Reduced level of hemoglobin per unit volume of blood. Recently, this disease has become even more common than in adults. This is due to the anatomical immaturity of the hematopoietic organs, resulting from the negative influence of a number of environmental factors. Anemia is usually divided into several types, among which the most common is so-called deficiency anemia. Somewhat less common are hemolytic anemia caused by the destruction of red blood cells, anemia after severe blood loss, hereditary anemia, etc.

Decreased is accompanied by specific persistent symptoms that allow it to occur in time. The child becomes lethargic, his appetite is impaired, or, on the contrary, he is drawn to eat everything, including chalk, wax, paper. The skin of such a child becomes pale and cold, and the hair becomes brittle. But even if none of these symptoms occur, anemia will be detected at the first blood test.

So-called deficiency anemia can occur due to a lack of iron (iron deficiency anemia), or due to a lack of any vitamins. Also, deficiency anemia can be secondary. In this case, the cause of the disease is not malnutrition, but a dysfunction of the absorption of nutrients in the intestine.

If the cause of low hemoglobin is iron or vitamin deficiency, you should pay attention. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, it is necessary to increase the child’s protein intake. They can enter the body, in particular, in the form of meat or eggs. However, do not forget that even with anemia, the consumption of animal protein should not be exceeded. You should also give your child milk and applesauce, since apples contain a lot of iron.

In case of vitamin deficiency, folic acid is usually prescribed, since anemia in children often occurs precisely because of its deficiency. In addition, the child can take a complex consisting of other vitamins. In order to increase the level of hemoglobin, which has decreased due to vitamin deficiency, you should give your child such healthy plants, fruits and berries as rhubarb, rose hips, and bananas. Rhubarb jelly and compotes replenish the deficiency of vitamin C and some minerals. Rhubarb also contains malic acid. For children aged one to two years, it is best to give rhubarb jelly and compotes along with rose hips. In addition, bananas should be added to your diet.

It is important to know that sometimes the cause of low hemoglobin in children is a too monotonous diet. Therefore, it is necessary to include in the child’s diet all the foods that are said to be consumed in the first year of life.

There are other forms of anemia, such as Fanconi anemia, which is congenital. With this form of anemia, along with a decrease in hemoglobin levels, the child may lag behind in growth and development. This anemia manifests itself in the first years of life. However, as with ordinary anemia, you should still diversify your diet and use vitamin complexes.

Even a slight iron deficiency in a baby’s body can cause anemia and other diseases. It has been proven that a decrease in iron levels in the blood leads to severe changes in internal organs, which are very difficult to cure. Meanwhile, iron deficiency conditions are very treatable. So let's not start anemia, this is very bad for a growing body. Let's treat anemia at the first sign.

Experts identify a certain age when it is necessary to especially monitor the level of hemoglobin in the blood of infants. This is 4-5 months for premature babies and those who are bottle-fed, and 6 months for infants. As a rule, by this time the baby’s body runs out of iron obtained in utero. And if the intake of an important macronutrient from food is insufficient, the child develops anemia.

Speaking of signs. It often happens that test results do not indicate the onset of anemia. Other facts speak about the development of this disease. They should not hide from the gaze of an attentive parent. The child is inactive and pale, and has poor appetite. It seems as if the child is already waking up tired, without the strength to play and have fun. The disease is also indicated by dry skin, changes in the structure of hair and nails. Constipation and vomiting immediately after eating often occur. Why does a child's hemoglobin decrease?

Causes of anemia in children

  • Eating disorder. If you are breastfeeding, your diet may not be rich in iron. Therefore, if tests show that your child has this disease, urgently review it or your menu!
  • Blood loss. Often, hemoglobin decreases due to injuries with severe blood loss. The body does not have time to replenish the level of red blood cells, and therefore hemoglobin.
  • A period of active growth. During adolescence, the body increases metabolic processes, consuming large amounts of oxygen. Hemoglobin production occurs more slowly than breakdown, which is why iron deficiency occurs.

Normal hemoglobin level in a child

It is believed that the normal hemoglobin content in a child’s blood is 110-140 g/l. If the levels are lower, the doctor will prescribe a diet or prescribe medications to increase the level of iron in the blood, if these numbers differ significantly from the norm.

