The operating system has just been released. Windows 8.1 and soon enough gained considerable popularity among users, having overtaken its predecessor eight.Microsoft pretty much tried to change Windows 8 for the better and I will not hide they have a really high-quality product.

Regarding the activation of the new system, there is nothing difficult here. Those who already had a licensed Windows 8 have long received a free update through the built-in Windows Store. Other users who have installed Windows Blue (first edition 8.1) and other subsequent editions from the Internet use various KMS and other activators, which are now abundant on the network. The downside of KMS activators is activation for only 180 days, although you can always repeat the activation procedure again and again.

KMSmicro 5.0.0

Program version: 5.0.1
Program author: Ratiborus
Interface language: Russian, English, Spanish
Treatment: not required

System requirements:

  • Any PC/x86 compatible computer (also works inside a virtual machine)
  • 250-512 MB RAM
  • Keyboard
  • mouse
  • Can be run from flash drive


KMSmicro 5.0.0 is a local KMS server for activating Windows 7 - 8.1, Office 2010-2013 VL editions. The program does not activate Retail editions and Windows 8-8.1 WMC. KMSmicro has Internet access for time synchronization.

Video instructions for activation.

Windows Activation Wizard.

This activator is the most stable and easy to use. First you need to turn off the antivirus, because some antiviruses consider activators and various cracks to be unwanted programs and can simply move the activator installation file to quarantine. Next, download the rar archive with the activator, unpack and select (according to your system version) file A9600E and run with administrator rights, then just follow the instructions of the activator. Reboot.

We press the start button (right-click) - select properties, check registration. And hooray!. The system is activated.

Phone activation.

Activation for Windows 8 Build 9600 Pro:


Activation for Windows 8 Build 9600 Pro

Retail keys to activate Windows 8.1 Professional by phone or online:


Retail keys to activate Windows 8.1 Core by phone or online:

Retail keys to activate Windows 8.1 Pro with WMC by phone:

keys for kaspersky download License file for Avast Premier until 06/29/2022 KMSAuto Lite Portable TEST5 download torrent
Windows 10 activation Avast SecureLine VPN license file download

The long-awaited version of Windows 8 has acquired a huge number of innovations and improvements, which, according to Microsoft developers, should increase the rating of the line of popular operating systems. As is often the case, some of the innovations were received extremely positively, while others were accompanied by extremely negative reviews.

So, for example, most users were outraged by the lack of the usual "Start". And not in vain, because for many this button was an important functional element when working at a computer. V current updated version 8.1 the button was returned, but the functionality that it was endowed with before did not fully return to it.

The main innovation of the new operating system concerns, of course, an updated interface created in the style metro style(tiled).

You can download Windows 8 for free for 32-bit (x32) and 64-bit (x64) systems from our website (official versions).

As a rule, this kind of interface is ideal for touch devices (tablets, smartphones). Which should have been proved by the reaction of the public - on desktop computers and ordinary laptops, this style turned out to be practically useless and not very convenient.

And only a small segment of traditional PC users met this decision positively.

This version of the OS was released as a solution for desktop computers, as well as for hybrid laptops, which are controlled using a touch panel.

Some users, not trying to understand the idea of ​​a new interface, began to install special programs and utilities that allow you to return the traditional "Start" button with its basic features (search and launch programs, access to system and user settings).

A feature of such applications is their ability to turn off the "tiled desktop" and leave only the familiar desktop with a start in the lower left part of the screen.
The same users who decided not to engage in amateur activities, but to properly test and deal with the updated desktop design, were convinced that this style of Windows 8 was really justified, because with the help of the new tiled menu, you can launch familiar programs and applications much faster, than with the usual "Start" button.

But the fact remains - the new interface requires a certain amount of patience (often quite a bit) - you will definitely have to get used to it, which in turn requires the expenditure of time resources.

The operating system in question will undoubtedly appeal to all those who who has touch pads or monoblocks, well, topics and programs for Windows 8 run perfectly and work like it was on previous versions. In addition, all programs that function perfectly on XP, Vista and Windows 7 will also work on OS version 8. For example, there is no need to make extra gestures to download skype, google chrome, opera, winrar for windows 8 or the same yandex browser, office 2010. All this software works on the eight by default!

If you want some specific changes in the design and functionality of your computer, then the eight may well meet your needs, while remaining the same popular OS with excellent technical support (subject to the license agreement). In order to install the operating system, we recommend download Windows 8 for free in Russian using direct links at the bottom of the current article (not a torrent).

