Many experienced well builders claim that a well can be dug at almost any time of the year, except for the period of spring floods. However, the well should still be dug in August or September. Firstly, during these months, the aquifers that the well diggers want to get into are at their lowest level at this time. Therefore, the risk of not digging the well becomes less. If you dig a well of insufficient depth, focusing on the level of the aquifer increased by snowmelt and rain, the well may remain empty in the summer heat. Secondly, summer time is also convenient because many summer residents remain on the site for long time which allows you to fully control the construction process.

Second important issue is the choice of location. It is believed that the well can be located where the aquifer is closest to the surface of the earth, this will facilitate construction works. How to find this place? Most experts do not recommend using methods for determining the depth of occurrence groundwater using metal frames or vines, as they are not accurate. Meanwhile, experts often contradict each other. This suggests that all plots of land have individual differences, and a number of factors must be taken into account when choosing a place. Even the well-known opinion that it is safer to dig a well in areas with dense vegetation and in lowlands sometimes turns out to be wrong. The wettest and lowest place on the surface may not have clean water underground.

Experienced summer residents know what type of soil is on his site at a depth of two meters, but water at such a shallow depth is not suitable for drinking, drinking water usually lies at a depth of tens of meters. Naturally, you will not be able to determine the location of places with the closest location of the aquifer to the surface. As well as to find out the quality of the soil located at such a depth. In this matter, you need to listen to the advice of professionals. When choosing a site for a well, several important factors must be taken into account.

You can ask neighbors who already have a well on their site about how deep it is, what problems arose during construction, what type of soil is on the site. This information is quite helpful.

Any sources of pollution should be at the greatest distance from the well, and located lower in relief. Consider not only today appearance territory, but the changes planned in the near future, because during the construction of a bathhouse or gazebo in the future, the well cannot be moved. Before you start digging a well, consider its location relative to the house.

It is difficult to determine the depth of the future well in advance. If there is a well in the neighboring area, its depth can be taken as a rough guide. According to experts, two wells dug at a distance of several meters from each other can have completely different type and depth.

How to dig a well

It is advisable to dig a well together, one person should be at the bottom, the other at the top, alternately replacing each other. The pit should have a diameter of slightly more than one meter, in order to fit reinforced concrete or wooden well rings. Inner diameter the well, in the end, should be 1 m. The easiest way is to dig sand, after which clay comes. However, there is a very dense and dry soil, or soil with a high content of stones. The deeper the hole gets, the harder it is to dig. Wells are usually dug with a shovel having a short handle. In addition to it, you will need the following materials and tools:

At a depth of about 3 meters, it is necessary to use a thick rope and a hook to raise the soil in the bucket to the top. At this stage, a canvas raincoat with rubber boots. Wooden or concrete rings are laid as the pit deepens, placing them one on top of the other. After digging a hole 1 m deep, you need to place the first ring, which will settle deep into the pressure pit own weight. You need to jump a little on the ring so that it settles more tightly. When the ring is displaced to the side, it must be corrected with a bayonet spatula. The vertical is checked with a plumb bob. The measurement error increases with the increase in the depth of the hole, so it is necessary to regularly check the measurements with a plumb line. well rings (wooden or reinforced concrete);

  • bayonet blade;
  • construction plumb;
  • hook;
  • thick rope;
  • wire eyes;
  • crushed stone;
  • log with a diameter of 20 cm;
  • bucket;
  • wooden beam;
  • sand-cement blocks;
  • waterproofing material;
  • axe;
  • electric planer;
  • compass.

The gaps formed between the well rings do not need to be filled special solution, just lay the top layer around the well with clay, which will protect it from leakage. Reinforced concrete well rings can have different height. The larger it is, the more difficult it is to install the well with your own hands. Therefore, when arranging the well yourself, you need to use short rings. Rings can be fastened with wire lugs, a crowbar can come in handy here. When arranging a well, it is necessary to use a rope belay that will protect you from the dangers associated with underground quicksand and unexpected voids. You need to be very careful and monitor the tendency of the soil to move.

