From this article you will learn:

  • What are the types of apartment renovation
  • What are the benefits of cosmetic repairs?
  • How to do a major apartment renovation
  • What can be renovation of an apartment
  • What does "turnkey apartment renovation" mean?
  • What are the advantages of designer apartment renovation

Different types of apartment renovation are distinguished from each other by the number and volume of work performed. You can opt for a major, cosmetic, author's repair with the development of a design project, or a complete redevelopment with the transfer of walls. And since repairs are a very costly business, the choice, in addition to your wishes, is also influenced by the budget.

The main types of apartment renovation: from cosmetic to capital


This is an inexpensive and simplest type of apartment renovation. Finishing of the premises is carried out without affecting the electrical and plumbing networks, structural elements of the apartment as a whole. Eliminating errors that have arisen during the operation of the apartment is the main goal of cosmetic repairs.

Repairs are considered cosmetic, including leveling the ceiling and walls, wallpapering, replacing all skirting boards and trim. But sometimes it is required to change the floor covering to linoleum, carpet or laminate. In addition to all this, plumbing may need to be replaced.

Since such repairs do not take too much time, some have time to do it during their vacation. And the presence of certain knowledge and skills allows you to perform it yourself. It should be noted that cosmetic repairs are done only if all communications and structures are in good condition. After all, it is only a change of scenery, which the apartment needs, if desired and necessary, to refresh its appearance.

Cosmetic repairs may include the following:

  • dismantling of old finishing materials;
  • installation of skirting boards;
  • installation of flooring (linoleum, carpet or laminate);
  • painting of pipes and heating radiators;
  • puttying and painting window slopes;
  • repair of sanitary equipment;
  • laying tiles in bathrooms and on the kitchen floor;
  • door replacement;
  • slatted ceiling installation in the bathroom.


This is the most expensive and complex type of apartment renovation. During a major overhaul, the main structures of the premises and outdated communications are changed: plumbing, sewer systems, electrical wiring and much more. This can also include painting, plastering, dismantling old doors and windows and installing new ones in their place. Overhaul allows the creation of structures that completely change the whole look of the apartment. A completely new interior can be made using arches, columns, niches, and other decorative elements.

Such a difficult repair is hardly advisable to do it yourself. It is best to invite specially trained people. In addition, a number of preliminary questions will need to be addressed. After all, the repair will last long enough, and the family needs to find a place to stay for this time. Carrying out repair work in all rooms at the same time, you will save time and money. But the main thing is that you will have the opportunity to move into your renovated apartment much earlier.

List of works during the overhaul:

  • puttying and painting the ceiling;
  • puttying and pasting walls with wallpaper;
  • installation of skirting boards;
  • floor screed device up to 2-3 cm high;
  • laying linoleum, carpet or laminate;
  • puttying and painting window slopes;
  • laying tiles on the floor in the bathrooms and in the kitchen;
  • replacement of interior doors;
  • installation of a rack ceiling in the bathroom;
  • installation of new electrical appliances and wiring;
  • plastering doorways and window slopes;
  • toilet and bath replacement
  • replacement of a sink in the kitchen and a washbasin in the bathroom;
  • towel dryer replacement
  • removal of construction debris.


Renovation as a concept first appeared in the nineties of the twentieth century. It was assumed that during such repairs only high-quality work was carried out and finishing materials of foreign production were used. Nowadays, European-style renovation involves mandatory design work, division of premises into zones using new technologies and the use of modern materials.

When decorating rooms during such repairs, modern trends are followed: modular systems, multi-level ceilings, various lighting and decorative coatings are used. Almost always renovation includes redevelopment of the apartment. One of the main tasks is to get a completely flat surface of the walls, floor and ceiling for future finishing. That is why it is not recommended to carry out European-style repairs with your own hands, because only a specialist who professionally owns many building skills and knowledge can handle such a large amount of work. As a result of renovation, the homeowner achieves the goal - the creation of a comfortable, beautiful, and most importantly, original premises that meet his individual requirements.

List of works during renovation:

  • dismantling of old finishing materials and structures;
  • floor leveling, wall plastering;
  • painting or wallpapering the walls;
  • high-quality plastering and puttying of the ceiling, 3 layers of painting;
  • installation of skirting boards;
  • installation of ceiling plinths;
  • floor screed device;
  • laying piece parquet or laminate;
  • replacement of pipes and heating radiators;
  • plastering and painting window slopes;
  • plastering doorways;
  • laying tiles in the corridor, in the kitchen and in the bathrooms;
  • door replacement;
  • underfloor heating and its waterproofing in the bathroom;
  • device for hidden piping;
  • selection and purchase of building materials;
  • installation of water filters;
  • drawing up a design project;
  • author's supervision;
  • purchase and installation of furniture and accessories.

Turnkey apartment renovation

There is another type of repair work - the so-called "turnkey repair". With this option, the owner of the premises does not take part in the repair work. From the selection and purchase of building materials to the final stage, all care and responsibility are taken over by turnkey repair contractors.

Fix discount

Residents of megacities such as Moscow are increasingly using this service, because the pace of life in big cities does not leave time for repairs. For them, the best option is a comprehensive solution to the problem, which is a turnkey apartment renovation. The owner of the premises and the contractor enter into an agreement for the implementation of complex repairs, the result of which will be an apartment finished in accordance with the requests of the owner.

Designer renovation

This option, in addition to the repair and reconstruction of the premises, involves the complete development of the interior of the apartment with the arrangement of furniture and multi-level lighting. When repairing this type, it will not be possible to save on the actual interior design. But on the other hand, in the process of the repair work itself, a professional will help eliminate unnecessary expenses and unnecessary costs. For example, he can replace expensive wall alignment with original and modern decor.

The interior specialist carries out planning and control of works. Recommendations from friends will help you find such a professional. You can see his portfolio, and even better - already completed work in real apartments. From the very beginning, you need to discuss in detail with him all the wishes and preferences: colors, lighting levels and decor that are most comfortable for you. Interior design is your portrait, character. Acting as an artist, you will create a new face for your home, although others will “paint” the picture. And here the most accurate embodiment of your ideas and wishes is important.

