Researchers of ancient myths and legends mention a mysterious world - Hyperborea. This country was also called Arctida.

To find its possible location, you need to look at the northern territories of the planet. Hyperborea is a hypothetical ancient continent or large island that existed in the north of the Earth, near the North Pole, inhabited by a once powerful civilization. The name should be understood as follows: Hyperborea is what is located in the far north, “beyond the north wind Boreas,” in the Arctic.

Hyperborea in myths and legends

Until now, the fact of the existence of Hyperborea has not been confirmed, except for ancient Greek legends and the image of this landmass in old engravings, for example on the map of Gerardus Mercator, published by his son Rudolf in 1595. On this map in the center there is an image of the legendary continent of Hyperborea, around - the coast of the Northern Ocean with easily recognizable modern islands and rivers.

It should be noted that this map itself raised many questions among researchers. According to the descriptions of the same ancient Greek chroniclers, Hyperborea allegedly had a favorable climate, where four large rivers flowed out of the central sea or large lake and flowed into the ocean, which is why on the map Hyperborea looks like a “round shield with a cross” (in the picture above).

The Hyperboreans, inhabitants of the ideal Arctida, were especially loved by the god Apollo. In Hyperborea there were his priests and servants. According to ancient custom, Apollo appeared in these lands regularly, each time exactly 19 years.

Perhaps some astronomical data will help understand the essence of the appearance of the Hyperborean Apollo. The lunar nodes return to their starting point in orbit after 18.5 years. All celestial bodies in ancient times were deified, the Moon in Ancient Greece became Selene, and to the names of many Greek gods, the same Apollo, as well as well-known heroes, for example Hercules, a common epithet was added - Hyperborean...

The inhabitants of the country - the Hyperboreans, as well as the Ethiopians, Phaeacians, and lotophages - were among the peoples close to the gods and loved by them. The inhabitants of Hyperborea enjoyed joyful work with prayers, songs, dances, feasts and general endless fun. In Hyperborea, even death occurred only from fatigue and satiety with life. The ritual of interrupting the earthly journey was simple - having experienced all types of pleasure and tired of life, the old Hyperboreans, as a rule, threw themselves into the sea.

The wise Hyperboreans possessed a huge amount of knowledge, the most advanced at that time. It was the natives of these lands, the Apollonian sages Abaris and Aristaeus, who were considered both servants and a hypostasis of Apollo, who taught the Greeks to compose poems and hymns and first discovered the basic wisdom, music, and philosophy. Under their leadership, the legendary Delphic Temple was built... These teachers, according to the chronicle, also owned the symbols of the god Apollo, including the arrow, raven, and laurel with miraculous powers.

Pliny the Elder on Hyperborea

The historian of the ancient world Pliny the Elder took the description of the amazing country very seriously. From his notes, the location of the little-known country is almost unambiguously traced. Getting to Hyperborea, according to Pliny, was difficult, but not entirely impossible. It was only necessary to jump over some northern Hyperborean mountains:

“Behind these mountains, on the other side of Aquilon, a happy people... who are called Hyperboreans, reach quite advanced years and are glorified by wonderful legends... The Sun shines there for six months, and this is only one day when the Sun does not hide... from the spring equinox to the autumn one. The luminaries there rise only once a year at the summer solstice, and set only at the winter solstice... This country is entirely in the sun, has a favorable climate and is devoid of any harmful wind. Homes for residents are groves and forests; the cult of the Gods is carried out by individuals and the whole society; Discord and all sorts of diseases are unknown there. Death comes there only from satiety with life... One cannot doubt the existence of this people..."

There is another indirect evidence of the former existence of a highly developed polar civilization.

Piri Reis Map

7 years before Magellan's first voyage around the world, the Turk Piri Reis drew up a map of the world, which indicated not only America and the Strait of Magellan, but also Antarctica, which Russian navigators were to discover only 300 years later... The coastline and some of the relief details are presented on it with such precision that can only be achieved with aerial photography, or even shooting from space. The southernmost continent of the planet on the Piri Reis map is devoid of ice cover! It has rivers and mountains. The distances between the continents have been changed to some extent, which confirms the fact of their drift.

A short entry in Piri Reis's diaries states that he compiled his map based on materials from the era. How did they know about Antarctica in the 4th century BC? e.?

An interesting fact is that in the 70s of the 20th century, a Soviet Antarctic expedition was able to establish that the ice shell covering the continent is at least 20,000 years old. It turns out that the age of the real primary source of information is at least 200 centuries. And if so, the conclusion suggests itself: when the map was compiled, there was probably a developed civilization on Earth that, in such ancient times, was able to achieve such incredible successes in cartography.

The Hyperboreans could have been contenders for the title of the best cartographers of those times. Fortunately, they also lived at the Pole, but not at the South Pole, but at the North Pole. Both poles in those days were free of ice and cold. The ability to fly, which the Hyperboreans had, according to legend, made flights from pole to pole common. Perhaps this can explain why the original map was drawn up as if the observer were in earth orbit...

But soon, as we already know, the polar regions were covered with ice... It is believed that the highly developed civilization of Hyperborea, which perished as a result of a climate cataclysm, left behind descendants - the Aryans, and they, in turn, the Slavs...

In search of Hyperborea

The search for Hyperborea is akin to the search, with the only difference that a part of the land still remains from the sunken Hyperborea - this is the north of present-day Russia. However, some interpretations suggest that Atlantis and Hyperborea are generally the same continent... To some extent, future expeditions should approach the solution to the great mystery. In the north of Russia, numerous geological teams have more than once encountered traces of the activity of ancient civilizations.

1922 - in the area of ​​Seydozero and Lovozero in the Murmansk region. An expedition took place under the leadership of Varchenko and Kondiain, which was engaged in ethnographic, psychophysical and simply geographical research. Searchers discovered an unusual hole going underground. The researchers were unable to penetrate inside - a strange, unaccountable fear, an almost tangible horror, literally bursting out from the black throat, prevented it. One local resident said that “it felt like you were being skinned alive!” A collective photograph has been preserved (published in NG-nauka, October 1997), in which 13 members of the expedition were photographed next to the mystical hole.

Upon returning to Moscow, the materials of the expedition were carefully studied, including at Lubyanka. The fact is that A. Barchenko’s expedition was personally supported by Felix Dzerzhinsky at the preparation stage. And this was during the most hungry years for Soviet Russia, immediately after the end of the civil war! As you can see, the expedition had very important tasks. It is now difficult to figure out exactly what Barchenko went to Seydozero for; he himself was repressed and shot, and the materials he obtained were never published anywhere.

In the 90s of the last century, Doctor of Philosophy V.N. Demin drew attention to the rather meager memories that have reached us about Barchenko’s finds, and when he studied local legends in detail and compared them with Greek ones, he came to the conclusion: traces of ancient civilization follow search here.

These places are truly amazing. To this day, Seydozero evokes awe or at least respect among local residents. Just 100–200 years ago, its southern shore was the most honorable stone burial site for shamans and other respected members of the Sami people. For them, the name Seydozero and the afterlife paradise were simply one and the same. Fishing there was even allowed only one day a year...

In Soviet times, the area north of the lake was considered a strategic raw material base - large reserves of rare earth metals were discovered here. Now Seydozero and Lovozero are famous for the frequent manifestations of various anomalous phenomena. For example, there are reports of the appearance of the legendary Bigfoot in these places...

In 1997–1999, in the same place, under the leadership of V. Demin, searches were again undertaken, only this time for the remains of the ancient civilization of Hyperborea. And the news was not long in coming. The expeditions discovered several destroyed ancient buildings, including a stone “observatory” on Mount Ninchurt; stone “road”, “staircase”, “Etruscan anchor”; strange metal “matryoshka doll”. Several images of the “trident”, “lotus”, as well as the giant (70 m) rock cross-shaped image of a man known to all local old-timers - “old man Koivu” - were studied. As the legend says, this is a “foreign” Swedish god, defeated and embedded in a rock south of Karnasurta...

