There are a large number of ways to update the surface of the ceiling. One of them is painting. To perform such work, there is a great tool - a roller. In addition, there are many tricky tricks that will make this type of work easier and more efficient. If you need the perfect result, read and remember the procedure.

Preparation for work

Painting the ceiling yourself is not difficult, but certain rules must be followed.

First you need to prepare the surface. Whitewash or old paint is removed from it. To do this, the ceiling is wetted with water to make it easier to destroy the old coating. Now the surface must be leveled, which will require a thin-layer putty material, the softness of which will give the ceiling a perfect smoothness. It must be applied with a spatula. At the end of the preparation, a primer layer is applied, performed by paint. Now you should give the surface time to dry completely and get to work. Your attention is painting the ceiling with a roller - tricks, videos, useful tips.

ceiling paint roller

Not every roller is suitable for this type of work. The requirements for the tool are determined by the specific features of the surface - the area, the need for smooth and uniform coloring, and inconvenient location.

To get a perfect result, the roller should be wide, with a pile of fur of natural origin. The villi should be long in order to absorb more paint.

How to choose paint

To properly paint the ceiling surface, you should choose a high quality water-based paint.

The construction market presents a rich selection of paints that differ in price and quality:
acrylic - the most popular material, suitable for all rooms;
with a latex additive - it is expensive. Gives a smooth surface that can be washed;
based on polyvinyl acetate - the cheapest. They are used for dry rooms;
silicate or silicone - on plaster or concrete.

All work should be carried out during daylight hours or adequate lighting should be provided. You need to start from the corner furthest from the entrance.

The paint is applied in parallel movements, the stripes should overlap each other by ten centimeters. To avoid noticeable joints, paint wet on wet. After applying the first layer, you must wait until it dries completely. A new layer is applied perpendicularly so that the surface is painted evenly.

In more detail, all the steps are set out in the video tutorial:

Secrets from professional masters

This kind of work has its own tricky features. If we neglect them, then an excellent result cannot be achieved, even if the materials and tools are the best. Here are the main tricks:

In a word, there is nothing complicated in such works. But if you doubt your abilities and have not learned the advice of the masters, seek help from professional painters.

It is customary to start any repair work from the ceiling, because even one drop of paint is enough to damage freshly glued wallpaper or expensive flooring. Those times have already sunk into oblivion when the only type of ceiling decoration was its whitewashing. Today, painting the ceiling with acrylic paints allows you to emphasize the interior advantages by making the surface in any color tone and decorating with an original ceiling plinth.

Advantages of acrylic paints

The most popular and versatile ceiling paints are acrylic-based paints. Acrylic paints have many advantages, which is why they occupy a leading position in the market among other substances. Let's consider them in more detail.

  1. Acrylic paint is resistant to dirt and elastic, which means it can cover the smallest cracks - up to 0.5 millimeters. For this purpose, it is customary to apply the paint in several layers.
  2. This is one of the most resistant substances to abrasion and ultraviolet radiation, so it does not lose its original color over time.
  3. Acrylic compositions are not afraid of moisture, so the ceiling, painted with acrylic paint, is easy to clean and remove dirt from it. Also in this regard, it can be used in rooms with increased humidity, that is, in bathrooms and other damp rooms.
  4. Acrylic paint is resistant to friction, tolerates high temperatures, and has a fireproof effect, so it can be used in the kitchen.
  5. Since acrylic paint belongs to the water-based group, it is not characterized by an unpleasant pungent odor, which is inherent in all coloring compositions based on an organic solvent.
  6. Acrylic paints are quite easy to apply and dry very quickly, but you need to remember that acrylic darkens after drying.
  7. The process of painting the surface with acrylic paint will not take much time for the owners and will take a lot of effort.
  8. Acrylic paint is economical in costs and has a fairly reasonable price. The price of acrylic paint for the ceiling ranges from 200 to 800 rubles.
  9. As for the color palette, there will be no dissatisfied consumers, because the number of shades of acrylic paint can please the most sophisticated buyers.