Why is anemia dangerous?

  • Firstly, hemoglobin is responsible for the transfer of oxygen, and therefore for the proper development of the entire organism.
  • Secondly, it supports the body's resistance to various infections.
  • Thirdly, a deficiency of this substance increases the load on vital organs.

Nutrition for a child with anemia

Breastfed babies do not need to change their usual diet until 5-6 months. Moreover, you should not introduce apple juice drop by drop from three weeks of age. It’s better for mom to enrich her menu with the necessary products. It's much more efficient.

Is the child eating an adapted formula? Modern mixtures are enriched with iron, and its additional introduction is not required. The pediatrician will tell you which mixture to choose after a thorough examination of the baby. If the time has come to introduce complementary foods, the specialist will probably recommend starting with vegetables that contain iron (spinach, Brussels sprouts), and cereals (especially buckwheat). Then move on to meat (beef, turkey, chicken).

Doctors advise forming children's taste preferences from a very early age so that later they do not have problems with all kinds of deficiencies. Leafy greens, wholemeal bread, various types of meat and fish, organ meats, cheese, eggs, vegetables and fruits - all this should be included in the child's diet after 12 months of life.

For regular drinking, offer your child rosehip decoction or dried fruit compote - they also contain a lot of iron.

Treatment of anemia in children

Walking in the fresh air is extremely important. Due to the lack of oxygen in the child’s body, he needs to spend 4-6 hours outside every day. Gymnastics and hardening in the fresh air will also be beneficial. During the warm season, the child should be in a well-ventilated area. Sleeping with the window open should become a rule!

How to increase a child's hemoglobin using folk remedies

The diet of a child or nursing mother should be based on a large amount of fresh fruits and vegetables. Pay special attention to spinach and zucchini. Be sure to eat red meat and liver. For cereals, give preference to buckwheat and oatmeal with preserved grain shell.

In addition, try these folk recipes, they have long proven themselves in the fight against anemia.

  • Infusion of rose hips (1 glass), lemon juice, honey (1 spoon). Drink half a glass after meals 2 times a day;
  • Juice: mix freshly squeezed juices - carrot, apple, beetroot in equal parts. Drink half a glass after meals.
  • Mixture of nuts and dried fruits: mix a glass of dried apricots, raisins, nuts, prunes, grind everything, add honey, lemon and zest. Consume from 1 to 3 spoons per day depending on age. Make sure your child is not allergic to any of the ingredients in the formula.

We learned what foods to eat, as well as many safe recipes for increasing a child’s hemoglobin.

But it also happens that iron deficiency is very serious, and you need to replenish it quickly enough. In this case, folk remedies alone will not do. Then you can consult a doctor so that he can prescribe medications for your child that increase hemoglobin.

Medicines to increase hemoglobin in children

Children are usually prescribed Maltofer, Ferrum-Lek, Totema. Products with divalent iron are the most effective. They are quickly and effectively absorbed into the blood.

In addition to these medications, multivitamin complexes must be prescribed, since iron deficiency leads to metabolic disorders. And in this case, treatment should be comprehensive.

The use of drugs that increase hemoglobin is recommended between meals or after meals at night. Only the doctor selects the dosage. Overdose can lead to problems and adverse reactions. It is best to evaluate the results after a month.

Correctly selected treatment is the key to a quick recovery. Choose, consult, you will succeed!

Hemoglobin is a complex protein found in red blood cells. The main purpose of hemoglobin is to transport oxygen from the lungs to all tissues of the human body. If the body lacks this oxygen, the child quickly gets tired, becomes lethargic, and often gets sick. Normal hemoglobin levels can vary from 110 to 150 g per liter of blood, depending on the age of the child.

Hemoglobin most often decreases due to an unbalanced diet, when the body lacks minerals and vitamins. However, a decrease in hemoglobin can be a consequence of serious blood loss, autoimmune diseases, long-term infectious diseases (pneumonia, tuberculosis, hepatitis).

