Permanent neodymium magnets (ndfeb) today have practically driven out all their “brothers” from the industry. This happened not only because they are significantly superior in power to any analogues, but also because they are relatively inexpensive. It is the combination of the highest electromagnetic characteristics with low cost that has brought them such popularity.

Neodymium magnets - composition

Despite the name, the products we describe are more than 62% iron and only about a third neodymium. In addition, the alloy also contains boron (only a couple of percent) and, possibly, other elements, such as cobalt, in small quantities. Some technologies also involve the presence of various polymers added for strength and plasticity of forms.

Production technology

The substance from which neodymium rare-earth magnets are composed cannot, perhaps, be called an alloy in the proper sense of the word. Because the body of the product is not cast from liquid metal, but is sintered from a powder mass, which is poured into molds and compacted at high temperature. Sometimes, in order to give a product some complex shape, synthetic substances are added to it; this gives additional strength, but a significant portion of the magnetic characteristics is lost.

Even at the stage of forming blanks from powder, neodymium magnets acquire their famous properties, the alloy is exposed to an effect that forms the vector of the electromagnetic field. The final magnetization occurs when the product is almost ready.

The entire manufacturing process takes place on fairly complex equipment, and some stages take place in a vacuum. That is why such products cannot be called cheap, and also because the neodymium magnet contains rare earth material, one kilogram of which costs about $100 on the market. Despite the fact that each ton of product contains only a third of neodymium, this significantly affects the price.

Directionality of the electromagnetic field

You've probably noticed that magnetic objects often attract iron not with their entire area, but with a certain side. Plus, if you try to connect two such objects together, they can repel each other, and a neodymium magnet (ndfeb) is no exception in this regard. The reason is the type of magnetization, which is formed at the initial stage of production and can be axial, diametrical and radial.

If we consider a disk as an example, we will see that its poles are located on the upper and lower flat surfaces, while for diametric devices they are on the curved side surface. Finally, what a neodymium magnet with radial magnetization means can be better seen using the example of a ring. The poles here are located along the outer convex surface and along the inner one.

What properties does a rare earth neodymium magnet have?

Magnetic energy in neodymium disks or bars can reach 400 kJ/m. cube, which is almost four times higher than that of ferrite analogues. Moreover, to tear off a tiny washer weighing 50 grams from an iron surface, a force of at least 20 kg will be required. It is almost impossible to tear large objects made of neodymium from the metal by hand.

The demagnetization performance is also surprising. Even after half a century of active use, the neodymium magnet alloy will retain most of its attractive properties, while ferrite will be almost completely demagnetized by that time. On the other hand, such devices also have their weaknesses, perhaps the most important of which is fragility.

To give neodymium products their fantastic characteristics, manufacturers are forced to resort to sintering technology, which does not yet allow them to achieve high strength. In order to somehow protect the neodymium magnet, iron boron and neodymium are coated with a copper-nickel protective layer. If handled carefully, this is sufficient, but dropping objects obtained by sintering or hitting them is not recommended. Otherwise, you will encounter another flaw - susceptibility to corrosion. Its manifestations may appear at the sites of chips or cracks.

The second drawback is the limited temperature at which a neodymium magnet can be operated; it is better not to heat the composition above +80 o C. Although special grades of neodymium can withstand +200 o C without damage.

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This rare-earth supermagnet appeared on the domestic market relatively recently, but very quickly it practically replaced simple ceramic magnets (ferrite) from many industries. This result was made possible thanks to the impressive performance advantages of the new product. In particular, magnets made of neodymium-iron-boron alloy have the following strengths:

1) Durability. Demagnetization of just a few percent over a hundred years is an astonishing performance that existing alternatives cannot even come close to. The material is essentially eternal, but it can lose its properties due to heating. Weakness to high temperatures limits the areas where neodymium magnets are used.

2) Magnetic force. Even very small products the size of a coin can reliably hold objects weighing several kilograms. Large and powerful neodymium magnets can easily handle a mass of several tons.

3) Design. There are no restrictions on making various forms of neodymium-based rare earth supermagnets.

Scope of application of neodymium magnets

Thanks to the unique performance properties of neodymium-based rare-earth supermagnets, private consumers and enterprises are able to solve a variety of problems with their help. Currently, there are many areas where neodymium magnets are used:

1) Interior decoration. Install durable metal shelves in any room without any installation work. At the same time, the shelves can be moved to a new location at any time. Read more about magnets in the interior in our article: Where are magnets used in everyday life?

