Applying the final layer of putty is an indispensable stage of repair, providing a smooth and durable coating of the ceiling and walls. In addition, the surface will acquire uniform hygroscopicity and white color. Of course, the surfaces to be processed must be leveled and dried in advance and with high quality.

We spread putty.

This putty may seem expensive - about $ 20 for 25 kg, however, with proper application and high-quality preparation, it is quite possible to achieve economical consumption - 1 kg per 1.5 m2. Based on this, the required amount of the mixture is taken into account, although the closed Vetonit LR is able to hold out for a couple of days. But then the process of decay begins. By the way, all other finishing putties, in this sense, are much less stored and exude more hydrogen sulfide.

It is desirable to stir using a drill and a mixer, since it is almost impossible to mix with your hands, and, by consistency, the finishing putty should be similar to thick yogurt. By the way, when applying the finishing layer itself, the presence of any grains and lumps in the mixture is unacceptable. In general, the ideal mixture will not turn out immediately, but only after some training.

We apply.

After letting the mixture stand for 5 minutes, mix it again, and you can start applying. The surface to be treated must first be scraped with a spatula, which will help to avoid the appearance of any debris in the mixture.

The mixture should be applied in opposite directions, which will ensure perfect adhesion and filling of all pores. However, the last movements of the spatula in the intended area should be directed in one direction: thus, the appearing irregularities become guides for the next layer. It is very important, at the same time, to smooth the spread mixture, returning, periodically, to where it was putty a few minutes ago.

As for the number of layers and their thickness, this depends, not least, on the quality of the preliminary surface preparation. Provided that the wall is professionally plastered, two layers of Vetonite are sufficient for subsequent wallpapering. But for painting, you can apply three or more layers, depending on the required quality. An experienced painter, with the right attitude and conditions, is able to prepare about 30 m2 for wallpaper in one day, because the next layer can be applied almost immediately.

The thickness of the layer is regulated by a spatula: if it is placed perpendicular to the wall, the layer will be almost zero. This is called "on the edge". This method is rarely used. Usually, the applied layer is about half a millimeter.

The desire to avoid translucent places can lead to the application of an excessive thickness of the layer, so you need to remember that, when dry, the putty becomes much whiter and less transparent.

The best results are usually achieved with the use of light directed along the treated surface. It could just be a light bulb with a long wire. This light can show such irregularities that you can just get scared. But these are usually only visual effects. When part of the wall is already plastered, using light, smoothing is performed.

We grind.

Painters usually take sanding seriously - using a directional light and a sanding board, as well as a respirator. In fact, an experienced craftsman tries to avoid sanding altogether, since the layer applied by him is small. Nevertheless, a fine grinding mesh is an indispensable attribute of painting and preparatory work. It is important not to overdo it here, because Vetonit is polished very easily, to the point that it can crumble, and this is a remake. Moreover, sometimes, due to seemingly small shortcomings, the ceilings have to be prepared completely, in a new way.

In this article, we will cover the topic of how to quickly, efficiently and efficiently carry out one of the most popular repairs - preparing a wall or ceiling for painting or wallpapering.
It would seem that quite simple work, but often masters face a number of problems.


Problem: the appearance of cracks, falling off of the plaster from the surface (may appear several years after the repair).

Solution: observe the drying time of the previous layer (1-2 days), do not apply too thick layers at a time, the most important thing is to choose high-quality mixtures with good fillers and binders.

Finishing putty

Problem: the complexity of working with the material, the putty does not stretch well for the spatula, therefore, to create an even coating, considerable skill is required even from professionals, while the finish coat is slightly grayish, grainy. When sanding, it is very dusty, the graininess does not disappear.

Solution: choose better quality finishing putties. They are easier to apply, even non-professionals can work with them, and the consumption of the product is less, since it is easier to “stretch” it along the wall. The coating is much more even, there are almost no visible defects; when sanding, such putty almost does not produce dust.

To show by example how to properly prepare a wall for painting or wallpapering, we have chosen products popular among professionals: moisture-resistant cement plaster weber.vetonit TT, finishing white putty weber.vetonit LR+ and ready-made superfinish putty weber.vetonit LR pasta. WEBER-VETONIT products were not chosen by chance, this brand is well-deservedly popular among craftsmen and end users due to the quality of materials and ease of use.

We prepare the base

In our case, the surface to be processed has a number of problems: from a large number of local defects on the surface to a significant deviation of the wall from the vertical plane.

Before starting work, it is imperative to prepare the surface: we remove substances such as dust, grease and dirt that impair adhesion, the base must be clean and dry. We protect all surfaces that cannot be processed (windows, doors, frames) with adhesive tape, polyethylene or newspapers.

