The benefits and harms of this product, its composition and methods of preparation will be presented in the materials of this article. We will also tell you about how to choose the right canned peas, and what you need to pay attention to when buying.

general information

What constitutes a canned green of this product is the subject of controversy by many experts. And before talking about them, I would like to provide you with more detailed information about this ingredient.

Canned peas are young green peas that are preserved by conservation.

Preservation of this product is the most optimal way of harvesting it for the purpose of long-term storage.

How this method affects canned greens and the harm of the bean product remain virtually unchanged. Moreover, during preservation, most of the vitamins of the grains are preserved.

Raw material selection

What are canned green peas made of, the benefits and harms of which will be described below? This product is produced from special varieties of young grains that are in the milk stage of maturity. It is during this period that they are most tender, and also contain a large amount of vitamins and sugars.

If in its mature form this product is considered a leguminous culture, then green peas are a vegetable and differ significantly from their “ripe brother” in dietary and taste qualities.

What ratio should green peas be in a jar? The benefits and harms of the product in question directly depend on this figure. Each tin should contain about 65-70% young and tender grains, as well as about 30-35% special filling.

Composition of the product

What are the components of green peas? Canned peas (the benefits and harms of the product are well known to many cooks) contain a lot of vegetable protein. Unlike the animal counterpart, this element is well absorbed by the body. In this case, there is no need to subject it to heat treatment.

In addition to protein, this product contains a huge amount of various minerals and vitamins. According to experts, green peas contain almost the entire group of vitamin B. It also contains vitamin A, which improves metabolism, vitamin C, which regulates the body's regenerative processes, vitamin K, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the kidneys, as well as synthesizing protein compounds and aiding in the absorption of calcium.

What mineral elements does green peas contain? The benefits and harms of this product are inextricably linked with its composition. According to experts, this vegetable has a large amount of sodium and potassium. This product is ideal for people with atherosclerosis and diabetes.

Among other things, green peas contain selenium and zinc, which improve the quality of the lens and retina of the eye.

Canned green peas (calorie content, useful properties of the product)

Few people know, but there are not so few calories in green peas. According to experts, such a product contains more than 300 energy units per 100 grams. Therefore, green peas, whose calorie content and properties are closely interconnected, saturate the body well and quickly, but are perfectly absorbed.

The use of this product significantly reduces the likelihood of hypertension, oncology and heart attack. It should also be noted that skin aging is noticeably slowed down in those who constantly include green peas in their diet.

It is impossible not to say that the fiber contained in the vegetable effectively lowers cholesterol levels, and also helps to remove toxins and toxins from the body, improves the functioning of the digestive tract, thereby eliminating constipation.

What else is rich in green peas? The benefits and harms, the beneficial properties of this product are known to few housewives. Therefore, only a small number of people include it in their daily diet.

It should be noted that there is a lot of nucleic acid in green peas. And, as you know, it is this substance that increases tissue regeneration, prolonging a person's youth. In addition, the nucleotides in this product are perfectly combined with an element such as magnesium. It is he who contributes to their better assimilation.

Can I drink a dressing that contains green peas (canned peas)? The benefits and harms of this liquid are known to a small number of people. According to experts, such a marinade can serve as an excellent remedy. However, it is not recommended to drink this filling in too large quantities, since it contains a lot of different additives.

The benefits and harms of green peas

The discussion about the beneficial properties of green peas has been going on for many years. But, in the end, experts agreed that this product should be included in your diet. After all, it contains a lot of nutrients. However, I would like to note that this product has another side. For example, eating peas in large quantities can easily lead to increased gas production, difficulty digesting food, as well as an increase in the load on the kidneys.

It is impossible not to say that there are a lot of purines in green peas. After their decay, it is formed which is contraindicated in patients suffering from kidney diseases.

How to choose the right product?

Canned green peas should be chosen no less carefully than canned fish. After all, if stored improperly, this product not only loses its beneficial properties, but also becomes hazardous to health. Therefore, before buying a jar of peas, you need to study all aspects.


