A fuss in the sand is an indispensable attribute of children's summer happiness. And if there is no shortage of sandboxes on city courtyards, then on a personal plot the child risks getting bored without the usual entertainment. If your baby is growing up, it's time to start building a sandbox in the country yard. We tell you how to design and build a functional and durable sandbox with a lid with your own hands.

Sandbox with a lid: design features

When starting construction, think over the main details in advance, starting with size. The sandbox should be deep and roomy enough so that a one-and-a-half-year-old baby can climb into it without problems, but so that a five-year-old child is not cramped there. For this purpose, dimensions of 1.5 m x 1.5 m are suitable: such a sandbox will not take up much space and 3-4 children can comfortably fit in it.

Calculate the height of the structure so that the sand layer is at least 15 cm. Remember to leave a seating area on top. With a board width of 12 cm, you can build a sandbox in two boards, that is, 24 cm high. This is quite enough for the kid not only to sculpt Easter cakes on his “construction site”, but also build a sand castle.

But does the sandbox need a lid? For those who love order and care about the health of children, the answer is obvious.

Lid protects sand:

  • from scattering throughout the territory;
  • from excessive wetting during rain;
  • from getting debris, branches, rotten fruits;
  • from the encroachments of dogs and cats, arrange a toilet there.

The lid will protect the sand from contamination and become a comfortable bench

The simplest lid is a shield knocked down from boards, with which the sandbox is covered after the game. It is the easiest to make, but such a cover is very heavy and bulky, takes up extra space on the site during the daytime, and it is quite difficult to move it from place to place. Therefore, we propose to dwell on the transformer cover: its construction will take more time, and the result will justify itself. Build a lid that turns into a table and/or a comfortable stool with a back when opened: not only will kids love them, but adults will be lured to join them as well.

Transformer sandbox design (photo gallery)

Where to begin

To get started, stock up on materials and tools. We offer a list of the minimum necessary, without which you can not do without.

Building materials:

  1. Boards: for the construction of a frame of 1.5 m x 1.5 m, you will need two pieces with dimensions of 32x120x6000 mm; for the cover, two boards with dimensions of 20x120x6000 mm.
  2. Beam 2 pieces 50x50x1000 mm for fastening the body and the back of the lid.
  3. Agrofibre 1600x1600 mm for lining the bottom.
  4. Door hinges 6-8 pieces. For a more reliable design, use wicket hinges.
  5. Self-tapping screws.
  6. Staples.
  7. Impregnation for wood, stain, paint.


  • saw (jigsaw);
  • screwdriver;
  • stapler;
  • grinding device (planer, grinder + grinding wheel, sandpaper, etc.);
  • roulette.

Construction step by step

Let's start with the construction of the frame. To do this, we cut the boards into the segments we need. With a standard length of 6 m, we divide each board into four equal segments, which ensures waste-free production.

The boards are carefully planed and sanded to achieve a smooth surface. We definitely don't need the splinters obtained in the sandbox. To make the sandbox last for a long time, treat the boards with a solution from fungi and decay. Antiseptic will provide protection against pests and extend the life of the product.

We saw the timber into four equal pieces of 25 cm each and grind them.

We collect the body of the sandbox, fastening it with a bar

We assemble a two-tier building of eight boards, fasten the boards in the corners with a beam. We carefully drive the heads of self-tapping screws (nails, screws) so that they do not protrude beyond the surface of the board and timber. Between the boards, glue a strip of self-adhesive sealant, then the sand will not wake up in the cracks.

Glue the joint of the boards with self-adhesive sealant

Having measured the dimensions of the resulting frame with maximum accuracy, we proceed to the manufacture of the transformer cover. You can make a table on one side of the sandbox, and a bench on the other, or you can place two benches opposite each other. Let's consider the first option.

Sandbox-transformer with a bench and a table

We attach the first board to the sandbox with self-tapping screws, we attach the second to the first with the help of two door hinges. Thus, we can adjust the size of the table and make it wider if necessary.

For the bench, we need six identical boards, two of which will go to the seat, two to the back and two to attach to the frame. How it should look like is shown in the diagram:

Scheme of a bench for a sandbox

We fasten the hinges to the outside of the lid so that the inner strips are bent when opening up. For fastening and fixing the backrest, use a polished beam. Calculate its length so that when you open the lid, it provides a stable support for the back.

The beam should provide good support for the back

Important: so that the hinges do not rust, paint them on both sides before installation.

With the active use of the sandbox, self-tapping screws may not be enough to securely fasten the hinges: with frequent opening / closing, they quickly begin to fall out. For greater reliability, use bolts for fixing.