But, as it turned out, “old man Koivu” is made of blackened stones, along which water has been oozing from the rock for centuries. With other finds, things are also not so simple. Professional geologists and archaeologists are skeptical about the above-mentioned finds, considering them nothing more than a play of nature, constructions of the Sami up to several centuries ago and the remains of the activities of Soviet geologists in 1920-30. But criticism is useful because it forces researchers to look for additional evidence.

A classic example: Heinrich Schliemann discovered Troy where it “should not be.” To repeat this kind of success, you must at least be passionate. All of Professor Demin’s opponents call him overly enthusiastic.

Once upon a time, the climate of the current Russian North was much more favorable. As Lomonosov wrote, “in the northern regions in ancient times there were great heatwaves, where elephants could be born and reproduce... it was possible.” Perhaps the sharp cooling occurred as a result of some kind of cataclysm or a slight shift in the earth's axis (according to the calculations of ancient Babylonian astronomers and Egyptian priests, this happened 399,000 years ago). But the option with turning the axis “does not work.” After all, according to the ancient Greek chronicles, a highly developed civilization existed in Hyperborea only a few thousand years ago, and precisely at or near the North Pole. This is clear from the descriptions, and these descriptions should be trusted, because it is impossible to invent and describe the polar day exactly as it is visible only at the pole and nowhere else.

Where was Hyperborea?

If you ask the question about the specific location of Hyperborea, there is no clear answer, since there are not even islands near the North Pole. But... there is a powerful underwater ridge, named after the discoverer, the Lomonosov Ridge, and nearby is the Mendeleev Ridge. They actually sank to the bottom of the ocean relatively recently - by geological standards. If so, then the inhabitants of the hypothetical Hyperborea, at least some of them, had time to move to the current continent in the area of ​​the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, the Kola or Taimyr Peninsula, and most likely - Russia, east of the Lena delta. Exactly where, according to legend, the “Golden Woman” is hidden.

If Hyperborea - Arctida is not a myth, then how to explain the warm climate in the large circumpolar territory? Powerful geothermal heat? A small country may well be warmed by the warmth of gushing geysers (like Iceland), but this will not save it from the onset of winter. And in the reports of the ancient Greeks there is no mention of thick plumes of steam, and it would be impossible not to notice them. But perhaps this hypothesis has a right to exist: volcanoes and geysers warmed Hyperborea, and then one fine day they destroyed it...

Russian science fiction writers became the first holders of passports from the legendary Hyperborea

In the Murmansk region there is a small town with a population of just over 16 thousand people - Kovdor. This is a polar settlement, relatively young, formed in 1953 in connection with the construction of an iron ore mining and processing plant here.

Archaeologists Kachalovs: falsification of the history of ancient Rus' continues to this day

Russian archaeologists Elena and Igor Kachalov argue that the falsification of the history of ancient Rus' continues to this day. It would be more accurate to say this: all evidence that the Russians are descendants of the Rus - the ancient white gods of the great Arctic Hyperborea - is being destroyed throughout the planet.

Scientists do not deny the existence and death of Hyperborea

Everyone has heard about Atlantis, less known are the myths about the sunken continents of Lemuria and the Pacific. The Russians have a legend about Hyperborea. Does this myth have a scientific basis? What do scientists say, could Hyperborea exist?

Puppeteers, they are also the Illuminati...

Today there is a lot of talk about who really rules the roost on our planet, why have relations between the West and Russia suddenly become so tense, and where is humanity being dragged by the world government, which we call the Illuminati or puppeteers?

Hyperborea can be reborn!

The Riphean Mountains and Mount Meru are the same geographical feature. It is absolutely clear to people who have been to the North that this is the Valdai Ridge, which passes into the Northern Uvaly. This is the watershed of the rivers of northern and southern flow, which stretches from the Baltic to the Urals.

Our roots are at the North Pole

In the 19th century, the rector of Boston University, Warren, argued that the source of modern civilization was the Arctic region of the Earth. Nowadays, the famous traveler, artist and orientalist Allan Rannu is engaged in similar research.

Hyperborea on Mercator's map: Can the great cartographer be trusted?

A huge number of articles are devoted to Hyperborea (Arctis), and not one of them is complete without using the map of Gerhard (or Gerard) Mercator of 1569 depicting this mysterious continent as the most convincing argument in favor of its existence.

Myth of Atlantis

For more than two thousand years, people's minds have been haunted by Plato's story about Atlantis. Information about this country was allegedly reported by Sanches, the high priest of the temple in Sais, to Plato's ancestor, the ancient Greek philosopher and statesman, Solon.

Traces of the legendary Hyperbory ​​in the Donetsk region

An amateur archaeologist from the Donetsk region, Andrey Shulga, claims to have made a scientific discovery of world significance. He claims that he managed to find in the Volnovakha region traces of the mythical country of Hyperborea, which, according to legend, became the ancestor of all European civilization. “Today” writes about this.

Hyperborea is an ancient civilization. Where was Hyperborea?

The mysterious country of Hyperborea is known to us from ancient Greek myths, according to which this state was located in the north. Like Atlantis, the existence of this highly developed state is not confirmed by reliable historical or archaeological sources.

Hyperborean heritage

We are left with only dreams of the great past. Russia in the present, being simply a country that commercially sells its mineral resources to foreign countries, can hardly be called “great” in the full sense of the word. But are there any real remnants of past greatness?

What caused the cataclysm? Doctor of Philosophy, researcher of the Russian North Valery Demin and his Ancient Hyperborea. The remains of a past civilization are artifacts collected on expeditions.

Changeable climate...

There, scientists took soil samples from the ocean floor and then carried out an isotope analysis of the carbon contained in the remains of algae and shells. And he showed that 55 million years ago the water in these latitudes warmed up to 24 degrees and was not much different from the equatorial one. This means that there are some factors that official science is not yet able to take into account.

Russian archaeologists, during excavations on the Yana River in northern Yakutia, discovered spearheads made from mammoth tusks and one, very unusual, made from the horn of a woolly rhinoceros.

These finds, as well as animal bones and stone tools, are twice as old as previously known traces of human presence in the Far North. Archaeologists have come to the conclusion: the ancestors of modern people hunted in the Arctic 30 thousand years ago, and not 14 thousand, as was thought before this discovery. But this is not the limit.

A lost sensation - man could not have appeared in Siberia before 30 thousand years ago.

— If we proceed from the officially accepted history of mankind, then yes. We have already mentioned in passing that information about many finds of archaeologists and anthropologists is simply hushed up if the age of the found remains “does not fit” into the scale accepted by Darwinists.

In 1982, archaeologist Yuri Mochanov discovered the ancient site of Diring-Yuryakh on the right bank of the Lena River, 140 km away. from Yakutsk. Unique tools, deposits of boulders and pebbles with obvious traces of mechanical impact were found there. The age of the finds, as determined by archaeologists, was amazing - at least 2.5 million years!

And this is several hundred thousand years younger than any African site.

Naturally, such a chronology contradicts the hypothesis of the tropical origin of man and becomes an additional argument in favor of the concept of his polar ancestral home.

It was a sensation! At the end of the 80s, the All-Union Conference “The Problem of the Ancient Homeland of Humanity in the Light of New Archaeological and Anthropological Discoveries” was held in Yakutia.

“The monuments of Diring culture are not only a national, but also a universal, planetary heritage. Their comprehensive study can have important long-term significance in the world science of the origin of mankind.”

SCIENTISTS argue whether Atlantis existed and, if so, where to look for it? The ancestral home of humanity, a symbol of an ideal state whose inhabitants possessed secret knowledge - this is what is meant by Atlantis.

In mythology, this country is opposed to Hyperborea, a civilization whose name translated from Greek means “beyond the north wind.”

However, a number of scientists over the past centuries have tried to prove that the legendary Atlantis was located in the north before its destruction. In other words, this... is Hyperborea.

The Aborigines considered them gods

— WHAT is your hypothesis based on? What is its scientific basis?

— Firstly, there are the results of nine of our expeditions. Artifacts have been found that require explanation. Secondly, an analysis of ancient texts was carried out.

In books such as the Indian " Rig Veda" and Iranian " Avesta", in Chinese and Tibetan historical chronicles, in the German epic and Russian epics, in numerous myths and legends of different peoples of the world, the northern ancestral home with polar phenomena is described - the northern lights, polar night and day, etc. According to ancient ideas, it was from the north that people once migrated ancestors of modern ethnic groups.

