It's no secret that not everyone has the talent or ability to write an excellent congratulatory text, even if you really write not formally, but from the heart. And sometimes I would like to add some other wonderful phrase to my words, and then it seems that the Internet will help.

And it’s no secret that when you look for some decent text on the Internet in order to post a congratulation to a colleague on an internal corporate website, or to sign a postcard, again to a colleague from the entire team, or to your friend or relative, you often find rather primitive or even downright funny texts , kind of like “not knowing grief and sadness” (and why do you have to talk about grief on your birthday?!), “health, happiness and love” (banal and hackneyed phrases), “The birthday came very quickly this time, you become younger right before our eyes." Well, in general, these texts and poems need to be very, very corrected so that they turn out to be a truly excellent (and generally decent) congratulation.

I will post interesting texts under the tag “Texts for congratulations”. If they help you create your own beautiful congratulatory text for any occasion, then I will be glad!

I contribute to the fight against banality, bad taste and flat cliches! Give graceful, sincere and original wishes to the people around you. And let them bring them joy and pleasure.

Postcard, given for a festive event, is an important sign of attention, emphasizing the goodwill, concern and emotional closeness of the donor. To for your birthday really brought joy and was appropriate, it needs to be composed correctly.

We create beautiful happy birthday cards

Usually , especially Happy birthday, consists of the following sections: an address to the hero of the day, an indication of the celebration on which one is congratulating, good wishes and parting words, and a signature. All these sections should be appropriately emotionally charged.

Any postcard begins with an address to the addressee. If you write to relatives, close friends or acquaintances, start with the words “beloved”, “dear”. If the person to whom the postcard is addressed is a more official person, the address “dear” or “respected” would be appropriate. In rare cases, the rather old title "honorable" may be used.

After contacting, indicate on what holiday you congratulate the person. If we are talking about an anniversary, it is quite appropriate to write the date to which it is dated. If the birthday person’s date is not round, or the person is talking about a woman, you should refrain from indicating numbers.

If the text of a postcard is difficult for you, you can use texts that are widely available on the Internet, for example, on the website You can often find congratulations in poetry; you can choose words for any situation, even using the appropriate personal names. Search engines will help you resolve this issue.

What's better than a happy birthday card with or without poetry?

When you're fully committed to a personalized message, try choosing the words yourself. Use the most valuable and kind epithets that characterize the birthday person, important and necessary for him wishes. The entire text should speak about the genuineness of your feelings for the recipient.

Of course, when writing a card, you should take into account the age, gender and marital status of the birthday person. Don't use words or wishes that might offend him. For example, a woman who is not satisfied with her personal life should not openly and strongly desire to get married. It is better to put this information in a light, streamlined form or not use it at all.

The signature should be made in the general style of the postcard. Just as in address, for loved ones and relatives, you can use an informal style, good home nicknames. For a formal card, you should sign with your full name.

Be sure to purchase a postcard that matches the event. Many of them already have printed text, which you can only supplement. There may be blank cards, providing the opportunity for complete imagination to its giver.

Have you been invited to a holiday celebration? Whether it's a friend's birthday, relatives or friends' wedding, a greeting card will certainly be the perfect ending to a gift. Postcards are given for any occasion and to any person. They can be presented not only on a special day, but also just for a loved one. It is important to be able not only to choose the right postcard, but also to design it.

If you give an unsigned card, then the very meaning of such a gift is lost, and besides, it is simply impolite. So, how to sign a postcard? The first rule is that when coming up with a text, be sure to focus on the addressee, take into account the properties of his character, the characteristics of his nature. Decide what associations the person you are writing to evokes in you. Sunshine, flower, cat? Or perhaps we can make do with the official: “Dear Ivan Ivanovich”? It is unlikely that a humorous and playful address will be suitable for your boss or funny poems for a postcard for your grandmother. Select several epithets that most accurately reflect the character and appearance of the addressee. For girls, it would be especially useful to write a few compliments. For example: “My radiant sun! Today you are brighter than ever and outshine everyone with your light!” So, a start has been made. We have decided on the appeal.

Let's move on to the text itself. Signing a postcard beautifully is a great art. First of all, we repeat, the focus is on the addressee. So, we write exclusively in a businesslike tone. It is possible in the form of a poem, but, of course, not frivolous, but also strict and businesslike, without excessive familiarity and any subtext. Ready-made poetic texts from the Internet will help you solve the problem of how to sign a postcard of this type. It is also suitable when the poem is already printed on a postcard. You just add a message and signature.

