is ready for salting as soon as a white foam appears. Now add 2/3 of the vegetable oil to the caviar and mix well. Place the caviar in a glass jar or saucepan, and pour the remaining oil on top. Cover the container tightly with a lid and refrigerate for 5 days. Pike caviar prepared according to this recipe is ready to eat in five days.

Recipe 2

If you are impatient to enjoy the taste of home-salted pike caviar, then take note quick and easy recipe for salting pike caviar.
To pickle caviar, you will need:

  • pike caviar - 300 grams, water, salt.

A simple recipe for quick salting of pike caviar:
Without removing the pike caviar from the bags, place it in a deep bowl and use a fork. Pour 1.5 liters of boiling water into the caviar and stir it for another five minutes, removing the films. Drain the hot water and pour cold water over the caviar, drain again, stirring and removing the films. Washing the caviar requires thorough and long-lasting procedures; it may take 10 procedures or even more. After this, the caviar should be dried. Salt the dried caviar to taste and stir until the salt dissolves. The caviar can be transferred to a jar and stored in the refrigerator. After 6 hours it is ready to eat.

How to salt pike caviar video

After watching the video, you will become more clear on how to salt pike caviar at home quickly and easily.

How to salt perch caviar

Perch is one of the most common fish in Russia.

Dried bream

It is found in the fresh water of large reservoirs, ponds, rivers, and lakes. If you caught perch with caviar, try making salted perch caviar. To make it really tasty, you need to salt it correctly. To help you, simple salting recipes that will make perch caviar aromatic, tasty and healthy: perch caviar contains folic acid, potassium, phosphorus, omega-3 fatty acids and protein

Recipe for salting perch caviar with marinade

To pickle caviar, you will need:

  • caviar of one perch, 1 liter of water, 2 tbsp. l. salt, ½ tsp. ground coriander, 10 black peppercorns, 4 allspice peas, 2 bay leaves.

Recipe for salting pike caviar: Rinse the perch eggs under warm running water. During the washing process, do not remove the caviar from the bags. Free the caviar from the film. To do this, arm yourself with a fork or spoon. These cutlery will greatly facilitate the process of separating the eggs from the film. Prepare the marinade. To do this, pour water into the pan and add salt. Add bay leaf, coriander, black peppercorns and allspice. Bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes. Pour the hot marinade over perch caviar and stir vigorously. Let the caviar brew for 20 minutes. Drain the marinade using a colander. Make a water bath. To do this, pour water into a large saucepan and place a smaller saucepan in it. Place caviar in the last one. Boil it for 15-20 minutes. During the cooking process, caviar must be stirred with enviable regularity. Ready perch caviar should be crumbly and white. Such heat treatment will completely eliminate its specific astringency. Ready caviar can be slightly salted to taste. If it turns out to be dry, add a few drops of vegetable oil to it.
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Dried bream - the most delicious fish

Dried bream - the most delicious dried fish

The processes of drying and drying fish are in many ways similar, almost identical.

Differences between drying and drying:

  1. The fish dries slowly at low air temperatures.
  2. The process is not allowed to dry completely: the fish remain soft.

When dried, the fish is not very dry, tasty and aromatic.

How to dry bream correctly: main steps

Be sure to read the articles on our website about how to catch white bream. They contain many secrets.

Before drying, the fish is washed, but not cleaned! Be sure to keep the scales. Without it the taste is much worse. The best time is autumn, when the fish gain fat and their meat does not smell like mud. Drying is also acceptable in spring and winter. In summer, the process is complicated by high temperatures, and the fish turns out tasteless.

The recipe for dried bream is simple:

The drying process consists of three stages, which are performed in strict sequence.

Detailed description of the stages of drying bream

Select fish of approximately the same size. Salt is mixed with sugar, it gives a pleasant softness. Sprinkle the fish with coarse salt to completely cover the carcasses. Press down with pressure and put in a cool place for at least two days. The salting process depends on the size of the fish. Large specimens are salted for 3-5 days.