There is reason to believe that previously the climate in the Arctic Circle was much more favorable for living. Perhaps the continent was washed by a warm current like the Gulf Stream.

Russian oceanographers have established that in the period 15-30 thousand years BC, the climate of the Arctic was mild, and the Arctic Ocean was quite warm, despite the presence of glaciers on the continent.

Canadian and American scientists came to approximately the same conclusions. In their opinion, during the Wisconsin glaciation (about 70 thousand years ago), a temperate climate zone was located in the center of the Arctic Ocean.

— Do you want to say that the Hyperborean civilization was older than mammoths?

— Yes, it existed 15-20 thousand years ago. And it had aircraft in its arsenal; it was a highly developed civilization. The sacred books of many nations contain descriptions of contacts with “heavenly aliens.”

The aborigines attributed these phenomena to the realm of the miraculous and considered the Hyperboreans to be gods or demigods. I think that the overwhelming majority of archaic myths telling about the deeds of gods and demigods are just the actual history of the Earth dressed in esoteric form.

Atlanteans from the island of Spitsbergen

- BUT WHY did these “heavenly aliens” necessarily come from the polar regions? They could be, dare I say it, aliens.

- Well, I didn’t come up with all this out of the blue. Let's look at the background of the question. For a long time it was believed that the ancestral home of all civilizations was in the Middle East. In the twentieth century, evolutionary scientists moved the cradle of humanity to Africa.

But in the Hindu, Buddhist and Vedic traditions, other ideas prevailed.

The first of those who gave a serious scientific substantiation of the polar concept of the origin of civilizations and world cultures was the Frenchman Jean Sylvain Bailly, a famous astronomer and public figure of the 18th century.

Having studied the information available to him, Bayi came to the conclusion that all the existing achievements of the ancients were based on even earlier achievements of an unknown (“lost”) people who had highly developed knowledge.

Among other things, he analyzed the astronomical calculations of antiquity and realized: those peoples who in the 18th century were classified as southern ethnic groups previously lived in northern (often polar) latitudes.

Bailly was the first to point out the polar origin of the myth of the dying and resurrecting god, which exists in many cultures.

Such ancient deities as the Egyptian Osiris or the Syrian Adonis (who later migrated to the Greco-Roman pantheon) personified the Sun in the distant past. And, as you know, in northern latitudes it disappears behind the horizon for several months, giving way to the long polar night.

Bailly calculated that the 40-day cycle preceding the resurrection of Osiris corresponds to the "dying and resurrection" of the Sun at a northern latitude of 68 degrees. It is here that one should look for the ancestral home of the Egyptians with their solar cult of Osiris.

If we look at the map of the Eastern Hemisphere, we will see that the sixty-eighth parallel runs through the center of the Kola Peninsula, crosses Yamal and the Gulf of Ob, as well as vast territories of Western and Eastern Siberia.

Jean Bailly was sure that before the cold snap in the North, Spitsbergen and other Arctic territories were inhabited by powerful Atlanteans.

“The Atlanteans,” he wrote, “who came from an island in the Arctic Sea, are definitely Hyperboreans - inhabitants of a certain island about which the Greeks told us so much.”

Bailly lived in the 18th century, but since then science has stepped far forward. Genetics have proven that all modern humanity descended from a small tribe of a couple of thousand people that lived in East Africa.

— All of humanity cannot be subjected to genetic analysis. Along with this group of ancestors, others could have existed.

We know that the theory of evolution has many blind spots and contradictions. Only at the end of the twentieth century did scientists recognize that Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons were completely independent groups of troglodytes, and not a consistent chain of humanoids, as previously thought.

And what are the facts of concealing the remains found by anthropologists worth if their age does not fit into the scale accepted by Darwinists?! They gather dust in storage rooms, they are not exhibited in museums, they are not written about in textbooks.

The history of mankind is still shrouded in mystery. It is possible that, along with primitive ape-people, more intelligent creatures lived on the planet.

A significant part of the population of Hyperborea died as a result of a planetary cataclysm, but some managed to take refuge in underground shelters and then spread to the south, forming new ethnic centers.

- WHO, besides Baya, has seriously studied this problem?

- Oh, this is a whole direction in science! Not only geographers and historians were involved here, but also linguists. At the end of the 19th century, the rector of Boston University, William Warren, published the book “Paradise Found at the North Pole” - it went through 11 editions!

Based on the analysis of extensive material, he showed that all archaic legends about the earthly paradise (Eden) are vague memories of the once-existent fertile land, which was located in the Far North.

- WHAT is meant by Hyperborea? What lands are we talking about?

— At the moment, it makes sense to look for traces of this civilization in the Eurasian and American North, on the islands and archipelagos of the Arctic Ocean, on the ocean shelf, at the bottom of some seas, lakes and rivers. Moreover, the largest number of places and artifacts that can be interpreted from a Hyperborean point of view are located in Russia.

Many of them have already received expert assessment, others are still waiting to be discovered. Currently, active search work is being carried out on the Kola Peninsula, on Vaygach Island, in Karelia, in the Urals, in Western Siberia, in Khakassia, Yakutia, and other regions. There are prospects for research in Franz Josef Land, Taimyr, and Yamal.

The geological concept of “Hyperborean platform” has already come into circulation. Its dynamics are discussed - how and for what reasons did it sink to the bottom of the ocean? — That is, Hyperborea was located not only on the currently existing lands, but also on those that went under water? — One of the maps of the Fleming Gerard Mercator, the most famous cartographer of all time, depicts a huge continent in the North Pole region. It is an archipelago of islands separated by deep rivers.

In the very center there is a mountain (according to legend, the ancestors of the Indo-European peoples lived near Mount Meru). Where did this land come from on the map, since in the Middle Ages nothing was known about the polar Arctic?

There is reason to believe that Mercator had some kind of ancient map in his hands - he mentioned this in one of his letters in 1580. And on that map, the Northern Ocean was free of ice, and in its center there was a continent. Mercator simply took this circumstance into account.

Catherine's secret decree

— IF ancient cartographic sources were available to selected people, did any of them try to penetrate north in search of Hyperborea? “Moreover, these were our compatriots.” Information about the Arctic ancestral home spread through Masonic channels and reached Catherine the Great.

With the help of Lomonosov, she organized two expeditions. On May 4, 1764, the Empress signed a secret decree. According to official documents, the goal of Admiral Vasily Chichagov’s expedition was presented as “Resumption of whale and other animal and fisheries on Spitsbergen.”

However, in the memoirs of Chichagov’s son it is referred to as “an expedition to the North Pole.” Only when the ship entered the open sea was it necessary to open a special package with instructions. It was said there that you need to swim towards the pole. The instructions were written by Lomonosov's hand.

The expedition stumbled upon thick ice and returned back.

— Why was Catherine interested in Hyperborea?

“I think she was attracted by what attracted other rulers long before her—the secret of eternal youth (or even immortality). According to legend, the elixir of youth is one of the “know-hows of the Hyperboreans.” The Empress was a woman, let's not forget that.

P.S. The Cheka and Dzerzhinsky personally also showed interest in the search for Hyperborea. What was discovered in the Russian North in the twentieth century? And why are its geographical names so consonant with Sumerian, Indian and ancient Greek words?

They were seized with fear before the hole

— YOU ASSUME that the empress was interested in the recipe for the “elixir of youth” or even immortality, which the Hyperboreans allegedly possessed.

What other “know-how” did they have at their disposal?

- The secret of the Ultimate Weapon, similar in strength to nuclear weapons. In any case, the 20th century expedition led by Alexander Barchenko was looking for him. Just not at the North Pole, which by that time was already more or less clear. It was worth searching on the Arctic islands, mysteriously disappearing lands, and all over - from the Kola Peninsula to Chukotka.

Barchenko was a famous esoteric researcher. They say he had extrasensory abilities and studied the issues of transmitting thoughts at a distance. And on the Kola Peninsula he acted with the mandate of the Brain Institute and with the personal blessing of Academician Bekhterev.

