The construction of frame houses and the projects themselves are quite diverse. Similar projects of houses using frame technology are suitable for the construction of cottages and small economical houses.

Planning a frame structure with an attic is a very simple process, and a terrace is a great addition to the building and makes it possible to be outdoors more often. Affordable frame dwellings are becoming more and more popular not only because of the exterior finish, but also the interior, and they are deservedly considered the most popular.

Project selection

A well-designed project is the key to high-quality construction, and when it is drawn up, it is necessary to carefully study all the details.

It is necessary to approve the area of ​​the planned building. There is a difference between the area along the outer axes and the inner. Therefore, when drawing up a project, they take into account the desired dimensions along the internal walls.

The project should specify communication networks: water supply, sewerage, electrical networks, heating system, ventilation, other details. At the time of construction work, it may be necessary to lay them in parallel with the implementation of other works.

The project itself should contain information about the load-bearing elements, as well as the components of the finish.

Since in our time a large assortment of projects is freely available on the Internet, it will not be particularly difficult to choose something worthwhile for the customer.

Because most take it ready-made. But it makes sense to ask for help from professionals.

Featured Projects

High-quality standard and individual projects of frame buildings with an attic and a veranda are a guarantee that comfortable living conditions will be created in the home for a long time. Recently, in general, most of the owners have settled on standard projects, since alternative options and other ready-made solutions meet all the requirements and make it possible to ensure comfort in the room.

  • Sample project will significantly reduce material costs and speed up the construction of a cottage with an attic as much as possible. Savings won't mean having to choose from 2-3 options. It will be possible to choose from a large number of standard projects of frame buildings with a terrace of economical and elite options. In such a project, everything is provided for in detail.
  • Individual option it will come out a little more expensive, but the indisputable advantage will be the expression of all wishes when planning it. It will be developed by leading experts with extensive practical experience.
  • Customized project- adapts the standard directly to the client. Changes are made to them at will, the style itself does not change dramatically. Their prices are indicative. Therefore, if the customer is not satisfied with certain details in an ordinary project, you can order an individualized version.

Buy or build yourself?

Most people want to build a frame house with an attic on their own, without the help of professionals. This is justified, since the best option for the construction process is the ratio of price and quality. Due to the relative ease of construction, a frame structure with an attic is created very quickly, even if 2-3 people are involved in the process, which greatly simplifies management and makes it possible to save money.

Due to the fact that modern technologies allow you to live in a frame house permanently, for a long period of time, there are various projects, according to which it is quite possible to build a building with a veranda and an attic with your own hands, even without having skills in the construction business.

There are data on construction costs. In accordance with them, the process of building a dwelling without a project will be approximately 20% higher in cost and 25% longer in time than with a project. The project itself costs up to 5% of the total cost of construction. In addition, there will be no confusion and conflicts on the site.

It is worth remembering that professionals will do this work much better and in certain cases it will come out cheaper than in the situation when the construction is carried out independently.

Tips for building a frame house with an attic and a veranda

  • The frame structure with an attic is a simple, lightweight and fairly durable structure.
  • People with experience are able to create projects themselves, having calculated the amount of building material and the area to use it to good use.
  • The building is much easier to build if the process is carried out by hand.
  • To calculate the length of the vertical supports, you need to calculate the total length of all the walls.
  • Auxiliary walls of the frame with an attic are insulated, there are a lot of materials for these purposes: polystyrene foam, mineral wool, organic insulation.
  • Before installation, a waterproofing layer of film is laid in order to collect condensate and excess moisture. A waterproofing layer is laid under the board so that liquid does not accumulate inside the attic.
  • If construction work is carried out for the first time, then it would be reasonable to apply markings, where the distance between the racks is about 2 m.
  • When the length of the attic roof exceeds 7 m, then the rafters should be connected in pairs to each other and the beam skates should be fixed.

How to lay the foundation for a frame house?

Every building starts with a foundation, whether it has a simple roof or not. In any project, special attention should be paid to the foundation. A feature of such a house is that due to its lightness, the foundation itself is made of lightweight material. The main varieties suitable for frame construction, which is equipped with an attic, are: tape, shallow and columnar bases. Basically, the construction of a frame structure and an attic involves the choice of option 1.

