Well known and loved all over the world. But the fact that they are dried, for sure, many will hear for the first time.

Meanwhile, this exotic preparation can not only be purchased in the distribution network, but can also be easily made independently at home, and it will turn out to be exceptionally tasty, original and healthy (although quite high-calorie).

Calorie content and chemical composition

Indeed, we are talking about an exceptionally valuable product. Let's start with minerals. 100 g of the product contains (in descending order):

  • potassium (K) - 1.5 g;
  • magnesium (Mg) -0.1 g;
  • phosphorus (P) -74 mg;
  • calcium (Ca) -22 mg;
  • sodium (Na) -3 mg;
  • iron (Fe) -1.15 mg;
  • zinc (Zn) -0.61 mg;
  • manganese (Mn) -0.57 mg;
  • copper (Cu) -0.39 mg;
  • selenium (Se) -0.004 mg;
  • fluorine (F) -0.002 mg.

So, the main mineral "wealth" of dried bananas is potassium. This element is indispensable in our body for many reasons. It takes part in the regulation of water balance, removing excess fluid from the body, activates important enzymes, improves heart function, controls blood pressure and prevents the development of atherosclerosis by preventing the accumulation of sodium salts in the vessels.

In addition, potassium at the cellular level ensures the normal functioning of muscles, endocrine glands, the brain, and other internal organs. Potassium also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, eliminates the symptoms of overwork and chronic fatigue, helps to get rid of swelling and eliminates the problems of difficult urination. This element is especially important for the elderly, as well as for those who lead an active lifestyle or eat low-calorie foods. Potassium deficiency in the body can cause constipation, nausea, metabolic disorders, and even provoke a heart attack.

Did you know? In fact, a banana is a berry, not a fruit.

Magnesium is an essential element for our nervous system, it is a kind of guarantor of the internal balance of the body. Magnesium helps to remove harmful substances from the tissues, the so-called "slags". It has been proven that this element is necessary for the body to assimilate vitamins C, B1 and B6 (which, by the way, are also found in dried bananas). In addition, magnesium, not just calcium, provides strength to our bones. Another basic element for the formation of bones and teeth is phosphorus, which can also be replenished with dried bananas.

Iron is a mineral involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin, which oxygenates tissues. Each hemoglobin molecule contains four iron atoms. This element strengthens the immune system, improves skin condition, and helps to cope with fatigue.
Dried bananas are also rich in vitamins. In the same 100 g of the product you can find (again in descending order):

  • vitamin A (biological equivalent of retinol) -74 mg;
  • vitamin B4 (choline) -20 mg;
  • vitamin B9 (folic acid) -14 mg;
  • vitamin C (ascorbic acid) -7 mg;
  • vitamin B4 (nicotinic acid) -3 mg;
  • vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) -0.44 mg;
  • vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) -0.4 mg;
  • vitamin B2 (riboflavin) -0.24 mg;
  • vitamin B1 (thiamine) -0.2 mg;
  • vitamin K (phylloquinone) -2 mcg.

It should be noted that the above amount of pyridoxine is the daily norm of this substance, which is actively involved in metabolic processes. Ascorbic acid is a powerful immunostimulant. Vitamin C helps the body cope with various bacterial and viral infections, heals wounds and bone fractures, and performs many other important functions in the body. Retinol is extremely useful for vision and, like ascorbic acid, strengthens the immune system. Thiamine is involved in hematopoiesis, improves brain function. Riboflavin improves metabolic processes, oxygenates the skin, nails and hair, prevents cataracts and is involved in the formation of antibodies.

Another valuable component of dried bananas is fiber (it accounts for almost 10% of the product). Fiber removes bad cholesterol from the body, maintains normal sugar levels, improves bowel function, and is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular pathologies and even some malignant neoplasms.

In addition to the substances mentioned above, dried bananas also contain ash, sucrose, starch, pectins, mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, as well as other organic compounds and water (3%).

Did you know?Dried fruits are fruits that have had their water removed. With proper preparation, the maximum amount of useful substances remains in them, and in a concentrated form. In particular, fiber, pectins, calcium and magnesium are completely preserved during the drying process. Sugar should ideally not be used in such a preparation, however, due to the concentration of substances as a result of drying, it turns out that a dried banana is sweeter than a fresh one, just like prunes and dried apricots are sweeter than and, respectively.

Energy value of the product (ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates): 3.89 g: 1.81 g: 88.28 g (simple carbohydrates -47.3 g).
But the calorie content of dried bananas, in comparison with others, is impressive: there are 346 kcal per 100 grams (for comparison, 299, in dried apricots and prunes, 240 each, in dried ones, about 250, but in general, the average figures for dried fruits fluctuate in range 250-300 kcal per 100 g).

Benefits of dried bananas

The benefits of dried bananas are determined by their chemical composition. Above, we described in detail what important substances for the body can be obtained from this valuable product.

The cardiovascular and nervous systems, the gastrointestinal tract, the liver and the brain are the “areas” that will first of all respond with gratitude to such a delicacy.

Fibrous structure and a large amount of fiber are wonderful properties for improving the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Potassium and magnesium will help the body get rid of excess fluid and harmful substances. With constipation and anemia, dried bananas can significantly improve the patient's condition. Vitamin C has a general strengthening effect and improves immunity. The serotonin contained in the product improves mood, relieves stress, relieves blues, eliminates the effects of stress and normalizes sleep.
There is a lot of sugar in dried bananas, and sugar, as you know, is the main source of energy. That is why the product is indicated for increased physical exertion, and is also recommended for those who exhaust themselves with low-calorie diets. By the way, such a delicacy can be used as a delicious dessert, as an alternative to completely unhealthy cakes and cakes.

Important! It is best to consume dried bananas in the morning, and in combination with oatmeal, such a product as a breakfast will be a first-class source of energy for almost the whole day! In addition, the product can be used to quickly satisfy an attack of hunger, for example, during work, when it is still far from lunch.

The benefits of dried bananas are determined by their following properties:

  • fast digestibility;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • high content of potassium and fiber;
  • lack of cholesterol;
  • low in sodium and saturated fat.

How to dry yourself

Dried bananas today can be easily found at any major retail outlet (if you have not seen this product, you may simply not have paid attention to the inscription on the bright packaging). However, as is often the case, during industrial production, various preservatives, dyes, flavors, flavor enhancers and other unattractive substances are added to the natural product, and the quality of the raw materials may be far from ideal. Therefore, it is much better to dry bananas yourself, especially since doing it at home is very simple.

