Every housewife sooner or later faces the question of how to remove an unpleasant smell from the refrigerator quickly. Despite the fact that the problem is quite relevant, not everyone knows how to deal with it. It's pretty simple. We have prepared for you a large selection of different ways that will make you see that everything is quite simple.

Reasons for the appearance

Often people make a big mistake by trying to eliminate unpleasant odors as quickly as possible without knowing the cause. But in order to really cope with any problem, you need to know about the causes of its occurrence.

What causes stench in the refrigerator?

  • Poor quality products.
  • Spoiled food.
  • Bad freeze.
  • Improper storage of food.
  • Stains and soiling from spilled drinks or food.

All this causes this problem. So before you remove the extraneous smell from the refrigerator, conduct an audit in it - wash the equipment and throw away what is long overdue.

Important! The stench can appear not only due to spoiled products, but also due to malfunctioning equipment. Check stock. It needs to be cleaned two to three times a year. Otherwise, stagnant water will exude “aromas”.

Soap and water

The easiest way is to thoroughly rinse the refrigerator. Once the dirt has been removed, open the doors and let it ventilate in a room with open windows. If the smell is weak, then this should work.

There is a strong smell - how to remove it?

  1. Disconnect the power outlet of the appliance.
  2. Take out the food and defrost the refrigerator.
  3. Use detergent to clean the entire surface and get rid of dirt.
  4. Next, you need to wipe the refrigerator with a special tool that prevents the appearance of unpleasant odors. You can buy it in a specialized store, or you can cook it yourself.

How to prepare a special remedy for unpleasant odors?

  • Option number one is with lemon juice. Squeeze out a couple of fruits and, after wetting a foam rubber sponge or a piece of cloth in it, walk over the surface.
  • Option number two is to treat the refrigerator shelves with a solution of water and vinegar. Don't worry, it's completely safe and your food won't go bad. Remember to check the technique after applying this method.
  • Alternatively, instead of vinegar, you can use ammonia. To do this, mix a liter of water and one tablespoon of the product. Treat the entire surface, and then also ventilate the refrigerator.

Odor absorbers

What to put in the refrigerator to remove the smell? You can eliminate odors with special means. In industrial stores there is a huge selection of them, but they are often quite expensive, and not everyone can afford to buy them.

What to do? Use hand tools. Among them:

  • Potato.
  • Bread.
  • Lemon.
  • Coffee beans.
  • Orange peel.

If each of the family members is constantly busy and there is simply no time to spend frequent cleaning in the refrigerator, use these odor absorbers. Arrange the pieces on the shelves.

soda plus charcoal

Another effective method on how to remove the smell in the refrigerator at home is with soda and charcoal:

  1. Take a small jar and make holes in the lid.
  2. Crush activated charcoal tablets and mix with baking soda.
  3. Fill the container with the resulting mixture and put it in the refrigerator.
  4. You can make several of these.

Important! This is a great method if you are going on a long trip.

These products themselves do not exude an unpleasant odor, but they perfectly absorb them.

  • Very often, “aromas” appear due to malfunctions in the refrigerator, however, even the most expensive equipment needs timely cleaning. Periodically clean, mindful of nooks and crannies where bacteria can accumulate and cause stench.
  • In no case should you start the situation. It is much easier to regularly clean a household appliance from a slight unpleasant odor than to later suffer from attempts to eliminate the stench that has soaked not only the refrigerator and food inside, but also the room where the equipment is located.
  • There must be food zones on the shelves. Dairy products should be stored in one place and meat in another. Also, do not store raw and already cooked food nearby.


As you can see, the smell from the refrigerator can ruin your mood and cause a lot of trouble, however, you can easily get rid of it. Among the mass of methods proposed on this page, you will surely find the one that suits you. Do not forget to listen to our advice, which will help facilitate the process of cleaning household appliances, making it many times more efficient.

Sometimes, even with careful care of the refrigerator, an unpleasant smell can appear in it. It can be caused by mold, fish, and even a forgotten piece of meat. You have to think about how to quickly remove the smell, how to wash the refrigerator and what to put there to destroy the nasty “aroma”.

To help you, we have found all the secrets and ways by which you can get rid of the smell in the refrigerator - these are both folk remedies and completely new solutions.

1. Baking soda

Baking soda is one of the most affordable and effective means of dealing with dirt and odors, including in the refrigerator. When washing the inner surface of the refrigerator: shelves, walls, doors, freezer, rubber seals, you can add a small amount of soda to the water as a detergent and disinfectant. After treatment, all surfaces must be rinsed with clean water and wiped with a dry cloth.

Soda has the ability to absorb odors, so you can put a small jar of soda on the shelf. Baking soda can be mixed with a little water to make a thick paste-like mixture. You need to change it once every 2-3 months.

2. Soda and essential oil

Baking soda in tandem with essential oil is another great way to get rid of odor.

Take half a pack of baking soda, add a few drops of any essential oil. Use a small amount of the resulting mixture as a detergent by adding it to warm water. Use a sponge to thoroughly clean the inside of the refrigerator. After that, you need to rinse everything with clean water and wipe it with a dry cloth.

If the smell in the refrigerator was strong, then for a better effect, you can sprinkle the remaining soda with essential oil on the shelves. Hold the product for 30-40 minutes, then gently remove with a rag. Then rinse the surface with clean water and wipe dry.

You can also make a homemade sachet using baking soda and essential oil. To do this, sew a small bag out of cotton fabric, fill it with a mixture of baking soda and essential oil, tie it up and place it in the vegetable drawer. After a month, the contents of the sachet need to be changed.

3. Ammonia

Ammonia is also an effective and affordable remedy.

Carry out a "general" cleaning in the unit.