So that, carried away by sandy excavations, the kid does not start digging the ground from the depths, make a bottom in the sandbox. It will not allow not only the earth, but also unwanted insects and plants to penetrate clean sifted sand. For the bottom, a dense agrofibre with high moisture permeability is suitable, which will eliminate stagnation of water in the sandbox.

Pull the agrofibre along the bottom of the sandbox and fix it with brackets around the perimeter.

DIY sandbox (video)

Installation and maintenance

Choose a suitable location in the area. Do not place the sandbox in an open area to avoid overheating and sunburn during all-consuming play. It is better to install the structure in partial shade - from the house, fence or bushes. Make sure in advance that at noon the place for the future sandbox is protected from the sun.

In the selected area, dig an even pit 3-5 cm deep. A little more than the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sandbox so that it can easily “sit down” in it. You can make gravel around.

If you want the sandbox to be installed thoroughly, use a longer beam to fasten the box, then legs are formed at the corners of the structure, which can be dug into the ground.

Pit under the sandbox

When choosing between sea, quarry and river sand to fill the sandbox, we recommend choosing the latter. It is clean and does not contain impurities and salts, but it is still better to sift it when pouring, then the sand will be without pebbles and dirt, soft, gentle, pleasant to work with.

To make the children's "construction site" look cozy, surround it with lawn grass and lead a path to it.

Now the sandbox is absolutely “ready to use” and you can let the first little builders into it to test the object. It remains only to fill it with bright buckets, spatulas and molds as final touches. A sandbox made using this technology is simply bound to last for many years.

The more complex the construction of the sandbox, the more time and effort it will take to build it. At the same time, a good, conscientious thing will bring joy to more than one generation of kids. After all, sand games develop fine motor skills, creative thinking and simply give the joy of a carefree childhood. And for this it is worth a little effort.

- this is a great way to show love and care for your baby, as well as a source of pride and admiration. After all, what could be better for your beloved children than a safe, environmentally friendly and simply beautiful place to relax and have fun.

It is important to remember that games in the sandbox develop children's creative abilities, fine motor skills of hands, eye, patience, balance and even perseverance in achieving the goal - after all, sand is not the strongest building material. In addition, according to psychologists, sand has a positive effect on the human psyche, absorbing negative energy, calms and stabilizes the nervous system.

How to make a sandbox with your own hands: step by step instructions

Today, parents and children are offered a wide range of sandboxes. The most advanced ones are plastic made of linear polyethylene. They are very safe - no splinters, plus - rounded shapes significantly reduce the possibility of injury.

In addition, they are UV resistant, while remaining bright and attractive, they do not need to be repainted annually, as wooden and easy to wash. Remaining in the sun, unlike metal ones, they practically do not heat up.

And in terms of durability, they are significantly superior to both wooden and metal samples. Due to their low weight and modular design, they are quite mobile - they can be transported in a car, and brought into the house for the winter. barn. However, with all its advantages, a plastic sandbox is quite expensive, especially considering the “temporary” nature of the purchase.

It can be just four high poles at the corners of the sandbox, on which an awning canopy will be fixed, or a wooden roof canopy covering the entire area of ​​​​the sandbox. But a sandbox-fungus will look more decorative, made with your own hands from a bar (section 10x10 cm) and a “hat” from triangular pieces of plywood. Under it, you can wait out the sudden oncoming rain and hide from the sun.

Why do children need a sandbox, there is no need to explain. There is hardly anyone who did not play in the sand as a child. You can make a good sandbox on your own in just half a day. This will not only save a certain amount, but, perhaps more importantly, will make my father's authority much more significant. A do-it-yourself sandbox is built for family use when the first-born is already stomping cheerfully, and a collective one is at the beginning of the arrangement of a children's town in the local area.

A sandbox for children's games is, as you know, low, 25-40 cm high above the ground, a fence or box, with or without a bottom, 1.2-3 m in diameter, into which sand is poured. He is the main thing in the sandbox, because. is most susceptible to pollution, and the children's sandbox must comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements for children's household items. For a relatively small, 2x2 m, sandbox, it requires approx. 1 cubic meter. To prepare such an amount of ordinary sand at home for a children's sandbox, you will need to set up a whole production. Purchased mixtures are not cheap, and no one can give a reliable guarantee that they will retain their properties on the street. If they still correspond to the declared. However, a certain type of building sand (not at all the most expensive) may be suitable for a sandbox, provided it is replaced annually or prepared for refilling. Therefore, further a special section will be devoted to the choice of sand for the sandbox.

Location selection

To properly make a sandbox, you must first choose a suitable place for it. Position the sandbox on the site, as shown in Fig; in general, in the sector from north to southeast. It's about ultraviolet (UV). In the morning, when the air is fresher and more transparent, its share in sunlight is greater, but the UV radiation itself is softer. Remember, doctors recommend sunbathing in the morning. In the afternoon, due to physical phenomena with dusty and more saturated air, the share of UV decreases somewhat, but its spectrum becomes tougher. Therefore, in the afternoon, a shadow should fall on the sandbox.