The choice of acrylic paint

To date, the best paint is acrylic water-based, which is made on the basis of acrylic resins. Its undeniable advantage lies in its high strength and elasticity. A more affordable option is vinyl-acrylic, acryl-silicon and styrene-acrylic compositions made on the basis of acrylic copolymers.

Modern acrylic paint is a variety of types of compositions that differ in their consistency and composition. There are paints that are intended for painting ordinary dry rooms and bathroom paints with increased moisture resistance properties. It is not recommended to use these substances for other purposes, if the composition is intended for a dry room, it is necessary to use it there.

A solution of acrylic paint for the ceiling is most often sold in white, but you can achieve the desired shade with the help of special colors: depending on the level of saturation, it is customary to add the required number of tubes with the mixture. Also on sale are brands of acrylic paints with ready-made colors and shades.

According to the level of whiteness, all acrylic paints can be divided into 3 conventional ones. These are white, super white and milky white. For painting the ceiling, it is better to purchase the most white paint. However, remember that some manufacturers write “white” on a can of milky white paint, while others write on super white paint that this paint is “white”.

Therefore, ask the seller in the store to slightly open the lid of the paint bucket and compare the color of the composition in the bucket with a piece of white paper that is used for the printer that you should take with you. If the whiteness is similar, then a similar substance is suitable for painting the ceiling. When the seller does not meet you, then stipulate in advance that you require maximum whiteness, and that you will return the jar if this is not the case.

Acrylic false ceiling after drying has a glossy or matte surface. But when choosing a paint, remember that the dullness for the ceiling is a very important indicator along with its whiteness and is one of the criteria for its impeccable appearance. The more matte the surface you get, the less noticeable various defects will be on it, for example, various bumps or uneven application of paint layers.

But if you want to make a colored ceiling, it is better to use glossy paints. It is advisable to choose this composition if your ceiling is perfectly flat and has a large quadrature. Also take this paint if the room is non-residential. Among domestic and foreign manufacturers, the products of Dulux, Tikkurila, Siro Mat Plus, Innetak, Himaton, Himos, Svyatozar, Supermatt are of high quality.

Surface preparation

Before painting the ceiling with acrylic paint, cover the floor and all furniture with plastic wrap or newspapers so as not to stain these surfaces during the preparation of the ceiling and its painting. For this reason, wear unnecessary clothing, rubber gloves, and a hat.

Then the ceiling should be cleaned of old whitewash and dust. To do this, periodically wetting a roller or brush in warm clean water, walk over the entire area. Continue this cleaning procedure until the water into which the roller or brush is lowered ceases to become cloudy. Take Special attention joints of the ceiling with walls and corners, they should be washed with a brush.

If the ceiling is semi-matt or glossy, then it is recommended to add a little detergent to the water and treat the ceiling with sandpaper with grain number 8 after washing.

After that, you need to prime the surface. The primer is necessary to increase the adhesion of the ceiling to the future coloring composition, ensure the durability of the coating and prevent the formation of fungus and mold. Remember that you need to select putty and primer so that they are fully compatible. Since the ceiling needs to be painted already smooth and even, be sure to sand the dried putty with sandpaper to create a rough texture surface.

Also, before painting the surface with acrylic paint, perform an intermediate decoration of the ceiling with pre-prepared elements. You can buy sockets, baguettes, borders and other details on the market or in a hardware store, it is also possible to make such decor yourself from improvised materials.

Mixing paint

The result of your work depends on whether the composition is prepared correctly or not to obtain the required density. Remember that thick paint is not able to hide the joints between the paint stripes. At this stage, dilute the paint with water to the consistency recommended by the manufacturer, and mix it with a mixer, as shown in the video on painting the ceiling with acrylic paint.

