Would you like to deal with problems in different life situations, assess your emotional state? We suggest reading selected interpretations of dreams about Pomegranate (fruit) in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these interpretations of dreams, there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Pomegranate (fruit)

Dream Interpretation of Gypsy Seraphim

Why dream of Pomegranate (fruit), interpretation of sleep:

Of all the varieties of garnet, a rich red stone is the most valuable. Stimulates the work of the heart, in the next interpreter you can read what Pomegranate (fruit) is dreaming of in a different interpretation.

Freud's psychoanalytic dream book

Why dream and what does Pomegranate (fruit) mean in a dream?

The dream in which you see a pomegranate means pleasure and enjoyment. If you dreamed that you were feasting on a pomegranate, this suggests that you will try non-standard sex and you will like it. You will experience a lot of positive emotions, and you will be overcome by passion and desire. If you dreamed that you were peeling a pomegranate, it means that you like to put off pleasure so that you can enjoy it to the fullest later. This makes you a skilled lover, and having sex with you is a real pleasure.

Summer dream interpreter

We saw in a dream a pomegranate in a section - a young girl will love you.

Autumn dream interpreter

A rotten pomegranate dreams of an illness, as the dream book says about this dream, for details, if Pomegranate (fruit) is dreaming, see below.

Psychological dream book

What is the dream of Pomegranate (fruit) in a dream?

The pomegranate symbolizes the line between rationality and reckless behavior. I dreamed about this fruit - it means that you will be able to wisely use your talents

Dream Interpretation of Pastor Loff

Why dream and what does Pomegranate (fruit) mean?

Pomegranate (fruit) - Pomegranate is a symbol of fertility due to the abundance of seeds under its dense skin. It is also a symbol of perfection and rebirth. If you dreamed that you were eating a pomegranate, then such a dream may indicate a slow addition to the family. If you break grenades, expect success in business and prosperity. If you trample on grenades in a dream, then in life you don’t appreciate what is given to you by nature, for which you can pay, so the dream book interprets the dream that you had, read on if you want to know what Pomegranate (fruit) is dreaming of.

Modern dream book

What is the dream of Pomegranate (fruit) in a dream book?

Pomegranate (fruit) - If you dreamed of pomegranates, you will correctly apply your talents, and do not waste them. It was a dream that your beloved treats you with a pomegranate, then in reality you will resist the insidious female charms. Pomegranate is considered a symbol of passion and pleasure. If you dreamed of him, then spontaneous sex is ahead, which will give you an abyss of pleasure. Cleaned pomegranates in sex, you like to delay pleasure in order to enhance it in this way. You are very skillful in love affairs, no one will argue!

Spring dream interpreter

There is a pomegranate - you have healthy children, obedient and caring for you.

Dream Interpretation Pomegranates (fruits) - rational use of time, wise decision of affairs, self-improvement. A loved one treats you with grenades - there will be an attempt to seduce you, but resist. Eat a pomegranate in a dream - do not resist the temptation, be enchanted.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

I dreamed of Pomegranate (fruit), why:

Pomegranate (fruit) - You see a pomegranate on a branch or hold it in your hand - the business that you will be busy with in the coming days will greatly contribute to your improvement; you are already a refined person, deeply understanding the arts, wise and even visionary, but there is no limit to perfection; the way many people waste their time irritates you. You seem to be eating a pomegranate - perhaps you can hardly be called young; but you will feel young again after spending an hour or two in the company of a certain young person; she will be charming and spontaneous; you will be pleased to appear with her in public. A beloved woman treats you with a pomegranate - a familiar woman has views on you, but she is not interested in you; you will safely bypass the nets she has set.

Slavic dream book

I dreamed of Pomegranate (fruit) in a dream, what is it for:

Pomegranate for what it is Pomegranate - there is - you have bad blood, cleanse it of toxins, otherwise a serious illness awaits you.

Dream Interpretation of E. Erickson

Dreamed in a dream Pomegranate (fruit), interpretation:

What does Pomegranate mean in a dream - ripe fruits - the patronage of bright personalities. There are fruits - to use the ability to surprise people. Unripe pomegranates - a thirst for future glory.

