Participants with disabilities (HD) include persons with disabilities in physical and (or) mental development, including the deaf, hard of hearing, blind, visually impaired, with severe speech impairments, with musculoskeletal disorders and others.

Graduates of grades XI (XII) with disabilities have the right to voluntarily choose the form of state (final) certification - this can be a unified state exam or a state final exam. A combination of both forms is allowed.

There are special rules for organizing the Unified State Exam for 11th grade graduates with disabilities.

Conditions for the Unified State Examination

The conditions for organizing and conducting the Unified State Exam for students with disabilities are determined taking into account the characteristics of psychophysical development, individual capabilities and health status of graduates.

To determine the necessary conditions for conducting the Unified State Exam, a graduate with disabilities, when applying for participation in the Unified State Exam, must provide one of the following documents (original or photocopy):

Conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission;

Certificate of disability, issued by the federal state institution of medical and social examination.

Requirements for the equipment of the Unified State Examination point

The number of workplaces in each classroom for Unified State Examination participants with disabilities should not exceed 12 people. The exam time is increased by 1.5 hours.

The material and technical conditions of the examination must ensure unhindered access for Unified State Examination participants with disabilities to classrooms, toilets and other premises, as well as their stay in these premises.

Unified State Examination participants with disabilities, taking into account their individual characteristics, can use the technical means they need while taking the exam: these can be medical devices and medications indicated for emergency care. Blind Unified State Exam participants may have a written Braille device with them, and visually impaired Unified State Exam participants may carry a magnifying glass or other magnifying device.

During the examination, assistants are present at the PPE who provide the necessary technical and medical assistance to Unified State Examination participants with disabilities. For example, they help to occupy a workplace, move around, read a task, etc.

During the exam, meals and breaks may be provided in the classrooms for USE participants with disabilities to carry out the necessary medical and preventive procedures.

Requirements for the audience in the PPE

  • 1) For Unified State Examination participants with impaired musculoskeletal system functions

The number of Unified State Exam participants in one audience in such cases should be no more than 6 people.

If there are no elevators, the auditorium where the exam will be held is located on the first floor. The presence of ramps, handrails, widened doorways, elevators, wide passages inside the room between pieces of furniture and free access for a wheelchair to the workplace, the presence of special chairs and other devices should be provided.

  • 2) For deaf and hard of hearing participants of the Unified State Examination

Auditoriums for the examination must be equipped with sound amplification equipment for both collective and individual use.

Before the start of the exam, all Unified State Exam participants must be given printed rules for filling out Unified State Exam forms.

There should be an assistant sign language interpreter in the audience who, if necessary, provides sign translation and clarification of incomprehensible words.

To consider appeals from deaf and hard-of-hearing Unified State Exam participants, the conflict commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation must also involve a sign language interpreter in its work.

  • 3) For blind participants of the Unified State Exam

The number of graduates in the audience for blind USE participants should not exceed 6 people.

At the Unified State Examination points, a sufficient number of special accessories must be provided for preparing answers in raised-dot Braille in a specially provided notebook.

If the transfer of answers from blind Unified State Examination participants onto Unified State Exam forms is carried out at the examination point, then a special room must be prepared there for the work of a commission of typographical translators.

To consider appeals from blind Unified State Examination participants, the conflict commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation must involve a typhological interpreter in its work.

  • 4) For visually impaired participants of the Unified State Exam

At the points where the Unified State Examination is conducted, it should be possible to enlarge (copy in an enlarged size) the Unified State Examination forms to A3 format.

Examination rooms must be equipped with magnifying devices and individual uniform lighting of at least 300 lux.

After the end of the exam, the answers of the exam participants are transferred from scaled (enlarged) forms to standard ones. This must be done in the presence of public observers and an authorized representative of the State Examination Commission in full accordance with the forms filled out by the Unified State Exam participants. On standard forms, after completing the data transfer procedure, the organizer writes “Copy is correct” and puts his signature.