Did you know? Banana peels are usually sent straight to the trash can, but there are many ways to get additional benefits from it. It can be used to clean shoes made of genuine leather, while the effect will be much better than from a regular cream. Can be used to gently and effectively whiten teeth and clean silverware. For summer residents, a banana peel will help fight aphids, serve as. Also, the skin of this fruit can be used as a cosmetic product - it perfectly nourishes the skin and even helps to cope with various irritations and rashes!


As a raw material for harvesting, fully ripened, but in no case overripe fruits are selected. There should be no damage, wormholes or dark spots on the skin.

Selected bananas are washed, allowed to dry, then peeled. In order for the fruits not to darken, they are recommended to be sprinkled with lemon or orange juice. Before drying, carefully pierce each banana in several places with a toothpick to ensure better circulation of warm air and speed up the cooking process.

We cover a clean baking sheet with parchment for baking, after greasing it with vegetable oil, otherwise the fruit will stick to the surface. Now we put the bananas so that they do not touch each other, and put them in the oven, heated to 40-80 ° C.

Important! The higher the temperature, the faster the cooking process, but the greater the loss of nutrients.

To prevent the fruit from burning and losing nutrients, it is better to leave the oven door slightly ajar.

Drying time will be at least five hours, it all depends on the temperature chosen, the water content of the bananas and their size. At the same time, you need to periodically check the condition of the fruit and turn them on different sides for uniform processing.
If your oven has a ventilation mode, be sure to use it, in which case the door can be closed, but you still need to constantly monitor the process.

To reduce processing time, it is still recommended to cut the fruits at least into two parts across, they will look almost the same, but will cook much faster.

Did you know? The largest number of bananas is eaten by residents of the African country of Uganda. According to statistics, each inhabitant of this country eats about 220 kg of bananas a year.

Ready dried bananas will become much smaller in size, but all the liquid should not leave them. The fruit should not crumble and break, on the contrary, it becomes elastic, it does not deform when bent and unbent.

Since drying takes place at not very high temperatures, and no preservatives are used, the finished product retains almost all useful substances.


Banana chips are an accelerated version of fruit drying. There are several ways to make such a treat yourself.

You can use the same oven. Prepared and peeled bananas are cut into circles (the size depends on your taste), after which they are dipped in lemon or orange juice diluted in water (about 30% solution) for half a minute. Without this treatment, the finished chips will have an unattractive dark brown color.

Now we put it in the oven according to the scheme described above. Cooking time, compared to whole bananas, will be significantly reduced. If you are a happy owner of a fruit and vegetable dryer, you will not need an oven. In such a device, banana chips will be ready in about 12 hours, but they are much less likely to burn or overdry.

Important! To give banana chips a special taste and piquancy, you can sprinkle them with cinnamon before drying.

The longest, but perhaps the best way to dry chips is to use natural heat, that is, drying in the sun. Unfortunately, it is not suitable for everyone, since it requires a brightly lit area with good ventilation and excellent weather conditions. Prepared blanks for chips are laid out on such a surface on a paper towel or cloth, covered with gauze from above from winding and insects and left under the sun. Periodic change of parts of the day - excellent conditions for drying fruits, when bright sunlight is replaced by night coolness and vice versa. Periodically, you should remove the gauze and turn the pieces of bananas on the opposite side. When the fruit is reduced in size and covered with a delicious caramel crust, the process is complete.

Finally, another recipe for dried bananas involves the use of a microwave oven. Pieces of fruit soaked in citrus juice are laid out in a single layer on the surface of a suitable microwaveable form, covered with oiled paper, and placed in the oven for three minutes at maximum power. After that, the fruit must be removed and dried at room temperature for at least another day.

How to store at home

After drying, no matter what technology you use, the fruits should be placed in a well-ventilated place until completely cooled (from the parchment on which they lay in the oven, dryer or microwave, they must be removed and laid out on clean paper, or at least simply turned over ).

Now the chips or dried whole bananas should be laid out in glass containers and tightly covered with a lid. It is also allowed to store in cellophane or paper bags, as well as in plastic containers, but in any case they must remain closed.

Storage conditions depend on the degree of drying.

Important! Drying, unlike drying, involves not complete, but partial drying, and the process proceeds with minimal heat. It is dried fruits that remain soft, acquiring only a certain elasticity, while dry ones break, crumble and at the same time acquire literally stone hardness. Dried fruits, therefore, are much healthier and tastier than dried ones, but it is much more difficult to preserve them.

For example, dried bananas should be stored in the refrigerator, and it is better to use glass containers here, rather than paper or cellophane. But a completely dried product will be perfectly preserved even at normal room temperature. If the humidity in the room is not too high, paper for such dried fruits is quite a suitable packaging material. In both cases, the shelf life is one year, subject to strict observance of the specified conditions.

What can be cooked

Dried bananas are a self-sufficient treat and a great snack. In combination with oatmeal, other dried fruits and they are a complete breakfast - the famous muesli. You can add such dried fruits to any cereal, it will make them much tastier and more interesting. In addition, there are many recipes for a wide variety of dishes, in which dried bananas are present to enhance the richness of taste. We will not mention the numerous desserts, creams, muffins, pies and other baking options, everything is clear here. Dried bananas are in perfect harmony with meat and fish, so they can be used in cooking in the widest possible way.

For example, try this gourmet crab salad with dried bananas. Put crab meat torn into fibers on a plate (if you are not lucky enough to be a resident of Kamchatka, you can take crab sticks at worst), add thinly sliced ​​mangoes, avocados, and banana chips. Whisk orange juice with soy sauce (3:1 ratio), pour over the salad with the resulting dressing.
As a main dish, you can use this recipe. Meat (lean pork, beef or veal) is cut in portions and fried in oil. Then you need to add chopped into thin circles and half rings and simmer for 3-4 minutes. Next, add half a glass of dry white wine and finely chopped dried bananas, simmer for another minute. Pour the meat with vegetables with water so that it barely covers the contents of the saucepan, cover and simmer for 30-40 minutes, depending on the type of meat. Before removing from heat, salt, pepper and sprinkle with dry grass (for example,).

So the idea is clear. On this basis, you can conduct any experiments by adding dried banana to familiar dishes.

Contraindications and harm

The main problem with dried bananas is their high calorie content and very high sugar content. People with diabetes should use the product with caution, it is better to consult a doctor first.

If the product is abused, even in completely healthy people, metabolism can be disturbed, not to mention the fact that overeating dried bananas leads to overweight.