  1. Take a glass container, displace 2 tablespoons of warm water and 1 tablespoon of ammonia.
  2. Put on rubber gloves.
  3. Wet a cotton pad with the resulting mixture and place it on the shelf of the refrigerator door. The bad smell will disappear.

If the smell in the refrigerator is persistent, then you can wipe the entire inner surface with the resulting solution. Ammonia is able to destroy even very persistent odors, such as fish, rotten meat, mold.

4. Activated carbon

Activated charcoal is known to have excellent absorbent properties. To get rid of unpleasant odors, you need 2-3 activated charcoal tablets. The tablets must be crushed into powder and poured into a small glass jar. Place an open jar of charcoal on any shelf of the refrigerator. Charcoal will absorb odors. If there is a persistent unpleasant smell in the refrigerator, then it is recommended to change the coal 1-2 times a day. For prevention, coal is changed 1-2 times a month.

For convenience, activated charcoal can be placed in a plastic container from Kinder Surprise. Just remember to make a few small holes in the container. Charcoal for the container is recommended to be heated in the microwave. Once a month, the "stuffing" of the plastic box will need to be changed.

Instead of activated charcoal, you can use ordinary charcoal - it has the same properties.

5. Black bread

It turns out that black bread can also solve the problem.

Take three clean plates, lay napkins on them, put pieces of black bread on the plates. Put the plates on different shelves of the refrigerator. After a while, there will be no smell. Only this procedure must be performed in a clean refrigerator.

6. Rice

Rice is also a good absorbent. With it, you can eliminate all unpleasant odors.

Take two or three small containers. Fill them with dry rice and place them on the shelves of the refrigerator. Change the contents of the jars after a week.

Undercooked rice can be used instead of dry rice. It absorbs odors better than dry. Just do not keep it in the refrigerator for a long time, as it will begin to deteriorate and itself will be a source of an unpleasant odor.

7. Fragrant plants

As an "air freshener" you can use various fragrant plants: dill, thyme, mint, oregano and others. It is enough to put them on the shelves of household appliances, and the unpleasant amber will disappear. Just before laying out the fragrant plant on the shelves, do not forget to thoroughly wash the refrigerator.

You should also be aware that odorous plants are able to transfer their smell to products. Therefore, products must be placed in resealable containers, in bags or wrapped with cling film.

8. Citrus

Citrus fruits have a pleasant aroma, and can be a good flavor for the refrigerator. Dry peels of orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lemon can be placed on the shelves. In this case, they will not only freshen the air, but will also be a kind of absorbent.

You can also use fresh slices or slices of citrus fruits. Place them on saucers and place in the refrigerator. After 1-2 days, they will need to be thrown away and, if necessary, put the next portion.

9. Lemon juice

Freshly squeezed lemon juice is also great at removing dirt and odors. It is enough to wipe the internal surfaces of the unit with a cloth moistened with lemon juice. After that, you need to wait 30 minutes and rinse all washed surfaces with clean water. Do not forget to wipe the walls and shelves of the refrigerator with a dry cloth.

10. Ground coffee

Coffee has absorbent properties, has a pleasant aroma. Therefore, to get rid of the smell of fish or stale food from the refrigerator, you can use coffee.

Take 2-3 small jars. Fill them with freshly ground coffee and place them on the refrigerator shelves. The contents of the jars must be changed after a week. Coffee beans can also be used instead of ground coffee.

11. Cup of coffee

The second method using coffee is also very simple. Put the mug of unfinished cold coffee in the refrigerator. The bad smell will disappear. Hot coffee can also be used, but the refrigerator must, of course, be turned off in this case.

12. Coffee grounds

The third way is using coffee grounds. It is recommended that the remaining coffee grounds not be thrown away, but poured into a small jar and placed in the refrigerator. The aroma of coffee will freshen the air.

13. Getting rid of the "technical" smell with detergents

If the refrigerator is new, then a “technical” smell or a plastic smell may come from it.

Before placing food in such a refrigerator for storage, you need to thoroughly wash it. This can be done with detergent or soda. After washing, rinse everything with clean water and dry with a cloth. After that, you need to ventilate the refrigerator, leaving it open for several hours, and best of all for the whole night.

14. Vinegar

Vinegar is a very effective remedy in the fight against various odors, although it itself has a sharp and not very pleasant aroma. If the smell of mold has appeared in the refrigerator, then with the help of vinegar you can easily deal with it.

  1. Turn off the unit, free it from all products, treat the internal surfaces with detergents.
  2. Take a container, pour a glass of water into it, add 2-3 tablespoons of 70% vinegar, mix.
  3. Wear rubber gloves to avoid irritating your hands.
  4. Dampen a cloth or rag in the resulting solution and thoroughly wipe the entire interior surface. Try not to touch the metal parts of household appliances so that the acid does not damage them.
  5. If after this procedure the smell of mold remains, then you can leave a napkin soaked in a solution of vinegar in a drawer or on a shelf of the refrigerator for 7-8 hours.

With the help of vinegar, you can also fight other “bad” odors from the refrigerator: fish, meat, “technical” odors.

15. Vodka and lemon juice

Many people know that vodka can be used not only as an alcoholic drink, but also as a detergent and cleaner. It is able to destroy bacteria and get rid of various unpleasant odors, including in household appliances.

If there is an unpleasant smell in the refrigerator, then you can try to remove it using this tool. It will take a little vodka and lemon.

Squeeze out the juice from the lemon. Prepare a solution of vodka with lemon juice - for 10 tablespoons of vodka, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Mix everything.

After washing the refrigerator, use this solution. Dampen the sponge and thoroughly wipe all shelves, doors, walls and drawers of household appliances. After that, check the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

16. Vodka and eucalyptus essential oil

Another easy way is with vodka.

To make the product, you will need eucalyptus essential oil, vodka and water. Pour half a glass of water, add 4 tablespoons of vodka and 20 drops of essential oil. The resulting tool can process all the internal surfaces of the refrigerator.