Cosmetic repairs of the apartment: 4 stages

There is no better option for a fairly inexpensive and quick renovation of an apartment than a redecoration. Fundamental changes and major construction work in this case are not carried out. Cosmetic repairs can be done independently, without resorting to the masters.

Let's talk about finishing materials and tools. You can’t do without them, performing cosmetic repairs of the apartment yourself.

Do-it-yourself refurbishment of an apartment is the replacement of the floor covering, pasting the walls with new wallpaper and repairing the ceiling.

Regardless of who is doing the repair - you yourself or an invited master - the sequence of work is as follows:

  1. First of all, preparatory work is carried out. In the process of their implementation, old coatings and finishes are dismantled. By the way, here you can save a little (when you hire a private master to repair an apartment) by doing the work yourself.
  2. At the end of all the preparatory work, they proceed to repair the ceiling. First, whitewash and old wallpaper (if any) are removed. If the ceiling has been plastered and painted earlier, its entire surface should be cleaned of dirt, primed and then repainted (stick wallpaper, mount a suspended or stretch ceiling).
  3. The next step is to repair the walls. If there are cracks and irregularities, the walls are puttied, and then carefully primed. After that, either paint is applied or wallpaper is glued.
  4. At the final stage, the flooring is changed and, if necessary, the skirting boards are replaced.

How to make major repairs in the apartment

Capital repairs of the apartment is a very costly business. Therefore, from the very beginning of the repair, a detailed work plan cannot be dispensed with in order to exclude unforeseen additional costs. Today in the construction market you can find any materials and tools for the overhaul of an apartment on your own. It is worth recalling that the optimal time of the year for repair and construction work is summer.


First of all, work is carried out to replace or repair heating, water supply, sewerage, as well as electrical wiring. Check the heating risers: are there shut-off valves (taps). If they are missing, they are installed again, and then the risers are blocked. When changing old heating radiators to new ones, they take into account that the distance from the window sill should be at least five centimeters. There should be enough space below for the device of the future floor (screeds, plywood, parquet, etc.).

When working with a water supply system, you need to carefully measure and calculate the footage of pipes, turns, joints, bends. It is better to have a supply of fittings in 1-2 pieces for each position. Plumbing fixtures are mounted after finishing work on installing the floor in the bathroom and laying tiles on it. When working with metal-plastic pipes, there will be a need for a special pipe cutter and high-quality winding. For polypropylene pipes, a so-called "iron" is required to melt the edge of the pipe.

But the installation of electricians should be performed only by professionals.


This stage of the overhaul provides for the implementation of only the subfloor (the finish coating is not done). Filling the floor with cement mortar is a laborious task, so non-professionals are offered the use of easy-to-use bulk self-leveling floors. If you decide to level the floors with plywood, use sheets with a thickness of more than eighteen millimeters and self-tapping screws of the appropriate length.

Windows and interior doors

It depends on the accuracy of the measurements whether the windows and doors will be installed with high quality, which means that this work and the installation itself should be done by the manufacturer. It also provides quality assurance. Next, the corners of the window slopes and door trims are trimmed, but so far they are not glued.

Surface finishing of walls and ceilings

When choosing stretch ceilings, the walls are first finished. In other cases, finishing should start from the ceilings. Old lime will spoil the result of your labors, so first you need to carefully clean and prime the walls and ceilings. The choice of putty depends on the place of its application: living rooms can be treated with gypsum material, and the bathroom can only be treated with cement. Glue is chosen for a certain type of wallpaper.

Finishing work

And now you have approached the final stage of solving the problem of major repairs in the apartment. It remains to lay linoleum or other flooring, mount skirting boards. This will be followed by the installation of radiators, sockets, switches, installation of lamps and door trim, as well as the corners of window slopes.

Types of renovation of apartments

This type of repair, like renovation, involves the use of modern technologies, high-quality materials and equipment. And the European level of construction works requires their compliance with international standards of economy and environmental safety of housing.

Renovation of various types includes:

  • Economy. The same as cosmetic repairs. With such repairs, wall coverings, ceilings, and pipe painting are updated. It does not include replacement windows and doors. Also do not change the wiring of plumbing and electrical networks.
  • Standard. Popular option. In addition to the list of economy repairs, windows, doors, electrical wiring are changed, new plastic pipes are installed instead of old pipes.
  • Suite. Same as overhaul. At the beginning of work, non-load-bearing partitions and communications are also dismantled. For such repairs, it is better to invite professionals.
  • Elite. Individual author's projects made in one copy. In addition to general construction specialists, highly specialized craftsmen in stone, glass, metal and textiles, as well as artists, decorators, and designers are invited.

The placement of accents in the work depends on the type of renovation:

The type of renovation is chosen depending on the goal, and only then we are talking about the cost, the choice of performers and their areas of responsibility.

At all stages of the implementation of European-style renovation, its differences from the traditional one are visible.

  1. Design. This is not only getting a general idea of ​​the appearance of the renovated housing and an enlarged description of the scope of work. At the design stage, a designer is included in the work to develop a unique project that takes into account all the wishes of the owners and the features of the premises. A distinctive feature of the projects is flowing space or zoning, adding space to the premises by demolishing the walls and combining rooms (re-planning). A project is an initial document containing a list of future changes and materials.
  2. Dismantling. Everything physically or morally worn out is being dismantled, which does not meet the general concept of the interior. But, of course, the supporting structures are left unchanged.
  3. Replacement of utilities. This is mandatory and necessary for worn-out and low-power communications (electrical wiring, water and sewer pipes) that are not designed for the load created by modern household appliances
  4. Warm contour update. Windows and doors are also being replaced. It is preferable to install multi-chamber double-glazed windows in a five-chamber profile made without the use of lead. They replace the entrance doors with metal armored ones with reinforced locks and means of protection against cold and noise. They also replace internal (interior) doors with new ones, veneered, wooden, glass, etc. Natural wood is rarely found in warm contour elements due to its tendency to crack and warp.
  5. Leveling all surfaces with the obligatory condition of their heat and sound insulation.
  6. Finishing work.
  7. Interior decoration.