2) Search work. Convenient telescopic devices are made based on neodymium magnets, which allow you to lift a nut or other small metal object that has rolled into a hard-to-reach place in a couple of moments. This material also serves as the main design element of a powerful search magnet, with the help of which it is possible to detect and lift heavy objects weighing hundreds of kilograms from the bottom of reservoirs.

3) Entertainment. The most promising area where neodymium magnets can be used especially successfully is the production of puzzles and various educational games. Such entertainment invariably attracts the attention of both children and adults.

4) Construction. Neodymium magnets find their application on construction sites of any level. They act as fasteners in the manufacture of reinforced concrete structures, and are also used in many other operations. Flat neodymium magnets are used for furniture fastenings.

5) Loading and unloading operations. Cumbersome load grippers based on electromagnets are being replaced by compact, easy-to-use and economical models. Ports, wholesale warehouses, trading floors - these are not all the objects where neodymium magnets are used - cubes and rectangles as part of powerful magnetic grippers.

Using magnets for medicinal purposes

In addition to solving numerous applied problems, powerful magnets are widely used in medicine. In particular, magnetic therapy has already firmly established itself as one of the most effective and promising types of preventive and clinical treatment. By wisely using the power of magnetic fields, it is possible to influence the concentration of enzymes and hormones, purifying the blood and triggering natural self-regulation mechanisms.

The use of magnets has been clinically proven to be highly effective in reducing pain and, in particular, in the treatment of migraines. After a course of procedures under the supervision of a specialist, it is possible to significantly improve the body’s condition and strengthen the immune system even without taking medications. Thus, magnetic therapy becomes one of the most important industries where neodymium magnet can be used.

Order high-quality magnets to solve any problem

The World of Magnets online store offers you a wide selection of magnets and products based on them. Choose the most suitable solutions from the presented catalog and order them for delivery to your city. We ship high-quality neodymium magnets throughout Russia, as well as to the CIS countries.

Since the neodymium magnet was invented in the early 80s, its use has spread to almost all areas of industry - from clothing and food to machine tool and space. Today there is practically no industry where such devices are used. Moreover, in most cases they have practically replaced traditional ferrimagnets, which are significantly inferior in their characteristics.

What is the reason for the popularity of neodymium products?

Let's talk in a few words about what a neodymium magnet is and where it is used.

The magnetic properties of neodymium were discovered relatively recently, and the first products made from it appeared only in 1982. Despite this, she immediately began to gain popularity. The reason is the amazing characteristics of the alloy, capable of attracting iron objects hundreds of times its own weight and tens of times stronger than ferromagnetic devices. Thanks to this, equipment using neodymium magnets has become smaller in size, but at the same time much more efficient.

The alloy contains, in addition to neodymium, iron and boron. To obtain the desired product, these substances in powder form are not melted, but sintered, which leads to one significant drawback - fragility. A layer of copper-nickel alloy helps to get rid of chips and corrosion, thanks to which the product is ready for full use.

Neodymium magnets - use in everyday life

Today, anyone can buy neodymium bars, disks or rings and use them in the household. Depending on the tasks, you can choose the desired size, weight and shape of the product, depending on your wallet. Below we present several options for using magnetic devices, although in reality the scope of use is almost limitless and is limited only by the imagination of the owner.

So, where is a neodymium magnet used in everyday life?

Search and collection of metal objects

Now you will not have problems finding iron objects that have rolled under furniture or fallen into a well. Just attach, for example, a magnetic disk to the end of a stick or tie it to a cord and move this simple device over the place where the object is likely to fall. In just a few minutes, what you lost will be in your hands safe and sound.

The use of a neodymium magnet will also help to collect metal shavings or scattered screws. For convenience, wrap the neodymium item in a cloth, sock or plastic bag. This will help, on the one hand, to protect the work surface from the adhesion of iron debris, and on the other hand, to remove everything that is stuck at once and not separate each screw separately.


Talking about the areas where neodymium magnets are used in everyday life, we will mention various types of fasteners. With their help, you can hang any iron-containing objects on vertical surfaces: kitchen or plumbing utensils, gardening and any other tools. Simply mount the neodymium plates on the stand in a certain order and, if necessary, attach to them, for example, knives or screwdrivers.

The use of a neodymium magnet in everyday life is also possible for hanging non-iron objects: paintings, mirrors, shelves, mosquito nets, etc. To do this, fix a magnetic plate on the item, and a small sheet of iron on the surface where you plan to attach it.

