Due to stress, many people may experience functional disorders associated with the gastrointestinal tract. They can be treated quickly and without much difficulty, but ignoring them can lead to serious consequences. Next, let's talk about symptoms, causes and methods of treatment.

Functions of the gastrointestinal tract

Before considering the most popular functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract in children and adults, it is necessary to understand what options this body system performs.

Most often, pathologies are associated with digestive problems. Most of them are not characterized by any organic changes such as infections, tumors, and so on. To understand the causes of disorders, you should know all the options of the gastrointestinal tract. Let's look at them.

  • Motor. It allows you to chew, swallow, move food around the body and remove undigested residues. This function is carried out by muscles.
  • Suction. It ensures the absorption of all nutrients into the blood and lymph through special tract walls.
  • Excretory. Thanks to this function, various substances of metabolic products are removed into the gastrointestinal tract. It could be ammonia, salts, and so on. Over time, they are completely eliminated from the body.
  • Sectoral. This function allows the production of gastric juice, saliva, bile and so on.

Each section of the gastrointestinal tract has its own special purpose. When functional problems occur at an early age and in adults, then all options are confused. As a result, a person develops unpleasant symptoms. During the examination, the specialist does not find any pathological disorders or changes in the organs. It is in this case that we are talking about functional problems.

General symptoms

In order for a person to avoid such problems, he should adhere to all preventive recommendations. Functional gastrointestinal disorders in children, the clinical manifestations of which will be discussed below, and in adults have common indicators. Let's describe them.

The most common symptoms are pain in the intestines, stomach and some other organs. Heartburn may often occur. It becomes an indicator of changes in the level of acidity in the stomach.

Another symptom is chest pain. However, she talks not only about problems with the gastrointestinal tract, but also the heart. Belching, bloating, nausea, and a lump in the throat are common symptoms. But they can also indicate other pathologies, as they are popular manifestations.

Causes of disorders in the gastrointestinal tract

For various reasons, functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract may appear. ICD-10 code: K00 to K93. These classes combine all problems associated with the digestive tract.

It should be noted that modern diagnostic methods have revealed the following fact: problems with the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract do not in any way affect the functions of the system itself. In the 80s of the last century, a theory appeared that the state of the tract is influenced by a psychogenic factor. However, the majority of patients in whom a similar pathology was identified did not experience any mental problems. That is why in modern times one of the main reasons is considered to be disturbances in the perception of a certain type of sent impulses. A person can recognize them as pain. Any disease of the nervous system can cause such a reaction. Functional gastrointestinal disorders can occur due to bad habits, stress, medications, and so on.

Most popular problems

A common problem is heartburn. If we talk about more severe symptoms, laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia with cases of relapse, and so on may occur. This problem manifests itself in the fact that stomach contents are thrown into the esophagus.

A common functional disorder of the gastrointestinal tract (MBK-10 code: K30) is dyspepsia. It is characterized by pain in the epigastric region, as well as other unpleasant sensations. Most often, this disease occurs due to problems with motor function that appear in the upper parts of the tract.

Another popular syndrome is due to flatulence, rumbling, diarrhea and constipation. Such symptoms are formed due to problems with the nervous system and hormones.

Reflux disease

This disease can appear due to a hernia, increased blood pressure, consumption of large amounts of fatty foods, or decreased tone of the esophagus. The problem manifests itself as heartburn, belching, and pain. There may also be pressure that occurs after eating. This is why it is important not to drink alcohol, juices or sparkling water.

In advanced cases, the patient experiences dysphagia, chest pressure, vomiting and salivary discharge. Pain can radiate to the arm, neck, back, and so on.

The most popular problem is the manifestation of reflux without the formation of esophagitis. For diagnosis, tools such as a general urine test, a test for certain bacteria, an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, and others can be used. To exclude serious pathologies, you should also visit a cardiologist, pulmonologist, ENT specialist and surgeon.

Treatment of the problem is based on symptoms. Nitrates, theophylline, calcium, and beta blockers may be prescribed. If the patient has a disordered diet, then you should start following a diet. You need to eat vegetables, eggs, fruits, especially those containing vitamin A. Drinks and foods that have an absorbent effect should be excluded. You need to eat six times a day in small portions. After a meal, you should rest, do not engage in physical exercise and do not bend your torso.