Carrying out basic leveling of the surface

We prepare the solution according to the instructions: dry mix weber.vetonit TT pour 25 kg from a bag into a bucket with 5-6 liters of clean water, mix for 3-5 minutes using a drill with a nozzle, let the solution settle for 10 minutes and mix again.

After that, we apply the plaster mixture to the surface manually using a steel spatula or mechanically. Each layer of weber.vetonit TT dries within 1-2 days, and the next layer of plaster can be applied only after the previous one has completely dried. In dry conditions, it is recommended to moisten the leveled surface with water from a spray bottle.

After the leveling process is completed, we process the dried surface with sanding paper and remove dust.

Note that if we are talking about smooth walls or ceilings made of gypsum boards, then the stage of processing the walls with plaster can be skipped, and immediately proceed to surface treatment with white finishing putty.

We carry out the final coating

Solution of white finishing putty weber.vetonit LR+ prepare according to the instructions: pour the dry mixture from a 25 kg bag into a bucket with 8-9 liters of clean water (not vice versa), mix with a drill for 3-5 minutes, let it stand for 10 minutes, and mix again.

As a result, we get a superplastic mixture, which is very convenient to apply on the surface with a thin layer 1-5 mm thick, both with a steel spatula and mechanically. Depending on the temperature and humidity in the room, one layer of weber.vetonit LR+ putty dries completely in 1-2 days. Then small defects are very easily removed with sandpaper.

After the layer has completely dried, we process the surface with sanding paper and remove dust. If leveling is performed in several layers, each next layer can be applied only after the previous one has dried.

The benefits of putty weber.vetonit LR+

  • Just: putty is so plastic and easy to use that leveling the walls will not be difficult even for beginners, it is enough to follow the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations.
  • Quickly: the superplasticity of the mixture allows you to quickly level the surface and ideally bring the layers together.
  • Smooth: the minimum number of layers makes it possible to get a smooth and even, ready for wallpapering.

In principle, many craftsmen recommend treated walls with a wall finish for traditional painting, but we will use another innovative product to create an impeccable, perfect, smooth coating for high-quality painting.

We carry out a superfinishing coating for painting

If we are talking about the best repair, then the wall for painting should be mirror-smooth without the slightest graininess. To obtain such a surface, we will use an innovative high-quality product - a super-finish ready-made putty. weber.vetonit LR pasta
Weber.vetonit LR Pasta is available in a plastic bucket ready for application, so it is doubly convenient to work with. The principle of operation is the same as with the finishing putty, the difference lies in the thickness of the layers - as a rule, they do not exceed 1.5 mm in one application. After drying, the surface is processed with sanding paper and dusted.

Advantages of superfinish putty weber.vetonit LR pasta

  • Conveniently: weber.vetonit LR Pasta is ready to use.
  • Qualitatively: convenient application of thin layers of 0.2 - 3 mm.
  • Ideally: absolutely smooth and dazzling white surface for high-quality painting with glossy or semi-gloss paints.

Finish coat weber.vetonit LR+ and superfinishing paste weber.vetonit LR pasta work perfectly in pairs, allowing you to get an impeccable result on the surface.

The ideal smoothness and evenness of the surface is comparable to a sheet of paper, previously such repair results were impossible or extremely difficult, but today it is simple and affordable.

OOO "Saint-Gobain Construction Products Rus"

Hello dear visitors! This time we will get acquainted with a whole phenomenon in the world of finishing materials. The hero of the day today will be putty, whose name for craftsmen has long been a household name - putty Vetonit (weber.vetonit LR+).

Now in building stores there are dozens, if not hundreds of types of various putties: gypsum, cement, polymer. But two brands stand apart, they are available always and everywhere, and have been producing them for more than a dozen years. Yes, yes, the first one is Vetonit. And what is the second one? If you are a decorator, then you probably know the answer.

This is sheetrock. There will also be a separate article about him. This item is very, very high quality. In order not to miss the material about, subscribe to updates, the post will be very useful for everyone!

But for now, we are talking about the weber.vetonit LR+ product.

That is what they mean when they say "vetonit". This is a finishing putty on a polymer binder. What does "finish" mean? And the fact that after its application, wallpaper and / or painting, that is, finishing coatings, already go directly.

In other words, such a mixture forms a high-quality coating, ready for painting and wallpapering. As for the binder. Any building mixture consists of a filler and a binder. The aggregate is usually sand, limestone is what forms the bulk of the composition. And the binder holds the aggregate particles together and, of course, provides adhesion to the base surface. In this putty, the binder is a kind of polymer glue, and limestone serves as a filler.

