One of the favorite dishes of our housewives are pies and pies with a wide variety of fillings. Our grandmothers especially preferred to prepare such food. They prepared both sweet and savory products. Many of them knew how to fry/bake very tasty carrot cakes. So tasty that they were eaten with pleasure even by those who could not stand this root vegetable fried or boiled. So now we’ll remember a couple of such recipes, including how carrots are prepared

Recipe for pie with carrot filling

To bake it we need the following ingredients: half a kilogram of carrots, two chicken eggs, one onion, two tablespoons of butter, 100 ml of fat sour cream, one third of a teaspoon of lemon zest, yeast dough, black pepper. First, of course, the carrot filling for the pies will be prepared. We clean and wash all the vegetables. Then sauté finely chopped onion in a small amount of vegetable oil, add grated carrots and butter to it.

After a couple of minutes, put the eggs, sour cream in the frying pan and simmer until the excess liquid evaporates, pepper and salt. Add a little grated zest to the finished filling and stir well. After this, we form a pie or pies, whichever we prefer this time. The process of kneading the dough is a separate story; we won’t tell it now, especially since you can take it ready-made. We fry the products and serve them hot along with kefir, cold milk or tea.

Another carrot cake recipe

Why are pies and cakes with carrots still popular? Because this vegetable is a very healthy product, but almost no one likes to eat it simply boiled or raw. But pies with carrot filling are a completely different matter. Introducing another recipe. To complete it you will need: carrots, grated in a meat grinder or on a grater - two glasses, granulated sugar - one glass, margarine - 200 grams, two eggs, flour - one glass, half a lemon, soda - half a teaspoon, vanilla sugar - one sachet.

Grind eggs, margarine and sugar together. Then add lemon, minced in a meat grinder, and carrots to this mixture. Mix everything thoroughly, add vanillin and soda. Now mix again and slowly add flour until the dough resembles thick sour cream. Place on a baking sheet and place in the oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for about 30 minutes until the product is golden brown. We're done with the pies, now let's look at the filling.

Quick with carrots

We will use the following ingredients. For the dough: flour - 0.6 kg, milk or water - one and a half glasses, fresh yeast - 25 grams, or quick - one teaspoon, salt - two teaspoons, granulated sugar - one teaspoon. Carrot filling for pies requires the following products: three root vegetables, four eggs, vegetable oil, pepper, salt.

We prepare the dough according to a standard recipe, which we will not dwell on in this article. To make the filling, grate the carrots on a coarse grater and sauté them in vegetable oil in a frying pan. Add eggs, boil them and chop them, pepper, salt and mix thoroughly. That's it, the filling is ready. Divide the dough into balls the size of a chicken egg. Roll each into a flat cake, add the filling and form a pie. Fry in vegetable oil in a frying pan until tender.

Recipe for pies with sweet carrot filling

Necessary products for the dough: 0.5 kg of flour, 125 ml of milk, the same amount of water, one egg, half a teaspoon of salt, a bag of dry yeast. For the filling: 0.5 kg of carrots, 75 grams of granulated sugar and vegetable oil for frying. Our favorite bread maker will prepare the dough for us.

We put all the necessary products into it, set the desired mode and leave it, let it work. And we will prepare such an important component as the carrot filling for the pies. Its sweet variety is made very simply and does not take very long. Shred the carrots in a food processor or on a medium grater. Pour some vegetable oil into the frying pan and add our grated vegetable. Simmer for 20 minutes, add and cook for another 10 minutes until the root vegetable becomes soft. Then transfer the filling to a plate to cool. After an hour and a half, the dough will be ready for use. Grease the table with oil and place the dough on it. We pinch off small pieces of it and knead it into flat cakes with our hands.

We spread all the filling on them, trying to make sure that it does not remain. We pinch the edges of the pies. Place in a frying pan with hot oil, seam side down first, then turn over. When ready, place them on a napkin to absorb excess oil. We eat it hot with cold milk.

Carrot can be prepared in several ways. In the first method, vegetables are first boiled, then ground in a meat grinder and sugar is added. But it seems to us that with this option, everything useful from the carrot will remain in the water, and it itself will become completely fresh.

You are already familiar with the second method - frying in a frying pan. You can also simmer in a ceramic bowl, since nothing burns in it, in a small amount of water, since the carrots will release juice on their own. The choice is yours. Bon appetit!

