Proven varieties of sweet peppers increase the chances of obtaining a high-quality and early harvest. Among the selection diversity, it is recommended to rely on unpretentious hybrids, which are valued for their taste.

Sweet pepper is a valuable plant that many people love for the taste of its fruit and its rich vitamin composition. The sweetest varieties include many hybrids that are already established on the market or have been released recently. The best productive varieties include “Big Daddy”, “Apricot Favorite”, “Ivanhoe”, which can be grown without much effort in a garden bed or in a greenhouse.

Early varieties

According to numerous reviews from gardeners, the following early varieties of sweet peppers are among the best among many species. They bear fruit best in areas where the climate is temperate, but with proper care, such varieties are suitable for the Siberian region, Eastern and central Russia.

Marinka's tongue

The Dnepropetrovsk variety has two important features - resistance to frequent weather changes and good fruiting. It is recommended to plant bushes in a greenhouse and on an open plot of land. On average, the height of one seedling is from 70 to 100 cm. It is recommended to tie up peppers if more than 15 fruits have formed on it. “Marinka’s tongue” produces large fruits, the weight of one can be from 250 grams. The variety received its name for its fruits, which have an elongated structure in the form of a tongue and for their bright cherry-red color. The walls of the pulp are 12 mm in the lower part, and 4-9 mm closer to the stalk. Pepper tastes sweet and smells aromatic. This species can be consumed fresh by children and used to make lecho.


The variety is characterized by early germination and favorable yield. From sowing the seeds to the formation of the first fruits, an average of 90 days can pass. Such a hybrid can be successfully grown both in a greenhouse and in an open area. The plant can grow up to 1.5 m in height, so sometimes it needs support and garter. The fruits at the peak of ripeness have an elongated cylindrical shape, a smooth and glossy surface. At the moment of ripening, the Tusk has a bright green color, and when fully ripe, it is red. The weight of the fruits can be up to 170 g. The taste of the peppers is sweet and with a strong aroma. From the Tusk variety it is recommended to make fresh salads, snacks, lecho, as well as twists for the winter.

Big Daddy

An early germinating variety, ideal for garden soil and glass shelters. From the formation of the first leaves to the peak of ripening can take from 95 to 105 days. "Big Daddy" is distinguished by compact, low bushes. The fruits grow cone-shaped and drooping. At the ripening stage they are dark cherry in color, and at the peak of ripeness they are purple. The weight of the fetus can range from 90 to 135 grams. The peppers taste sweet, juicy and not bitter. Suitable for preserving winter salads. The variety is high-yielding and resistant to diseases and pest attacks.

Orange miracle

It is distinguished by early ripening and good yield. The growing season of the plant from the formation of sprouts to full maturity is up to 115 days. The bushes grow compact with a height of 75-165 cm. The vegetables have a cubic shape and a bright orange color. The weight of one pepper is 200-350 g. The thickness of the walls of the pulp is 0.5-0.9 mm. From 1 sq. m you can harvest up to 14 kg of crop. The pepper tastes sweet, with a pronounced aroma and juicy pulp. Resistant to diseases and harmful insects.


Early ripening Ivanhoe pepper can bear juicy fruits already 110 days after planting the seeds. The bush grows compact and low. The fruits at the peak of ripeness are cube-shaped and have a smooth glossy surface. The weight of one fruit can be from 140 grams. During the process of ripeness, peppers become creamy in color, and at the peak of ripeness, red. The advantages of "Ivanhoe" are early ripeness and excellent presentation, which is why it is often grown for sale. It tolerates transportation well and is suitable for long-term storage. Ripe fruits have a sweet taste and pleasant aroma.

Apricot favorite

An ideal variety for both greenhouse conditions and garden beds. The vegetative period of this plant is from 95 to 110 days. The shrubs usually grow compact up to 65 cm. Ripe peppers take on a cone shape and a glossy texture. The wall thickness of the pulp is approximately 7 mm, and the weight of one fruit is 125 g. Vegetables of this variety can be distinguished by their bright orange color; they ripen at the same time. One bush can produce 20 large fruits. The variety has a pleasant taste and aroma. Suitable for salads, wraps and processing.