Functional dyspepsia

A functional disorder of the gastrointestinal tract such as dyspepsia should be separately considered. Let us describe the possible manifestations of the disease.

In the presence of a dyskinetic form of the problem, a person experiences a feeling of early satiety, gastrointestinal fullness, and bloating. Sometimes nausea may occur. With a nonspecific form of the disease, a wide variety of symptoms can occur (not a consistent sentence). Most likely, they will all be quite common as manifestations of other pathologies. Treatment depends on the individual patient's complaints.

During diagnosis, special measures are taken that make it possible to distinguish functional dyspepsia from biological one. Stool and blood samples are taken and the body is checked for infections. You should also send your stool for examination to check if there is lymph in it.

If there is a need for drug treatment, the patient is prescribed special therapy for two months. The most commonly prescribed antibiotics are adsorbent, antisecretory and prokinetic drugs. It should be noted that there are no general treatment tactics. It completely depends on the symptoms that need to be relieved and the causes.

General treatments

In order to cure functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to conduct a thorough diagnosis and exclude any organic changes. The complexity of therapy lies in the fact that all such problems can have a large number of causes and different symptoms.

The doctor gives the following recommendations: give up bad habits, stop taking medications that can affect the gastrointestinal tract, start following a diet. If the patient has problems with a psychological state (depression or hypochondria), then the specialist has the right to prescribe anxiolytics and other drugs of this group.

Stomach disorders

Stomach problems are also included in the list of functional gastrointestinal disorders. (ICD-10: K31). They include a huge number of pathologies that affect functions such as motor and secretory functions. However, no major changes are recorded. Symptoms of dyspepsia may appear, as well as pain. In order to make a diagnosis, various measures are prescribed, for example, probing, ultrasound or x-rays. Treatment is only medicinal. Diet and giving up bad habits play a big role.

Treatment of stomach problems

Therapy depends entirely on the cause of the functional disorder of the gastrointestinal tract and, separately, the stomach itself. Clinical features are also taken into account. You definitely need to change your diet. Food should be taken four times a day. One of them must be accompanied by the consumption of a hot liquid meal. You need to avoid those foods that can irritate the mucous membrane. We are talking about pickled, fatty, spicy dishes. Most often, when such problems are identified in a patient, they are quickly resolved in whole or in part by adjusting the diet and diet. Often in such situations there is not even a need for drug treatment.

If a patient has neurovegetative functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and stomach, then they can be eliminated by taking anticholinergic drugs with a sedative effect. Tranquilizers and herbal remedies also help well. In the most severe cases, antidepressants are prescribed.

If it is necessary to relieve the pain effect and restore motor function, then you should take antispasmodics.


In the presence of functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (ICD code is written above in the article), as a rule, the prognosis is favorable. The main thing is to make a diagnosis in time and begin treatment. It's important to work on your nutrition. You should get rid of stress and also get more rest. If the problem arose in adolescence, it will most likely go away on its own within two to three years. This is due to the fact that due to hormonal changes, the neurovegetative system begins to work poorly.

If treatment is not started in time and the problem gets worse, more serious consequences may occur. Provocateurs include poor diet and stress.


As is clear from the information presented above, in order to avoid such problems, you should lead a healthy lifestyle, give up unhealthy diet and avoid stressful situations. Sometimes functional disorders can appear in adolescents due to changes in hormonal levels in the body.

Gastrointestinal diseases are a large group of diverse diseases that affect the gastrointestinal tract.

Classification of ailments

According to etiology they are:

  • infectious;
  • non-infectious.

Depending on the location of the gastrointestinal tract disease, the following organs can be affected:

  • esophagus;
  • stomach;
  • liver;
  • small intestine;
  • large intestine;
  • gallbladder;
  • bile ducts.

Gastrointestinal diseases can be hereditary and acquired.

Predisposing factors

The gastrointestinal tract becomes inflamed due to:

  • poor nutrition;
  • irrational combination of products, unbalanced in carbohydrate, protein and fat composition;
  • eating disorders (eating large and infrequent);
  • consumption of fast foods, seasonings;
  • reducing the content of coarse fiber in products;
  • smoking, drinking alcohol or using drugs;
  • taking medications;
  • contact with infectious patients;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene and food preparation rules;
  • living in environmentally unfavorable conditions;
  • genetic predisposition to gastrointestinal diseases.