Important! It is especially easy to gain extra pounds if you drink dried bananas with milk or eat them in combination with other dairy products.

Otherwise, the use of dried bananas is safe and has no direct contraindications. However, of course, we are talking about a product prepared with one's own hands from natural raw materials, since in industrial conditions fruits are often dried with the addition of fats (usually not the most healthy), as well as sugar, which is used as a preservative. Thus, the already high-calorie and sweet product becomes even “heavier”. In addition, manufacturers can add various flavor enhancers, flavors, stabilizers and other “chemistry” to dried bananas that can completely kill all the benefits that have been mentioned so much above.

15 times already

When the cold season comes, dried fruits become a very popular product along with fresh fruits. They are eaten in their pure form, put as a base in compote, which they prepare with their own hands; with the participation of this useful delicacy, they make vitamin mixtures for health. The most common varieties of dried fruits are dried apricots, prunes, apricots, raisins. In addition, candied papaya can be seen in supermarkets. But, for example, to buy dried bananas in the store, you need to try hard. Let's find out what this elusive delicacy is and whether it is easy to make it yourself at home.

Product Benefits

Dried bananas are a great alternative to those fresh fruits.

Firstly, they do not spoil for a long time and have a high shelf life. Secondly, this product is very easy to transport, and there are no problems in this regard. Thirdly, dried bananas are incredibly nutritious, high in calories. For this reason, a delicacy can easily, quickly and for a long time satisfy hunger. In addition, the delicacy energizes and invigorates, restores wasted strength.

Sun-dried bananas are sure to please the inveterate sweet tooth. Their taste is pleasant and cannot but be liked, while the benefits are enormous, not like sweets. Another important plus: dried bananas help to lose weight. True, if you decide to include this delicacy in your diet, you will need to follow some recommendations, which will be discussed a little later.

All in all, eating a fruity delicacy can be a new nutritional milestone for you. Having tried it just once, you are unlikely to be able to deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying a sweet dessert.

Composition of the product

Like fresh, dried bananas are a source of a fairly large number of a wide variety of natural compounds. First of all, these are proteins and sugars, and the portion of the latter far exceeds that of proteins. In principle, this is clear from the calorie content of the delicacy: it varies from 330 to 390 kcal. A lot is present in dried bananas and vitamins with minerals. The biologically active compounds of the dessert product include beta-carotene, ascorbic acid, choline, vitamins E and K, as well as group B, including PP. As for the mineral component of the delicacy, there are no differences from fresh fruits: dried bananas are characterized by the presence of a high level of potassium. Among other things, phosphorus, zinc, sodium, fluorine, magnesium, iron, manganese were found in this variety of dried fruits.

The sweet dried product is rich in organic acids, mono- and disaccharides, dietary fiber, starch. There are even polyunsaturated fatty acids and saturated fats in it, but their amount is very small. There is also little water in dried bananas - at least much less than in fresh fruits: about 75-80% versus 95-98%. It is understandable, because part of the moisture is lost by the product as a result of the cooking process.

The benefits of dried bananas

Sun-dried bananas, when eaten regularly, can significantly improve human health. Being a full-fledged source of potassium, they improve the functioning of the brain, stabilize blood pressure, and positively affect the functioning of the endocrine glands. The presence of B vitamins in the product makes it possible to improve the activity of the nervous system and heart muscle. In addition, these compounds have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and curls.

Useful dried delicacy for the intestines. Due to dietary fiber, the product enhances the peristalsis of the digestive organ, thus successfully solving the problem of constipation. As a treasury of magnesium, dried bananas relieve gourmet from migraines, and due to the content of PUFAs, in addition, they also reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. They cope with anemia and increase hemoglobin.

The presence of vitamins and organic acids in the delicacy makes it possible to strengthen the immune system by eating dried bananas. Many of the biologically active compounds, and some minerals, such as zinc, manganese, have antioxidant properties. This gives us the right to believe that the fruit delicacy to some extent can fight cancer and, moreover, prevent the development of cancer. These qualities also determine the ability of dried bananas to prolong youth, slowing down the process of physical aging. Indications for the use of the product: insomnia, atherosclerosis, fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, low stress resistance, hypertension, blood diseases, poor eyesight, circulatory disorders, etc.

How does a treat help to get rid of hated kilograms? It's very simple: as you already know, it copes with the feeling of hunger, which, after eating a portion of the product, does not make itself felt for a long time. The best part is that in order to obtain the indicated effect, you need to eat quite a few dried bananas - no more than 50 g. However, it is better to do this in the morning. Once you include the delicacy in your diet, don't forget to also eat foods that will supply your body with sodium. These are kelp, potatoes, almonds, dried apricots, legumes. This measure is necessary, since dried bananas rich in potassium, when eaten regularly, can flush out sodium from the gourmet's blood, and this is fraught with weakening and brittle bones. It should also be noted that the exotic delicacy shows particular effectiveness in the fight against excess weight when combined with a diet aimed at losing weight with intense training. In this case, it is appropriate to consume a portion of dried bananas immediately before playing sports.

Harm goodies

The high calorie content of the product has not only its advantages, but also disadvantages. Due to the colossal content of sugars in the delicacy, it should not be consumed in large quantities by people who are overweight and have diabetes. Chronic gastritis, bronchial asthma, thrombophlebitis, a tendency to flatulence, a condition after a recent ischemic stroke and myocardial infarction can also serve as contraindications here.

How to dry bananas at home

To cook an exotic delicacy yourself, you will need an oven. Also stock up on a kilogram of fresh bananas, 100 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice and 200 ml of water.

The last two ingredients must be combined. So you get a vitamin mixture, by processing bananas, you will be able to prevent the spoilage of fruits and give the product an attractive appearance.

Peel the fruit, cut in half and lengthwise. In other words, divide each fruit into 4 parts. Now place the prepared bananas in a mixture of water and lemon juice. After a minute, remove the fruit quarters from the liquid and place on a baking sheet at some distance from each other.

Preheat the oven to the lowest temperature. Another option is to use ventilation mode. Place a baking sheet with bananas inside the oven. The time during which it is necessary to keep the cut fruits there is determined “by eye”. It is only important that the fruits do not lose more moisture than required - and this is about 1/5 part. Otherwise, you will have to feast on not dried, but dried delicacy.

The finished product should be cooled. It is recommended to store it in a glass jar in the refrigerator.

