In the new year, the stars promise Leo many romantic adventures. However, this does not mean that they are in a relationship for life. Quite the contrary, the beginning of the year threatens to end the existing romance.

But, since this will happen due to a lack of spiritual intimacy, you won’t have to feel particularly sorry. All you have to do is enjoy the opportunity to flirt and feel your own attractiveness. For now, this will be enough, and true love will come later.

Still, Leos should not take their romantic acquaintances too lightly. A certain amount of seriousness will only add to their charm and will not allow them to slide from personal freedom to permissiveness.

These details apply to those Leos who do not yet have a family or established, strong relationships. Those who have such connections should slightly moderate their demands on their partners. They are not always able to meet the high demands of Leo. But this does not mean that there is something wrong with the partner, people just need to forgive small weaknesses. If you insist on your own, scandals and quarrels are possible.

Leo Woman: Love Horoscope for 2017

Although the year is not very conducive to marriage, this is not about those cases when there is no doubt - this is exactly the man. For the sake of such a turn of fate, Leo women will be able to do the impossible - they will win the chosen one one way or another. It is most likely to meet such a person in the middle of the year. But, even if the lonely Lioness does not yet find her prince, she is guaranteed a romantic interest in the same period. This will help Leo women become convinced of their own attractiveness and stop worrying about the influence of age.

Married women and those who have a regular partner are better off overcoming their jealousy. The man didn’t deserve her at all, and unnecessary nagging could only ruin everything. Rather, on the contrary, a “long leash” is more likely to ensure the fidelity of the chosen one and a lasting, happy relationship with him. Attention and respect for your partner will ensure harmony and contentment. It is also important for family Lionesses to remember that children are not an obstacle to personal happiness (rather, on the contrary). You can’t be carried away by a relationship with a man and forget about children.

Leo Man: Love horoscope for 2017

The personal life of Leo men in the new year will not be affected in the best way by being busy with work. Wives and lovers will be dissatisfied with the fact that a man constantly disappears at work. Scenes of jealousy are possible, and they will be jealous both of various women (colleagues or a secretary), and of the business in general, and of professional interests.

To ensure that their personal life does not suffer, Leo men should calculate their time so that there is always a minute left for their loved ones. It is very important to spend a vacation together, and it is advisable to travel together, completely distracted from worries. It is also necessary to clearly voice your position and desires in front of loved ones. Mutual understanding will help avoid many problems.

Free Leos will be able to enjoy their unconditional popularity. You shouldn't take relationships completely lightly. But there is no need to allow yourself to be dragged to the registry office after a couple of meetings with a lady in a restaurant.

The love horoscope for December 2017 recommends Leo to give freedom to his significant other. Don't worry about her crossing boundaries or leaving you alone. If you completely trust a person, then he will answer you the same. Lonely Leo will be a little sad that he never found true love. Your worries are in vain, because the New Year's masquerade is ahead, which means there is a chance to meet your Queen.
Love horoscope for December 2017 for Leo woman predicts a pleasant and romantic time when you want to forget about troubles and immerse yourself in magic. You will have this opportunity if you meet with friends, and also forget about your last unsuccessful romance. Leo should not be afraid to openly demonstrate his feelings. Especially if this is “your” man.
Love horoscope for December 2017 for Leo man recommends showing yourself nobly and knightly in relation to the chosen one. She, of course, does not expect heroic deeds from you, but you can once again pay her a compliment or hug her. Leo's circumstances will be such that he will not pass by his love.

Leo family in December 2017

The horoscope predicts a stable and strong relationship with your spouse. You will prepare for the New Year holidays together, and even young children will be involved in organizing events. If at some point it seems to Leo that passion and ardor of feelings have disappeared, then in December 2017 you need to come up with something original. Don't be embarrassed to openly talk about this with your significant other. Together you can solve any problems and paint your family life in bright colors. At the end of December, Leo will have a trip to visit relatives, so pack your bags.

Horoscope for Leo for December 2017
Finance and career horoscope for Leo for December 2017

Love horoscope for the month of December for other zodiac signs:

The last month of 2017 will be a hot time! Leo's love house houses the Sun, Venus, and Mercury, enhancing your innate passionate tendencies. You will be optimistic, you will have confidence in yourself and in the fact that you deserve a lot in love.