However, building a sandbox under a tree is not recommended. You can not wait for leaf fall: in the summer, garbage will pour into the sandbox, bird droppings and insects will fall. Spiders are absolutely not needed in the sandbox: a cross that is safe for an adult can bite through children's skin, and spider venom does not cause immunity, but, on the contrary, sensitization, increased sensitivity to it. Most spiders cannot stand bright light and dryness, therefore the sandbox should be located no closer than 3-4 m from frequently watered beds, bushes, a pond, a fountain, etc. sources of moisture.

The next factor concerns not the sandbox itself, but the house and the equipped area near it. Sand is an excellent abrasive. The grains of sand carried on shoes can quickly spoil not only parquet or laminate flooring, but also a paved garden path. Therefore, it is highly desirable that around the sandbox there is at least 1.5-2 m of lawn or a blind area that removes sand from shoes. If the sandbox is not on the lawn, you can put cleaning mats for the hallway around it, but options from improvised materials are also possible, see below.

Site preparation

Sandboxes are made permanent, wintering in the open air, and seasonal, which are removed under the roof for the winter. The latter are not necessarily with a bottom that requires more material and adds weight. Permanent sandboxes are built, as a rule, for several generations by children, and seasonal ones are a typical sandbox for a summer cottage. With more or less careful use, it will serve not only children, but also grandchildren. The construction of a sandbox of both types differs, in essence, only in the way the box is installed, see below.

Anyway preparation of a place for a sandbox and its fixation on it is carried out in stages as follows:

  • In the selected area, the sod or the upper loose / littered soil layer is removed by 15-20 cm, i.e. for half a bayonet of a shovel, and with the same exit to the sides;
  • The site is leveled, covered with any sand with a layer of 5-6 cm, and passed with a rake;
  • The sandy backfill is covered with geotextiles, agrofiber or, in a very budgetary version, propylene matting from old bags spread on panels, with a 30-40 cm extension along the contour. Such insulation will not let roots and soil animals into the sandbox, but will let them out into the ground excess moisture;
  • After installing the box (see Fig.), the insulation lapels are folded up and temporarily attached with tape to the sides of the box;

  • The trench surrounding the box is covered with excavated soil, ramming it;
  • Excess insulation is cut off or tucked up, tucked in with a sliver, ruler, etc.

Note: if the sandbox is seasonal, then it is better to poke the insulation. In autumn, her lapels are pulled out and straightened. The box is removed, and then it will be possible to take out the sand for winter storage. Or to a construction site, if the need for a sandbox has passed.

Does the sandbox need a lid?

Why sand is attractive to cats and dogs and why their completely natural needs are incompatible with human hygiene is understandable. It is also highly undesirable for children to play on completely damp sand. It molds better, but not for long before a cold. You can, of course, when the sandbox is not in use, put pipes, boards, poles on it, cover it with foil and press it down with bricks. But in the adult summer, when there are so many worries on the site, it is troublesome and does not diminish the trash on the territory. Therefore, the cover of the sandbox is still needed.

Note: in purchased expensive mixtures for sandboxes, fragrances are introduced that repel animals. But, first of all, they “fizzle out” pretty soon. Secondly, there is no independent medical statistics on the impact of these substances on human health. Since we are talking about the health not just, but of children, then, as they say, it is better to stay away from sin.

A sandbox with a lid, if we exclude the completely exotic variants of a fan lid, self-lifting with a mechanism, etc., is done in three ways, see fig. above. The simplest option is a regular shield made of boards or plywood, as in fig. left. But then, without the help of adults (perhaps, they are very busy right now), they cannot get into the sandbox. Secondly, because of such sandbox covers, injuries are possible. A neat, quick-witted and independent child, trying to put his workplace in order in an adult way, pulls a shield that is too heavy for him, and he falls on the little owner. Serious cases were not noted, not a roar and resentment is enough.

The second option is a folding lid, or a book that transforms into a convenient bench, on the left in fig. It's not hard to make one; the scheme of the transformer cover device for the sandbox is shown in fig. on right. Materials - boards (100-150) x (20-30) and bars 50x50. The bar (a) in the closed sandbox is under the lid, and the bar (b) is on it, so there is no need to calculate exactly the indents / gaps / offsets with this mechanism. The removal of the beam (b) adjusts the inclination of the backrest.

Loops 1 card with wings as wide as the thickness of the board; loop 2 is better to take barn. In the middle of the upper boards of the back, cut-outs are made (shown by the arrow on the left in the figure above). If the cover is needed deaf, then door handles are attached in the same places.