However, ready-made template texts will not be very well received by close friends and relatives. This is where you have to be creative. When deciding how to sign a postcard yourself, pay attention to the structure of the congratulation. The classic components are:

Appeal to the addressee and theme of the holiday;


Your wishes;


Try to take the time to imagine the person you are writing to in all details (exclusively positive ones, of course). You can add ready-made poems, but only in combination with your personal warm words and wishes. Depending on the nature of the recipient, decide how to sign the card. Would humor and friendly banter be appropriate, or would it be better to stick to an even, gentle tone?

Particular attention should be paid to wedding cards. After all, a wedding is an important event, sometimes even the only one in life. So, how to sign a wedding card so that it is kept and reread by the newlyweds for many years? Poems can be used as congratulations, or even the last option, by the way, is a win-win. You will prepare in advance and, when you need to speak at the table, read your text on the card. Please note that the congratulations must be carefully verified. Various errors in the text are unacceptable!

In conclusion, one important piece of advice is to take your time when signing cards. Write with love and from the heart. Then the card will become not just an addition to the gift, but a message to a loved one, which will be more valuable to him than the gift itself.

As you probably know, women love with their ears. They simply melt when they are told compliments and pleasant words. And even if these words are written on paper, they are still not without their magical power.

Your girlfriend’s birthday is coming up, and you are somewhere in another city and won’t be able to congratulate her in person. But it doesn’t matter, because you can send your loved one a beautiful greeting card on this day. But how to sign a postcard for a girl?

Select a postcard

The first step, of course, is to choose a suitable postcard for your beloved. It (the postcard) should be memorable, and the range of greeting cards today is very, very large. But if you can’t find anything suitable on sale, you can order something original, according to your sketch, of course. There is another option: if you are good at scrapbooking, make a cool card yourself or make the task easier for yourself by purchasing a ready-made scrapbooking kit at the store.

Be original

The postcard should be empty, because there are many already filled postcards, with funny text or some kind of rhyme. But you shouldn't buy something like this just to have your name written on the bottom. What prevents you from coming up with an original text or even a short poem yourself?? If you have already bought a postcard with ready-made text, make a tab for it, where you will already write something of your own. In addition to the text, can you draw something, or even a traditional heart with an arrow, or you can somehow highlight the text to make it look beautiful.

Use the words of great people

There are many beautiful sayings about love that once came from the pens of the greats of this world. Use one of these sayings in your congratulatory text, try to choose one that suits your spirit. Just sign the name of the author of this statement so that the girl doesn’t think that you want to pass these words off as your own. Or just create something similar yourself, taking a little from one quote and from another. This will no longer be considered theft of other people's texts. Don't forget to write at the end of your congratulations "With love [your_name]" and also sign if you wish.

Rhyme your feelings

Write, even if only four lines, but write your own composition. Yours, even if not quite correctly rhymed and a little clumsy, poems will leave their mark on a girl’s heart. And this trace will be even deeper than if you simply took notes on the poems of Yesenin or Pushkin. Because these are your poems, your soul is put into them.

Just write from the heart

What exactly should I write? Just express your feelings, not necessarily very beautiful and elegant. The main thing is to show how you feel for the girl and congratulate her Happy holiday to her so that she then keeps your letter somewhere in a secluded place. Love to you and strong serious relationships. As they say, write letters, that is, postcards.

Sending cards to friends, family and loved ones while traveling is a great way to show your affection and communicate where you've been. Choosing a postcard with a suitable image and knowing the rules for its design will allow your message to be delivered to the right address. Additionally, knowing how to craft a message for a postcard in a way that speaks to your journey and fits into the space provided will make the postcard a valuable item for both you and the recipient.


Part 1

We design the postcard correctly
  1. Choose a card that represents you or reflects your journey. One of the most enjoyable parts of writing a card is choosing it. Think about the person you are sending the card to and decide which image they would like best.

    • If you're traveling, find a postcard with a photo of your favorite place during your trip.
    • Postcards can be purchased at any gift shop, newsstand, or even at street stalls in popular tourist centers.
  2. Write on the back of the card on the correct side. Turn the card over. You will see that it is divided into two parts: on the left is empty space, and on the right is lined. This lined part on the right is for the address. Write here the recipient's full name, home address, city and zip code, and if sending a postcard from abroad or abroad, country.