The water intake can be considered dug out when its depth is 1 m. It is necessary to pump out water from the mine and clean it from excess soil. Then it is necessary to fill the bottom with crushed granite with a layer 10 cm thick, this will protect the water from the ingress of earth and clay when scooped up with a bucket. The soil extracted from the well can be used for construction Alpine slide and creating beds on your site.

Installation of the ground part of the well

The installation of the ground part is easier than the construction of the well column. Here you can do creative work and embellish the landscape of your site. As a head, a log house is usually installed from wooden beam. On the wall you can make a ledge for the bucket. The head is installed on sand-cement blocks. Do not forget about waterproofing. Here you can apply roofing material, rubemast or stekloizol. Sand is poured under the blocks, which provides the blocks with a backfill that protects against soil displacements.

To wind the chain when lifting the bucket from the well, a gate is used. It is made from a log with a diameter of 20 cm. Its length should be about 1.2 meters. The gate must first be prepared by leveling it with an ax and an electric plane, checking the evenness of the circle along its end, drawing on it with a compass an even circle with a diameter of 20 cm. Holes 10 cm deep and 2.2 cm in diameter are drilled at the ends of the log in the center. should be a couple of millimeters larger for a more secure fit. After that, 2 washers are installed on the gate itself, the same number needs to be installed on the frame stand, on which the handle will be located, and one washer on the opposite stand. This is necessary to protect the log house from displacement.

The roof of the well is installed on the bearing pillars with the help of braces. A roof with large overhangs will protect the well from rain and snow. Boards on the roof for better protection should be laid in 2 layers, closing the gaps. Another option for a roof is a metal tile roof. The braces that the roof is attached to can be beveled over time, so they need to be touched up every few years.

After that, in the center of the gate, you need to attach a cable or chain, on which a wooden or metal bucket is hung. The ground around the log house can be laid out with boards, stones or paving slabs to protect against dirt. The layer of earth before this must be removed.

Approximate cost of a well

The cost of a well depends on many factors. First of all, it depends on the depth of the well. Most often, reinforced concrete rings are used to strengthen the walls of the well, the price of which varies from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles. It costs up to 3,500 rubles to bury a ring in the ground, unless of course you do it yourself. In addition, in the process of arranging the well, some difficulties may arise. For example, a stone block may come across, which will be impossible to pull out. In this case, you will have to choose another place. Soils saturated with water can also complicate work.

It is important to decide in advance on the purposes of using the well. If only for drinking and watering - this option will be cheaper. And if, for example, water from it will flow into a house or bath and be used in winter time- it will require the creation of more complex system pipeline and its thermal insulation, which will significantly increase the cost of work. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss in advance the issue of increasing payment in case of unforeseen situations. If you enter into a contract with a firm, check whether such nuances are indicated in it in order to avoid unforeseen expenses. So a well ten deep reinforced concrete rings has an approximate cost of 35 thousand rubles, taking into account the cost of work. Some summer residents prefer to save money and dig a well about three rings deep, the cost of such a well is reduced to 15 thousand. However, water from such a source cannot be used for drinking or cooking.

In some cases, a pump is installed in the wells, and with it a house above the well with a bucket on a chain and a shaft, necessary in case of a power outage and to give the well color. The cost of the pump depends on its power, and the cost of the house depends on its design, materials and dimensions. If the customer wishes, an additional expense item can be the removal of soil from the site. After all, the entire volume of land dug during the work will remain on your territory. If you do not want to clean it yourself, agree in advance on the removal of the land and the cost of this service.

How to take care of a well

Often the owners of private houses, even those who have access to central water supply, think about the need to have their own well on the site. After all, you can not argue about the quality of such water. But first you need to decide where to dig a well. To do this, you need to find an aquifer. How to do it? Do not dig up the entire site ?! Everything is very simple. In this article, we will try to consider methods for finding water on the site and answer the questions: “How to find a place for a well?” and “Where to dig a well?”.