Such a large-scale influence of planets promises important events in your personal life. Emotions will be extremely strong, and their force will set the world around you in motion. There will be interesting romantic stories, outbursts of passion and dramatic gestures.

You will have a desire to demonstratively show your feelings in order to amaze your loved one. Try to change your appearance, change your hairstyle or style of clothing - these changes will introduce new nuances into your relationship.

The new moon in Leo's house of love on December 18, 2017 portends positive events. Single Leos have a good chance of a fateful meeting that will mark the beginning of a love affair. This will not necessarily be a new person in your life. Mercury retrograde in the house of love tends to bring back the past, so don't be surprised if you rekindle feelings for someone you've known for a long time, or even a former lover comes back.

If you are already married, you will also notice a revival in your married life. You and your significant other will be swallowed up by a whirlwind of meetings, trips and new acquaintances. You will devote a lot of time to developing family financial plans, discussing major purchases or purchasing real estate. The horoscope advises you not to rush to put your ideas into practice, since the Mercury retrograde cycle continues from December 3 to December 23, 2017. While this planet is moving in the opposite direction, it is not advisable to take important actions with finances. If possible, it is better to postpone them to the next month.

Leo career and finance horoscope for December 2017

The stars promise people born under the sign of Leo an incredible amount of creative inspiration. You will discover new features in your own personality. And most importantly, such an unusual creative component will help you in career development and financial growth.

You are able to work efficiently, but you need to remember that Mercury is retrograde for most of the month. This may cause some difficulties, especially with regard to documents, payments, and transport. This is not the right time to start new projects; it is better to focus on what is already in progress.

On December 20, 2017, Saturn moves into Leo’s work sector, so the volume of work responsibilities may increase. Planning is a prerequisite for success, since Saturn likes everything to happen on schedule, in a disciplined manner and without haste. The influence of this slow planet for a sufficiently long period (two and a half years) will give you seriousness, hard work and perseverance in achieving your goals. Provided you are patient in your actions and thoughtful in your steps, you will lay the foundation for further material prosperity, progress in your career and business. However, you should not count on quick results; it will not be a meteoric rise, but consistent progress.

As mentioned above, from December 3 to December 23, 2017, Mercury is retro. This planet is the ruler of Leo's house of money, so financial flows may be difficult. This is a favorable time for savings, but it is recommended to keep expenses under control. Your loved one will play a significant role in resolving money issues.


You are in great shape, especially in the first and second decades of December. You have a lot of energy and no serious health problems are expected. For good body balance, physical exercise and intense physical activity will be required. On the other hand, it is recommended to avoid excesses and not give in to temptations, especially on holidays.

Take every opportunity to showcase your talents. Let others see how unique you are!

The New Year is already approaching and very soon each of us will sum up the results of the outgoing year. It was different for everyone, some lost something, while others gained something, fate taught some a good lesson, while for others, perhaps no changes occurred. But it’s not time to say goodbye to our eccentric fiery rooster, because there is only a month left until the end of this year. What will he bring to us? Read about it in the horoscope for December 2017.

This will be a rather emotional month, each of us will be up to our ears in troubles and worries, in preparation for the holiday and so on. All this will pretty much exhaust you. You will also be upset by the problems that you continually create for yourself. This is because many will be quite nervous and short-tempered. In order not to mess things up and make things even worse, first calm down, do something that helps you forget about difficulties, get in a festive mood, everything is not as bad as it really seems.

December is always a period when it is necessary to sum up the outgoing year, and therefore be sure to take time to think about how it went, what it taught you, and what else you need to master. Be sure to pay off your debts and deal with old quarrels and grievances - this is definitely not the kind of baggage that you should drag with you into the next year. But you shouldn’t lend money this month, especially large sums, otherwise you risk not getting your money back. But it is advisable to help on the contrary, this will be counted towards you in the near future and the symbol of the outgoing year will still thank you for your kindness.