According to its name, bushes of this variety bear large fruits. It can be grown in open ground and in greenhouses. The plant grows spreadingly, the height of one bush is usually about 60 cm. The fruits are cube-shaped and bright yellow or greenish in color. The weight of one pepper can range from 110 to 500 grams. In terms of ripening speed, this variety is one of the fastest. The growing season can be 60-90 days.


One of the most common hybrids of early ripening peppers. It grows in low bushes, which produce medium or small fruits weighing 100-115 grams. Peppers are golden, pale green and sometimes pinkish in color. The fruits differ in their cone-shaped, elongated shape, the thickness of their walls is 5-7 mm. The taste of Lumina peppers is sweetish-watery without a pronounced aroma. This variety is easy to care for and survives even in arid climates. But it is worth considering that with scanty watering, the fruits may taste bitter. Ripe peppers can be stored for up to 4 months and can withstand transportation well.


An early ripening sweet variety with a growing season of 75 to 90 days. Recommended for growing in film and greenhouse shelters. It is recommended to sow seeds for seedlings in the third ten days of February. The bush grows semi-spreading, more than 1 m high. 15 large fruits can be collected from one plant. On average from 1 sq. m you can harvest up to 6 kg of crop. The fruits of this variety are drooping and have good taste. The weight of one pepper is about 50 grams, the wall thickness is 4 mm. The unripe fruit is light green in color, while the ripe fruit is bright red, the flesh is sweet and dense.

Mid-season varieties

The varieties that will be listed below are not so common among gardeners due to the average ripening period. In terms of yield, they are inferior to early varieties, but are ideal for winter spinning. These crops can be grown even in the Siberian climate, provided there is a heated greenhouse.

Gift from Moldova

A mid-season variety that adapts well to different weather conditions. “Gift of Moldova” is unpretentious and suitable for growing in greenhouses and open areas. Pepper was developed in Moldova in 1973. Ripening time is from 115 to 135 days. The compact plant reaches a height of up to 50 cm. Ripe fruits are juicy, sweet with a wall thickness of 5 mm. For greenhouses, seeds can be planted in the first ten days of February. This plant is very resistant to various diseases and pest attacks.

Attention: The distance between seedlings in the “Gift of Moldova” bed should be 50 cm, and between rows 60-65 cm.

Purple Othello

This mid-season hybrid is intended for cultivation in open ground and in greenhouse conditions. The plant grows in spreading compact bushes up to 90 cm high. On average, 110 days can pass from the appearance of the first shoots to the ripeness of the fruit. The peppers on the bush are arranged mixed, they have an elongated cone-shaped shape and a smooth texture to the touch. At the moment of biological ripeness, the fruits are brown, and at the peak of ripeness they are purple-eggplant.

The average weight of one pepper is 90-110 grams. It is recommended to sow seeds for seedlings in late February - early March. Othello's taste is sweet and soft. Maximum yield 9 kg per 1 sq. m.

Cherry pepper

The growing season of this variety from the appearance of the first shoots to the ripeness of the fruit is 115-130 days. The bush reaches a maximum height of 60-80 cm. Cherry fruits are distinguished by their rounded heart-shaped shape, small size of 9 cm in length and rich taste. The peppers have a diameter of 2 to 4 cm, a bright red color, and a juicy, spicy-tasting flesh. An ideal variety for canning, drying and drying.

Mid-late varieties

Since the varieties below are late-ripening, they are not recommended for growing in cold regions, as well as in areas where summers are predominantly rainy. Such crops bear fruit before the first frost.

Important to know: Experienced Siberian gardeners grow some mid-late peppers in greenhouses.


The productive variety is suitable for cultivation in open ground and greenhouses. The bushes of this variety grow low, up to 100 cm in height, producing small fruits weighing 35-40 grams. There are a small number of seeds inside the peppers. “Gamik” has a sweet taste; at technical maturity, the fruit has a dark green color, and at its peak it is orange. Resistant to various diseases and pests, as well as the tobacco mosaic virus. Suitable for canning and salads.


This variety can only be grown in protected soil. Hybrid Oreni F1 grows as low-growing bushes, on which large cube-shaped fruits are formed. The color of peppers at the technical stage of development is green, and at the peak of ripeness it is bright orange. It has good taste and a bright aroma. This variety is ideal for winter twists, lecho and fresh salads. Thanks to the thick walls, the fruits safely withstand transportation.


