The Windows operating system offers several ways to uninstall installed applications and programs. Some users even resort to using third-party software to perform the same task, because such software usually offers additional features, such as cleaning up residual files.

The standard way to remove installed programs is to use the application Parameters or Control panels. However, sooner or later the Control Panel will disappear from Windows 10 according to Microsoft's plans.

To remove an installed program from the Settings application, follow the path: Settings > Apps > Apps & features. Then, at the bottom of the screen, select the app you want to uninstall and click the Uninstall button.

Windows 10 users who want to remove apps from the Microsoft Store can speed up the process by selecting the app from the start menu, right-clicking on it, and selecting Remove.

On the other hand, advanced users who often use the command line, or those who want to create a script to uninstall certain Win32 applications, can use the method below.

Run Command Prompt with Administrator Rights

First of all, you need to log into an administrator account. Users with normal rights will not be able to uninstall installed applications.

Then you need to run the command prompt with administrator rights. Enter cmd in the start menu and in the context menu of the application Command line select "Run as administrator".

How to uninstall programs using the command line

The next step is to know the name of the program to be removed. First you need to see the list of installed applications (applications that were deployed using the Windows Installer will be shown) - to do this, enter the following command into the command prompt window:

Wmic product get name

You should see a list of programs installed on the system, as shown in the screenshot. When entering a program name, make sure you enter all characters correctly and respect case.

Since we know the name of the application to be removed, the next step is to send a command to remove it. It looks like this:

Wmic product where name="name" call uninstall

You will need to change the name parameter in quotes to the name of the application that was received after running the first command. The quotes must be kept. After successfully uninstalling the application, you will see a message that the operation is complete.

The deletion process can be overridden with the /nointeractive option, which disables additional input. This means that if the uninstall process requires user authorization, then this step will be skipped and the uninstall will start immediately after pressing Enter.

The command will look like this (change the name parameter to the name of the program and keep the quotes):

Wmic product where name="name" call uninstall /nointeractive

It goes without saying that once you uninstall an app, the only way to get it back is to install the same package from scratch, so if you're not sure what you're doing then back it up first.

These commands can be used in scripts and BAT files to automate the uninstallation of applications on multiple computers on a network. They can also be used on a remote machine when the Settings application is blocked for various reasons, such as a malware infection.

Found a typo? Select and press Ctrl + Enter

When using a computer, the user is faced with the need to remove a particular program. In the old version of the operating system, for this you need to go to the Control Panel and, after selecting the desired software, remove it. In Windows 10, several methods are available at once to uninstall unnecessary software from the device.

Manual removal

Uninstalling software in Windows 10 manually is done in one of four ways.

On the start menu

Uninstalling software through the Start menu is the easiest, fastest and most affordable way.

Start menu –> All applications –> right-click (RMB) on unnecessary software –> Uninstall

In the Settings app

In the Settings there are functions that duplicate those of the Control Panel. This is because this application is designed to replace the outdated interface and is designed to replace the functions available in the Control Panel. Therefore, you can uninstall the software through the Options.

Settings –> System –> Apps and features –> right-click on unwanted software –> Uninstall

Healthy! The list that opens shows the date the software was installed and its size. This is important to know if you are freeing up hard drive space and removing unnecessary or malicious software.

In Control Panel

Start Menu –> Control Panel –> Programs and Features –> right-click on unwanted software –> Uninstall

Important! You can get to the “Programs and Features” section through the menu of the “This PC” window, in which select the “Computer” item and click “Uninstall or change a program” in the list that opens.

Using PowerShell

Use the PowerShell utility to uninstall built-in Windows 10 apps. In the search bar, run "PowerShell" as Administrator.

In the window that opens, enter the command:

Get-AppxPackage | Select Name, PackageFullName

where " PackageFullName' is the full name of the application.

After that, a complete list of installed standard applications will appear.

To remove them, enter the command in "PowerShell":

Get-AppxPackage PackageFullName | Remove-AppxPackage

With the help of special programs

To save time and make it easier to uninstall the software on your computer, use specially designed programs for this.

Removes unnecessary software from the computer, its additional files and registry entries in a few clicks. This allows you to get rid of the "tails" remaining after the uninstall process.

To uninstall using Revo Uninstaller, highlight the unwanted software in the active window, then click Uninstall.

In the window that opens, select the uninstallation method:

    • built-in;
    • safe;
    • moderate;
    • advanced.