You can pour the product into a small jar and leave it in the refrigerator for a while.

17. Apple

Refresh the smell in the refrigerator after the "general cleaning" with an apple.

It is best to take a green apple. Cut it in half, remove the core. Place apple halves on saucers. Place the saucers on the shelves of the refrigerator. You should not keep apple slices in the refrigerator for a long time, otherwise they will spoil themselves. After 2 days, remove the plates with apples. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated with a fresh apple.

18. Soda Ash

Everyone knows about the existence of ordinary baking soda. But in addition to food, there is also soda ash. It is also called linen, sodium carbonate, sodium carbonate. In production, soda ash is used for the manufacture of household chemicals, as it is a strong alkali. You need to work with it only in rubber gloves.

With the help of soda ash, you can get rid of the rotten smell in the refrigerator. To do this, you need to cook pasta.

  1. Take 200 g of soda and mix it with a little water.
  2. The resulting paste must be applied to the internal plastic surfaces of the refrigerator and hold it for about an hour. The refrigerator, of course, must first be turned off and washed.
  3. After treatment with soda ash paste, all surfaces should be thoroughly washed and wiped.

19. Tea

Tea can also solve the problem. The method is simple and accessible. You only need to do this when the refrigerator is already washed.

Steep a tea bag in a mug and refrigerate. In this case, the unit, of course, should not be turned on. It is better to use tea, which includes mint or lemon, as such tea is more aromatic.

For the same purpose, you can brew fragrant plants: currants, mint, thyme, oregano. After the drink has cooled down, household appliances can be turned on.

20. Tea bags

Unused tea bags can be wonderfully absorbent and can rid your refrigerator of odor. You can use bags with any tea. But it is better if they are with aromatic additives. You just need to take and arrange the bags on the shelves and doors of the refrigerator.

The advantage of this method is that the bags take up very little space and can be kept in the refrigerator for a long time. If necessary, they can be changed after two weeks.

21. Bow

Everyone knows that onions have a persistent specific smell. The essence of the method is that one smell is able to displace another. If a rotten smell is coming out of the refrigerator, the onion smell can easily displace it. Of course, the method is suitable for those who are calm about the smell of onions.

Take a large onion, peel it, cut it in half, put it on a plate and place it on the refrigerator shelf. It is not necessary to keep such a “flavor” in household appliances for a long time; after a day, remove the plate with onions. You can also use garlic instead of onions.

22. Ventilation

If after the “revision” of the contents and “general cleaning” of the refrigerator the smell has not disappeared, then it is quite possible that it has been absorbed into the plastic surface of the inside of the refrigerator.

To get rid of the smell, you need to ventilate the unit very well after washing, leaving it open for 1-2 days.

To consolidate the result after prolonged ventilation, place a special odor absorber inside the refrigerator, which can be purchased in special departments of stores or use home-made products.

23. Elimination of those. reasons

Often the cause of the smell can be technical factors. In other words, the refrigerator is faulty. For example, a poorly performing unit may not reach the power that is stated in the passport. This leads to spontaneous defrosting of the freezer, and the temperature in the refrigerator compartment will not be as low as it should be. All this leads to spoilage of stored products.

  • Sometimes the cause of the disgusting smell is clogged drain. Water stagnates in it, bacteria begin to multiply actively, and a stench appears.
  • It may be required replace door seals, as they can cause the doors of the unit to close loosely, and this leads to an increase in the temperature inside.
  • Sometimes the root cause of moldy smell in household appliances is high humidity inside. This is also a technical reason.
  • Even power outages can be an indirect cause of the smell from the refrigerator.

Of course, you can clean the drain in the refrigerator, replace the seals on the doors yourself. If the technical reasons are much more serious, then you need to contact refrigerator repair specialists.

24. General cleaning

Sometimes, to remove the smell from the refrigerator, it is enough to carry out the usual “general cleaning”. The cleaning procedure is as follows:

  1. Turn off refrigerator.
  2. Free household appliances from products, throw away everything that has signs of spoilage.
  3. Remove all disassembled parts from the refrigerator.
  4. Thoroughly wash all interior surfaces using detergents. Treat hard-to-reach places especially carefully.
  5. Wash the removable parts of the refrigerator.
  6. Rinse the interior and removable parts of the refrigerator thoroughly with clean water.
  7. Wipe dry all surfaces.
  8. Ventilate the unit by leaving it open for several hours.
  9. Place a special odor absorber in the refrigerator.

If the “general cleaning” is done with high quality, then the annoying smell will disappear.

25. Isolate products from each other

It often happens that the refrigerator is in good working order, and there are no spoiled products in it, and the shelves and drawers are clean, but still an unpleasant smell comes from household appliances. Perhaps the reason lies in the fact that the smells of different products are mixed. Some products, even if they are very fresh, can soak the material of the refrigerator and transfer the smell to other products.

The solution is to not store food in the open. Ready meals should be stored in sealed containers or in containers with lids. To store other products, use plastic bags or cling film. If you "isolate" the products from each other, then the smells will not mix.

26. Raw potatoes

Ordinary potatoes can also get rid of an unpleasant odor.

  1. To do this, take two medium-sized tubers.
  2. Wash and cut into quarters each. You don't need to peel potatoes.
  3. Put the potato slices on plates and arrange on the shelves of the refrigerator.

Potatoes will absorb the unpleasant odor that is inside household appliances. Keep chopped potatoes on the shelves for no more than two days.

27. Paper

Everyone knows that paper is able to absorb odors. This property can be used to clean the refrigerator from unpleasant amber.

Take a few sheets of thick paper and crumple them. Place wads of paper on the shelves that are on the doors of the refrigerator, or put them in the compartments for vegetables and fruits. The paper will absorb odors. Change these “absorbers” after a week.