Professionals performing repairs of this class do not have the concept of "little things". Here you need to understand the importance of every detail of the preparation or decoration of the interior. A turnkey renovation cannot be understood as just a word denoting a repair of high complexity. Its essence lies in a deeper semantic load, emphasizing the high-quality implementation of work at each stage.

As a rule, the cost of renovation and the price of materials are directly dependent on each other. The cost of the work depends on the type of renovation being carried out. Consider a table.

This means that if material worth 100 conventional units was purchased for repair work, then the work will cost 180 conventional units for economy class repairs and 270 conventional units for elite repairs.

In general, a repair performed by a team of builders of three people, per one square meter of floor space, will cost approximately the following amount:

How to perform European-quality repairs (on their own or order the services of professionals), everyone decides for himself. Yes, it is possible to implement this idea on your own, but you cannot do without experience, a reserve of time, and a special tool.

What is a turnkey apartment renovation?

Turnkey repair saves you time and energy. In addition, all work in a complex and with high quality is carried out by real professionals with extensive experience.

When developing an interior project, the designer takes into account the wishes of the customer, the possibilities of the premises and the relevant building codes. Now many designers create 3D visualizations for your convenience and visibility.

In accordance with the taste of the owners, the specialist will select suitable materials, accessories, and various decorative elements.

It is important to draw up an estimate at the beginning of the repair. It includes materials, services, their total quantity and cost. It also requires an indication of the schedule and timing of the implementation of each type of work.

It is conventionally accepted to divide the whole process into groups of works:

  • plumbing work;
  • electric installation work;
  • general works (insulation, preparation for finishing, finishing and others).

When agreeing on the estimate, make sure that everything you need is complete and accurate, and only then sign the contract with the contractors.

The repair cost includes the following components:

  • wages of workers;
  • the cost of building materials;
  • prices for coordination of issues in state structures;
  • payment for project planning.

In order not to overpay, ask in advance about the approximate prices of materials needed for repairs and decoration, and ask about the cost of the planned types of work.

When all the work on conducting communications, leveling surfaces, rational division of space into zones is completed, they move on to finishing - the final and most interesting stage of a turnkey repair.

It is in the process of finishing work that tiles and coatings are laid on the floor, wallpaper is glued, and ceilings are decorated. There comes a time when the customer can accept the work, and he should do it very carefully.

First, you can visually assess the quality of the repair, and then be sure to check the operation of the electrical network and appliances, plumbing, water supply, etc.

Accept completed repairs only when you are fully convinced that everything is done according to the estimate, works without failures and corresponds to the sketches approved by you.

Types of designer renovation in apartments

General trends and the constant rise in the cost of work and materials lead to the emergence of certain standards for the repair of premises. This makes ready-made apartments, houses and offices look the same in terms of interior design. The use of typical solutions in planning, the same materials in decoration, the same furniture in the setting does not add originality to the premises.

Although there are many advantages to this approach to repair, it also has many disadvantages. Such housing is not characterized by individuality, there is no zest in it, the habits of the owners are not reflected. A completely different approach to these problems is in design repair.

What is a design renovation? It includes the same decoration of the room and furnishing it with furniture, but in strict accordance with a previously drawn up design project, involves the use of unique high-quality materials, exclusive furniture made to order, original decor items, non-standard color schemes and more.

Using all these techniques, professional designers make the interior unique, original and inimitable. They convey individual features with the help of the outlines and layout of the interior. Individuality is what makes a design renovation unique, why not confuse it with faceless, but very common European-style renovations.

What tools does the designer have to embody the very individuality that we mentioned above in the interior? Here they are:

  1. Room layout. Compared to standard solutions, the layout of an apartment by a designer is completely consistent with the habits and preferences of its owner. The designer's arsenal consists of partitions, arches, multi-level ceilings, parapets, techniques for combining rooms of different purposes and much more. The designer creates the most functional, practical and comfortable room for its owner using these tools.
  2. Color spectrum. This applies to finishing materials, furniture and decor items. The main goal is a unified color scheme chosen for the interior, ideally in harmony with the situation and corresponding to the character of the owner. The possibilities here are huge - from design in shades of gray to completely extraordinary solutions using the entire color palette perceived by the human eye;
  3. Decoration Materials. If the usual repair involves the use of budget materials (plastic, MDF, ceramic tiles), then the designer's arsenal consists of natural wood, metal, marble, leather, fabric, stone, and so on. Of course, these finishing materials must have an ideal appearance, high quality and durability. Such beauty is not created for one day;
  4. Furniture. There are two possible solutions here. Sometimes designers may opt for traditional pieces of furniture, combining what the market has to offer. However, here it is necessary to preserve the general idea, not to change what was planned. But, as a rule, with a full-fledged designer renovation, they choose exclusively unique furniture made for a specific room. At the same time, the designer uses some "loopholes" to "steer" to the ideal result. This is the choice of the color of furniture and materials for its manufacture, its shape and placement options in the interior;
  5. Decor. The final touch in the designer's work is decoration. Accessories are designed to improve the created space, emphasize its zest, enhance the individuality and originality of the situation.

Designer renovation, unlike just renovation, is the embodiment of a special style, originality, individuality, attitude to life, personal habits and strength of character, and, of course, quality.

Design studios estimate the work on drawing up an individual project at $ 25 - $ 250 per square.

Construction companies can offer a design service when ordering repairs from them. The price lists indicate the cost of the design project. As a rule, it is expressed as a price per square meter or as a percentage of the total cost of the order, usually from 10 to 15%.

Are you afraid that once you start the renovation, it will never end?

With the company "My repair" this will not happen.

