home Bathroom and toilet Protein cupcakes. Recipe for delicious and healthy muffins (cakes) with protein Protein muffin

Protein cupcakes. Recipe for delicious and healthy muffins (cakes) with protein Protein muffin

I signed up to run a marathon in April. It is 42 km. That is to hell. I have an extra weight of 10 kg, and I don’t smile at all to carry it on myself for 42 km, and without it I would have run ... This means you need to lose weight.

I am often asked how to make a flour, sugar, butter, nut, gluten and lactose free cake that tastes just like the real thing. I rage in response. Why don't you ask me how to teleport? Or how to move faster than the speed of light? And at the same time how to change the earth's gravity, otherwise 9.8 is too much, the chest sags. My approach to diet desserts is this: eat a small piece of real tasty and move more.

But sometimes - rarely! - there are dietary desserts that have a right to exist. For some reason, they are all based on protein powder :-)) So it was with protein ice cream and with this cupcake too. There is no sugar, no flour, no carbohydrates, only proteins and it takes one minute to cook. Well, what's not to like here :-))

20g protein per serving, virtually no carbs, and 200 calories. Consider that you ate a pack of cottage cheese. If the cottage cheese is already climbing out of the ears, then such a cupcake is quite for itself. And for some reason, you eat up a cupcake much better than a liquid protein shake. Although the composition is almost the same.

So, you will need:

  • 1 scoop of your favorite protein (max 23g protein)
  • 1 tbsp coconut, almond or at worst ordinary flour
  • 0.5 tsp baking powder (1g)
  • about 50 ml milk

First, mix all the dry ingredients in a mug, then gradually dilute with milk until smooth. Cook in the microwave for about 1 minute. This is in short.

Now the details.

Coconut flour seems to be sold in Vkusville, almond flour in large supermarkets. You can also grind nuts or coconut flakes.

If you have more than 23g of protein in your protein, take less or the muffin may be rubbery. The best protein for baking is soy because whey has a rubbery texture. If you like the cupcake, then it makes sense to stock up on owl protein and cook everything on it.

By proportions. It is quite difficult to measure out half a spoonful of baking powder. I have a set of measuring spoons, it's easier for me. but also bored. If you like the cupcake and are going to make it often, then prepare the mixture in advance:

  • 300 g protein
  • 100 g coconut, nut or plain flour
  • 10 g baking powder

Mix everything and put it in a jar. You will pour 40 g from there into a mug and dilute with milk. Recently, I don’t measure milk at all, I dilute it by eye to the consistency of dough for pancakes.

About the mug. For this amount, you will need a mug of at least 400 ml. Everything will come out of the smaller mug! Directly measure how much you have in the mug fits.

Now about baking. You will need to experiment with how long your protein cooks in your microwave and your mug. It will be different for everyone. Start at 1 minute. The cake should rise, and when you turn off the microwave, settle slightly. If the cake turned out dry and rubbery, it was overbaked. If it's too liquid, it's undercooked. From experience I will say - a little liquid is better than dry and rubbery. Also keep in mind that it then reaches a little more in the mug. You need to achieve a delicate soft texture.

Now about diversity. No matter how much you love your protein, eating the same taste will get you fed up. So your options are:

  1. Chocolate. add instead of flour 10 g of dark cocoa and a teaspoon of cognac. It will taste like a potato cake.

2. Berry. Stir a handful of berries into the vanilla cake. If the berries are frozen, you will have to cook the cake longer, experiment.

3. Apple. Add a pinch of cinnamon to the dry mixture, and cut a quarter of an apple into a small cube with dough. Pre-baking a little apple is better: one and a half minutes in the microwave, and the apple will soften enough to be soft and tender in the cake. You can also crumble an orange or tangerine into a cupcake.

4. Lemon. Add freshly grated lemon zest. Special lemon lovers can replace part of the milk with lemon juice, or add lemon curd. The same can be done with orange, lime and grapefruit.

