Deposits with monthly interest capitalization are popular among bank customers. Against the background of classic deposit programs, they have a high yield. This is due to the fact that interest is accrued during the entire term of the contract and is periodically added to the principal amount of the deposit.

The most common are monthly, daily and quarterly capitalization. This means that interest, for example, is calculated at the end of each month and added to the amount of the deposit, and subsequently interest is calculated on interest, thus increasing the final profit.

For analysis, we selected the largest banks in the country with a good credit rating. The reliability factor is one of the most important when choosing a bank to place a deposit, because when entrusting their money to a credit institution, the client wants to be sure that he does not put his savings at risk.

Having studied the available proposals, we included in the rating Sberbank, VTB24, Gazprombank, Russian Agricultural Bank, Bank of Moscow, Alfa-Bank, Raiffeisenbank, Promsvyazbank, NOMOS-BANK, UniCredit Bank, Rosbank, Russian Standard, URALSIB, Home Credit Bank and Citibank. They are designated as systemically important and actively promote their deposit products.

The rating includes profitable deposits with capitalization, with the maximum interest rate in Russian rubles. The table shows the nominal rate without interest capitalization. For analysis, we took standard programs suitable for all categories of depositors, which can be issued at the bank office. Special offers, for example, for pensioners or students, we did not consider in the same way as online deposits. The table includes deposits with monthly interest capitalization (both replenished deposits and not), one from each bank (with the maximum rate).


We have selected for you the best offers from the largest banks in the country with a good credit rating.

Analysis results

In the course of the analysis, we found out that almost all credit institutions offer several programs with interest capitalized in rubles, US dollars and euros. It turned out that only Citibank had no deposits with capitalization. In Sberbank, capitalization is possible for all programs, and the client independently chooses whether to withdraw interest or add it to the principal amount of the deposit. The interest rate usually depends on the term and amount of the deposit. At the same time, the minimum rate is 5.6% per annum (in Raiffeisenbank), and the maximum is 10% per annum (in Home Credit Bank).

Below we will consider in detail the terms of the deposits of the leaders of the rating.

Home Credit Bank

The Bank offers to open a deposit "Profitable Year" in rubles with a monthly capitalization (at the request of the client) and the highest rate among the other participants in the rating. The initial contribution to the deposit is only 1,000 rubles, the term is 12 months. It is possible to make additional contributions in the amount of 1,000 rubles, but not later than 90 days after the deposit is made. Withdrawal of part of the funds from the account is not provided for by the agreement. The interest rate does not depend on the amount of the deposit and is 10% per annum. In case of early termination of the deposit, the rate of 4.5% per annum applies.

Alfa Bank

In second place in the ranking is the Pobeda deposit with the highest rate among other Alfa-Bank deposits. The minimum amount of the initial deposit is 10,000 rubles, the placement period is 92, 184 or 276 days, 1 year, 550 days, 2 or 3 years. Deposit currency - rubles, US dollars and euros. Interest is calculated monthly and added to the principal amount of the deposit (capitalised). The nominal rate depends on the term, the amount and is 6.6-9.5 percent per annum in rubles. The possibility of withdrawing part of the funds and replenishing the account is not provided for by the agreement.

VTB 24

The third place in the rating is occupied by the “Optimal Choice” deposit in rubles. The client independently decides whether to receive interest on a separate account or add it to the deposit amount. The frequency of interest calculation is also chosen by the depositor. You can receive interest monthly, quarterly or at the end of the term. Additional contributions in the amount of 1,000 rubles are accepted. Only capitalized interest is allowed to be withdrawn from the account.

The interest rate depends on the term and amount of the deposit. During the period of placement of funds, the rate decreases. The term of the contract is 18 months, the amount of the down payment is 30,000 rubles. Interest rate for up to 180 days - 9% per annum, from 181 days to 545 days - 5% per annum.


The fourth place in the rating is occupied by the "Stable" deposit in Russian rubles, US dollars and euros. The minimum amount of placement of funds is 10,000 rubles, the term is 91, 181, 271, 367, 541, 732, 1100 days. It is possible to replenish the account during the term of the contract. However, when making additional contributions, restrictions apply, which can be found on the bank's website.

The minimum amount of the additional contribution is 5,000 rubles. When moving to the next sum gradation, the rate increases. Interest is calculated monthly and, at the request of the investor, capitalized or paid to a separate account. The interest rate depends on the term, the amount of the deposit and is 6.7-9 percent per annum.


In fifth place in the table is the "Classic" deposit in rubles, US dollars and euros. The minimum amount of the down payment is 3,000 rubles, the term is from 31 to 1460 days. Interest is paid at the choice of the client: at the end of the term or monthly, to a separate account or added to the principal amount of the deposit. Replenishment of the deposit and withdrawal of part of the funds from the account are not provided for by the agreement. The interest rate depends on the term, the amount of the deposit, the method of placing the deposit and the frequency of interest payments. Subject to payment of interest at the end of the term, the rate ranges from 6.5% to 9.9% per annum, and with monthly payment of interest and capitalization - from 6.5% to 8.80%.