The second option is a sandbox with a hinged lid, on the right in fig. higher, more suitable for children of different ages, when the elder (eldest) may have already outgrown the sandbox, but takes care of the little brother (sister). Then the elder, who is already able to lift a fairly large sheet of plywood or painted chipboard, will have at his disposal a game / desktop table, well, and the little one will have his own.



Sandboxes are preferably made of wood; wood in this case is the most environmentally friendly and least traumatic material. With a simple and completely harmless treatment, you can achieve its durability in the open air for more than 10 years, which is more than enough for a sandbox. Other options for building a sandbox will be discussed later, but for now let's take a look at the wooden ones.

Part preparation

The preparation of the material for the manufacture of a sandbox made of wood is reduced to a double impregnation of the parts ready for assembly with a water-polymer emulsion (WPE). There is no point in using expensive certified oil and silicone water repellents (water-repellent compositions) and antiseptics in this case: there are few cracks and nooks and crannies that retain moisture (this is the so-called capillary blockage) in the sandbox, they are all well ventilated and / or are in contact with greedily absorbent sand. Free work, which in many other cases helps out the home master, is not applicable in this case, because. motor oils contain additives, the presence of which is unacceptable in children's household items.

Note: the underground parts of the permanent sandboxes are also treated before installation in place, see below, with bituminous mastic or doused with boiling bitumen.

For the same reasons, almost any tree will go to the sandbox, even alder and aspen unsuitable for buildings. Their low resistance to rot and mold is compensated by "roasting" in the sun and contact with sand, and low mechanical strength for a practically unloaded sandbox does not matter. For permanent sandboxes, it is better, of course, to take pine or other conifers. Birch is not suitable for any structures open to atmospheric influences; it molds very easily.

As for the choice of the type of lumber, it is best to use quarter or grooved boards, they will exclude the penetration of atmospheric moisture into the sand through the walls. The tongue-and-groove, in addition, will make it possible to arrange strong wide benches, see Fig., And the folding cover of the sandbox will be made reliable and durable. A perfectly solid sandbox is obtained from a grooved board with a thickness of 16-20 mm. Of course, when assembling the box, the tongue tongue comb of the top board will have to be removed.

Note: the crest of the tongue and groove of the sides of the box should always point upwards, and the crest of the bottom quarter, if quarter boards are used, outward. Otherwise, moisture will stagnate in the connection.

Building a sandbox

The sandbox box is made 2-3 boards high, depending on their width. They are assembled by attaching at the corners with self-tapping screws to pieces of timber 50x50 long in height of a box for a seasonal sandbox or with "legs" of 30-40 cm for a permanent one. A 100-mm board requires 2 attachment points, and a 150-mm board 3. If the walls are made of a simple edged or quarter board, and their length exceeds about 1.8 m, then in the middle of each wall, another piece of the same beam is attached.

The corners of the seasonal sandbox must be additionally reinforced so that 1 person can tilt its box without risking breaking it. In this case, the corner posts are placed outside, and the intersecting boards crash into each other halfway through the tree. Drawings of a country sandbox for seasonal use are shown in fig. Of course, a constant made in this way will not be worse.

Board seats

The board of a sandbox represents a frame from boards. It gives her box additional rigidity, serves as a seat and a shelf for toys. To make the board even, the ends of its boards are sawn at 45 degrees. Here, firstly, it is necessary to pay attention to the coincidence of the edges. The protrusion of the corner, see Fig., is traumatic, children scratch on such hooks, as if they are being pulled there by a magnet. Such flaws must be filed and the outer corners of the board should be sanded to roundness.

How the board is superimposed on the box can be seen in pos. 1 fig. Definitely attach it to the corner and intermediate racks. But if you leave it like that, the board will soon break off.

Fastening to the edge of the drawer board, pos. 2, not quite reliable, the kids are fickle people. Backing block B is also not an ideal way out, it prevents children from sticking toys into hiding places under the side, but what kind of game is this? The best way to strengthen the side of the sandbox is to cut the plinth-fillet from 40x40 mm, pos. 3. For 1 m of the length of the side, a piece of 30 cm long, installed in the middle, is enough. Attachment points - 3, i.е. in increments of 10 cm. In addition, if the same supports are installed under the outer side extension, then its fastening can be made hidden.


Based on the conditions of the sandbox, it is clear that she needs a roof. The classic version is fungus. But adults who remember how they played in the sandbox also remember that he doesn’t really hide from anything, only he has to hit his forehead every now and then. In the center of the sandbox is the game, and there is a pillar sticking out. The fungus on the playground, of course, is needed for quiet and quiet games, but aside. And it makes sense to make a sandbox with a fungus only if there are wastes of building materials left and there is no money for new ones. In such a case, see the video on how to make a sandbox with a fungus from improvised materials.