To build a well, you need to know how to look for water on the site

Location of aquifers

Water can be trapped between water-resistant layers in the ground, which are made of clay or stone, and prevent water from breaking through to the surface or going deeper underground. Between these layers is a layer of sand that holds water and purifies it. In places of bends and fractures of water-resistant layers, underground lakes are formed. The presence of such lakes is the most suitable place for the location of the well on the site.

Searching for water for a well, there is Great chance stumble upon it at a depth of 2-2.5 m. Such waters are called perched waters. This is the first layer of water, which is replenished mainly by precipitation, and is unsuitable for a well. Since dirt, chemicals and other impurities get into them, making the water undrinkable. These lakes usually contain a small amount of waters can dry up completely in summer and freeze in winter.

Determining a place for a well involves searching for an aquifer at a depth of at least 15 meters, the so-called second layer. Lakes at this depth contain great amount cubic meters of purified water and suitable for human consumption.

But, the third layer, which is located at a depth of 30–50 m, or even deeper, has the greatest value. The water in such layers is rich in unique mineral composition. But to extract water from such a depth, a well is needed, not a well.

Folk signs to help builders

Even though there wasn't before modern technologies to determine the aquifers, since ancient times, people dug wells, which were the main source of water. With the question "How to find water?" our ancestors turned to nature. So some of the most working signs that will tell you how to determine where to dig a well have survived to this day. Let's look at them below:

Pine signals the presence of deep waters

  1. Fog. In the summer heat better evening and early in the morning, take a closer look at where the fog tubers form above the ground. The density of the fog indicates the depth of the water. The greater the accumulation of fog, the closer the water.
  2. Animal behavior. In the hot season, pets will help you find out the location of aquifers. So the horse, feeling thirsty, will beat with its hoof in the place where it feels water. And the dog in such places digs a hole to hide in it and bring down the body temperature. Mice won't nest in wet places, and chicken won't lay. If you stumble upon a swarm of midges, then be sure that there is water under you.
  3. Vegetation on the site. Plants whose source of life is water give a reliable answer to the question "How to find water for a well on the site?". So in places of deep groundwater do not grow moisture-loving plants. The presence of nettle, coltsfoot, sedge on the site indicates the proximity of water. Trees such as: birch, spruce, willow, grow only on soil with sufficient moisture. The birches even lower their branches in the place where more water. Pine grows in places with deep waters because it takes root very deeply. Cherries and apple trees will rot and take root in very moist soil.
  4. Relief features. The impervious layers do not lie horizontally, but repeat the unevenness of the earth. And this means that in places of depressions, especially those surrounded by hills, aquifers will pass. And on hills or plains there may not be underwater water.

In practice, it has already been proven that these signs really work, but the problem is that most often they indicate a perch. Therefore, you should not completely rely on them.