If the manufacturer recommends adding water to the paint, as a rule, it will require no more than 5-10%. It happens that the paint does not require to be diluted, then it simply says “mix”, so just mix the substance with great care. If it is supposed to paint the surface in one layer, then such mixing will be enough. The best option is to dilute the paint to the state of milk.

If a film has formed on the surface, then it should not be mixed with the rest of the paint, since the dried paint is not able to dissolve. As a result of such mixing, a composition with lumps is obtained. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully remove the film, and strain the remaining substance and only then mix. You can add additional components against the fungus, which are highly resistant to washing.

Tool selection

When choosing how to paint the surface, you can stop your choice on a roller or brush. Each tool has its own characteristics. The use of a brush is justified in small areas. On large ceilings, it is better to use a roller. Let's figure out how to paint the ceiling with acrylic paint using a roller and brush.

Brush work

To keep the paint from dripping down the brush as you work, you can attach a foam roller to the handle just below the brush itself. When painting, the brush should be held at a slight angle or strictly perpendicular to the surface. When lowering the brush into the paint, make sure that the bristles do not touch the bottom, otherwise the tool will be deformed. When removing it, tap on the edge of the dish, removing excess paint from the bristles in this way, but in no case should you wipe the brush on the container.

Make even strokes to get wide stripes, after which these stripes should be shaded. Keep the brush handle as close to the surface as possible, and as you move, increase the angle of inclination.

If the smoothness of the surface is important to you, then try to apply strokes by crossing them. You need to do two strokes - the first up, and the next down, and it is recommended to carry them out in one area. When using a brush, it is necessary to rotate it periodically around the axis in order to prevent uneven wear of the bristles. It is also recommended to squeeze out the paint during the work.

When taking breaks in work, do not leave the brush to dry - it will be hard and unsuitable for further use. After finishing painting the ceiling with acrylic paint, you should thoroughly wash the brush so that no coloring composition remains on it. Most often they use turpentine or white spirit for these.

Roller work

When choosing which roller to paint the ceiling with, you need to proceed from the dimensions of the room; in any case, the size of the tool must correspond to it. It will be more convenient to work with a roller if you pour acrylic paint into a special container. In a similar tray, fill the paint to about half. The roller must be completely saturated during immersion.

After dipping the tool in a container of paint, roll it over a non-working surface - a mesh, a bath or a piece of wallpaper or unnecessary linoleum. This will allow you to more evenly distribute the coloring composition over the surface of the roller and, as a result, obtain a uniform coating. If you ignore this, then the so-called “non-paints” will form on the ceiling, which form ugly spots on the dried surface.

Start the paint application process at a distance of about one meter from the corner. The beginning of work consists in distributing a plentiful layer of paint over the surface. The roller should be held away from you. When using a roller, place the strokes crosswise to each other, so the paint layer is more evenly distributed over the surface, and no traces of the roller will be visible.

Painting technology

Now let's figure out how to paint the ceiling with acrylic paint. From such a fact, with what effort you press the brush, the evenness of the surface will depend. Weak pressure will cause the paint to lay down in narrow stripes, while the layers will be thick and with gaps. And strong pressure will lead to the formation of streaks, but the resulting layers will be thinner.

If you are painting a ceiling with acrylic paint for the first time, it is recommended that you choose a "test site" for yourself somewhere in the country. You need to use light pressure, increasing it as the paint is spent.

It is better to start from the corners, with the help of a special brush, in order to paint over well and not to miss the unpainted areas. On the other hand, try to apply only one layer at a time and do not overlap already painted areas. Otherwise, areas of excellent color will appear on the ceiling. It is recommended to move in one direction.

The next layer is applied perpendicular to the first. And then it is recommended to smooth the paint and joints, for this, use a roller or brush without paint. Before you paint the ceiling a second time, evaluate the freshly painted surface from a different angle. Immediately fix the unpainted areas found, and if the paint is already drying, then mark these places, and in the process of the next painting, try to paint over these areas first.