As we have already said, the neodymium alloy is quite fragile, so it is undesirable to violate its integrity by drilling or cutting, as a result of which the properties of the metal will be significantly affected. It is better to choose neodymium magnets as suspensions, the use of which does not require additional processing. Fortunately, online stores offer products of a wide variety of configurations with holes of the required diameter, with various fasteners and cutouts. Therefore, you can easily select the device of the desired configuration. You can just as successfully use magnetic elements as a latch on a door, to attach a badge, or to create your own refrigerator magnet. This is not a complete list of areas where neodymium magnets are used.


If you need to glue two surfaces, but due to the complexity of the shape it is not possible to use a vice, magnetic parts will again help solve the problem. Simply place the objects to be glued between them, which, due to the attractive force of neodymium, will be tightly pressed to each other.

Using this kind of clamps, you can easily clean or wash surfaces that seemed completely inaccessible. Where are neodymium magnets used specifically? For washing the external surfaces of balcony glass, cleaning an aquarium and other hard-to-reach glass containers. Place the magnetic bar inside the washcloth, which you secure on the outside of the balcony, holding it with another magnet from the inside. This way, you can direct the external sponge wherever you want and clean the glass perfectly.


You can get rid of chips and other metal debris in engine oil by using a neodymium magnet; there is a video about this on the Internet. Attach a magnetic device to the crankcase drain plug, neodymium will attract iron microparticles, and they will not get into the working mechanisms of the car.

With the help of a small neodymium plate, you can also secure any objects to the car body, and with the help of large magnetic disks or bars you can even even out small dents.

Neodymium magnet - use in everyday life. Unexplored Moments

Many scientists believe that electromagnetic waves have beneficial effects on living organisms. In this regard, many devices have appeared that are believed to promote plant growth and improve the health of the body. Many gardeners stick magnetic rods near their plants, and livestock farmers place objects in cages with pets. In addition, various magnetic bracelets, neodymium finishing of clothing, water purification and much more are now popular.

Of course, in the article we touched upon only a small fraction of the areas where neodymium magnets are used; videos and articles with other ways to use these products can be found on the Internet.

Neodymium is the most powerful permanent magnetic material currently known to scientists. It's also very affordable, making it suitable for a variety of uses.

Rare earth magnets

Chemical composition of a neodymium magnet: Nd2Fe14B, in other words, two neodymium atoms, 14 iron atoms, and one boron atom. Therefore, sometimes such magnets are called “neodymium-iron-boron”. These are rare earth magnets which, unlike conventional ferrite and ceramic magnets, contain atoms from the lanthanides or actinides of the periodic table. Magnets made from neodymium are the most powerful rare earth magnets. Their strength is often given in Gauss (MegaGauss-Oersted, magnetic energy), and depending on the form and class can reach 13,500 Gauss or more, although 2,000 Gauss is common. For comparison, refrigerator magnets produce approximately 50 Gauss.

Application of neodymium magnets

Neodymium magnets are relatively inexpensive, so they are used quite often both in industry and at home, as well as by amateurs and researchers. For example, every modern computer hard drive has a small segment of neodymium magnet that helps guide the needle to read data.

You can also find neodymium magnets in expensive speaker systems, furniture fastenings, various accessories, etc. Neodymium magnets are also used as souvenir magnets. The only disadvantage of neodymium magnets is that they lose part of their magnetic energy at high operating temperatures. This eliminates the use of neodymium magnets in electronics, where a lot of thermal energy is generated. However, there are different classes of neodymium magnets that can be used at temperatures up to 200 degrees Celsius.

Advantages of neodymium magnets

The main advantage of neodymium magnets is their strength: for example, a magnet the size of a 5 ruble coin (25 mm in diameter and 5 mm in thickness) can support a weight of almost 9 kg! Two magnets connected to each other at the wrong angle can injure the skin to the point of bruising. Large magnets (for example, 50*30 mm) are extremely dangerous, so you must take precautions when working with them. But if precautions are taken, neodymium magnets can be used in entertainment and even educational projects.

The second, but no less important, advantage of neodymium magnets is their service life. And although the technology for producing neodymium magnets is only 30 years old, we can already say that neodymium magnets lose only about 1% of their magnetic energy within 100 years! For comparison, ordinary ferrite magnets last no more than 10 years, after which they become just a piece of iron.
Have you ever wondered why ferrite magnets are most often made in the shape of a horseshoe, with one leg painted red and the other blue? The answer is simple: manufacturers have tried to short-circuit the magnetic field lines of ferrite magnets to increase their lifespan. Neodymium magnets do not require this, so they can be made into almost any shape, and can also be made “multipolar”, i.e. having several poles on the surface.