The fact is that, among other things, Bekhterev was interested in polar psychosis. It is inherent to the aborigines of the North. For no apparent reason, people fall into a mass trance and behave like zombies: they sway, speak in an incomprehensible language and do not feel pain.

The Cheka became interested in Barchenko’s research. Firstly, it could be used to create psychotronic weapons. Secondly, the security officers were already beginning to supervise atomic developments. And Dzerzhinsky personally supported Barchenko’s expedition to the remote areas of the Kola Peninsula. This was in 1922.

Near the sacred Seydozero, the researchers saw a giant black figure of a man with outstretched arms crossed on a rock.

They discovered rectangularly hewn “pyramids” on the tops of mountains and in swamps, and found paved areas - as if the remains of an ancient road. The expedition members also came across an unusual hole leading into the depths of the earth.

But no one dared to go down there. They say they felt the opposition of some forces, they were overcome by sudden fear.

Entrance is difficult to find

- NOT GOOD for searching for the Ultimate Weapon. Iron Felix was unlikely to be satisfied...

“I’m sure that Barchenko still entered the ancient shelter and found something there.” It is possible that upon his return he presented material evidence to the Cheka to support his ideas. In any case, the results of the research were classified in the archives.

We made inquiries to the FSB, and we were told that all documentation was destroyed in 1941, when the Germans were approaching Moscow.

He himself was accused of espionage and executed in 1938. Already in prison, he asked for a pencil and paper in order to outline in detail everything he knew. As soon as the manuscript was completed, he was executed. What happened to the researcher’s written work is unknown.

- But did you find this mysterious hole during your expeditions?

- No, and this is understandable. Firstly, finding the entrance to an underground cave can be very difficult - speleologists know this well. It sometimes turns out to be inconspicuous, lost among piles of stones and rocks, and also overgrown with bushes.

An illustrative example is Abrau-Durso, a champagne wine factory near Novorossiysk. In the depths of the mountain, storage basements were built; this warehouse is five kilometers long. But the Germans were never able to penetrate there during the war! And this despite the fact that hundreds of excursionists used to be taken to the plant, its location was not a special secret.

Secondly, I do not rule out that the entrance was blown up. Since the mid-30s, a camp for political prisoners was organized in the Seydozero area. They even built something there, but in the 50s they blew everything up. Only traces of destroyed structures remained. But you won’t get anything from the special services!

What did modern expeditions manage to discover in the Seydozero area? To be continued in the next issues.

Sites on the pyramids

- WHAT did you find there? — The deepest research was carried out in the area of ​​Seydozero, a sacred lake on the Kola Peninsula. In 2001, we made a geolocation there. And she showed that under the bottom of the reservoir there is a tunnel clogged with silt.

It runs from one bank to the other and goes into the depths of Mount Ninchurt. The ground penetrating radar, which “translates” the ground to 30 m, stated that there are extensive underground shelters in the mountains at both ends of the tunnel. And the geologists who were there unanimously declared that the natural origin of the caves was impossible.

An equally unexpected result was produced by the same “paved road” found by Barchenko. It turned out that the stonework went in even rows at right angles one and a half meters underground. Of course, the walls of Troy, excavated by Schliemann, are ten times larger, but it is possible that we are also dealing with some kind of defensive fortification.

— Did you find the pyramids that Alexander Barchenko wrote about?

- Yes, we discovered several pyramids, they look like mounds, and they also need to be examined with ground penetrating radar.

Among them there are those whose top is, as it were, cut off with a knife, and in its place an absolutely flat area is found.

Remains of foundations, geometrically correct blocks, inverted columns were also found... It is clear that powerful stone structures used to exist everywhere in the North. In general, the northern coast of the polar seas - from the Kola Peninsula to Chukotka - is replete with pyramidal pillars made of stones, they are called " Guria».

In appearance, they resemble Lapland seids - religious structures made of stones, which were worshiped by the Lapp Sami from ancient times. It is believed that they were placed in prominent places as beacons so that they could navigate the area well.

An examination of samples broken off from stone blocks showed that they are of technogenic origin, and their age is about 10 thousand years BC.

Still, it was very important for us to discover underground shelters in the polar territories. Unfortunately, it didn't work out. We are sure that they are there, just hidden from view.

— Couldn’t the local residents help in this search?

- They are afraid of this like fire! The Sami say: “We have no right to reveal the secret.” Like, yes, my father told me something, but if I show you these places, I’ll die right there. And it is impossible to convince them.

"Arctic homeland in the Vedas"

— YOU SAID that in the books of various ancient cultures there are references to polar realities, which implies that these peoples came from the North. Can you give examples?

- There are a lot of them. The ancient Iranian “Avesta” describes the Ancient Home of humanity, where the Sun rises and sets once a year, and the year itself is divided into one long day and long night.

This, as is known, occurs in high polar latitudes. It also talks about the aurora, and the behavior of the Sun is described as it is seen in the Far North. There is a phrase in the Vedas: “What is a year is only one day and one night of the Gods.”

The Indian scientist and public figure Balgangadhar Tilak conducted a scrupulous textual analysis of the sacred books. He studied Sanskrit sources, the ancient Aryan cult of the Sun and the goddess of the dawn Ushas. Tilak calculated the length of days and nights, dawns and twilights, months and seasons according to their descriptions in the books of the ancient Aryans.

Scientists superimposed these calculations on a map of Russia and saw that the realities described in the Rig Veda are suitable for the latitude of Murmansk and Yamal. Tilak called his work widely known in the West.

Evidence of the presence of historical peoples in the Arctic can be found in Homer’s Odyssey. Polar realities are found even in the Bible.

Intrusive "frame"

— Are there any hints in ANCIENT RUSSIAN texts that our ancestral home was located in the North?

— There is research data on Slavic folklore, it was carried out by our compatriot Lilia Alekseeva. The result was her monograph "Auroras in the mythology of the Slavs." It convincingly shows that many images in fairy tales, as well as ritual poetry, folk beliefs, conspiracies and spells of our ancestors were inspired by the contemplation of the spectacle of the polar lights.

— The Kola Peninsula, where you went on an expedition, is inhabited by the Sami. Do they have “memories” of Hyperborea in their language?

— The Sami language belongs to the Finno-Ugric branch. What can make it related to the Indo-European language family? Nevertheless, on the Kola Peninsula, geographical names (most of them given by the Sami) often contain the roots “Indus” and “Ganges,” reminiscent of the famous Indian rivers.

These are the Indiga, Indera, Indichjok rivers, the hill, the river and the village of Indel, and the Indera lakes. Also in the Russian North are the Ganges Island, Gangasikha Bay, Gangas Bay and Hill, Gangos Mountain and Lake.

There is another root base common to many Indo-European languages ​​and languages ​​of other branches - “ram”, which refers us to the name of the ancient Indian epic “Ramayana”. In the very heart of the Kola Peninsula you will find the Ramatuayvvench-tundra hills, Lake Ramyavr and Mount Rama. Both in Europe and in Asia (including Russia) you can find many names of cities, lakes and rivers with the root base “frames”.

Dahl's dictionary notes the figurative (and at one time, perhaps, the main) meaning of the Russian word “ramo” - “power, strength, power, mighty hand.” Agree, a very suitable nickname for a leader. I think this is how our language (and other European and Asian languages) preserves the memory of Prince Rama, the hero of the epic who led the movement of the Aryans from north to south, as described in the Ramayana.

Myths or reality?

- BUT THE SIMILARITY of names does not explain which language is older, Sami or Sanskrit, and where our ancestors migrated. Maybe it was exactly the opposite? People gradually moved from south to north, as modern science claims. And what does the Ramayana have to do with it?

— The assumption that about 7 thousand years ago the Indo-Aryan leader Rama led the ancestors of the Indo-European peoples from the Arctic to the south, Alexander Barchenko, mentioned by us, and his predecessors, the same Tilak, expressed it in his work “The Arctic Homeland in the Vedas.” Let me remind you what is discussed in the Ramayana.

The plot centers on a grandiose battle between the noble prince Rama and bloodthirsty demons - rakshasas. The prince and his associates are helped by the super-perfect people who came from the north. The epic is based on the archaic ideas of the ancient Aryans, including about their Ancient Homeland.