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the types of apartment renovation
  • What are the benefits of cosmetic repairs?
  • How to do a major apartment renovation
  • What can be renovation of an apartment
  • What does "turnkey apartment renovation" mean?
  • What are the advantages of designer apartment renovation

Different types of apartment renovation are distinguished from each other by the number and volume of work performed. You can opt for a major, cosmetic, author's repair with the development of a design project, or a complete redevelopment with the transfer of walls. And since repairs are a very costly business, the choice, in addition to your wishes, is also influenced by the budget.

The main types of apartment renovation: from cosmetic to capital


This is an inexpensive and simplest type of apartment renovation. Finishing of the premises is carried out without affecting the electrical and plumbing networks, structural elements of the apartment as a whole. Eliminating errors that have arisen during the operation of the apartment is the main goal of cosmetic repairs.

Repairs are considered cosmetic, including leveling the ceiling and walls, wallpapering, replacing all skirting boards and trim. But sometimes it is required to change the floor covering to linoleum, carpet or laminate. In addition to all this, plumbing may need to be replaced.

Since such repairs do not take too much time, some have time to do it during their vacation. And the presence of certain knowledge and skills allows you to perform it yourself. It should be noted that cosmetic repairs are done only if all communications and structures are in good condition. After all, it is only a change of scenery, which the apartment needs, if desired and necessary, to refresh its appearance.

Cosmetic repairs may include the following:

  • dismantling of old finishing materials;
  • installation of skirting boards;
  • installation of flooring (linoleum, carpet or laminate);
  • painting of pipes and heating radiators;
  • puttying and painting window slopes;
  • repair of sanitary equipment;
  • laying tiles in bathrooms and on the kitchen floor;
  • door replacement;
  • slatted ceiling installation in the bathroom.


This is the most expensive and complex type of apartment renovation. During a major overhaul, the main structures of the premises and outdated communications are changed: plumbing, sewer systems, electrical wiring and much more. This can also include painting, plastering, dismantling old doors and windows and installing new ones in their place. Overhaul allows the creation of structures that completely change the whole look of the apartment. A completely new interior can be made using arches, columns, niches, and other decorative elements.

Such a difficult repair is hardly advisable to do it yourself. It is best to invite specially trained people. In addition, a number of preliminary questions will need to be addressed. After all, the repair will last long enough, and the family needs to find a place to stay for this time. Carrying out repair work in all rooms at the same time, you will save time and money. But the main thing is that you will have the opportunity to move into your renovated apartment much earlier.

List of works during the overhaul:

  • puttying and painting the ceiling;
  • puttying and pasting walls with wallpaper;
  • installation of skirting boards;
  • floor screed device up to 2-3 cm high;
  • laying linoleum, carpet or laminate;
  • puttying and painting window slopes;
  • laying tiles on the floor in the bathrooms and in the kitchen;
  • replacement of interior doors;
  • installation of a rack ceiling in the bathroom;
  • installation of new electrical appliances and wiring;
  • plastering doorways and window slopes;
  • toilet and bath replacement
  • replacement of a sink in the kitchen and a washbasin in the bathroom;
  • towel dryer replacement
  • removal of construction debris.


Renovation as a concept first appeared in the nineties of the twentieth century. It was assumed that during such repairs only high-quality work was carried out and finishing materials of foreign production were used. Nowadays, European-style renovation involves mandatory design work, division of premises into zones using new technologies and the use of modern materials.

When decorating rooms during such repairs, modern trends are followed: modular systems, multi-level ceilings, various lighting and decorative coatings are used. Almost always renovation includes redevelopment of the apartment. One of the main tasks is to get a completely flat surface of the walls, floor and ceiling for future finishing. That is why it is not recommended to carry out European-style repairs with your own hands, because only a specialist who professionally owns many building skills and knowledge can handle such a large amount of work. As a result of renovation, the homeowner achieves the goal - the creation of a comfortable, beautiful, and most importantly, original premises that meet his individual requirements.

List of works during renovation:

  • dismantling of old finishing materials and structures;
  • floor leveling, wall plastering;
  • painting or wallpapering the walls;
  • high-quality plastering and puttying of the ceiling, 3 layers of painting;
  • installation of skirting boards;
  • installation of ceiling plinths;
  • floor screed device;
  • laying piece parquet or laminate;
  • replacement of pipes and heating radiators;
  • plastering and painting window slopes;
  • plastering doorways;
  • laying tiles in the corridor, in the kitchen and in the bathrooms;
  • door replacement;
  • underfloor heating and its waterproofing in the bathroom;
  • device for hidden piping;
  • selection and purchase of building materials;
  • installation of water filters;
  • drawing up a design project;
  • author's supervision;
  • purchase and installation of furniture and accessories.

Turnkey apartment renovation

There is another type of repair work - the so-called "turnkey repair". With this option, the owner of the premises does not take part in the repair work. From the selection and purchase of building materials to the final stage, all care and responsibility are taken over by turnkey repair contractors.

Fix discount

Residents of megacities such as Moscow are increasingly using this service, because the pace of life in big cities does not leave time for repairs. For them, the best option is a comprehensive solution to the problem, which is a turnkey apartment renovation. The owner of the premises and the contractor enter into an agreement for the implementation of complex repairs, the result of which will be an apartment finished in accordance with the requests of the owner.

Designer renovation

This option, in addition to the repair and reconstruction of the premises, involves the complete development of the interior of the apartment with the arrangement of furniture and multi-level lighting. When repairing this type, it will not be possible to save on the actual interior design. But on the other hand, in the process of the repair work itself, a professional will help eliminate unnecessary expenses and unnecessary costs. For example, he can replace expensive wall alignment with original and modern decor.

The interior specialist carries out planning and control of works. Recommendations from friends will help you find such a professional. You can see his portfolio, and even better - already completed work in real apartments. From the very beginning, you need to discuss in detail with him all the wishes and preferences: colors, lighting levels and decor that are most comfortable for you. Interior design is your portrait, character. Acting as an artist, you will create a new face for your home, although others will “paint” the picture. And here the most accurate embodiment of your ideas and wishes is important.

Cosmetic repairs of the apartment: 4 stages

There is no better option for a fairly inexpensive and quick renovation of an apartment than a redecoration. Fundamental changes and major construction work in this case are not carried out. Cosmetic repairs can be done independently, without resorting to the masters.