Before purchasing this product, you should pay attention to its packaging. Of course, if the peas are in a glass jar, then there will be no difficulties in evaluating the contents. But if the vegetable is placed in a tin, then you are unlikely to be able to determine what quality the product has. Therefore, carefully examine the packaging for swelling or dents.

By the way, canned peas can be stored for quite a long time in a closed jar. But if the package is opened, then the product should be consumed within two days.


When studying the label of canned peas, pay attention to the indication of the composition, the manufacturer's address, storage conditions and The safe product should not contain food additives, flavor improvers and sweeteners. The ideal composition is the following: peas, water, table salt and white sugar.

Product grade

When canning peas, both brain and smooth grain varieties can be used. The first involves the use of small grains that have an oval shape, as well as a milky aroma and sweet taste. The second one looks like a large smooth and round ball. Most often, this variety is used to decorate dishes and prepare salads. This is due to the fact that the taste of such peas is weakly expressed.


Canned peas are always sold in brine. Therefore, when buying this product, you need to pay attention to how many pure grains are in the jar. To do this, it is recommended to shake the package. If it is literally filled with peas, then it can be safely purchased.

Self-preservation of peas

Few people know, but you can preserve green peas at home. Such a product is perfectly stored in the cellar or refrigerator (no more than a year).

For self-canning, green peas can be grown by yourself, or you can buy it on the market. Raw materials should be peeled from the pods, washed thoroughly, placed in salted water and boiled for about 4-6 minutes. After that, the liquid is drained, and the peas are washed and laid out in sterilized jars with a volume of not more than 500 ml. Then the product is poured with boiling water, in which salt is dissolved in advance (1 large spoon per 1 liter of liquid), and sugar and vinegar essence are also added. At the end, the jars are rolled up with lids, left at room temperature, and after cooling they are put in the refrigerator.

Such peas can be added to various salads, and can also be used as a side dish.

According to paleobotanists and historians, peas can rightfully be called the oldest culture used by humans for food. Dry petrified peas are found in layers dating back to the Bronze Age. And thanks to the amazing unpretentiousness, friendly harvest and nutritional properties, peas quickly spread from the Middle East and the Mediterranean and to other regions of the world.

In Russia, peas have been grown for a long time, and in our country shelling varieties are traditionally preferred, while sugar varieties are more common in the southern regions of Europe. At the same time, peas are rich in nutrients and biologically active substances, and in some cases it can also be used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. What are the health benefits of peas, and how can you best take advantage of them?

The composition and calorie content of peas

First of all, peas are a real storehouse of proteins, fiber and sugars.

In terms of the amount of protein and its quality, the legume is superior to beef, but it is easier to digest and even one and a half times more nutritious than this type of meat.

Sugar juicy pods and peas are considered the most valuable dietary product. What is the use of green peas in pods, and how does its composition differ from dry mature beans? There are about 300 kcal per 100 grams of peas, and of this weight, 20.5 grams are proteins, 49.5 grams are carbohydrates, and only 2 grams are fats.

What is the use of peas consumed in the form of soups, cereals, canned food and salads?

  • The vitamins contained in peas are beta-carotene, vitamin A, E, H, B1 and B2, B5, B6 and B9, PP and choline.
  • The mineral composition of fruits includes calcium, iron and zinc, copper and iodine, sodium and magnesium, phosphorus and sulfur, manganese, selenium and chromium.
  • Fresh pods contain both chlorophyll and amino acids useful to humans.

Green peas, whose benefits for the body are the most significant, lead in terms of the amount of sugars that, when ripe, are converted into starch.

Yes, and vitamins in dry peas are much less than in healthy green peas in pods.

Useful properties of peas

Inclusion in the diet, the beneficial properties of which can have a beneficial effect on the performance of many systems and internal organs, becomes a serious help in providing the body with energy and fighting various diseases. Even a small amount of peas on the menu has a positive effect on the work of the heart and vascular system, helps to normalize blood pressure in hypertensive patients and reduce the risk of a heart attack.

Dishes with the addition of legumes have a pronounced choleretic property.

No other plant can compare with peas in the ability to cope with cholesterol that is harmful to blood vessels so effectively. Only 100 grams of green peas in pods, and the benefits in the form of a daily dose of vitamin PP, prevention of asthma attacks and exacerbations of atherosclerosis become obvious. In addition, nicotinic acid is a natural defender of the body against cancer.