  • In such a foundation, they dig a trench, no more than 70 cm deep. For non-flowing soil, projects allow you to choose a recess of 0.5 m.
  • Then the soil is compacted with a pillow of sand, gravel or roofing material. The pillow itself should be at least 30 cm wider than the base itself.
  • After that, formwork is made from support posts. They are mounted with a step of 60 cm between them.
  • Then reinforcement begins: 5 bars are taken for the lower and upper belts. And only at the last stage the resulting structure is poured with concrete.

The construction of such a foundation will enable frame housing with a built-in attic to serve for a long time and in all weather conditions.

How to build walls?

Projects that involve the creation of an attic and a frame structure are based on the correct creation of walls. Even when building with your own hands, projects are available in large numbers and varying complexity. They must be built with special attention, since chips may appear at the junction.

  • The frame itself is made of glued layers of timber, and sheathed on top of it with various materials.
  • To build walls for a frame house with an attic, you will need bars for the frame itself, a fastening system, boards, building foam, as well as roofing material as a waterproofing of the top layer.
  • The supports themselves should be placed in increments of 0.5 m. In the place of future window openings, a large distance must be made.
  • The process of erecting frame housing with an attic requires the choice of boards with a thickness of at least 30 mm, and in width - from 150 mm.
  • Previously, before erecting the frame, it is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing - roofing material. It fits between the base and the walls. The bars themselves are mounted by sawing at the ends.

The result will be a bare frame sheathed with boards.

Why is it important to insulate walls?

A frame structure with an attic or other poorly insulated extension is simply a bare structure made of boards and bars. Naturally, when frost sets in, it will be cold and uncomfortable indoors. In addition, one should not lose sight of the penetration of moisture along with precipitation. Such a house will constantly flow and there will be drafts.

To avoid all unpleasant consequences, you need to add a warming layer. Now there are many thermal insulation materials. The most popular heaters are mineral wool and polystyrene.

  • They are attached to a special glue with dowels.
  • Then the insulation board itself is installed.
  • Finally, reinforcement is made to add strength.
  • Such a device will firmly hold the structure from deformation.

How to make an attic in a frame house

  • Racks serve as the basis for the attic and are upholstered on each side with a finishing material.
  • Next, the upper beam is mounted using nails or special staples. It is necessary to ensure that all supports are vertical and there is no deformation during operation. After installing the top beam, the device of the sub-rafter frame is completed.
  • Then you need to mount the Mauerlat, which is the key structure in the attic. This is where the entire roof is located. Thanks to him, the coating will not be overturned by gusts of wind. It will need boards. They are installed on the walls horizontally.

  • Boards are attached to the walls using staples. Then the Mauerlat itself is treated with an antifungal solution so that the attic has a long service life.
  • Next, rafter legs are installed. For them, a step of up to 1-1.5 m is maintained. First, the extreme rafters are mounted. Between them you need to pull the construction twine. It serves as a reference point for others to mount. Since the rafter system is heavy, if it is not secured, it will collapse due to gravity at any time.
  • If the roof is less than 7 m in a frame structure, then ordinary stretch marks are used. Then they are used as beams.
  • At the very end, you need to install a crate and waterproofing that insulates the house, especially a dwelling with an attic.

Veranda in a frame house

The veranda is a functional space that increases the usable living space. The design of such a room must meet the following requirements:

  • High fire resistance of walls;
  • Stability of the frame and the whole structure;
  • High thermal conductivity;
  • Soundproofing;
  • architectural beauty.

The base of the veranda is made of concrete, reinforcement and blocks. Depending on the soil, choose the option of the foundation.

The total cost of the veranda construction process includes the following costs: the cost of the material used and the cost of work. If the construction is done by hand, the second paragraph will disappear. The cost of building materials depends on the financial capabilities of the specialist and the availability of materials.

House with attic and terrace

A high-quality typical and individual special design of a frame structure with an attic and a terrace is a guarantee that comfortable living conditions will be provided in the premises for many years. Nowadays, most of the customers choose standard projects, since alternative options meet all their needs and wishes.

The terrace of a wooden building made of timber is a separate structure that has its own racks and load-bearing walls, therefore it serves as the base of the loggia. If there is a desire, the loggia can be glazed and insulated. In such a situation, it acts as an auxiliary room.

Where to order a frame house with an attic and a veranda

Frame houses from the manufacturer are distinguished by the highest quality and affordable price, since intermediaries are excluded, often purchasing ready-made kits that are made in violation of technology.

After placing an order for construction and choosing a standard project, specialists begin work on the construction of a frame house with an attic and a veranda. It is necessary to coordinate the project to sign the necessary documents and make the required amount in accordance with the estimate.