Collecting these fruits in a dream means that someone influential will help you strengthen your position in society and get rich. Unripe and sour pomegranates are in a dream - a sign of malaise and anxiety because of your ill-wishers. Rotten grenades in a dream portend losses and misfortunes that can happen to someone close to you. Eating a pomegranate in a dream means that your friends will be surprised. Sprinkling with pomegranate juice in a dream is a disease. There are sour or rotten pomegranates in a dream - to a serious illness. See interpretation: fruits, garden.

Garnet (Gemstone)

To see or wear garnet jewelry in a dream means that you will have to drag out a miserable existence for a long time and work for pennies. Seeing garnet jewelry on others means that you should think about your future. See interpretation: jewels, precious stones.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Grain

Success in all matters, health and happiness in marriage. A very happy dream. A lot of grain - your hard work and perseverance will lead you to wealth, respect and honors. Grain in the ears is a happy outcome of a love affair. You sort through the grain, putting aside only the best - you are surrounded by the most devoted friends who will take your side at any moment. Throwing grain into plowed soil - the beginning of a profitable business promises quick success. Germinated grain - preparations and expectations will not be in vain. To watch how full grain ears are harvested - a big win awaits your loved ones. You plunge your hands into the grain - a profitable investment of capital will bring unprecedented profits. Unload grain - the good that you did a few years ago will come back to you a hundredfold.

Imagine sacks, chests, barns full of grain. The more grain, the better.

Failed to save the grain - danger. Scatter - a quarrel with friends will turn into a protracted conflict. Only a handful of grain remained - you will soon experience disappointment from an unfulfilled dream. The grain dies in the rain or rots from dampness - your rash actions will become a threat to your well-being. The grain is spoiled by mice - ill-wishers will appear in your life. Birds plunder grain - the results of your work will be appropriated by colleagues at work, exposing you in the eyes of your superiors in an unfavorable light.

Imagine that you experienced a feeling of unbridled grief from loss, tears flowing incessant streams (see Grief, Tears). If you succeed in evoking tears in reality, the effect of improving sleep will be obvious.

Interpretation of dreams from

Why dream of Pomegranate (Fruit), interpretation of sleep

Miller's dream book

If you dreamed of a pomegranate, it means that you will direct all your talents to the path of improving your morality, forgetting about the pleasures that can cause physical and mental well-being. If you were treated to a pomegranate, then you will be tempted by the insidious and destructive female charms, but you will be able to resist their power. They ate a fruit in a dream - it means that you succumb to someone's charms.

To dream about Pomegranate (Fruit)

Freud's dream book

Pomegranate is a symbol of passion and pleasure. Eat it in a dream - such a dream suggests that in the near future you will have spontaneous sex, and this activity will bring a lot of thrills and positive emotions. Peeling a pomegranate - intimately, it is typical for you to delay pleasure in order to enhance it. You are very adept at this, and therefore sex with you is a great pleasure.

I dreamed of Pomegranate (Fruit), what does it mean

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Mature grenades were plucked - which means that you will be patronized by high-ranking persons; dreamed unripe fruits promise trouble; there are grenades - this means that you often surprise others.

Pomegranate (Fruit) in a dream - what is it for?

Esoteric Dream Interpretation

To see or eat a pomegranate - such a dream suggests that you will experience an unforgettable love passion. from it - you risk making a lot for the sake of love.

Pomegranate (Fruit)- Collecting these fruits in a dream means that someone influential will help you strengthen your position in society and get rich. Unripe and sour pomegranates are in a dream - a sign of malaise and anxiety because of your ill-wishers. Rotten grenades in a dream portend losses and misfortunes that can happen to someone close to you. Eating a pomegranate in a dream means that your friends will be surprised. Sprinkling with pomegranate juice in a dream is a disease. There are sour or rotten pomegranates in a dream - to a serious illness. See interpretation: Fruits, Garden.

Garnet (Gemstone)- to see or wear garnet jewelry in a dream means that you will have to drag out a miserable existence for a long time and work for pennies. Seeing garnet jewelry on others means that you should think about your future. See interpretation: Jewels, Gems.

Loff's dream book

Garnet (Gemstone) It is a stone of concentration and order. If you found or accepted it as a gift, many of your difficulties will be resolved. In addition, the situation indicates the ability to show calmness and clarity of mind when making an important decision. If you have lost a stone, the state of your affairs may worsen due to a sloppy attitude to their conduct. They gave someone the pomegranate itself, a ring or other product with it - the dreaming person, or rather, his irresponsible behavior, will become a source of trouble for you.

