Maslenitsa in 2017 what date?

Maslenitsa is one of the most beloved holidays of the entire Russian people. Previously, this holiday was very respected and carefully prepared for its onset.

Today, Maslenitsa is known only for the tradition of baking pancakes with butter, although the essence of the celebration is completely different. In addition, the day of the onset of this holiday changes every year, so many people wonder when Maslenitsa will come in 2017.

history of the holiday

Initially, the holiday was called Shrovetide. Only after the introduction of modern spelling rules did they begin to call it the more euphonious word Maslenitsa. Contrary to the erroneous and popular belief, this holiday was celebrated long before the adoption of Christianity in Russia. The Slavs tried in every possible way to drive away the winter as soon as possible and attract the warmth of spring. This holiday was founded to lure or "cajole" the spring, slowly coming into its own. It was believed that just as butter melts on warm pancakes, snowdrifts will melt with the arrival of a warm and long-awaited spring.

During the founding of the holiday, the arrival of spring began to be celebrated 7 days before the day of the equinox in spring. The holidays ended only on the 7th day after this important spring day. When Russia adopted the Christian faith, the celebration of Maslenitsa was reduced to a week.

What date will Maslenitsa be celebrated in 2017?

As mentioned, the day of the celebration of Maslenitsa is not tied to any number. It is calculated depending on the day of the beginning of Great Lent, which lasts for 7 weeks. The end of Great Lent is the holy feast of Easter. Everyone who asks the question: “What date does Shrovetide start in 2017?” May be surprised, since holiday pancakes will need to be prepared on the eve of World Women's Day on March 8. Since the holiday is celebrated for 7 days, Maslenitsa Week will continue from February 20 to February 26 inclusive. It is also noteworthy that each day of Pancake Week has its own original name.

Days of Pancake Week

The first day that opens Pancake week (Monday), the Slavs called the "Meeting". By this day, all festive preparations were to be completed: the construction of ice slides and snowy towns. In them, for the holidays, they not only played snowballs and sleigh rides, but arranged whole games that made the holiday really special. The preparation of horses for riding was also completed. The hostesses completed their culinary masterpieces. On Monday, it was necessary to put aside all the worries and chores around the house and start baking pancakes. The first pancake was always given to the poor, to remember all the deceased loved ones and relatives.

The second day was called "Games". On Tuesday, young people gathered in companies and started jolly sleigh rides from the previously provided ice slides. Skating was accompanied by laughter and cheerful cries of the walkers. Also on Tuesday, everyone began to treat each other with pancakes.

The third day was affectionately called “Gourmets”, because the mothers-in-law invited their sons-in-law to delicious pancakes. Even today, the saying has been preserved: “we are going to our mother-in-law for pancakes,” which was very relevant on Wednesday of Shrovetide week.

Thursday also did not differ from previous holidays and had the funny name "Wide revelry". All adults and children had fun and had fun in every possible way. Swings and sledding were popular, as well as honorary trips on the famous "troika with bells". There were also very funny fights with snowballs and fists. All day long, crowds of people went from house to house in the village, where they were kindly and joyfully treated to pancakes with a wide variety of fillings. Especially popular were pancakes with cottage cheese, caviar, mushrooms, meat, fish, berries and other fillers available on the farm. Mead, uzvars, teas, wines and other drinks for every taste were used as drinks. The revelry was simply incredible and people sincerely rejoiced at the end of winter.

On Friday, the so-called mother-in-law evenings were celebrated. Sons-in-law, fed mother-in-law's pancakes the day before, invited respected mothers of their spouses for a return visit. It is noteworthy that on Thursday evening, the mother-in-law sent all the necessary products for making pancakes to the son-in-law's house so that they could have time to bake the required amount of delicacies by the arrival of the guests. Mother-in-law gave guidance to the young on raising children, housekeeping and even relationships. If the mother-in-law did not receive an invitation from her son-in-law, she could be seriously offended for many years.

On Shrove Friday, all shops and schools were closed. Children and adults went on a well-deserved rest, to celebrate the great holiday of Maslenitsa. Interestingly, officially Friday is still not considered a day off.