A mid-season variety, the growing season of which is 130-140 days from the appearance of the first shoots to the ripeness of the fruit. This hybrid is considered compact, the bushes grow up to 80 cm in height. The fruits have a cuboid shape, weighing 120-135 grams, juicy pulp and thick walls of 8 mm. At the peak of ripeness, the color of peppers is deep red. "Paris" can be grown in film shelters and in open areas. The average yield per plant is 2 kg.

Attention: Seeds for seedlings of this variety are recommended to be planted from the 20th of February, and planting in the ground is carried out in early May.


One of the most unusually colored mid-late varieties is “Nochka”. This pepper is productive and is recommended to be grown in film shelters, glass greenhouses, and also in open ground. The bushes are medium-sized, low, with a lot of foliage. The fruits grow weighing up to 160 grams, have a cuboid shape and a dark purple color. The taste of the pepper is sweet and juicy. Productivity from one bush is 3-4 kg. Resistant to tobacco mosaic and pests.


Many people believe that capsicums should always be spicy, but there are quite sweet-tasting fruits of this type. Capsicum is often used to make aromatic seasoning. There are five types of pepper, of which this spice is the best.


The pepper variety is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation. Suitable for growing in greenhouse shelters, as well as on land. The mid-season variety reaches technical ripeness 80-95 days after planting the grains. The bushes have a compact spreading form up to 75 cm in height. The fruits at the peak of ripeness weigh up to 230 grams and are large cone-shaped. The taste is high, the pulp has a juicy structure, the wall thickness is 3 mm. Ripe peppers are bright red in color, and yellow before ripening. The “Cascade” variety can be used to make paprika seasoning. The culture is thermophilic; it is recommended to place it in well-lit areas.


The early ripening variety ripens 100-110 days after the appearance of the first seedlings. Low-growing bushes 50-60 cm in height. The fruits are bright in color, blunt-ended in shape, weighing 55 g. At the peak of ripeness, the peppers acquire a rich red hue. This plant is easy to care for. From 1 sq. m of bushes you can collect up to 3 kg of fruits of this crop. “Baby” is suitable for growing in summer cottages, greenhouses and even for pot planting on the balcony.


The pod type belongs to the early ripening varieties. After the first shoots appear, the harvest can be expected in 120-130 days. The bushes are low-growing, covered with green leaves. The fruits are pod-shaped, 10-13 cm long. The average weight of one pepper is 25-30 grams. The pulp contains beneficial ascorbic acid. "Mayak" is often used to make spices and seasonings.


It got its name from its deep dark red color, which is similar to the color of garnet. The bushes grow low, medium-sized, spreading, up to 50 cm high. The fruits have an elongated, pointed shape. The wall thickness is from 3 to 3.5 mm, the weight of one pepper is approximately 30 g. The “Pomegranate” variety is stable in yield, resistant to various diseases and harmful insects. It contains healthy sugars, dry substances and ascorbic acid. The variety is suitable for creating paprika and dry spices.


Mid-season pod variety. After the sprouts appear on the surface, it begins to bear fruit on the 135th day. It grows in compact, low-growing bushes that are abundantly covered with dark green leaves. Small fruits grow on the branches, shaped like hearts. A ripe fruit has a mass of no more than 20 grams, and the width of the walls is up to 2 mm. At the peak of maturity, “Hedgehog” acquires a dark red color. Hedgehog tastes sweet. The fruits contain useful dry substances, as well as ascorbic acid. The plant can easily be grown in greenhouse conditions, in open ground, and also on a windowsill.

Pickled sweet peppers

The fruits of sweet red pepper are peeled from the seed part and immersed in a boiling marinade prepared in the following ratio:

5 liters of water, 400 g of salt, 200 g of sugar and 1 liter of vinegar.

After removing them from the marinade, place them in jars. Add 2 grains of black pepper, 2 grains of allspice, a piece of bay leaf and 15 g of vegetable oil to each jar. The same marinade is used for filling. Sterilize for 10 minutes.