If the conflict commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation discovers an error in transferring the answers of blind or visually impaired USE participants onto the USE forms, the conflict commission takes these errors into account as a technical defect. The examination papers of such USE participants undergo re-processing (including transfer to standard sized USE forms) and, if necessary, re-checking by experts.

More details on the conditions for organizing and conducting the Unified State Exam for participants with disabilities can be found in

These are persons with disabilities in physical and (or) mental development, that is, deaf, hard of hearing, blind, visually impaired, with severe speech impairments, musculoskeletal disorders and others, including disabled children.

State final certificationschoolchildren

with disabilities.

The Unified State Exam is a mandatory form of final certification of schoolchildren. However, graduates with disabilities have the right to choose the form of taking the final exam. For such persons, the final certification can take place in the form of the Unified State Exam, or in the traditional form.

The state final exam and Unified State Examination for children with disabilities is organized and conducted taking into account the characteristics of psychophysical development, individual capabilities and health status of graduates.

Conditions for final certification

Unified State Examination point for children with musculoskeletal disorders must be equipped with ramps, handrails and other means.

For children with hearing loss (deaf, hard of hearing) sound amplification equipment for individual and collective listening is required.

Graduates with visual impairments (blind and visually impaired) take the exam using magnifying devices, enlarged exam materials or printed Braille. The illumination of each workplace in the classroom for the visually impaired must be uniform and not lower than 300 lux.

According to the law, the number of workplaces in each classroom for Unified State Examination participants with disabilities should not exceed 12 people. The number of graduates in the audience for blind USE participants should not exceed 6 people.

During the test, assistants may be present at the exam reception point (EPP) - assistants to the Unified State Exam participants. As a rule, these are full-time school employees, the list of which is compiled by the State Examination Commission (SEC). Subject teachers in the subject in which the Unified State Examination is being conducted on a given day cannot be appointed as assistants.

What kind of help do assistants provide?

  • assistance in relocation;
  • assistance in fixing the position of the body, the handle in the hand;
  • calling medical staff;
  • provision of emergency medical care;
  • assistance in communicating with PES staff (sign language interpretation for the deaf).

Additional Requirements

Blind exam participants must be provided with:

  • the required number of drafts at the rate of ten sheets for writing in Braille for each USE participant;
  • the necessary number of rules for blind participants of the Unified State Examination for filling out notebooks for answering Unified State Examination tasks;
  • premises for the work of the commission of typographical translators (if the transfer of answers from blind Unified State Examination participants onto Unified State Exam forms is carried out in the PPE).

ADVICE FOR PARENTS of children with disabilities about the Unified State Exam.

Graduates with disabilities, including children with disabilities, people with disabilities can also choose the Unified State Exam as a form of state final certification in accordance with the Procedure for conducting State Examination for educational programs of secondary general education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 24, 2013 No. 1400).

Who are graduates with disabilities?

According to the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273 “A student with disabilities is an individual who has deficiencies in physical and (or) psychological development, confirmed by a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission and preventing them from receiving education without creating special conditions." Thus, a graduate with disabilities, in order to obtain the right to choose the form of state final certification (USE or GVE), must contact the territorial (district) PMPK.

After receiving the appropriate conclusion from the PMPK, your child receives the right to choose the form of state final certification and, together with you, determines which exams he will take and in what format (Unified State Examination or State Examination). Please note that neither the school where your child is studying nor the PMPK have the right to determine the form of the state final certification of your child without you or for you. The school is obliged to accept your application with a list of subjects and the chosen form of delivery, and the PMPK determines whether or not the graduate has disabilities.

We remind you that you must submit an application to the school with a list of exams and forms for passing them no later than March 1 of the current year. In order to understand whether your child has the right to choose between the Unified State Exam and the State Examination and decide on the form of taking the exams, you need to obtain the appropriate conclusion from the PMPC.