In addition, delicate green pea dishes are an excellent prophylactic that supports the working capacity of the liver, helps to overcome anemia and some heart problems. The beneficial properties of green peas are used in traditional medicine for diabetes and tuberculosis, diseases of the nervous and immune systems, as well as the risk of developing obesity. For therapeutic, prophylactic and culinary purposes, not only juicy green and mature peas are used, but also bean blades, as well as young shoots.

Vitamin snacks and salads are made from green peas.

A decoction of shoots and pods is an effective diuretic used in inflammatory processes and urolithiasis.

The benefits of peas for the body are obvious if a person has problems with digestion. For example, pea puree, which does not irritate the gastric mucosa and effectively reduces acidity, will be very useful for those who suffer from peptic ulcer. And the fiber contained in the pods of green peas is useful if it is necessary to clean the intestines from toxins. Therefore, pea dishes can be safely included in the menu for those who want to lose weight and improve the body.

No less effective is pea flour, with the use of just a spoonful of which, for a day, you can forget about constipation and sluggish digestion.

Among the useful properties of green peas is the ability to quickly increase the efficiency of the brain and supply all body systems with energy, which is extremely important for children, adolescents and people of active age. In addition, dishes with fresh peas stimulate metabolic processes, activate growth and maintain muscle tone. All this is the merit of thiamine, which is part of the vitamin composition of peas.

Once in the body of adult gardeners, thiamine slows down the natural aging process and becomes a natural protection of cells from adverse environmental factors.

What is useful green peas in pods yet? So this is a powerful action aimed at stopping the development of tumor processes and diseases.

Pea decoction has the ability to relieve toothache, and vitamins and trace elements that enter the liquid from beans and shoots help strengthen the gums and relieve inflammation. But with all the benefits of fresh peas, the harm from eating the beans of this crop is possible if you do not take into account the existing contraindications and the characteristics of your own body.

For headaches, pea flour will be useful, which is taken two tablespoons before meals. The same remedy can be used in therapy aimed at lowering sugar levels. Daily consumed flour improves the blood supply to the brain and metabolism. However, the benefits for the body are not limited to the effect on the functioning of internal organs. This natural source of minerals and vitamins can and should be used externally, for example, in solving cosmetic and skin problems.

Useful properties of peas in cosmetology

In this area, the benefits of green peas in pods and already mature dried grains are most obvious. Lotions with pea flour have long established themselves as an effective remedy for eczema, abscesses and inflammatory processes on the skin.

Pea flour, mixed in equal proportions with milk, is a refreshing mask that neutralizes excess activity of the sebaceous glands. If you add olive oil and egg yolk to the flour, then such a composition will soften and nourish the skin in the autumn-winter season. Useful properties of green peas, mashed, depending on the type of skin, with sour cream or cream, help to restore tone to the face and gently whiten.

Women of mature age can use masks with peas to relieve puffiness and restore a youthful facial contour. And for young beauties, green peas will help to cope with acne.


In the presence of a mass of useful properties, there are also contraindications for the use of peas and dishes from it. Most of them are associated with the ability to cause violent gas separation. You can soften, and in some cases completely remove such an unpleasant effect, by soaking the peas for a couple of hours in plain water before cooking. This will not affect the beneficial qualities of the raw product and the taste of the finished dish, but it will remove the unpleasant consequences of its use.

Adding dill or fennel seeds and greens to the water where beans are boiled will give the dish a piquant flavor, enhance the benefits of peas, and harm will be neutralized.

And yet, those who suffer from acute inflammatory diseases of the urogenital area and digestion will have to reduce the amount of peas in the diet or completely exclude this product, and legumes can cause an exacerbation of gout, cholecystitis and thrombophlebitis.

Video about the benefits of peas for the body

Green peas are considered one of the first food crops that people began to grow. Archaeologists are sure that this happened about 5,000 years ago in China or Egypt.

If earlier peas were consumed dried, today they are more in demand fresh or canned. One of the reasons for the wide distribution of green peas is its unpretentiousness and the possibility of growing in various climatic zones.