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Pickled sweet peppers Marinade for 1 liter of water: 1 glass of 5% vinegar, 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of sugar Seasonings for a 0.5-liter container: 1 bay leaf, 2 allspice peas, 2 cloves of garlic Wash the pepper, remove stalks and seeds, then

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Pickled sweet peppers Large, fleshy, tender sweet peppers are suitable for pickling. The main value of sweet pepper lies in its high vitamin content. Before pickling, the stalks with seeds are removed from the pepper and washed in running water. Peeled pepper

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Pickled capsicum Pepper – 1 kg, salt – 150 g, wine vinegar – 200 g. Young green pepper pods are used for pickling. The peppers are sorted, washed, placed in deep dishes, possibly 3- or 5-liter jars, and filled with a 4-5% salt solution. If

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Pickled sweet peppers “Gold Medalist” 3–4 kg of sweet peppers of different colors For the marinade: 1 cup sugar or honey 1 cup vegetable oil 1 cup vinegar 1 cup water 1.5 tbsp. spoons of salt Peel the pepper from stalks and seeds, cut into 4 parts and 3

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Pickled sweet peppers “Gold Medalist” Ingredients 3-4 kg of sweet peppers (different colors). For the marinade: 1 glass of sugar or honey, 1 glass of vegetable oil, 1 glass of vinegar, 1 glass of water, 1 1/2 tbsp. spoons of salt. Method of preparation: Peel the pepper from stalks and seeds,

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Algerian sweet peppers 170 g sweet peppers, 30 g onions, 10 g olive oil, ? teaspoons (3%) vinegar, salt, pepper. Bake the pepper pods for a while, then peel them and cut into large noodles, mix with chopped onions

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Canned sweet peppers (capsicum) 1 Wash large fleshy sweet peppers, remove stems, remove membranes, grains, rinse well, put in a colander, dip in hot water for 1 minute, remove, let the water drain. Then place the pods in liter jars,

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Canned sweet peppers (capsicum) 2 Peel the washed fleshy peppers from the stalk, remove the membranes, grains, rinse, chop into rings, put in liter jars, sprinkle with peeled garlic cloves, pour in hot brine at the rate of 1 tablespoon of salt

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Pickled sweet pepper method I. Blanch the prepared peppers in boiling water for 5 minutes, place in a sieve and immediately pour cold water. Insert the pods one into the other and place tightly in jars, pour hot marinade and pasteurize the jars at 90 ° C:

From the book of 100 recipes for vegetarian dishes. Tasty, healthy, soulful, healing author Vecherskaya Irina

Pickled capsicums Young green pepper pods are used for pickling. Sort the peppers, rinse, place in a deep bowl and fill with 4-5% salt solution. Press on top with pressure and, sealing it hermetically, leave for 6-8 days, during which the color is pepper

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Pickled sweet red pepper For 0.5 liters of brine - 1 clove of garlic, 3 allspice peas, 1 bay leaf, 3 tbsp. l. vinegar; 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tbsp. l. salt - for pouring. Remove seeds from pepper. Blanch in boiling water for 5 minutes, cool with cold water. Tight

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Algerian-style sweet capsicum Ingredients: capsicum – 90 g, onions – 50 g, olive oil – 30 g, vinegar – 5 g, salt, pepper, herbs. Peel the baked pepper pods and cut into strips. Cut the onions into rings. Mix everything, salt, pepper and

From the author's book

Algerian-style sweet capsicum Ingredients: capsicum - 90 g, onions - 50 g, olive oil - 30 g, vinegar - 5 g, salt, pepper, herbs. Peel the baked pepper pods and cut into strips. Cut the onions into rings. Mix everything, salt, pepper and

In cooking, sweet capsicum is used as a vegetable, and hot capsicum is used as a spice in dry ground form. Pepper is used to prepare soups, mainly tomato, fish, goulash, almost all types of meat, fish, sauces, beans, cabbage and rice.

It is indispensable in the production of many types of sausages and meat products. Pepper is added for taste to various salads and snacks. Fresh pepper is used to prepare salads mixed with other vegetables. Vegetable pepper is served with meat, bread, various cheeses and in various combinations. It can be preserved with various vegetables and on its own. Pepper should not be poured into boiling oil or fat, as it will lose color, turn black and turn bitter.

Pepper improves digestion, increases appetite and irritates the skin. In pharmaceuticals it is used for the manufacture of medicines - tinctures, patches, extracts.


Allspice is the fruit of an evergreen tree of the myrtle family, Pimento officinalis. The fruits are used as a spice; they turn brown when dried and are larger in size than black pepper grains.