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Tropical fruits bananas are incredibly popular and widespread in the world. They can be found in almost any store, on any counter. Today they surprise no one. But dried or dried bananas are less common, although they also have a pleasant taste and many useful qualities. Sun-dried bananas are essentially dehydrated fruits that have lost a lot of weight but are still soft. Dried fruits are most often cut into pieces and then dried to a crispy state. In the article, we will talk about the beneficial properties of dried bananas, and how to cook dried bananas at home.

Calorie content and chemical composition

The calorie content of dried bananas averages 345 kcal per 100 grams of product. Despite the delicious taste, it is undesirable to eat dried banana fruits when losing weight. Their glycemic index is very high. However, moderate consumption of this product contributes to proper metabolism due to the vitamin B6 contained in the dried fruit. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of dried fruits, since this product contains many vitamins and minerals - these are phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron and others.

Benefits of dried banana

Dried banana and fresh banana differ from each other in appearance and taste, but both are useful in that:

  • Improve brain function.
  • Strengthen the heart muscles.
  • Have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair.
  • They help with problems with gastritis, anemia and peptic ulcers.
  • They cleanse the body of harmful substances and salts.
  • Helps to remove excess moisture from the body.
  • Useful for people suffering from depression, stimulate the release of serotonin - the hormone of joy

In addition to the fact that eating dried fruits improves overall health, dried bananas are also hypoallergenic, so they are used as complementary foods even for the smallest children.

Selection and preparation of fruit

Earlier we answered the question: “how useful are dried bananas?” Now let's take a closer look at the process of how to dry bananas at home. The initial stage in processing is correctly selected fruits. Only ripe fruits are suitable for drying, with a smooth yellow peel without visible defects and with a minimum of black spots, and preferably without them.
Before drying, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the fruits under running water, then let them dry and only then remove the peel. Then you can cut the pulp the way you like best, most often the fruits are cut into slices up to 5 mm thick or into strips. To prevent cut bananas from becoming dark during drying, they are treated with a special lemon solution. Fresh lemon juice or a spoonful of citric acid is added to 200 ml of water. Then the blanks are soaked for about 30 seconds. Leave in a colander to drain excess moisture.

How to dry bananas

How to dry bananas at home - consider the main methods. Here kitchen equipment plays a role, with it you will save time and effort well. In this case, a special electric fruit dryer is suitable. But, with the right approach, everything will turn out without household appliances.

Natural drying

In order to enjoy dried banana fruits prepared by yourself, there is enough sunlight. Of course, this is the easiest way, but it will take a lot of time and attention. It will be possible to use this method of drying only under favorable weather conditions.

The pre-prepared fruit (cut into slices or circles) is laid out on a wide baking sheet, or a special tray, then covered with gauze to avoid the harmful effects of insects and exposed to open sunlight. A well-ventilated space is best for drying. The second option is to dry them outside, the main thing is to remove the fruits at night and put them back in the morning only when the dew has come down.
The readiness of dried fruits will be reported by a white powdery coating on the fruits. This method of drying takes about two to four days, it all depends on how good the weather is, but the result will meet expectations.

In the oven

Sliced ​​blanks are laid out on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Grease the parchment with vegetable oil, then place the baking sheet in the oven. Lay out the banana pieces so that the pieces do not touch. Set the temperature to no more than 40 degrees, because when dried at a higher temperature, the fruit risks losing its beneficial qualities, although it will cook faster.

The cooking time for dried banana fruits largely depends on the method of cutting the workpiece, the smaller the pieces of the fruit, the faster they dry. On average, the timer on the oven is set from five to ten hours. Also, if the oven has a ventilation function, use it, or open the oven door a little and keep it a little open. It is important to periodically monitor the drying process and turn the banana slices over for even cooking.

If you prepared the fruit for drying using lemon juice, then the finished dried fruit will differ in size compared to fresh fruit. But outwardly they will be just as attractive. If you do not use lemon juice, then dried fruits in the oven will acquire a brownish tint.

Electric dryer

The easiest way to dry bananas at home is with special electric dryers for vegetables and fruits. In such devices, bananas can also be easily dried.
In electric dryers, bananas are dried in much the same way as in ovens. Spread the workpiece on a special pallet, so that the pieces do not touch each other, load into the machine and set the timer for an average of 10 - 12 hours. Then the electric dryer will do everything by itself, you do not need to constantly monitor the process. After the expiration of the set period, it is recommended to set dried fruits for several hours in a well-ventilated area in order to get rid of excess moisture.

How to store at home

Banana dried fruits, unlike dried ones, do not need to be stored in the refrigerator, they are perfectly stored at room temperature. Place dried fruits in glass jars with lids, metal or plastic containers, or paper and plastic bags. Keep the packaging closed, this will not only increase the shelf life of the product, but also help to avoid unwanted contact with potential pests.

What can be cooked

Dried bananas are a ready-made dish that is suitable as a snack. They are comfortable to take with you on a trip or to work. They are hearty and perfect for snacking between the main breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Dried fruits are used as ingredients for preparing various dishes. The easiest and most useful way is to add dried bananas to oatmeal - why not muesli. In general, these dried fruits can be added to different cereals, it all depends on your culinary preferences.

Dried fruits are used as main ingredients in desserts and pastries. But there are also more exotic recipes, for example, dried banana fruits are added to salads, fish and meat dishes. And the preparation of fruit compotes, liqueurs, and even alcohol tinctures using dried bananas is suitable for internal use, and is used in folk medicine.

Contraindications and harm

Dried banana benefits and harms, which are obvious, have a very small list of contraindications. So, the use of these dried fruits is contraindicated for people suffering from obesity and diabetes. After all, the product contains a large amount of sugar, which is simply dangerous in diabetes, and will complicate the disease. Otherwise, it is a completely harmless and useful product.

As we found out, dried bananas are very easy to prepare at home. Dried fruits have a large number of useful properties and are versatile in use. So rather buy a bunch of ripe bananas and experiment with pleasure.

It may seem strange to someone to dry bananas in our country, we do not live in Africa, but, nevertheless, dried bananas are of interest to a certain part of the population and enough of those who are engaged in this kind of harvesting. You never know, all of a sudden you get to a promotion in a supermarket and “grab” this exotic fruit at a knock-down price, it will just be possible to prepare it. Moreover, drying allows you to save the nutritional value of the product almost in its original form. And it is convenient to give dried bananas to educational institutions with children, because they take up a minimum of space, and they are perfect for a snack (and a healthy one at that).