A pie filled with carrots according to the recipe described below turns out to be especially tasty in a savory version. Even those who are not fans of boiled or fried carrots will like it.

You can bake the pie according to the recipe using rich unsweetened yeast dough or use any other dough you like best. For example, if you choose puff pastry, you can add airiness and even piquancy to the dish. In any case, the pie will be worthy of praise and will become a frequent guest on the home and holiday table.

You can serve unsweetened carrot cake:

  • hot - with milk or kefir;
  • cold - with tea or hot chicken broth;
  • as a side dish along with homemade cutlets.

Carrots have many beneficial properties, being a real storehouse of various vitamins and minerals. A pie with it can even be used in feeding a small child from one and a half years old. The baby will be happy with such a treat and will definitely want more.

The carrot pie recipe is very easy to prepare. Even if you are not enthusiastic about the cooking process, you will be able to achieve this masterpiece of cooking without difficulty.

So let's get started.

We will need the following ingredients

To prepare carrot cake according to our filling recipe we will need:

  • 0.5 kg carrots;
  • 0.5 kg of onions;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 0.5 glasses of water (can be taken from the tap);
  • 50 g butter;
  • 1 tsp. Sahara;
  • salt and spices - to taste.

It is better to take carrots of the “Karotelka” variety. This is a bright orange variety of carrot with a cylindrical shape and a rounded tip. The weight of one carot is 200-250 g. Why do we choose it? Because it is the sweetest and most delicious of all varieties of carrots. Experienced housewives use this particular type to prepare dishes according to various recipes. Try it too to appreciate all its benefits. You can buy it on the market.

For the test according to the recipe we take:

  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 1 liter jar of flour;
  • 0.5 packs of yeast;
  • 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 50 g margarine;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1/4 tsp. salt.

According to the recipe, eggs are not used in preparing the dough for our pie, but we will need them for greasing and filling it.

Method for making carrot cake

Let's start preparing the carrot cake recipe.

1. To do this, dissolve yeast and sugar in heated milk and mix well.

Make sure there are no drafts in the kitchen - they will prevent the future dough from rising. Remember that it is very capricious, and therefore you will need to handle it carefully. Do not fill it with flour, but knead it with gentle movements. Our grandmothers even advise not to make sharp sounds when working with dough. According to them, the dough “gets scared”, as a result of which it does not turn out as lively and fluffy. Practice shows that this statement is true, so we try not to make noise.

3. After 1.5-2 hours, after our dough has settled, sift the flour through a sieve to enrich it with oxygen and remove lumps.

4. Now melt the butter and margarine and, without allowing them to cool, mix together with the flour and melted yeast, kneading the dough. Add flour little by little, mix with your hand, you can help yourself beat with your fist - 5-10 minutes.

5. When the dough begins to move away from the walls and “puff” (this means that it is saturated with oxygen), place it again, covered with a towel, for 1.5-2 hours.

6. When the pie dough has doubled in size, place it on a floured counter or baking sheet to cut. If you need to bake a large pie, the bottom layer will need to be sprinkled with starch.

7. Then add the filling and let rise in a warm place for 15 minutes. After this, brush with beaten egg using a brush to make the finished pastry shiny.

Prepare the filling according to a different recipe

1. To do this, you need to wash and peel the carrots, then grate them on a coarse grater.

2. Now we fry it (passere it) - prepare it like for soup.

The frying recipe is as follows: cut the onion into cubes (0.5 kg), sprinkle it with 1 tsp. Sahara.

After 1-2 minutes, add grated carrots (0.5 kg) and continue to simmer until golden brown. When slightly cooled, fry three 100-150 g of salted cheese that you like. Then add dill, coriander and other spices of your choice.

3. Now in a separate container you will need to mix sugar and flour, sifted through a sieve. Don't forget to add baking powder according to the recipe.

4. Next, mix the eggs with olive oil in a blender. If you don’t have olive oil, use sunflower oil, but the taste of the finished dish will be slightly different. Add a flour mixture with your favorite seasonings and fried onions, carrots and cheese.

5. Grind it all with a blender until you achieve a homogeneous mass. The filling is ready, all you have to do is place it in the pie.

6. To do this, divide the dough into two parts: leave 2/3 for the bottom layer, and 1/3 for the top. We form a future pie from a large ball of dough and place the filling on top. From a smaller ball we make several sausages, which we place on the filling and decorate the pie.