Carcasses must be cleaned of excess salt. First, the fish is washed under running water. Then soak for at least three hours, regularly changing the water every hour. Add vinegar to the last portion of water (optional!) (100 grams of 9% vinegar per 10 liters of water) to:

  • the bream was not too hard,
  • salt did not appear on its surface during drying,
  • the flies didn't land.

It is better to soak in the afternoon so that you can hang it out to dry by night.

They dry the bream, like other fish, in the shade, preferably in the fresh air. Dry in special boxes, mesh dryers, hung on fishing line/wire and covered with gauze. After three to five days, the delicacy is ready. Indoors and at lower temperatures, the drying process takes longer.

The waiting time depends on the taste:

  • If you like slightly under-dried fish, they start consuming it after a couple of days.
  • If you want it drier, they dry it longer.
  • At low temperatures, drying lasts up to two weeks.

They hang the fish by the head, threading the wire through the eyes, and by the tail, stringing it on ordinary paper clips - as you like. First, hang them in a pile so that the juice flows into a substitute container, then at a distance from each other.

Recipes for making dried bream may vary slightly

Moreover, not the recipe - there is nothing special to change in it. Just add some spice. This is not for everyone. By carefully sorting out they find out what spices can be used to season the fish. Most connoisseurs of dried bream are convinced that any spices worsen its taste!

The cooking recipe may vary. Especially the salting process. It is carried out using different methods:

1. The dry (“Old Russian”) method is suitable for fish weighing more than a kilogram. The dry method is also suitable for salting small, ungutted bream. The fish is salted in wooden boxes with numerous holes made for the juice to flow out.

  • The catch should not be washed: wipe with a cloth, removing mucus and dirt.
  • A cut is made along the ridge and flattened.
  • Clean out the insides.
  • Pour salt there.
  • Place belly up.
  • Each layer is sprinkled with salt.
  • They impose oppression.
  • Place in a cool place for 4-7 days.

2. Wet method (in natural brine): salting is done in an enamel/plastic container. A centimeter layer of salt is poured onto the bottom. Whole carcasses are positioned so that the back rests on the belly of the nearby bream. Sprinkle with salt to form a smooth surface. Each new layer of fish is perpendicular to the previous laying. Oppression is placed on top. Excess juice is drained. Salted carcasses have a hard, slightly sunken back.

3. The brine method is suitable for small fish and low-fat fish that produce little juice. The white bream is strung on a fishing line and lowered into brine - a saturated salt solution. Keep for 2-3 days. (Checking the brine for strength: an egg floats in it.)

The drying process is complicated. The fish are hung out at night and kept in the refrigerator during the day. After 2-3 nights, each bream is wrapped in paper and placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. There it reaches the desired condition for another 1-2 weeks, giving excess moisture to the paper. The wrappers are changed as they become damp to prevent mold from appearing. The finished bream turns out to be fatty and very tasty.

READ ALSO: How to properly dry crucian carp at home

  • The taste of gutted fish is much worse: the fat is removed along with the entrails. Ungutted meat spoils much faster if it is poorly salted.
  • The oppression is carefully selected. If it is too light, the fish may go rotten. With a heavy load, the insides will burst and bitterness will appear in the meat.
  • Oppression is required: under its weight, the air bubbles that form inside the fish are squeezed out.
  • If the temperature outside is above 18°, salt it in the refrigerator.
  • The number of hours for soaking carcasses is approximately the same as the number of days the fish were salted.
  • Soaking is stopped when the carcasses begin to float.
  • The bream is hung out at night to prevent flies from attacking it. By morning, the scales will dry out, harden, and become impenetrable.
  • You cannot hang a fish by its gills; it will break.
  • When suspended by the tail, the salt flows from the tail to the gills, where the flies cannot lay larvae due to the abundance of salt.
  • The bream easily absorbs chemical odors: places for drying are chosen carefully.
  • When drying in winter in an apartment with a high temperature, the fish is blown with fans and often sprayed with water, otherwise it will be overdried.
  • If the rays of the sun hit the fish during drying, the fish becomes woody and the fat is melted out of it.
  • It is permissible to keep it in the sun for a short time only on the last day of drying.