5. Walnut. Add 1 tsp. any nut paste (urbecha). Coconut is sold in vkusville. peanut, almond and cashew. Urbech can also be bought on the Internet. My favorite flavor is, of course, hazelnut. Please note that with the addition of nuts, the calorie content will increase.

6. Ginger. Grate 1 tsp. fresh ginger, dissolve in milk and strain. Then use the ginger milk for the dough as usual.

7. Caramel. Buy a calorie-free sports caramel sauce from a sports nutrition store and pour it over your cupcake.

8. Banana. Grind a third of one banana into puree and knead the dough on it. Thin with milk to the consistency of pancake batter.

9. On sour cream. A little more calories, but on sour cream all pastries are tastier. Replace milk with sour cream.

10. Coffee Replace milk with freshly brewed delicious coffee.

I signed up to run a marathon in April. It is 42 km. That is to hell. I have an extra weight of 10 kg, and I don’t smile at all to carry it on myself for 42 km, and without it I would have run ... This means you need to lose weight.

I am often asked how to make a flour, sugar, butter, nut, gluten and lactose free cake that tastes just like the real thing. I rage in response. Why don't you ask me how to teleport? Or how to move faster than the speed of light? And at the same time how to change the earth's gravity, otherwise 9.8 is too much, the chest sags. My approach to diet desserts is this: eat a small piece of real tasty and move more.

But sometimes - rarely! - there are dietary desserts that have a right to exist. For some reason, they are all based on protein powder :-)) So it was with protein ice cream and with this cupcake too. There is no sugar, no flour, no carbohydrates, only proteins and it takes one minute to cook. Well, what's not to like here :-))

20g protein per serving, virtually no carbs, and 200 calories. Consider that you ate a pack of cottage cheese. If the cottage cheese is already climbing out of the ears, then such a cupcake is quite for itself. And for some reason, you eat up a cupcake much better than a liquid protein shake. Although the composition is almost the same.

So, you will need:

  • 1 scoop of your favorite protein (max 23g protein)
  • 1 tbsp coconut, almond or at worst ordinary flour
  • 0.5 tsp baking powder (1g)
  • about 50 ml milk

First, mix all the dry ingredients in a mug, then gradually dilute with milk until smooth. Cook in the microwave for about 1 minute. This is in short.

Now the details.

Coconut flour seems to be sold in Vkusville, almond flour in large supermarkets. You can also grind nuts or coconut flakes.

If you have more than 23g of protein in your protein, take less or the muffin may be rubbery. The best protein for baking is soy because whey has a rubbery texture. If you like the cupcake, then it makes sense to stock up on owl protein and cook everything on it.

By proportions. It is quite difficult to measure out half a spoonful of baking powder. I have a set of measuring spoons, it's easier for me. but also bored. If you like the cupcake and are going to make it often, then prepare the mixture in advance:

  • 300 g protein
  • 100 g coconut, nut or plain flour
  • 10 g baking powder

Mix everything and put it in a jar. You will pour 40 g from there into a mug and dilute with milk. Recently, I don’t measure milk at all, I dilute it by eye to the consistency of dough for pancakes.

About the mug. For this amount, you will need a mug of at least 400 ml. Everything will come out of the smaller mug! Directly measure how much you have in the mug fits.

Now about baking. You will need to experiment with how long your protein cooks in your microwave and your mug. It will be different for everyone. Start at 1 minute. The cake should rise, and when you turn off the microwave, settle slightly. If the cake turned out dry and rubbery, it was overbaked. If it's too liquid, it's undercooked. From experience I will say - a little liquid is better than dry and rubbery. Also keep in mind that it then reaches a little more in the mug. You need to achieve a delicate soft texture.

Now about diversity. No matter how much you love your protein, eating the same taste will get you fed up. So your options are:

  1. Chocolate. add instead of flour 10 g of dark cocoa and a teaspoon of cognac. It will taste like a potato cake.

2. Berry. Stir a handful of berries into the vanilla cake. If the berries are frozen, you will have to cook the cake longer, experiment.