Gastrointestinal diseases, symptoms

The main manifestations of such ailments are pain in the abdominal area. The nature of pain varies in intensity and location. Gastrointestinal diseases may be accompanied by heartburn, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, rumbling in the stomach, plaque on the tongue, increased gas formation, bad breath, and aversion to any foods.

Infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract usually begin acutely. Their symptoms are more pronounced, sometimes the patient’s temperature rises.

Any disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract negatively affect the state of the body: metabolism deteriorates, the skin is affected, and immunity decreases.

The extent of damage to the gastrointestinal tract can be assessed by conducting a thorough diagnostic examination. An examination by a gastroenterologist, laboratory and instrumental X-rays, endoscopy) will allow you to make an accurate diagnosis and carry out adequate treatment measures.

Brief list of gastrointestinal diseases

The tract includes:

  • gastroesophageal disease;
  • gastritis of various origins;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • constipation and diarrhea;
  • as a consequence of dysbacteriosis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gallbladder disease;
  • hepatitis;
  • colitis;
  • liver cirrhosis and many others.

Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases

Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract are sometimes chronic. In order to quickly cope with exacerbations of the disease, you should make adjustments to your eating habits. Gastrointestinal diseases often lead to constipation, so it is important to organize timely bowel movements. You need to train yourself to do this at the same time, preferably in the morning, in a calm home environment. On an empty stomach you should take a glass of unboiled water, be sure to do exercises and have breakfast. It is recommended to take measures to strengthen the immune system and perform hardening procedures - this significantly reduces the likelihood of contracting bacterial and viral infections. It is necessary to add drugs containing lacto- and bifidobacteria, as well as vitamins, to the diet in order to increase resistance to diseases.

Obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract - what is it? Obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is a syndrome characterized by impaired movement of intestinal contents due to a mechanical obstruction or functional impairment of motility.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract)

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) are becoming more and more common. The active lifestyle of a modern person often does not leave time for the quiet consumption of healthy food. Fast food snacking has become a significant problem.

Stress and the environment, regular use of antibiotics followed by dysbacteriosis complete what was started by poor nutrition, and as a result, a person begins to get sick: the organs cannot withstand the harsh attack of unfavorable factors.

Gastrointestinal diseases have become significantly younger. Gastritis has become a widespread phenomenon even in primary and secondary schools; a significant proportion of children of different ages suffer from dysbacteriosis. As a result, serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract develop, such as colitis of various origins, problems with the pancreas begin, which leads to a predisposition to diabetes.

That is why diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should be identified and treated promptly before they begin to take a chronic form.

Symptoms and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases

Knowing the symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases and treatment, you can think about it. The symptoms are quite rich, and by paying attention to its features, you can not only confidently contact doctors, but also take care of a more proper diet, regimen, and other therapeutic and preventive measures.

Symptoms of housing and communal services diseases include:

The “top” of the abdomen is occupied by the epigastric region and hypochondrium (right and left, respectively). This is a kind of arc, the pain on which is characteristic of colitis, an inflammatory process in the lower esophagus, fundic gastritis, gastric dilatation and the initial stage of food poisoning.

If this symptom is also accompanied by vomiting, then it is appropriate to assume that this is an ulcer, but it is difficult to determine in the stomach or duodenum. In addition, this is also typical for intestinal obstruction.

In the right hypochondrium is the liver and the gallbladder located underneath it. Severe pain and colic usually come from them. A similar sensation on the left side is inherent in gastritis (especially in tandem with nausea and the ensuing consequences), acute pancreatitis and other digestive diseases.

The middle of the abdomen is allocated to the mesogastrium. In the navel area, the concentration of pain is associated with intestinal dysfunction. This could be inflammation of the small intestine, enteritis, Crohn's disease, etc.

At the same level, only on the right, pain is attributed to hepatitis, and on the left - ulcerative colitis, inflammation of polyps and problems with the colon.

Hypogastrium, also known as the lowest “level” of the abdomen. Pain in its area rarely indicates diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. More often it comes from the bladder or genitals. But on the right there is appendicitis, it can make itself felt in this place, as well as intestinal infections with diseases of the cecum. The left iliac space contains the sigmoid colon, which can become inflamed and painful. It is also appropriate to assume dysentery.