The recipe for dried bream seems overly simple: salted, washed, dried.

In fact, fish always tastes different. Sometimes it doesn’t get enough salt and quickly spoils. Sometimes it turns out tastelessly over-salted. It is necessary to experiment with salting time and soaking.

Dried bream can be stored for a long time hanging or on a shelf in the refrigerator. It is especially tasty to eat with malt kvass.

Enjoy enjoying the dried bream!

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How to pickle bream at home?

Salting bream at home. How to pickle bream in brine? How to pickle white bream?

It’s better not to pickle it in brine, but just sprinkle it well with salt. The fish will take as much as it needs and put under oppression for three days. Then take out the fish, clean it of excess salt and hang it to air dry, but first cover it with gauze or other insects. All the fish will be ready.

The most delicious dried salted fish are spring and winter fish; after spawning, summer and autumn fish are skinny, low-fat fish.

The most delicious dried salted river fish - bream and white bream. It is not difficult to pickle bream at home. To salt fish, you need to use coarse rock salt. For 10 kg of fish, salt consumption is 1 kg.

Salt acts as a desiccant. Salt draws water out of fish. Fine salt is not suitable for this. Only coarse salt can absorb water from fish.

There is no need to wash fish in water before salting. Bream can be salted “dry” (without water), wet (in brine) or by hanging.

Small fish can be salted without opening the belly; for large fish, you must first rip open the belly and remove the entrails. Next you need to rub the scales with salt. Salt removes mucus from the scales and gets under the scales, then pour salt under the gills, into the mouth and into the cuts if the fish is large. You need to place the fish in a basin or barrel with its belly up, sprinkle it with salt and put a wooden circle made of linden, put pressure on top and put it in the cellar. After 3-10 days (depending on the size of the fish), rinse the fish in running water and hang it in a ventilated, dark place.

Bream often terrifies housewives, since the fish is quite large and fears immediately arise that it will be difficult to handle. In fact, salting bream at home is a simple matter. There would be more salt. To begin, rinse the bream well under running water. Some people try to remove the gills, but I leave them, only more salt pours into them than on the fish itself.

Lubricate the bream generously with salt and put it under pressure for 2 days.

READ ALSO: How to properly dry flounder at home

On the second day, a brine should appear; if your own brine is not enough, then you need to cook your own. For 1 liter of boiling water - 300 grams of salt.

After salting, the fish should be washed again under running water. Then place in a cool place in a suspended state.

I’m not such a gourmet that I salt each type of fish in a special way, so I salt bream in much the same way as any other fish. Well, maybe you can do without spices, just coarse salt.

In order to salt the bream first you need to clean it from the insides and remove the gills (if the fish is large). Then pour salt into the bottom of the basin or bucket prepared for salting. Place the fish on its side or belly up, and sprinkle each subsequent layer with plenty of coarse salt. After placing all the fish, cover it with a wooden plank and put something heavy on top (with minimal water absorption), such as a 5-liter jar of water, and place it in the cellar. The fish is salted for 5-10 days.

After this, rinse the fish in cold water and hang it on a fishing line, but be sure to cover it with gauze to protect it from insects.

For 0.5 liters of water - 3 heaped tablespoons of salt and 1 heaped tablespoon of granulated sugar, bring all this to a boil, cool and pour over the fish for three days, pressing down on top with pressure. Then hang it in the shade, covering it with a cloth to prevent flies - after 3 days you can eat dried, and after 8-10 days dried.

Bream can be salted very quickly and easily. To salt, take the fish, wash it, remove the entrails, then rub the fish with coarse rock salt (100 grams of salt per kilogram of fish). You need to grate the fish thoroughly, and try to make sure that the salt gets under the scales. as well as in the fish's mouth and gills.

Place the fish in an enamel pan, cover the fish with a lid (preferably wooden) and put pressure on it. Place the fish in a cool place.