Video: do-it-yourself sandbox with a fungus

The most durable and reliable version of the sandbox roof is on 4 pillars, pos. 1 in fig. There is only one problem - with a nose-pocket, then the fidgets have the same problem as reckless drivers with a radiator: always in front of him is either a tree or a pole.

Much safer than a roof on 2 pillars, pos. 2 and 3. They are attached to the sides of the box at the location. Therefore, if the roof is heavy and/or with steep slopes, which gives better shelter, then the pillars must be reinforced with struts, pos. 2.

It is advisable to make the roof of a seasonal sandbox soft, cap, pos. 3, or tension, pos. 4. The latter allows you to minimize the cost of wood and gives a very good shelter. Roofing material for all roofs - any suitable. If polycarbonate remains from a greenhouse, porch, canopy or, say, a gazebo, this is the best option.

A special case is the sandbox-wigwam, pos. 5, or a sandbox-hut. Although there are more pillars in it, but the physiognomy of them falls much less often. The point here is in some features of the children's psychophysiology of vision and motor skills. In general, the highlight is that the pillars are tilted inwards.

Mounting order

This question only applies to permanent sandboxes. And the very question is how to assemble the product from parts: on the spot, similarly to “adult” buildings, or, for example, a dog house, entirely where it is more convenient, see the figure, and put it in place assembled. For a sandbox, the second option is definitely preferable, because. allows to significantly reduce the amount of excavation work. This is also significant because the sandbox is placed on a well-developed territory, and you don’t want to mutilate a lawn or a platform, in which a lot of work has also been invested.

Another argument in favor of installing a finished box is that when assembling it on site, you will definitely need leveling, sizing and straightening the contour. The country toilet oblique will not stand for a long time; sandbox in terms of more. And the finished box with sides is rather rigid, it is lightly loaded and will hold on even if the zero cycle is far from perfect.

The step-by-step instructions for installing the assembled sandbox in place are as follows:

  1. A pit is being prepared as described above, but so far without sand filling and without laying insulation;
  2. In places where the posts (columns) go into the ground, a hand drill with a diameter of 80-100 mm drills holes to a depth of penetration of the posts plus 10-15 cm, i.e. 40-55 cm, because it is enough to deepen the racks by 30-40 cm. With a 10-cm drill, this work is done effortlessly, 5-10 minutes per well;
  3. In the process of sand filling for insulation, the wells are filled with sand about half or slightly higher;
  4. The “legs” of the box are sharpened before being processed with bitumen, hemmed with an ax or filed into a wedge or into an elongated pyramid;
  5. When the insulation is laid, it is cut with petals above the wellheads;
  6. The box is placed “with its feet” in the wells and upset by the level to the place, first with the hands, and then by tapping the ends of the racks with a snow leopard - a wooden sledgehammer. It is not necessary to beat with all your might, you need to gradually beat it, passing along the contour;
  7. The roof, if provided, is assembled on site.

Note: you can make a snow leopard with your own hands from a deck or trim a bar from 130x130 cm, mounted on a handle.

More materials

For quick self-assembly of sandboxes, plastic modules are produced, see Fig., In trade practice, for some reason, they are called linear polyethylene. Nothing bad is known about them, but if you equip a garden or break a flower bed, then they can be replaced with elements of a border for flower beds from a garden constructor; especially - elements for flower beds on the lawn. They are suitable in height, sand will not spill through the joints, they do not require earthworks, but they hold firmly in the ground. And the costs for the sandbox from the garden border will be less.

A common version of the “sandbox hastily and for nothing” is from tires, see fig. on right. Free, but, firstly, not very hygienic: moisture stagnates in tire pockets, sand can rot. Secondly, steel cord. As the rubber dries out on the cuts, its ends slowly but surely stick out, the children prick and scratch about them. Of course, you can build a lot of useful crafts from tires, but they are not suitable for a sandbox.

Sandbox-boat with a box - a compartment for toys

Helpful Improvements

This is primarily a sandbox-boat. It is not much more difficult to make than usual, but in the bow compartment, which is called the forepeak in real ships, it is very convenient to store toys and even small gardening accessories. Romance in the game, that goes without saying. In this case, the forepeak is provided with a hatch cover and fenced off from the sandbox itself with a blank wall - a bulkhead, see fig. Since the boat is, then we will call its parts in the sea. If the forepeak is part of a sandbox, then it is not worth making a deck over it, sand without sunlight can rot.

The next option will require more work; even more than a sandbox with a roof. This is a sandbox-house for growth. Its design is strong and durable enough that when the child outgrows playing in the sand, it can be laid on the floor, sheathed walls and thus get a playhouse. The diagram of the device of the sandbox-house is shown in fig. left.