Let's talk about finishing materials and tools. You can’t do without them, performing cosmetic repairs of the apartment yourself.

Do-it-yourself refurbishment of an apartment is the replacement of the floor covering, pasting the walls with new wallpaper and repairing the ceiling.

Regardless of who is doing the repair - you yourself or an invited master - the sequence of work is as follows:

  1. First of all, preparatory work is carried out. In the process of their implementation, old coatings and finishes are dismantled. By the way, here you can save a little (when you hire a private master to repair an apartment) by doing the work yourself.
  2. At the end of all the preparatory work, they proceed to repair the ceiling. First, whitewash and old wallpaper (if any) are removed. If the ceiling has been plastered and painted earlier, its entire surface should be cleaned of dirt, primed and then repainted (stick wallpaper, mount a suspended or stretch ceiling).
  3. The next step is to repair the walls. If there are cracks and irregularities, the walls are puttied, and then carefully primed. After that, either paint is applied or wallpaper is glued.
  4. At the final stage, the flooring is changed and, if necessary, the skirting boards are replaced.

How to make major repairs in the apartment

Capital repairs of the apartment is a very costly business. Therefore, from the very beginning of the repair, a detailed work plan cannot be dispensed with in order to exclude unforeseen additional costs. Today in the construction market you can find any materials and tools for the overhaul of an apartment on your own. It is worth recalling that the optimal time of the year for repair and construction work is summer.


First of all, work is carried out to replace or repair heating, water supply, sewerage, as well as electrical wiring. Check the heating risers: are there shut-off valves (taps). If they are missing, they are installed again, and then the risers are blocked. When changing old heating radiators to new ones, they take into account that the distance from the window sill should be at least five centimeters. There should be enough space below for the device of the future floor (screeds, plywood, parquet, etc.).

When working with a water supply system, you need to carefully measure and calculate the footage of pipes, turns, joints, bends. It is better to have a supply of fittings in 1-2 pieces for each position. Plumbing fixtures are mounted after finishing work on installing the floor in the bathroom and laying tiles on it. When working with metal-plastic pipes, there will be a need for a special pipe cutter and high-quality winding. For polypropylene pipes, a so-called "iron" is required to melt the edge of the pipe.

But the installation of electricians should be performed only by professionals.


This stage of the overhaul provides for the implementation of only the subfloor (the finish coating is not done). Filling the floor with cement mortar is a laborious task, so non-professionals are offered the use of easy-to-use bulk self-leveling floors. If you decide to level the floors with plywood, use sheets with a thickness of more than eighteen millimeters and self-tapping screws of the appropriate length.

Windows and interior doors

It depends on the accuracy of the measurements whether the windows and doors will be installed with high quality, which means that this work and the installation itself should be done by the manufacturer. It also provides quality assurance. Next, the corners of the window slopes and door trims are trimmed, but so far they are not glued.

Surface finishing of walls and ceilings

When choosing stretch ceilings, the walls are first finished. In other cases, finishing should start from the ceilings. Old lime will spoil the result of your labors, so first you need to carefully clean and prime the walls and ceilings. The choice of putty depends on the place of its application: living rooms can be treated with gypsum material, and the bathroom can only be treated with cement. Glue is chosen for a certain type of wallpaper.

Finishing work

And now you have approached the final stage of solving the problem of major repairs in the apartment. It remains to lay linoleum or other flooring, mount skirting boards. This will be followed by the installation of radiators, sockets, switches, installation of lamps and door trim, as well as the corners of window slopes.

Types of renovation of apartments

This type of repair, like renovation, involves the use of modern technologies, high-quality materials and equipment. And the European level of construction works requires their compliance with international standards of economy and environmental safety of housing.

Renovation of various types includes:

  • Economy. The same as cosmetic repairs. With such repairs, wall coverings, ceilings, and pipe painting are updated. It does not include replacement windows and doors. Also do not change the wiring of plumbing and electrical networks.
  • Standard. Popular option. In addition to the list of economy repairs, windows, doors, electrical wiring are changed, new plastic pipes are installed instead of old pipes.
  • Suite. Same as overhaul. At the beginning of work, non-load-bearing partitions and communications are also dismantled. For such repairs, it is better to invite professionals.
  • Elite. Individual author's projects made in one copy. In addition to general construction specialists, highly specialized craftsmen in stone, glass, metal and textiles, as well as artists, decorators, and designers are invited.

The placement of accents in the work depends on the type of renovation:

The type of renovation is chosen depending on the goal, and only then we are talking about the cost, the choice of performers and their areas of responsibility.

At all stages of the implementation of European-style renovation, its differences from the traditional one are visible.

  1. Design. This is not only getting a general idea of ​​the appearance of the renovated housing and an enlarged description of the scope of work. At the design stage, a designer is included in the work to develop a unique project that takes into account all the wishes of the owners and the features of the premises. A distinctive feature of the projects is flowing space or zoning, adding space to the premises by demolishing the walls and combining rooms (re-planning). A project is an initial document containing a list of future changes and materials.
  2. Dismantling. Everything physically or morally worn out is being dismantled, which does not meet the general concept of the interior. But, of course, the supporting structures are left unchanged.
  3. Replacement of utilities. This is mandatory and necessary for worn-out and low-power communications (electrical wiring, water and sewer pipes) that are not designed for the load created by modern household appliances
  4. Warm contour update. Windows and doors are also being replaced. It is preferable to install multi-chamber double-glazed windows in a five-chamber profile made without the use of lead. They replace the entrance doors with metal armored ones with reinforced locks and means of protection against cold and noise. They also replace internal (interior) doors with new ones, veneered, wooden, glass, etc. Natural wood is rarely found in warm contour elements due to its tendency to crack and warp.
  5. Leveling all surfaces with the obligatory condition of their heat and sound insulation.
  6. Finishing work.
  7. Interior decoration.