7. You can cook on a baking sheet or in a special baking dish. If desired, you can line it with parchment paper. Experienced housewives simply grease the mold with sunflower oil.

8. Place the resulting dough into the prepared pan. When you put the dough in the oven (preheat it to 180 degrees in advance), keep it ajar for 5 minutes. First, place the pie in the oven on the third row, and when its bottom is browned, you need to lift it to the very top.

9. The dish is baked for 50 minutes. You can serve it hot or wait until it cools down. It is very convenient when the pie is cut into six to eight equal pieces.

You can prepare such carrots for a holiday lunch or dinner, as well as for breakfast, just to please your family. The result will definitely delight you with its rich taste and appetizing aroma.

Don't forget to leave a comment and bon appetit!

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Good day, dear chefs!
I present to your attention a recipe for making delicious pies from my childhood - my grandmother made them, my mother cooks them and sometimes I bake them.
Delicious pies filled with carrots and eggs. Usually they are prepared traditionally for the holiday - the Great Intercession, but on an ordinary day they are delicious and wonderful!
They are easy to prepare, and I’ll tell you about it now.

The dough needs yeast.

I prepare the dough according to this recipe, but you can also buy it ready-made.
Prepare the filling - boil the carrots, hard boil the eggs.

Cool the vegetables and let the eggs cool.
Chop carrots into small cubes

Chop the eggs finely too, but not into “dust” :)

combine carrots and eggs in a bowl, add melted butter (I use the microwave - 40 seconds and you're done!)

Stir well and our filling is ready - we can start :)

Knead the dough, form it into a sausage and cut into balls. Roll each ball into a flat cake, put the filling in the center of the flat cake - 1 heaped tablespoon.

We make a pie (we connect the edges, pinching them, to be sure we also tuck the edges so that they do not open up during baking)

We made pies and placed them on a baking sheet

For a golden brown crust, brush them with yolk.

Place them in the oven for 45 minutes at 180 degrees. After the specified time we get rosy pies!

Cover them with a cloth and let them rest for about 20 minutes. This will allow the pies to become soft. It’s nice to taste them with cold milk, although they are also very tasty with tea! Delicate filling - pleasant and appetizing taste, straight from childhood!

Bon appetit and see you again!

P.S.: the cooking time for the pies does not include the time for cooking the carrots.

Cooking time: PT01H30M 1 h 30 min.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

When it comes to sweet pastries in my family, everyone looks forward to it. I bake various sweets for my loved ones and family, including baked sweet pies. I always try to use a variety of fillings: I bake pies with fruit, and with jam, etc... By the way, ordinary carrots also make a wonderful sweet filling for pies. My kids don’t immediately realize that there are carrots in there, so try it too. Experiment in the kitchen with me and cook delicious carrot pies in the oven using this step-by-step recipe with photos.

- 550 grams of wheat flour,
- 1 tea. l. fast acting yeast,

- 1 glass of water (can be replaced with milk),
- 100 grams of vegetable oil.

For the filling:
- 50-60 grams of butter,
- 2 tables. l. granulated sugar,
- 1 handful of raisins,
- 150-180 grams of carrots (1 large or 2 small).

How to cook with photos step by step

We slightly heat the water (if we replaced it with milk, then we do it the same way), then we add dry yeast, in such a warm environment it will become active in a few minutes. We use high-quality dry instant yeast.

Also, a little sugar will go into the dough, two tablespoons will be enough, add the rest of the sweetness using the filling.

Pour vegetable oil into the dough and mix to form a more or less homogeneous mass.

Add flour in parts and mix, breaking up any lumps that accidentally form.

As a result, we get an even and soft ball of dough; we leave it alone, covering it with a plastic bag or film.

After 50 minutes the dough has tripled in size and is now ready for pies.

For the filling, saute the grated carrots for 7-10 minutes in a frying pan with butter. The carrots will become soft, but make sure that the heat is not too high. Place the cooled carrots in a plate, add sugar and washed (dried) raisins. Stir and the sweet filling for the pies is ready.

Pinch off pieces of dough, knead into a flat cake and put carrot filling in the middle.

We pinch the pies and give them a slightly elongated shape.

With the seam side down, bake the pies. Preheat the oven to 180° 15 minutes before baking. Carrot cakes are baked for 20-25 minutes. At the end of baking, brush them with sweet syrup.