This is a profitable placement of funds, in which interest is charged not only on the initial amount, but also on the amount received as income during the time the deposit was in the bank.

A bank deposit with monthly interest capitalization is often the most profitable way to multiply savings. But, as in any matter, it is necessary to know the rules of effective accumulation. Moreover, the list of financial services for the placement of deposits is diverse.

One of the main indicators is the time period after which the amount from which income is accrued is recalculated. It can be one day, month, quarter or year. The usual practice is to recalculate the accrual base every other month.

It is most profitable to place the best deposits with capitalization and replenishment in Moscow in the following cases:

  • it is possible to put money on a deposit for a long time;
  • there is no need to spend the received dividends in the short term.

The best bank deposits with interest capitalization - what to consider

The nominal value of the rate offered by financial institutions in Moscow may be lower compared to deposits on which accrued interest is paid monthly or at the very end of the placement of funds.

To get the best savings conditions, you need to ask the bank for an effective rate that takes into account intermediate recalculations.

But even in this case, it may turn out that the conditions for a deposit with a payment at the end of the placement period will still turn out to be better. It should be taken into account that such financial instruments do not allow replenishment and early withdrawal. Initially, seeming attractiveness may not justify itself in practice. Therefore, banks are less likely to offer them to their customers.

Considering all the subtleties about profitable deposits with monthly capitalization and replenishment, start the registration procedure by filling out the online application form.

With capitalization in 2020, they are especially popular because they allow you to make good profits. Offer users can, in addition, receive the amount accrued in excess of it.

Terms of deposits with capitalization in Moscow

Capitalization of interest on a deposit account in Moscow can occur:

  • annually. This option applies only to long-term deposits;
  • quarterly. Interest is calculated and added to the body of the deposit every 3 months. Such an offer brings the depositor a higher income;
  • monthly. The most popular scheme. Rates on deposits with capitalization can be increased every month.

Foreign financial institutions also offer daily capitalization, but it is not popular on the Russian financial market.

The best way to pick up a deposit is to use it. A handy tool for selecting the best options for your requirements

Not all programs involve capitalization. It cannot be used if there is a possibility of partial withdrawal or early termination of the contract. A deposit with a monthly capitalization in Moscow is more often issued on rather strict conditions, but it makes it possible to receive the maximum income.

Before we recommend choosing a reliable financial institution with a good rating. You can find it on our website. You can easily find a deposit with interest capitalization in Moscow. Some offer to open an account remotely. To do this, you only need to have an already existing bank account in this institution.

The problem of choosing the type of savings account is the most relevant for those who decide to entrust their money savings to the bank. The most profitable today are deposits with monthly interest capitalization in Moscow. This service has been offered by many financial institutions over the past few years. The benefit of such a program is most clearly seen in the case when funds are deposited into the account for a long period of time (for a year or more).

At its core, capitalization is a monthly or quarterly increase in the size of the investment due to the accrual of interest on the principal amount and on profit from it. Thus, the maximum income on the deposit is achieved. And even in the case when the interest rate on the capitalized account is below the standard one, the final profit will be higher until the end of the year.

It should also be noted that deposits that do not involve early partial withdrawal of funds are of particular benefit to customers.

Conditions for granting and opening procedure

Savings programs can be of several types:

  • with regular interest payments;
  • urgent and indefinite;
  • poste restante;
  • with replenishment;
  • multicurrency and so on.
  • The conditions for opening savings accounts are quite simple and concise. The client must meet only a few requirements:

  • be of legal age;
  • have legal capacity;
  • have citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  • Deposit programs in Moscow banks are characterized by the following parameters:

    0.2 - minimum rate in % in Moscow in rubles;

    7.43 - the maximum rate in% in the city in rubles;

    0.01 - min rate in % in Moscow in foreign currency;

    2 - max rate in % in the city in currency;

    Savings account - the most profitable (with the highest rating) deposit in the city in rubles;

    3 - the minimum rate in % of the most profitable deposit in rubles;

    7.43 - maximum rate in % of the most profitable deposit in rubles;

    1 - the minimum amount for making the most profitable deposit in rubles;

    from 1 month - the placement period for the most profitable deposit in rubles;

    Multicurrency Premium+ - the most profitable (with the highest rating) deposit in Moscow in foreign currency;

    2 - min rate in % of the most profitable deposit in foreign currency;

    2 - max rate in % of the most profitable deposit in foreign currency;

    847500 - min amount for making the most profitable deposit in foreign currency;

    370 days - placement period for the most profitable deposit in foreign currency;

    In order to open a deposit at high interest, it is enough:

    1. Go to the official website of the banking organization.

    2. Study current offers.

    3. Make a choice in favor of the most profitable program.

    4. Fill out and submit an online application of the appropriate form.

    5. Visit the nearest branch of a financial company and conclude a cooperation agreement with it.

    The ability to make a capitalized deposit allows you to effectively use the client's free funds. The advantages of such a program are: a convenient system for accumulating and increasing finances; creation of a reserve source of replenishment of the budget; security of money storage; obtaining the maximum profit.