As for the salting time, it depends on the size of the fish; if it is medium-sized, then 5-7 days is enough.

After the fish is salted, rinse it and dry it (hang it in a ventilated area).

  1. The bream must be washed, gills and entrails removed.
  2. Rub each fish with coarse salt, place in a glass or enamel bowl, sprinkle each layer with salt (approximately 200 grams of salt per 1 kg of fish). You can add a small amount of sugar (a little bit) to the salt, it will give the fish a special taste.
  3. Place in a cool place. The fish will be ready in 3-7 days (depending on size).
  4. Rinse the finished fish with cold water, dry and store.

I usually salt bream in order to dry it later; it turns out fatty and very tasty. I salt bream using the dry method. I rub them with salt and put them in a bucket. Then I put a pressure on top, juice will be released under it, I keep it under pressure for 2-3 days, then I remove it, I let the fish salt it for another 3 days. I put the bucket with bream in a cool place. Then I soak them and dry them. I always put salt on my eye.

There are no specific rules on how to salt bream. It all depends on the size of the fish and your personal taste preferences. Here is one way to salt bream, salt it at your discretion, as you like best.

Cooking dried fish (in particular bream) at home is akin to making wine. You need to approach it with feeling, sense, and alignment.)))

But in fact, in order to salt and dry bream safely, efficiently and tasty, you need to follow several rules.

There are a couple of points in salting and drying bream, or any other fish. Some people salt and dry the whole fish, while others gut it and take out the entrails.

Ungutted bream, that is, whole bream, has special gastronomic advantages. Especially if the bream is spring and with caviar.

But the gutted fish is guaranteed not to spoil during salting and is salted efficiently. But it loses fat, juiciness and all the taste of real fish.

Today I want to offer you to salt and dry the whole bream.

Dried bream: salting at home - a recipe for salting and drying large fish without gutting

To get delicious dried bream at home, you need to go through several steps:

  • Preparing bream for salting,
  • Salting fish using dry salting method,
  • Soaking the fish after salting
  • Drying and drying bream

How to properly prepare bream before salting

First of all, after bringing your catch home, all the fish must be cooled. Put it in the freezer for a couple of hours.

How to properly salt bream for drying at home

Salting bream is not difficult. It is necessary to start salting with large individuals.

Ikea and other mega-superstores sell plastic boxes with handles. They are just perfect for salting bream - large and deep.

First of all, pour some salt into the bottom of the box. Then we fill the gills with salt, since it is from the head that the fish begins to spoil (as you and I know well).

Some immediately remove the gills and make an incision in the abdominal part so that the fish is better salted. But I assure you that it will be salted just fine anyway.

For 1 kg of fish you need 150-200 grams of salt.

When all the bream is laid, take a piece of plywood or a board of the required size and place it on top of the salted fish. We press down with our weight and place pressure on top (load - the more fish, the heavier the load).

The load should be exactly half the weight of all the salted fish.

We put it in the refrigerator for a week - no less, or even 10 days. You can spend the first two days so that the fish gives juice without putting pressure on it. But every day you need to take the fish out of the refrigerator and press it again. This is necessary so that all the air inside comes out.

I don’t do quick salting, because it seems like the fish will pick up salt in a couple of days, but fermentation of the meat will not occur and it won’t be the same dried bream like store-bought.

If there is a lot of fish, then some can be left for drying and drying, and the rest can be packed in bags and placed in the freezer. And if necessary, deliver several fish.

How to properly soak bream after salting

After salting, any fish must be thoroughly soaked. This is done so that the excess salt is removed and we do not end up with over-salted bream.

To soak bream you will need a larger container than for salting. You can set aside a bathroom in your apartment for this (if your spouse and all household members do not mind).

First, we wash each bream under the tap. Then we place it on the bottom of the bath and fill it with cold water.

The water needs to be changed every hour. Soaking is enough for 20-24 hours.

In the summer, when it is very hot, you should put a few pieces of ice in the fish bath.