Don’t put off contacting the PMPK until the last few days!

Features of the Unified State Exam for graduates with disabilities

State final certification is carried out taking into account the characteristics of psychophysical development, individual capabilities and health status of graduates with disabilities.

This means that during the final certification, depending on the graduate’s limited health capabilities, the following are provided: smaller classroom occupancy, increased exam duration, the presence of assistants, the availability of special equipment, etc.

Detailed information about the requirements for the audience and equipment at examination points is contained in the methodological recommendations of Rosobrnadzor

Features of conducting GVE for graduates with disabilities

The state final exam is held, as a rule, on the basis of the educational organization in which the graduate studied.

Based on the conclusion of the PMPK, in agreement with parents (legal representatives), an educational organization can organize a state final exam for a graduate with disabilities at home.

When conducting a state final exam for graduates with disabilities, the following provisions are provided: an increase in the duration of the state final exam by 1.5 hours; the presence in the classroom of an assistant who provides graduates with disabilities with the necessary technical assistance, taking into account their individual characteristics, in particular, helping the graduate to find a workplace, move around, read and complete an assignment, and communicate with the examiner; the ability to use the necessary technical means.

The duration of the state final exam does not include breaks for carrying out the necessary medical and preventive procedures for graduates with disabilities.

Detailed informationon the procedure for organizing and conducting GVE .

Admission to university for graduates with disabilities

When entering universities, persons with disabilities, when submitting an application, provide, at their discretion, an original or a photocopy of a document confirming their disabilities.

Thus, the PMPK conclusion, received by the graduate before March 1, will need to be submitted to the admissions committee of the university.

A graduate with disabilities who has the results of the Unified State Examination is admitted on a general basis through a competition. That is, the graduate passes the final/entrance examination tests once and, based on the results of the Unified State Examination, either enters or does not enter the university.

A graduate with disabilities who has chosen state (final) certification in the form of a state final exam (who does not have Unified State Examination results) takes examination tests twice: in an educational organization he takes the GVE, and in a university he passes entrance tests conducted by the university independently.

We draw your attention to the fact that the conclusion of the PMPK does not exempt your child from state (final) certification (Unified State Examination or State Examination) and does not provide any benefits when entering a university!

1. Regulatory legal documents regulating the procedure for conducting state tests for persons with disabilities, disabled children and people with disabilities:

  • Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”;
  • Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia and Rosobrnadzor dated November 7, 2018 No. 190/1512 “On approval of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 10, 2018, registration No. 52952);
  • Methodological recommendations for organizing and conducting state final certification for educational programs of basic general and secondary general education in the form of the main state exam and the unified state exam for persons with disabilities, disabled children and people with disabilities

2. Admission to the State Inspectorate

Students who do not have academic debt, including for the final essay (presentation), and who have fully completed the curriculum or individual curriculum (having annual grades in all academic subjects of the curriculum for each year of study in the educational program of secondary general education) are admitted to the State Examination. education is not less than satisfactory).

Persons with disabilities, disabled children and people with disabilities have the right to write both a final essay and a summary (in this case the time increases by 1.5 hours).

Final essay results taken into account at the discretion of the university.

Presentation results are not taken into account by the university.

The final essay (presentation) is carried out in conditions that take into account their state of health. For persons with medical indications for home schooling and the corresponding recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, final essay (presentation) organized at home (or in a medical facility).

The conduct of the final essay (presentation) is regulated The procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia and Rosobrnadzor dated November 7, 2018 No. 190/1512 “On approval of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 10, 2018, registration No. 52952) And .

3. Necessary documents for providing special conditions

Students and graduates of previous years with disabilities present a copy when submitting an application recommendations of the Psychological-Medical-Pedagogical Commission (PMPC).

Students, graduates of previous years, children with disabilities and people with disabilities - an original or a duly certified copy of a certificate confirming the fact of disability, issued by the federal state institution of medical and social examination (hereinafter referred to as the FGU MSE Certificate).