28. Cleaning the drain tube

Often the indirect cause of the smell in the refrigerator is a clogged drain pipe. Perhaps someone is unaware of the existence of such a detail in the refrigerator. Then you need to take a passport and see where it is.

When the drain becomes clogged, it can remind of itself with an unpleasant odor. If condensation accumulates under the vegetable and fruit drawers, this is a sure sign of a clogged drain pipe. Small particles of food get into it, mucus, mold and water accumulate. To get rid of the problem, it is enough to clean this drain.

You can try to remove the drain tube, rinse it and put it back in place. If the tube is not removed, then you can use a rubber bulb, hand pump or compressor to flush the tube. Rinse the drain several times until clean water comes out of the hole.

If the problem cannot be solved by flushing alone, it is recommended that you first use a piece of cable or not very hard wire. By bending this improvised tool in the form of a loop, you need to carefully clean the drainage tube from accumulations. Then rinse with water using a rubber bulb. It is recommended to do this cleaning once a year.

29. Revision in the refrigerator

The smell of spoiled food is very persistent. And if the source has been in the refrigerator for a long time, then the inner surfaces of the refrigerator and other products will smell.

The solution to the problem is to more often “review” food for suitability in the refrigerator. You should not accumulate mountains of edible stocks on the shelves - so you can simply forget about some food products. All open jars, packages with signs of damage to the contents should be immediately sent to the trash can. Carefully check all expiration dates indicated on the packages. Try to use the product before its expiration date, otherwise, forgotten on the shelf, it can be a source of an unpleasant odor.

30. Dishwashing liquid

On the shelves of specialized outlets, you can find many tools with which you can get rid of the unpleasant smell in the refrigerator.

Dirt and odor can be removed with any dishwashing detergent. Prepare a bowl of warm water, add some dishwashing detergent and clean inside the unit.

31. Special products for washing refrigerators

There are also special chemicals for washing refrigerators. It's even easier to use them. Most of them are produced in the form of sprayers, and this creates convenience when cleaning. They can be sprayed on all internal surfaces, and then simply wiped with a sponge.

32. Wipes and sprays

There are also special wipes and antibacterial sprays. Using wipes can remove small dirt on the shelves of the refrigerator, and the spray will help to cope with various bacteria that cause odor.

33. Pebbles and essential oils

Using essential oils, you can deodorize the refrigerator.

  1. Take a porous stone made of baked clay.
  2. Place 1 drop of lavender essential oil and 1 drop of lemon essential oil on the stone.
  3. Place the stone on the shelf of the refrigerator doors.

As the oil evaporates, the pebble will need to be added. Instead of a stone, you can use a regular napkin or a piece of gauze. Only the essential oil from them will evaporate faster.

34. Dry aromatic spices

Dry fragrant spices and fragrant herbs can make the air in the refrigerator more pleasant. Can be used:

  • cloves,
  • turmeric
  • cinnamon
  • vanilla pods,
  • thyme,
  • basil.

2-3 spices need to be mixed, placed in small containers and placed on the shelves of the refrigerator. You need to change such a homemade flavor once a week.

35. Cat litter

The method is unusual, but effective. Silica gel is a dried gel that is made from silicic acid solutions. It absorbs moisture and odors well. Some cat litter contains this component. Using this filler, you can get rid of the smell in the refrigerator.

Take 2-3 small containers, pour a small amount of filler into each container. Place the container with the contents in an empty, clean refrigerator and leave for several days.

36. Vanilla extract

Vanilla extract is a substance used in confectionery. It has a strong pleasant aroma that can drown out all unpleasant odors. With the help of vanilla extract, the refrigerator will acquire a fresh aroma.

Make some balls out of cotton. You can use cotton pads.

Soak them in vanilla extract and place on saucers.

Arrange saucers filled with this homemade vanilla flavor on the shelves of your refrigerator.

37. Hydrogen peroxide and liquid soap

Hydrogen peroxide is a substance that easily copes with various contaminants and odors. To get rid of the smell in the refrigerator, you can use this tool. Remember to wear rubber gloves before working.

Prepare a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and any liquid soap.

  1. Take a wide container, pour a bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide into it.
  2. Dampen a sponge with peroxide and apply a few drops of liquid soap to it.
  3. Treat the interior surfaces of the refrigerator.
  4. Do not wash the product off the walls and shelves immediately, leave it for 30 minutes.
  5. After the time has elapsed, rinse everything with clean water.

38. Pomegranate Peels

Everyone knows that pomegranate peels are used as a healing agent. But not everyone has heard that with the help of them you can clean the air in the refrigerator.

If you have eaten a pomegranate, then do not throw away the peels, but dry them. Crusts need to be laid out on saucers and placed in the refrigerator. The tool works as an absorbent, absorbing extraneous odors. After a week, dry pomegranate peels will need to be changed.

39. Fragrant Blend

Another budget remedy for getting rid of the smell in the refrigerator.

  1. Boil 1 liter of water.
  2. Dip a little cinnamon, cloves into boiling water.
  3. We also lower the lemon zest and apple peel there.
  4. You will get a fragrant mixture. When the mixture has cooled, pour it into a jar and refrigerate.

The wonderful aroma will force out all unpleasant odors from the refrigerator.

40. Vinegar and essential oils

To prepare this remedy, you need vinegar and essential oils of lavender and tea tree.

  1. Take a liter of vinegar, add 15 drops of essential oils to it.
  2. Mix well and pour into a bottle.

The tool is budgetary, easy to manufacture, economical and effective. With it, you can disinfect and clean various surfaces, including the inside of the refrigerator. Don't forget to wear rubber gloves. A bottle of this homemade detergent will last more than once. There will be no trace of dirt, and the insides of household appliances will be filled with a pleasant aroma.