3. Apple. Add a pinch of cinnamon to the dry mixture, and cut a quarter of an apple into a small cube with dough. Pre-baking a little apple is better: one and a half minutes in the microwave, and the apple will soften enough to be soft and tender in the cake. You can also crumble an orange or tangerine into a cupcake.

4. Lemon. Add freshly grated lemon zest. Special lemon lovers can replace part of the milk with lemon juice, or add lemon curd. The same can be done with orange, lime and grapefruit.

5. Walnut. Add 1 tsp. any nut paste (urbecha). Coconut is sold in vkusville. peanut, almond and cashew. Urbech can also be bought on the Internet. My favorite flavor is, of course, hazelnut. Please note that with the addition of nuts, the calorie content will increase.

6. Ginger. Grate 1 tsp. fresh ginger, dissolve in milk and strain. Then use the ginger milk for the dough as usual.

7. Caramel. Buy a calorie-free sports caramel sauce from a sports nutrition store and pour it over your cupcake.

8. Banana. Grind a third of one banana into puree and knead the dough on it. Thin with milk to the consistency of pancake batter.

9. On sour cream. A little more calories, but on sour cream all pastries are tastier. Replace milk with sour cream.

10. Coffee Replace milk with freshly brewed delicious coffee.

Dear friends, I hasten to tell you good news: I found recipes for muffins (cakes) with protein. Now you can safely eat sweets without worrying about your figure: everything will only benefit. Or vice versa - you can indulge yourself with "sweets", while gaining muscle mass. In short, I have a couple of recipes for you, read to the end.

The main opponent of a beautiful figure in girls is fast carbohydrates, that is, sweet flour. Cupcakes (muffins) combine both, but not the ones that I will soon offer you.

Now to the guys: Have you heard of protein bars yet? But how many of us regularly use them? Probably, units, that is, the most "charged" (charged in the sense of money). And for a simple guy, constantly pampering himself with protein bars from manufacturers is not affordable.

I suggest you make your own muffins that do not require large funds (besides, you can not necessarily give the dough the shape of cupcakes: you can fashion the same bars).

Where and how to use muffins (cupcakes) with protein

Options, to be honest, the sea. You forgot your sports nutrition shaker at home, and you have neither the time nor the desire to return. Muffins will help you close the protein-carbohydrate window after training.

We are all human, and everyone can experience unforeseen circumstances. For example, the boss delayed at work, promising double pay for processing. Who wouldn't be attracted to this? But here's the bad luck: it's time to eat, otherwise catabolism and all things ... Protein muffins will help not only satisfy hunger (albeit for a short time - about 1 hour), but also prevent the breakdown of muscle tissue, supply it with amino acids.

For girls, everything is obvious: such homemade goodies are a legal way to eat sweets and lose weight: the body will not even notice the deception.

In addition to all this, I can say that you yourself can adjust the BJU in muffins to your taste. Let's say that protein will definitely predominate in some: there will be a minimum of fats and carbohydrates, as in a regular whey concentrate. And in others, there may be more of the fast carbohydrates needed for immediate energizing right here and now. I will talk about this right now.

Recipe for protein muffins (cupcakes) with protein

This recipe is suitable for girls who are watching their figure, losing weight (you need to follow a diet) and drying (here, as it were, losing weight is already at an advanced level).

What, in fact, is the point: since you play sports, you definitely have a mandatory supplement, like protein. Any will do, from a regular concentrate to a complex protein. This will be the base. Further, protein can be taken from simple foods - eggs, nuts and "milk" - kefir or milk of your choice.

So, recipe number 1:

  • a mug of milk (you choose the fat content yourself) - 250-300 ml;
  • 4 eggs (two whole and in the other two we separate the yolk, leaving only the protein, but you can separate three);
  • 70 grams of protein (this is 2-2.5 scoops);
  • 20 grams of almonds (you can replace with cheaper peanuts and walnuts).

Now we throw all the ingredients into a blender (or mix by hand, the nuts will have to be grated), mix until smooth and pour into molds. Again, depending on what molds you have: I personally had enough cooked dough for 8 cupcakes.