Bon Appetite!
And I also really like

We continue to fill the category of vegetable pies, and therefore we will add another very pleasant and at the same time slightly unusual combination - pies with carrots baked in the oven.

The pies are intended to be savory. I emphasize this because there are also recipes for pies with sweet carrot filling. Naturally, I will also publish these recipes for you, but later.

These carrot cakes are hearty, aromatic, juicy and very piquant thanks to various spices and additives.

Pies with carrots (in the oven)


  • Ready-made yeast dough – 1-1.2 kg.
  • Fresh washed carrots – 1 kg.
  • Onions – 3 heads;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Salt – 2 teaspoons;
  • Ground red pepper;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Tomato paste – 100 ml.
  • Table mustard – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Vegetable oil – 50 ml.
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 teaspoon;

The dough in this recipe uses ready-made dough. If you want your own homemade pie dough, then just open one of the savory pie recipes on this site - almost every one describes the process of kneading yeast dough.

Step-by-step preparation

  • Since we have the dough, we must first start preparing the carrot filling for our oven-baked pies.
  • The filling will be carrots stewed in a frying pan with various additives. Let's take a closer look at this process.
  1. Clean dry carrots need to be grated on a coarse grater.
  2. Pour oil into the pan, heat it on medium or closer to the minimum heat level of the stove. After all, we need stewing, not frying.
  3. Place the carrots in the pan. Simmer for a couple of minutes.
  4. Salt, pepper, add tomato paste, mustard, sugar, vinegar.
  5. Mix everything.
  6. Cover with a lid and simmer for 5 minutes.
  7. Meanwhile, peel the onion and chop it finely.
  8. Pour the onion into the pan with the carrots and stir.
  9. Cover with a lid and simmer for another 10 minutes.

What should the end result be? The carrots should shrink slightly in size and the liquid should partially evaporate. But at the same time, you should not overdry or let the carrots burn.

Is the filling ready? Put the pan aside and start the dough.

  1. Knead the dough and stretch it into a sausage, which must be divided into equal pieces.
  2. Roll out each piece of dough with a rolling pin to form round cakes.
  3. Place 1-2 tablespoons of carrot filling in the middle of each circle.
  4. Seal the pies. Pinch the seams tightly.
  5. Heat the oven to 180-200 degrees.
  6. Grease the baking sheet and the pies with beaten egg yolk.
  7. Place the pies on a baking sheet and close in the oven.
  8. Baking time is approximately 30 minutes. Focus on the color of the pies. Rosy, delicious? So we're ready.

Many are sure that carrot pies cannot be tasty, but this is what people say who have never tried them. However, such baking has its own tricks that allow you to prepare a truly delicious treat.

In addition, it is worth noting the enormous benefits of carrots, which contain many substances necessary for adults and children.

Recipe for sweet pies with carrots in the oven

If you want to cook something tasty, but at the same time healthy, for your children, then use the proposed recipe. We suggest preparing it from yeast dough. The pies turn out airy and very juicy.

It is necessary to prepare the following products: 40 g of yeast, 200 g of milk, 455 g of flour, 125 g of margarine, sugar, 4 carrots, 0.5 tbsp. raisins, 35 g honey and butter.

We will prepare it this way:

  • We start with the dough, for which you need to heat the milk. Pour a small amount of it into a separate container. Add yeast and 3 teaspoons of sugar there. Stir well to disperse the yeast. Pour in the remaining milk, add a couple of tablespoons of flour and eggs. Bring until smooth and leave for 20 minutes;
  • After the yeast begins to act, add the margarine previously melted in a water bath and the remaining flour. Mix everything well. The result should be a soft dough. Cover the top with a towel and leave to rise for half an hour. During this, it is important not to make any noise so that the dough does not fall;
  • Let's move on to the sweet filling for carrot pies, for which peel the vegetable and then grate it on a coarse grater. Melt the butter in a frying pan and add the vegetable there. Simmer until soft, and then add raisins, which should first be soaked in boiling water for half an hour. Add honey and, if desired, or rather, granulated sugar to taste;
  • Separate small pieces from the finished dough, form a ball and roll it out to get a flat cake. Place 1 tbsp in the center. spoon of filling and seal the edges. Take a baking sheet, put parchment on it, lay out the pies and leave them for 15 minutes. Separately, beat the egg with a whisk and brush it on top of the workpiece. Place the baking sheet in the oven, which should be preheated to 220 degrees. After some time, reduce the gas and continue cooking until golden brown.