How to understand that a child has low hemoglobin

Parents usually learn about a reduced hemoglobin level from blood tests. However, sometimes low hemoglobin can be determined by the condition and behavior of the baby. Often, a child comes home from school very tired, sleeps a lot, and gets tired quickly after physical or mental stress. Your son or daughter may feel dizzy; your child often suffers from colds. External signs include bluish lips, brittle nails and hair, and shortness of breath even with light exercise. The skin of a child with low hemoglobin becomes pale and very flaky. If you notice this condition in your child, immediately take a blood test to find out the hemoglobin level. If this indicator is below normal, you need to urgently change your diet.

What is a balanced diet

Most publications write “balanced nutrition.” What is this balance? What should a child’s diet be like so that he gets the right amount of vitamins and minerals every day? In fact, everything is very simple. Every day a person (adult or child) should consume five different types of food so that his body does not need anything.

  1. Cereals. Most often we use them in the morning - in various cereals. If every day a child eats porridge (different every day), then there can be no talk of any imbalance in nutrition. Buckwheat, pearl barley, lentils, and rye are the best ways to increase hemoglobin.
  2. Dairy products. The child’s diet should include milk porridge, yogurt, kefir, sour cream, fermented baked milk - what he loves. Every day, one dairy product. However, remember that calcium interferes with the absorption of iron, which is so necessary for increasing hemoglobin. Therefore, milk should be eaten separately from iron-containing foods.
  3. Meat. It is very difficult to increase hemoglobin if you do not eat meat. This is why many vegetarians suffer from low hemoglobin. Red meat is a valuable storehouse of iron. Every day a child’s diet should include a piece of meat, at least 100-150 grams. In addition, beef offal - liver, heart, tongue - will quickly help raise hemoglobin. Fish must be eaten once a week.
  4. Vegetables. Eating raw and boiled vegetables is a must. Especially new potatoes, tomatoes, beets, pumpkin, turnips. You can also raise hemoglobin with the help of greens - spinach, parsley, dandelion leaves, turnip tops.
  5. Fruits. Every day the baby should eat some kind of fruit. Apples, apricots, bananas, plums, pears, peaches, quinces and persimmons are best for hemoglobin. Pomegranate is especially rich in iron, but it should not be eaten by children prone to constipation.

In addition to these mandatory items, walnuts, eggs, mushrooms, dried fruits, red and black caviar, currants, cranberries, hematogen, and dark chocolate will help restore immunity. When creating a diet, remember that good nutrition can raise hemoglobin better than any medicine and improve your child’s health.

How to increase hemoglobin in a child

Here are some more tips to help you raise your hemoglobin levels in your blood.

  1. Since your child does not have enough oxygen in the blood, you need to exercise more often and walk through forested areas. In nature, the child will be able to saturate the body with oxygen and have a good rest.
  2. If the child is small and rather fussy about food, you need to prepare special sweets for him. Grind dried apricots, raisins and walnuts through a meat grinder. Pour honey into the mixture and mix thoroughly. Roll the resulting porridge into small balls. Your child will certainly like this delicacy, because the balls turn out tasty and sweet.
  3. Prepare a healing remedy that will raise hemoglobin in a few days. Grate the radish, beets and carrots. Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the mixture. Carefully squeeze out all this porridge. Let your child drink the resulting juice, one tablespoon in the morning and evening. Very soon his health will improve significantly.
  4. Various berries, especially rowan, cranberry and black currant, help fight low hemoglobin very well. The berries can be eaten fresh, in the form of jam, frozen, or ground with sugar. Your child will certainly like this treatment.
  5. Many traditional healers advise raising hemoglobin using dandelion jam. It's very easy to prepare. Collect dandelion flowers early in the morning and add them to the pan. Add a liter of water so that the liquid covers half the flowers. Place half a lemon without peel into the mixture and simmer over low heat for about an hour. After this, the broth should be filtered and three glasses of sugar should be added to it. Not only is the jam very healthy, it is also incredibly tasty.
  6. Lungwort will help increase hemoglobin and immunity. Its decoction can stimulate the production of new blood cells. The flowers and stems of the young plant can be eaten without any processing, but most often a decoction is prepared from lungwort. Pour boiling water over the stems and leaves, let it brew for about an hour, and then strain. Drink the resulting decoction half a glass in the morning and evening.
  7. Among the recipes of traditional medicine there is one indispensable remedy against low hemoglobin. This recipe is also used for diseases of the thyroid gland - with a lack of iodine in the body. Take unripe green nuts and grind their kernels. Pour two glasses of kernels with a liter of natural honey. The tincture should be infused for three months in a dark place. Every day the composition must be thoroughly mixed. When the medicine is ready, take a tablespoon before each meal, 3-5 times a day. Full course of treatment - until the entire capacity is exhausted. After taking this medicine, you will be able to forget about the problem of low hemoglobin, at least for the next six months.

