§ 58. Double consonants are written when a prefix and a root are combined, if the prefix ends and the root begins with the same consonant, for example: po dderzhat', predvere', vvest', o tret', piss, vozstanovit, be zz akonny, counter pp evolution.

§ 59. Double consonants are written when combining the constituent parts of complex abbreviated words, if one part ends and the other begins with the same consonant, for example: Mo ss council, head vv rach.

§ 60. Double n and double s are written when combining a root and a suffix, if the root ends and the suffix begins with a consonant n or s:

with the suffix -n-, for example: long (length), ancient (antiquity), stone (stone), domain (domain), legal (law), temporary (basis of tenses-);

with the suffix -sk-, for example: Kotlas (Kotlas), Arzamas (Arzamas), Russian (Rus), but: Tartu (Tartu), Hankou (Hankow);

Double s is also written in past tense verbs when combining stems -s with the reflexive particle -sya, for example: saved, rushed.

Note. Double n is written in the numeral eleven.

§ 61. Double n is written in the suffixes -enn-, -onn- of adjectives formed from nouns, for example: straw, painful, cranberry, artificial, internal, bucket, peculiar, dining, revolutionary, positional.

Note. In the word windy and in its derivatives one n is written, but in prefix formations it is written -nn- (windless, leeward).

Adjectives with the suffix -yan- (-an-), formed from nouns, are written with one n, for example: hair, wood, clay, leather. The adjectives wooden, tin, glass are written with double n.

With one n the suffix -in- is written in adjectives, for example: nightingale, chicken, living room, as well as in the noun hotel.

§ 62. Double n is written in passive past participles, for example: reports read at a ceremonial meeting; a soldier wounded by an enemy bullet; collective farm, organized in 1930; a detachment reinforced by two companies; deputies elected to the Supreme Council.

§ 63. Double n is written in all adjectives formed from passive past participles (or according to their type), if these adjectives have prefixes or end in -ovanny, -evanny (except chewed and forged), for example: the patient has been prescribed enhanced nutrition, a volume of selected works by Pushkin has been published, sublime style, inscribed triangle, aged wine, trusted person, temperate climate, refined manners, abstract question, absent-minded student, worn dress, used books, tear-stained face, rusty key, risky step, spoiled child, uprooted plot .

But with one n you should write adjectives formed from passive participles of the past tense (including complex ones, see § 80, paragraph 2), if these adjectives do not have a prefix and are not formed from verbs in -ova, -evat, for example : scientific works, wounded border guards, torn clothes, smoked sausage, boiled milk, dried fish, slaked lime, pickled cucumbers, soaked apples, boiled potatoes, plain-dyed fabric.

The words desired, sacred, unexpected, unprecedented, unheard, unexpected and some others, defined in dictionary order, are written with two n.

§ 64. Double n is written in adverbs ending in -o and in nouns with suffixes ending in -ik, -its, -ost, formed from adjectives if the latter are written with two n, for example: accidentally, unheard of, excitedly, excitement (excited); confidently, confidence (confident); education, pupil, pupil (educated); protégé (installed); captive (captive); birthday boy (birthday); sennik (hay); korennik (indigenous); in-law (inherent).

If the adjective has one n, then the adverbs and nouns formed from it are written with one n, for example: confused, confused, confused (confused); learned, learned (scientist); hemp (hemp); silversmith (silversmith). Also, with one n the words silver (in the meaning of a coin) and bessrebrenik (unselfish person) are written.

§ 65. Double n is written as plural. h. and in feminine and neuter gender units. including short adjectives formed from passive past participles, the full form of which is double n, for example: the groups are disciplined and organized, the girl is well-mannered and smart; they are very absent-minded.

Short passive participles are written with one n, for example: broken, broken, broken, broken, the young man was raised as a Komsomol member; the girl is pampered by her upbringing; we are limited by time; The students are organized into a group.

§ 66. The double w is written in the words reins, yeast, juniper, zhuzhzhat and in derivatives from them, as well as in some formations from the verb to burn, for example: zhzhёsh, zhzhet, zhzhenny, zhzheny, zhzhenka.