Saturday was called "sister-in-law gatherings." So the sisters of the husbands came to their families to make up for lost time and talk to their new relatives to their heart's content. Therefore, finding out what date Maslenitsa will be in 2017, you should think about inviting all your relatives in order to respect old traditions and establish family relationships. All relatives and distant relatives will be happy with such an invitation and willingly agree to celebrate Maslenitsa together.

Saturday was considered the most important day of Pancake Week, so it was on Saturday that the most fun festivities were organized and various entertainment events were attended. A lot of people gathered in taverns and taverns, using an unmeasured amount of vodka and pancakes. It was believed that the brighter a person celebrates Maslenitsa Saturday, the richer and more fun he will live the coming year.

The resurrection was called "forgiveness resurrection". All the people, tired of noisy holidays and festivities, burning the effigy of Winter and riding on various attractions, gradually calmed down and gathered in churches. On this day, it was customary to ask for forgiveness from all relatives and relatives, the answer to such a request for forgiveness was “God will forgive!”. Also, people went to the graves of their deceased relatives to receive their forgiveness.

Shrovetide traditions

As already mentioned, the main tradition of Maslenitsa was a noisy and cheerful festivities, in which almost all the people took part. It was customary to bake an incredible amount of pancakes. It was believed that a good housewife should bake as many pancakes as she wants prosperity for her family in the coming year. Since the production of pancakes often took a lot of products, Shrovetide week was also often called ruinous.

On Maslenitsa it was necessary to have noisy and unrestrained fun. If a person refused to noisily and cheerfully celebrate this event, he was promised poverty, as well as bitter tears. Therefore, superstitious people rode horses and slides all week, jokingly fought in fist fights, played snowballs, held pancake eating contests for a while, swam in ice holes and much more.

Burnt or torn pancakes were a very bad sign for the hostess. It was believed that this is a sure sign of future failures and misfortunes. Given this, each housewife carefully selected the recipe for pancakes in order to exclude the possibility of marriage as much as possible.

Attention was also paid to the weather during Shrovetide week. If it was cold, it was believed that the harvest would be good, which means that all families would have prosperity and wealth. If it warmed up quickly on Maslenitsa, there was a big threat to early shoots, which could die during frosts.

Shrovetide holidays and solemn maiden fortune-telling did not bypass. All unmarried girls took to the streets on Maslenitsa and gave water to all the men they met. This promised them a speedy and very successful marriage. If a drunken man met on the way, the girl could be incredibly happy - this was a sure sign of an early and successful marriage.

How to celebrate Maslenitsa?

Since the answer to the question “What date is Shrovetide in 2017?” found, you can start planning this holiday in advance. You can arrange a lot of fun entertainment, but don't forget about the traditional baking of pancakes. Ancestors believed that a pancake, so similar in shape and color to a warm sun, could quickly attract warmth and wealth to the house. That is why you can respect Maslenitsa and please your household with various delicious pancakes with different fillings. Children who love to have fun and eat various sweet pancakes are especially happy about this holiday.

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Shrovetide is an ancient Slavic holiday that symbolizes the farewell to winter and the joyful expectation of spring. The folk festival lasts a week and ends with Forgiveness Sunday.

Shrovetide begins to be celebrated a week before Lent - the date of celebration is tied to Orthodox Easter and changes every year.


According to one version, the origin of the word "Maslenitsa" is based on the Russian custom of baking pancakes. This tradition is connected with the desire of people to win over the sun, to persuade him with the help of pancakes to warm the frozen earth. It was the round pancake that was sacrificial bread - a gift to the pagan gods.

Since ancient times, Pancake Week has been famous for hearty and plentiful food. The main dish of the holiday is pancakes, which, they say, are especially delicious on Maslenitsa.
On the eve of a long fast, people try to eat delicious and varied dishes, and not deny themselves anything.

But pancakes are not the only treat for the holidays. As a rule, a rich table is laid on Maslenitsa - both pancakes and pies with various fillings (mushroom, cottage cheese, cabbage, and so on) are served.

Shrovetide was famous not only for its rich treats - at this time mass skating, dancing, folk singing, bonfires are held. But the main tradition is the burning of a Maslenitsa effigy at the stake. This symbolizes the departure of a boring winter. People welcome the long-awaited spring.