  1. Symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases help make the correct diagnosis.
  2. During the initial examination, the patient is palpated, auscultated, and percussed (tapped).
  3. The medical history itself is not enough. Having established, according to the patient, the symptoms of housing and communal services diseases, treatment does not begin without conducting various types of laboratory and instrumental studies (probing, pH-metry, gastrography and manometry). At the same time, it is important not only to determine the disease, but also its root cause, since only its elimination can completely restore health to the patient.
  4. Radiation diagnostics - ultrasound, x-ray, scintigraphy, used by the doctor to clarify the diagnosis.

The treatment itself, depending on the result, can be conservative or surgical. Conservative treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract involves drug treatment, the prescription of various diets, physical therapy, and homeopathic methods can be used.

Sometimes the disease requires surgery. In such cases, the patient is prepared for surgery by limiting food and drink, and if necessary, enemas are given. After surgical intervention, a rehabilitation course is carried out, the main methods of which are the use of antiseptics and antibiotics and strict adherence to the prescribed diets.

Features of the treatment of certain diseases of housing and communal services

Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, their symptoms and treatment are highlighted separately, since this kind of disease is advanced and requires a long-term serious approach from the doctor and the patient himself.

The following were common among patients:

  • Chronic colitis and enterocolitis.
  • Chronic cholecystitis.
  • Chronic pancreatitis.
  • Chronic gastritis and peptic ulcers.

Infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract require the attention of a gastroenterologist and infectious disease specialist. In addition, they very often proceed similarly to other, non-infectious diseases.

Common pathogens include:

  1. Bacteria:
  • Typhoid fever.
  • Salmonella.
  • Cholera.
  • The bacterial toxin is botulism.
  • Staphylococcus.
  • Viruses:
    • Rotavirus.
    • Enterovirus.

    Treatment of such diseases involves not only the task of eliminating the infection, but also eliminating dehydration of the body, and then long-term work to restore the natural microflora.

    Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in children are characterized by an acute course and severe tolerability. They are usually accompanied by severe weakness, rapid dehydration, high fever and severe nervousness.

    Often the disease is accompanied by vague symptoms. The incidence is statistically characterized by bursts of two age-related peaks, which depend on age and occur at 5-6 years, 10-11 years, and are explained by the physiological and social distinctive features of age.

    May hurt:

    Diet for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

    Diet for housing and communal services diseases is almost crucial during the recovery period and important during treatment.

    Its violations can provoke a relapse of the disorder.