If there is an alternation zg - zzh, zd - zzh, you should write not double zh, but zzh, for example: grumble (grump), cerebellum (brain), arrive (arrival), later (old, late, lie, late), clutter up (clutter up ), as well as to squeal (cf. old squeal - “dawn”).

§ 67. More than two identical consonants in a row are not written, even if this is required by the composition of the word, for example: quarreling (ra s + quarreling), ode sskiy (ode ss + s kiy), prusskiy (pruss + sskiy) s cue), five-note nn-y (five-note nn + n-y).

§ 68. The spelling of double consonants in foreign words is determined in dictionary order, for example: irrigation, corrosion, cassation, excess, essence, but: poster, letter, official, etching, report.

§ 69. In words formed from stems ending in two identical consonants, double consonants before suffixes are preserved, for example: group - group, group; program - program, software; kilowatt – kilowatt; Calcutta - Calcutta; class - cool; Hun – Hunnic; point (unit of measure, evaluation) – five-point, Gall – Gallic; libretto - librettist.

But it is written: crystal (although kristall), finka, Finnish (although Finn), column (although column), five-tone nka (although tonna), operetta (although opera tt a).

Note. In the first part of compound words, which is a stem ending with a double consonant, only one consonant is written, for example: gram record, group com.

Eat certain rule of the Russian language, which dictates the following principle forming adverbs from adjectives:

If in an adjective total one letter "N", then in the derived from it adverbs, ending with the letters: "O" or "E" there will also be this one letter. If the adjective initially had two letters, then the formed adverb will also repeat two letters “N”. Examples:

Two letters "H": irritated nn y - irritated nn oh, excited nn y – excited nn oh, slow down nn y – slower nn oh fire nn y - fire nn oh courage nn y - courage nn oh flame nn y - flame nn O

One letter "N": late n th - late n oh fun n y - fun n oh nice n y - nice n oh the wind n y - wind n oh snow n y – snow n oh sad n y - sad n oh, beautiful n y – beautiful n oh sunny n y – sunny n O

Tables with examples.

Spelling -Н- and -НН- in adjectives formed from nouns

Spelling -Н- and -НН- in adjectives and participles formed from verbs

1) If adj. formed from verbs without prefixes (the prefix does NOT affect the spelling of N or NN) ( knitted, uncut)

Excl.: slow, desired, sacred, unexpected, unexpected, unexpected, unseen, unheard

1) If adj. formed from verbs with prefixes (the prefix does NOT affect the spelling of N or NN) ( tied, beveled, built)
2) If there is a suffix -OVA-, -EVA- ( organized excursion, uprooted forest)

Excl.: forged, chewed(ov-, ev- is included in the root, not in the suffix)

3) If there is a dependent word ( wicker)
4) If adj. formed from verbs owls. type ( solved)

Except: wounded

Compound adjectives

Each part of a complex adjective is written according to the same rules,

as the corresponding independent word

Fresh frozen – ice cream – freeze Fresh frozen – frozen – freeze

Short adjectives

There are as many N written as in the full form

Young artists The road is long (long)

Short participles

Only N is always written

The job is done, the problem is solved, we are connected by a word

NOTE: If you find it difficult to distinguish between an adjective and a participle, first of all try to determine what attribute this word denotes. If the sign is temporary, limited, a sign of an action performed on an object, then this is a participle.

(The girl was raised by her mother. The commission was formed yesterday)

If a word denotes a feature that is constantly inherent in an object, then it is an adjective

(The girl is raised and educated)

Spelling -Н- and -НН- in adverbs

Spelling -Н- and -НН- in nouns

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Often provokes many mistakes, although remember the basic rules of spelling single and double n in suffixes it's not that difficult. Let's look at each of them.

Spelling -н- and -нн- in participles and verbal adjectives.