Pimenta contains pimento oil, which is used in the production of liqueurs and in the cosmetics industry.

The aroma of allspice is reminiscent of cinnamon, black pepper, nutmeg and cloves. Its smell is spicy, its taste is spicy, hot. This is a very strong spice, so you need to use it very carefully; allspice not only adds flavor to dishes, but also changes their taste. It is used in the preparation of hot meats, mainly lamb, gravy and other dishes. Allspice complements spinach, vegetables well dishes, fish in vegetable oil, fish salads, game sauces, game, vegetable soups, jelly, canned vegetables and cucumbers. It is also used to prepare various marinades, puddings, cookies, pies. In small quantities it gives a peculiar taste to fruit compotes.


This is the most famous and popular spicy plant, the dried fruits of which are used as a spice. The fruits of black pepper are rich in essential oil, starch, and sugars.

Black pepper is used for soups, gravies, sauces, vegetable salads, marinades, in the preparation of all types of meat, including game, savoy cabbage, beans, peas, lentils, sauerkraut, goulash, eggs, cheeses, tomatoes, fish, canned vegetables and for a lot of other dishes. Homemade pig slaughter, sausage production and a whole range of meat products cannot be done without black pepper.

Black pepper promotes digestion. But it cannot be recommended in large quantities.


Red pepper is the fruit of a herbaceous plant, resembling a large pod in appearance, which, depending on the variety and stage of maturity, can be dark or bright red, orange, and when unripe, green. Red pepper has a high vitamin content. In terms of vitamin C content, it significantly exceeds even such a vitamin fruit as lemon. Red pepper contains a special substance - capsaicin, which has a very spicy and “hot” taste. Depending on the amount of capsaicin, sweet and bitter peppers are distinguished. Sweet (paprika) has large, short and fleshy fruits. Its best variety, Bulgarian, is usually bright red in color when fully ripe. Unripe sweet peppers are green in color. Its taste is mild, not spicy, except for small seeds, which have significant bitterness. It is used for preparing vegetable dishes and as a seasoning. The fruits of bitter red pepper have an elongated shape and are dark red in color. The best variety of hot red pepper is cayenne. In terms of its pungency and “hotness” of taste, it can only be compared with black pepper. Red pepper is used in cooking to season many meat, fish, vegetable dishes and sauces. It is especially widely used in Central Asian and other national cuisines. Red hot and sweet peppers in powder form can also be served.

Capsicum is an agricultural vegetable crop. This type of plant belongs to herbaceous annuals from the Solanaceae family. To obtain fruits, various varieties of sweet peppers and. All of them are representatives of the species Capsicum annuum. Varieties with sweet fruits are traditionally combined under one name - bell pepper.

The cultivation of sweet peppers, one of the oldest vegetables known to people, was carried out for many centuries only in warm, sunny countries. Initially, its use was limited to medicinal use only. Sweet pepper was considered a good medicine. Preparations were prepared from it to treat asthma, anemia, and dizziness. And only after some time, fruits with a specific taste began to be used as food.

For our country, the name bell pepper has become firmly established in everyday use. But the birthplace of this plant is America. From this continent the vegetable came to Portugal, then they learned about it in Turkey and from there the fruits were brought to Bulgaria. Everyone there really liked the taste of the new vegetable, and they began to grow it intensively. And already from this Balkan country, fruits with a piquant taste were brought to the south of Russia and Ukraine, where they gave the name to the vegetable bell pepper. This is how Russia became acquainted with a new variety from the Solanaceae family.

The leaves of the plant are located singly on the stem or collected in whorls. The leaf blades are simple, oval in shape, pointed at the end, with a smooth edge. Their color varies from rich dark green to lighter tones. The number of leaves on the stem and their size greatly depend on the age of the plant and its growing conditions. For example, the same varieties of sweet peppers in open ground can have a leaf blade size of up to 10 cm, and in a greenhouse up to 15–18 cm in length.

The leaves tear easily, as their structure is quite delicate. When caring for crops, care should be taken not to damage them, for example, during harvesting.

Sweet pepper has a characteristic seed shape: most often flat, sometimes slightly curved. As a rule, their color is pale yellow, but the color can vary; some varieties have white or brownish seeds.