About corners

If the dimensions of the sandbox in terms of plan do not exceed approximately 2x2 m, then it is possible to reduce the consumption of wood without losing the strength of the box by arranging corner seats, on the left in Fig. in the center above. Psychologically, this option is preferable for individualistic children.

A very beautiful and durable sandbox with corner seats is obtained from stumps and logs, not necessarily of the same size. And if you lay out a blind area around the box (in this case already a log house) with saw cuts from the same logs, then the removal of even very fine sand outside the playing area will be minimal, on the right in the same fig.

What kind of sand to take?

Now back to the question of which of the construction sands is suitable for the sandbox. Small, almost white, pos. 1 next. rice. – definitely not. He, from the point of view of the child, is badly molded. And in an adult way, it is very dusty, climbs into the eyes and everywhere, microscopically injuring the skin, which can contribute to allergies. Adult construction workers, healthy hardy uncles, work with such sand, wear protective clothing, respirators and goggles.

Also, white or slightly grayish quartz sand is not suitable, pos. 2. It does not generate dust, but almost does not mold at all, and injures the skin to visible scratches. Quartz is a very hard mineral and its grains are rarely rounded to full roundness.

Red sand, traded as ravine, pos. 3, molded perfectly, but also not suitable for the sandbox. There is a lot of clay in it, it gets very dirty. And to make matters worse, this clay is full of microscopic pores filled with nutrients. Malicious micro-life is just that and give it.

For a sandbox, moderately yellowish sand of medium size is best suited, pos. 4. There is enough clay in it for very thin modeling, but it wraps the grains in a thin dense layer, making them not traumatic and unsuitable for the settlement of microorganisms. Repeatedly, up to 3-4 times, such sand (it goes on sale most often as river sand) is used as follows:

  • In winter, it is stored in a dry, unheated room; better - in bags, or in the yard under a film.
  • In the spring, the sandbox is filled when the weather is warm.
  • If the sand wintered in it, then it is selected and winnowed after complete drying, see below.
  • The sandbox is refilled in layers, in layers of 7-10 cm.
  • Sand is poured into a box with winnowing, i.e. a jet from a bucket from a height of human growth with a wind of medium strength.
  • The backfilled layer is dried in air for at least a day before backfilling the next one.


There is also such a kind of sandbox as a desktop one. Generally speaking, children, playing in it, are much more likely to clog their eyes, nose, mouth, because. the head is kept straight, and not tilted face down. In addition, the construction of a desktop sandbox is a complicated matter, because. even a small amount of sand requires at least half a ton. And if the desktop sandbox is home, then you will need a separate room that does not communicate directly with others.

The cost of building a sandbox is minimal, and it will bring great pleasure to children. Of course, you can buy a finished structure and just fill it with sand, but a sandbox made by yourself is much more interesting and convenient.

Location selection

Before you start building a sandbox, you need to find the most suitable place for it, because the comfort and safety of the baby depends on it. There are several rules for placing a sandbox:

To protect from the sun, you can place a sandbox under a small, strong tree or build one. But under old trees, this should not be done: at any time, a heavy branch can fall from a tree onto a child.

Prices for children's sandboxes

Children's sandboxes

Sandbox construction

If a place for the sandbox is selected, you can proceed to the main process. First you need to calculate the size of the structure, choose the shape, properly prepare the base. The size of the sandbox depends on the age and number of children who will play in it. For three kids 1-3 years old, a plot of 1.5x1.5 m is quite enough, for older children it is recommended to make sandboxes 2x2 m, and standard designs have dimensions of 1.7x1.7 m.

Most often, the sandbox has a rectangular or square shape, but sometimes there are round and hexagonal designs. Here much depends on the imagination of the master and his skill; if experience in such matters is minimal, it is better to stay on the standard square shape. Wood is used as a building material, namely pine boards.

Additionally you will need:

  • shovel;
  • roulette;
  • pegs and rope;
  • geotextile;
  • sand;
  • tamper;
  • timber 50x50 mm;
  • hacksaw;
  • antiseptic impregnation;
  • liquid bitumen;
  • grinder.

Step 1. Site preparation

The selected area is cleared of stones, branches, weeds, the surface is leveled. If the size of the sandbox is 1.5x1.5 m, then the cleared area should be 10-15 cm larger on each side - this is necessary for more accurate marking.

Step 2. Markup

Now you need 4 pegs, a tape measure and a long rope. Visually determine the location of one of the corners of the structure, drive in a peg, draw two perpendicular lines from it, mark the location of the last corner. A rope is pulled between the pegs and the length of the diagonals inside the markup is checked. They must be exactly the same.