How to dry / dry bananas in a dryer

Experience shows that the original taste of bananas determines the taste of the dried product. It happens that fruits with not very pleasant taste characteristics get in. This I mean that, having bought bananas that taste bad, you should not dry them, believing that they will be better there. The degree of ripeness of a banana does not really matter, just a little greenish fruits are cut better. Preparation of bananas for drying is elementary: they must be washed, peeled and cut into slices 2-3 mm thick. I prefer to cut in circles, but the shape of the cut does not matter, the main thing is to observe the thickness. If desired, the prepared pieces can be sprinkled with lemon juice to preserve the color of the banana, but I do not do this, the darkening of the dried banana does not bother me.

Sliced ​​bananas are laid out on the trays of the electric dryer so that the slices do not touch each other.

If the purchase of an electric dryer is only planned, then it is better to choose a model with the ability to control the temperature. I dried bananas at 65 degrees.

How long to dry bananas? It depends on the desired result. You can make dried bananas. Dried fruit circles can be easily bent, they are quite elastic and when pressed on them, moisture is not released. Such fruits are somewhat reminiscent of dried melon (more in texture than taste). Personally, I like dried bananas more purely for food, but they do not last as long as dried bananas, which can be called chips. So, if bananas are planned to be eaten within a month, then it is better to wither them, and if storage is planned for up to a year and harvesting is carried out mostly for cooking, then it is better to dry. The finished product is stored in an airtight container in a cool, dark place.

In the absence of a dryer, an oven is used to dry bananas. A limited number of residents have the opportunity to dry in the sun in our country, since the climate does not allow many. Whoever is very hot outside can put chopped bananas on a baking sheet, cover with gauze and put it in a ventilated place. Periodically, from the open sun, bananas are carried away into the shade. When a sugar crust forms on the slices and excess moisture evaporates from them, bananas can be stored.

In the oven, chopped bananas are best dried with the door ajar and a temperature of 80 degrees. In the oven, bananas can also be dried or dried to a crisp. When using dried bananas for filling in pies or cakes, the slices should be dipped in water for a while and allowed to swell. Bon Appetit!

Bananas have a sweet taste. They were loved by many. They are eaten in various forms, added to dishes as an ingredient.

Dried bananas, the benefits and harms of which are somewhat different from a fresh product, are used quite often. It is important to understand all the features of the fruit so as not to harm the body.

Many people think in what form it is more useful to eat, what is the harm. You can find out by finding out the differences between dried and fresh.

How are bananas dried?

Before finding out how dried bananas are useful and what harm they have, it is worth understanding how they are dried. There are various ways to do this. Dried ginger in sugar is a tasty and healthy treat.

With the help of a stove

Only mature fruits are used. The peel is removed from them, cut into several parts to make slices. The resulting fruits are laid out on a wind sheet. Placed in a charcoal oven.

It is important that the temperature is low. For bananas to come out dried, they must languish. Moisture will begin to evaporate from them, which will lead to a decrease in size.

Readiness is indicated by the appearance of a dark brown hue.

Natural way

This requires the sun's rays. Therefore, the method is possible only in good weather. Bananas are peeled and can be left whole or cut into slices.

Lay on a surface with good ventilation. The fruits are covered with gauze so that insects do not harm them. Periodically, bananas are recommended to be set aside in the shade.

Readiness is indicated by the appearance of a white crust on the surface. It's sugar powder.

Dried bananas are as healthy as fresh bananas.


The fruit is cut into slices. Each of them must be dipped in lemon juice. Prepare a baking sheet by placing special paper on it. It is recommended to make small holes in it to allow air to circulate. The cut pieces are laid out in a single layer on the sheet. Set the minimum oven temperature. Put the fruits there and keep them like that for about 10 hours.

They can be found in the store: they are designed for drying fruits, vegetables, including bananas. The temperature in the apparatus is minimal, within 40 degrees. Dried bananas, which are beneficial and harmful, will become due to the circulation of warm air currents in the unit. The procedure time is reduced by 6 hours when using a special dryer.

When drying, be sure to use lemon juice. This helps to keep bananas that do good and bad from browning. It is recommended to store fruits in a container equipped with a well-closing lid to preserve useful properties. Food containers will do.

Are they useful in dried form?

Many people wonder if dried bananas are healthy. The answer is yes. They are rich in vitamin B6, which improves metabolism. Contain the daily norm of this vitamin.

The fruit is easy to digest and quickly satiates. Thanks to this, it is perfect for athletes and will become a healthy snack during the day. The production of serotonin, which enhances the fruit, helps to improve mood, get rid of sadness.


The benefits of dried bananas and their harm are completely derived from the composition of the fruit. They are rich:

  • B vitamins, including B6;
  • sucrose;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus.

It has already been noted about the content in the fruits of the daily norm of vitamin B6. The benefit lies in the ability to improve metabolism and the functioning of the nervous system. In addition, there are other B vitamins in the composition. Due to the presence of sucrose, bananas have a pleasant sweet taste. The product also benefits mental activity, contributing to its improvement.

The benefits and harms of dried fruits are similar to fresh fruits. A high concentration of potassium favorably affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The benefit lies in the positive effect of bananas on the condition of the skin and hair.


The benefits and harms of dried bananas are affected by the calorie content, which is higher than that of a fresh fruit. In 100 grams - 390 kcal. At the same time, the protein content is 3.89 g, and the fat content is 1.81 g. Most of all carbohydrates. Their number in the product is 88.2 g. These indicators are reflected in the benefits and harms that the product carries.

Health benefits of fresh and dried bananas

Benefit for health

Dried bananas bring benefits and harm to the body. It has already been noted that the composition rich in vitamins has a positive effect on health. The benefit is to improve brain function.

The benefits of dried bananas are as follows:

  • improvement of the general condition, getting rid of weakness;
  • have a high fiber content (mild laxative property).

The fibrous base of the fruit makes it harmless to the gastric mucosa. In addition, the benefit lies in the rapid saturation of the body. High calorie content allows the fruit to be an excellent snack during the day. In moderation, you can eat even those who are on a diet. The benefits will be noticeable if you eat fruit regularly.

The benefits and harms of dried bananas may differ slightly from those that have fresh fruits. Therefore, many people think in what form it is more useful to eat fruits. It is worth noting that the benefits of dried fruits are quite similar to fresh ones:

  • the content of magnesium and potassium allows you to favorably influence the work of the heart;
  • have a slight laxative effect - fiber in large quantities can positively affect the functioning of the intestines;
  • fruits, regardless of the type of their use, are rich in B vitamins, which helps maintain the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Fruit in any form helps to produce serotonin, thanks to which it improves mood, helps to cope with stress.