However, it is impossible to cover up unpainted areas with thicker paint, it will be worse. The second layer should be liquid in order to blur the first one a little and eliminate defects along with it. But the places that are dyed twice, process with an almost dry roller.

After applying the first layer, it is wiser to wait until the first layer dries. Carefully read the instructions, it indicates the time that should be kept between applying coats of paint. Each layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried.

If you start the second coat on a damp surface, the first may blur. Repeat the painting again, and apply the latter towards the light, making sure that there are no joints left. The ceiling is rarely covered with one layer of acrylic paint. Apply the composition of foreign production in two layers, but domestic - only in three layers.

After applying acrylic paint to the ceiling, it is recommended to wait a while (a couple of hours) and make sure that the entire surface is covered with paint and has an even color. But it also happens that you did everything right, and in the end you found that spots had formed! In this case, do not try to paint over the "holes", nothing will come of it. Arm yourself with fine sandpaper, preferably on a bar, and sand the ceiling.

Precisely the whole, otherwise the spotting will remain. This technique is considered effective if you applied 1-2 layers. But if more layers are applied, in this case the price of the acrylic ceiling doubles, because you will have only one way out: a complete rework, which includes sanding, puttying and directly new painting of the ceiling.

Thus, you got acquainted with the advantages of acrylic paints. They differ in the type of destination. There are coloring compositions for ordinary rooms and rooms where high moisture resistance is needed. It is not recommended to use moisture-resistant paint, which is designed for wet rooms, in dry rooms. This is primarily due to its high price.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Overhaul in the apartment is not complete without repair work on the ceiling. A step-by-step instruction on how to paint the ceiling quickly and efficiently, read below.

The first thing to do is to find out what material the ceiling is made of. There are some peculiarities in how to paint a plasterboard ceiling or paint a concrete ceiling area covered with a layer of plaster.

Preliminary diagnosis of the ceiling

Carefully inspect the external condition of the ceiling covering before painting the ceiling in the room. Painting will make ceiling defects, bumps, cracks, chips of old paint or chalk more noticeable. Even the slightest peeling of plaster and swelling threaten to fall to the floor after applying a heavy layer of fresh paint on top, and this will significantly complicate and prolong the repair work.

Experienced craftsmen use the light method to preliminarily diagnose the state of ceiling plaster. To do this, direct the light beam of an ordinary table lamp or spotlight along the ceiling and notice all the blackouts that have formed, so that they can then be eliminated. You can thoroughly level the ceiling with a wide spatula or a hard grater. This is a really important moment in the process of construction and repair work, and especially in the task of properly painting the ceiling with your own hands in order to maintain its impeccable appearance for a long time.

ceiling painting technology

The next question concerns the ceiling painting technology itself. You should seriously think about which construction tool to choose for painting and what paint to paint the ceiling with.

As a construction tool, which is better to paint the ceiling, you need to use a rectangular brush and a seamless polyacrylic roller with a pile thickness of 11 mm. With a brush, carefully outline the perimeter of the ceiling to a line width of at least 5 cm and crumble the corners. To paint the ceiling without streaks, apply at least two coats of paint. The first layer is applied very carefully with a roller over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling, drawing solid strips from wall to wall in one direction. Each next strip starts from the middle of the previous one, but do not allow excessive influx of paint. At the same time, the resulting sagging should be rubbed with a roller very carefully, because. paint-soaked plaster becomes loose and may even lag behind the ceiling. The secrets of craftsmanship and a description of the work process of how to paint the ceiling with a roller are offered on our website. For a better perception, there is also a photo of painting the ceiling, which will help to cope with this task perfectly.

After processing the entire ceiling, you should take a break of at least 4 hours for the paint to dry completely. And only after that, proceed to applying a second layer. This is an excellent way to achieve a glossy finish when painting the ceiling with water-based paint or any other type of paint.