Step 3. Preparing the base

Inside the fence, a layer of soil is selected to a depth of at least 20-25 cm. The walls of the pit must be leveled so that they are strictly vertical. When all the soil is taken out, the bottom is trimmed and compacted. Sifted fine sand is poured on top with a layer of 5 cm, thoroughly rammed.

Step 4. Making the frame

The beam is sawn into pieces 45 cm long, the lower ends are sharpened, polished, treated with impregnation and coated with liquid bitumen to half. Now you need to install them at the corners of the perimeter and bury them in the soil by 15 cm. The next step is to fasten the boards: they are knocked down in pairs and screwed to the bars with self-tapping screws. You can do it differently: first, completely assemble the frame, and then install it above the pit.

Boards can be taken narrow or wide, as long as the width of the walls is at least 30 cm. Be sure to treat the surface of each board with a grinding nozzle on both sides, then soak and dry. After that, the boards are knocked down into a square box and reinforced at the corners with bars, which on the one hand should protrude 15 cm beyond the perimeter of the box.

Step 5. Mounting the sides

For the convenience of the child around the perimeter of the frame, you need to make small bumpers. To do this, take 4 boards 20 cm wide, grind them very high quality, cover with an antiseptic and cut the edges at an angle of 45 degrees. Lay the boards on top of the walls, align and align the joints, screw tightly with self-tapping screws. Hats of self-tapping screws should be well drowned in a tree so that the child does not get hurt. Sometimes, instead of sides, corner benches are made: they take a board of small length, process it well, lay it on two adjacent walls, stepping back a few centimeters from the corner. After that, the board is nailed on both sides, and the edges protruding beyond the perimeter are cut off.

Step 6. Finishing the structure

Now the sandbox needs to be properly painted. To do this, choose paints of 2-4 colors, always bright and contrasting. Sides or benches can not only be painted, but painted with ornaments, images of animals, flowers. As soon as the paint dries, the structure is filled with sand.

Prices for different types of building boards

Building boards

Making a lid for a sandbox

An open sandbox clogs very quickly, so you have to periodically sift the sand or change it altogether. To avoid such problems, it is recommended to install a wooden cover. It is not difficult to make it, and the result will be not only good protection from debris, but also comfortable benches. It is best to mount the cover before installing the frame in a permanent place.

For work you will need:

  • pine boards 25 mm thick;
  • jigsaw;
  • long loops;
  • bolts with nuts;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • beam with a section of 30x50 mm;
  • primer;
  • dye;
  • drill.

Step 1. Material preparation

The boards are cut to the width of the sandbox, all surfaces and edges are treated with a sanding nozzle. After that, primed, dried and covered with two layers of paint. The hinges also need to be painted, otherwise after the first rain there will be traces of corrosion.

Step 2: Assemble the first half of the lid

Assembly of the first half

On the one hand, two boards are screwed onto the sandbox frame with self-tapping screws. Two more boards are connected with bars and attached with loops to the first. In this case, the bars should be at the bottom, and the hinges on top of the cover. They take two more boards and connect them with bars, the length of which exceeds the width of the shield. That is, on the one hand, the bars protrude a third beyond the edge of the board. This shield is also connected to the previous one with the help of loops, only this time the loops should be at the bottom and the bars on top. The hinges are screwed to the tree with bolts, as the self-tapping screws loosen quickly.

Step 3. Assembly of the second half

This half can be made without a back, which simplifies the process a bit. Not 2, but 3 boards are stuffed onto the free side of the frame, then a shield of two boards is knocked down and fixed with loops, as in the previous case. To prevent the lid from bending under the weight of children, it is strengthened in the middle with a bar. Now, when opening, the first half folds into a convenient bench with a back, and the second simply leans back half its width.

Frame installation

For installation, you will need an assistant: the structure is lifted, turned over with protruding bars down and gently lowered into the pit. The edges of the frame must match the edges of the pit. In order for the sandbox to stand evenly, you should check the location of the walls with a building level. If necessary, remove excess soil or add more, leveling the frame horizontally. After that, the bottom of the future sandbox is covered so that its edges go 3-5 cm onto the walls on each side. Dense material will protect sand from erosion, will not allow moisture to accumulate and will not allow insects and moles to crawl from below. Finally, the soil is compacted from the outside and backfilled with gravel or sand.

The layer of sand for the game should be about 15 cm thick; it will take about a ton to fill a standard sandbox. It is recommended to choose river sand or quartz sand that does not cake. Before backfilling, it must be sifted through a fine sieve to remove debris, plant impurities, and insects.

Canopy installation

Canopies for sandboxes can have a variety of shapes and be made of different materials. The most common option is fungus. For its manufacture, you will need a beam 3 m long and with a section of 100x100 mm, boards and plywood. Such a fungus is installed at the stage of preparing the base, since it must be dug in the center of the sandbox to a depth of 1 m.