Before the adoption of Christianity, Maslenitsa was celebrated for 14 days, and today it lasts a week.


Pancakes appeared in Russia more than a thousand years ago. During this time, the recipes for their preparation have undergone many changes. By tradition, each housewife had her own recipe for making pancakes.

They were baked from different types of flour with the addition of various ingredients, but they always remained a favorite treat in every home. To this day, pancakes are considered a traditional Russian dish.

© photo: Sputnik / Mikhail Beznosov

They ate pancakes with butter, sour cream, honey, caviar, fish and vegetable stuffing. It's hard to say what tastes better - everyone has their own opinion on this matter. Someone eats pancakes only with sour cream, others only recognize sweet fillings, and still others adore with herring or red fish.

You can cook several types of fish: salted red, herring, hot or cold smoked mackerel, smoked cod or pink salmon - the choice is great. Various pies are good for pancakes, although according to Orthodox tradition, meat is not eaten this week. Those with a sweet tooth prefer to pour pancakes with honey, condensed milk, jam or syrup.

In Russia, there was a custom - the first pancake was always for the repose, it was usually given to a beggar to remember all the dead, or simply put on the window.

Traditions and customs

Preparations were made for the Maslenitsa celebration in advance. People started preparing from the Saturday of the previous week and celebrated the "small Maslenitsa".

In the old days, according to tradition, the young men gathered in small groups, went around the villages and collected bast shoes, after which they met those returning with purchases from the bazaar or the city with the question: “Are you taking Shrovetide?” For the answer: "I'm not taking", people got decent cuffs with bast shoes.

© photo: Sputnik / Evgenya Novozhenina

Also, before Maslenitsa on Sunday, according to the tradition of those times, it was mandatory to visit relatives, neighbors and friends, as well as invite them to visit.

Maslenitsa is the most cheerful folk holiday, each day of the week of which has its own name and meaning. The festive week was divided into the Narrow Shrovetide, which includes the first 3 days, and the Broad, which was given the remaining 4 days.

In the first half, along with festive events, it was allowed to do housework, and in the second half no one worked anymore - everyone indulged in holiday joys in full force.

Delicious and hearty pancakes were baked all week. They were eaten at home, at a party, at street festivities. And now almost every family has a tradition - at least once a week, be sure to eat pancakes.

Maslenitsa days

Monday - the first day of Maslenitsa is called "meeting". On this day, ice slides were arranged and rolled out. In the old days, they believed that the farther the sleigh or sleigh rolled, the louder the noise and laughter over the ice hill, the better the harvest would be and the longer the flax would be born.

© photo: Sputnik / Kirill Kallinikov

Festival "Moscow Maslenitsa"

They made an effigy of Maslenitsa out of straw, dressed it in old women's clothes, put the effigy on a pole and, singing songs, drove it on a sleigh through the village. Then this effigy was placed on a snowy mountain, from which the sleigh ride began.

By this day, swings and booths were completed. They started baking pancakes. On this day, relatives went to each other to agree on how to spend the week.

Tuesday - "play". On this day, it was customary to start fun games and treat pancakes for the created fun. In the morning, young people went to ride from the mountains and eat pancakes.

This day was especially exciting for unmarried girls, because bridesmaids were arranged for a flirt. All Shrovetide rites, in fact, were reduced to matchmaking, in order to have a wedding after Great Lent, on Krasnaya Gorka.

© photo: Sputnik / Yuri Kaver

Wednesday - "gourmet". On this day, all hostesses prepare various goodies in large volumes and decorate a rich table with them, but pancakes naturally come first. Also on this day, the mother-in-law showed affection for her son-in-law and invited him to a treat.
In the villages, they brewed beer together (together).

Thursday - "walk around". From that day on, Maslenitsa unfolded in full breadth - they walked from morning to evening, danced, danced, sang ditties. The people indulged in all sorts of fun, ice mountains, booths, swings, fist fights, noisy feasts. On this day, to help the sun drive away the winter, people traditionally arrange horseback riding "in the sun" - that is, clockwise around the village.