    1. No. 1. Diet for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract during exacerbation of peptic ulcers, chronic gastritis and recovery from acute gastritis. Allows you to normalize the activity of the stomach, its peristalsis, protecting the mucous membranes and providing normal nutrition for the body.
    2. The diet includes yesterday's bread (white), soups with heavily boiled cereals, seasoned with butter or a mixture of milk and eggs. Meat and fish should be obtained in ground form - steamed cutlets, meatballs are suitable, or perhaps baked with vegetables. Boil or bake vegetables, consume low-fat dairy products. Drink lightly brewed tea, juices, cocoa, rose hips.
    3. No. 1a) for the same diseases is indicated for the first four days of treatment. A gentle diet for gastrointestinal diseases allows you to quickly heal ulcers, resist inflammatory processes, and is indicated if you have to remain in bed. All food is consumed in grated, liquid or gruel, pre-cooked or steamed. There are temperature restrictions: +60-15 degrees. The feeding process is based on the crushed principle, the last food being warm milk. Fermented milk products and vegetables are excluded, but cereals, eggs and fat-free meat are suitable. Berries as part of decoctions, juices, jelly or jellies.
    4. No. 2b) when the course of peptic ulcer and chronic gastritis with high acidity subsides. Less strict than No. 1a), it allows non-acidic grated cottage cheese, white bread crumbs, thinly sliced, grated vegetables.
    5. No. 2 is indicated for chronic colitis, enterocolitis and gastritis with high acidity. In addition, with concomitant diseases of the pancreas, biliary tract and liver. Products that are borderline in temperature are excluded; fried ones are suitable if a hard crust does not form after such processing. Yesterday bread, savory pastries, meat and fish are not fatty, vegetables and fruits are ripe and at the end of heat treatment.
    6. No. 3 is designed to improve bowel activity in case of chronic bowel problems. Meals are fractional, 5-6 times daily. In the morning on an empty stomach 1 tbsp. l. honey with a glass of water. In the evening, dried fruits and kefir. Any bread, but yesterday's baked bread. Food can be cured by boiling or steaming; vegetables are allowed raw. Weak tea, instant coffee, all other drinks are allowed, except alcoholic and sweet waters.
    7. No. 4 - diet for housing and communal services diseases, with diarrhea. The task is to reduce the number of inflammatory processes, reduce the development of fermentation and rotting in the housing and communal services. For this purpose, chemical and physical components that can affect the mucous membrane are limited: food is ground, boiled or steamed, white bread, or maybe slightly dried. Lean meat and fish, minced several times. Soups and broths, non-acidic cottage cheese, immediately after cooking. Eggs can occasionally be soft-boiled. Cereals - buckwheat, rice, oatmeal. Drink decoctions of quince, dogwood, bird cherry, tea and black coffee.
    8. No. 4b) is prescribed after exacerbation of chronic intestinal diseases, improvement of acute diseases. Diet recipes for gastrointestinal diseases in such cases include minced meat and fish without fat, fermented milk products (without strong acid), rice, buckwheat, and well-cooked oatmeal. Recommended vegetables include potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, carrots and cauliflower. Drinks according to diet option No. 1. All food is boiled or cooked in a double boiler, in grated or crushed form.
    9. No. 4c) - a diet for housing and communal services diseases, the purpose of which is to ensure sufficient nutrition of the body in case of incomplete functioning of the intestinal tract. It is used during recovery from acute intestinal diseases and during periods of remission after exacerbation of chronic diseases. Eat food in 5-6 sittings. Day-baked bread can be dried fresh, but a small amount of dry biscuits is allowed. Baking without baking, no more than a couple of uses per week. Soups, meat with a minimum amount of fat, are allowed not only chopped, but also in whole pieces. All dairy products with a limited amount of fat, mild cheeses. Oatmeal, rice, and buckwheat cook well. Raw fruits - apples, pears, watermelon, oranges and peeled grapes. Vegetables according to diet No. 4b). Drink juices diluted in half with cooled boiling water; milk is added to the usual drinks, but not cream.
    10. Dietary table No. 5 for gastrointestinal diseases is intended during the period of recovery after an exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis and hepatitis, recovery after acute cholecystitis and hepatitis, gallstones and cirrhosis of the liver. Recipes for such diseases of the gastrointestinal tract include food from a steamer, boiled, stewed and baked. Only high fiber foods and tough meats are ground. Savory pastries with various savory and non-spicy fillings. Soups with milk, vegetables, cereals, pasta. Baked meat is allowed without a crust. The dairy group is represented by low-fat cottage cheese and milk. Vegetables and fruits are allowed in their raw form, as long as they are not sour. The patient prefers sweet dishes, then sweeteners are used instead of some of the sugar. Drinks according to diet No. 4c).

    Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases

    It is much easier and less painful to avoid the disease instead of treating it. Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases includes basic rules of a healthy lifestyle:

    Prevention of gastrointestinal diseases in children consists of the same rules, but more attention is paid to diet and the quality of prepared dishes. In addition to fried foods, children are limited in their consumption of spicy, too hot or cold foods, sour and sweet foods.

    It is very important to teach children to always wash their hands before eating, not to eat unwashed vegetables and fruits, and to spend money on school lunches in the cafeteria, and not on hot dogs. In addition, categorically exclude products that contain harmful dyes and preservatives, sugary waters, and unnatural seasonings.

    Exercise therapy for gastrointestinal diseases

    During the rehabilitation period for housing and communal services diseases, therapeutic exercise (PT) and herbal medicine are widely used. Exercise therapy for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract helps improve blood circulation, restore motor functionality, strengthen the abdominal muscles and improve the health of the body in general.

    Indications for performing exercises are diseases:

    • Chronic gastritis and peptic ulcers
    • Colitis and enterocolitis
    • Splanchnoptosis
    • Diaphragmatic hernia
    • Biliary dyskinesia.

    The exercises consist of bending in different directions, turning, working the abs and legs. In particular, the legs work in the supine position for extension, flexion, crossing, lifting, spreading.

    For colitis with a tendency to constipation, there are many relaxation exercises, in the case of intestinal atony - with greater load and the use of strength complexes.