Professionals performing repairs of this class do not have the concept of "little things". Here you need to understand the importance of every detail of the preparation or decoration of the interior. A turnkey renovation cannot be understood as just a word denoting a repair of high complexity. Its essence lies in a deeper semantic load, emphasizing the high-quality implementation of work at each stage.

As a rule, the cost of renovation and the price of materials are directly dependent on each other. The cost of the work depends on the type of renovation being carried out. Consider a table.

This means that if material worth 100 conventional units was purchased for repair work, then the work will cost 180 conventional units for economy class repairs and 270 conventional units for elite repairs.

In general, a repair performed by a team of builders of three people, per one square meter of floor space, will cost approximately the following amount:

How to perform European-quality repairs (on their own or order the services of professionals), everyone decides for himself. Yes, it is possible to implement this idea on your own, but you cannot do without experience, a reserve of time, and a special tool.

What is a turnkey apartment renovation?

Turnkey repair saves you time and energy. In addition, all work in a complex and with high quality is carried out by real professionals with extensive experience.

When developing an interior project, the designer takes into account the wishes of the customer, the possibilities of the premises and the relevant building codes. Now many designers create 3D visualizations for your convenience and visibility.

In accordance with the taste of the owners, the specialist will select suitable materials, accessories, and various decorative elements.

It is important to draw up an estimate at the beginning of the repair. It includes materials, services, their total quantity and cost. It also requires an indication of the schedule and timing of the implementation of each type of work.

It is conventionally accepted to divide the whole process into groups of works:

  • plumbing work;
  • electric installation work;
  • general works (insulation, preparation for finishing, finishing and others).

When agreeing on the estimate, make sure that everything you need is complete and accurate, and only then sign the contract with the contractors.

The repair cost includes the following components:

  • wages of workers;
  • the cost of building materials;
  • prices for coordination of issues in state structures;
  • payment for project planning.

In order not to overpay, ask in advance about the approximate prices of materials needed for repairs and decoration, and ask about the cost of the planned types of work.

When all the work on conducting communications, leveling surfaces, rational division of space into zones is completed, they move on to finishing - the final and most interesting stage of a turnkey repair.

It is in the process of finishing work that tiles and coatings are laid on the floor, wallpaper is glued, and ceilings are decorated. There comes a time when the customer can accept the work, and he should do it very carefully.

First, you can visually assess the quality of the repair, and then be sure to check the operation of the electrical network and appliances, plumbing, water supply, etc.

Accept completed repairs only when you are fully convinced that everything is done according to the estimate, works without failures and corresponds to the sketches approved by you.

Types of designer renovation in apartments

General trends and the constant rise in the cost of work and materials lead to the emergence of certain standards for the repair of premises. This makes ready-made apartments, houses and offices look the same in terms of interior design. The use of typical solutions in planning, the same materials in decoration, the same furniture in the setting does not add originality to the premises.

Although there are many advantages to this approach to repair, it also has many disadvantages. Such housing is not characterized by individuality, there is no zest in it, the habits of the owners are not reflected. A completely different approach to these problems is in design repair.

What is a design renovation? It includes the same decoration of the room and furnishing it with furniture, but in strict accordance with a previously drawn up design project, involves the use of unique high-quality materials, exclusive furniture made to order, original decor items, non-standard color schemes and more.

Using all these techniques, professional designers make the interior unique, original and inimitable. They convey individual features with the help of the outlines and layout of the interior. Individuality is what makes a design renovation unique, why not confuse it with faceless, but very common European-style renovations.

What tools does the designer have to embody the very individuality that we mentioned above in the interior? Here they are:

  1. Room layout. Compared to standard solutions, the layout of an apartment by a designer is completely consistent with the habits and preferences of its owner. The designer's arsenal consists of partitions, arches, multi-level ceilings, parapets, techniques for combining rooms of different purposes and much more. The designer creates the most functional, practical and comfortable room for its owner using these tools.
  2. Color spectrum. This applies to finishing materials, furniture and decor items. The main goal is a unified color scheme chosen for the interior, ideally in harmony with the situation and corresponding to the character of the owner. The possibilities here are huge - from design in shades of gray to completely extraordinary solutions using the entire color palette perceived by the human eye;
  3. Decoration Materials. If the usual repair involves the use of budget materials (plastic, MDF, ceramic tiles), then the designer's arsenal consists of natural wood, metal, marble, leather, fabric, stone, and so on. Of course, these finishing materials must have an ideal appearance, high quality and durability. Such beauty is not created for one day;
  4. Furniture. There are two possible solutions here. Sometimes designers may opt for traditional pieces of furniture, combining what the market has to offer. However, here it is necessary to preserve the general idea, not to change what was planned. But, as a rule, with a full-fledged designer renovation, they choose exclusively unique furniture made for a specific room. At the same time, the designer uses some "loopholes" to "steer" to the ideal result. This is the choice of the color of furniture and materials for its manufacture, its shape and placement options in the interior;
  5. Decor. The final touch in the designer's work is decoration. Accessories are designed to improve the created space, emphasize its zest, enhance the individuality and originality of the situation.

Designer renovation, unlike just renovation, is the embodiment of a special style, originality, individuality, attitude to life, personal habits and strength of character, and, of course, quality.

Design studios estimate the work on drawing up an individual project at $ 25 - $ 250 per square.

Construction companies can offer a design service when ordering repairs from them. The price lists indicate the cost of the design project. As a rule, it is expressed as a price per square meter or as a percentage of the total cost of the order, usually from 10 to 15%.

Are you afraid that once you start the renovation, it will never end?

With the company "My repair" this will not happen.

Main types of real estate renovation

Before the beginning apartment renovationyou need to decide how much you plan to do it. Without understanding this, you may be in danger of repeating this process soon. In our time, the concept of "repair of apartments" has already become so extensive that it is necessary to specify what kind of repair is needed.. In general, r real estate repair is a complex of specialized events that are aimed at restoring and updating an object. Despite the abundance of proposals, it all comes down to a few basic types of repairs: cosmetic, current, major and renovation.