Frozen, dried and canned, it does not lose its nutrients, texture and color.

Green peas are famous not only for their low content of cholesterol, saturated fat and sodium, but also for their richness in manganese (36%), copper (12%) and phosphorus (16%). It is a good source of vitamin A (22%), ascorbic acid (32.5%), vitamin B6 (15%), vitamin K (44.6%) and folic acid (21.6%). It also contains dietary fiber useful for digestion (30.3%).

All about benefits

  1. For heart. This useful property of green peas is due to the high content of folic acid, vitamins B6 and K, lutein. These nutrients are rightfully considered the main defenders of the heart and blood vessels. Eating green peas at least 4 times a week, you reduce the risk of coronary disease, hypertension and atherosclerosis by 22%.
  2. Against cancer. One cup of peeled peas contains 10 mg of coumestrol, a powerful antioxidant that inhibits the growth of cancer cells. It is especially effective against stomach cancer. In addition, the product is rich in anticancer phytonutrients.
  3. Digestive benefits. High doses of protein and fiber in this culture help regulate the rate of metabolic processes, promote the digestion of heavy foods, break down starch into simple sugars, improve intestinal motility, and prevent constipation and diarrhea.
  4. For bone health. Green peas can provide up to 50% of the recommended daily value of vitamin K and a good dose of manganese. These substances strengthen bones and prevent their calcification.
  5. For good vision. Lutein (a natural plant pigment) and vitamin A in the composition of the product nourish the organs of vision, protect against cataracts and macular degeneration, and the retina from damage.
  6. For weight loss. Green peas are a low-calorie, high-fiber food. It contributes to the rapid appearance of a feeling of satiety and cleanses the intestines of toxins. Try adding it to heavy, fatty meals to help you eat less without feeling hungry.

Possible harm

The product contains purines, which aggravate the course of certain diseases. People with gout or kidney stones should better refrain from consuming it.

Green peas are a versatile food crop. It can be steamed, boiled, fried, baked and stewed. Choose!

Peas are a member of the legume family, with very tender fruits - peas. The beneficial properties of young peas have made this vegetable very popular in many countries, where it is used to prepare a variety of dishes.

What is useful green and fresh young peas?

Green young peas are valued primarily for their high content of nutrients and biologically active substances. This vegetable is very rich in proteins - peas contain the amino acids tryptophan, lysine, methionine, cysteine, which are important for the body. It is from young peas that proteins are absorbed in the best way, so it must be included in the diet of children weakened by the disease of adults, as well as vegetarians whose food contains few amino acids.

Of the minerals in young peas, there are calcium, potassium, magnesium, chlorine, iodine, phosphorus, iron, zinc and many others. Peas also contain vitamins, most of all - group B, as well as provitamin A and vitamins H, C and PP. In addition to all of the above, peas contain starch, sugars, fiber and fats.

Peas are recommended to be included in the diet of people suffering from thrombophlebitis, hypertension, and diabetes. This vegetable improves metabolism and helps to reduce weight. Due to the content of nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), peas are able to reduce the level of bad cholesterol, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, cancer, and asthma. Young peas are also useful for the liver - it improves the separation of bile.

The benefits of young peas are undeniable, but we must not forget about the possible harm. Peas are forbidden for acute nephritis, gout and cholecystitis. Peas should not be abused by people suffering from flatulence and bloating. You can minimize this unpleasant effect if you add dill or fennel seeds to the dish.

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Everyone remembers how in childhood they had to pick green pods from the beds, and then, opening them, enjoy sweet peas. Now it is not possible to buy peas in this form in any supermarket, however, with the onset of the summer months, bazaars offer this product quite cheaply. And this is an excellent reason to stock up on pea pods for the winter, because it is from this that you can cook a lot of dishes: fry, stew in sour cream sauce, add to soup. Moreover, fresh green peas are much healthier than ripe or canned ones.

Green peas - useful properties

So if you meet green pea pods- do not hesitate to purchase in reserve. Most vitamins are found in peas, but the pods are also useful - they are used as a medicine.