Love horoscope for December 2017

This month, singles will have a rather eventful life in terms of love. The thing is that Venus will be located in Sagittarius from December 1, which will increase the number of acquaintances and dates. That’s why don’t worry if one date didn’t work out, there will be plenty of them to choose the most worthy one. At the same time, the stars warn that you should under no circumstances embellish reality or tell lies. Be yourself and then you can create real relationships built on harmony and mutual understanding.

Be extremely careful, as many of us will be inclined to exaggerate our feelings a little. Therefore, you should not zealously believe the words of love of your newly made partner, and your own too. True love is tested by time and actions.

But married couples and those who have been in a relationship for a long time will experience a real emotional boom. You will suddenly want to please your loved ones more than ever, to do something out of the ordinary, crazy, romantic. Moreover, the feelings will be mutual, do not waste these happy moments, no need to wait for the right time, create a fairy tale right now.

Horoscope for December 2017 Aries

The position of the planets in December 2017 will emphasize your increased interest in your personal life and relationships with your partner. And your honesty and directness will help you not to lose the respect of your friends.

Favorable days for Aries in December 2017: December 1, 10, 15, 21, 30.
Difficult days for Aries in December 2017: December 6, 13, 28.

Love horoscope

December 1 - December 10. In the middle of this period, Venus will move into the sign of Scorpio. You will immediately feel that your loved one has changed, become mysterious and unpredictable. His behavior may fill your heart with unnecessary suspicions, but you should not give them free rein.

December 11 - December 20. Under the influence of Mercury, your arguments and disagreements will inevitably increase. Your partner may be trying to manipulate you. For example, if your loved one is against your career, he will never tell you about it directly. On the contrary, he will be outwardly proud of your achievements, but at every opportunity he will emphasize the virtues of the life of a housewife.

December 21 - December 31. Great success awaits you in your personal affairs, you will enjoy love and respect from your partner. Your chosen one will begin to admire you, and you will begin to arouse the envy of his friends with your patience. A favorable aspect will contribute to the conclusion of long-term and serious alliances. Now is a good time to get married or get engaged.

Romantic date. In December, you will be especially attracted to the classics - romantic meetings in ancient buildings, by the fireplace, where you can feel like the heroine of a classic chivalric novel, and your gentleman - a real hero from an ancient legend.

From 1 to 10 December. Good days for both romantic meetings and collaboration with your other half.

From 11 to 17 December. A period of calm relations. Now for you, friendly feelings and mutual understanding are more important than stormy love passions.

From 18 to 24 December. Be extremely attentive to your chosen one. Now she really needs your participation and words of support. Don't pay attention to her whims, her mood will soon change.

From 25 to 31 December. A certain event will happen, after which you will look at your beloved with different eyes and discover positive qualities in her that you had not noticed before. This will only intensify your feelings and ignite your passion.

Horoscope for December 2017 for Aries women

Family horoscope

In December, your behavior may somewhat outrage your relatives. They will not like the fact that you devote too much time to your loved one, and forget about your duty towards your parents and children. You may be outraged by this attitude, but you will still have to somehow reconcile feelings and duty and do what is not always pleasant, but necessary. But if you are married, your husband will be happy to have a wife like you, since you will be an ideal life partner who always supports him in everything.

The secret of happiness. Family well-being for you is now associated with happiness in marriage. If you are free, then you may begin to be tormented by a feeling of inferiority, but this will quickly pass.

Holiday horoscope

In December, you won't mind taking a romantic trip. You will be attracted to distant countries and, if your finances allow you, you will certainly choose some exotic in order to be imbued with new strength and impressions.

Place of power. You will be attracted to popular places, but associated with a religious cult. There you will feel a surge of strength and energy. You may be interested in various historical mysteries.

Horoscope of work and money

Throughout the entire period, you will have a fairly trusting relationship with management. Moreover, you may have sincere human sympathy for your boss and a desire to get to know him better. Complications in relationships at work, if possible, are only at the end of the period.

Purchase of the month. A gift for a loved one or friend would be a good purchase for you. In addition, in the future you can expect an equally luxurious and desirable present in return.