    A prerequisite for performing exercises is to be 2 hours after eating. In addition, calm walking on level ground, swimming and bathing are recommended. Loads are carefully dosed and increased gradually. For some diseases, a special massage is prescribed that covers certain areas.

    Separately, physical therapy for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract uses breathing exercises, which help not only to restore the body as a whole, but also to organize proper blood circulation in all problem areas of the human body.

    In order to get advice or join a group for therapeutic exercises, you must contact a physiotherapist, a specialist involved in the recovery of patients after housing and communal diseases, or a trainer for therapeutic exercises.

    If the patient is going to use any complex independently, it is necessary to first obtain the advice of a specialist who will take into account not only the general diagnosis of the patient. But also his current state.

    Herbal medicine for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is indicated because the patient’s body is usually weakened, and carefully selected infusions can quickly fill the human organs with nutrients without damaging the painful areas of the housing and communal services.

    Various infusions, decoctions and juices will help you quickly get rid of vitamin deficiency, anemia, are instantly absorbed and at the same time additionally treat diseases, acting gently and precisely.

    Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are quite treatable, and even the most complex problems can often be cured. This is only possible if the patient and the doctor actively cooperate, the patient strictly follows the doctor’s recommendations and carries out all the appointments even after the disappearance of unpleasant symptoms.

    Diets and exercise therapy can only be a good help in recovery, and not an opportunity for independent treatment.

    Diseases of the stomach and intestines are among the most common among all diseases of internal organs. The reasons for their appearance are often poor nutrition, stress, unhealthy lifestyle and poor environment.

    Symptoms depend on the type of disease. Most often diagnosed, ulcer and. To start early treatment, you need to know the main symptoms of the disease.


    Digestion of food is a complex process that consists of many stages. A failure can occur on any of them. Many factors contribute to this.

    The main cause of gastritis and stomach ulcers is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.


    Symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases:

    • abdominal pain;
    • heartburn;
    • decreased appetite;
    • , white or yellow coating on the tongue;
    • bloating;
    • bowel dysfunction (or diarrhea);
    • nausea, vomiting.

    Metabolic disorders lead to the following symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases - anemia, vitamin deficiency, weight loss.

    Specific signs include difficulty swallowing, blood in the stool, and allergic skin reactions.


    Gastrointestinal diseases are classified according to several criteria. By nature of origin:

    • Infectious. Impaired functioning of the digestive system is caused by infections.
    • Non-infectious. Digestive disorders are caused by congenital pathologies or chronic processes.

    According to the localization of the pathological process:

    According to the nature of the flow:

    • Spicy. The symptoms are pronounced. Diseases occur against the background of infections, poisonings, and allergic reactions.
    • Chronic. The disease cannot be completely cured and lasts for years. They are characterized by periods of exacerbation and remission. An example could be .

    The most common diseases

    Men are 35% more susceptible to gastrointestinal diseases than women.

    Diseases of the digestive system are present in 90% of the population. Chronic gastritis affects up to 80-90% of patients; stomach ulcers occur in every 15th person. Appendicitis occurs in 30% of the population. Cholecystitis is diagnosed in every 4th woman and 10th man.


    This is an inflammation of the stomach lining. Gastritis is one of the most common gastrointestinal diseases, leading to impaired digestion of food. Occurs when exposed to the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, drinking alcohol, and also due to dietary errors.


    This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine. The main symptoms are abdominal colic, flatulence, nausea and bowel dysfunction. The most common causes are streptococci, staphylococci and E. coli.

    Viral hepatitis

    These are infectious diseases that lead to damage and disruption of the functioning of the liver. They provoke the occurrence of liver cancer.


    This is a deadly chronic disease characterized by damage to liver cells. Cirrhosis leads to liver failure and cancer.


    There are peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. This is a chronic disease that is manifested by the appearance of ulcers on the mucous membrane of the organ. A stomach ulcer is often a complication of gastritis.


    This is a disease characterized by an imbalance between healthy and pathogenic intestinal microflora. As a result, the functioning of the digestive system is disrupted.


    This is an inflammation of the pancreas. The disease occurs due to a violation of the outflow of gastric juice and other enzymes into the duodenum. The patient experiences pain, nausea and vomiting, and digestion disturbances.


    This is an expansion of the veins of the rectum, resulting in the formation of hemorrhoids. They can be inside the intestine or fall out.