It was the most beloved and beautiful Shrovetide rite. Everyone who had a horse rode out, and along the streets of cities and villages, teams of various colors raced: the rich flaunted well-groomed trotters and painted sledges covered with carpets or bearskins, and peasant horses, polished to a shine, decorated with colored ribbons and paper flowers, clumsily galloped after . Horse hooves rumbled, bells and bells rang, harmonicas sang.

On this day, a snow town with towers and gates was built on rivers, ponds and fields, then the gang was divided in half: some guarded the town, others had to take it by force.

© photo: Sputnik / L. Kogan

Reproduction of "Shrovetide" painting by Boris Kustodiev

Fisticuffs were also held that day. According to the rules, it was impossible to hide something heavy in a mitten, to hit below the waist and on the back of the head.

Friday - "mother-in-law evening". A number of Maslenitsa customs on this day were aimed at speeding up weddings and helping young people find a suitable match for themselves. Sons-in-law invited their mother-in-laws to visit - they treated them to pancakes. The son-in-law was obliged to personally invite the mother-in-law in the evening.

In some places, "Teschin pancakes" took place on a "gourmet", that is, on Wednesday during Shrovetide week, but could be timed to coincide with Friday. So sons-in-law could also be invited to pancakes to their mother-in-law. But if on Wednesday the sons-in-law visited their mother-in-laws, then on Friday the sons-in-law arranged "mother-in-law's evenings" and invited them to pancakes.

Saturday - "sister-in-law gatherings." On this day, the young daughter-in-law invited her relatives to her place. If the sisters-in-law were still girls, then the daughter-in-law called her girl friends, if the sisters-in-law were married, then she called married friends or relatives. The daughter-in-law was obliged to give gifts to her sister-in-laws. Maslenitsa was, as it were, an excuse to get together and gossip.

On this day, all the newlyweds gathered from the surrounding villages to the village, where they were honored. The young, standing in the crowd of spectators, were called to the roller coaster. There they had to bow to the "peace" - to the villagers who had gathered to look at the event, kiss and move down the mountain in a sleigh. Under the mountain, the young people had to kiss until they got tired of the audience, shouting: "come on, come on!"

© photo: Sputnik / Rear sight

Reproduction of Vasily Surikov's painting "The Capture of the Snow Town"

The meaning of this ritual action is in an effort to exalt the newlyweds, as well as to express universal recognition and approval of the completed marriage union.

Resurrection - "forgiveness Sunday", as well as "seeing off, kisser". On this day, it is customary to ask for forgiveness from all loved ones, offended for the harm done, for some of their misdeeds. And silently forgive them with a pure heart for the same actions that were accidentally or intentionally caused. This is a very bright and beautiful day before the start of Lent. In 2019, Lent begins on March 11.

After that, you can start singing and dancing, thus seeing off the magnificent Maslenitsa. On this day, a straw effigy is burned on a huge fire - the main heroine of the Maslenitsa holiday, personifying the passing winter.

The scarecrow is set in the center of a huge fire and they say goodbye to him with jokes, songs, dances. They scold winter for frosts and winter hunger and thank for cheerful winter fun. After that, the effigy is set on fire to cheerful exclamations and songs. Then the youth jumps over the fire and this competition in dexterity ends the Maslenitsa holiday.

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.

Maslenitsa 2017 is an opportunity once again to bake delicious pancakes with a wide variety of fillings. Housewives are sophisticated with recipes for pancake dough and fillers.

When do we celebrate this year?

This year Maslenitsa falls on the last days of February. From February 20 to February 26, we bake pancakes and prepare for the arrival of spring. Maslenitsa ends with the "holiday of the belly" and begins Great Lent before Easter. So Maslenitsa is the last opportunity to eat non-fast food.

In Russian culture, there are different names for the Shrovetide week: it is called meat-and-fat for abstaining from meat products, cheese - for the abundance of cheese products that are present in Shrovetide treats, and directly oil - for the abundance of butter, which the housewives generously flavor ruddy pancakes.

Pancakes are the main Shrovetide dish, which without fail must become the main one on the festive table of every housewife. The centuries-old traditions of Maslenitsa celebrations have given us hundreds of recipes for pancakes and pancakes, which everyone can cook.