41. Paste of ground cinnamon and vinegar

This homemade remedy can be used to prevent or remove unpleasant odors from the refrigerator.

  1. Take 2 bags of ground cinnamon, pour it into a plate, add a little vinegar and mix. You should get a paste-like mixture.
  2. Place the product in a small jar with a lid. In the lid, you first need to make small holes.
  3. Place a jar of cinnamon and vinegar paste on the refrigerator shelf. Change the contents of the jar after 2 months.

42. A solution of ammonia and tooth powder

To remove the smell and dirt from the refrigerator, you can prepare another simple and effective remedy yourself.

You will need 1 liter of cool water, 1 tablespoon of ammonia and 50 g of tooth powder. First, add ammonia to the water, and then the tooth powder. After thoroughly mixing the ingredients, you can use the tool. It not only eliminates dirt and odor, but also has deodorizing properties.

43. Toothpaste

With the help of toothpaste, you can not only brush your teeth, but use it as a cleaning and deodorizing agent in the kitchen. The tool copes well with dirt and odor. It is best to use mint or menthol flavored toothpaste for this purpose.

Apply a small amount of paste to a damp sponge and wipe all surfaces inside the refrigerator. After that, rinse everything with clean water and dry with a dry cloth.

44. Salt or Sugar

The way to prevent and get rid of the smell in the refrigerator is simple and affordable for everyone.

Take a small bowl or jar and fill it with salt or sugar. You can make a mixture of salt and sugar. Put the filled container on the shelf of the refrigerator. Salt and sugar are good absorbents, they will absorb all foreign odors. Change the contents of the jar after about a month.

45. Turmeric

Turmeric is a well-known spice with a specific aroma. It is used most often in cooking and medicine. Turmeric contains a huge amount of antioxidants, which have antifungal and antibacterial properties. Therefore, it can be used as a means of preventing and getting rid of unpleasant amber in the refrigerator.

You can put turmeric in a small container and just put it on the shelf of household appliances. Gradually, the unpleasant smell from the refrigerator will disappear.

46. ​​Soap emulsion

You can get rid of the smell with ordinary laundry soap. To do this, prepare a soap emulsion.

  1. Take a small bar of soap and rub it on a coarse grater.
  2. Add warm water to the soap flakes and stir.
  3. Using a cloth and the resulting product, wash all surfaces of the refrigerator. Treat hard-to-reach places especially carefully.
  4. Rinse surfaces with clean water.
  5. Wipe everything off with a dry cloth.

Soap will destroy both dirt and unpleasant odors.

47. Silica gel shoe bags

Everyone knows about the existence of small bags in boxes with new shoes. Bags are designed to keep shoes from moisture. They are filled with hard granules. It's silica gel. It absorbs moisture and odors well.

Sachets of silica gel granules can be used as a preventive measure against odor in the refrigerator by marking them on the shelves and doors of household appliances. The bags can be changed as needed.

48. Purchased odor absorbers

Currently, special odor absorbers can be purchased at any household chemical store. There are several types of them:

  1. Ball. They consist of a round plastic box with silica gel granules inside. They are able to absorb odor and excess moisture from the refrigerator. These are the most affordable funds.
  2. In the form of an egg. Absorbs odors and is a kind of temperature indicator.
  3. Odor absorbers with dispenser. A device with removable carbon filters that absorb all foreign odors well. Carbon filters need to be changed once a month.
  4. Gel is an absorbent. Absorbs and eliminates all odors very quickly.
  5. Ionizer. Battery operated device. It not only eliminates odors, but also disinfects the air inside household appliances. The device is effective, but expensive.

Unpleasant smell from the refrigerator: causes, prevention and methods of disposal.

Sooner or later, the question of how to get rid of an unpleasant smell in the refrigerator is asked even by the most clean housewives, who have complete order at home. An enclosed space for storing food, each of which has its own smell, is somehow saturated with a whole mixture of aromas that together no longer seem so appetizing. The situation becomes more complicated if some of the food on the shelf has gone bad. In addition, the problem of smell often arises with the owners of either a new or a very old refrigerator. Fortunately, for each of these cases, there are proven remedies that will help remove the smell.

To ensure that your anti-odor campaign is a small victorious war, and not a lengthy epic worse than the Odyssey or the Iliad, it would be nice to start with a little investigation. Try to figure out where the fetid amber came from.

The main causes of smell in the refrigerator

  1. You have a new refrigerator, its parts are still being rubbed in, it smells of grease, plastic, rubber, and so on. This smell should disappear on its own in two weeks. If this does not happen, the refrigerator may be out of order, and it must be taken to a service center or returned to the seller;
  2. The drain on the refrigerator is clogged. Perhaps you had no electricity at home for a while, the ice melted, and now the water is standing and rotting in a clogged channel. Find the instructions from the refrigerator and figure out what are the problem areas and how to clean them;
  3. Liquid food has spilled or pieces of food have fallen into the refrigerator. For example, milk spilled by a child, dried at the bottom of the container, can easily be ignored for a long time;
  4. Some of the food has gone bad. This, for example, can be a rotten egg hidden among fresh ones: despite the fact that the shell is intact, the smell still seeps out a little. Perhaps vegetables or fruits began to mold;
  5. Products are stored in dirty containers. We are not necessarily talking about poorly washed dishes, although, of course, their cleanliness must also be monitored. We often bring packages of milk, jars and other packages from the store dirty. Sometimes milk is sold in packages soiled with other packages that burst during transportation;
  6. You have put foods with strong flavors in the refrigerator: fish, smoked meats, dishes with garlic and other seasonings;
  7. The refrigerator, disconnected from the mains for a long time, was closed, and a musty smell or even mold appeared in it;
  8. You have an old refrigerator, and all the stories described above have been in its lifetime.