After placing an order for the construction of frame housing on an individual project, everything will look different. First, an engineer will begin work, drawing up a project, developing it for a specific order, in accordance with the expressed wishes.

In the future, everything is done in the same way as in the construction of a dwelling according to a standard project. At the end, the customer accepts the entire object that meets all requests.


First, it should be said that before construction, it is advised to study the entire project and make a careful choice that will suit the owner in terms of all quality indicators, as well as at the price of construction work.

When comparing the total price of construction work of a frame structure with the purchase of an apartment or house, the savings will be from 100 to 500%. Naturally, this gives an advantage in various indicators. Also, the customer gets a great chance to resolve the issue of housing quickly and cheaply.

How to build yourself

Building a frame structure with an attic on your own is quite simple and inexpensive. For these purposes, it is not necessary to have special skills and abilities, it is not necessary to recruit a team of builders. It will suffice to have a good detailed design, 1-2 assistants and general knowledge of common tools like hammer, shovel, saw and pencil.


When buying a finished project from a bona fide manufacturer, the owner will be relieved of worries about the quality of the future frame house. In such cases, all details are provided and all risks are excluded. Naturally, this will cost more.

If you create everything yourself, then you need to familiarize yourself with all the requirements, take into account all adverse factors, in order to avoid further destruction and defects. You should trust the professionals if you do not have the necessary skills and knowledge in the field of construction of frame technologies.


Frame houses are definitely considered one of the most reliable, economical, warm and energy efficient, of the currently known.

Often, the owners of country cottages think about how to increase their usable area. This can happen for various reasons, for example, if there is a need for frequent reception of guests, and there is not enough space.

One of the most effective methods for expanding the structure of a building is to add an attic to it. The attic is a closed type room located along the facade of the building. It is much easier and less expensive to build an attic using frame technology. Moreover, it is the fastest method of building an additional room.

Frame house with attic and veranda. From design to construction.

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A frame house with an attic is both a durable and lightweight structure, which, with accurate planning and proper construction, will provide you and your family members with reliable protection from moisture and cold, save materials, effort and money. The construction of a two-level house with an attic room will help to add useful living space. An already finished frame house can also be improved by adding an attic, which will not only save space, but will also serve as a thermos, keeping warm. In addition, you can build a house with an attic with your own hands.

The main stages of the construction of a frame house with an attic

There are several common technologies, according to which you can build a house with an attic with your own hands (panel German construction, Canadian technology, frame-frame technology).

However, in our country, as a rule, the most effective moments of each of the above technologies are used. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Profitability - builders are trying to choose a method in which the consumption of materials will be as useful as possible.
  2. Target orientation - a lot depends on whether you will live in the house permanently or on short visits.
  3. Climate - in our country, edged boards with a thickness of 140 mm or more are used.

After the purpose of the future building is determined and the appropriate project is selected, you can proceed to the choice of building materials. To do this, you need to study the stages of building a frame house with an attic.

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Everything starts from the foundation

For any design, and a frame house with an attic is no exception, the foundation is very important. The strength and lightness of the structure on a wooden frame allows the use of inexpensive types of foundations: tape shallow or columnar.

If you chose the first option, the construction site is flat, and the soil is of medium density, then for the construction of a one-story frame house with an attic, it will be enough to deepen only 40 cm of the tape. In this case, it is imperative to reinforce the structure and use a sand cushion, as well as create ventilation products. It is best to make the tape 30 cm thick, and the plinth 50 cm. Under such a structure as a house with an attic, you can even adapt the old foundation if the construction is carried out on the site of the former house, and the concrete support meets all standards and requirements.

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The project of any house built using frame technology provides a detailed step-by-step guide for its assembly. If you are going to improve your old house with additional useful space, you can buy a ready-made attic frame.

Experienced builders can independently draw up a plan for future construction based on standard sizes of building materials, using them as efficiently as possible. If you opt for a frame-panel house, be sure to keep in mind that the standard size of OSB boards is 2x3 m. In order to build a house with an attic with your own hands, it is best to use frame-frame projects that do not require the use of special equipment. A team of builders will do the job, or you yourself with a couple of assistants. The frame is usually made of glued beams. It can be sheathed with boards or slabs.

Before starting work, make sure that you have the necessary materials and tools, namely:

  1. Edged board for wall cladding.
  2. Beam for the frame.
  3. Waterproofing roofing material.
  4. Foam for mounting.
  5. Owl shovel.
  6. Spade bayonet.
  7. Heavy hammer or spade.
  8. Garden cart.
  9. Wire for knitting fittings.
  10. Rope for marking the foundation.
  11. Power saw or wood saw.
  12. Hammers.
  13. Level.
  14. Electroplaner.