    Each person is interested in increasing the opportunities and material resources available to him. A pretty good option against the general background looks like deposits with and replenishment. What are they? What advantages do they have? Why are they attractive to the average citizen? We will talk about all this in the framework of this article.

    general information

    To begin with, let's find out what are deposits with interest capitalization and replenishment. This is the name of special savings programs that provide that all interest received on the basis of a concluded agreement is added to the amount of investments, and, starting from the next billing month, a certain amount established by the conclusion is also charged on them.


    To understand better what deposits with interest capitalization and replenishment are, let's look at how everything happens in reality. So, let's say there is a person with savings in the form of 100 thousand rubles. He decides to deposit them. He is interested in deposits with interest capitalization and replenishment. Sberbank offers the best conditions, and it refers to this financial institution. A deposit agreement is concluded on the ninth day of a certain month at 12% per annum. Time has gone by and the interest is starting to drip. In one month, an amount of one thousand rubles is accumulated. On the ninth day, it is added to those 100,000 that make up the main body of the deposit. And interest is already accrued on 101 thousand rubles. That is, in the second month a person will receive not 1000, but 1010! The benefit of this approach is obvious. But are things really the way they seem?

    Hidden nuance

    At first glance, the advantage of deposits with capitalization is obvious. After all, the amount on which interest will be charged is constantly increasing. On the example of the example considered earlier, you can see for yourself that the usual 12% and capitalization of 12% are different things. True, such a benefit can only be obtained theoretically. Where is the hidden nuance here, where is the catch? And the point here is that the proposed interest rate, as a rule, is much lower than on the "raised" funds. Therefore, capitalization often does not give the expected effect. If you take and calculate the profit received, it turns out that in the case of short terms, it is more pleasant to use deposits with payment at the end of the contract term or monthly. Moreover, the difference can reach significant amounts both in quantitative terms and in percentage terms. Here such reef exists. And the calculation of the deposit with interest capitalization and replenishment allows you to find out whether the deposit is really profitable, or, perhaps, other offers will be more interesting. But is it all that bad? Let's make one more U-turn and look at the existing problem from a different position.

    Profitability of long terms

    Let's say we have a spherical depositor in a vacuum that has a baby. He decides to his coming of age. He has ten thousand rubles and two offers to choose from:

    1. Open a deposit without the possibility of additional capitalization at 25 percent. At first glance, this is certainly the most profitable option.
    2. Open a deposit with a capitalization of 15 percent. It may seem that this option immediately disappears.

    Agree, many, without hesitation, will choose the first option, because it offers the best conditions. But at the time of adulthood, the second option will give a quantitative gain of a little less than twenty percent! Can you imagine? Almost one-fifth of the benefits! Although, in fairness, it should be noted that the money received from the first option, for the most part, will have a greater purchasing power, so both options should be carefully considered in order to decide which is still better.

    For whom is it suitable?

    It should be noted that deposits with capitalization of funds are of interest not only to those people who save up money for the coming of age of their child (well, or a pension). Those people who cannot or do not want to receive interest every month also make their choice in favor of this approach. Especially for them, a separate complex solution is offered. It represents deposits with capitalization of interest and replenishment and partial withdrawal of funds. Although this, of course, is not the only possible option. After all, you can make a deposit so that all funds are automatically transferred to a savings card. Despite the existence of various possibilities, the profitability of the funds received should still be taken into account.

    Who to contact?

    If you want to know what the considered options are in practice, you can pay attention to the largest financial institutions. Deposits of Sberbank with interest capitalization and replenishment, VTB 24, Alfa-Bank, as well as a number of other large service providers offer relatively small interest. In addition, much depends on additional conditions. So, if you conclude a deposit agreement, you can expect to receive 5-8 percent of profit per year. It should be noted here that in many respects the result depends on the situation. So, when a financial institution needs additional funds, it increases the amount of interest paid. On the one hand, it is certainly beneficial. But on the other hand, it indicates the presence of certain problems. Therefore, although they are considered relatively safe investments, it is still necessary to think carefully about whether to trust your savings to a certain financial institution.


    The peculiarity of people is that we ourselves can make decisions that will subsequently affect the standard of living. Although it cannot be said that deposits with monthly interest capitalization and replenishment are something that cannot be avoided, they can still have a positive impact on the future. So, let's say someone wants to open their own business. And this is a costly business that needs money. They can also be obtained on credit, but it is unlikely that anyone will want to allocate a large amount without collateral, and providing a single home as collateral is not an option, because it is still unknown whether everything will work out or not. Therefore, you can use the services of deposits to accumulate the necessary amount. The business will not work out quickly, but if you deduct 3-5 thousand rubles every month, which is not very much by the standards of the Russian Federation, then in a few years enough money will accumulate in order to retrain as an entrepreneur. It is only necessary to act persistently and methodically, without stopping and without giving up. And then everything will work out. Good luck!