The video details how to uninstall programs in Windows 10 using the indicated methods, including using other special software.


On a Windows 10 PC, you can uninstall both installed and built-in programs and apps. It is better to do this with the help of special programs that clean up the "tails". You can also uninstall manually using the Settings application or through the Start menu in the general list.

Uninstalling programs in windows 10 is a fairly simple process. But it can be done in several ways.

Uninstall via control panel

The first such method concerns the use of the control panel. To do this, go to the "Control Panel" and find the section "Programs and Features" or "Add or Remove Programs". The tenth Windows in this regard is no different from other versions. And this menu is located in the same place.

Next, the gaze opens a list of programs that are installed on the computer. In some cases, you need to wait a couple of seconds for all the programs to load and line up in the list. After that, you need to find the desired program, select it in the list and click "Delete".

This command is located on the top line of the window. After that, the uninstaller, which is provided by the software developers, will automatically start. After that, the program will be completely removed from the computer.

Attention! Removing the program from the desktop is removing only the shortcut, the rest of the components will remain working in the system.

Through the start menu

Programs can be uninstalled in another way. This method is considered the most efficient and affordable. To do this, click on the Start menu. Then select the "All Applications" section. All computer programs will appear in front of you.

Next, we also look for the desired software, right-click on it and from all the listed commands, select the "Delete" command.

Through the "Options" menu

Control panel functions are also duplicated in Settings. This is due to the fact that the application was developed to replace the already old interface, and it was necessary to replace the functions that are in the Control Panel. That is why the uninstallation of any program can go through the Options.

To do this, select the "Options" menu, then click the "System" item. Find the Apps & Features section. Again, a list with all the programs of this operating system will open before your eyes. After an unnecessary program is found, you need to press the right mouse button and select the “Delete” function, the program will then start to be deleted automatically.

Very useful here is the size of the program and the date it was installed. You need to know this if the program is removed due to lack of space on the computer. Thus, you can immediately find out how much space will be freed up on the computer. This is also convenient if malicious software is removed.

PowerShell to the rescue

Using the special PowerShell utility, you can also uninstall the program in Windows 10. To do this, you need to run this utility in the search bar as an administrator. Following are the instructions:

  1. A window will open on the computer in which you need to enter the command: Get-AppxPackage | Select Name, PackageFullName.
  2. A list of all installed applications will appear.
  3. In order to remove them. You need to enter the following command in the utility: -AppxPackage PackageFullName | Remove-AppxPackage.

It is worth noting that you can use special programs to remove it. They save a lot of time and get the job done much faster.

Such programs include, for example, Revo Uninstaller. Just a few clicks are needed to remove with this program. Its advantage is also that it removes absolutely all the "tails" that a standard uninstall can leave.

Another program is Ccleaner, its latest version even copes with the removal of applications built into Windows.

Now you know how to uninstall a program in Windows 10.

Each release of the operating system from Microsoft comes with a whole set of pre-installed software, which, according to the developers, should allow users to get started right away. However, very few people actually use these programs for their intended purpose, and they usually just take up disk space. In Windows 10, the so-called universal applications were added to the traditional set of utilities: Calendar, Mail, News, Maps, Camera, and others.

Some of these apps can be easily uninstalled right from the start menu. To do this, click "Start", find the tile of the universal application you do not need, right-click on it and select "Delete".

But in this way you can only say goodbye to a limited number of programs. To remove the rest, you will have to do a little magic with the command line. Here is a step by step guide to help you uninstall programs such as 3D Builder, Camera, Groove Music, Photos and more from Windows 10.

Removing built-in programs in Windows 10 is a potentially dangerous operation. The editors and the author are not responsible for possible consequences. In any case, do not forget to first create a restore point and back up important data.

1. Click the search icon on the taskbar and type PowerShell.

2. In the search results, select the line Windows PowerShell (desktop application), right-click on it, and then click on the context menu item "Run as administrator".

3. You will see a window with a blinking command line cursor. To uninstall the Windows 10 Universal Program, you will need to copy and paste a special command, and then press Enter.