Depending on the reasons for the appearance of the smell, you need to choose ways to deal with it. They can be divided into two groups: means to eliminate the cause of the smell and means to neutralize or mask it. The latter are best used when it is very difficult or impossible to eliminate the cause of the problem.

Tools to help eliminate odor in the refrigerator

First of all, the odorous refrigerator should be washed well. This may need to be done several times. If your diligence did not give the desired result, use anti-odor products.

  1. Vinegar is a proven remedy for odor control in the kitchen and beyond. Mix a 9% solution of acetic acid with water in a 1:1 ratio and wipe the already cleaned refrigerator. If the smell is very persistent, you can leave a rag soaked in vinegar solution inside the refrigerator compartment;
  2. Baking soda not only fights odor, but also kills bacteria and cleans old greasy stains. Dampen a small amount of baking soda with water, dip a sponge in it and rub the inside of the refrigerator. Then rinse it several times with a clean cloth, constantly rinsing it in clean water;
  3. Lemon juice has a mild bleaching effect and is a fragrant odor and stubborn stain remover. Squeeze one lemon into a container, add half a liter of water, soak a sponge in the solution and wipe the refrigerator walls and shelves. Then rinse everything with clean water;
  4. Lemon juice with vodka is an enhanced variation of the previous method of dealing with odor. To one part of juice, add ten parts of water. It is not necessary to rinse surfaces after wiping;
  5. Ammonia is one of the most powerful means, which also gives disinfectant properties. Pour 30 ml of ammonia into 300 ml of water, dampen a rag with the solution and wipe the inside of the refrigerator. After the procedure, ventilate the refrigerator well;
  6. Laundry soap and soda is another proven folk recipe. Grate 50 g of laundry soap, add 1 teaspoon of soda and 500 g of water and stir. Wipe the inside of the refrigerator with the mixture, and then rinse it with warm water;
  7. Dishwashing liquid and cleaning products can be used, but with caution. It is important that they are not aggressive to the materials from which the shelves and walls of the chambers are made. The product should not have a persistent pungent odor so that you do not have to eat products with the smell of bleach later. If possible, find an industrial cleaner for meatpacking refrigerators. It is more effective than household chemicals.

Means for masking an unpleasant smell inside the refrigerator

If you've cleaned your refrigerator and the smell is still there, try odor-absorbing and masking products.

  1. A mixture of bread, cloves and mint. You will need 100 g of bread, preferably rye, 50 g of mint leaves and five dried clove flowers. Finely chop the bread and mint, mix with cloves. Divide the mixture into bowls and place inside the refrigerator. Bread will absorb odors, and cloves with mint will serve as natural flavors;
  2. Coffee. A strong unpleasant odor can be removed by ground coffee or dried coffee grounds. Just put the container with them in the refrigerator for a few days;
  3. Charcoal is a good odor absorber. Suitable for both wood and activated. For the best effect, it must be crushed. It is convenient to pour such an odor control agent into a container with holes and keep it in the refrigerator all the time. When the coal is damp, do not rush to throw it away: it can be dried in the oven and reused;
  4. You can use fragrances or store-bought odor absorbers. Natural, as a rule, are based on the use of the means described above.

How to prevent bad smell in the refrigerator

  1. Thoroughly wash the refrigerator once a quarter, and then ventilate and dry it well;
  2. Once a week, carry out an audit on the shelves, throwing out spoiled products;
  3. Keep all products tightly closed. If there is no suitable container with a lid, use cling film, bag or foil.

Refrigerator care and food storage tips

1) A solution of water with ammonia will add shine to glass shelves and other smooth surfaces in the refrigerator;

2) If your refrigerator is combined with a freezer, never put liquids in open containers in it. They contribute to the formation of ice;

3) Some products cannot be stored nearby. Set as far apart as possible:

  • cheese and vegetables
  • cheese and smoked meats,
  • fish and salads
  • bread and fish
  • fish and grapes
  • bananas and citrus.

4) So that the products do not immediately defrost during a temporary power outage, put a metal object in the freezer, preferably copper;

5) Do not fill the refrigerator to capacity. Between the products there must be a place for air circulation;

6) Keep the back wall of the refrigerator clean: dust accumulated there increases energy consumption;

7) Place the refrigerator away from heating appliances. If you have underfloor heating at home, the kitchen should have an unheated place for the refrigerator.

It happens to everyone that when opening the refrigerator, there is a desire to immediately lock it because of the terrible smell. Some people do not think about how to get out of the refrigerator without arranging a general cleaning of the shelves of an important item in the house. Of course, you can completely wash the refrigerator and dry it. However, regular washing does not always help to eliminate the presence of smell in the refrigerator.

Today, there are many cleaning products for food storage that completely eliminate the smell that has appeared from various sources. Many of the compounds can be found on the shelves of hardware stores, but they require additional costs. If the budget allows, then you can purchase ready-made funds.

If you want to remove the smell in the refrigerator at home without looking for the right chemical, first of all you need to determine the source that spreads the unpleasant odor throughout the space of the food storage space. Having determined the source, you can choose one of the means that everyone has in the house.

How to get rid of the smell in a new refrigerator

It may seem to some that only in old household appliances for storing food, a fetid odor can occur. However, this opinion is incorrect. When a new refrigerator, just brought from the store, appeared in the kitchen, it should not be immediately stuffed with food and put into operation. New household appliances have, if not fetid, but a specific smell. Therefore, before you arrange food inside its space, you need to decide how you can remove the smell in the refrigerator.

When it comes to a new household appliance in which food is stored, the issue of detergents is particularly acute. After all, not a single hostess or owner wants to spoil the appearance of the food cabinet on the very first day after purchase. You can remove the smell in the refrigerator at home for a new household appliance by the following means:

  • Special compositions for cleaning the refrigerator.
  • A solution of soda, which will not only eliminate unpleasant odors, but also disinfect the surface.
  • Laundry soap.