Practical methods for finding water

The dowsing method is only 50% correct

    1. Dowsing or dowsing. This old method, which has been used since the grandfather-great-grandfather, and is based on the assumption of the magnetic abilities of groundwater. You just need to take a branch Y-shape and walk with her around the site until they begin to bend, pulling them to the ground. Also, when dowsing, two aluminum (copper) wires are used, or just two electrodes. But the technique will be different from walking with a branch. To begin with, the wire must be bent from one edge at a right angle. Then insert them into wooden stands so that they rotate freely - for this it is better to take elderberry wood. Take the wires strictly horizontally in both hands and walk around the site with them. In places where the aquifer passes, they close. This method is only 50% effective and not everyone will be able to correctly notice it.
    2. Moisture absorbing materials. In the role of moisture-absorbing materials, pre-dried in the oven, finely crushed brick, salt or silica gel are used. Now silica gel is used more, but what exactly to apply is up to you. The material you have chosen should be weighed, placed in an unenamelled vessel and buried in the area at least 0.5 m deep, preferably in several places at once. The next day, dig out and weigh again, if the weight has increased, then a layer of water passes in this place. And the greater the weight of the granules, the higher the water. The weight gain must be at least 1 kg. The effectiveness of the method is not less than 60-65%. But this method can only be used if the soil is dry. If it has rained, then you should wait at least 2 days for the soil to dry completely.
    3. Condensate analysis. Spread around the area upside down glass jars, and on the morning of the second day, check which of them has accumulated more condensate. In place of the banks the largest number condensate, the aquifer will be closest.
    4. meteorological observations. Conduct a detailed inspection of the soil after a day of drought, if you find a wet surface, then you have stumbled upon groundwater. This method is one of the most effective and works in 75%.
    5. Test drilling method. This method involves drilling at the estimated future location of the well, a well with a depth of approximately 10 m. To do this, you can use hand drill. If you use this method at random, then the effectiveness will be no more than 40%. But, if you use the methods and signs listed above, then success is guaranteed to you. But this method will be the most time consuming. If you still change your mind about digging a well, then you will already have an almost finished well.
    6. Using a barometer. Using a barometer to measure atmospheric pressure, it is possible to determine the depth of passage of the water layer, which gives it a significant advantage compared to the methods discussed above. First you need to measure Atmosphere pressure near the nearest body of water, and then at the place where you plan to dig a well. Then subtract the second from the first received digit. For example, the indicator at the pond was 570.9 mm.r./s., and at the site - 570.2 mm.r./s. 570.9 - 570.2 = 0.8. It is known that 0.1 equals 1 m. That is, the depth of the well will be 8 m. The efficiency of this method is 80%.

Where to place a well on the site

After you have determined where the underground aquifers are located, you still need to find a suitable found place for a well. For this, there are special rules that will tell you how to choose a place for the well:

  1. Place a well near your home. If you carry water in buckets, this will greatly simplify your life. If you decide to draw water with a water pump, then there will be no need to buy a heavy duty one.
  2. Keep the optimal distance from other buildings on the site. This is necessary to prevent rainwater from entering the well from under the foundation, as well as to protect buildings from flooding. So the distance from the well to the buildings should be at least 10-15 meters, and from the fence 1.5 m.
  3. Make sure that the well is at a distance of more than 20–25 m from various kinds pollutants. For example, toilets, landfills, etc.
  4. Choose the highest location within the aquifer. This will protect you in the future from quicksand and stagnant pits.
  5. The place for the well must be chosen taking into account the prospective construction. After all, it will not work to move the well over time, so make sure that it is in its place and does not interfere with anything.

Summing up, we note that none of the above water search methods gives a 100% result.

For greater accuracy, try to combine several methods at once to determine where to dig a well. This will allow you to reach best result. And remember, the main thing when building a well is to do everything honestly. After all, you have to drink from it.

Digging a well on a site is a difficult process that includes main part correct location. This question takes into account the level of occurrence of the aquifer, folk omens, scientific methods and practical features. Should be responsibly this stage work so that there are no problems later.

On the land plot there may be 2-3 aquifers. These are loose rocks that can bind and hold water that appears during precipitation and floods. The deeper the well, the better the water quality.

Types of groundwater:

  1. Soil - the first 4-6 m. This is the place where precipitation accumulates. Moisture comes from rain, floods, flood rivers.
  2. Ground - 9-18 m below ground level. Suitable for building a well.
  3. Interlayer - suitable for drilling wells. The depth of occurrence is from 20 to 50 m.
  4. Artesian - 40-200 m of occurrence. Guaranteed crystal clear clean water, but for a well this is not a suitable option.

It is necessary to determine the aquifers of the earth in order to navigate the purity of the water. The shallow horizon is characterized by poor water conditions. It can get dirt, pesticides, bacteria. Such a liquid can only be used for technical purposes. To eat it, it is necessary to filter the water and boil it.