Freud's dream book

The dream in which you see a pomegranate means pleasure and enjoyment. If you dream that you are feasting on a pomegranate, this indicates that you will try non-standard sex and you will like it. You will experience a lot of positive emotions, and you will be overcome by passion and desire. If you dream that you are peeling a pomegranate, this means that you like to put off pleasure so that you can enjoy it to the fullest later. This makes you a skilled lover, and having sex with you is a real pleasure.

Miller's dream book

Dreaming of grenades means that you will wisely use your talents for moral self-improvement - and will not indulge in empty pleasures that harm mental and physical health. If your beloved treats you with a pomegranate, this means that you will be tempted by insidious and destructive female charms, but you will have enough inner strength to escape from their captivity. Eating a pomegranate in a dream means that you will succumb to someone's charm.

Modern Dream Interpretation

A woman dreams of grenades that, thanks to wisdom, her honor has been raised to a height inaccessible to envious people and spiteful critics, so she has nothing to worry about. If a woman dreams about how she eats pomegranates, then in reality she will face a temptation that she most likely will not be able to resist: the charm of a representative of the opposite sex will be so strong that she will surrender to the mercy of a mysterious conqueror.

Erotic Dream Interpretation

If a man dreams that his beloved treats him with a pomegranate, this means that in real life he will have to resist the insidious female charms. If a person who had such a dream shows sufficient self-control, he will be able to get out of a delicate situation with dignity without compromising himself in the eyes of his beloved. The dream in which you ate a pomegranate means that you will fall in love with a charming person.

Why dream of a pomegranate? Often, interpreters regard the appearance of this fruit in a dream as the personification of the line between deliberate actions and frankly stupid ones. There is a possibility that in reality the dreamer will be able to find an occupation in which he will succeed thanks to his original talents.

Miller's opinion

Gustav Miller, on the other hand, offered a completely different interpretation of the fact that the pomegranate appears in a dream. The psychiatrist said that this is how the healthy lifestyle of the sleeping person and his desire for self-development, the rejection of vicious passions and habits harmful to health are reflected in the human unconscious.

pomegranate like a tree

Why dream of a pomegranate tree? If it bloomed in a dream, then the dream is an "indicator" of the attitude of the sleeper towards his children. If the branches of the plant were strewn with myriads of flowers, then joy, mutual understanding and mutual support reign in the family. It is bad when there are no flowers at all, or they fade rapidly. This is a dream of those who have ceased to please their children. Most likely, children for the dreamer are only a source of problems.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z suggests that you need to prepare for a hot confrontation, which can turn into a fight, for those who dreamed of this tree. If a person plucked a "green" pomegranate from him, then in the near future he will be able to count on the help of the powers that be.

Be careful!

And what can a juicy and sweet, reddened fruit hanging on a branch mean? Some dream books claim that problems await you, including health problems. Others adhere to a more positive interpretation: you will get a lot of pleasure from communicating with a wonderful interlocutor who will sit in your memory, and with whom you will then look for meetings. But an overripe or rotten fruit in a dream promises only pathology.

There is a pomegranate

What do psychologists say about what a red fruit is dreaming of? Sigmund Freud noted in his dream book that red in the subconscious of most people is associated with carnal pleasures. So, eating small red fruits in a dream portends a sudden sexual intercourse, which will bring the dreamer many new indescribable sensations.

If in a dream you peeled a pomegranate, then such a vision can tell about your bed preferences. Most likely, you are able to stretch the pleasure of intercourse, delaying the moment of the highest climax as much as possible. Since you are very adept at this skill, your partner considers intimacy with you a divine pleasure.

Gustav Miller described what the plot means in which the beloved woman fed the sleeping man with red grains. In his interpretation, it means that soon a man will have to fight the temptation of some talented seductress. But, most likely, he will succumb to her charms if he nevertheless ate pomegranate seeds.

If someone else ate the fruit in a dream, then in the near future someone who is dear to you will get into a difficult situation. You will also have a “happy” opportunity to deal with the consequences of his rash acts.

The pomegranate that comes off tells the girls that she is minding her own business. If she ate fruit, then they will try to seduce her, because of which her honest name will suffer.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers is sure that an enviable man is in love with you, with whom it will be possible to create a strong family.