Classic Shrovetide pancakes are baked with milk and white wheat flour, but this does not prevent you from trying original recipes with water, kefir or whey, with the addition of oatmeal, rye or buckwheat flour. Every good housewife has a signature pancake recipe at hand, which differs both in the dough recipe and in the way the filling is prepared.

Traditionally in Russia, they ate pancakes with a lot of butter and sour cream, but the filling of mushrooms or salmon was no less popular in the last week before Lent. Try to complement the Shrovetide dish with red or black caviar, jam or jam, fresh fruits or exotic vegetables - we are sure that your household will be happy to taste the most delicious pancakes prepared by you.

How to celebrate

The scope of the Maslenitsa festivities is directly related to beliefs: in the old days it was believed that laughter and fun this week would bring abundance and prosperity to the house, so it was supposed to have fun as much as possible.

In the villages on Maslenitsa, they burned an effigy of Maslenitsa, held fisticuffs, ate pancakes at speed, climbed a pole for prizes, swam in an ice hole and fought bears. Pancakes were the main attribute.

Let's add about the scarecrow that they burned a straw scarecrow, personifying winter and last year's dry crop on the last day of the week. The ashes from Shrovetide were scattered across the fields. Shrovetide ended with cleaning: they cleaned all the dishes, burned the remnants of food, left nothing for a new day. For believers, it was time for Lent.

Basic requirements for this holiday:

The main rule is the absence of meat products in the diet of this week. Dairy products and fish are allowed. Pancakes are baked throughout the week.

You need to eat as much as you want, because food these days is a special form of life.

It was customary to visit the holiday, as well as invite them to their place, honoring friends with delicious pancakes and other treats.

It is customary to arrange parties and have fun until you drop.

Maslenitsa is one of the most delicious holidays of the year. It is during this week that housewives get hidden jars of goodies that they add to pancakes.

Note that in the Christian church calendar there is no such name for the holiday as Maslenitsa. This name is taken from the common people, and the last preparatory week for Great Lent is Cheese Week. That is, the celebration of Maslenitsa (Cheese Week) begins on the last week before Lent, and ends with Forgiveness Sunday. It is also worth noting that a week means one calendar week. Believers who observe fasting are forbidden to eat meat during Cheese Week, but milk, eggs, sour cream can still be consumed, including pancakes.

Sources:,,,, etc.

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The winter meat-eater ends and comes Maslenitsa, which in Orthodoxy is called Meatfare or Cheese Week. Maslenitsa is the last week before Great Lent when you can eat a lot and tasty and have fun from the heart before the long and difficult abstinence of Great Lent.

When is Maslenitsa in 2017

The timing of Maslenitsa is different every year, as it is connected with the Easter of Christ. In 2017 Maslenitsa starts February 20th and ends February 26th Forgiveness Sunday. February 27 will start great post, which will last six weeks (weeks) to end on April 16 with the most important holiday in Orthodoxy - bright Easter.

The history of the celebration of Shrovetide

In fact, the custom of celebrating the end of winter and the onset of spring has ancient pagan roots. These celebrations were usually associated with the vernal equinox on March 21st. Maslenitsa among the ancient Slavs was a holiday of the sun, which means that it had to be celebrated with pancakes, symbolizing the heavenly body that gives life to all things. Well, the pagan custom of burning an effigy of Maslenitsa symbolized the desire to quickly drive away the annoying winter.

After the arrival of Christianity in Russia, folk rituals intertwined with new ones - church ones. Therefore, on Maslenitsa, even in the very side of Orthodox times, it was not forbidden to have fun, as it should: there was plentiful food (albeit without meat) and booze on the tables. Also, various amusements were widespread - riding from the mountains, swings, carousels, taking snow towns, fist fights, burning a scarecrow, etc.

Historically, the ban on eating meat during Maslenitsa and Great Lent, by the way, also has pre-Christian roots: at that time, meat harvested in the fall was running out, and the taboo helped to overcome the temptation to start slaughtering young animals.