How to reinstall Windows 8

There is nothing complicated here. This release can be burned from an iso image to a CD / DVD disk or USB flash drive, after which you specify the necessary bootable media in the BIOS and start in the installation / recovery mode of the operating system. If you decide to reinstall the system, but are not completely sure of the need for this procedure, we recommend that you first go into windows 8 safe mode in which to clean and restore the OS using special utilities and only then reinstall the OS (if it didn’t help). After all, keep in mind that a new installation is often (including by negligence) accompanied by the destruction of all data on the disk with the system (this includes downloads from the Internet, personal documents, the history of visited web pages with bookmarks and passwords, as well as many other personal data that will be hard to recover after formatting or deleting).

Advantages of the eight:

  • If you have a touch screen device (special all-in-one or hybrid laptop, tablet), then this system is a great solution for work and study;
  • Downloading and installing Windows 8 is even easier than any other previous version of the OS of the popular line;
  • The updated menu interface is, in fact, much more convenient and functional than the usual Start menu, but only if you like innovation and are willing to spend time learning new things;
  • Programs for Windows 8 function perfectly on the new platform, while software for older versions of systems also starts and works perfectly on the eight;
  • In the new version, users can use the function of graphic passwords, which are difficult to crack, but easy to remember;


  • It will take a lot of time to master a new interface, especially if you find it difficult to accept innovations to perform everyday and similar tasks.
  • Paid license. To use after a full trial mode of 30 days, Windows will have to be activated (purchase a license key) or use an activator (if you use the activator, you violate the user license agreement).
  • Possibility to download from the official website of Windows OS for 64-bit and 32-bit architecture.

The Windows operating system is supplied only on a paid basis, which means that in order to install it on a computer or laptop, you need to purchase an activation key, the cost of which differs depending on the version. The activation of Windows 8 and 8.1 itself allows you to verify the authenticity of the installed copy. The license agreement says that a user can only have one copy of the OS for one PC. The product key binds this copy to a specific computer and it cannot work on another.

Activating Windows over the Internet

The most common type of system activation is through the Internet. It is used in any version of Windows.

Once you are on the desktop of your PC, the first thing to do is to go to system properties. To do this, right-click on the Start menu and select " System».

You can do this: open Control Panel, go to the "System and Security" section, find the "System" subsection.

We go down to the very bottom and find the section " W activationindows". There will be several options, but most often it will be written that the OS is not activated or vice versa. In rare cases, an inscription appears that there is no information on activation. Let's try the following steps:

Activate by phone

This method is used if the user does not have the Internet for some reason, but Microsoft developers have thought of everything. Here's what you need to do to activate the OS using your phone:

How to change the product key

Changing the Windows key may be needed in several cases, for example, if your activation has failed and the user wants to upgrade the current edition of the OS to professional. Perhaps before that he used an unlicensed copy, and now he wants to change the key to one purchased from the official Microsoft website.

There are only three methods to change the Windows key.

Using system properties

Using this method is quite simple:

Using the command line

As the practice of many users shows, at least one of the three methods should work. In this case, the most efficient way is to work with the command line. We launch it with elevated privileges (in the search we enter CMD, click on the found RMB file and select the required item) and enter one single command:

Slui utility

To use this tool, open Windows Search and type in the phrase " Slui.exe". The result will appear with a key icon. Let's launch it.

A window will automatically open with a 25-digit key. Everything is the same as in other methods.

Error during activation

The most common activation error is when the key is not recognized by the system. This problem is solved quite simply, you need to remove the old key and register a working one.

What happens if you do not activate Windows

In fact, even if the user does not activate the system, this will not affect its performance, it was only in older versions of systems, when people saw a black desktop instead of beautiful wallpapers, and then the failure of the system to boot.

Usually in an inactivated system are restrictions on some functionality, for example, the inability to change the desktop background, icons, and other personalization elements. But this is not critical.

Also, there will be problems with updates and the occurrence of constant notifications about a request to activate the system.

In general, there is nothing critical and these restrictions are not, in fact, something serious.

How to remove the activation key request during system installation

If the user decides to install the OS from scratch, then you should expect a window to appear during installation asking you to enter a license key. In genuine operating systems, this step cannot be skipped. To get rid of this, even at the stage of writing the distribution kit to a USB flash drive or disk, you need to create a special text file, which will disable the appearance of the window.

In a simple notepad, write the following:


Save the file with this name and extension − ei.cfg. (The extension must be this, not txt, we check).