Drinking water is located at the level of the aquifer of 8-10 m.

The first source of water can be found very close to the ground (2-2.5 m). From such a well, water can be taken for chores. At the same time, even for such needs, it does not hurt to filter the liquid.

Folk ways to find a place for a well

The experience of ancestors for centuries allowed them to find the right places for wells. Therefore, do not neglect this information. There are proven folk methods.

Effective methods to determine the vein of water:

  1. Watching top layer soil after a hot day. The location of the water is indicated by haze. When it is lifted up, a sufficient amount of fluid is determined.
  2. Study of the area. A suitable analysis can be done if there are any water bodies nearby. On the shore, it is necessary to measure the pressure and walk with the device around the site. With minimal deviations, you can dig a well.
  3. Animal behavior. In summer, representatives of the fauna always live in places where there is moisture. There are constantly dug holes where animals rest.

Finding water on the site will help the study of the landscape. If there are depressions, it can be concluded that there is moisture in the depressions. The depth of the well is 5-8 m.

Also focus on some plants. Among the trees pay attention to conifers, birch and alder. Their growth is directly dependent on soil moisture.

The method of dowsing differs in efficiency. A branch with a thick trunk 30 cm long is used. Dowsing involves a pendulum system. By shaking the thick part of the branch, you can determine the site for building a well.

The vine in the hands should spring a little in order to correctly locate the water.

Also, as a pendulum, you can use a gold ring, which is tied on a string. The arm should be bent at a right angle. Swinging a kind of pendulum will help you find out the location of the water.

Scientific methods on how to find a place for a well on a site

If folk methods seem unconvincing, you can always turn to science. You can try some methods with your own hands by purchasing everything you need at a pharmacy and hardware stores. Other options can only be performed by specialists.

Use of silica gel:

  1. It is necessary to dry the granules in the oven and place them in an earthenware dish with a lid;
  2. It is necessary to determine the weight of silica gel in the container;
  3. The dishes must be buried in the ground for a day;
  4. Dig up the material and re-weigh, the difference indicates the presence of water.

You can also do a soil test. The laboratory will provide a detailed study of the soil. After that, we can conclude where the groundwater is located. Acoustic field study can also be applied.

When using silica gel, it is enough to bury the material to a depth of 50 cm.

With the help of reconnaissance drilling, you can find out where the spring will be located. Use a small-sized drilling rig. If drinking water is found, you can simply mount the casing and strengthen the well.

How to determine the area where to dig a well: planning features

It is important to learn how to look for the presence of water on the site. But other factors also influence the placement of the well. They depend on the layout of the site.

Rules for choosing the area where to dig a spring:

  1. The well should not interfere with free movement around the site and the approach to all entrances;
  2. It is necessary to look for the highest place in the presence of an aquifer, this will save the walls from quicksand;
  3. The well should be located close to the house so that residents can comfortably use the device.

From the house to the well, the distance should be about 8 m. Correct location springs will allow you to get clean water in comfortable conditions. It is important to consider every little thing here.

How to find water in a well site - the easiest method (video)

The search for water on the site may include completely different methods and options. Should take advantage folk way, scientific and take into account the features of the layout of the yard. Select right place the determination of the aquifer will also help. It is necessary to apply methods in a complex way and you should not look for an old well with a desire to restore it.

well on suburban area- not a luxury at all, but an extremely necessary building for a normal life. A person does not need much drinking water, 2-3 liters can be taken with you from the city. But for watering plants, washing hands and dishes, this volume is clearly not enough, so many summer residents and suburban residents are thinking about individual system water supply. The question of how to find water in the area for the well can be solved in several ways. Consider the most effective and affordable options.