Benefits of green pea pods

The pods contain a lot of chlorophyll, useful for our body. This product is a source of fiber, vitamins of groups B, PP, E, H, provitamin A. Also, young peas contain a lot of fatty acids, amino acids, protein, similar in composition to meat. However, the protein present in it is absorbed even better than meat. In addition, young pot pods are a nutritious and high-calorie product. Unlike ripe peas, this is unlikely to cause bloating.

Peas in pods are incredibly rich in trace elements: copper, phosphorus, zinc, iodine, iron, selenium, magnesium, fluorine, chromium, molybdenum, cobalt and others.
Green peas in pods supply the body with energy and normalize bowel function. It is worth noting that many vitamins are found in the pods of fresh peas, and peeled and stored for a long time loses a lot of properties.

Harm and contraindications

Peas in any form should not be taken by nursing mothers and people with bowel problems. It is believed that consuming peas along with dill minimizes the chance of bloating.

Fresh peas - benefits and harms

With the advent of summer, everyone wants lighter and healthier food. Both meat eaters and vegetarians include fresh green peas in their diet.

Peas have been eaten since time immemorial. It was served to the table of both kings and commoners. Green peas have many ways of cooking: we add them to salads, soups, vinaigrettes, vegetable stews and pies.

Fresh green peas are considered the most useful. But not everyone knows the benefits and harms of fresh green peas.

The benefits of fresh peas

Fresh green peas have many health benefits. It contains the following minerals and macronutrients:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • lemon acid.

The benefit of fresh peas for women is that it contains vitamins A, C, H and B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the body.

With frequent use of peas, the aging of the skin, and of the whole organism as a whole, slows down. It does not accumulate toxins that are harmful to your body and helps to remove radionuclides from it.

At the same time, fresh green peas contain a large amount of protein with a low calorie content, which averages 81 kcal per 100 g.

The benefit of fresh green peas is also to reduce the likelihood of cancer, heart attack, diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Decoctions of peas and greens in folk medicine are used as a diuretic, as well as to prevent beriberi. Harmful green peas in large quantities for people suffering from flatulence and gout.

Green peas

Also, green peas should not be carried away by the elderly and with uric acid diathesis.

Unfortunately, green peas can only be eaten fresh for a few months of the year. Therefore, we advise you to have time to pamper yourself and your body with such a useful product. And if you want to supply your body with vitamins in the winter, you can preserve or freeze green peas for future use.

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What is useful peas?

Varieties of peas are divided into two groups - peeling and sugar. Both of these types can be eaten, but sugar varieties are more common. They love this vegetable for its unpretentiousness in growing, ease of preparation, good taste and nutritional value, but few people know about the beneficial properties of peas for the human body.

What is useful peas for the body?

The beneficial properties of peas for the human body are explained by its optimal composition. By the amount of protein, for example, peas can compete with meat, and there are more vitamins and minerals, including rare ones, than in many plant products.

Proteins from peas are absorbed much better than from animal products, and at the same time they do not overload the body. Therefore, this vegetable should definitely be included in the diet of athletes who need the necessary level of protein in food, as well as people who are weakened after a long illness.

What is useful boiled peas?

Scientists have found that eating boiled peas stimulates regenerative processes and reduces the risk of cancerous tumors. And, in addition, boiled peas normalize the functioning of the digestive system, relieve heartburn, constipation and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

What is useful green canned peas?

Green canned peas were a delicacy for the aristocrats of France. Today, this product is more accessible, which is good, because everyone needs its benefits.

Well-made canned peas retain most of the vitamins, iron, calcium and chlorophyll that are essential for humans. A large amount of vitamin PP in canned green peas helps maintain normal cholesterol levels, as well as fight atherosclerosis, asthma and blood clots.

Green canned peas are also useful for weight loss, because. it promotes the removal of excess fluid and activates the metabolic processes of the body.

A detailed description and beneficial properties of green peas for the body. Advice on who should not use it and why. The most interesting and simple cooking recipes.