We take this file, open the system image and place it in folder Sources.

Now you can safely burn the image to disk and install the operating system.

When the question arises of how to activate Windows, first of all, users look for free solutions that will help solve the registration problem. Let's look at 2 ways to activate Windows 8.1 if you don't have a license key. This instruction will help both with and with the rally of the key from the working system.

Method number 1. Windows 8.1 activation with KMSAuto Net activator

Using the KMSAuto Net activator is the fastest and most efficient way to activate Windows for free.

For example, we activate Windows 8.1 Professional by following a simple instruction:

  1. First, let's unpack the activator. Run the file downloaded above, the password for the archive is 123.
  2. Extract the activator to C:\KMS.
  3. To which the built-in antivirus immediately removes it when it detects a threat. We click on the warning.
  4. The Windows Defender settings window will open. Let's go to the tab "Magazine", choose " All Detected Objects -> View Details.
  5. Finding a Threat HackTool:Win32/AutoKMS and let it run.
  6. We agree to perform.
  7. Now let's add the C:\KMS directory to the exclusions. Go to tab Options -> Excluded Files and Locations -> Browse.
  8. Select the folder in which the activator was unpacked. In our case, C:\KMS
  9. We press the button "Add".
  10. We go to the folder with the activator and run it on behalf of the Administrator.
  11. We agree to make changes to the computer.
  12. Choose "Activate" - "Activate Windows" and the program will start running.
  13. Forcibly install the GVLK key (if the program asks).
  14. We create a task in the Task Scheduler to permanently reactivate the system.
  15. The program has been successfully completed.
  16. Let's reboot the system and check the result. The system is activated!

In other antiviruses, the procedure for setting an exception is performed in a similar way. You simply find the desired section in the settings and specify the path to the folder with the activator, after which the antivirus stops responding to it.

Method number 2. Delay activation

The second way is to use the right to defer activation for 30 days (you can use it 3 times, in total 120 days). For this:

What happens if you do not activate Windows 8.1

For the first 30 days, an unactivated version of Windows 8.1 will work fine, but you won’t be able to sit quietly at your computer:

  • There will always be an inscription on the desktop stating that your copy of Windows is genuine
  • Constantly appears a message that the system needs to be activated
  • Can't change desktop wallpaper and theme
  • You can not change some system settings in the control panel
  • After some time, the system stops receiving updates
  • The computer will reboot itself every 12 hours of continuous operation. After a while, it will stop working altogether.

Best activated 9600 build of Windows 8.1 Version 6.3 with 2016 updates. The ISO image contains the Best build of Windows 8.1 x64 Professional, and x32 is also available as a light build of Windows x32 Enterprise.
All assembly options are already activated by the universal KMS activator and include Russian and English versions of the interface. The assembly also includes a set of programs (Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset MSDaRT 8.1), these are powerful tools for system recovery.

Assembly Version: Windows 8.1 Update 6.3.9600
Interface language: Russian, English
Official site:
File Format: .ISO
Treatment: build activated with KMS key
MD5-image sum: DDD43272D80697CE9114F208A0B317F7
Size: 4.30 Gb

The best build of Windows 8.1 activated download torrent

System requirements for the device:
- RAM: RAM - 1 GB for x32-bit version and 2 GB for x64-bit build.
- Processor: 1 GHz or more.
- Graphics adapter: Microsoft DirectX 9 or higher video card.
- Hard disk: with free space of 16 GB for x32-bit assembly and 20 GB for x64-bit assembly.
- To use the touch screen control, a tablet or monitor that supports touch screen technology is required.
- To be able to view sites, you need an internet connection

Screenshots of installing the best build of Windows 8.1 x64

Windows 8.1 torrent build contains the following versions:
except for regular Windows 8 x64 and 32bit
Windows 8.1 professional 64 bit rus and eng
Windows 8.1 professional 32 bit (x86) rus and eng
Windows 8.1 professional 64 bit with Media Center rus and eng
Windows 8.1 professional 32 bit (x86) with Media Center rus and eng
Windows 8.1 corporate 64 bit rus and eng
Windows 8.1 corporate 32 bit (x86) rus and eng

The assembly is based on the original image of Windows 8.1 64 bit with Update 1. This is the final clean image of Win 8 with the ability to choose the bit depth of the system 64 bit or x32 at the very beginning.
Attention! In some assemblies, the default settings for the Chrome browser are already set, the start page leads to the search engine. Everyone has the ability to change the search engine to any other.