Redecoration of the apartment performed to improve the appearance of the apartment, with limited replacement or repair of electrical and plumbing equipment and without changing the design, structure of floors and ceilings and major alterations. Walls can be updated in just a week. And the work on updating the flooring will take two weeks. This is the easiest and cheapest repair. When redecorating apartments, they usually try to minimize the amount of work. Therefore, when redecorating apartments, a serious alignment of the ceiling, walls and floor is not provided. And, therefore, it makes no sense to use expensive finishing materials.


Maintenance– partial replacement of electrics, plumbing, wallpaper, windows or doors. During this repair of an apartment or house, cracks are repaired, visible defects are removed with putty, whitewashing or pasting of ceilings, re-gluing of wallpaper are mandatory. Joinery is being painted, new linoleum is being laid, skirting boards are being changed, parquet is being restored. With sufficient experience, such work can also be done by yourself, but if possible, it is better to invite a specialist. It is not worth joking with plumbing, water and electricity. Such savings can be very costly.


Capital repairs of the apartment consists in the complete finishing of the apartment using classic or advanced building technologies and modern finishing materials. Major repairs are mainly done in two cases: when buying an apartment in a new building or just when buying an apartment, or when all communications are outdated and a radical update is required.

  1. Simple overhaul - includes all the procedures inherent in cosmetic and current repairs, and in addition, they change engineering systems, structural elements, floor coverings, electrical systems, water supply, sewerage.
  2. Complex overhaul - to the above actions add elements that change the style of the room: decorative ceilings or arches, niches or columns, etc.

P For major repairs, it is advisable to contact specialists who will help you make a project and an estimate in order to immediately know what to expect

European-quality repair (repair taking into account euro standards)

This is an apartment renovation in accordance with the requirements of European standards using the most modern building materials and technologies. For such repairs, as a rule, they invite a designer and draw up a design project that takes into account the wishes of the customer and the advice of the designer.
It includes redevelopment, design of the room, which allows you to completely change the appearance of the apartment, new interior partitions and arches between the rooms, heated floors of different levels and multi-level ceilings with a complex lighting system are installed. A complex air conditioning system, windows, doors are being installed. Sometimes accompanied by cutting new window and door openings. It is mandatory to install new plumbing, as well as laying modern floor materials (expensive laminate, parquet). European-quality repair is always high-quality furnish of the room.
This is without a doubt the most luxurious type of repair. But, accordingly, the most expensive.

Well, the choice of the type of repair is yours. Often it is worth saving up money and doing more extensive repairs once than small ones every 1-2 years. It will turn out cheaper and you will feel much more comfortable.

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The very word Repair was borrowed from French at the end of the 18th century, where it denoted the repair, amendment, replenishment or maintenance of something. In the modern interpretation (definition of the TSB), Repair is a set of technical, economic and organizational measures related to the maintenance and partial or complete restoration of the use value of fixed assets (means of production) or personal items. Repair is also called the replacement of faulty elements, the elimination of flaws, repair, etc.

Almost everyone already knows that repairs in the construction industry are quite a complex undertaking that requires thoughtful and thorough preparation. Before starting repairs, you must first determine your capabilities, select the necessary materials and equipment, properly plan and organize the progress of work. And this is not possible to do without understanding what type of repair you need to carry out. To answer this question, it is necessary to understand the existing types of repairs.

Any classification of existing species repairs rather conditional, since it is very difficult to systematize each specific repair. But, in order to somehow streamline the terminology in this area, we will try to understand this issue based on the possible types of repair work.

1. Maintenance.

Maintenance - these are works performed to prevent or restore the wear of structures, finishes and engineering equipment of previously operated premises. This includes troubleshooting and troubleshooting. During the current repair, the structural elements are not replaced and the existing appearance, as well as the functional purpose of the previously operated premises, does not change.

Based on this definition, current repairs can be divided into two more types of repairs.

Simple cosmetic repair- this is repair work to restore the previous state of the premises without work to replace types of finishes, and without work to replace engineering equipment. During this repair, walls and ceilings are repainted, wallpaper is re-pasted, windows, doors, window sills, skirting boards and architraves are painted and minor repairs are carried out. Sanding and varnishing parquet floors. Minor repairs of plumbing and heating appliances with pipe painting, etc.

Cosmetic repair with replacement of materials. With this type of repair, the previous state of the premises is restored by replacing worn-out finishing materials and engineering equipment with new ones, similar in type and functional purpose.

And this is where the discrepancies and contradictions begin. For example, replacing an old window with a similar new one is a current repair. But replacing the old window with a new plastic one with improved thermal and sound insulation characteristics is already a major overhaul. If you are replacing an old cracked toilet in your apartment with a similar one, but a new one, this is an ongoing repair. And if you decide to change all your plumbing to a new, more modern one, then this is already a major overhaul. For ease of understanding, we propose to classify the following types of work as cosmetic repairs with the replacement of materials. This can be replacing old wallpaper with a decorative splash coating, Venetian plaster or wall painting. The main thing is that during these works there is no serious preparation of the base (wall plastering and continuous multi-layer putty), but only minor repairs (puttying of individual places). This also includes work on wall cladding with tiles without preparing the base; painting ceilings with putty in some places; laying carpets and linoleum on the old base; laying ceramic tiles on the existing subfloor; hanging new door panels on existing frames; replacement of skirting boards and platbands; replacement of window sills without ground preparation; installation of new plumbing fixtures and heating radiators in old places and connecting them to existing inlets and outlets; replacement of mixers; installation of new sockets and switches in old places without carrying wiring, etc.

2. Overhaul.

Overhaul - these are repair and construction works to change the existing appearance of a previously operated premises with the replacement of structural elements, finishing materials, engineering equipment and systems. But it is important to understand that the functional purpose of the previously operated premises remains the same, only their performance indicators are improving. Major repairs can also be divided into two types of repairs.