Recipe for sweet fried carrot pies

Another option for a tasty treat, but this time we won’t bake it, but fry it. As for the dough, we looked at how to prepare it in the first recipe, so we won’t spend time on this issue and will go straight to the pies themselves.

Take the following products: 0.5 kg of yeast dough, 10 carrots, butter, sugar and cinnamon.

Cooking process:

  • The sweet filling is very easy to prepare. Peel, wash and chop the vegetables on a large grater. Add sugar and cinnamon to taste. Mix everything thoroughly with your hands, pressing the mass a little so that the juice comes out;
  • Roll out the layer and cut it into equal squares. Place a small amount of prepared filling in the center of each. After this, fold the edges and secure them, and then flatten the blank of the future pie;
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the pies on both sides until golden brown. Best served hot, topped with sour cream.

Recipe for pies with carrots and eggs

Now let's talk about savory baked goods, which can serve as a snack or just a healthy snack. Give this treat to your children at school and take it with you to work. We again use yeast dough, as in the first recipe.

For the carrot filling for pies, take: ready-made dough, 0.5 kg of carrots, 3 eggs, butter, salt and 25 g of sugar.

Cooking process:

  • Cut the prepared vegetable into small cubes, sprinkle with granulated sugar and leave for 20 minutes. At this time, hard boil the eggs and also chop them. Melt 40 g of butter and combine it with the egg and vegetable;
  • Divide the dough into pieces and roll out flat cakes. Place the filling in the center, pinch the edges and form a pie. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Brush the top of everything with beaten egg to create a golden brown crust. Bake in the oven for half an hour at 180 degrees.

Recipe for carrot puff pastries

You can prepare baked goods not only from yeast dough, but also from puff pastry. The treat turns out airy and very tasty. Both children and adults like these pies.

Take the following products: 425 g of flour, 130 g of butter and 65 g of ghee, 4 eggs, 1/3 teaspoon of vinegar, 70 g of salt water or milk, 1 kg of carrots, 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar and salt.

Cooking process:

  • We start with the pie dough, for which you need to combine an egg, flour and 20 g of softened butter. Knead the dough and leave it covered with a napkin. After this, roll out a thin layer and brush the top with melted butter. Then fold the edges and grease again. After this, roll out and repeat the procedure until you have something to lubricate;
  • To make the carrot filling, wash, peel and cut the vegetables into small pieces. Place them in a saucepan, add 100 g of water and 20 g of oil. Place on the fire and simmer until soft. Then chop with a fork or using a blender and add sugar, butter, and mix everything. Hard-boil 3 eggs, then chop them and add to the prepared vegetable;
  • Roll out the layer, cut out circles, put the filling in the center and form pies. Place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment and bake until done.

Yeast-free carrot pies

This pastry is ideal for a Lenten menu, since it does not contain any forbidden foods. This pastry has a crispy crust and juicy filling. You can serve it both for a holiday and for a regular meal. The prepared ingredients are enough for 6 pies. By the way, they can be shaped like pasties.

For this recipe for pies, prepare the following set of products: 375 g flour, 200 g boiling water, 1 tbsp. spoon of salt, 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, 4 medium-sized carrots, salt, pepper, ground coriander, and oil for frying.

Cooking process:

  • In a bowl, mix salt and a couple of tablespoons of oil. Pour boiling water there, and then 1 tbsp. flour. Knead, adding the remaining flour to replace a good dough, which should be tight and elastic;
  • The filling is prepared very simply: heat the oil in a frying pan, and then add ground coriander, salt and pepper. Add the grated vegetable and simmer until soft;
  • Make a sausage from the dough and divide it into equal parts. After this, roll out the flatbread, add the filling and make a pie. Fry on both sides until golden brown.

Recipe for carrot cakes with mushrooms

Another version of salty baked goods, in which we will use mushrooms, which will add not only an original taste, but also an aroma. You can use different mushrooms.

Carrot cakes are prepared from the following products: 0.5 kg of yeast dough, 3 carrots, 325 g of mushrooms, eggs, butter, salt and pepper.