In participles and verbal adjectives -n- is written in the following cases:

  1. In short participles: the rules are learned, the technique is tested, the field is abandoned.
  2. When participles or verbal adjectives are formed from unprefixed imperfective verbs: puff pastry, fried meat.


    Seen, unseen, seen, unseen, made (sight), desired, slow, unexpected, unexpected, unheard, unexpected, sacred.

    These words need to be remembered.

-nn- is written in participles and verbal adjectives in the following cases:

  1. If there is a prefix (except non-): baked pie, read a book.
  2. If the word is formed from an unprefixed perfective verb: deprived. An exception to this rule is "wounded".
  3. If a dependent word belongs to a participle or verbal adjective: pies baked in the oven.
  4. If words are formed using suffixes -ovanna-, -yovan-: roared, organized. Exceptions: chewed, pecked, forged.
  5. If we have an adjective that is formed from a verb with a prefix: desperate, second-hand, shabby, confused, desperate. Exceptions: smart, named (father), dowry (noun), planted (mother).

Spelling -n- and -nn- in adverbs.

In adverbs -n- And -nn- is written in the same cases as in the adjectives from which it is formed:

Tricky - tricky; excited - excitedly.

Spelling -n- and -nn- in adjectives.

In adjectives -n- is written in the following cases:

  1. If the adjective is formed without a suffix: spicy, young.
  2. In possessive adjectives that were formed using the suffix -in-: eagle, swan, ant.
  3. In relative adjectives that were formed using suffixes -an-, -yan-: woolen, leather.Exceptions make up adjectives glass, wood, tin.
  4. In adjectives oil And windy (BUT! Windless).

-nn- is written in adjectives in the following cases:

  1. If the stem of the noun from which the adjective is derived ends in -n: foggy+ny.
  2. If the adjective is formed using suffixes -onn-, -enn-: straw, traditional, station.
  3. In the above words-exceptions: windless, glass, tin, wood.

One and two N in adverbs ending in –o, -e.

(continued topic)


    Strengthen students' spelling skills n-nn in adverbs ending in -o, -e; teach to distinguish parts of speech that are similar in form (short verbal adjectives, short participles, adverbs);

    develop memory, logical thinking, and literate writing skills;

    cultivate interest in language.

Progress of the lesson.

    Organizational moment.

Homework: ex. 258.

    Updating students' knowledge.

1. Survey.

- Remember what topic we studied in the last lesson?

- What do we need to know in order to correctly write adverbs with N or NN?

- Remember when we write N and NN in adjectives?

(In adjectives, one letter N is written in the suffixes -IN-, -AN-, -YAN-.

For example: swan (in the suffix -IN- one letter N is written), leather (in the suffix

AN- is written with one letter N), woolen (in the suffix -YAN- one letter N is written).


(Two letters N are written in adjectives, whose suffixes begin with the letter O or E.


Exception: windy

Two letters N are written in adjective names formed using the suffix N from nouns with a stem starting with the letter N.

For example: PLAIN = PLAINS N A+ N)

Thus, in adverbs we write as many N as in the adjective and participle from which this adverb is formed. (slide 1)

2. Checking homework.

Ex. 259.

The word "epic" comes from the word "byl". But is that all told in epics, did it really happen?

What has been said is the full participle of the owl species, which means we write NN.

Performers of epics are always enthusiastically, sincerely told about courageous heroes who fearlessly fought with the enemies of the Russian land.

Enthusiastic - adverb (from the adjective enthusiastic); sincerely-adverb (from adj.sincere), fearlessly – adverb (from adj.fearless)

Of course, in epics a lot fiction, but in them excitedly tells about the battles and exploits of heroes who steadfastly endured the most difficult trials.

A lot is an adverb (can be replaced with a synonym - a lot), excitedly is an adverb (excited).

Attentively Listening to or reading ancient tales, people remember memorable events in Russian history.

Attentively – adverb (derived from adjective – attentive).

People it's no coincidence composed epics about noble intercessors who faithfully and selflessly serve people, protecting their freedom and peaceful life.