Our hero is produced by Weber-Vetonit, part of the Saint-Gobain group. Packed in paper bags of 25 and 5 kg.

Basic properties

The purpose of this putty mixture is to level walls and ceilings in dry rooms before wallpapering and painting. It is used on all types of smooth surfaces made of mineral materials and drywall. Formally, it has a white (in practice, slightly grayish) color, as well as its own weak specific smell.

By the way, it costs in our village (Ryazan is called, you may have heard) in the region of 650-700 rubles for 25 kg.

It should be remembered that it is not moisture resistant, not suitable as a base for laying tiles and as an adhesive for anything. For example, some people manage to glue ceiling plinths on it. This cannot be done. Its structure is rather loose and fragile, which, however, does not affect its ability to hold wallpaper on itself, but can play a fatal role when trying, for example, to seal the joints of the GK sheets with it.

Water consumption is 9 liters per 25 kg bag. The mixture is stirred with a drill or puncher with a mixer to the state of sour cream, after which it is allowed to infuse for 10 minutes. This time is needed for better dissolution of the binder. It is noticed that after these 10 minutes the mixture thickens a little. Then it is re-mixed.

Again, a separate article will be published about the technique of puttying walls and ceilings, the topic is very important, so subscribing to updates is a sacred thing!)) The article will contain a couple of my know-how, and I will just use Vetonit. And now it's time to find out what are the secrets of his popularity?

The main advantages of weber.vetonit LR+

I counted three of them:

  1. Ease of application with almost complete absence of layer differences. If desired and with due skill, you can putty the surface under the wallpaper so that grinding is not required at all.
  2. If necessary, the putty is very easy to grind due to its somewhat looseness. And this is very important. For example, gypsum (universal putty from Knauf) is polished just like a star, how hard. When I first tried Vetonit after him, I was amazed - no effort.
  3. Surprisingly long lifespan. If you have mixed too much putty and do not have time to work it all out, just cover the container with it with a lid. The next day, she will be waiting for you in the same condition in which you left her. It has been verified that for 2-3 days she calmly waits in the wings in a bucket, ready to go. You just need to stir it again.

Of course, the hero of the article also has a drawback. It's the lack of moisture resistance.

Let's say we are wallpapering. They glued the strip, when they suddenly noticed a jam or a bubble that just couldn’t be smoothed out. Needs to be removed and re-glued. So, there is some probability that the strip will be partially removed along with the putty. To be honest, this has never happened to me yet, because I carefully prime the surface before and after puttying, plus I apply it in a certain way so that it lies more densely. But such cases are known. But I don't know of any other disadvantages.

Unless I can recommend using it for painting. Still, his fraction is too big for this, and visually the surface turns out to be rougher than when using Sheetrock. But after all, I am a sophisticated user, for you, such a surface is likely to be more than acceptable. Once I had to paint the ceiling on the loggia according to Vetonit (there was no choice), I carefully sanded it and covered it with two layers of white paint. From the floor, I did not see even the slightest defects. Here is the ceiling:

Each builder in his craft was faced with a huge number of different types of finishing materials. The most popular representative of the list of materials intended for preparing the walls of the house for painting and cladding is the putty mixture. There are a lot of them on the market from various manufacturers, but today one of the most popular is Vetonit putty or weber.vetonit LR +. Every homeowner who makes repairs in his secluded place sees gypsum, polymer, cement and other types of finishing materials in hardware stores, but putties from manufacturers such as Vetonit are always available. These are the two most trusted manufacturers who supply only high-quality repair materials.

The advantage of putty from Vetonit is that it has the status of a finish. This means that shortly after applying the solution to the wall, it can be painted and wallpapered. It consists of high-quality material intended for finishing work, so you should not wait until the mortar on the wall dries. You need to know that in each putty mixture there are three types of component:

  • the foundation;
  • aggregate;
  • binder.

Sand was taken as the basis for the manufacture of putty. Limestone here acts as a filler, and polymer glue is a binder. Putty is packaged in bags weighing 5 and 25 kilograms, and the manufacturer himself is part of the Saint-Gobain group.

Basic properties

This putty has the function of all other finishing materials from manufacturers other than Venonit. It levels the surface of the walls after construction and plastering. It can be used not only on smooth surfaces, but also on plasterboard walls or ceilings. The mixture is almost odorless and looks like a light gray powder, but it is listed as "white" by the manufacturer.

Vetonit LR+ should be applied in a 5mm thick layer, according to the company, but this is not required. In this case, the mixture dries much longer, which is not very convenient for quick finishing work. This is clearly a non-moisture resistant putty, and it is not intended for installation of ceramic tiles or under ceiling skirting boards. Remember that this is putty, not glue! After drying, the material is very “fragile”, therefore, it is not suitable for holding any heavy things on the wall, but the wallpaper withstands quite well.