But there is a difference between dried and fresh fruits. One of the key differences is the calorie content. In dried it is several times higher. In addition, they contain more sugar than fresh ones. This indicates that the harm of dried products for this indicator is higher.

Can dried fruits be harmful?

Dried bananas can benefit and harm the body. If you are trying to lose weight, you should carefully consider their use. Their calorie content is higher than fresh, so you should carefully monitor how much you eat them, otherwise you can harm the body. As a snack, they are suitable, but it is worth observing the measure.

In addition to calories, the glycemic index also matters. In dried fruits, it is high, which leads to a sudden sharp increase in blood sugar levels.

Foods with a high glycemic index are not useful, in large quantities they are harmful, and in case of diabetes and excess weight they are completely contraindicated.

How to cook banana chips? Just a couple of ingredients and the taste of Asia is on your plate. Dried bananas are a wonderful dessert and a great snack:


  1. The benefits and harms of dried bananas on the body are somewhat different from the effects of fresh fruits.
  2. They are useful for the nervous system, improve brain activity. This is a great, hearty, mood-boosting snack.
  3. But due to the high calorie content and glycemic index, in addition to benefits, they can also harm the body.

Source: https://b.news/produkty/frukty/sushenye-banany.html

Dried bananas - calories and useful properties

- this is still the same delicious fruit, but with the resolved issue of its transportation over long distances. There is also another name - banana figs. You can see how they look in the photo below.

Fruit drying is carried out without the use of any chemicals and harmful processing. The process of making dried bananas is very simple: first, the fruits are peeled, cut and placed on pallets. Then they are sent to special drying chambers, in which the temperature does not exceed 40 degrees. At this time, the fruits decrease in size and lose moisture.

Beneficial features

The benefits (useful properties) of dried bananas are in the content of a large amount of nutrients, as well as in their nutritional value.

The composition of the product includes vitamin B6, which is necessary for the normal course of metabolic processes in the body.

Dried fruits are an excellent source of potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the activity of the cardiovascular system, and it also removes excess fluid from the body.

The product contains serotonin, a happiness hormone that helps improve mood and get rid of stress and depression.

Bananas prepared in this way are quickly absorbed in the body. Sugars from fruits are absorbed into the blood and give the body energy and strength. This property causes the widespread use of such dried fruits in the diet, and especially those people who work hard physically.

Eating dried bananas is useful for problems with the stomach and cardiovascular system. This product can be a great snack or addition to dessert.

Due to the fibrous structure, dried fruit helps cleanse the intestines of decay products and excess fluid.

These products are hypoallergenic. They contain a lot of ascorbic acid, which will help strengthen the immune system.

Use in cooking

Dried bananas are popular in cooking and are used to prepare various dishes. They can be put in cereals, various desserts, pastries, milkshakes, etc. Dried bananas can be an excellent decoration for cakes, pastries, etc. You can use such dried fruits for the preparation of various compotes and other drinks.

If you do not trust the quality of dried bananas sold, it is easy to cook them at home with your own hands. The main thing is to have a special dryer. To do this, take the fruit, remove the peel and cut them into circles, the thickness of which should not be more than 5 cm.

In a separate container, combine lemon juice with water, the proportion should be 1:2. In the resulting liquid, you need to put the slices for 25 seconds. This procedure is necessary so that the fruit does not darken during drying. If this is not important to you, then the procedure can be skipped.

Arrange the circles on pallets and place in the dryer, it is recommended to swap them from time to time. The drying process will take you approximately 18 hours.

You can also dry fruits in the oven at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees for 5 hours. In addition, you can spread the fruits on a baking sheet and put it in the sun, just remember to cover it with gauze.

Harm of dried bananas and contraindications

Dried bananas can harm people with individual intolerance to the product. It is recommended to refuse the use of dried fruit for diabetes, as well as for obesity and during weight loss.

Due to the high calorie content, it is not recommended to introduce dried bananas into the diet of pregnant women, so as not to provoke weight gain. Although this product is not prohibited for consumption. But while breastfeeding, it is better to consume fresh fruits and not earlier than the child is two months old (at the same time, such a fruit should be introduced into the diet gradually).

It is contraindicated to eat dried bananas with thrombophlebitis, dyspepsia, increased blood clotting, and also after a stroke or heart attack.

Source: http://xcook.info/product/banani-sushinie.html

In our country, bananas quickly gained popularity, especially since this fruit is available almost at any time of the year. A much less popular, but no less tasty option is dried bananas, or figs.

They got their well-deserved popularity because they are very convenient to use: they take up little space, while remaining a nutritious and very healthy snack. This is especially useful if you watch your diet, or you can’t eat normally at work.

However, it is important to remember that when dried, bananas also acquire a much higher calorie content: they contain about 5 times more calories than fresh fruits, which in themselves are not very dietary. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, treat dried bananas with caution.

In any case, remember that only eating in moderation makes foods truly healthy.

Dried bananas are not very popular in our country, but in Asian countries they are even used to make chips. To do this, they are dried very strongly, adding sugar to them, and sometimes even salt. The result is a very original snack that harms the body much less than the usual potato chips. Although, of course, the combination of salt and banana is a combination only for true gourmets.

True, when eating, it is important to remember that they have the same properties as seeds - you can eat a huge amount of them and not even notice it.

Therefore, try to either add dried bananas to dishes, especially cereals like oatmeal, or strictly dose the amount that you are going to eat, because even the most healthy foods can become harmful if used frequently.

How to choose dried bananas

If you do not cook on your own, but want to buy ready-made dried bananas, pay attention to how they were dried.

If it's a sweet snack that has been prepared with caramel, it's best to skip the purchase and buy fresh fruit and cook it at home.

Remember that dried bananas themselves are quite high-calorie foods, and adding sugar caramel or honey to them will only increase the calorie content, and the sugar content in the product will provide a sharp jump in blood sugar levels.

How to dry bananas at home

Dried bananas can be prepared quite easily at home, no special devices or preservatives are needed for this.

To do this, you need to peel fresh fruits, cut them into neat circles about 5 cm thick, put them on a baking sheet and dry them in a warm place at a temperature of 30 to 40 degrees.

The result will be bananas that will have a rich brown color. If you use the "baby" variety, you can not cut them, leave them whole, just peel them first.