Horoscope health

A very stable period awaits you, strength and energy will be at their best. In the first half of the period, you will be active and loved, and there will simply be no time left for illness. In the second half of the period, the feeling of being needed at work will also prevent you from getting sick. After all, so much in the life of the team depends on you!

Horoscope for December 2017 for Aries men

Love. Your loved one will be delighted with you in the first half of the period. He will begin to loudly declare that he has finally met the woman of his dreams. You will notice that he pays much more attention to you than before, is proud of you and clearly distinguishes you from other women. But all this can pass quite quickly. Therefore, in order to secure the result, the stars recommend that you act on your own. If he delayed for a long time and inexplicably with a wedding, engagement or meeting his parents, now you can put the squeeze on him without any problems. If he proposes marriage, it is better to agree and go to the registry office, since later his mood will change.

Tone. Much that Aries will do now is done for the sake of you and your friends. It’s better for you and his friends to join forces for the benefit of your partner; advise him to pay more attention to health, sports, and proper nutrition.

Finance. In December, your chosen one can spend a lot of money on gifts and various surprises for you and his friends. Is it any wonder that there will be no money left in December?

Hobbies. Now the strongest feeling that will take over your Aries will be love. He is passionate about you, loves you deeply and sincerely. But you shouldn’t let him go for long. But at the end of the period, give him more freedom.

Horoscope for December 2017 Aries child

0–6 years. Your baby is a very restless creature, especially now. He needs new friends, communication, relationships. And if you now ban him within four walls, then the child is capable of simply smashing everything to smithereens.

7–12 years old. Little Aries can become the leader of a class or another children's group. Your child will probably change friends, the main thing is that they are serious guys from good families, and not street hooligans.

13–17 years old. Aries teenagers may once again seriously fall in love or become very infatuated with someone from their close circle. Relations will develop in the first half of the period and very quickly. Before you know it, your teenager will start disappearing late into the night. But by the end of the period there will be an equally rapid cooling. Falling in love will be replaced by interest in studies, friends and sports.

Horoscope for December 2017 Taurus

There will be a lot of stress and excitement in your life in December. At the beginning of the month you will begin to worry about personal relationships with colleagues, and at the end you will become more preoccupied with your personal life.

Favorable days for Taurus in December 2017: December 4, 14, 16, 21, 25, 30.
Difficult days for Taurus in December 2017: December 8, 15, 28.

From 1 to 10 December. Unexpectedly, a new romance may begin or an old one may resume. Don’t skimp on tender words and small gifts to your loved one.

From 11 to 17 December. There will be a desire to create a stable relationship. Are you ready to propose marriage to your girlfriend? Then don't hesitate! The time has come.

From 18 to 24 December. Don't be too demanding of your chosen one. She may perceive your severity as a signal of a lack of love. Casual flirting will end in disappointment.

From 25 to 31 December. A period of harmony and complete mutual understanding with the other half begins. Have a romantic evening by candlelight or invite a lady to a nice restaurant.

Horoscope for December 2017 for Taurus women

Love horoscope

December 1 - December 10. Your sympathies will return to the previous object - to your husband, lover, man with whom you had a long and serious relationship. You may be overcome by uncertainty, jealousy, and doubts - why does your loved one so stubbornly avoid your company? In fact, the answer is simple - he is busy with work. And he definitely doesn’t cheat on you, even if you sometimes think so.

December 11 - December 20. Now you will stop losing your head, worrying for nothing and start thinking constructively. You will appreciate a beautiful gesture, a smart thought, and a successful gift from your partner. But he will not often please you.

December 21 - December 31. One of your male colleagues will be interested in you. You will feel special treatment and will be happy to support this flirtation. Your daily commute to work will no longer be a routine and will turn into a fun and exciting adventure. You don’t want other colleagues to know about your crush, so you can behave like real spies. Even if nothing comes of your meetings, you will remain friends.

Romantic date. A date near work can take place if one of your colleagues likes you. Your charm, beauty and attractiveness for the opposite sex will become an irresistible temptation for him.

Family horoscope

The position of the Sun is difficult for your family relationships. You may worry about money, health, or other threats that could complicate your family life. There is a possibility of some mistrust in the family and jealousy, but only if your husband suddenly gives you a reason.