And its symbol, as in the entire Aryan tradition, is the golden Mount Meru, located at the North Pole, in the center of Hyperborea.

- Maybe it's just mythology? Should it be taken so literally?

- Any ethnic groups in all eras, faced with phenomena that they cannot comprehend rationally, with some scientific and technical achievements incomprehensible to them, attributed the phenomena and living beings they saw with their own eyes to the realm of the miraculous and declared this the sphere of activity of the celestials or their messengers, descended from heaven.

I am sure that most archaic myths telling about the deeds of gods and demigods are just the history of a once-existing highly developed civilization dressed in a mystical and esoteric form.

There are numerous references to Hyperborea in the mythology of the ancient Greek gods, in the very history of the formation of the Olympic pantheon.

I do not rule out that the Olympian gods were not fictional characters, but real-life descendants of the Hyperborean titans who reached the Balkans from the north and settled there.

- Now we have reached the most important question. What drove the Hyperboreans from north to south? Why did civilization perish? — It is obvious that a severe cold snap has begun there. What caused the cataclysm, whether it had a natural or man-made cause, one can only guess.

- SO, was the sudden cold snap to blame for the death of Hyperborea?

“This is the first thought that comes to mind when you look at the modern polar climate. After all, numerous data show that the climate in the Arctic has changed at different times. For example, the results of a foreign expedition that took place in 2004 were recently announced - a research vessel, with the help of two icebreakers, “came close” to the North Pole at a distance of only 250 km.

There, scientists took soil samples from the ocean floor and then carried out an isotope analysis of the carbon contained in the remains of algae and shells. And he showed that 55 million years ago the water in these latitudes warmed up to 24 degrees and was not much different from the equatorial one. This means that there are certain factors that official science is not yet able to take into account.

- But 55 million years is a very deep antiquity. You said that the age of Hyperborea is 15-20 thousand years... - Yes. This case is simply typical - we still don’t know much about the Arctic and our North. But here is an example of a discovery where we are talking about times closer to us.

Russian archaeologists, during excavations on the Yana River in northern Yakutia, discovered spearheads made from mammoth tusks and one, very unusual, made from the horn of a woolly rhinoceros.

These finds, as well as animal bones and stone tools, are twice as old as previously known traces of human presence in the Far North.

Archaeologists have come to the conclusion: the ancestors of modern people hunted in the Arctic 30 thousand years ago, and not 14 thousand, as was thought before this discovery. But this is not the limit.

(“We were stunned to see how the wound on the chest had healed without a trace, as soon as the whispering stopped,” said A.A. Kondiain.

The shaman assured that the pass had been received, that Barchenko’s heart would be exceptionally healthy for the rest of his life.

And it's true.

In the morning, the scientist, having shouldered two heavy backpacks, did not go, but ran across the tundra to the treasured rocks of Lovozero, to the sanctuary, Said - to the water.)

Lost sensation

— WELL, before 30 thousand years ago, man could not have appeared in Siberia.— If we proceed from the officially accepted history of mankind, then yes.

We have already mentioned in passing that information about many finds of archaeologists and anthropologists is simply hushed up if the age of the found remains “does not fit” into the scale accepted by Darwinists.

Or it contradicts the hypothesis of the origin of man from Africa and his further settlement to other continents.

In 1982, archaeologist Yuri Mochanov discovered the ancient site of Diring-Yuryakh on the right bank of the Lena River, 140 km from Yakutsk. Unique tools, deposits of boulders and pebbles with obvious traces of mechanical impact were found there. The age of the finds, as determined by archaeologists, was amazing - at least 2.5 million years! And this is several hundred thousand years younger than any African site.

Naturally, such a chronology contradicts the hypothesis of the tropical origin of man and becomes an additional argument in favor of the concept of his polar ancestral home. It was a sensation!

At the end of the 80s, the All-Union Conference was held in Yakutia "The problem of the ancestral home of humanity in the light of new archaeological and anthropological discoveries." Dozens of scientists from institutes and universities gathered. The final document stated:

“The monuments of Diring culture are not only a national, but also a universal, planetary heritage. Their comprehensive study can have important long-term significance in the world science of the origin of mankind.”

The question is, has this changed anything in modern archeology or anthropology? Alas, no.

Bridge between continents

— YOU CALLED research data according to which the climate in the Arctic has changed repeatedly and was once quite suitable for human life. But if Hyperborea was destroyed by a sharp cold snap, why did the continent, which was supposedly located in the middle of the Arctic Ocean, sink to the bottom? “I think there was more than one cataclysm. To understand the cause of the cosmoplanetary tragedy that played out in the open spaces of the earth, one must turn to the data of a whole complex of sciences - geology, geophysics, hydrology, astronomy, cosmology.

In the twentieth century, scientists came to the conclusion about the existence in the distant past of the powerful Tulean landmass in the Arctic Ocean. Zoologists called it Arctida. They noticed that the same animal species live in North America and the polar regions of Eurasia.

This is how the hypothesis arose about the existence of an “Arctic bridge” - land that connected America and Eurasia from 100 to 10 thousand years ago. (However, some geologists call dates closer to us - only 2.5 thousand years ago.)

As you know, the Lomonosov mountain range runs along the bottom of the Arctic Ocean, from Russia to Greenland.

Its peaks rise three kilometers above the ocean floor and reach only one kilometer below the surface of the water. I am sure that the ridge was the main axis of the “Arctic bridge”. In the course of further research, this concept became more and more specific and supported by new facts.

— Let’s say that the “Arctic bridge” could go under water as a result of geological shifts. But in order for it to become sharply cold where there was a tropical climate, some kind of “shake-up” of the planet is simply necessary...

- That's right. That is why it is worth talking about a cosmoplanetary cataclysm, and not just about geological shifts. The cause of the cooling could be a change in the tilt of the axis and a shift in the Earth's poles. It is known that they have repeatedly changed their position throughout the history of the planet.

The same applies to the magnetic poles - it is estimated that over 76 million years the north and south changed places 171 times. Moreover, the last geomagnetic inversion occurred between 10 and 12 thousand years BC.

The time coincides with the death of Hyperborea (or the hypothetical continent of Arctida). Along with the change of poles, the specific location of zones with cold and warm climates on Earth changed. Where ice now reigns and there is a long polar night, tropical vegetation once bloomed.

Why did the Earth “somersault”?

- IN SUCH case, there must be some indications of this global cataclysm in ancient texts... - And there are! Moreover, in a number of texts the reason is directly indicated - a change in the inclination of the sky in relation to the earth, which is only possible when the axis is shifted.

For example, in the ancient Chinese treatise “Huainanzi” it is described as follows: “The sky tilted to the northwest, the Sun, Moon and stars moved.”

Plato in the dialogue “Politician” reported on times when the sunset and sunrise of the Sun were the opposite of the present one - it rose in the west and set in the east, which is possible precisely when the earth’s axis rotates 180 degrees.

Lomonosov, having studied all these written sources, came to the following conclusion: “Therefore it follows that in the northern regions in ancient times there were great heat waves, where elephants were born and multiplied, and other animals, as well as plants, near the equator.”

— What made the poles change places and the Earth “tumble” in interplanetary space? — There could be several reasons.

One of them is the influence of cosmic factors, for example, the invasion of a new massive body into the Solar System, which changed the balance of gravitational forces between the planets and our star. Or a cosmic explosion - within the solar system or beyond.

Modern geophysicists do not rule out that the planet’s “somersault” could have occurred due to the massive accumulation of ice at the poles and their asymmetrical location relative to the earth’s axis. By the way, this hypothesis was supported by Albert Einstein. Here are his words, written in the preface to the book of an American scientist:

“The Earth's rotation acts on these asymmetrical masses, creating a centrifugal moment that is transferred to the rigid earth's crust.

When the magnitude of such a moment exceeds a certain critical value, it causes a movement of the earth’s crust relative to the part of the Earth’s body located inside...”

Venus passed by

— YOU SAID that the Earth’s poles repeatedly changed places, which is why warm and cold places on our planet also “wandered” back and forth. Was this such a common occurrence in the past?