It is no coincidence - an adverb (you can choose a synonym - naturally, logically), devotedly - an adverb (from the adjective - devoted), selflessly - an adverb (selfless - adjective)

    Explanation of new material.

Please look again at our rule (on the slide) and tell me which rule and what knowledge will still be useful to us in correctly writing N and NN in adverbs?

(We will need knowledge of the correct spelling of N and NN in participles, in addition, we must learn to distinguish between short verbal adjectives, short participles and adverbs).

Let's look at examples:

1. Class concentrated listened teacher's explanations.

Class-subject, listened – predicate; listened - (how?) with concentration - this is a circumstance of the manner of action, expressed by an ADVERB. Refers to a verb, can be replaced by another adverb - attentively. Therefore, this is an adverb in which so much is written n how much is in a word concentrated.

2. Faces everyone were focused, are serious.

Let's do a syntactic analysis of this sentence.

Persons – subject; faces (were what?) – were concentrated – this is a predicate, it can be replaced with a full adjective concentrated, therefore, this is a short adjective, it says so much n , How many n in full form).

3. Troops were focused on the plain.

Let's do a syntactic analysis of this sentence.

Troops – subject; were concentrated – predicate; Focused- can be replaced with a verb concentrated, therefore, this is a short participle in which one letter is written n .)


1) If in a sentence the circumstance of the manner of action (question to and to?) refers to the verb - this is an adverb in which so many are always written n , how much is in the word from which it is derived; it can be replaced by another adverb.

2) If the word is a predicate, then it can be a short participle or a short adjective. The short participle can be replaced with a verb. Sometimes with a short participle there is a word indicating the producer of the action. A short participle always contains one letter n .

A short adjective answers the question k a k o v? It can be replaced by the full form. A short adjective often acts as a homogeneous member. It says so much n , how many are in full shape.


    Consolidation of acquired knowledge.

1. Collective work with the class.

Using a reasoning diagram, explain the spelling of N and NN in different parts of speech.

1) Thoughts are focused (focused) on the report(in a short participle one letter is always written n ).

cr. adj. cr. adj.

2) Girl(Where are you?) attentive Andconcentrated (attentive and focused; a short adjective says so much n , How many n in full form).


3) She listened(How?) concentrated(so much is written n , How many n in the word from which the adverb is derived).

Exhibition organized sponsors (short participle, can be replaced - organized by sponsors).

Excursionpassed(How?) in an organized manner (adverb, derived from the word organized, in the word organized two n )

Student(why?) disciplined Andorganized (short attached, can be replaced with the full form disciplined and organized)

Meeting excited message (short participle, can be replaced with a verb - the meeting was excited by the message).

Alllistened message (to?) excitedly . ( adverb derived from the word - excited, in which NN is written)

Seeds scattered across the field (short participle, can be replaced with a verb - the seeds were scattered)

2. Work in pairs.

Assignments: write out SS with adverbs. Explain the spelling of N and NN.

shouted enthusiastically

very much

it smelled strong

lay scattered

terribly boring

held tightly

completely uninteresting

enthusiastically – enthusiastic (participle)

strongly – strong (adjective)

scattered – scattered (participle)

terrible - terrible (participle)

intensely – intensified (participle)

absolutely – perfect (adjective)

interesting – interesting (adjective)

Upon completion of the work, a mutual check takes place.

    Independent work.

Vzvolnova..about talk

Looked crazy...

Desperately..o screamed

The guys' attention is scattered..o

The wind scatters the seeds across the field

Slowly walked through the city

The roofs of the houses turned white with snow

Excitedly speak (adverb)

Crazy looked (adverb)

Desperately shouted (adverb)

Attention guys absently(adjective)

by the wind scattered seeds in the field (participle)

Slowly walked through the city (adverb)

Snowy the roofs of the houses turned white (adverb)

Evaluation criteria.

"5" - 8

"4" - 6-7

"3" - 4-5

    Summing up the lesson. Reflection.

What difficulties can you encounter when writing words with this spelling?

What is this connected with?

– What needs to be done to avoid mistakes?