The easiest way to dry and cure bream without gutting at home in summer and winter

You can dry bream in an apartment, but the best place, of course, is in a private house, where there is somewhere to hang all the fish.

Dry in a cool and well-ventilated area. Small bream should be hung by the head, and large bream by the tail.

It is advisable for the fish to be dried (dried) in a room where the temperature is 10-15 degrees.

For a quick effect, especially in isolated places, such as an apartment, it is better to dry and dry the bream under a fan.

After drying, dried bream turns out to be very tasty without any odor, and when cut, the meat has an amber transparent color.

How to salt gutted bream?

If you gut bream before salting and drying, pay attention to the first cut so as not to damage the gall bladder.

Remove the gills and entrails. All the way to the kidney - this is a black stripe that is located right next to the ridge.

Otherwise, the process of salting, soaking and drying (drying) is identical to that of whole bream.

Dried bream is best stored at home in bags made of natural fabrics and in a cool place. I can’t say exactly how long, but I don’t store dried bream for more than 3-4 months - we eat it.

Be sure to try making your own dried bream at home - you will be pleased!

NHNCH (No tail, no scales) to everyone!

Dried fish is a tasty delicacy. Properly cooked fish has a rich taste and exudes a delicate aroma. Drying fish carcasses is not that difficult. The main thing is to know how to dry bream at home. The procedure is carried out in several stages. Each of them deserves special attention.

Preparatory stage

Having familiarized yourself with how to salt and dry bream, you can get down to business. Before you start directly drying at home, you should choose the right product. Fish caught no more than 10 hours ago is ideal for drying. Otherwise it may turn out stinky. Carcasses must be fresh. They will need to be gutted first. How to prepare fish for drying:

  • Mucus is removed from the surface; to do this, you need to rinse it well;
  • Take out the insides;
  • The gills are removed;
  • All carcasses are thoroughly washed again;
  • There is no need to cut off the head.

After the fish is prepared, proceed to salting it.

Salting stage

At the next stage, they begin salting. It is very important to make the correct calculations. For one kilogram of fish you need to prepare 250 grams of salt. For salting, coarse salt is usually used. The prepared carcasses are salted in an enamel container. First, pour boiling water over the container. The salting process looks like this:

  1. Place a centimeter layer of salt on the bottom of the container;
  2. The fish is rubbed with salt and placed in layers in a container;
  3. The last layer on top is sprinkled with salt;
  4. To give a brighter taste, you can add a pinch of sugar;
  5. The container is closed with a lid and pressure is placed on top.

Oppression will help get rid of the formation of air cavities, where microorganisms harmful to health usually grow. Large Astrakhan bream may not be salted; to prevent this from happening, a saline solution is drawn into a syringe and injected into the carcass. Salted fish is left for three days in a cool place.

Salted fish is characterized by the following characteristics: it has an elastic back, the flesh is grayish in color, and the caviar acquires a yellow-red hue. Larger fish will require a longer salting period. How to dry large bream? The salting and drying procedure will require more time.

Soaking stage

The next stage is soaking. After salting, excess salt will need to be soaked in water. This way the bream will acquire a natural taste. For soaking, 10 hours are enough, the water is changed up to three times. Some experts recommend soaking the fish for the same number of days as it was salted. You can also pay attention to the following sign: when the carcasses begin to float to the surface, the salting procedure is completed.


Proceeding to the next stage, you should familiarize yourself with how to properly dry bream. The fish is dried in well-ventilated dry places. It is advisable that the room be darkened. In an apartment, drying can be done over a hot stove; for this, the fish is placed at a distance of 80 cm from it. To ensure that the heat is distributed evenly, the air is dispersed by a fan. How long to dry the bream depends on its size.

Fish are usually hung with their heads up, strung on wire or twine. The wire is threaded through the eye or the fish is hooked onto the lower lip. Insects can damage carcasses, causing harm to them. To prevent this from happening, you need to prepare a special solution and mix three parts unrefined sunflower oil and one part vinegar.