In the application, students indicate special conditions that take into account their state of health and characteristics of psychophysical development.

4. State Examination Form

Students with disabilities, disabled children and people with disabilities in educational programs of secondary general education can voluntarily choose the state state assessment form (Unified State Examination (USE) or State Final Examination (GVE)).

GVE results, in contrast to the Unified State Exam results, are not taken into account when entering universities, and are counted only as the results of the state final certification. Students who have passed the State Exam will be able to enter a university based on the results of entrance tests, the form and list of which are determined by the educational organization of higher education.

5. Duration of the state examination

The duration of the exam for these persons is increased by 1.5 hours(with the exception of the Unified State Exam in foreign languages ​​(section "Speaking").

The duration of the Unified State Exam in foreign languages ​​(section “Speaking”) is increased by 30 minutes.

6. Conditions for conducting the State Examination

Material and technical conditions for conducting the exam provide the possibility of unhindered access for such students, graduates of previous years to classrooms, toilets and other premises, as well as their stay in these premises (the presence of ramps, handrails, widened doorways, elevators; in the absence of elevators, the classroom is located on the ground floor; the presence of special chairs and other devices).

Present during the examination assistants, providing these students and graduates of previous years with the necessary technical assistance, taking into account their individual capabilities, helping them take a workplace, move, and read the assignment.

The specified students and graduates of previous years, taking into account their individual capabilities, use in the process of passing the exam the technical means they need.

GVE in all academic subjects, at their request, is carried out orally.

For the hearing impaired For students and graduates of previous years, exam rooms are equipped with sound-amplifying equipment for both collective and individual use.

For the deaf and hard of hearing For students and graduates of previous years, if necessary, an assistant sign language interpreter is involved.

For the blind students, graduates of previous years:

  • examination materials are prepared in embossed dotted Braille or in the form of an electronic document accessible via a computer;
  • written examination work is performed in embossed dotted Braille or on a computer;
  • A sufficient number of special accessories are provided for preparing answers in embossed dotted Braille, and a computer.

For the visually impaired For students and graduates of previous years, examination materials are copied in an enlarged size; exam rooms are provided with magnifying devices and individual uniform lighting of at least 300 lux.

For students and graduates of previous years with musculoskeletal disorders written examination work can be performed on a computer with specialized software.

During the exam, for these students, graduates of previous years, organized meals and breaks for necessary therapeutic and preventive measures.

For persons who have medical indications for studying at home and the corresponding recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, The exam is organized at home.

6. Peculiarities of consideration of appeals of GIA participants with disabilities

To consider appeals from State Examination Participants with disabilities, disabled children and people with disabilities, the Committee engages in its work typhological interpreters (to consider appeals from blind State Examination Participants) and sign language interpreters (to consider appeals from deaf State Examination Participants).

Along with a State Examination participant with disabilities, a disabled child, or a disabled person, an assistant may be present at the consideration of his appeal in addition to his parents (legal representatives).

If the CC discovers an error in transferring the answers of blind or visually impaired State Examination participants onto the State Examination forms, the conflict commission takes these errors into account as a technical defect. The examination papers of such State Examination Participants undergo re-processing (including transfer to standard size State Examination forms) and, if necessary, re-checking by experts.

According to Ivan Vishnevetsky, director of this very respectable institution (founded back in 1882), there are no problems with financing and material support today, all standards have been met, all requirements and wishes have been taken into account. The transfer of correctional schools from the jurisdiction of the Department of Education to the wing of the Department of Social Protection worked to the benefit of everyone; perhaps this experience should be extended to other regions.

As for preparing children with profound visual impairments to take the state exam, there are a number of features, some of which have already been taken into account at the level of ministries and departments, but some issues have still not been resolved.