3D Builder

Get-AppxPackage *3d* | Remove-AppxPackage

Get-AppxPackage *camera* | Remove-AppxPackage

Mail and Calendar

Get-AppxPackage *communi* | Remove-AppxPackage

Money, Sports, News

Get-AppxPackage *bing* | Remove-AppxPackage

Groove Music

Get-AppxPackage *zune* | Remove-AppxPackage

phone companion

Get-AppxPackage *phone* | Remove-AppxPackage

Get-AppxPackage *photo* | Remove-AppxPackage

Solitaire Collection

Get-AppxPackage *solit* | Remove-AppxPackage

Voice Recorder

Get-AppxPackage *soundrec* | Remove-AppxPackage

Get-AppxPackage *x-box* | Remove-AppxPackage

Get-AppxPackage *maps* | Remove-AppxPackage

Get-AppxPackage *alarms* | Remove-AppxPackage

You can restore some of the deleted programs using the Windows Store app store. In case of any problems, run PowerShell again and enter a command that returns the entire set of preinstalled utilities to their place.

Get-AppXPackage | Foreach (Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml")

How do you feel about the new Windows 10 Universal Programs? Do you think they are rubbish or are you going to use them?

The question of how to uninstall a program in Windows 10 is often asked by users who have this operating system installed relatively recently. Indeed, in the latest version of Windows, the interface has been slightly changed, and an inexperienced user may be confused. Therefore, we will consider several options for how to uninstall a program in Windows 10:

  • using standard OS tools;
  • third party utilities.

Standard Tools

Windows 10 is convenient in that it has the ability to uninstall directly from the Start menu. All that is required of you is to find the required application and right-click on it. Choose the necessary action, and the application will be uninstalled.

As a disadvantage of this method, it is worth noting that there is practically no information about the application, except for the name. To have a little more information about the programs, use a different method. Hover over the notification icon in the tray (notification area in the lower right corner of the monitor screen), left-click, select "Notification Center" - "All Settings". In the window, go to the "System" section, and in it to the "Applications and features" item. You will see all the software on the computer. Select the desired program and delete.

Another way is to uninstall through the "Control Panel".

Select it from the start menu. Another option to open the panel is to click on the "Start" button with the right mouse button. In the context menu there will be an item "Control Panel". Select "Programs and Features" in the panel. Also, this tool can be launched by typing the “appwiz.cpl” command in the “Run” line (key combination “Windows + R”).

The window will display a list of installed applications. You need to find the one you want to delete and select it. You can right-click on the name and select "Delete" or click the button at the top of the window.

This procedure starts the standard uninstaller. Usually everything happens automatically, but sometimes you need to follow simple instructions.

This removal method does not affect many auxiliary files and the registry. In other words, traces of the program remain in the system. Sometimes it gets in the way. For example, there may be a conflict with other programs. It happens that an application that you once deleted will not be installed again. During installation, a message will appear stating that such a program is already in use. And sometimes some components are simply not displayed and the software cannot be removed from the computer using standard means. How to be in that case?

Special programs

For such purposes, it is better to use special utilities:

  • Revo Uninstaller.
  • UninstallTool.
  • CCleaner.
  • Jv16 PowerTools.

Consider the full uninstall procedure using Revo Uninstaller and Jv16 PowerTools as an example.

Launch Revo Uninstaller and click on "Uninstaller" at the top of the window. Select the application you don't need and click on "Uninstall". When the process is completed, you will be prompted to search for files throughout the system by selecting one of the modes:

  • built-in;
  • safe;
  • moderate;
  • advanced.

They differ in search depth. If you are not well versed in system tools, "Safe" will be the best mode for you. If you are an advanced user, choose Moderate. If you can figure out the registry entries, then "Advanced" will suit you. Please note that in the latter mode, when scanning, important system files may be found in the search results. Removing them will be critical for Windows 10. This will lead to the OS not working, and you will either have to restore it or install it again from scratch.

Therefore, be careful and do not choose items that you are not sure about. Reboot your computer after cleaning is complete.

You can also uninstall programs in Windows 10 using Jv16 PowerTools. Once launched, it will scan the system. Select "Completely uninstall programs" and find the application that you want to remove from your computer. To uninstall, mark the program by checking the checkbox on the left and clicking "Uninstall".

Now clean up the system. To do this, click on the "Close" button and select "Clean up and fix your computer" on the main screen. Set the slider to "Normal way to scan the system" and run the scan.

The program will scan the system for errors and offer to fix them. When the report appears, check all the checkboxes and click "Fix".

As you can see, it's easy to remove programs from your computer. Choose the method that suits you best and follow the instructions.