    This is an inflammation of the appendix of the cecum. The disease can occur in acute or chronic form. In the first case, the patient needs emergency surgery to remove the appendix.

    Which doctor treats gastrointestinal diseases?

    A therapist and gastroenterologist deals with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


    To identify diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, physical, laboratory and instrumental techniques are used.

    The doctor collects anamnesis, listens to the patient’s complaints, and palpates the abdomen. Next, a blood and urine test is prescribed.
    To measure the acidity of the stomach, endoscopic pH-metry is performed, gastrointestinal motility is examined using gastrography and manometry. Endoscopic examination techniques are used to examine the esophagus, stomach and intestines.

    Additionally, ultrasound of the abdominal organs, laparoscopy, fluoroscopy, CT and scintigraphy are performed.

    General principles of treatment

    The choice of treatment depends on the type of gastrointestinal disease. In most cases, drug therapy is sufficient. Medicines are selected individually for the patient after receiving the examination results. You can use folk remedies in combination, but only after consulting a doctor.

    When the first symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases occur, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor. Complications may arise.

    The following drugs are suitable for treatment:

    • enzyme agents;
    • antisecretory drugs;
    • antispasmodics;
    • agents that stimulate gastrointestinal motility;
    • antibiotics;
    • anti-inflammatory drugs;
    • enterosorbents;
    • probiotics;
    • laxatives.

    In advanced cases, surgery cannot be avoided. The type of operation depends on the degree of organ damage.


    Dietary food is selected by the doctor based on the diagnosis. Basic principles of the diet:

    • Small but frequent meals. You need to eat up to 5-6 times a day, but in small portions.
    • Food should be easily digested and the stomach should not be overloaded. You should give preference to water-based porridges, purees, soufflés, omelettes and low-fat broths. It is better to grate or bake fruits before eating.
    • You need to drink 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day.
    • You need to steam, boil or bake in the oven.
    • Eat food warm, avoid hot and cold food.
    • Avoid carbonated drinks and vegetables that increase gas formation. Limit consumption of flour and confectionery products, strong coffee and tea. Avoid fast food, alcohol, fatty, fried, salty and spicy foods, sauces, seasonings, pickles, canned food and processed foods.

    The patient needs to consume more foods that contain fiber and dietary fiber.


    Preventive measures boil down to a balanced and healthy diet. To protect yourself from infections, you must follow sanitary standards when preparing food and use only high-quality and fresh products.

    The menu should contain a balanced amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins.

    It is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, play sports, get rid of bad habits, and take medications only as prescribed by a doctor.

    Gastrointestinal diseases negatively affect the functioning of the entire body, leading to metabolic disorders and the absorption of nutrients, decreased immunity and, as a result, deterioration of appearance. Early diagnosis is important in the treatment of diseases.

    The lifestyle of a modern person often leads to the development of many diseases. In particular, low physical activity, poor and irregular nutrition, and an unfavorable environmental environment negatively affect the body, which over time becomes difficult to maintain its normal functioning.

    This disease manifests itself in the form of an inflammatory process that covers the mucous membrane of the organ. In most cases, gastritis manifests itself in a chronic form. Gastritis often causes the development of other gastric diseases. In case of gastritis, the patient may complain of the following symptoms:

    • feeling of heaviness in the stomach
    • vomit
    • nausea
    • pain in the stomach area

    It is important to remember that many gastric pathologies, while occurring in remission, have virtually no signs of manifestation. However, destructive processes continue in the organ even when there are no symptoms.


    There are many symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases!

    In the case of gastritis, against the background of low acidity of the organ, various formations form on the lining of the stomach - tumors and polyps. Food is not digested sufficiently, the digestion process worsens, and the patient may suffer from anemia.

    In case of illness. occurring at high acidity, hydrochloric acid corrodes the walls of the organ, erosions and ulcers form. In especially severe cases, gastric perforation is possible - the formation of a hole, as a result of which the contents of the organ flow into the abdominal cavity.


    Behind gastritis, on the list of stomach diseases, are ulcers and erosions, also called peptic ulcers. They represent damage that occurs on the mucous membrane of an organ, or. The difference between an ulcer and an erosion is the degree of tissue damage. In case of erosion, shallow damage to the mucous membrane occurs, without affecting the underlying tissues.

    The main sign of ulcers is acute pain that haunts the patient both when his stomach is empty and some time after it is filled with food. Peptic ulcers are characterized by seasonal exacerbations.