    • Do not write anything on the front of the postcard, as postal workers will not even pay attention to this information.
    • Write the address as clearly and legibly as possible. It is better to sign a postcard with a ballpoint pen rather than a gel pen or a felt-tip pen: there is less chance that the ink will smear if it gets wet.
    • If you are writing to Russia from abroad, your home address can be indicated in both English and Russian, but the country must be indicated in English (Russia) or in the language of the country where you are located (for example, Russie, if you are writing from France). If you are sending a postcard from Russia to foreign friends, write the address in the language of their country, but duplicate the name of the country in Russian.
  3. Place a stamp in the upper right corner of the card. Buy stamps from the country you are in (you can usually do this at the post office, banks or gas stations). If you are abroad but want to use your country's stamp, you can try ordering it online. Lick the stamp and position it inside the outlined stamp rectangle in the top right corner.

    • Stamps can always be purchased at any post office. Just tell us where you are sending the postcard, and the postal worker will sell you a stamp of the required value.
    • Apply the stamp only to the designated spot in the upper right corner of the card. If you stick it in another place, there is a high chance that the card will get lost and not reach the recipient.
  4. Indicate the date the postcard was sent in the upper left corner. This is not necessary, but by looking at the date, a person will always be able to remember the event when he decides to review the postcards he received in the future. If you're more comfortable putting the date at the end, put it after your signature when you write your message. Below or above the date you can indicate the name of the city or specific place from which you are writing, for example:

    • July 4, 2017
    • Grand Canyon, Arizona
  5. Greet the recipient of the card on the left side of the card. A greeting will immediately add a personal touch to the message, showing the recipient how attentive you are to him. The greeting should be written at the top left of the back of the card, leaving room for the main message below.

    • The traditional greeting is "hello", "hello" or "dear", depending on your relationship with the recipient, plus their name. For example, “Dear Grandma!” or “Hello, Olesya!”
    • You can address the person in the language of the country from which you are writing, use an affectionate address or a humorous nickname. For example, “Bonjour, Vitalik!”, “Hello, hare!” or “Hello, my dear Mashenka!”
  6. Write your message on the left half of the card. It's always fun to figure out what to write in a card because space is limited and you want to write something sweet or funny. Think about what to write in advance. You don't want to suddenly run out of space on your card in the middle of an unfinished thought!

    • When you finish your message, be sure to include your name at the bottom.

    Part 2

    Write a message
    1. Start with something personal and touching. Say that you miss the person or are thinking about them on your journey and that you are looking forward to meeting them. Starting your message with thoughts of the recipient will make them feel loved. You could write something like this:

      • "I think about you all the time."
      • “It’s a pity that you’re not around!”
    2. Tell us about the brightest day of your trip. Due to the small size of the postcard, it will be difficult for you to tell absolutely everything. Describe your favorite day or the thing you remember most so that you have enough space. Tell us what exactly you liked and made this day so special.

      • Provide as much detail as possible, taking into account how much space you have.
      • If the postcard is sent from a specific point on your route, tell only about that place. You can send other postcards from other places.
    3. Tell us about the weather. Describe a day with particularly interesting weather events, say whether it's raining or snowing, or describe how amazing the weather is. This way the recipient will have a better idea of ​​where you are and what you feel, and will seem to be closer to you.

      • There is no need to go into detail. A short description is enough, for example “It’s incredibly hot here!” or “It was so cold yesterday that I had to wear two sweaters under my down jacket!”
    4. Write about the most delicious dish you tried while traveling. Tell us where it was, what kind of dish it was and what it tasted like. Such details will allow a person to more clearly imagine your trip and your impressions.

      • No one is saying you have to write about it, but if a dish is the signature dish of a city or region, then it's a great idea. Instead of a dish as such, you can write about a drink or sweets.
    5. At the end, write about your future plans. Whether you are planning to continue your trip or are about to return home, it is appropriate to mention this in a postcard. Briefly tell the recipient about your route, or at least about your plans in general, so that he knows where you are going.

      • If you plan to return home soon, end the card with “See you soon!” or “Looking forward to meeting you!”