Maslenitsa and Orthodoxy

The Church believes that the Cheese or Meat Week (week) is not so much a time of carnal pleasures as preparation for Great Lent, which means that you need to cleanse yourself with prayer and reconcile with those near and far, everyone whom you voluntarily or involuntarily offended. Therefore, Shrovetide Week ends with Asked Sunday. But the church does not approve of the tradition of pancake week gluttony and drunkenness, and it is not good for health either.

Nevertheless, before the revolution, Maslenitsa was widely celebrated, drunkenly, violently and cheerfully, for example, the picture of wall-to-wall fist fights and other Maslenitsa entertainments are well shown in the film. Nikita Mikhalkov"Siberian barber".

In Soviet times, the celebration of Maslenitsa, of course, was not officially held, but the traditions were alive among the people: there were always pancakes on the tables at that time, and young people loved to burn stuffed animals and jump over bonfires. Already in the 80s of the last century, the almost official celebration of Maslenitsa began to revive, largely due to various folklore groups that collected and revived various folk customs.

Now Maslenitsa is celebrated widely, openly, with mass folk festivals and rich treats, the basis of which, of course, are pancakes with various seasonings and additives and pancakes with various fillings. Mushrooms, fish, caviar, cabbage, various jams, honey, sour cream, etc. are especially in demand at this time.

Maslenitsa - names of days

Maslenitsa is divided into two periods. The first period - from Monday to Wednesday - is the so-called Narrow Maslenitsa. And already from Thursday to Sunday, the Wide Maslenitsa begins, in the old days it was accompanied by such a violent revelry that the authorities preferred to declare these days days off.

Each day of Maslenitsa had its own name.

So, Monday is the “Meeting”, the day of preparation for the holiday, when a straw effigy was made, which was then burned on Forgiveness Sunday.

Tuesday is "Zagrysh" - the beginning of mass festivities and folk fun.

Wednesday is "Gourmet" - the beginning of the famous pancake gluttony.

Thursday is "Razgulyay" - the beginning of the Broad or Big Maslenitsa, when the people, as they say, began to revel in full.

Friday is "Teschiny gatherings." On this day, the mother-in-law came to visit her married daughter, and they baked pancakes together, treating their son-in-law to them.

Saturday is "Zolovkin's gatherings." On this day, young people went to visit each other, treating themselves to pancakes and other goodies.

The last day of Maslenitsa is Forgiveness Sunday. On this day, people ask each other for forgiveness for voluntarily or involuntarily inflicted insults, while kissing, so this day is sometimes called "The Kisser". Maslenitsa ended on Sunday evening with the burning of an effigy, and on Monday morning Great Lent began.

thin pancake recipe


Wheat flour - 400 g.
Sugar - 2 tablespoons.
Chicken eggs - 5 pieces.
Milk - 1 liter.
Salt is on the tip of a knife.
Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons.


Beat eggs with sugar, gradually add flour and salt. Pour in milk and stir gently until smooth. Let it brew for 20 minutes. Add vegetable oil to the dough and fry the pancakes in a very hot pan on both sides until golden brown.

Shrovetide is a truly popular holiday that combines ancient traditions and modern elements. Initially, it was the joy of meeting spring, getting rid of the cold, and walking it on the day of the vernal equinox. After the Baptism of Russia, the holiday also became a church holiday, received a new name, a floating date associated with Easter. In 2020, Maslenitsa begins on February 24, and will last for a whole week, until March 1. This day will end with the burning of an effigy of winter.

  • Maslenitsa in Tsaritsyno

The program of festivities for Maslenitsa in Moscow

This event is most widely and brightly celebrated in the capital. Festivals, fairs, master classes, competitions, theatrical performances - for a week Moscow turns into a merry big top. Everywhere the divine aromas of pancakes with all kinds of fillings hover, music rumbles, crowds of people walk.

For reference!
Why is the holiday called that way? There are two explanations for this. Firstly, during this period they no longer eat meat, but dairy products are allowed in full - pancakes, cheese, butter are eaten in unlimited quantities, hence the name. According to the second version, the ancestors wanted to “cajole” the God of the Sun, and they baked pancakes in the form of solar circles.