Ex. 258 p. 107. (as assigned)

Spelling -Н- and -НН- in various parts of speech is included in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language for grade 11 (task 14).

The number of letters N in the suffix depends on the part of speech of the word.

Spelling -Н- and -НН- in suffixes of denominal adjectives

One N is written in suffixes:

  • -AN- and -YAN- (clay, sand, etc.), with exceptions: glass, tin, wood;
  • -IN- possessive adjectives (ant, mouse, etc.).

Double N is written:

  • if the adjective is formed from a noun with a stem ending in N, using the suffix -N- (foggy, valuable, etc.), with the exceptions: young, ruddy, swine, zealous, dun, blue, green, crimson;
  • in the suffixes -ONN- and -ENN- (lecture, countless, etc.), with the exception of: windy (however windless - with the prefix NN).

It is necessary to distinguish between the suffixes -ENN- and -YAN-: The suffix -YAN- is usually present in a word simultaneously with the stressed ending -OY (herbal, windy, etc.), except for words formed from nouns ending in -MYA (seed, nominal, tribal, etc.).

It is also necessary to distinguish between the adjectives buttery (verbal, meaning “with oil on the surface”) and oily (nominal, meaning “made from oil”): oiled frying pan (coated with oil) and butter cream (made from oil).

Spelling -Н- and -НН- in suffixes of participles and verbal adjectives

To determine the number of letters H in a suffix, you need to use the algorithm:

  1. Determine the type of the verb from which the participle or verbal adjective is formed (ask a question to the verb: if the question is “what to do?”, then the form is imperfect; if the question is “what to do?”, then the form is perfect. You can also check the type of the verb in another way: if a verb (and a participle or verbal adjective, respectively) has any prefix except NOT- and SEMI-, then the form is perfect, otherwise the form is imperfect):
    • If the type is perfect, the suffix is ​​written -NN- (soaked, fried, etc.);
    • If the view is imperfect, go to step 2;
  2. Check whether the participle or verbal adjective has dependent words:
    • If there is, then the suffix is ​​written -NN- (fried in oil, etc.);
    • If not, then go to step 3;
  3. Check if the participle or verbal adjective has the suffix -OVA- or -YOVA-:
    • If there is, then the suffix is ​​written -NN- (pickled, dispatched, etc.);
    • If not, then the suffix is ​​written -N- (fried, wounded, etc.).

It is worth remembering the spelling of the following words and phrases:

  • with one H: forged, chewed, pecked, smart, mad, dowry, named brother, imprisoned father, forgiven Sunday, melted butter, patched-patched (and similar words);
  • with double H: unexpected, unforeseen, unseen, unheard, desired, cutesy, accidental, read, seen, heard, done, seen, unexpected, sacred, slow, offended, decided, deprived, captive, abandoned, said, given, released, forgiven, promised , bought, inspired, heated house.

Spelling -Н- and -НН- in suffixes of short participles and adjectives and adverbs

The number of N depends on the part of speech:

  • Short participles always have one H in the suffix (answer the questions “what has been done?”, “what has been done?”, there is a dependent word or it is implied, a short participle can be replaced with verb in a sentence): he is confident in his friend;
  • Short verbal adjectives have as many Ns in the suffix as there are in their full form (answer the question “what(s)?”): she was confident and proud;
  • Adverbs ending in -O, formed from adjectives or participles, have as many Hs in the suffix as there are in the adjective or participle from which they are formed (answer the question “how?”): he felt confident.

Spelling -Н- and -НН- in noun suffixes

If a noun is formed from a noun with a stem ending in N, using suffixes:

  • -NIK- or -NITs-, then the word is written -NN- (fan, admirer, etc.);
  • -OST-, then the word is written -N- (laziness, etc.).

If a noun is formed from an adjective or participle with a stem ending in H, using the suffixes -IK-, -ITs-, -OST-, then it has as many Hs in the suffix as there are in the adjective or participle from which it is formed: smoked (from “smoked”), entanglement (from “entangled”), etc.