The process of painting the ceiling with your own hands involves a lot of all sorts of questions. It is for non-professional repairmen on our website that a special video has been prepared on how to paint the ceiling, which will help to cope with such a difficult task. In addition to technological aspects, special attention is paid here to design solutions. For example, what color to paint the ceiling in order to present your own style and achieve perfect harmony in the room. These are the moments that will allow you to live brightly and comfortably!

DIY ceiling painting video

Video scheme for leveling and painting the ceiling:

When starting to repair your home, whether it is a city apartment or a house in the countryside, everyone understands that the most difficult stage in this case will be finishing the ceiling. Modern companies specializing in apartment renovation offer a wide variety of options for this: ceiling tiles or wallpaper, stretch or suspended ceilings, etc. But not every householder can afford their services. Therefore, do-it-yourself is still relevant.

Until recently, such a type of ceiling decoration as was especially popular. But with the development of new repair technologies, this method is resorted to less and less. This is due to the fact that, despite its cheapness and the harmonious combination of a snow-white ceiling with any type of interior, many are not satisfied with the laboriousness of preparatory work. In addition, the whitewashed surface quickly becomes dirty and loses its attractive appearance.

Today, painting the ceiling with water-based paint continues to be one of the most popular ways to finish it. Unlike whitewash, the surface painted with it retains its aesthetic appearance for a longer time. In addition, it allows for quick and easy maintenance of the ceiling surface.

This is one of the cheapest repair options. In its composition, this paint is a suspension based on polymer particles and pigment substances dissolved in water. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that after application to the surface, intensive evaporation of water occurs, and the polymers form a coating with high resistance to moisture. Water-based paint is an environmentally friendly material that does not cause allergic reactions and negative effects on the human body.

The choice of water-based paint for the ceiling

If you decide that the best option for you is to paint the ceiling with your own hands using water-based paint, then you have a difficult task: to choose from a huge assortment of goods that would suit you in terms of price and quality. Today on the consumer market you can find emulsion paints with various additives:

  1. acrylic,
  2. acrylic with the addition of latex,
  3. based on polyvinyl acetate,
  4. with silicone or silicate base,
  5. with mineral content.

The cheapest of them - polyvinyl acetate. But they can only be used in dry rooms. Ceilings painted with such paint cannot be washed.

Paints with the addition of latex- the most expensive. They have a number of advantages, such as the possibility of wet care using detergents, obtaining a smooth, beautiful surface, etc.

Acrylic water-based paints- the most sought after. They can be used in almost any room, they have increased resistance to abrasion during washing.

Silicate paints(liquid glass) are widely used for painting plastered, stone or concrete surfaces.

How to choose a water-based paint so that it has high strength characteristics, gives a beautiful surface after painting, etc. By the names of the paint offered for sale in jars, it is difficult to understand how one type differs from another, and what are their advantages. Moreover, the seller himself often tries to sell, first of all, the product that is more expensive, without thinking too much about its quality.

Read the label

Therefore, in order not to make a mistake with the choice, you should carefully read what is written in the annotation on the label of a can of water-based paint. In it, the manufacturer states:

  • What type of work is it intended for?
  • What is the consumption of paint per square meter (which is very important for determining the required amount),
  • The degree of coverage (the ability of paint to cover a dark background with white, in the form of a continuous canvas),
  • Its resistance to abrasion during wet cleaning, etc.

Be sure to pay attention to what is written in small print. Most often, the basic information about the technical characteristics of the paint is contained there. For example, if the annotation says that the paint has:

  1. "High resistance to dry abrasion"- this means that the surface painted with such paint cannot be washed, but can only be wiped with a dry cloth or a vacuum cleaner can be used.
  2. "Use in dry rooms with reduced operational load". This inscription indicates that the water-based emulsion is not suitable for painting kitchens, with a large amount of greasy fumes from cooked food, as well as in bathrooms where there is high humidity.
  3. "High abrasion resistance, indelible"- the ceiling painted with such paint can be washed with water without the use of detergents.
  4. "Stain-repellent, high abrasion resistance with intensive washing". This is the best type of water-based paint. Surfaces coated with this type of paint may be washed using gentle detergents.