The resulting solution should be sprinkled on the carcasses. Tulle or gauze will also help.
Another drying method is in the oven. This procedure requires preparation:

  • The bottom of the oven is lined with foil;
  • The fish are laid out in the same direction;
  • Heat the oven and open the door 5 cm to allow air to circulate;
  • After two hours, the heads of the carcasses are covered with foil, and the process is continued for another 4 hours.

Drying in the fresh air will be required. This can be done on the balcony. The fish will be ready in two days. The easiest option is drying using an electric dryer or convection oven. After 4 hours, a dried product is obtained, but drying will require a longer time.

If the carcass contained caviar, it will also dry out. Dried bream caviar is a real delicacy. Dried bream in particular is very tasty. Knowing how to dry bream, you can get a tasty and aromatic snack. Drying will take several days, but the process itself is not difficult to perform.

Video review of salting and drying bream:

Dried bream is one of the most popular freshly salted delicacies, made from fish of the carp family. This is the product that, perhaps, not a single man on earth will refuse, and if salted fatty bream, and even with beer after the bath, could anything be better? Preparing dried fish is simple, but you still need to know a few secrets of its preparation. Now we will tell you how to salt bream at home in order to fully enjoy the taste of this fish, how many calories it contains, what benefits and harms it brings with it.

  1. Bream should be dried in months that have the letter “P” in their names. This is March, for example, September, April and others, that is, the period when the weather outside is not too hot and there are no flies - the main pests of fish.
  2. You need to dry only fresh, recently caught fish. If the specimens have already been dead for several days or were previously frozen, then it is better to fry them.
  3. When salting the product, use only non-oxidizing basins and plates, for example, made of plastic or enamel.
  4. Dried bream will be tasty only if all drying conditions are met, and this is a temperature not higher than 25 degrees, exclusion of sunlight and good ventilation.
  5. When salting, the fish must be turned over so that it is well salted on all sides.
  6. Be sure to soak the fish after the salting process; the salt concentration will decrease significantly, and the bream itself will become softer.
  7. To salt a fish delicacy, you don’t need to skimp on salt and only use coarse salt. If you do not salt the product enough, it will spoil during the drying process.
  8. When the bream is ready for drying, it will rise to the top in the water in which it is soaked.
  9. It is better to salt small and large individuals separately from each other, so that some are not under-salted, while others, on the contrary, are over-salted.
  10. During the cooking process, fish must be protected from flies and other insects, which can deposit their larvae in the product and make it unfit for food in the future.

Ask the chef!

Didn't manage to cook the dish? Don't be shy, ask me personally.

Dried bream: benefits and harms

Fish has a number of beneficial properties:

  • — Contains a large amount of fatty acids that have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. By eating this tasty product, you can reduce the risk of hypertension, coronary artery disease, stroke and heart attack by at least 20%.
  • “Due to the huge content of calcium, fluorine and phosphorus in bream, it is very beneficial for our teeth and bones.
  • — Useful microelements contained in fish affect the human digestive system, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and improve metabolism.
  • — Regular consumption of bream meat prevents diseases of the mucous membranes and skin.
  • — Experts have proven that constant consumption of bream serves as a prevention of thyroid diseases. Those people who constantly have this fish in their diet have practically no problems with the thyroid gland.

Meanwhile, dried bream is additional salt that enters the body, and therefore, in order not to harm yourself, you do not need to consume too much of this product.

Well, also, improperly salted and dried fish is a breeding ground for various bacteria, and therefore, after eating such a delicacy, you can get intestinal upset and even serious poisoning.

Dried bream: calorie content per 100 grams

Dried bream is a fairly high-calorie product. Per 100 grams of home-dried fish there are from 215 to 230 calories.

The amount of calories depends on the method of drying the product, on the season when the fish was caught, and on the type of bream.

Homemade dried bream

Dry salting method

How to salt bream at home using the dry method? Everything is very simple here, stock up on coarse salt, a couple of fish and twine. Then it's all a matter of technique.