Simple overhaul includes cosmetic repairs with the replacement of materials, to which the replacement of structural elements and engineering systems is added. That is, with a simple overhaul, the following work occurs: dismantling, replacement of partitions, strengthening of ceilings, installation of new floor structures, plastering, replacement of finishing materials, replacement of floor coverings, replacement of windows and doors, complete alteration of water supply, sewerage, ventilation and air conditioning systems , heating and electrical networks.

When conducting complex overhaul to all the above works, construction work is added to change the structural elements that change the style solutions of the premises. This includes the following types of work: the installation of multi-level ceilings, or the installation of decorative structures on the ceilings; moving door or window openings; arrangement of podiums on the floors; manufacturing and installation of various arches, niches, pilasters and columns; etc.

Types of apartment renovation differ in the number and volume of work performed. After all, everyone will agree that it’s much nicer to go into an apartment with an author’s renovation, which is much nicer than to where repairs have not been done since the war… The plaster crumbles, the whitewash falls on your head and the sockets sparkle – that’s what you want the least when you come home tired. Well, what is the solution to the problem? Of course, make repairs.

Repair is a loose concept ... What kind of repair should be done? Capital, cosmetic, author's repair with the preparation of a design project or a complete redevelopment with rearrangement of load-bearing partitions. Here, of course, everything depends not only on your desire, but also on your finances, since repairs are a very expensive business.

Now we will consider in detail each type of repair that can be performed in the apartment.

Cosmetic repairs - finishing work

This is one of the cheapest and easiest types of apartment renovation. It consists in performing work on finishing the premises, while not affecting the electrical and plumbing networks, the structural elements of the apartment as a whole. The main goals that are pursued during cosmetic repairs are to eliminate the defects in the finish that were formed during the operation of the premises.

The usual cosmetic repair consists of re-gluing wallpaper, leveling ceilings and walls, replacing skirting boards and platbands. The flooring also needs to be replaced. Instead of the old, linoleum, carpet, laminate are laid. Cosmetic repairs, among other things, include the replacement of plumbing.

This type of repair does not take much time, so it can be successfully done even during the holidays. If you have certain knowledge and skills, you can do it yourself. It should be noted that cosmetic repairs are done if the room only needs a change of scenery and there is a desire and need to refresh its appearance, but at the same time, all communications and structures are in good condition.

The list of works during cosmetic repairs:

  1. Demolition works;
  2. Puttying and painting the ceiling;
  3. Installation of plastic skirting boards;
  4. Repair of fittings in bathrooms;
  5. Door replacement;

Major overhaul - we change the design and construction of the premises

This type of repair is one of the most expensive and complex. It obviously involves the replacement of the main structures of the premises, as well as outdated communications: plumbing, sewer systems, electrical wiring and much more. The list of major repairs may also include painting, plastering, it is possible to dismantle door and window structures, followed by their replacement with new ones. During the overhaul, it is possible to add details that completely change the entire interior of the room. It can be pilasters, arches, columns, niches, other decorative structures.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to carry out such a complex repair on your own; you will have to use the services of specialists, as well as solve a lot of preliminary issues. For example, where the family will live during the repair, because it will take quite a long time. Simultaneous repairs in all premises will not only reduce the time allotted for its implementation, but will also provide significant cost savings, and most importantly, you will be able to move to a renovated apartment much faster.

The list of works during the overhaul:

  1. Demolition works;
  2. Puttying and painting the ceiling;
  3. Installation of skirting boards;
  4. Floor screed up to 2-3 cm;
  5. Laying linoleum, carpet or laminate;
  6. Painting pipes for heating;
  7. Puttying and painting window slopes;
  8. Replacement of fittings in bathrooms;
  9. Laying tiles in bathrooms and on the kitchen floor;
  10. Replacement of interior doors;
  11. Installation of new electrical appliances and;
  12. Plastering of doorways and window slopes;
  13. Replacing the toilet and bath;
  14. Sink replacement in kitchen and bathroom
  15. Construction debris removal.

Renovation of the apartment - modern and stylish

For the first time, such a concept as European-quality repair appeared in the 90s of the last century. It assumed high quality repair work, using imported finishing materials. Today, the concept of European-style renovation has changed somewhat and includes, first of all, participation in the work of a designer, zoning of premises using European technologies, and, of course, the use of the latest materials.

During renovation, all the latest trends in interior decoration are observed, such as the use of modular systems, multi-level ceilings, various types of lighting and decorative coatings. When carrying out renovation, a clear and strict finish of the premises plays a huge role, the surfaces of the floor, ceiling, walls must have a perfectly flat surface, which is why in almost all cases the renovation is accompanied by a redevelopment of the apartment. This is another reason why you should not carry out renovations yourself. Only a specialist who is fluent in many construction specialties can cope with such a volume. As a result, the owner will receive an originally arranged room - comfortable, beautiful, and most importantly, meeting the highest individual requirements.

List of works during renovation:

  1. Demolition works;
  2. Floor leveling works, wall plastering;
  3. or wall painting
  4. Improved plastering and puttying of the ceiling, painting in 3 layers;
  5. Installation of skirting boards;
  6. Installation of ceiling plinths;
  7. Floor screeds;
  8. Laying piece parquet;
  9. Replacement of pipes and heating radiators;
  10. Plastering and painting of window slopes;
  11. Laying tiles in the corridor, in the kitchen and bathrooms;
  12. Door replacement;
  13. The need for hidden piping;
  14. Changing the heated towel rail
  15. Installation of water filters;
  16. Drawing up a design project;
  17. Author's control;
  18. Acquisition and installation of interior items and furniture

Turnkey apartment renovation

Turnkey apartment renovation is another type of repair work. In this case, the owner of the premises practically does not take part in the ongoing repair work. Absolutely all the trouble and all responsibility falls on the shoulders of the repair work, starting with the acquisition of the necessary building materials. That is why this service is very popular among residents of large cities, in particular among Muscovites, whose pace of life does not leave them time for repairs. Therefore, turnkey apartment renovation, which is an integrated approach to apartment renovation, is an ideal option. In this case, the customer, in the role of the owner of the apartment, instructs the contractor to carry out the necessary work and as a result receives the result he needs.