To calculate the dimensions of the vertical racks of the building, you need to determine the total length of each wall. For a frame house 8x10 m, it is 36 m (8 + 10 + 8 + 10). Racks are installed at a distance of 50 cm, however, where it is planned to install windows, an opening of at least 120 cm must be left. As a result, 4 m³ of timber with a section of 100x150 mm will be required along the entire length. Horizontal racks will require 3 m³ of the same beam.

For construction, an edged board with a thickness of 25 mm and a width of 150 mm is used. Without door and window openings, you will need 4.65 m³ of material. It is best to use proven boards that have been properly stored, as fresh boards can dry out over time. The cost of insulating the walls of a frame house with an attic depends on the chosen thermal insulation material.

Before building walls, be sure to take care of the waterproofing substrate. The most accessible material is roofing material. It must be laid between the foundation and the mortgage beam.

There are several ways to connect the frame beam. The most common of these is sawing at the ends of the timber. To achieve maximum strength, wooden dowels are used. They are driven in at the junction.

Now you can start covering the wall. Openings for doors and windows remain free. For them, additional horizontal lintels installed according to the “beam-to-beam” method will be needed.

Frame houses have long gained considerable popularity among the inhabitants of the planet. Today, according to statistics, about 80% of all cottages are made of wood. Most often, buildings made of this material can be found in the United States of America, Scandinavia and Europe.

They are able to solve a number of problems, namely:

  • obtaining a comfortable and reliable home;
  • relatively low cost of construction and materials used.

Over the past few years, the demand for the construction of an additional attic floor has been increasing. The bottom line is that at the stage of planning a house, you should take into account its presence. In this way, you can avoid extra cash costs. The main disadvantage in this case is the loss of some free space, which can be used for your own purposes. Windows should also be referred to as unpleasant moments.

To ensure the beauty of a residential building, the installation of metal-plastic structures is used, and they, in turn, cost 1.5 times more than ordinary glass ones. According to experts, it is not necessary to pay attention to these shortcomings, since the costs will pay off immediately after settling in such a room. They, as well as the advantages, must be taken into account by customers before choosing a construction technology.

The cost of building an additional floor will be negligible. This condition is characterized by the absence of the need to use additional building materials and facade decoration. But, it is worth remembering that the material for the roof, as well as the creation of rafters, is taken into account during the preparation of the estimate.

Among the positive aspects, it stands out that each client is invited to create the design of the future attic. When designing, most often the walls are created at a slight angle, but they can also be made pretentious, which will significantly improve the appearance of the building.

In some cases, you can use an increase in the angle of inclination of the roof. It will visually increase the free space.

The functionality of the attic is quite diverse. Without the wishes of the client, the project will not be completed. Most often, the customer creates an office on this floor, less often a bedroom or studio. Often you can find a cluster of things, which often reminds you of the importance of the attic. Regardless of how the extra room will be used, it is possible to live and work in it throughout the year.

Features of interior decoration

If the house, after it has been built and occupied, is used as a permanent place of residence for the family, then in any case they will face the problem of heat dissipation of the building. Specialists who repeatedly build such residential premises offer a way out of a difficult situation. They recommend choosing a high-quality insulation material at the initial design stage. It is worth noting that materials from natural substances are very popular.

Insulation and insulation is carried out by experienced workers and only with the necessary knowledge. If at least slightly deviate from the intended goal, technology, then in the future condensation will begin to appear on the walls of the house, which in the future will begin the process of their destruction.

In order to maintain a comfortable temperature in the room in cold weather, it is recommended to think over the external decorative decoration of the walls.

If the work is done correctly, the resulting heat will last longer, and the process of heating the premises will take less time. As in the previous case, you need to use environmentally friendly products - lining, stone or brick.

Typical frame houses with an attic

When entrusting the work to contractors, you should provide an image of the future home. If it is in the hands of the builders, they will be able to competently complete all the work in the shortest possible time. The reason for this nuance is the development of not only the floor plan.
In standard projects, all norms and GOSTs are immediately taken into account. The more precisely they are observed, the warmer it will be in the room. This issue should be dealt with by the architect. It is his work that will provide comfort to future residents.