Cooking process:

  • Prepare the vegetables and then chop them on a coarse grater. Wash, peel and cut the mushrooms into small pieces. Heat oil in a frying pan and fry the vegetable with mushrooms, adding salt and pepper. This process usually takes 15 minutes;
  • Roll out the layer and cut it into portions, into which you need to put a little filling. Form the pies and place them on the prepared baking sheet, and brush the tops with egg. Bake at 20 degrees.

Now you know how baked and fried pies are prepared, so be sure to please your family with such delicious and healthy pastries. Experiment with the filling, combining carrots with other ingredients and spices.

Many people think that carrot pies are a dish for everyone, but those who most likely have never tried this think so. If you cook carrot cakes correctly, they turn out tasty and very juicy, melt in your mouth and you can’t help but like them. The carrot filling for pies can be varied by adding dried fruits. Then the dish will turn out even tastier and healthier, because dried apricots and raisins contain vitamins and microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Sweet pies with carrots in the oven

Carrot pies in the oven, made from yeast dough, turn out sweet and very tender, and to prepare them you will need the following ingredients: For the dough:
  • 40 g yeast;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 400-500 g flour;
  • 100 g margarine;
  • 3 teaspoon sugar.

Carrot filling for pies

  • 4 carrots;
  • 1/2 cup raisins;
  • 2 tablespoons honey;
  • sugar;
  • butter

First prepare the dough. Heat the milk, pour a little into a small container and dissolve the yeast in it, add sugar. Then add the remaining milk, 1-2 tablespoons of flour and eggs. Stir everything and set aside for 15-20 minutes. When the yeast starts to sparkle, combine with melted butter or margarine and flour. The dough should be soft. Cover it with a clean towel and wait about half an hour until it fits.

Meanwhile, prepare the filling for carrot pies (the photo shows step-by-step preparation of the dish). Grate the peeled carrots on a coarse grater and simmer in heated butter until soft. Pre-soak the raisins in boiling water, then combine with carrots. Add honey and sugar if necessary.

Separating a small piece from the dough, form it into a ball, roll it out with a rolling pin and place 1 tablespoon of filling in the center of the resulting cake. Connect the edges. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and place the pies. They should stand for 10-15 minutes, then brush the pies with egg and bake in an oven preheated to 220°C. After a while, reduce the heat and bake the pies until golden brown. Serve hot with tea or milk, sprinkling powder on top if desired.

Pies with carrots and eggs, fried in a frying pan

If you are indifferent to sweets, try making pies with carrots and eggs. They turn out to be satisfying, cook quickly and are suitable for those who prefer fried pies. To prepare them, take the following products:
  • wheat flour - 400 g;
  • milk - 0.5 cups;
  • water - 0.5 cups;
  • yolks - 3 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 100 g;
  • yeast - 1/4 pack;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon.
  • For the filling:
  • carrots - 800 g;
  • vegetable oil - 100 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • sugar;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

Dissolve the yeast in warm water, combine with 200 g of flour and place in a warm place until the dough doubles in size. Beat the yolks, add salt, sugar, warmed milk. Add the rest of the flour and vegetable oil, knead the dough and set aside for another 1.5 hours. While the dough has not risen, prepare the filling. To do this, first simmer the carrots in their own juice, then combine with onions fried in oil. When the vegetables have cooled, add the chopped hard-boiled eggs.

Roll out the dough, cut out circles with a glass, put the filling in the center of each circle, form into pies, then fry in vegetable oil.

Sweet pies with carrots


For the test:

  • flour – 4 tbsp;
  • milk – 1 tbsp.;
  • spices;
  • dry yeast - 2 teaspoons;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • sour cream – 150 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. spoons.

For the filling:

  • carrots – 500 g;
  • walnuts – 200 g;
  • raisins – 50 g;
  • honey - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • ground cinnamon - to taste;
  • sugar - to taste.


So, to prepare sweet pies with carrots, dissolve the yeast in lukewarm milk, adding a pinch of sugar and flour. Mix everything thoroughly so that no lumps form and leave the dough for 30 minutes in a warm place for fermentation. Next, pour the remaining flour into it, add salt, sugar, melted and cooled butter, vegetable oil, add sour cream and mix. Add sifted flour in small portions and knead into a homogeneous soft dough that comes away from your hands. Then cover it on top with a towel and leave it to rise for 1 – 1.5 hours in a warm place.