In order not to shovel tons of earth in vain, you need to find a place of occurrence in advance ground water

Types of aquifers

The choice of a location for a well largely depends on the location and depth of groundwater. There are 4 main types of aquifers:

  • Verkhovodka. It is located very close to the surface (depth of occurrence - no more than 4 meters). The volume of liquid depends on the season and the amount of precipitation.
  • Groundwater (up to 10 m). main feature– unconfined horizon: the water level remains constant throughout the year.
  • interlayer layer. The “layer” between the soil and artesian layers can be both free-flow and pressure-controlled. Springs and springs appear as a result of the exit to the surface of the interstratal pressure layer.
  • Artesian layer (up to 40 m). Thanks to multi-level natural filtration artesian water the purest.

Important! Water from the top layer can only be used for technical purposes. If you need drinking water, the depth of the well should be at least 8-10 meters.

The deeper the well, the better the water in it.

Folk ways to search for water on the site

In ancient times, the search for a source of life-giving moisture was considered almost a ritual practice. Only the elite knew how to choose a place for the well. Scientific and technological progress has greatly simplified this procedure, but many folk methods are still relevant.

Study of landscape features

Often, nature itself clearly tells where to dig a well. The location of the water layers is "given out" the following signs:

  • Haze above the ground on hot days - evaporation of moisture from underground.
  • Hollows and hills. Aquifers often run in depressions.
  • Pets that have chosen a certain piece of land. For example, dogs and horses find the wettest soil in summer and dig a hole in it, thus escaping from the heat.
  • Moisture-loving trees. Pine, spruce, birch and alder grow well only in the case of active replenishment with moisture from the soil.

You are unlikely to wonder how to find water for a well if there is a lake or river near the site. This is a clear signal that aquifers are very close to the surface.

dowsing method

Dowsing (dowsing) is, perhaps, one of the most ancient methods of searching for life-giving moisture. It is believed that groundwater “magnetizes” frames made of vines or metal. Experts do not trust this method too much, because its efficiency is about 50%. "Hitting the target" largely depends on the experience of the person who is looking for where to dig a well on the site. The procedure is simple:

  • Metal frames are made of wire 4-6 mm thick. The main condition is that the material must be heavy enough and not sway with gusts of wind.
  • The frames are gently held by the handles of the left and right hand. In this case, the arms must be bent at the elbows at a right angle.
  • It is necessary to move slowly along the site, stopping in those places where an aquifer can lie.
  • If the frames diverge different sides- there is no water, if they converge - the water is close.

Important! Do not squeeze the handles too hard - this will prevent the frames from turning.

Dowsing - an ancient way of finding water sources

Scientific methods for finding a place for a well

If you do not trust artisanal methods, they will help determine where to dig a well. scientific methods. Some experiments can be done at home ( Consumables sold in pharmacies and hardware stores), a number of techniques will require professional equipment.

How to choose a place for a well on a site using silica gel?

  • Dry the granules well in the oven and pour them into a clay pot.
  • Weigh the filled dishes and record this data. It is better to take a pharmacy scale.
  • Bury the pot in the ground in the place where the water layer is supposed to pass, and leave it for a day.
  • Dig up the silica gel and checkweigh. The greater the difference, the closer the water is.

Important! Do not overdo it. It is enough to bury the "magic pot" at a depth of 0.5 meters.

Silica gel can be purchased at a hardware store

Soil analysis

If you ask the experts how to find a place for a well on the site, you will most likely be offered to do detailed analysis soil. After the study, you will receive a diagram of the location of groundwater and the depth of their occurrence. One of inexpensive ways is RAP (resonant acoustic profiling). The geophysical method is based on the study of the natural acoustic field. The device analyzes the received data and provides information about areas with increased water saturation.

exploration drilling

exploration drilling solves two questions at once: how to find a place where to dig a well and how to determine its depth. A small-sized installation with a drill of a minimum diameter (100 mm) is involved in the "reconnaissance". If potable water is found at a depth of 8-10 meters, it will be enough to strengthen the walls casing pipe and install pumping station. If the layers go 15 or more meters, you will have to expand the hole with larger diameter drills or immediately equip a full-fledged well.