Salting process step by step.

  1. Leave the fresh fish to just lie there for 2 hours, but not in the sun, preferably in the room, if it’s not hot, or in the refrigerator.
  2. Wash the bream, thoroughly clearing it of all river mucus. If you wish, you can clean the insides, but it is worth noting that they make the fish fattier and tastier.
  3. Pour salt into the bottom of a deep bowl so that the layer is approximately 1 cm.
  4. Take each fish and coat it with salt, carefully adding it to the mouth and behind the gills.
  5. Place the bream on salt in a basin, leaving a small distance between the carcasses, and if the fish are very large, then pierce each belly with a thin knife in one or two places.
  6. Sprinkle the same layer of salt on top as on the bottom.
  7. Cover the basin with a paper towel or gauze, place in a well-ventilated and not sunny place for 12-14 hours.
  8. After the allotted time, turn the fish carcasses over, cover with a lid and place a jar of water on the lid. Leave for three days, do not forget to turn the carcasses over every 10 hours, otherwise they may simply rot.
  9. Remove the bream from the basin, shake off the salt, pierce the tails of each carcass with twine, without pressing the breams to each other, they should be at a distance of about 10 cm from each other.
  10. Hang the twine with the fish in a dry, cool and ventilated place, cover with gauze. The drying process for medium-sized fish will take 3-4 weeks. As soon as the bellies of the carcasses turn amber, the fish are ready.

If the carcasses are different in size and weight, then they need to be salted in different containers; if they are the same, then you can put them all in one. If the fish is dried in the summer, each fish should be lightly treated with a solution of vinegar and water before hanging it on twine. This will rid the product of annoying flies.

Wet salting method

How to salt bream at home using the wet method. This is a common method, especially among city dwellers who have nowhere to hang fish for several weeks. With this salting, the fish will be ready on the fourth day.

Wet salting process step by step.

  1. Wash the bream, remove the gills, but do not gut the fish.
  2. Pour enough salt into a bucket of water so that when you dip a raw chicken egg into it, it rises to the surface.
  3. String the fish in the eye area with twine, about 4-5 pieces per bunch.
  4. Using a syringe, apply a small amount of salt solution into the abdomen of each carcass.
  5. Place the food in a container with a salty solution and send it to a cold place, for example, a cellar (the temperature should be about 7-8 degrees Celsius, no more). In three to four days the bream will be ready; all that remains is to hang it on twine for several days on the balcony or in any other ventilated place so that the fish wilts and is ready to eat.

Soaking the fish

When planning to dry bream, every person should understand that when the fish is salted, it must be soaked in water, otherwise the bream will be too salty and you will not be able to eat it.

How fish is soaked.

  1. Salted bream must be cleaned of salt, leaving about 5% of what it was at the beginning.
  2. You need to fill a bucket with clean water and put the fish in it for 10-12 hours, and every 3 hours, change the water in the container with new one.

If you salted the bream using the wet method, you no longer need to soak the fish, just rinse it several times (3-4 times) under running water.

Drying bream

This is the easiest stage. Carcasses that have been salted and washed are hung in a draft for 1-2 hours, and then laid out in the air or hung in a ventilated room, covering the fish with gauze until it is ready. Everyone chooses the degree of readiness for themselves. If you want to get dried bream, then at a temperature of 17-20 degrees, medium-sized carcasses should be kept in the air for about two weeks, larger ones for up to four weeks.

Well-cured bream have a uniform structure when exposed to light, and when cleaned, the dry fat layer is amber in color. In order for the fish to have the most intense taste, after drying it should lie in the refrigerator for some time, wrapped in any paper.

How to store dried bream

At room temperature or in rooms with high humidity, for example, in a basement, salted bream or dried bream can be stored for no more than 2 months.

The place where dried bream is stored must be cool (7-10 degrees no higher) and with moderate humidity (70-75%). An excellent option for storing the product is the refrigerator or pantry, but in this case the bream must be rolled into paper and placed in a closed wooden box.