The manufacturing process is very simple:

  • the timber is polished, treated with an antiseptic;
  • the lower part is coated with bituminous mastic to a height of at least a meter;
  • 4 triangles are knocked down from the boards, sheathed with plywood;
  • connect the triangles to each other and attach to the upper part of the beam with spacers;
  • in the center of the pit, they dig a hole 1 m deep;
  • insert a beam, level it with a plumb line;
  • fill the hole with gravel and soil, tamp.

There is another version of the canopy: in the center of two opposite walls of the frame, vertical racks are bolted. Rack height 2 m; in the upper part of the support, they are connected with a horizontal rail, through which a rectangular piece of dense fabric or a special canopy is thrown. The ends of the canopy on each side are fixed with metal hooks to the walls of the sandbox.

The described options are the most simple and popular, if desired, they can be supplemented at your discretion. The most important thing is that the design is as safe as possible, then the baby will be happy to play in it, and the parents will be able to relax a bit.

Video - Do-it-yourself sandbox

Today, almost every city dweller has a dacha. Arriving at the cottage, it is very convenient to provide children with some fenced space for games and fun. The best option for such a place is a children's sandbox. It can contain several kids at once, who will play with the sand from morning to evening. Well, if your little sandbox also has a roof, then the children will be able to continue their games there even during heavy rain. We invite you to build a sandbox for your kids with your own hands.

Preparatory work

The first step is to purchase boards. If your car is not very spacious, then all the boards can be sawn right at the place of purchase, about 120 centimeters each, and then taken to the country. Basically, a solid board is about six meters, plus or minus five centimeters, so it is easily divided into five parts, and a couple of centimeters remain for trimming. An example of a drawing is shown in the photo.

Most likely, the boards you bought will be unfinished. To process them, you will need an electric planer. It is necessary to process the boards so that your baby, playing in the sandbox, does not accidentally drive a splinter and get hurt.

Frame construction

In our case, the height of all boards is about 32 mm, which allows us to fasten them to each other without additional materials, but directly to the end part using long self-tapping screws. In order for our children's sandbox to have the shape of a square with each side measuring 120 centimeters, we need to get four boards of 120 centimeters each when trimming, and the rest should have a size of 113 centimeters. Only in this case, the children's sandbox will delight the eye with its even shapes. You can see it on the drawing. As a result, we should get two boxes of boards that you made with your own hands. A little later we need a roof.

Therefore, our task is to create all the necessary conditions for the man-made children's sandbox to serve us as long as possible. For processing, you need to buy a high-quality antiseptic with a capacity of about five liters, and following the instructions, carefully process all the wooden parts with your own hands.

In the sun, the wooden structure dries up instantly, and now you can start building the bottom.

Bottom Assembly

The bottom is a significant element in our design. It is necessary in order to:

  1. prevent insects from entering the sandbox through the ground;
  2. prevent grass and other plants from germinating.

A fairly good material for the production of the bottom is agrofibre. It has all the properties we need:

The agrofibre is simply fastened with a stapler, and the edges of the material are neatly tucked inward.

Installation of a children's sandbox.

First of all, we install the bottom with a box. Then you should attach the second made box to it (as in the drawing). Next, a special seal is laid, designed for the door, which prevents the formation of cracks and the pouring of sand from the sandbox.

Now we are docking the two boxes of our sandbox with the help of special beams that are attached to the corners. In general, the main structure is ready, we only need a roof and sand for our building. By the way, the roof is not a prerequisite.

Roof manufacturing.

If we need a roof, then we need a board no thicker than 18 mm and a few loops. It is very important to accurately calculate the width of the boards, and as a result, we will get an excellent sandbox with two benches where children can sit. The result is shown in the photo.

We will need 12 boards, the length of which is 120 centimeters and the desired width is about 9 centimeters. You can buy a board 12 centimeters wide, and make benches on the left and a table on the right. Approximately as in the photo.

We will need about four boards, which we fasten in 2 using special bars. It is possible to use scraps of thick boards. You can see on the drawing what it looks like. It remains to fasten the hinges, and our children's bench is ready.

The next part of the manufacture of the sandbox is the construction of the roof and the backs of the benches, which should stop on the roof posts.

Fastening bars are used not only for fastening, but so that children do not accidentally assemble the bench. That is, the bars are a kind of blocking.

OK it's all over Now. It remains to fill in the river sand, and your children's sandbox is ready for use.

We examined in detail only one option for making a sandbox with a roof for a summer residence. In the photo you can see other options, for example, a sandbox-boat, a sandbox-truck for boys, a sandbox-sailboat.

The video provides detailed instructions for completing another version of the sandbox.

Now your whole family, and especially children, will be proud of you. And there is a reason, because you created a small game world for your children with your own hands.