During the drying process, up to 80% of the water comes out of the banana, so they will become much smaller. However, they will remain as healthy as fresh fruit, retaining an almost complete supply of vitamins and minerals. Place finished products in a glass or cardboard box and store in a dry place for up to 12 months.

To prepare dried bananas at home, it is best, of course, to use a special fruit dryer. Otherwise, you need at least an electric oven, or something else that can keep them at their optimum temperature (about 40 degrees).

Exceeding the temperature will make the bananas baked rather than dried. Cut them into slices about 5 centimeters wide, and then dip them in a mixture of lemon juice and water, if desired. This is necessary so that they retain their color and do not darken.

To do this, you need to mix lemon juice with water in a ratio of one to two, but if the color of the finished product is not important to you, you can safely skip this step.

Bananas must be placed in this mixture for half a minute, then removed, spread on a baking sheet and dried. At the optimum temperature of 40 degrees Celsius, you will need about 18 hours to completely dry the product. Remember that in the oven at the same temperature, you will need about 5 hours.

In addition, you can dry bananas and just in the fresh air, if it's very hot outside. To do this, it is also necessary to lay them out on parchment, but be sure to cover them with gauze so that midges do not sit on them. In this case, place them directly under the open sun, and then check the condition regularly.

As soon as a characteristic sweet crust forms on the fruit, we can assume that they are ready.

Composition of dried bananas

One dried banana contains a daily amount of vitamin B6, which we need in order to speed up the metabolism, as well as maintain the efficiency of the nervous system. In addition to vitamin B6, they contain a wide range of other B vitamins, sucrose, which gives them a sweet taste, and phosphorus, which is essential for mental performance.

Composition of dried bananas (per 100 g) vitaminsMinerals
calories 346 kcal
Squirrels 3.89 g
Fats 1.81 g
Carbohydrates 88.28 g
Saturated fatty acids 0.2 g
Ash 0.9 g
Starch 2 g
Mono- and disaccharides 19 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 0.2 g
Water 74 g
organic acids 0.4 g
Alimentary fiber 1.7 g
Choline 9.8 mg
Vitamin PP 0.9 mg
Vitamin K 0.5 µg
Vitamin E 0.4 mg
Vitamin C 10 mg
Vitamin B9 10 mcg
Vitamin B6 0.4 mg
Vitamin B5 0.3 mg
Vitamin B2 0.05 mg
Vitamin B1 0.04 mg
Vitamin A 20 mcg
beta carotene 0.12 mg
Fluorine 2.2 mcg
Selenium 1 mcg
Manganese 0.27 mg
Zinc 0.15 mg
Iron 0.6 mg
Phosphorus 28 mg
Sodium 31 mg
Potassium 348 mg
Magnesium 42 mg
Calcium 8 mg

Dried bananas have a lot of useful properties, in principle, the same that you can find in fresh fruits.

They contain a high concentration of potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, as well as to improve communication between neurons.

In addition, it is very useful for the good condition of the skin and hair, its deficiency immediately becomes noticeable and affects the appearance.

Useful properties of dried bananas

Dried bananas can even be used for medicinal purposes, in particular, they are very good at helping to cope with constipation, in this they are very good at replacing pharmaceutical drugs. The main thing is not to get carried away with such treatment, since there are still too many calories in bananas.

It is very useful to periodically use them for people who suffer from anemia, as the substances contained in them stimulate the production of blood cells.

They are also prescribed for those who suffer from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as ulcers or gastritis, since dried bananas are very easy to digest, give the body the maximum amount of nutrients, and also improve bowel function.

They are also well suited for those who have problems with the cardiovascular system, as they support the work of the heart and the good condition of the vessels, and are also able to remove harmful salts from the body.

Dried bananas help the body remove excess fluid, along with salts, which helps relieve swelling.

They can also be taken for ulcers, as their fibrous composition is very easy to digest and does not damage the gastric mucosa.

They help with:

  • smoking;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • to support the nervous system;
  • for the proper formation of the body;
  • with edema.

Bananas, both fresh and dried, are recommended for smokers. Firstly, they help at least slightly reduce the harm that nicotine causes to the body, and secondly, they help fight cravings for smoking.

When consumed regularly, bananas even help to cope with stress and reduce anxiety and nervousness (like tomatoes and sesame), this was made possible thanks to the vitamin B contained in them. Vitamin E, which is also found in fresh and dried fruits, is very beneficial for the condition. skin and hair.

With regular use, it will become noticeable, not only the mood will improve, but also the appearance.

Dried bananas for kids

Many are interested in the question of whether dried bananas can be given to children.

Many berries and fruits can cause allergies in a baby, especially if he is very young, but bananas, both fresh and dried, remain a hypoallergenic product, so you can safely include them in your children's diet.

What's more, dried bananas are even good for children, as they contain a high concentration of vitamin C, which promotes a good immune system and helps with colds.

Not everyone knows this, but bananas, both fresh and dried, contain substances that stimulate the production of the hormone of joy, so we can say that those people who regularly consume them are the happiest people in the world.

In any case, their regular use can improve mood, increase efficiency and keep the nervous system in order. Dried fruits are very good for athletes, because they contain a high concentration of calories, which means they can provide a lot of energy.

Their natural composition saturates the body with useful substances, which is also very important for those who play sports.

How to eat dried bananas

Because of the high calorie content, it is best to consume bananas in the morning. For example, a very healthy breakfast would be oatmeal with the addition of fresh or dried fruit. You can also use them as a decoration and addition to confectionery products, such as cakes and pastries.

But, of course, it is best to use dried bananas in their pure form: firstly, they themselves are a very good substitute for desserts even for the most capricious children, and secondly, they are already quite high in calories.

You can even make compotes from dried bananas if you are ready to experiment and want to try such a drink.

Any most useful product has its contraindications. Dried bananas, for example, should not be consumed by people who want to lose weight. At the very least, it is necessary to strictly control their amount in the diet. Due to the high concentration of sugar, they are contraindicated for people who suffer from diabetes.

The amount of dried bananas eaten must be strictly dosed also for people who suffer from excessive blood clotting, including one that leads to the formation of blood clots, as well as after a heart attack or stroke.

It is advisable to avoid combining with milk, as this can cause bloating. On the other hand, the combination of banana with milk helps to gain weight, so in small quantities it can be consumed by those people who need to gain weight.