— On the scale of Earth’s history, of course yes.

And the displacement of the earth’s axis is only one of the possible consequences of global cataclysms. I mentioned the hypothesis of a massive body invading the Solar System, which changed the balance of gravitational forces between the planets.

So, the famous American scientist of Russian origin, Immanuel Velikovsky, wrote six books on this topic, combined into the “Centuries in Chaos” series. Having studied thousands of written sources, he came to the conclusion that Venus, the youngest planet of the solar system, could be such a body...

Firstly, the position of the Earth in orbit has changed - east and west have swapped places. Secondly, something caused the disaster. After which Venus appeared in the sky. Where did she come from?

It is assumed that initially it was a huge comet that collided with some planet in the solar system. It eventually stabilized in its current orbit, but not before passing near the Earth and causing a shift in the axis of our planet with all the catastrophic consequences.

Of course, astronomers and other scientists rejected Velikovsky's concept. But space research at the end of the twentieth century confirmed that the age of Venus is indeed much younger than was commonly believed.

Mirages have nothing to do with it

— LET'S RETURN to the search. At the beginning of the 19th century, the famous Yakov Sannikov suggested the existence of vast land north of the New Siberian Islands. Allegedly, he saw her three times from different points. But in the twentieth century it was proven that there is no land there. Maybe Hyperborea is also a kind of “mirage” that has worried humanity for centuries?

“But there are material traces left from this “mirage!” Albeit not in the form we are accustomed to, and also in a destroyed and deformed form. These are stone structures and sculptures. We have already talked about some, we will talk about others later.

Now about Sannikova. There is much evidence of the existence of mysterious disappearing lands in the Arctic. At first people observed them with their own eyes, and then no one could find these lands. There were a lot of such islands - the Lands of Makarov, Bradley, Gilles, Harris, Kenan, Tak-Puk, etc.

They were recorded in ship documents, coordinates were indicated, and recorded on maps. And then they disappeared, God knows how!

- Well, this only confirms the version of mirages. They are known to be found not only in deserts, but also in cold northern latitudes...

— What is the essence of polar mirages? The observer sees what is located beyond the horizon line. Or sees the object distorted. In any case, he will not see the ground where there is solid ice. And then, the disappearing islands were observed not only from the ground, but also from the air, so mirages have nothing to do with it.

In March 1941, an aerial polar expedition led by Ivan Cherevichny photographed a large island in the Laptev Sea with an elongated oval outline and distinct river beds.

The coordinates were recorded, but subsequently no one saw this land there. In 1946, Soviet and American pilots simultaneously photographed an even larger island - 30 km long. Soon after that, he too disappeared forever.

Visions from the past

“And I have read that the Arctic islands are disappearing because many of them consist of permafrost covered with a layer of soil. The waves wash away the icy shores, and the islands become smaller until they disappear completely. - This is only partly true. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that on many lands that subsequently disappeared, researchers saw not only ice, but also rocks.

And also mountains covered with forests. All this, you see, is not so easy to wash away with a wave. And the famous American polar pilot Richard Byrd, as follows from his stories, during one of his flights over the endless expanses of ice, he unexpectedly saw an oasis below - mountains, lakes and huge animals resembling mammoths!

- If we take fantastic hypotheses, I admit that the travelers who observed the mysterious lands were dealing with the so-called chronomirages. True, I prefer another term - “noospheric memory”.

Information about the distant past is stored in the energy-information field of the Universe, surrounding and permeating the Earth. This field can interact with the nervous system of a person or animal and open channels of information accumulated over previous centuries and millennia.

Such possibilities are found in some bioactive zones of the Earth. The North is one of these zones.

Footprints in the snowy desert

— WHAT other phenomena are observed in the Arctic besides disappearing islands? — For example, there is the mystery of the Pole of Inaccessibility.

This is a huge and poorly studied area in the East Siberian Sea. In area it is comparable to several European countries.

Apparently, there was the eastern part of Hyperborea, which sank to the bottom of the ocean.

The mystery is that huge flocks of birds regularly rushed towards the obviously lifeless Pole of Inaccessibility. (By the way, this fact was reflected in the novel you mentioned, “Sannikov’s Land.”) It was possible to reach this area only in 1941.

An air expedition plane led by Ivan Cherevichny made several landings there. No lands were discovered, but the researchers were perplexed when they discovered a chain of arctic fox tracks in the snow leading north.

Where the arctic fox could have come from thousands of kilometers from the mainland is unknown.

In general, when reading many written sources telling about Arctic research, one cannot leave the feeling of mystery. Take the expedition of 1764. The detachment, led by Sergeant Stepan Andreev, set off on dog sleds across the ice of the East Siberian Sea north of the mouth of the Kolyma. Local aborigines said that there was “a large land on which there is quite enough standing forest.”

The expedition reached one of the Bear Islands and there came across a chain of fresh human traces.

Without saying a word, the people turned back and left the island in panic.

But they had been preparing for this trip for a whole year, they knew what they were getting into, and, apparently, they were not timid people!

Maybe they saw something inexplicable? — “Bigfoot”?

— Indeed, residents of the North often talk about meetings with "Bigfoot". It is forbidden to communicate with him - it is taboo. There are known tales of local aborigines about "underground miracle"- an ancient people who were forced to hide underground under the influence of the elements. And he allegedly continues to live there to this day.

WHERE the Hyperborean civilization once existed, local residents often meet Bigfoot. Aboriginal people have stories about "underground miracle"- an ancient people who were forced to hide underground from some cataclysm and continue to live there to this day.

Flying "monkey people"

— SO, Bigfoot is a direct descendant of the Hyperboreans? This civilization has an unenviable fate... - No, the descendants of the Hyperboreans are modern Indo-European peoples.

And Bigfoot, as I assume, descended from another species of humanoids who lived at the same time and in the same territory as the Hyperboreans. What kind of humanoids are these?

According to the traditional beliefs of many peoples of the world, the gods first created the world, and then man. But in the mythology of the ancient Aryans there is another intermediate link, which is not given much importance. It turns out that long before people, the gods created a population of other creatures - highly wise and super-perfect monkeys.

In the ancient Indian epic "Ramayana" a certain one is mentioned "monkey people" who came from the north and helped Rama achieve his brilliant victories. These " ape people"possessed amazing abilities, including the ability to fly.

Similar creatures are described in both Chinese and Tibetan mythologies. I think when the Aryans rushed south after the global climate catastrophe, "monkey people" chose to stay in the north and adapt to new conditions. This population managed to survive in underground shelters, but gradually degraded and lost many skills and abilities.

— Why have scientists still not been able to catch a representative of this “tribe”?

— The largest number of data on encounters with Bigfoot, traces of his presence ( footprints, beds, scraps of fur, excrement) are located on the Kola Peninsula - one of the centers of Hyperborea. But the geology of these places is poorly studied.

It is possible that in the depths of rock formations there are vast voids of natural or artificial origin with favorable geothermal conditions.

And then, Bigfoot is not a primitive relict humanoid, but a fully developed creature, despite the degradation that has occurred. Therefore, he easily leaves everyone who hunts him with their nose.

Sanctuary in the mountains

— YOU WERE GOING TO list what other material traces remained from Hyperborea, besides the already mentioned pyramids, the “paved road”, a tunnel clogged with silt under the bottom of the lake...

— In the summer of 2000, St. Petersburg prospectors discovered Khibiny (this is a mountain range on the Kola Peninsula) traces of a religious building. This is a sanctuary that has been severely damaged by time and erosion, consisting of large stone blocks.

Its central element is a two-meter stone of a “phallic” shape. It resembles the famous Omphalus - the “Navel of the Earth”, which was located in Delphi, the sacred center of the ancient world.

True, that monolith is smaller in size and decorated with a carved pattern, but "Kola Navel" larger and much weathered. Researchers tried to determine the purpose of other stone blocks and came to the conclusion that this entire complex was a structure that served ritual purposes.

And this is not all the finds of search engines in the Russian North. There are also mysterious steps, a stone throne, drawings on stones...