Water-based paints can be glossy and semi-gloss, matte and semi-gloss. Their difference lies in the fact that matte paints slightly mask small surface defects and visually increase the height of the room. But they are difficult to wash. The surface covered with glossy paint is easier to clean, it is more resistant to abrasion, but small cracks and other flaws in the ceiling are noticeable on it. The best option is to choose a semi-gloss or semi-gloss paint.

Another important point. It is necessary to purchase water-based paint in a store that has an insulated warehouse. The fact is that when freezing, the structure of the paint is disturbed, which is no longer restored when it is thawed. And this means that the acquired paint has lost all its useful properties.

It is recommended to use water-based paint, the purpose of which is to paint the ceiling. It is perfectly distributed over the surface, practically does not drip, and has excellent adhesion.

Preparing the ceiling for painting

Before proceeding with painting the ceiling surface with water-based paint, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. To begin with, it must be freed from whitewashing or layers of old paint. To get rid of chalk or lime whitewash, you will need to moisten it with plenty of water using a paint roller, and then scrape it off using a chisel or steel spatula. Finally, wash the ceiling with a sponge.

Removing the old layer of paint

To update the ceiling, painted with water-based paint, it will take much more time to carry out the preparatory work. This is due to the fact that the process of removing the previous painting is quite laborious, since the layers of old paint practically do not dissolve in water, and therefore it is not possible to scrape them off the ceiling completely. Most often, this work comes down to removing areas of peeling paint with a spatula.

To facilitate this not entirely pleasant work, you can use the following technique: moisten the old coating with plenty of water using a water spray or foam roller. Repeat this procedure twice with an interval of twenty minutes. The moisture should soak the old coating well. Then you need to create a draft by opening all doors and windows. A layer swollen with water forms blisters, and it will not be difficult to remove the old water-based paint with a spatula.

This work must be done very quickly so that the surface to be treated does not have time to dry. After that, it is necessary to treat stains from smudges and rust with a 5% solution of copper sulfate. If there are stubborn stains on the ceiling, use one of the following compounds:

  1. a solution of hydrochloric acid, two or three percent concentration (carefully, trying to prevent the acid from getting on the skin, wipe the stains);
  2. a solution of 20 parts of crushed lime, diluted with one part of drying oil,
  3. a thick solution of water and lime with the addition of denatured alcohol (about 50 ml).

Any of the last two mixtures is applied for 10-15 minutes on pollution. Repeat until they are completely removed. Usually two treatments are enough.

If whitewashing was applied to your ceiling before the current repair - (there you will also find information on how to find out how the ceiling was painted earlier).

Ceiling leveling

As soon as the ceiling surface is completely cleaned, it is necessary to level it. A thin-layer putty is best suited for this, which has good adhesion properties, has excellent ductility and gives a smooth surface that can be easily sanded with fine-grained sandpaper. Apply putty to the ceiling using a spatula.

Often, the ceiling is leveled by applying a special whitewash putty on an oil-adhesive basis, which is evenly distributed over the surface with a roller, brush or spatula. Before this, it is necessary to repair all cracks and crevices in the ceiling, filling them with the prepared composition. In order for the putty to completely fill the gaps, they must be slightly expanded before applying it.


The next preparatory operation is the priming of the surface, which is performed with the same paint. It is applied in a thin layer. She is allowed to dry well so that the putty does not come off.

The main stage of painting

Painting tools

To perform high-quality painting of the ceiling with paint based on an aqueous emulsion, you will need:

  1. paint brush for painting butt joints between the wall and ceiling, as well as corners;
  2. narrow brush for correction;
  3. fur, long pile roller,
  4. paint bath,
  5. ribbed surface for uniform distribution of paint over the surface of the roller.