For resonant-acoustic profiling, you will need professional equipment

Site layout: where to put a well

To find appropriate place for a well on the site will help a few simple rules:

  • The mine should not interfere with the approach to the house and outbuildings (existing and planned). Moving the well will no longer work, so choose carefully where it will be located.
  • Choose the highest place within the boundaries of the discovered aquifer - this way you will protect the walls from quicksand and stagnant pits.
  • The closer the water intake to the house, the better. You do not have to carry heavy buckets over long distances or overpay for pump power.

Important! Do not place the well too close to the house. Optimal distance- 8 meters.

Own source once and for all will solve the issue of water supply to a private house or cottage. Having studied the question of how to find a place for a well in a folk way, you can determine the presence of water layers on the site and decide on the arrangement of a water intake shaft. But you should not consider "grandfather" methods as an axiom. An absolutely accurate result can only be given by professional research.

The well on the site is, first of all, a guarantee autonomous water supply under any circumstances. Whether you have a well or running water, a well provides great advantage and confidence in tomorrow. Meanwhile, many believe that water is everywhere - it is only necessary to make a well of the required depth. However, this is not quite true. Often wells remain dry even at a depth of two hundred meters. But it also happens like this: if you drill a little to the side, then water will be found already at 20 meters or even less. The thing is that groundwater is not in any single reservoir, but passes through a complexly branched system of channels and cavities that have been formed over the centuries. Depending on many geological factors, the structure of groundwater can be very diverse - from pipe-like channels to layered, where water alternates with hard rocks literally every few tens of centimeters.

Previously, dowsers were looking for water - we will return to them later. These people were equated with sorcerers; there is still no consensus on their craft. Nevertheless, there are absolutely signs of places where water can really be close to the surface and where it is at all. Such signs mainly relate to the terrain and the plants that grow there.

Of course, in the 21st century, not only folk signs help to find water, but no one has canceled them yet. So, for example, a lone spruce or pine, as well as a group of trees, indicate the proximity of water near the surface and indicate a large thickness of the aquifer. A little more depth is indicated by the pedunculate oak. But the birch loves that the water is as close to the surface as possible and no deeper than three meters. If you dig in a clearing where immortelle (sandy tsmin) grows, then the water will most likely be no higher than a five-meter depth, and whorled sage will mean an even greater depth of groundwater. Fern, meadow clover, lingonberries, blueberries grow where there is already water at a depth of three meters. In all these cases, of course, the plants must be self-sowing, and not planted by man.

Before drilling a well on a site, it is necessary to find out as much as possible about the hydrological situation of the area. Neighbors can tell a lot, namely, what is the depth of their wells and wells, the order of location, and the debit. If these data vary greatly, then most likely the situation with water is not the best. It is possible that this was one of the main problems of the site that you are purchasing. It will be very handy to conduct appropriate research on the site, because, as they say, without water, "neither there nor here." However, there is one rule: the smaller the depth of the well, the stronger the seasonal fluctuations are reflected in the water level.

How to find water?

Most often, those who decide to develop uninhabited territory face the problem of finding water. It is they who can be advised when choosing a site to pay attention to indicator plants indicating the proximity of water. As already mentioned, these are spruce, pine, birch, cowberry, clover, fern. All of these plants must be wild. Do not assume that near rivers the water situation will be the best. On the contrary, it is quite difficult to find the necessary aquifer near river channels, and the water itself often contains a lot of iron and manganese. Not all is well in hilly areas. Due to the differences in relief, groundwater is not stable.

Focusing on indicator plants, attention should be paid to the strength of these plants, as well as to the difference in age, so as not to be confused by random seedings.

Among technical means used to find water various studies, the nature of which depends on each specific situation. Sometimes it may be necessary to conduct several such studies at once, because none of them gives one hundred percent accurate results.