Sweet peppers are grown for the sake of producing fruits. In color they can be red, orange, yellow, green, and also almost black. The fruits are used in various culinary dishes in all sorts of forms. They are eaten fresh, pickled, salted, canned, fried, stewed, stuffed, etc.


Since the plant comes from warm countries and has a long growing season, growing bell pepper in temperate latitudes is possible only through seedlings. Plants are planted in beds at intervals of 40 cm. A space of 50 cm is left between the rows.

For some gardeners, the square-cluster planting method seems more effective. Seedling bushes are planted at a distance of 60 cm from each other, and two plants are placed in a hole.

Planting peppers can begin at the end of May, when the danger of the last frost has already passed. It is better to plant in cloudy weather, or at the end of the day, when the sun is already setting. This will reduce the likelihood of excess water evaporation from the leaves of plants that have not yet taken root and are not able to absorb water well from the soil. For the same purpose, to reduce aspiration (moisture evaporation), it is better to cover the bed with newly planted peppers with film. Under it, plants will take root faster and grow.

All varieties of bell peppers will look weak and wilted in the first 8–10 days after planting. During this period, caring for peppers should be especially careful: the ground should be moist, but not waterlogged, otherwise the roots damaged during transplantation may rot. Better and faster establishment of seedlings is facilitated by surface loosening, which provides additional aeration for the root system.

When rooting occurs and warm weather sets in, the film cover can be removed. This should be done carefully, as the leaves and shoots of the plant are fragile and easily break off. In the future, in order to grow pepper properly, it must be watered and fed regularly.

Watering before flowering is done twice a week in case of hot weather. On cool and cloudy days, it is enough to water the beds where sweet peppers grow once a week. During flowering, fruit set and growth, more water is required and watering is done more abundantly.

Irrigation water should always be warm, from +22°C. Otherwise, cold water will inhibit the growth of the plant and delay the time of fruiting. It is preferable to use the drip irrigation method. Thanks to this, a crust will not form on the soil around the plant - as a result, drip irrigation will help save water, and growing bell peppers will become less labor-intensive.

The first complex fertilizing should be applied in the phase of 1–2 true leaves. For this purpose in 1 l. water mix 500 mg. ammonium nitrate, 3 g. superphosphate, 1 g. potassium salt. After two weeks, a second feeding should be given, doubling the concentration of fertilizers. The last fertilizing before planting should contain a higher concentration of potassium fertilizers - 7 g per 1 liter of water. There is a good alternative to chemical fertilizers. For example, you can prepare the following infusion: 1 part green nettle to 10 parts water, leave for 2 days. The last feeding should be done at least 2 days before replanting.

An increase in yield will be facilitated by 3–4 fertilizing with chicken manure per season. They are alternated with the foliar method of applying fertilizers. For this purpose, you can take a solution that is prepared by diluting 1 tablespoon of nitroammophoska in 12 liters of water.

Diseases and pests

Aphids, spider mites.


Seeds, cuttings.

First steps after purchase

Seed germination, subject to proper storage, lasts 4 years. Before planting, they are soaked in a solution of zircon (proportions: 1 drop per 0.3 liters of water) or epin (2 drops per 0.1 liters of water). Exposure - 18 hours at room temperature. The seeds are then wrapped in a cloth dampened with water and placed in a plastic bag to prevent drying out. They are kept in the bag for 2 days, then they are sown. Pepper is a heat-loving crop; the best temperature for seed germination is +22°C–+24°C.

In central Russia (above the conventional line Belgorod - Voronezh), sweet peppers are sown in late February - early March. Shoots will appear faster if you use pre-soaked seeds with hatched seedlings, the length of which is 5–8 mm.

It is better to sow bell peppers in pots measuring 4x5 cm. If tall, mid- and late-ripening varieties of bell pepper are used, then the grown seedlings can be planted in larger pots with a diameter of 10–12 cm.

For the first 2–3 days, the emerging seedlings are not watered. If the soil is dry, it is better to simply spray with a spray bottle. On the third or fourth day, the cotyledon leaves will unfold, and then the seedlings begin to be watered with warm (+30°C) water. Both excess and lack of moisture are dangerous for young plants. With a deficiency, plants wither and weaken; if over-watered, blackleg may develop. If the disease appears, it is better to immediately stop watering, sprinkle the ground with ash or a layer of pre-calcined sand. It is important to ensure good ventilation of the room with peppers. But it should be remembered that cold air is also detrimental to plants, so drafts should be avoided. Weak seedlings can be treated 2-3 times with epin solution at intervals of 8-10 days. If there is a lack of sunlight, fluorescent lamps should be turned on.