Staining rules

just as with whitewashing with chalk, it is better to apply the first layer of paint parallel to the rays of light from the window, and the second - parallel to the window frame

Many do not know how to paint the ceiling with water-based paint correctly. In most cases, they do not take into account during the execution of painting work, the direction of the light flux and many other nuances. Therefore, the painted surface is uneven, with stripes from the passage of a brush or roller, with lighter or darker spots. To prevent this from happening to you, follow the following rules.

  • It is always necessary to start painting from the corners and joints between the wall and the ceiling. In this case, the farthest corner relative to the front door is painted first. To do this, a wide paint brush is wetted halfway in the paint, then squeezed lightly to remove the excess. A passage is made along the entire perimeter, with a width of 3 to 5 cm. Due to this, with further painting with a roller, the junction of the ceiling and the walls, as well as the corners, will not be damaged.
  • The main whitewashing of the ceiling with water-based paint is carried out with a roller. It is applied in three passes, no matter what type of paint is selected. In this case, the very first pass of paint is carried out parallel to the rays of light falling from the window. The second in a perpendicular direction to it. The latter - should always be directed towards the window.
  • Each subsequent staining is carried out only on a well-dried previous layer. This takes 8 to 12 hours.

Coloring technology

  1. In a bath filled with paint, moisten the roller, and run three or four times over a rough surface. This will allow the paint to spread evenly over the roller.
  2. Make the first pass on the ceiling section. Starting from the corner on the left side of the wall opposite the window.
  3. Move the roller from left to right. Then change direction. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the paint lays down in an even layer, without visible transitions. You can move the roller and W-shaped movements.
  4. The following technique will help to remove excess applied paint: when there is no more paint left on the roller, pass it over the painted surface. He will absorb all the surplus.
  5. In the process of performing painting work, use a directed bright beam of light to check the quality of the painting.
  6. The use of a new roller during the last painting will allow a uniform surface to be obtained.
  7. Until the paint is completely dry, drafts are not allowed in the room. It is advisable to protect the painted surface from direct sunlight. This will help prevent stains. Do not try to dry the painted surface with electrical appliances.

Features of painting a plastered surface

The ceiling, on which the plaster is applied, can be painted using a special spray gun or a conventional vacuum cleaner. They give a high-quality, uniform distribution of paint on the plastered ceiling surface. At the same time, it lays down in a thin, even layer. It is best to paint with an airbrush on a primer already made with a roller or brush.

Finishing the ceiling is the main stage of repair, which is quite laborious, especially if you introduce complex design elements into it. However, even a simple painting of the ceiling will be a great addition to the overall design and will not take much time.

The dilemma of choosing tools for painting the ceiling is the first stage of repair. So what is better to paint the ceiling: with a brush or roller?

A few characteristics and advantages of each tool:

  • If you have a large front of work, then a roller is better suited here, which will do all the work faster and better than a paint brush.
  • With a brush, you can paint over the joints, however, working with this tool is physically more difficult. The roller can be used while standing in one place.
  • Brushes do not require additional maintenance, and rollers should be kept in a special container that will protect them from drying out and damage.
  • Painting the ceiling will be easier, since this tool (if it is of high quality) does not leave lint on the surface, and the brush is not protected from this.

In any case, when deciding which roller is better to choose for painting the ceiling, you should stock up on a couple or three brushes that can be used to paint over joints, corners and other small objects.

How to paint the ceiling with a roller: the process step by step

Painting the ceiling with a roller is not a very laborious process, since with a skillful approach and preparation, all finishing work can be completed in 2-3 hours. How to properly paint the ceiling with a roller - you can watch the video and painting tricks below if you decide to carry out this procedure yourself.

Painting the ceiling, in addition to the roller, will not do without such tools:

  • Paints of the desired shade;
  • paint roller;
  • Finishing brushes;
  • Containers for mixing paint;
  • Napkins for cleaning.