Poor health, depression and high fatigue are common companions of the autumn-winter period. But you don’t need to take it for granted and put up with this state of affairs. Improve your child's hemoglobin so that the school lessons spent will not be in vain. Your child’s good mood is your merit, and autumn is not a reason for the blues!

Video: how to increase hemoglobin at home

An important indicator in the general system of our body, because it is this protein in the blood that is responsible for the delivery of oxygen to cells throughout the body. It also removes carbon dioxide. Its role is difficult to overestimate, so doctors monitor hemoglobin levels in human blood starting from birth.

From this article you will learn how to deal with a lack of hemoglobin in children.

What indicator is considered normal for children?

Every pediatrician knows that the concept of normal hemoglobin in the blood depends on age. At the same time, for each age there are approximate framework:

  • For - 240 g/l
  • In 1 week - 200 g/l
  • At 1 month - 160 g/l
  • At 1 year - 130 g/l
  • At 5 years - 140 g/l
  • At 10 years and older - 140 g/l

As can be seen from the table, children's indicators fluctuate significantly and at the same time lag behind adults.

The highest rates are observed in newborns; at this stage they directly depend on genetic inheritance and timing of birth (whether the baby is full-term). Then the hemoglobin level gradually rises. At 12-14 years of age, indicators in adolescents begin to vary depending on gender: hemoglobin is higher. And only by the age of 18-20 do the child’s indicators reach adult levels.

There is no separate test for hemoglobin; it is included in the general blood test. In this case, the procedure for taking the sample is important: if during the injection the nurse squeezes the finger tightly, then intercellular fluid may enter the test tube along with the blood. Because of this, the concentration will decrease, which will lead to erroneous results.

If all the rules for taking the test have been followed, but the indicators still do not reach the norm, this is a reason to think about it. A lack of hemoglobin may indicate anemia.

What is iron deficiency anemia

Anemia is a syndrome of reduced blood hemoglobin concentration. Due to its lack, oxygen does not fully reach organs and tissues, impairing their functioning.

Iron- an important microelement, the basis for the construction of proteins, which include hemoglobin. Therefore, such anemia is called iron deficiency.
Most often, this disease is found in children under three years of age (40% of cases of general statistics); adolescents in puberty suffer slightly less from it (30%).

Did you know? Australian resident James Harrison has donated blood over a thousand times. His uniquely rare blood type contains special antibodies that help newborns suffering from severe anemia survive. Only thanks to him, over two million babies were able to survive.


Iron deficiency anemia can be identified by the following signs:

  • uncharacteristic pallor, lethargy;
  • there were complaints of headache, irritability;
  • lack of appetite, sleep problems have become worse;
  • The skin began to dry out and began to peel.

Due to a lack of oxygen, all body systems begin to suffer, so additional symptoms include:

  • urinary incontinence, delayed physical development - this begins to weaken the muscular system;
  • low blood pressure, tinnitus, shortness of breath are signs of deterioration in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • If a child begins to often get sick with infectious or viral diseases, it means that the immune system cannot cope.

Symptoms alone are not enough to determine a diagnosis; Only a blood test can confirm or refute the presence of iron deficiency anemia.

Reasons for decreased hemoglobin levels

If during pregnancy a woman had a lack of hemoglobin in the blood, then, while in the womb, her baby will not receive a certain supply of iron and important microelements. This is the main cause of low hemoglobin in infants.

For children from 6 months of age, proper complementary feeding and its timely introduction are required. A growing body does not have enough iron in breast milk, so it is necessary to supplement the diet with the first cereals.

An unbalanced diet in adolescents leads to iron problems. Girls who are overly addicted to diets especially often suffer from anemia at this age.