The dough, by the way, should be liquid, do not be alarmed. It is already during baking that the protein will curl up, and the muffins will become hard. It is clear that if you want to bake a lot of such healthy sweets in one fell swoop, then the volume of ingredients must be increased accordingly.

We bake the whole thing in an oven preheated to 160-180 degrees (I also tried it in a slow cooker: nothing happened either) for 25-30 minutes. You can test the readiness of muffins with protein with a toothpick: it should remain dry after piercing the “cap”. Not? Then it's not ready yet!

By the way, you can put small pieces of dark chocolate on the still hot muffins: it will turn out both tasty and healthy. It will melt, it will turn out just a “bomb”.

Recipe for carbohydrate-protein muffins (cupcakes) with protein

This recipe is suitable for those who seriously took up their mass gain. And when you gain mass, you need calories. This is where the combination of carbohydrates and proteins comes in handy. But certainly this recipe does not need to be used when working on relief or when correcting a figure. As in the first recipe, we need a base - a protein supplement.

So, recipe number 2:

  • 250 ml of milk or kefir (same cup);
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • up to 100 g of protein (almost three "stingy" - measured scoops);
  • about 30 g of oatmeal (five to six tablespoons with a slide);
  • 10-12 g baking powder;
  • coconut flakes to taste.

We knead everything (except chips) in one bottle until a homogeneous consistency, pour into molds, and put in the oven (slow cooker), preheating it to 160-180 degrees. As in the first case, we bake the dough for 25-30 minutes (check with a toothpick).

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In a brief description, she indicated that the muffins consist of only two ingredients - protein and eggs, but you can add some fruits and nuts if you wish. Protein refers to a shake powder commonly used in sports nutrition. They come in a variety of flavors: chocolate, nut, vanilla, caramel, berry, fruit, which is very conducive to experiments in baking...

It’s not always convenient to take a shaker with you, so protein muffins can help out and with health benefits (and protein norms per day) support during mealtimes outside the home (and at home too, that’s it).

I learned the recipe at a seminar held by Kirov personal trainers from the Rodina fitness club.

I will still experiment, for example, I plan to add a little baking powder, because the structure of the cupcakes seemed to me rather dense, but I would like it to be more loose ...

For protein muffins, prepare the eggs and protein package you have.

I prepared two options at once: with a nutty flavor (whey protein) and chocolate (a mixture of different proteins). From chocolate, the structure and shape of the cupcakes turned out better for some reason.

Stir the eggs so that you just combine the protein with the yolk.

Add protein powder to each bowl.

Mix again, but already in a homogeneous mass. If the mass is too thick, it is recommended to add a little water to it.

Spread the resulting dough into molds, approximately 3/4 or 2/3 of their height. A total of eight forms were filled out.

Place the blanks in the oven and bake at 170-180 degrees until cooked. The time depends on the size of the molds and the properties of the oven. My little ones baked for 15 minutes.

Chocolate protein muffins turned out better, but it's not the flavor, but the composition of the mixture, apparently.

Pleasant experiments and success)

Girls, hello everyone! Apparently my hands do not grow from there. I made these muffins strictly according to the recipe, adding baking powder to the sifted flour, frozen blueberries from berries. Paper molds. Everything rose hoo !! They became so dark, I’m sitting happy, I think from blueberries, but they got burned. And only from above, like a hard shell covered with a crust, the insides are so perforated, but moist, like custard. Or flour, my mother brought me Large, is it generally not suitable for baking? In short, I'm upset, this is not the first failure. ] But my 8-month-old daughter really liked it, gossip, made noise when I took it away
Look at the photo.

Well, I didn’t calm down, for the purity of the experiment I changed the ingredients: instead of proteins I added whole eggs (I reduced the portion 3 times, I’m afraid), I took rye flour 2/3 parts and 1/3 part white wheat — I know that it’s not ours, but this is an experiment . They turned out, although they also burned a little, but inside they are good and tasty. I tried it, I've only partially switched to Monty so far, I'm training.