Painting ceilings with rollers is divided into several stages. First of all, in order to properly paint the ceiling with a roller, you should clean the working area itself, wipe it and dry it.

  1. Application of a primer that has a transparent texture and improves the adhesion area of ​​the paint to the ceiling. The primer can also be applied with a roller;
  2. The next to work is a roller for water-based paint for the ceiling. It is dipped in paint, after which it should be rolled a little on the surface so that excess paint is absorbed into the tool itself.
  3. Painting should be done smoothly and without unnecessary movements in order to paint the ceiling without streaks with a roller, which is very simple to do. The paint is applied in one layer, then it is better to let it dry and apply a second. So the coating will be more uniform, and paint consumption is much less. All corners are painted over with a brush, as it is more convenient for performing these procedures.

The most important trick in painting the ceiling with a roller is that each subsequent layer should be applied directly perpendicular to the previous one - this way the paint will lie more evenly and the joints will not be so visible.

What kind of roller to paint the ceiling with water-based paint

Choosing a universal ceiling paint roller is not an easy task, and the variety of these tools can be confusing for everyone. Manufacturers even came up with the names of each model, a certain length of pile and a classification for paint rollers for painting the ceiling.


  • Rollers of universal type;
  • Specialized rollers;
  • Rollers for simple, finishing works;
  • Rollers for a certain type of paint.

Each of these rollers has both similarities and differences. Experts will easily give you an answer to any question of interest.

The first thing to decide is the scope of work. If you need to paint a large area, then it is better to choose a roller with a long pile, which absorbs more paint and allows you to make this process faster. For less paint consumption and better distribution over the ceiling, it is necessary to prime the surface. After that, the use of a roller for painting a ceiling with a long pile will be more rational.

What rollers are better to use for painting a ceiling with bumps? Here again, a roller with a long pile will come to the rescue, with which you can mask minor imperfections on surfaces.

A short-haired roller can be used if the application of color will take place on wallpaper or a plastered, smooth surface. In this case, there is a short pile roller, which makes the paint layer thinner.

The length of the pile of the ceiling roller is the main indicator, the choice of which determines the quality of the final result and the evenness of applying the paint itself to the ceiling.

Important! It is best to choose rollers made from natural materials - they do not leave unwanted air bubbles on the paint and do not litter with villi that will be visible after drying.

The length of the roller for painting the ceiling is selected individually - the wider and longer the roller, the faster the painting process will be, but it will be easier for a beginner to work with a roller of a shorter length - it glides over the surface faster and more quickly, and it is also easier for them to adjust the pressure so as not to leave splits and inconsistencies. The final result directly depends on the quality of the roller and the analysis of the surface.

Painting ceilings with acrylic paint with a roller: tricks and life hacks

So how to qualitatively paint the ceiling with a roller and make it as easy as possible for everyone? There are some simple, old-fashioned tips that will help you paint the ceiling with a roller without unnecessary stress.

Simply and easily:

  • The first thing you need to know is the mandatory distribution of paint over the roller. After you have dipped it in the paint, you need to roll it a couple of times on any test surface to get the paint deeper.
  • The second is the application of the paint itself. The movements should be as smooth as possible and create an imaginary letter "W", and every second layer should overlap the first one perpendicularly.
  • It is better to paint over all junctions and hard-to-reach corners with a brush - it will more quickly and accurately carry out this process.
  • It is better to store the roller in a closed container so that it does not dry out and is not damaged. After use, the roller must be washed in a special solution to remove paint residues from it.

Painting the ceiling with a roller: tricks (video)

Rollers have long been included in the field of repair and strengthened in it, as painting work with rollers is carried out twice as easy and faster. Ceiling painting is a laborious and precise process, that's why it is the roller that is the very couple - the lifesaver that will help you create an incredible design of your ceiling - even and smooth, which will delight you for many years!