For example, if an English language exam in standard classes lasts no more than 15 minutes, then for blind and visually impaired children its duration is increased to 1.5 hours, and each child being examined is assigned an assistant who performs all the technical work for him. Tasks and instructions are printed in text form in Braille. The developers of CIMs tried to come up with questions that would be most understandable to children who are blind. For example, they should not contain descriptions of color characteristics, shapes of objects that are accessible only visually. Nevertheless, according to teachers, there are still cases when children at the final test get a presentation that uses texts by Prishvin or Paustovsky (and these authors, as you know, were very fond of describing the beauties of nature).

There are certain difficulties with the creation of educational materials in certain subjects, for example, geography. After all, in addition to texts, there is a lot of graphic information - maps, diagrams, tables. According to experts, it is worth thinking about replacing some of this information with texts, but this is not always possible.

There is also a clear misunderstanding regarding what a visually impaired student does during the exam and what he has every right to refuse. Thus, in some regions, visually impaired people were required to sign an examination paper, but this caused them certain difficulties, since under normal conditions teachers would help them (showing them exactly where to sign), but here, as you know, teachers are strictly forbidden to approach children. But upon closer examination of the situation, it turned out that the requirements for children to put signatures anywhere on documents are generally inappropriate, because the signature itself may well be considered his full name, which he enters into the form at the very beginning of work.

As for video surveillance at the Unified State Exam in correctional schools, it must be organized in accordance with uniform requirements. However, in this particular case, it is carried out offline, that is, the picture from the exam site is not displayed on the general screen. This is also important to know and remember.

“We have long criticized the Unified State Exam for the fact that its main emphasis was on tests and children were only asked to choose ready-made answers,” says Oleg Smolin. – Fortunately, our criticism achieved its goal, and now the state exam tasks require a much more creative approach to their implementation. But we still have a lot of work to do to teach children to speak, to help them develop oral speech, including literary reading, including in the exam. It would be nice to include in the literature exam such a task as reading by heart the poems of a particular poet.

The deputy himself, who, by the way, graduated from a similar educational institution, is grateful to his teachers for the fact that they taught him a lot, thanks to which he can still quote entire chapters of works and remembers a huge number of lyrical works by various authors.

The director of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements, Oksana Reshetnikova, also expressed a principled position.

To develop CIMs, we invite not only specialists in the field of certain sciences, but also teachers working in schools for children with disabilities,” she said. – There are many blind people among them, so they can evaluate how accessible the questions and tasks are for children with visual impairments. However, we believed and still believe that CIMs for this category of citizens should in no case be simpler or easier than for other, ordinary people. There should be no concessions or reduction in the level of requirements, you just need to determine other requirements based on the characteristics of people with disabilities! And in general, as the teachers of correctional schools themselves say, “our children must be one step ahead and head and shoulders above their peers from regular schools, only this will allow them to be competitive in our harsh world.”

For the first time in recent years, we decided to approach the leadership of the Ministry of Health with a proposal to organize points for taking the Unified State Exam in large hospitals and treatment centers in order to enable children undergoing treatment to realize their right to receive an education,” said Sergei Kravtsov. – The state does not intend to change its previously assumed commitments and is ready to do everything to provide accessible education for all categories of children, including students in specialized correctional schools. And even if the child is home-schooled, local educational authorities are required to organize a mobile exam point for him, that is, come to him and take the exam right at his home.

According to the head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science, his agency will ensure that schools for children with profound visual impairments are equipped with technology, Braille typewriters, educational literature and teaching materials.

To demonstrate the readiness of boarding school students No. 1 for the Unified State Exam, a trial exam in English was organized, which was successfully passed by 12th grade student Nguyen Vu Quang. Those present (and among them were not only officials, but also students, teachers and parents) were clearly demonstrated the procedure of this test from beginning to end, from which they concluded that there was nothing wrong with it.

In conclusion, the boarding school students gave a concert for the guests, showing the best amateur performances.

Photo report: Vadim Meleshko