One of the methods for finding water is geophysical, based on the measurement of the electrical resistance of the soil. It is applicable in cases of searching for a place for organizing water intake of large and medium productivity. The essence of the method lies in the sounding of underground horizons. The measurements make it possible to vertical scheme section indicating the resistivity of the various layers. The aquifer has an excellent electrical resistivity compared to similar parameters of dry underground rocks. It is usually in the range of 50 - 200 ohm m.

The accuracy of this method depends on the presence of various interferences, such as metal fences, railway lines, underground communications, occurrence of iron ores, etc.

On average, the study of the site by the geophysical method will cost about $ 200-300, and the work itself will take several hours. The results will be known after processing the data that is produced outside the site.

The next type of study is potential difference method. This method is fundamentally different from the previous one, because it does not imply the passage of current through the ground, but measures the natural potential difference at individual points. According to measurements, in particular the sign and the difference in magnitude, the places of the probable location of water are determined. The enemy of this method are superficial shifts.

Test drilling method gives the most accurate results, but quite expensive. The cost of three wells made with an auger drill is comparable to the cost of arranging an annular well. Trial drilling is carried out mainly when it is necessary to make sure that the aquifer is sufficient to provide significant water intake (for a large cottage or several houses). This operation may also be necessary in determining the exact depth of the aquifer and the presence of pressure in it, in order to determine the type of ring well and establish the order of lowering the rings. Thin aquifers require a more expensive type of drilling - bucket. However, it pays off in the long run.

dowsing or dowsing as a method of finding water cannot be discarded. There are people who manage to search for water with the help of a specially cut vine with an accuracy of up to 90%. There are places that are "easier" for detecting water, and there are difficult ones. The effectiveness of the method is largely affected by the depth of the aquifers, engineering Communication, rock faults, internal voids and other factors.

Well and water in it

For wells up to 20 m deep permits need not. However, there are sanitary and hygienic requirements for the placement of the well relative to other objects and their protection from pollution by surface water.

Ring wells without a pump must have a head at least 70 cm high. clay castle followed by grouting per meter around the tip with a 5% slope. concrete rings up to a depth of half a meter are sealed so that they do not fall into the well surface water. From above, the head is closed with a flat lid, and if the water contains a lot of iron, then instead of a lid, a canopy is made that does not block the access of air and light to the well - this improves the quality of the water. For wells with a pump, the head height can be 30 cm.

A big problem for shallow wells are nearby leaky wells. cesspools and sewage tanks. Water in wells can only be clean if the septic tank or pit is completely sealed. Otherwise, even the removal of the tank by 100 m cannot guarantee complete isolation of the well.

The well should not be located in the immediate vicinity of the house - this can reduce the stability of the structure. Quicksands located at shallow depths can lead to a violation of the foundation, and the well will initiate this process. It is also undesirable to locate the well near the gutters, as well as from those places where melt water accumulates. Such a neighborhood can harm the design of the well itself. good protection the head resists the processes of destruction.

It is impossible to plan a well under power lines that will interfere with drilling operations. Interference can also be big trees, such as poplar, alder or ash, not only at the drilling stage, but also during the operation of the well. The distance to such trees should be at least 15 meters. Otherwise, the well shaft may damage them root system. If traces of destruction appear, then the only way to save the well is to eliminate the tree.

The well should be located on a site no closer than 7 m from the roadway, no further than 5 m from the border with a neighboring site (or as agreed with a neighbor), no closer than 15 m from a sealed sewage tank, no closer than 30 m to filtration fields, no closer than 15 m to outbuildings and sealed silos.

Very often, wells are located on neighboring plots and also often they feed from the common aquifer. The performance of wells in this case will depend on the depth and diameter of the rings. With an equal diameter, there will be more water in the well that is deeper. If the diameter of the wells is not the same, then the well whose diameter is smaller should be deeper, unless, of course, the thickness of the aquifer allows this.

Before using water from a well for domestic needs, it is necessary to analyze it, and if necessary, provide equipment for its purification and bringing it to drinking standards. This is discussed in detail in separate materials on the topic of water treatment.