After the manipulations have been done in order to remove the unpleasant specific smell from the household appliance, in which food will be stored in the future, you need to thoroughly wipe all surfaces so that they are completely dry.

It is important to pay attention to all parts of the refrigerator, starting from the outside, ending with the shelves and the far wall of the inside. There is a slight specific smell in all new household appliances. If you hear a strong, pungent smell of rubber or other materials, you need to think about whether it is worth buying such a device for your kitchen.

How to remove the smell of rotten meat from the refrigerator

Unpleasant fetid odors in the refrigerator do not just appear due to the fact that the product is on the shelf. When meat lies in the space of the refrigerator for a long time, bacteria begin to appear in it, the vital activity of which is the result of the production of harmful microorganisms. Therefore, before removing the smell of rotten meat in the refrigerator, you need to get rid of the product itself. Moreover, it should not just be thrown into the trash can, but wrapped in a bag and thrown immediately into the trash can.

Before you remove the smell from the refrigerator, you need to unplug it from the power supply and remove all contents from it. After the shelves have become empty, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the entire surface with the usual means that is used for this mission. Then the remnants of the product must be washed off and the inside wiped dry.

After that, you can begin to eliminate the fetid odor from the refrigerator. To do this, prepare a solution of soda. Mix it with water, adhering to the proportion of 2 tablespoons per liter of water. With this mixture, you need to process all the shelves and the back wall. In addition to soda, the following components do a good job of ridding the refrigerator of the unpleasant smell of rotten meat:

  • Vinegar alcohol, combined with water one to one.
  • In order to forget about the smell of rotten meat in the refrigerator, you can use ammonia. Just add a few drops to water.
  • Lemon juice mixed with vodka will also help. Mix one part lemon and ten parts vodka.

Especially carefully it is necessary to rinse the place where the meat was directly standing, as well as plastic surfaces and food storage tanks, since this material tends to absorb all flavors, including fetid ones.

If you do all the above manipulations, the smell will become less noticeable, but will not disappear completely. To get rid of the stench completely, you can put a few tablets of activated charcoal on the shelf of the included refrigerator.

How to get rid of the smell of fish in the refrigerator

The fish has a rather specific aroma even when fresh. What can we say about when it goes bad. Before you remove the smell of fish from the refrigerator, you need to make sure that the stench comes from this particular product.

The fish has a very strong “aroma”, and in a short time it can soak everything inside the refrigerator compartment with it. Therefore, if there is even the slightest hint of extraneous odors from household appliances, you should immediately start cleaning. Mustard powder helps to quickly remove the fishy smell from the refrigerator. If this is not available, then you can use the finished liquid mixture.

Fish, even fresh, fills with its aroma all the products that are nearby. Therefore, the containers in which it is stored should be carefully closed.

Causes of smell in the refrigerator

It is clear that food is often the cause of bad breath. But there are other sources, for example:

  • The liquid flowing from the meat during defrosting is sometimes invisible to the eye. When it is not removed from the surface for a long time, a strong stench begins and it is rather difficult to determine the source.
  • Also, an unpleasant odor from the food storage chamber may appear due to stagnant water in the outlet channel. After defrosting the household appliance, not all the water has time to exit the hose; subsequently, if there are exclusively fresh products on the shelves, a fetid aroma is constantly felt.

These are common reasons why there is a feeling that something has gone bad. This once again proves that before you remove the smell from the refrigerator, you need to understand exactly where it comes from.

Products that cause bad smell in the refrigerator

Most often, the cause of the stench is still products. However, they do not have to be damaged. Sometimes even fresh dishes or individual products have a specific flavor. And sometimes this effect may be due to the combination of two products that are incompatible in smell.

Unpleasant smell in the refrigerator occurs most often from supplies such as:

  • Meat dishes and raw meat.
  • A fish.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Dairy products.

There are several ways to prevent the spread of odor inside the refrigerator:

  • Keep all food in closed containers.
  • Timely audit for the presence of expired supplies.

Products to help get rid of bad smell in the refrigerator

In order to remove the smell from the refrigerator, the means are mainly used chemical. Few people know that there are food products that can be put on one of the shelves of the refrigerator and forget about unpleasant odors. Of course, this does not mean that you need to completely abandon the cleaning of the food storage chamber, but still the risk of an unpleasant odor becomes lower. These products are:

  • Fresh lemon. It must be cut into pieces and put on a saucer. In this form, put in the refrigerator, preferably somewhere in the middle.

  • Oddly enough, but ordinary brown bread can help in the fight against unpleasant odors in the space of the refrigerator. It is necessary to cut off a slice and put it on a plate, immersing the container in the refrigerator.
  • Ordinary tea leaves will work too. It must be put in a small container and placed on the shelf of the food storage chamber.
  • Onions will also come to the aid of those who decide to deal with the elimination of odors in the refrigerator on their own. It needs to be cut into two parts, then simply put into the inside of the household appliance.
  • Natural coffee will help too. It is enough to put it in a small lid. You can use both ground and custard.
  • Open jars of fermented milk products take on the mission of absorbing odors.
  • Sliced ​​cheese on a plate will help you forget about the unpleasant smell in the refrigerator, regardless of what source it came from.
  • Also, ordinary salt or sugar will help in the fight against unpleasant odors.

It should be remembered that products placed in the refrigerator in order to get rid of the smell should not be eaten later. And also it is necessary to check them for freshness, changing at least once every five days. If you know what to put in the refrigerator to remove an unpleasant smell, a person will forget about such problems for a long time.

Improvised means for removing the smell from the refrigerator

If you do not want to spend expensive products, then you can use the tools at hand that are in every home. These are:

  • Ordinary activated charcoal tablets.
  • You can use strong-smelling spices and herbs. They spread their aroma so much that there is simply no place for extraneous odors in the space of the refrigerating chamber.
  • Orange zest is also suitable for this mission.