The secret of happiness. The stars encourage you to pay more attention to your household. Moreover, the problem of finances in the family will become acute. If you prove yourself to be a good, thrifty and attentive housewife, you will be able to earn the respect of your family.

Holiday horoscope

At the beginning of the period, you will want to change your occupation. You can pay a lot of attention to your hobby - drawing, embroidery. You will decorate your home with your crafts and diversify the menu with culinary masterpieces. In the second half of the period, spend more time with your loved one; in his company you will have a great rest.

Place of power. You will be happy to visit your previous work, especially if you had fans there. You will be pleased to meet them and see those who were crazy about you at one time.

Horoscope of work and money

In December, you will have many reasons for optimism related to your career. You will enjoy communicating with colleagues. You will be comfortable at work, you will feel like the favorite of the whole team. Relations with management will also become quite harmonious. Financially, not everything suits you, but at the end of December the situation will improve.

Purchase of the month. You will actively spend money - not on yourself, but on others. There is a chance that you will have the opportunity to repay the old debt or pay off the loan ahead of schedule.

Horoscope health

Throughout the entire period, your health promises to be satisfactory. The only thing that can upset you is stress or disappointment in someone close to you. The position of Venus will emphasize your attentive attitude to health; you will definitely visit a doctor, especially if something bothers you.

Horoscope for December 2017 for Taurus men

Love. In the first half of the period, your Taurus will prove to be an extremely attentive and helpful gentleman. He will be happy to help you - he will readily walk you home, carry your purchases, move furniture, take you to the doctor and provide indispensable assistance in many other everyday matters. It may not be so romantic, but such help is much more necessary for life than armfuls of flowers and boxes of chocolates. In the second half of the period, your loved one's behavior may change. Perhaps someone will tell him that he spoils you too much and has little control.

Tone. In December, your chosen one will be ready to go to great lengths for the sake of health and well-being. But in the second half of the Sagittarius period, he may be overcome by doubts: is he doing everything right? He will begin to listen to your opinion, so his health is in your hands.

Finance. Financially, your Taurus will be highly dependent on others. He will be able to earn money, and your financial situation will improve.

Hobbies. In December, your man will be absorbed in work and you will lose sight of him. But be careful! There is a possibility that he was attracted to a pretty colleague or has a warm male company where you have no place.

Horoscope for December 2017 Taurus child

0–6 years. The Taurus child will be happy to spend a lot of time assembling construction sets and creating crafts from plasticine. He will try very hard to please you.

7–12 years old. Your young Taurus may be helpful and eager to help. This applies to parents, friends and teachers at school. He will be happy to help the teacher carry textbooks, clean the classroom, or cook lunch with you.

13–17 years old. Taurus teenagers may suffer from misunderstandings in love relationships. Your child will be tormented by doubts and contradictions - either his chosen one is unworthy of him, or, on the contrary, he himself does not live up to the level of his idol. In a word, you must support your child and help him understand a difficult situation, otherwise his studies will suffer.

Horoscope for December 2017 Gemini

The position of the planets during this period may make you nervous. Relationships with others will become sharply complicated - jealousy will worsen, competition will increase. The main thing is to remain calm.

Favorable days for Gemini in December 2017: December 5, 15, 19, 21, 27, 31.
Difficult days for Gemini in December 2017: December 3, 11, 18, 26.

From 1 to 10 December. Favorable days for a marriage proposal. Nothing will mar your relationship with your friend.

From 11 to 17 December. Circumstances may arise that will temporarily separate you from your beloved. Don't worry, it won't last long.

From 18 to 24 December. You will probably find yourself too busy with things to do and will not be able to pay enough attention to your other half. For this reason, disagreements cannot be ruled out. Be tactful and patient.

From 25 to 31 December. A beautiful stranger will pique your interest. However, you should not count on a long-term relationship. Perhaps everything will be limited to light flirting. But at the moment it's only for the better.