Source: http://FoodandHealth.ru/suhofrukty/banany-sushenye/

Dried bananas benefits and harms

Sep-7-2012 KoshechkaM


Banana is a perennial herbaceous plant of the banana family. In nature, there are up to 70 types of bananas: from short to tall (from 60 cm to 15 m in height). The banana pseudo-trunk is strong, thick and short, it is completely hidden under the ground. Rhizomes, on which giant leaves are spirally arranged, reach tall varieties up to 4 m in length and 90 cm in width.

Banana fruits - berries with a leathery shell and juicy pulp, elongated, cylindrical, crescent-shaped, faceted, arranged in bunches, reaching a mass of 30-50 kg. The fruits have a tasty and sweet, fragrant mealy pulp whitish-cream color.

The most common garden varieties of bananas are: banana "wise men", or Indian banana, up to 10 m high; Chinese banana, or Cavendish banana, it is also called a dwarf banana, or Canary, up to 2 m high.

The "wise men" banana variety serves as a food source for millions of people in tropical countries. The Chinese banana variety, whose fruits are smaller in weight, is more common due to its good tolerance to a cool climate.

The paradise banana variety belongs to the group of mealy bananas, it is also called the dessert banana. The fruits of this banana are very rich in starch, but they taste savory.

More often they are consumed boiled, baked or used to make flour.

Banana is one of the first plants cultivated by man. It is believed that all of its edible species originated from the pointed banana, whose homeland is Southeast Asia.

You should know that bananas ripening on a tree do not gain the necessary taste and aroma, but lose them. The peel of the fruit cracks and the flesh is easily affected by diseases.

Therefore, the fruits are removed unripe. Bought bananas should be stored in a cool - 10-12 ° C place, but not in the refrigerator. Greenish fruits are stored at a higher temperature.

Clusters of fruit are hung up rather than kept in plastic bags.

The fruit pulp contains up to 80% water, fiber, pectin substances that improve digestion, starch (7-20%), which turns into sugar when the fruit ripens, proteins - up to 1.3%, carbohydrates - up to 25% (mainly sucrose ), malic acid, tannins and aromatics, enzymes, vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, PP, provitamin A, catecholamines. According to the content of vitamin C, bananas are not inferior to some citrus fruits: in ripe fruits, 100 g of pulp contains from 8 to 12 mg of this vitamin.

* Eating 1-2 bananas a day has a stable tonic effect: mood, concentration and efficiency increase, fatigue decreases, the body is cleansed.

Fresh bananas can be easily bought in the store almost all year round. What many do. But there are also dried bananas, the calorie content and benefits of which, as a fairly popular delicacy, are often of interest to readers.

Indeed, dried bananas are a very high-calorie product. It is known that in dried form they have 5 times higher calorie content than in fresh form. Let's dwell on this issue in more detail.

But first, let's remember what kind of fruit is a banana? And how are his dried "brothers" prepared?

Dried bananas:

Today, many banana lovers are faced with the problem of their transportation, if the trip is long, it is quite possible that the bananas will simply go bad.

This problem is now easily solved, because there are dried bananas, which can also be found under the name "banana figs".

Bananas are a real source of energy and vitality, and dried bananas perfectly satisfy even the strongest hunger, while being an absolutely healthy food. Bananas are dried without the use of chemical treatment.

The method of their preparation is extremely simple: it is necessary to peel the banana, cut into equal parts and place on a pallet. Drying bananas occurs at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees.

The size of a banana is significantly reduced, but, most importantly, the beneficial properties of a dried banana remain the same as those of a fresh one. This dried fruit is ideal for a daily snack at work or in an educational institution.

In addition, the calorie content of dried bananas is much less than that of various waffles, and the benefits and nutritional value are much higher.

How bananas are dried:

Dried bananas are prepared without the use of any chemicals.

The method by which this popular delicacy is prepared is very simple: ripe fruits, peeled, are laid out on baking sheets and dried at a low temperature in ovens, the fire of which is supported by charcoal.

During such drying, their moisture content is reduced to 17-19%, and they are greatly reduced in size. But an interesting fact is that their useful properties are not lost.

Calorie content and benefits:

The calorie content of dried bananas is 390 kcal per 100 grams of this product.

Dried bananas are a great alternative for those with a sweet tooth who are on a diet. The benefits of dried bananas are primarily that they have a beneficial effect on the heart, liver and brain.

They contain the so-called joy hormone, so after eating them, your mood can rise significantly. These properties of dried bananas are known among athletes who need glucose, especially before competitions, to gain energy and strength.

Due to the fact that dried bananas contain a large amount of potassium, excess fluid is excreted from the body.

For people who suffer from cardiovascular insufficiency, dried bananas will also be a suitable product. If a person suffers from diabetes, then dried bananas will affect stress relief and anxiety, as well as help improve sleep.

The beneficial properties of dried bananas are also manifested in stomach problems, due to their fibrous structure.

These fruits, among other things, are used for medicinal purposes. Yellow ripe fruits are useful in curing constipation and hemorrhoids. Since they contain a lot of iron and sugar, bananas are good for anemia (anemia) and general weakness. Green fruits contain a lot of potassium and sodium, due to which they have long been used as a diuretic, which helps to remove salts from the body.

Harm of dried bananas

Despite a number of nutritional benefits and beneficial effects on health, dried bananas can harm the body in the following cases:

  • with diabetes mellitus, due to the high content of sucrose,
  • in diseases of blood clotting, as they have the property of thickening the blood,
  • overweight due to high calorie content,
  • after a stroke or heart attack,
  • with ischemic heart disease.

Note that it is worth distinguishing sun-dried bananas from banana chips cooked by frying in palm or coconut oil. In addition to heat treatment, which kills some of the nutrients, chips harm the body with a high content of hard-to-digest fats, cholesterol and carcinogens. In addition, their calorie content becomes even higher - about 500 kcal per 100 g.

Dried bananas for weight loss

Many nutritionists claim that dried bananas are ideal for breakfast and snacks, as they contain complex carbohydrates and sugars, perfectly saturate and serve as an invaluable source of energy.

This is a pure product, since no chemicals are used during the drying of bananas, it is enough to withstand a temperature of 40 degrees for a certain time and place the fruit in a special container for drying.

The product has a lot of fiber and organic fibers, which cleanses the intestines of harmful substances, practically not being absorbed in it, and giving a feeling of satiety. With regular use of the product, problems with constipation and stool regularity are solved.

In addition, dried fruits contain many vitamins, including C, PP, K, E and A, and minerals - calcium, zinc, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron and selenium.

Ascorbic acid is considered a natural antioxidant, indispensable for colds and strengthening the immune system, which is especially important for children.