In addition to iron, the cause of low hemoglobin can be:

  • large blood loss due to injury or frequent nosebleeds;
  • lack of folic acid and vitamin I12, which help iron to be absorbed;
  • diseases associated with a decrease in red blood cells;
  • problems in the digestive system that interfere with the absorption of iron;
  • tumors and autoimmune pathologies;
  • some infectious diseases.

A decrease in hemoglobin can also be caused by taking certain medications.

Why is iron deficiency dangerous in a child?

According to the World Health Organization, 3.6 billion people on Earth have iron deficiency in their bodies, and half of them suffer from anemia as a result.

Parents begin to worry, go to doctors and get tests done when the consequences of iron deficiency appear and disruptions in the body’s functioning begin. But they can lead to irreversible consequences, delays in intellectual and physical development.

It is extremely difficult to notice the danger, so it is important to prevent it in a timely manner and know how to increase a child’s hemoglobin.

How to raise a child's hemoglobin level

If there is suspicion or confirmation of low hemoglobin in a child, it is important to start working on improving the situation in a timely manner.

Optimal conditions for hemoglobin production

In order for a child’s hemoglobin level to remain normal, one must adhere to basic rules:

  • lead a healthy lifestyle, walk outside more often so that oxygen enters the body in sufficient quantities;
  • stick to a balanced diet.

If the question is: how to increase hemoglobin in a child when its deficiency is confirmed by tests, then additional methods can be used.

Did you know? The Japanese believe in the connection between blood type and a person's character. The first group has determination and self-confidence; the second - isolation, reliability; the third - intelligence, ambition; the fourth is balance. In this country, a person may not be hired if he has the wrong blood type.

Folk remedies

Anemia has been known since ancient times under the name “anemia”, therefore folk methods of combating it have been time-tested. These include:

  • Cocktails made from vegetable juices. Juice is made separately from beets, radishes, carrots, and then mixed in a 1:1:1 ratio. It is recommended to take one spoon before meals.
  • Herbal teas. St. John's wort, nettle, chamomile and blackberry are used to prepare them. The herbs should be steeped in boiling water, after which the child can be given this tea three times a day in small (up to 200 ml at a time) portions.
  • Rose hip. The drink made from crushed berries is infused for 12 hours, then you can give it to children.

Traditional methods have no contraindications (except for individual allergies to the product), but they are used as additional ones. In critical cases, only medications can raise a child’s hemoglobin.

Drugs for treatment

Modern pharmaceuticals provide a wide selection of means to increase hemoglobin levels in children. Medicines differ in price, level of iron content and rules of use.

It may seem that iron-containing preparations are considered vitamins and there will be no harm from their uncontrolled use. This is a misconception; Only a doctor prescribes drugs to increase hemoglobin in the blood of children, and he also gives a treatment regimen.

Based on the results of a blood test, the pediatrician selects a medicine, taking into account the characteristics of the little patient’s body, the course of treatment and the date of re-testing. Only a specialist can prescribe the right remedy to increase hemoglobin to normal levels in a short time.

Important!You cannot self-medicate in this matter, because even expensive medications have side effects.

Medicines to increase hemoglobin in children under one year of age are prescribed in the form of drops, syrups, and suspensions. For older people, tablets are already suitable.

Correction of nutrition and lifestyle to improve the level

Medicines can increase hemoglobin to the desired level, but only proper nutrition will help to keep it there constantly. Depending on age, there are nuances that require attention.

For an infant

From the moment of its emergence in the mother’s body until birth, the baby receives all useful substances from the mother’s blood. Having been born, for the first months it depends on milk, which forms the basis of its diet. Therefore, it is possible to increase hemoglobin in a breastfed child only through the mother’s diet.

For a nursing woman, it is important to adhere to the correct diet in order to saturate the growing body with everything necessary. Usually doctors at this stage prescribe a special diet, which includes:

  • boiled or steamed beef;
  • liver - useful in moderation;
  • plant foods - preference is given to buckwheat, beans, soybeans, lentils or peas;
  • vegetables - beets, spinach, carrots take precedence;
  • fruits - consumption depends on the individual reactions of the body, but the palm here goes to pomegranate, apples, raspberries, and currants.