Horoscope for December 2017 for Gemini women

Love horoscope

December 1 - December 10. You may lose some interest in novels and adventures on the side. Your loved one will also emphasize that your attempts to make him jealous are in vain. You will devote yourself completely to a difficult relationship that has been going on for a very long time. The difficulty may be that your loved one does not want to understand the problem and look for its underlying causes. He just brushes you off and doesn't take you seriously.

December 11 - December 20. Mercury will move into the sign of Capricorn and form a favorable aspect with Jupiter. Most likely, you will forget for a while about all your demands, admit that your loved one is right, because you realize that he will never give in to you. But sometimes the thought may creep into your mind: is it worth losing your independence?

December 21 - December 31. Now your first priority will be to have a serious relationship with your husband or long-term partner. Unpleasant surprises and problems await. You should take your mind off the negativity and just enjoy life. By becoming cheerful and carefree, you will seem more attractive and desirable to your chosen one.

Romantic date. In the first half of the period, it will be difficult for you to agree on a date, there is a high probability that you will be in a quarrel. Wait your time, and at the beginning of December the chosen one will invite you to meet.

Family horoscope

At some point it will seem to you that you have returned to childhood, and your parents demand an account of where you were in the evening and where you spent your money. Everyone will want you to become more responsible, take money seriously, and manage your time properly. In the second half of December, the demands on you from your family will noticeably decrease. They will suddenly begin to be satisfied with your behavior and attitude towards family matters.

In the last month of the year, it's time to take stock of the past and make plans for the new one. December 2017 will allow Leos to do this. In general, the horoscope for December 2017 for Leo turned out to be very interesting. This is discussed in more detail below.

As a rule, the last month of the year turns out to be very busy for representatives of any zodiac sign. Leos will feel this to the fullest in December 2017. All sorts of events will practically boil around them. They will probably have to be torn between work and personal life, trying to find at least a little time for one or the other. Don’t forget about the need to prepare for the most magical holiday, as well as take stock of the outgoing year.

By the way, it is in December that a very significant long-awaited event can occur in the life of Leo, which will determine their employment and mood for the next few months.

It is interesting that despite the series of events and unprecedented fatigue, in December representatives of the zodiac sign under discussion will feel very happy. They will happily plunge into the whirlpool of affairs and will try to complete all their tasks perfectly. In the first ten days of the month, time will fly by very quickly, Leos will not even always have time to keep track of it. But at the same time, they will be able to act clearly according to the plan and not deviate from it. Thanks to such composure and thoughtfulness, Leos will be able to quickly achieve the desired success and implement everything they have planned.

If Leos plan to conclude any important business deal in December, then most likely it will not come true. But don't worry too much about this. You just need to postpone the deal to the next month, and then its conclusion will go very smoothly.

The horoscope for December 2017 promises very pleasant events for the Leo woman. It is in this fabulous New Year’s month that a very interesting acquaintance can take place. This is true for free Leos (by the way, for men too). If a representative of this zodiac sign is already in love, then instead of making a new acquaintance in December, another interesting romantic event may await her. It is likely that the woman will even receive the long-awaited marriage proposal. But, before agreeing to it, it is worth carefully analyzing and deciding whether the young lady is ready to connect her life with her current partner.

According to the horoscope for December 2017, Leo men will also experience pleasant romantic events this month. In the first winter month, they will be strongly and noticeably influenced by the energy of Aquarius, so there is a possibility that strong love feelings will arise.

If Leo feels ready for a new page in life and has really decided on his chosen one, then it will be important to propose to her in December. The girl will most likely agree. As a result, Leo will be able to create a strong, happy family and soon acquire heirs. Perhaps representatives of this sign will have children next year.

At the end of December, Leos will have a need for sincere conversations with loved ones and moral support from friends. The main thing is not to be shy about talking about this to others and, if necessary, directly asking for advice and help. Relatives will definitely not deny this to Leo.

Busy December is perfect for getting married. Leos should pay special attention to their personal life this month. But astrologers advise representatives of the zodiac sign under discussion to postpone important financial and business transactions to January.

2013 is the year of the Black Water Snake. Since a snake is an insidious animal, you should not trust it with everything, you should rely on your own strength. People born under the sign of Leo, with the advent of the new year...