Magnetic phenomena

In our online store you can find film for visualizing magnetic field lines in a physical environment. Carefully placed neodymium magnets can promote diamagnetic levitation, a peculiar phenomenon that can lift small objects into the air without making contact with it. If you try to drag a magnet across a non-magnetic surface (aluminium, copper), you will feel the force of "magnetic disturbance" or simply the resistance of eddy currents that arise when the magnet moves over a non-magnetic surface. Try to repeat these experiments with our magnets, and you will not regret it!

It’s not for nothing that it is said that magnetism is the most beautiful phenomenon of physics, which we ever encounter!

Hello! Let's start with the fact that excellent reviews of such magnets
have already been to the site. It was thanks to this that I also decided to become the owner of miniature and powerful magnets useful for the household.

Their price, at the time of order, was about 160 rubles.
Order specifications: 10 magnets, each diameter is 2 cm, weight of 10 pieces is around 40 g.

The parcel arrived in 44 days. They were placed in a standard yellow envelope and wrapped in 4 layers of bubble wrap and tape. Apparently, the seller was trying to protect the outside world from the magnetic field of his product. Although we may also be talking about the fragility of the products, which, therefore, the seller clearly informed me about.
The force required to detach metal parts from the magnet was indeed much higher than that of conventional household magnets.
You can think of very different areas of application - for storing keys in a suspended state (would the magnetic field of the key affect the microchip of the intercom tablet key and credit cards, that’s what worries me), for storing cutlery (knives) in the kitchen (aesthetics are also I wish I could implement this), tricks, attaching various devices in a car, to a refrigerator and other metal surfaces, searching and retrieving metal objects from hard-to-reach places, etc. I also saw magnets from sellers with a hole in the center for fasteners; it would probably be better for me to order them. I haven’t decided yet how to attach these – 3M tape or glue, and whether the glue and tape will withstand the force applied to detach the key (knife) is also not clear.
They did what the magnets were bought for 100% - freely, clearly with a reserve of power, they held keys, knives, etc. in weight.

But a number of stainless steel objects (spoons, for example, a stainless steel kitchen sink) do not possess magnetism and are not attracted by any magnet at all. This must be taken into account before purchasing. You can also practice with an ordinary magnet - what it attracts, the same will attract those discussed.
Data on neodymium compounds can be found in
Thus, everything is very worthy, but what confused me is that these magnets did not contain the notorious neodymium (Nd) at all, although the attractive force of the magnets is really great. I was very surprised by this fact. To determine the composition of the alloy from which the magnets were made, the Titan S1 device was used. The features of the device are highlighted in my review
The device itself

Composition of the resulting neodymium magnet (%)
Ni – 71.76
Fe – 24.06
Cr – 3.87
V – 0.13
Ti – 0.08
Mn – 0.08
For comparison, the composition of the magnet “singing magnets” or “Rattlesnake Eggs”, bought at a stall with all sorts of small things for 30 rubles, which has weaker magnetism:
Fe – 93.44
Ti – 5.02
Mn – 0.88
Co – 0.25
Cu – 0.17
W – 0.13
Zn – 0.04
Mo – 0.02
As you can see, they differ in the basis - Ni and Fe. This is understandable, but it’s not clear where the neodymium promised by the seller is in the magnets?
For those especially curious:
The composition of a spoon that does not react at all to any magnet:
The composition of the knife blade (pictured) is perfectly held by a neodymium magnet:

To summarize, I can say that the magnets do their job well, so I can recommend them for purchase. Positive feedback was left for the seller. Well, neodymium - you can live normally without it. It might even be better for your health.

Addition - crash test results.

For the sake of truth and curiosity, I sacrificed one magnet. I cleaned one side of it with a file; by the way, the surface layer can be removed very easily. In the process, the magnet fell onto the porcelain tile floor and proved its fragility by breaking into several pieces.

Afterwards I assessed the composition again. The components are the same. There is no neodymium. But the proportions have changed. There was 8 percent more iron, and correspondingly less nickel. In other words, under a coating layer based on nickel, the magnet itself contains a high iron content. I attribute this fact either to the fact that I removed part of the nickel during processing with a file in the form of shavings (thereby violating the ratio of elements in the sample), or to a measurement error (most likely not). The used device has it, because it shows the mean value of the measurement and the confidence interval.
Next, the pieces of the magnet were placed in boiling water for 2 minutes, and also heated over a fire. Cooled down naturally. The boiled piece completely retained its magnetic properties, while the calcined piece completely lost it and turned into unnecessary garbage. During the calcination process, I observed several sparks (like “New Year’s sparklers”).