In the meantime, let's prepare the vegetable filling. Wash the carrots with a brush, peel and grate on a coarse grater. Melt a piece of butter in a frying pan and simmer the carrots in it until soft. Add honey, cinnamon, ground nuts to it, mix and remove from heat. If the filling is not sweet enough, add sugar to taste.

Divide the risen dough into equal small pieces, roll out the flatbreads and put a little carrot filling in the middle of each. Next, pinch the edges well and form a pie. We transfer all the preparations to a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil and leave to rise for about 20-30 minutes. Now brush the top of the pies with beaten egg and place in a hot oven. Bake the carrot and raisin pies for 15-20 minutes until they are golden brown.

Carrot pies recipe


For the test:

  • whey – 1 tbsp.;
  • dry yeast – 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar – 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • melted margarine - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • flour - 3 tbsp.

For the filling:

  • carrots – 4 pcs.;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • ground cinnamon -1 teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • apple – 3 pcs.


To prepare fried carrot pies, lightly heat the whey in the microwave and dissolve the dry yeast in it. Then add granulated sugar, throw in salt, pour in vegetable oil and melted margarine. Sift the flour in advance and add small portions to the liquid and knead soft elastic dough. After this, transfer it to a pan greased with vegetable oil and place the dishes in a warm place for about 1 hour to rise.

In the meantime, let's prepare the filling. To do this, wash the carrots, boil them in their skins, cool, peel and grate them into a fine grater. Now add the bulk ingredients and mix. Wash the apples, wipe them, chop them into cubes and throw them into the vegetable mixture. Knead the dough, place it on a table sprinkled with flour, and divide it into about 12 balls. Roll them into flat cakes, put the filling in the middle and make pies. Lightly roll them with a rolling pin so that they become flat and fry in a frying pan in a large amount of heated oil on both sides. That's all, pies with carrots and apples are ready!

In fact, not all of us love carrot pies. For example, my husband will never eat such pastries; serve him pies with onions and eggs, the recipe for which you can see. But those who love carrot pies will definitely appreciate this recipe, because the pies turn out very juicy and sweet.

There are several other wonderful versions of the carrot pies recipe besides the one offered, but they are only a continuation of this basic version. The fact is that carrot cakes can be sweetened not only with sugar. We can reduce the amount of sugar added to each pie and add chopped dried apricots or raisins to the filling. The results are quite unusual and tasty varieties of carrot pies. I really like them, because in general I have tender feelings for dried fruits. Do not also forget that such pies will be very beneficial for the body. After all, raisins and dried apricots, as well as other dried fruits, are a real accumulation of useful vitamins and elements. So, if you wish, you can diversify the traditional version of carrot pies.

I can also note that the proposed pies made with yeast dough will be excellent both baked in the oven and fried in a frying pan. You just need to decide how important the fat factor is to you, since I know a lot of girls who have renounced fried baked goods for the sake of their impeccable waists. We will make pies in the oven. But remember that in both cases the pies turn out very tasty. So for you, dear readers, a recipe for carrot pies with step-by-step photographs.

You can also prepare the recipe Pies with cabbage, which I posted earlier.

We will need:

For the test

Milk – 1.5 cups

Egg – 1 pc.

Yeast – 1 pack

Flour – 4-5 glasses

Salt – 2 tsp.

Sugar – 2 tbsp.

Butter – 50 g

For the filling

Carrots – 3-4 large pieces

Sugar - as much as needed

Raisins and dried apricots - optional


Knead the dough. To do this, we dilute the yeast in warm milk and let it disperse a little.

Beat eggs with sugar and salt, combine with melted butter. Add milk with yeast and slowly add flour at the very end. Knead the dough and let it rise in a warm place for an hour, then knead it and let it rise some more.

Three carrots on a coarse grater. Fry in oil first without a lid, then under a lid. Let's add a little salt. The carrots should not become very soft, that is, 10-13 minutes of frying will be enough.

From the total mass of dough, we separate balls the size of ping pong balls and roll them into a circle and fill them with carrot filling. 1 tbsp is enough. with a slide. Or a little less if you add dried fruits. Also sprinkle 1 tsp. Sahara. Seal the pie and place the pies, seam side down, on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Bake the pies in an oven preheated to 180C for about 25 minutes until golden brown. You can first brush them with beaten egg on top.

You can also fry the pies in a frying pan in a large amount of vegetable oil. Then we will get such pies.

Sincerely, Polya Rai.