Knowing these simple tips, you can forget about the problems of unpleasant odors from spoiled foods.

How to quickly remove the smell from the refrigerator

If guests have to come or there is simply no time for lengthy procedures to remove the stench from the food storage chamber, you can use the fastest methods:

  • Wipe all the shelves with ammonia or vinegar, pulling out the products from which the stench comes from the chamber.
  • Lubricate all surfaces with a solution of water and soda, carefully wiping the moisture after that.

These are the fastest and most effective methods that work great.

Secrets to Prevent Bad Smell in Your Refrigerator

In order not to constantly think about the question of how to remove an unpleasant smell from the refrigerator, you can simply prevent its occurrence. This is easy to do. It is enough to control the shelf life of stocks and get rid of expired food in a timely manner.

Are there refrigerators that do not have an unpleasant smell?

Any household appliance designed to store food absorbs food odors and liquids that accumulate in the water drain pipes during defrosting over time. There are no "magic" refrigerators.

In order for a place to store food to please only with pleasant aromas from cooked dishes, and not to emit a stench, it is enough just to properly care for its inner surface and control the freshness of the products inside.

  • Keep food in closed containers or bags.
  • Regularly check products for expiration dates.
  • Throw away spoiled food.
  • Clean the entire refrigerator from the smell so that the stench does not spread.

Many people face the problem of bad smell in the refrigerator. The main thing is to eliminate aromas that cause discomfort in a timely manner.

The problem of the smell of the refrigerator contains two ways to solve it globally. Dealing with causes and consequences. Let's take a look at both methods today. Let us help you remove the smell from the refrigerator. See, there are some steps you can take.

Causes and consequences of the smell in the refrigerator

The cause of an unpleasant odor is an unspoiled product. Putrefactive bacteria become a prerequisite for such disastrous consequences. Europe is in trouble. Not on the scale of one country - they conquered the Old World. Almost everyone uses bacteria as a nutrient medium. Only metal is categorically inedible. Plastic lining, rubber inserts of contaminated refrigerators act as a breeding ground for bacteria.

With products, the reasons are similar. Bacteria multiply on a nutrient medium, emit an unpleasant odor. Rarely fresh products become the cause of an opportunity. Salted, sea fish are dangerous. These are not the only ways in which a bad refrigerator smell can occur. Defrosting occurs by drip. Temporarily the temperature of the compartment rises, becomes above zero. Dirty water flows down channels, filling a special container. An expensive stream leaves traces of dirty streaks. A breeding ground for bacteria is formed.

Dispose of spoiled food by holding your nose

Microorganisms die, affected by dryness, low temperatures - some. The latter feel great in the freezer when the refrigerator is idle for a long time. Bacteria rarely disappear spontaneously. We have to fight. In relation to the human body, antibiotics are used, surfactants are more suitable.

Methods for dealing with the consequences of the smell of the refrigerator

Let's say they don't have time to mess around with disinfecting the internal surface of the refrigerator, clean the defrosting system. A number of folk recipes have been found to help quickly eliminate the consequences. The smell disappears for a while. In the absence of further measures, the negative effect will resume.

For a number of useful tips, we thank the channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiVAkpYmoOMizHWa7ABzueg. Without the help of lovely women, the authors had a hard time collecting advice together. Let's deal with the elimination of the cause of the smell. Foods used by flavor absorbers should be avoided.

Eliminate the causes of the unpleasant smell of the refrigerator

Bad breath is caused by bacteria. Where can microorganisms find food? Methods for eliminating odors are universal, the best manufacturers cover the inside of the compartment with a special bio-enamel supplemented with silver ions. From what has been said, it is clear: they indicated the first place of the search. The plastic looks smooth and clean, causing an unpleasant odor. In many models of refrigerators there is a special mode called Vacation, the temperature is maintained close to zero. After a long absence of the owners, the thawed chambers do not stink.

Wash the refrigerator with cleaning products

Getting rid of adversity, it is recommended to treat the surface of the compartment with a cleaning agent. Hydrogen peroxide will do. A weak solution of the substance is suitable to kill microbes. To give the womb of the refrigerator a pleasant smell, it is recommended to add dish detergents, liquid soap, shampoo. The purpose of the component is the creation of active foam, odorization.

The above measures did not help - pay attention to the following units, components of the refrigerator:

Please note that if there is a No Frost system, a compartment with an evaporator is equipped inside the refrigerator. The cavity will cause an unpleasant odor. Most refrigerators have one single evaporator per refrigerator and freezer combined. As a result, the air circulates continuously. If fish is placed in the freezer, fatty aromatic acids will fill the volume of the refrigerator. As a result, it will be difficult to remove the smell. The evaporator compartment is difficult to clean.

The odor absorber for the refrigerator will be an effective measure to combat the consequences. Powerless to eliminate the causes. Odor removal is carried out using a suitable steam generator. Artificially increase the humidity, reducing the time between defrosting. The further plan of action is determined by the intelligence of technology. The unpleasant smell of the refrigerator will be eliminated by detergents during several defrosting.

Where an unpleasant odor can accumulate. The smell of the refrigerator is concentrated in any cavity. For example, behind a decorative panel that hides the thermostat. After reading, the regulars of the VashTechnik portal will be able to understand what caused the unpleasant moment. We add that an unpleasant synthetic smell can provoke decaying polymers. Plastic. It is especially difficult to give advice on how to remove the smell from the refrigerator. The negative factor is created by materials. You can try to paint the depolymerizing material with a special enamel with the addition of silver ions. The topic of a separate conversation, and a professional one.

We say goodbye. We hope that the problem of the unpleasant smell of the refrigerator will cease to bother readers.