The content of the article:

Green peas are the contents of the pods of peas, a herbaceous plant of the legume family. Peas are round, soft and have a sweetish aftertaste. Only them are eaten, the peel is not in demand. This culture belongs to vegetables and has been cultivated by man since ancient China. The best varieties are "Table", "First", "Higher" and "Extra". Young peas are consumed raw, and the old ones are already dried and canned. Both of them are actively added to soups, salads, main dishes.

The composition and calorie content of green peas

The chemical composition of green peas is very diverse, so absolutely any vegetables and fruits can be replaced with this product.

The calorie content of raw green peas per 100 g is 81 kcal, of which:

  • Proteins - 5.42 g;
  • Fats - 0.4 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 14.45 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 5.1 g;
  • Water - 78.86 g;
  • Ash - 0.87 g.
Vitamins per 100 g:
  • A, RE - 38 mcg;
  • Alpha-carotene - 21 mcg;
  • Beta-carotene - 0.449 mg;
  • Lutein + zeaxanthin - 2477 mcg;
  • B1, thiamine - 0.266 mg;
  • B2, riboflavin 0.132 mg;
  • B4, choline - 28.4 mg;
  • B5, pantothenic acid - 0.104 mg;
  • B6, pyridoxine - 0.169 mg;
  • B9, folic acid - 65 mcg;
  • C, ascorbic acid - 40 mg;
  • E, alpha tocopherol, TE - 0.13 mg;
  • Gamma-tocopherol - 0.95 mg;
  • Delta-tocopherol - 0.02 mg;
  • K, phylloquinone - 24.8 mcg;
  • RR, NE - 2.09 mg;
  • Betaine - 0.2 mg.
Macronutrients per 100 g:
  • Potassium, K - 244 mg;
  • Calcium, Ca - 25 mg;
  • Magnesium, Mg -33 mg;
  • Sodium, Na - 5 mg;
  • Phosphorus, Ph - 108 mg.
Trace elements per 100 g:
  • Iron, Fe - 1.47 mg;
  • Manganese, Mn - 0.41 mg;
  • Copper, Cu - 176 mcg;
  • Selenium, Se -1.8 µg;
  • Zinc, Zn - 1.24 mg.
Digestible carbohydrates per 100 g:
  • Glucose (dextrose) - 0.12 g;
  • Mono- and disaccharides (sugar) - 5.67 g;
  • Maltose - 0.17 g;
  • Sucrose - 4.99 g;
  • Fructose - 0.39 g.
Essential amino acids per 100 g:
  • Arginine - 0.428 g;
  • Valine - 0.235 g;
  • Histidine - 0.107 g;
  • Isoleucine - 0.195 g;
  • Leucine - 0.323 g;
  • Lysine - 0.317 g;
  • Methionine - 0.082 g;
  • Threonine - 0.203 g;
  • Tryptophan - 0.037 g;
  • Phenylalanine - 0.2 g.
Non-essential amino acids per 100 g:
  • Alanine - 0.24 g;
  • Aspartic acid - 0.496 g;
  • Glycine - 0.184 g;
  • Glutamic acid - 0.741 g;
  • Proline - 0.173 g;
  • Serine - 0.181 g;
  • Tyrosine - 0.114 g;
  • Cysteine ​​- 0.032 g.
Fatty, mono-, polyunsaturated and saturated acids per 100 g:
  • Palmitic - 0.064 g;
  • Omega-3 - 0.035 g;
  • Omega-6 - 0.152 g;
  • Stearic - 0.007 g;
  • Oleic (Omega-9) - 0.035 g;
  • Linoleic - 0.152 g;
  • Linolenic - 0.035 g.

Useful properties of green peas

Peas are indispensable in any form - raw, canned, boiled and stewed. It retains all the necessary substances even after prolonged freezing. It contains much more micro-, macroelements and vitamins than any other representative of legumes - lentils, beans, soybeans. It should definitely be included in the menu of children, pregnant women and the elderly, with anemia. Being a source of easily digestible protein, it will be especially useful for vegetarians who consume exclusively vegetable and raw foods.