Temporarily, the child's mother also limits the intake of dairy products and drinks. An exception is possible only for herbal infusions and clean drinking water.

Did you know? In the body of an adult there is 0.2 mg of gold, mainly dissolved in the blood.

Sometimes the cause of low hemoglobin is significant blood loss during childbirth. Then only a blood transfusion from a donor can correct the situation.

Artificially fed infant

The question of how to increase hemoglobin in an infant who, for various reasons, cannot feed on mother’s milk, requires special attention. In such cases, you should select adapted mixtures saturated with folic acid, iron, and vitamin B12.

For a long time there has been a myth that artificial feeding can cause anemia, but with properly selected formula and proper complementary feeding, problems rarely arise.

In a child under 1 year old

A baby under 1 year of age is still tiny, but its nutrition is already beginning to resemble that of an adult. The amount of mother's milk in the diet is already decreasing (and some mothers have finished breastfeeding by this time), so milk becomes the main source of vitamins and minerals.

Important!At the age of 10-12 months, pomegranate juice diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio will help raise the hemoglobin level so that the baby’s mucous membranes do not suffer from acid. It is better to limit the consumption of such a drink to small portions.

A pediatrician can tell you which porridges and soups are best for a child, taking into account his individual characteristics, but the main recommendation is to add a little meat and fish: the iron in them is better absorbed by a small body, since it requires less processing time than plant foods.

For a one-year-old child

The diet of a one-year-old child is already much wider than that of babies. Therefore, at this stage, iron levels can be corrected using common foods that increase hemoglobin in the blood of children: apples, nuts, red fish.

We remember about mandatory walks in the fresh air - they will help to better absorb iron and enrich the body with oxygen.

In case of acute iron deficiency, you should seek help from a pediatrician.

At the age of 2 years

As the child grows, the list of foods containing iron increases.

After two years, we focus on meat:

  • boiled beef;
  • rabbit;
  • pork

You can feed your baby with offal: liver and tongue are best. From cereals: buckwheat, lentils, beans, soybeans. There are no restrictions on vegetables and fruits unless the child is allergic.

We try to add natural pomegranate, carrot and beet juices to our diet.
If you have the opportunity to eat fresh seafood, then shrimp and caviar will not hurt.

Child 3 years old and older

For children over three years of age, the same recommendations apply as for children. Until the age of 5, the child’s immunity and character are formed, so it is especially important to monitor their health. There is no need to take your baby to the doctor again, just be attentive to his behavior. If a usually active baby is moping for several days, doesn’t sleep well, or has lost his appetite, then it’s worth checking out.

Doctors convince us that with an active lifestyle and proper nutrition, children of this age should not have problems with iron.

The first serious test for the body is school. Fatigue and increased stress may appear here, so the mother of both a first-grader and a high school student needs to take care of the child having healthy snacks with her. It is advisable that, upon returning from school, the student does not sit down in front of the TV or computer, but goes for a walk with friends or is involved in some kind of club: a lack of fresh air and activity has a bad effect on the formation of the body.

Did you know? In 2007, Canadian surgeons were surprised by the color of a patient's blood - black-green. This metamorphosis occurred under the influence of migraine medications.

It is easier to prevent low hemoglobin in a child than to think about how to increase it. Prevention of iron deficiency in a baby begins with the mother taking care of her health before and during pregnancy. And the main attention here should be paid to nutrition.

The diet must include meat, cereals, vegetables and fruits. If a pregnant woman has any contraindications, her diet will be adjusted by a doctor.

  • regularly take blood tests to be aware of any changes in the child’s body;
  • If possible, breastfeed the baby - iron absorption is still better from mother's milk;
  • be sure to monitor the mother’s diet during breastfeeding;
  • walk outdoors regularly;
  • introduce complementary foods in a timely manner, because after six months of life the baby no longer has enough milk alone, but there is no need to rush to wean;
  • It is better to give black tea and milk of animal origin after two years.

So, now you know that hemoglobin is an important element in the baby’s health; without it, the growth and development of the baby is impossible. In order for the baby to always delight with his smile and new achievements, parents must carefully monitor his diet and lifestyle. Don't let this matter take its course and be healthy!