25 kilograms of putty base are diluted in nine liters of water. It is worth stirring the mixture with a puncher or drill with a special mixer nozzle to a thick (but not solid or liquid) state. After that, it should be infused for 10 minutes, thicken and be mixed again.

The main advantages of weber.vetonit LR+

What do they consist of main advantages putties from the Vetonit company?

  • The mixture is very easy to apply even on a not very flat surface. If the builder is a master of his craft and knows how to properly apply putty, then after applying the mixture, you will not need to additionally grind the walls;
  • after drying, the putty becomes loose, which allows it to be easily sanded to a smooth surface. Comparing the putty from Vetonit and from Knauf, the second one is polished very reluctantly and hard, which cannot be said about weber.vetonit LR +, because no effort is needed to eliminate irregularities;
  • finishing material can be stored for a very long time even after adding water and mixing. Putty can be left for as long as 3 days and after opening the lid, a completely workable putty mixture will “wait” for you. To use it, you need to mix the mixture again with a perforator with a mixer.

Despite the fact that there are quite pleasant advantages of putty, after operation, disadvantages can also be found. As mentioned earlier, the putty mixture does not have moisture resistance, which imposes a number of difficulties on the process of applying building materials. What is the difficulty? For example, you are engaged in wallpapering. After gluing one layer of paper, you suddenly notice a layer of air under it. It is almost impossible to “push” it out, and when peeling off the wallpaper, the putty is removed along with them, which is not very pleasant. To prevent this from happening, you need to apply putty more carefully and level the surface so that there are no air bubbles under the paper. The above case does not happen often, but nevertheless the fact remains.

This putty can be used for painting walls, but this is highly discouraged. Nevertheless, the finishing material from Vetonit has an increased fraction and after application, the surface is quite rough. For example, in a mixture of it, it has a softer structure and using it for painting is a good solution. For the average builder who wishes to do wall cladding in a house, a rough surface of putty will be acceptable. If you decide to use Vetonit for paint, then it is better to apply the mixture in two layers.

The first layer is used to smooth out irregularities, and the second for painting. In order for everything to work out for you, you need to wait for 100% drying of the first layer, and then apply the second one. You should not worry, because a layer less than 5 mm thick will dry for about 4 hours, and a 5 mm layer should be expected to dry for at least one day. As you can see, applying weder.vetonit LR+ putty for painting is not the best solution for quick wall cladding, since the entire application procedure will take at least 8 hours.


Judging by the reviews of happy users of Vetonit putty, it can be argued that it is popular for a reason. The mixture is an excellent option for sticking paper wallpaper on the wall. For painting, it is far from suitable for everyone, since its application is a rather long and laborious process. The great thing is that you can leave it for a few days, come in, open a bucket of putty mixture, mix and proceed immediately to the work in progress. Of the features, we note a strong structure, high-quality materials in the composition, as well as ease of application and grinding.

Finishing and - Vetonit LR +.
It is almost perfectly puttied, but under the 300W lamp, traces of a spatula, risks, and so on are visible in places. Began to overwrite, but it wasn’t there - it’s not possible

I tried first to use a larger fraction of sandpaper, then a smaller one ...
Tried a dozen sandpaper with dec. grit, different manufacturers ...
Tried different. holders and bars for paper...
Tried to overwrite in decomp. directions...

The result is the same - the layers are removed, and dashes from the emery remain nearby. Moreover, they disappear only if you reach Fugenfüller (the previous layer of putty), which is extremely unhappy

Has anyone rubbed Vetonit LR + for painting? Share how to deal with this capricious putty?

Minor skin scratches are acceptable. I usually use 60 or 80 mesh for finishing sanding.
For grinding of these, there are meshes of different cell sizes (sold on household markets in packs of 10 pieces) on holders. Grinding them is more convenient than sandpaper and they are perfectly cleaned.
small scratches that are visible under the lamp will not be noticeable after painting, I also sanded another finishing putty, then I was horrified by what I saw under the lamp, redid it again countless times, and when I painted it, I realized that I tried so hard in vain
Fight - with a layer of finishing putty.
Vetonit LR + has a rather large filler. When sanding with anything, it crumbles, and defects remain on the surface in place of large grains that have flown out. (Especially if LR+ was mixed without Vetonit Dispersion's recommended instructions).

We discussed this in detail with pictures on the old forum, but after the move, that topic, something like
"Texture LR+"
gone somewhere and is not found by any search.