At the stage of 7–8 true leaves, hardening can begin. By this time, the seedlings should already be 20–25 cm high and have large buds. It is correct to start hardening gradually. Boxes with plants are placed in a room with a temperature of +16°С–+18⁰С, and then placed in conditions with a temperature of +12°С–+14°С.

2–3 days before planting in open ground, the seedlings are left outside overnight. If caring for seedlings included hardening, then the seedlings are strong and stocky, with 8 or more true leaves and fully formed buds.

Secrets of success

Sweet peppers do not like cold winds, so choose a sunny area sheltered from the winds for planting. It’s good if the predecessors of pepper were any root vegetables or cucumbers, legumes or green crops. Plant in soil where other members of the Solanaceae family (physalis, potatoes, tomatoes or eggplants) were grown.

Peppers prefer loose and well-fertilized soil. Acidic soils must be limed.

Before flowering, bell peppers are watered by sprinkling - from a watering can - once a week, and during fruiting - at the root (2 times a week). Watering should be regular so that the ovaries do not fall off.

Possible difficulties

Typical pepper pests are spider mites and aphids. Insecticides help against aphids. Measures to combat spider mites include spraying with a solution of onion, garlic, dandelion or liquid soap.

In open ground, peppers can develop a fungal infection called verticillium. Plant wilting is the main symptom of the disease.

Naked slugs also often attack plants. In this case, pollination of plantings with lime or fine tobacco dust helps.

I want to tell you how I close pickled sweet or hot peppers for the winter. The method is very easy. The pepper turns out very tasty. Stores perfectly.
This method also works well for marinating bell peppers.

Take 5 kg of pepper.

Trim the tails of capsicums
If you are closing the bell pepper, you need to cut it into 4 parts and remove the seeds.

Place a 5 liter saucepan on the fire, a little more than half filled with water.

Peel 300-400 grams of garlic. Cut the cloves into slices or grate on a coarse grater.

Peel and wash a lot of greens: parsley, celery. You can add more spicy herbs - tarragon, mint... These greens are also marinated along with pepper and all eaten.

When the water boils, put salt and sugar there and pour in wine or apple vinegar.
(I add everything to taste. I taste the marinade so that it is balanced sour-sweet-salty. It will be approximately 1 cup of sugar, 3.4 - half a glass of salt, 1 liter of good wine or apple vinegar) You can put half a portion of vinegar.
(I never use vegetable oil.)

Place 1 tbsp in water. spoon of prepared mustard.

If desired, you can add 1 bag of suneli hops.

Place all the greens in the marinade. Do not cut the greens.

Let the contents of the pan boil

Start adding pepper to the boiling marinade.
(all the pepper will not fit in the pan. Put the remaining pepper to cook in the same marinade from which you will already package the first batch in jars.)

Press it down with a plate so that the pepper is completely immersed in the marinade.

Let the pepper cook.

I like the peppers to be soft. And you choose the degree of softness of the peppers that you like.

Separately, water should boil in two more pans - one for jars, the other for lids.

Now we put the jar in boiling water (all the lids are already boiling. And it’s not true that screw lids can’t be boiled. You can! I’ve boiled them more than once!)
Take the jar out of the boiling water, put garlic at the bottom of the jar and start adding pepper and herbs to the jar. I do this with kitchen tongs. Try to pack the peppers more tightly.

Top up the jar with the marinade in which the peppers were cooked.

Roll up the lid, which was also boiling.

Turn the jars over, cover, and leave for several hours.

Pepper loves vinegar. Sometimes it happens that when you open a jar, the pepper is not as hot as you would like. Or you can even seal it with less vinegar. When in winter I open a jar, try pepper and feel that the pepper is not hot enough (not enough vinegar), then I do this:
I pour the marinade into a bowl, add vinegar to taste and pour the marinade back into the jar. I shake the jar so that the marinade is distributed throughout the jar. After 15 minutes the pepper becomes the taste I like.

Bon appetit!