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p style="text-align: right;"> Dmitry Pisarenko

Hyperborea, a mythical country that reveals the secrets of the universe, is mentioned in one of the most amazing documents of the past. Geographers are trying to unravel an ancient map compiled by the Fleming Gerhard Mercator back in the 16th century. The brilliant astronomer never approached the north of Eurasia, but even modern cartographers can envy his accurate diagrams.

It is known that the scientist had access to closed libraries, where he could select the most reliable samples compiled earlier. A deep study of the works allowed Mercator to outline the land at the North Pole with the name “Hyperborea”.

The geographer worked with three sources created in different periods of historical time: before the Flood, after it, and with maps of North America. He was the first to attempt to apply three different periods in one map, and the mysterious continent was identified in the area of ​​​​the Kola Peninsula.

All the governments of the world are ready to pay to find out where Hyperborea itself and its inhabitants have gone. Most researchers talk about a cataclysm that occurred on the planet.

Ancient texts from different places describe incredibly similarly how Hyperborea perished. Scientists believe that terrible destruction could have been caused by a collision with celestial bodies or a volcanic eruption, and a powerful shock caused a tsunami, destroying everything in its path.

On a planet with a shifted axis, according to theorists, the climate changed dramatically, and a huge part of the land sank to the bottom of the ocean. Many sources claim that the flooding of Hyperborea occurred as a result of the war with Atlantis, another ancient state. Today, no one doubts that our planet experienced a severe catastrophe that affected all living things.

Mighty teachers of the cosmos!

Studying ancient manuscripts, researchers noted one curious detail: the disappearance of Hyperborea is associated with a spiritual change in its inhabitants. As long as the moral nature lived in them, people received favor from the highest powers.

Mixed with the human essence, the demigods were overcome by pride and greed. The divine people began to degenerate. And then Perun - the god of thunder and lightning - destroyed the Hyperboreans and Atlanteans.

The search for Hyperborea continues

Some scriptures mention that the inhabitants of the lost civilization foresaw trouble. The fatal blow destroyed her achievements, and the surviving people abandoned their homes, rushed to look for another homeland, and applied their knowledge to new lands.

In the Russian outback in the Urals, archaeologists have discovered rare evidence of the existence of an ancient civilization -. It was found that the extraordinary structures are approximately 6 thousand years old, and they were built long before the rise of European antiquity.

Based on past documents and geographical maps, researchers have suggested that the ancient complex is a legacy of Hyperborea, and the buildings are much older than the Egyptian pyramids.

Sensational discovery

Scientists of the Russian Geographical Society received stunning confirmation of the existence of Hyperborea and where it was located.

In the center of the Kola Peninsula, evidence was found that before the Flood there was still a highly developed civilization:

  • amazing buildings made of stone blocks;
  • many underground labyrinths;
  • pyramids

In addition to them, scientists saw other megaliths that required painstaking research. In the center of the peninsula they found a man-made object - a two-meter stone idol.

Having studied ancient records, historians concluded that this is Hyperborea - the homeland of the Aryans. The chronicle also states that the territory was inhabited by the ancestors of one modern people of the white race - blue-eyed, stately and strong people.

The ancient Greek chroniclers mentioned Hyperborea more than once, and for many peoples it was the place of demigods - the Aryans, with a sharp mind and artistic talent. They mastered the sciences and were talented artisans. Ancient manuscripts mention both aircraft and weapons.

The author of the largest work “Natural History”, Pliny the Elder, also mentions Hyperborea as a country with a fertile climate, a never-setting sun for six months and immortal people. He wrote that few people managed to get to the gods, who are unknown to disease and enmity. The heavenly place was too far away.

According to the descriptions of ancient historians, the Northern Country is an island separated by four rivers, and in the middle there is a mountain with a golden pyramid. The image of the area on the Mercator map is the key to solving the location, because the sun does not set only at the Earth's pole. The description of these territories also speaks of the polar lights, stars and freezing water.

Incredibly, the peak with a pyramid is also described in Hindu legends. Mount Meru, according to their legends, is a symbol of immortality and the main axis of the planet. To this day, in Asian sanctuaries one can find modeled examples of a pyramidal shape with an incomprehensible apparatus on top.

The sacred site supposedly allowed the Hyperboreans to come into contact with those from whom they received their knowledge. All the pyramids of ancient civilization were oriented towards the center of the planet - Mount Meru. The researchers made a dizzying conclusion when they drew a vector to the north. He pointed to the lands of Hyperborea!

According to information from Indian treatises, the Aryans (peoples of the Indo-European race - Ancient Iran and India), inhabiting the fertile land in the pre-glacial period, went south to India when the climate of the islands changed.

Modern science has accumulated a lot of evidence that the mysterious and enigmatic country is the ancestral home of the Slavs, and people left and settled in the territories of the Southern Urals, where they discovered and continue to study the complex settlement of Arkaim.

The unusually rounded shapes of the buildings are fascinating. Brilliant creations of engineering can be seen in everything. The walls, built from logs, held together with clay and unbaked bricks, have survived to this day.

Thanks to the artifacts found, scientists noted that the ancestors adapted the premises for both public use and private quarters. Separate rooms were allocated for workshops, where they worked on metal processing.

The branches of the storm drain stretched far beyond the boundaries of the settlement. The culture and technology of building labyrinths was later borrowed on all continents.

Scientists are conducting countless studies in search of another lost civilization, the existence of which no one now doubts - Atlantis.

Sunken Pyramid Island

In the 21st century, there is a hidden war for the northern territories, but the secret struggle began much earlier. Adolf Hitler fanatically showed interest in the mystical civilizations of Hyperborea and Atlantis.

Even before the Fuhrer came to power in 1931, the Germans carried out aerial photography of the Arctic coast from airships. The attention of the head of the German Nationalist Party to the northern territories, fraught with so many mysteries, has intensified. Obsessed with world domination and the idea of ​​a superman, Hitler tried to find the origins of divine power using one of the ancient maps.

He believed that an exceptional place held an inexplicable power that could help win the war. It is known that on Franz Josef Land in the Arctic Ocean, which belongs to Russia, the Germans secretly equipped a secret base. The best German scientists tried to understand how to influence the mass consciousness of people so that they could be easily controlled. The expedition lasted until 1944 and was destroyed.

Incredibly, the borders of the mythical Hyperborea coincided with the front line where, back in 1941, Russian soldiers prevented the Germans from advancing to the north.

Many countries are involved in solving the mystery of humanity, and each of them dreams of finding the invisible trace of the gods. Plato, whose writings on the immortality of the soul and the knowledge of the world have reached us in full, in his famous dialogues several times emphasizes the existence of a legendary state that was too developed for those times.

In his descriptions, he points to the achievements of people:

  • knew how to melt metal;
  • navigation and urban planning were developed;
  • mastered crafts and jewelry

The people who inhabited Hyperborea had extensive knowledge and advanced technologies.

They were highly spiritual and talented people:

  • built cities;
  • created flying and seaworthy ships;
  • they artificially fertilized and irrigated the fields - they reaped a rich harvest;
  • educated people had their own writing system;
  • society was divided into social groups

Residents of other territories idolized Hyperborea. They believed that superhumans received knowledge from the gods.

Another mystery - Lemuria

The Russian North is the homeland of the Hyperboreans, and the Slavs are the children of the gods. On the Kola Peninsula, rock paintings depicting the sun have been preserved, representing an ordinary circle with a dot in the middle. Astronomers still paint the Sun as they did many millennia ago.

But scientists disagree, and most of them consider Lemuria to be the beginning of existence. It turned out that the inhabitants of this particular strange civilization had supersensitive abilities. But earthly cataclysms destroyed Lemuria, it was covered by the waters of the Indian Ocean, and the surviving inhabitants settled in Asia.

The continent that plunged into the abyss, according to Western scientists, is the cradle of humanity. The underground inhabitants, who once went deep into the depths so as not to fight with people, are called ordinary elves and gnomes.

The similarity of most mythological stories of Europe, Ancient Rus', and the East is striking - the connection of man with the powerful dwarfs of Lemuria. In the legends of the peoples of the North, gnomes had remarkable strength and endurance.

Not only unique folklore and rich mythology testify to the strange creatures that once existed in the catacombs, but also mysterious voids underground have been discovered. The indigenous peoples of the North testify to this.