    Functional stomach disorder

    Pathology of an organ that is not accompanied by changes in the integrity of its membrane. This disorder includes abnormal changes in the acidity of gastric juice, dyspepsia, various bowel movements, hypotension, and vomiting. In case of functional diseases, the following symptoms appear:

    • belching
    • general weakness
    • irritability
    • increase in temperature (in case of poisoning)

    Most gastrointestinal pathologies have similar symptoms. In order to accurately determine the disease, you need to consult a gastroenterologist. This must be done in a timely manner, immediately after the slightest suspicion of the occurrence of pathology.

    Intestinal diseases and their signs

    Poor nutrition is the main cause of gastrointestinal diseases

    The basis of various intestinal diseases is inflammation, which can be acute, chronic or infectious. During the development of an inflammatory phenomenon, not only one part of the intestine can be affected, but several at once. Depending on the location of the inflammation, the disease has a specific name:

    • enteritis
    • sigmoiditis
    • proctitis
    • colitis
    • typhlitis

    As a result of inflammation, the mucous membrane of the affected part of the intestine becomes hyperemic, edematous, and discharge of various types may be produced: hemorrhagic, serous or purulent. In especially severe cases, often bleeding ulcers develop. If the development of an ulcer is not stopped, it will eventually cause perforation of the affected area and subsequent development of peritonitis. Intestinal pathologies negatively affect its functions:

    1. Digestion worsens
    2. absorption of nutrients stops
    3. intestinal motility worsens
    4. there is an increase

    The main signs of pathologies are:

    • diarrhea
    • constipation
    • intestinal bleeding
    • loss of appetite

    Depending on the location of the disease in the intestinal region, it has a specific name. In general, the symptoms of all diseases are similar and the main one is the occurrence of pain.

    Symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases

    Since almost all gastrointestinal diseases have fairly similar symptoms, it is necessary to consider each of them in more detail.


    Human intestines - schematically

    This symptom can be defined as an unpleasant sensation, which is accompanied by increased salivation, general weakness, low blood pressure and is localized in the epigastric region. In the case of gastrointestinal diseases, this symptom is a reflex, which indicates irritation of the receptors in the stomach or bile ducts.

    There are many reasons for the occurrence of this unpleasant symptom. It often accompanies diseases such as gastritis, ulcers, tumor disease, pancreatitis, etc.


    The process by which the contents of the stomach are removed through the mouth. If vomiting is caused as a result of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, then its occurrence is associated with the same reasons as the previous symptom. Frequent vomiting poses a risk of dehydration and electrolyte imbalance in the body.


    The process by which gases are released from the stomach through the oral cavity. Aerophagia - swallowing air while eating food can also cause belching. This symptom may indicate a deterioration in the functioning of the upper parts of the stomach and other diseases.

    Bitterness in the mouth

    Symptom of hepatic dyspepsia. Appears as a result of impaired motility of the gallbladder and excretory ducts, stomach, and duodenum. This symptom most often occurs with cholecystitis and. It is also possible for it to appear in cases of organ ulcers.

    Abdominal pain

    Pain as a symptom of gastrointestinal disease

    This symptom may indicate the development of any disease of the gastrointestinal tract. If the cause lies in hollow organs - the stomach or intestines, then the occurrence of pain indicates a spasm of smooth muscles, or stretching of the walls of the organ.

    This is usually observed in the case of blood flow disturbances, as well as in the presence of inflammation. When pathology affects a non-hollow organ - pancreas, etc., the appearance of pain indicates an abnormal increase in the size of this organ.


    Frequent bowel movements, during which an increase in the volume of feces is observed, as well as their dilution. The occurrence of diarrhea is associated with the rapid movement of food through the digestive tract, as a result of which the food does not have time to undergo normal processing, and the liquid does not have time to be absorbed normally. The most common cause is intestinal inflammation caused by viruses or bacteria.

    In addition, the cause of diarrhea may be indigestion, which is observed with pancreatitis or cholestasis. In some cases, diarrhea is a side effect of certain medications.


    A condition of the intestines that makes it difficult to empty the bowel. The stool becomes harder, the patient suffers from pain and flatulence. As a rule, constipation indicates a deterioration in the motility of the large intestine. Constipation can also be caused. There are many types of constipation, each of which occurs due to a particular disease.