Here's what green peas help achieve:

  1. Slow down aging. It is an excellent antioxidant that rejuvenates from the inside. With its help, the processes of oxidation of the body slow down, it becomes alkaline and more effectively resists negative environmental factors.
  2. The fight against excess weight. Considering that peas contain no more than 81 kcal, it is impossible to get better from it, while it is very nutritious and quickly satisfies hunger. The effect is enhanced by cleansing the intestines from toxins and other debris.
  3. Prevention of neoplasms. Being rich in phytonutrients and coumarins, this product protects the body from the attack of cancer cells. It is also necessary for the regeneration of red blood cells and strengthening the immune system.
  4. Improvement of the digestive tract. A high percentage of fiber has a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines and stomach, speeds up the process of digestion of food, relieves constipation and diarrhea, removes starch from the body and restores normal metabolism. All this reduces the risk of developing neoplasms, promotes better absorption of micro-, macroelements and vitamins, thereby raising hemoglobin. As a result, flatulence disappears and dysbacteriosis is more easily tolerated.
  5. Normalization of the cardiovascular system. Thanks to the content of vitamins K and folic acid, blood pressure and cholesterol levels are lowered, toxins and waste products are removed, blood vessels are cleansed, and the risk of developing atherosclerosis and coronary disease is reduced. This is especially useful for those suffering from diabetes, who are most prone to such problems.
  6. Strengthening bones. This is possible due to the fact that the composition contains calcium and potassium, which provide almost the entire daily requirement of the body. Thus, the appearance of arthrosis, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the joints is prevented, the bones become stronger and are not so prone to fractures.
  7. Preservation of vision. Vitamin A and lutein included in the product provide reliable prevention of macular degeneration, cataracts, myopia. This is especially important for children who spend a lot of time at the computer and the elderly, because over the years the risk of developing these diseases increases. Selenium also supports the health of the lens.
  8. Strengthening immunity. Ascorbic acid in the product improves the absorption of iron and folates, which are directly responsible for this. As a result, the level of hemoglobin rises, dizziness and weakness disappear, more strength appears.

Note! This is an excellent substitute for meat, fish, milk, which contains almost all the necessary micro-, macro-elements and vitamins, except for B12 and D. Therefore, the benefits of green peas will be primarily appreciated by vegetarians.

Harm and contraindications to the use of green peas

Green peas contain a lot of sugars and carbohydrates, so they definitely cannot be eaten in large quantities with elevated blood glucose levels. The maximum serving for a week should be no more than 500 g. This is especially true for a canned product, since it is prepared with added sugar.

Use should be limited for the following problems:

  • Bowel disease. With a high fiber content, peas can increase gas production and lead to bloating.
  • constipation. With constipation, only fresh and pure peas can be used, canned and dried in soups worsens the situation.
  • Gastritis in the acute stage. Here things are the same as with constipation - a vegetable from the garden that is not thermally processed is allowed.
  • Gout. Caution in this disease is necessary because the peas contain a lot of purines, the digestion of which produces uric acid. The problem is that the patient's kidneys cannot quickly remove it from the body, which ultimately causes inflammation and pain in the joints.

Note! Green peas are a very heavy food for the stomach, they take a long time to digest and can cause fermentation in the intestines if overused.

Green Pea Recipes

This frequent "guest" in the refrigerator is widely used in boiled, canned, fresh form. Having a delicate taste, pleasant aroma and rich composition, it perfectly complements a variety of food products - cucumbers, meat, and other vegetables. Delicious first and second courses, side dishes, salads and even pastries are prepared from it, where puree is used as a filling. Cream soups, stews and cereals based on it are quite popular. But at the same time, do not forget about the contraindications of green peas.

We offer several different recipes:

  1. canning. You will need fresh pods, picked no earlier than 2-3 days before cooking. The grains in them must be sufficiently hard and dense. The required amount is 2 kg. The main ingredient is cleaned, sorted, washed and boiled for 30 minutes in salt water. Then it is laid out in sterilized jars, vinegar (1 tablespoon) is added and sugar (1 teaspoon) is added. Next, the contents are poured with the remaining brine and the lids are rolled up. Cover the top with a towel and let them cool.
  2. Drying. Peas are boiled in salted water, thrown into a colander, dried and spread on a baking sheet in a thin layer. It is placed in the oven and kept at a temperature of 60-70 degrees, stirring regularly, for about 2 days. The same can be done in the sun, only then it will take 3-4 times more time. Dried peas are used to make mashed potatoes, soups, pies.
  3. quick soup. Boil 350 g of white chicken meat and cool 2 liters of broth. At this time, fry 1 grated carrot and chopped onion. Then add all this to a saucepan with liquid and cut 100 g of boiled pork here. Next, add 100 g of pasta (spirals or shells), 100 g of peas and cook it all for 20 minutes. At the end, sprinkle the soup with grated cheese (50 g) and salt. Pour into bowls and garnish with chopped dill and butter.
  4. Risotto. Fry 100 g diced bacon in butter until golden brown. Transfer it to a deep saucepan, add long rice, 2 tbsp. l. red semi-sweet wine and chicken broth (1.5 l). Bring the mixture to a boil, add 150 g of soft peas and leave for 20 minutes. Next, add grated processed cheese (1 pc.) And 3 tbsp. l. not very sweet yogurt. At the end, stir the soup and pour into bowls.
  5. Raw Olivier. Here you will need almost the same ingredients as for a classic dish. Cut raw cucumbers without peel (2 pcs.), One small green apple with sourness, champignons (6 pcs.), Half a zucchini. Now add 150 g of peas and season the mass with live mayonnaise (100 g of chopped almonds, 3 cloves of garlic, 3rd part of a lemon with zest, cold-pressed vegetable oil 8 tablespoons) and salt. Stir the mass and arrange on plates, decorating with parsley sprigs on top.
  6. Stew. To prepare it, fry chopped potatoes (2 pcs.), Cabbage (3rd part of the head), half of sweet pepper and white onion, tomatoes (2 pcs.). Mix all this, add 1 cup of raw or canned peas, fill with water so that it completely covers the mass, salt, pepper and simmer over low heat until tender.
  7. Frittata. First of all, fry the purple onion (2 pieces) cut into half rings and then 150 g of boiled pork or brisket. Then boil 100 g of cauliflower, chop it and put it in the pan too. Do the same with peas, which will need half a glass. Salt and pepper all this, add the pulp of garlic to taste and pour 5 beaten eggs. When the omelette is ready, divide it into several parts and sprinkle with dill or grated cheese.

Note! If you will be using recipes for green peas in the winter, when they are only available frozen, then you should not cook them until the ice has melted. Otherwise, the dish may turn out to be bitter in taste.

It is believed that this representative of legumes is exclusively the food of the poor. It was he who formed the basis of the diet of the inhabitants in Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece. Here it was a symbol of wealth and fertility. Many centuries later, starting from the 16th century, noble people in France began to use it widely. They say that almost every day the king was served fried lard with pea sauce.

This inhabitant of the garden was also known in Russia. Under Yaroslav the Wise, it was put on a par with rye and wheat. Wherever it was added - to cheeses, stews, gravy, sausage, pies, pies.

Until the 19th century, green peas were preferred to be used fresh or dried. The first attempts to preserve it were made by the Dutch around the same time. Then this technology was adopted by Russia, which produced the product mainly for export until the start of the October Revolution.

Since the grains of the plant deteriorate quickly, they are canned, dried or frozen. Useful properties in this case are completely preserved, but the taste becomes much worse.

Translated from the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit, its name means "grated", which was true - the practice of grinding peas into flour was common before, which was added to any pastries.

In honor of this vegetable crop, a name was given to one of the characters in Russian comic phraseological units (Tsar Peas). There is also the famous cartoon "The Princess and the Pea", in which the future bride had the test to feel her through dozens of thick mattresses. I must say that she coped with the task successfully.

In medieval Rome, jesters actively used a bull bladder rattle filled with peas. Among them there was a tradition to beat spectators and other clowns with it. A slightly similar custom existed in Russia, where buffoons, in addition to this, dressed in outfits with pea straw. This easily explains the fact that jesters began to be called "peas".

How to cook green peas - look at the video:

Green peas have rightfully won a place in the refrigerator, they are very tasty, healthy and available at any time of the year. Use it properly and enjoy amazing dishes!