Standard projects should be divided into groups according to the area. To responsibly approach this choice, it is recommended to consider several projects on the pages of different catalogs. The search can also be carried out by the size of the future perimeter of the building.

Individual frame houses with an attic

Although there are plenty of standard projects, customers often still want to change the configuration of the future living space. If changes are made to an existing project, the construction procedure can be significantly complicated.

In the design process, everything, even the most insignificant moments, is taken into account. Already at the initial stages of construction, designers and decorators take an active part in the process. No wonder they say that the place where a person lives characterizes him as a person. More ornate homes can emphasize style or wealth.

The situation with projects is very simple. If there is enough money to build the premises from scratch, then an individual scheme is selected . Otherwise, with a limited budget, you should use the standard offer of the developer.

Rates and estimate

Immediately to name the exact amount of money that will be spent on the construction of a house with an attic, not a single developer will tell you. Firstly, the price will directly depend on the number of square meters. Secondly, on the number of floors. The cost of the building materials used, as well as the work performed by the construction team, should also be taken into account.

The most economical option would be a one-story building. They can be used not only as a place for summer holidays, but also for permanent residence. Savings are achieved by reducing the cost of materials for creating a roof. The same applies to the interior decoration of the missing floor and the installation of stairs.

If there is an attic, then the price immediately increases. First, the height of the building increases. Such conditions are created for the most comfortable use of the premises. Secondly, the amount of building materials spent increases. The result is an ideal space with the possibility of permanent residence.

Is it better to have an attic or a second floor with an attic?

Every person asks this question when choosing a project for a future home. To answer it, one must turn to numbers. Summing up the final result can be as simple as calculating the cost of building a garage.

If a second floor is created, then its height must be at least 2.5 meters. In this case, builders will need to increase the dimensions of the walls and beams. Do not forget about the insulation of the outside of such a room. Creating an attic, all the same money is spent that is invested in building materials. But here you can save on insulation. When creating an attic, you can start saving at the foundation installation stage.

It is worth noting that the consumption of materials in such cases is almost equal. The cost of a two-story house with an attic is only a little more. In most cases, the amount is made up of the lighting of the second floor, as well as the design of the roof and its features.

In the case when metal-plastic windows are not used in the attic, the project may immediately decrease in price. Another plus in this situation is the use of the saved space for personal purposes.

As a result, experts are sure that when ordering a frame house project with an attic, several complex tasks are solved at once. It reduces the amount of money spent on maintenance of the living quarters, and it also turns out the same cozy place for spending time with the whole family.

The Doma MSK company is engaged in the design and construction of frame buildings with an attic. Housing is being built on a turnkey basis and without finishing in different configurations:

  • Economy;
  • Standard;
  • Suite.

The construction of houses with an attic is carried out within 14 days using screw foundations (they are not in the basic configuration, they must be ordered separately).

Piles with two-layer anti-corrosion painting are used. characterized by durability. The main advantage of such a foundation is maintainability. As an option - we can build a house on the foundation of the customer.

At the same time, it must be drilled, piled, tape, or be a monolithic slab. You can live in such a building not only in summer, but also in winter. The walls of houses with an attic have a low thermal conductivity. This minimizes energy costs. Having built such housing, you will monthly pay no more than 20 kW per 1m2.

The walls are insulated with high-quality materials that provide comfortable living all year round. Ready-made original projects are offered, designed for different building areas. Provides optimal equipment for all categories of housing. Each of the customers can choose their dream home, which will be built in the shortest possible time with minimal cost and maximum benefit.

We offer you projects of frame houses for building with your own hands from scratch to finishing. Our projects are adapted for independent construction by non-professionals, and for the sizes of materials from the store!

Buying a frame house project from us, you get not just a set of documents and complex drawings, you get detailed step-by-step instructions on assembly technology and construction, as well as engineering communications (laying and connecting electrics, plumbing and ventilation).

To build according to our projects, it is not necessary to be a builder, it is enough to be able to hold a hammer in your hands!

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Projects of frame houses up to 50 sq.m.

Projects of frame houses 50-100 sq.m.

Projects of frame houses 100-150 sq.m.

Projects of frame houses 150-200 sq.m.

KD-22 Frame house project 8.4x10.5 172m 2 2 floors

The price of the house is 774 thousand rubles.
The price includes insulation 150mm min. wadding and finishing
Ceiling height 2.6 or 2.8m
4 bedrooms: 2x18 2x11m 2
Living room 18m 2
Kitchen 18m 2
The price of the project is 11,000 rubles.