Legendary continent

Until now, mysterious artifacts arouse world interest, and Kovdor is considered the capital of Hyperborea.

The area in the Murmansk region is full of artificial objects:

  • pyramids;
  • shamanic altars;
  • ancient ruins;
  • stone labyrinths

Echoes of the distant past and completely unexplored objects testify to the life of highly developed and spiritual people of the incomprehensible Hyperborea. The unidentified country is a key link in a single chain of historical development of civilization.

All life on the edge of the Earth once perished, where the mysteries of the world were hidden, but the magical country is considered the ancestral home of the Slavs and all the achievements of modern humanity, who inherited the magical culture of Arctida. Scientists of the planet believe that the secrets of Hyperborea will someday be revealed, and humanity will learn the essence of the universe!

The question of the disappeared northern country has always worried scientists.
How did Hyperborea die?
What do the sources of ancient civilizations say?
How did the ancestors of the Slavs survive the global catastrophe?
What places could the survivors go to?

The Italian historian Mavro Orbini in his book “The Slavic Kingdom” (1601) wrote: “The Slavic people are much older than the Egyptian pyramids and are so numerous that they populate half the world.” Although the written history of the people who lived before our era does not tell us anything, the traces of the most ancient culture in the Russian North are a scientific fact. The ancient Greek scientist and philosopher Plato wrote that the centuries-old roots of the Russian people originate in Arctida.

Evidence of the existence of the legendary Hyperborea. Mercator map

Medieval maps found in museums around the world show that Hyperborea was located on islands around the modern North Pole. Some scientists are sure that it also occupied Greenland and Scandinavia.

The fact of the existence of the Slavic ancestral home is evidenced by the works of the greatest traveler and cartographer of the 16th century, Gerardus Mercator. No one has ever doubted his discoveries, even in our time. How this man could draw an accurate map of Hyperborea remains a mystery. Indeed, by the time it was compiled (1595), this territory no longer existed.

The cartographer described the legendary northern country as a rounded continent, divided by huge rivers into four equal parts. Studying the map, modern scientists recognize the territory of the Arctic Ocean in Arctida. An accurate description of the northern coast of America and Eurasia fully confirms the reliability of Mercator's work. Engravings of ancient peoples found by archaeologists also confirm the existence of Hyperborea. The map also features an image of Meru's ancestral mountain. This universal elevation was located at the North Pole. According to declassified information, a mountain was discovered under the waters of the Northern Ocean in Russia - a very high one, touching the ice cover. In addition, the ancient map depicts a strait connecting America and Asia. Interestingly, it was discovered by the Russian navigator Semyon Dezhnev only in 1648. 80 years later, this path was traversed again by a Russian expedition led by Vigus Bering. Subsequently, the strait was named in honor of the commander. How did Mercator know about the Bering Strait? How did it get on his map?

Proof of the existence of Hyperborea can also be found in the works of Yakov Gakkel, a famous Soviet cartographer and oceanographer. His research on the bottom of the Arctic Ocean confirms the existence of this civilization. According to the scientist, the descendants of the Hyperboreans were the Eastern and Western Slavs, who settled throughout the Scandinavian Peninsula, as well as in the northern part of continental Europe.

The disaster that befell the northern country

In the ancient myths of the peoples of the world, Hyperborea was spoken of as a “paradise land”. For example, the Hellenes called it that because it is located behind the north wind Boreas. They believed that it was the wise Hyperboreans who laid the foundation of modern civilization. Homer described Arctida as a highly developed civilization, and its representatives as giants with Slavic features. The ancient Roman polymath writer Pliny the Elder, who was considered one of the most impartial scientists of his time, called nationality real. “The civilization lives near the Polar Circle, has its own culture and is externally similar to the Hellenes. The Hyperboreans are a happy people, living into old age, with amazing legends. There the sun does not set beyond the horizon for six months. The whole country is flooded with sunshine. Beneficial climate, no cold wind. Groves and forests serve as dwellings for people. They know nothing of disease, strife, or hatred. A person dies only when he is fed up with life,” wrote Pliny the Elder. But Hyperborea disappeared. What happened? Why did she go underwater?

Many peoples of Siberia have legends describing the disaster that befell the “paradise land.” Khanty, Mansi, Sakhalin Nivkhs, Nanais - all these peoples talk about the flood. But before this event there is fire from heaven. Then - a sharp cold snap, and ultimately - the death of all living things.

There is a version that before the “big water” there was a collision between the Earth and a meteorite. As a result, Hyperborea disappeared under water. However, at first it was part of the mainland. Then the entire territory went under water, with the exception of a few islands. Where did the Hyperboreans go? Scientists suggest that one part of the inhabitants of Hyperborea migrated to the southern lands. The other - to the territory of modern Germany, Poland and Belarus. Mixing with the indigenous population of nomadic tribes, new languages ​​and customs arose, and the cultural heritage changed.

The legends of the Russian Templars say that Lelya (once a satellite of the Earth), orbiting the planet in 7 days, fell onto its surface. But it was not by chance that he fell. It was destroyed in a space battle. It was this fall that caused the global catastrophe, as a result of which Hyperborea died. The earth's axis shifted, which entailed a change in climatic conditions, and the Hyperboreans migrated to other favorable places.

According to the astronomical calculations of the ancient Egyptians, as well as the Mayan calendar, the catastrophe that struck Hyperborea dates back to 11,542 BC. The Great Flood and a sharp change in climatic conditions forced our ancestors to leave their country and settle almost throughout the entire earth. Many teachings that have come down to us from antiquity mention people in the North who possessed enormous knowledge.

Other scientific evidence of the existence of Hyperborea. Climate

Paleontologists and oceanographers from Russia, the USA and Canada determined that the climatic conditions of the Arctic (from the 30th to the 15th millennium BC) were mild. The waters of the Arctic Ocean were warm; no permanent ice existed on the continent. The modern underwater Mendeleev and Lomonosov ridges rose above the water surface of the ocean. The North Pole had a temperate climate that was favorable for human life.

Migratory birds and their migration

The fact that the Arctic climate was favorable in the past is evidenced by the annual migrations of migratory birds. This can be explained by a genetically programmed memory of a warm ancestral home. The current state of the Arctic Ocean floor shows that it used to be a huge plateau with river valleys. Scientists believe that this is a continent that once rose above the ocean. If the map of the Arctic Ocean floor is superimposed on the map of Gerard Mercator, the coincidences will be amazing. Therefore, this cannot be called a simple coincidence.

Stone structures

The fact that an ancient highly developed civilization existed in the northern latitudes is evidenced by stone structures. Thus, a labyrinth was discovered on the coast of Novaya Zemlya. This is an exceptional find, because such structures have never been discovered in these latitudes. Scientists continue to find traces of the life of ancient civilizations all over the Earth, starting from the Leningrad region, Yakutia and ending with Novaya Zemlya.

Searches for a legendary civilization

As history shows, such famous figures as Joseph Stalin and Adolf Hitler believed in the existence of Hyperborea. The German leader even sent several expeditions to search for her. The Soviet Union did not lag behind Germany. By order of Dzerzhinsky, three expeditions were organized. Two of them disappeared (most likely died), but one returned to Moscow with evidence of the existence of Hyperborea. But for unknown reasons, the leader of the expedition, Barchenko, was soon shot, and the rest of his group disappeared without a trace. What were all these expeditions looking for? Just archaeological interest? No. Most likely, they needed the lost knowledge of the Hyperboreans. After all, the ancient inhabitants of the northern country could adapt the forces of nature to their benefit, for their needs.

All modern expeditions aimed at searching for Hyperborea, the ancient ancestral home of the Slavs, raise new questions. New evidence of the real existence of this country is emerging. But there are more and more mysteries. The main thing is that no one doubts that Arctida is related to the history of ancient Russia. No one doubts that the Russian people and their language are connected with this disappeared country. Time will pass, and scientists will find more evidence of the existence of the northern continent. This will change ideas about the last millennia in the history of all mankind. Perhaps the Hyperboreans will turn out to be not only the ancestors of the Slavs, but also the descendants of an extraterrestrial highly developed civilization. Time will show…