By the way, this year the celebration of Maslenitsa in Moscow will be not 7, but 10 days! And the festivities will begin on February 21. The last day, March 1, will end with the mass burning of the effigy of winter. To fully enjoy this spectacle, you will need to go to the outskirts, because it is not safe to make large bonfires in the center of the capital.

Exhibitions will start soon, fairs will begin, free tours, theatrical performances, performances by artists are being prepared, pancake baking points are opening. Stages, mobile stalls are being set up all over the capital, the streets will shine with bright decorations, and the feeling of a children's holiday for all 10 days will settle in the souls of Muscovites.

Festival "Moscow Maslenitsa"

It starts on February 21, and this year it is expected that more than 5 million people will visit it. More than 2 tons of cheese and dairy products, fish and seafood, gastronomy and all kinds of delicacies are being prepared for the holiday. The cultural program will include about 300 bright performances, and cafes and restaurants compete in making the most unusual and interesting pancakes.
On the central squares of Moscow, lessons will be held on painting on porcelain, creating carnival masks, etc. Anyone can take part in funny competitions, ride down an ice slide, sing with costumed jesters, ride a skating rink. And, of course, eat plenty of delicious, fragrant pancakes, and even learn how to cook them yourself according to ancient recipes at master classes.

On the streets of the capital, large two-meter-high costumed dolls will be installed, and everyone can take a selfie in an embrace with these bright attributes of the holiday. Life-size puppets, costumed jesters with bears, musicians and buffoons - the capital will never cease to amaze guests and Muscovites for 10 days.
The festival facilities will be located throughout Moscow, including the following squares:
1. Manege;
2. Revolutions;
3. Tverskaya.
1. Izmailovsky;
2. Krasnopresnensky;
3. Babushkinsky, Sokolniki;
4. Gorky and others.
As always, wide festivities will be held on the main site of the capital. Dozens of master classes, exhibitions, performances and other mass entertainments are being prepared. Animators will entertain kids and adults, organize round dances, ditty battles. You can ride tubing, try your hand at tug-of-war, learn how to paint wooden toys.

And, of course, eat plenty of a variety of pancakes, even with unexpected interesting fillings, for example, with king crab or lingonberry jam.

On a note!
You know the saying "the first pancake is lumpy", but where did it come from? It was from this holiday, which in ancient times was called Komoyeditsa, that the first pancake was given to the bear (Kom), which, with its awakening, meant the arrival of spring.

Celebration program in Sokolniki

On March 1, it will be noisy and fun here - songs and dances, contests and ditties, tea drinking with pancakes and, as an apotheosis, the burning of an effigy of winter. All this awaits guests who come with their families or friends to celebrate Maslenitsa in Sokolniki.
A huge samovar will take place on a large table. While the guests will be treated to pancakes and delicious fragrant tea, folk groups and musical groups will perform in front of them. Further, everyone will be involved in various master classes, competitions, cheerful round dances, and colorful festivities with artists dressed in jester outfits. And in the evening there will be a bright show of burning an effigy, which will be installed in front of the Main Flowerbed.

Maslenitsa in Tsaritsyno

Thousands of guests will receive the museum these days. Many interesting playgrounds will be waiting for kids and adults. There you can catch a goose, climb a pole, ride a carousel, take a snow fortress by storm.

Creative individuals will find application for their talents in singing folk songs, dancing and round dances. The most active individuals will be able to compete in throwing snowballs, tug of war, knocking an opponent off a log with a bag, etc.

Celebration on Red Square

Pancake week ends on March 1, and on this day you should definitely visit the main square of the capital, where the most striking performances and shows will take place. A lot of entertainment is planned, these are historical constructions, performances of street actors, sports fun, songs, dances, round dances. It is here that the best musicians and creative teams will perform.
And, of course, delicious pancakes - what is Shrovetide without them? Pancakes will be baked at every step - from buckwheat and oatmeal, with sweet and savory fillings, tasty and satisfying, to hot fragrant tea and old sbiten.
On the days of the holiday, you can walk around different sites and get a lot of fun. And also visit inexpensive and cozy cafes and restaurants with your family, where there will be a rich menu with various pancakes from chefs, drinks and other goodies. Moscow welcomes spring in 2020 brightly and cheerfully!