As soon as the egg meets the sperm, an intensive process of its modification begins. First, a zygote is formed, then a blastocyst, at the end of the embryonic stage, the fetal (fetal period) begins. The baby is changing every day, and these metamorphoses require a huge amount of energy and nutrients. How and what the baby eats in the mother's womb at different stages of its development, we will tell in this material.

Features of nutrition crumbs

Feeding methods depend on the stage of development of the baby. At any stage, the child needs oxygen, essential minerals, vitamins, glucose, hormones. These substances provide metabolic processes, growth and division of cells in tissues and organs, growth of bone and muscle tissue. But the baby receives these substances at different stages of pregnancy in different ways.

In the first trimester

7-10 days after fertilization, the blastocyst, into which the egg has turned, reaches the uterine cavity and “introduces” into the functional layer of the endometrium. At this stage, a small amount of calories is sufficient for the embryo, which are contained in the cytoplasmic fluid of the male and female germ cells. After implantation, the chorionic villi begin to gradually intertwine with the blood vessels of the endometrium of the uterus. This is how the birth of an important organ - the placenta - begins.

But while there is no "children's place", his duties are performed by the chorion. The embryo has a separate "food store" - the yolk sac, which is formed from the endoblastic vesicle about two weeks after conception. Until the 6th week of pregnancy, this “warehouse” of nutrients is larger than both the embryo and all other embryonic structures. By the end of the first trimester, there is no need for a yolk sac, since the placenta takes over the role of the breadwinner.

The yolk sac produces proteins important for the growth and development of the baby. If the sac is not large enough or it stops functioning before the placenta comes into play, the fetus may die. At this stage of development, the baby receives oxygen, necessary vitamins and trace elements from maternal blood through the chorionic villi.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30

In the second and third trimester

At 12-14 weeks of gestation, instead of the chorion, the young placenta begins to function. It provides the baby with nutrition, protects him, produces a number of hormones that are important for the continuation of pregnancy, and also acts as a "vacuum cleaner", removing the waste products of the baby back to the mother's body.

This process is rather complicated. A vein is responsible for the supply of maternal blood, saturated with oxygen, vitamins and minerals, to the baby. Urea, carbon dioxide, creatine and creatinine are excreted through two arteries from the baby through the placenta. Metabolic products are utilized by maternal kidneys and liver.

In our usual understanding, the child does not eat at this time, he receives everything he needs immediately into the blood. But the fetus perfectly “trains” the digestive system - it swallows the amniotic fluid along with the nutrients it contains, as well as exfoliated epithelial cells, lanugo hairs. These "impurities" are not digested and are deposited in the intestines of the fetus in the form of dark green feces, which is called "meconium".

From the moment the swallowing reflex develops, the baby begins to write, his urine enters the amniotic water back and participates in the process of their renewal. The composition of the waters is cleared every 3.5 hours.

What from the mother's diet gets to the child?

An embryo in early pregnancy does not distinguish between tastes and has no gastronomic preferences. However, from the second trimester, the baby begins to "understand" what his mother eats. "Echoes" of tastes are present in the amniotic fluid, which the baby so diligently swallows. As the taste buds develop, the baby begins to distinguish sweet from bitter, sour from salty. Naturally, already at this age, children prefer sweets. That is why, after a piece of chocolate eaten by the mother, the movements of the fetus become more active.

If a woman eats too much sweets, the burden of breaking down glucose will fall not only on her own pancreas, but also on the pancreas of her child - it will also be difficult for him to cope with an abundance of sugar. Not only the weight of the pregnant woman herself, but also the lipid metabolism of her baby depends on the abundance of fatty foods.

The placenta, which is a reliable barrier, absorbs salts as much as possible, some of the toxic substances, not letting them through to the baby. But its possibilities are not unlimited, the "children's place" with a woman's malnutrition and excessive use of drugs, alcohol will quickly age and lose some of the functions, which can lead to the fact that the child will receive from the mother's body substances that are not the most useful for him.

A woman's diet should be balanced, rich in vitamins, "slow carbohydrates", proteins, fats and fructose. Potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron must be present. If something is missing in a woman's diet, it will affect the child, but not immediately. Nature arranged it so that the baby can “compensate” for the missing substances for quite a long time, taking them from the mother’s body.

So, with an insufficient amount of calcium consumed by the mother with food, the child will “take away” this substance from the parent, as a result, her teeth, hair, nails will become brittle, brittle, and her legs will cramp at night caused by a violation of phosphorus and calcium metabolism.

With a lack of iron, anemia can develop in a future mother, as a result, the baby will not receive enough oxygen from the blood and will begin to suffer from hypoxia - a condition that poses a great danger to its development and even life.

The statement that a pregnant woman should eat for two is erroneous, from the point of view of medicine, it is even dangerous. The child receives from the mother's blood as much as he needs, he is simply not able to absorb more of the same vitamin C or vitamin E. But large amounts of food contribute to a pathological weight gain in a pregnant woman, in a baby, which is fraught with problems in childbirth, late toxicosis (preeclampsia) with all the ensuing consequences.

What happens with toxicity?

What happens to the baby, if the mother has toxicosis and she cannot eat at all, excites every pregnant woman who has found herself in such an unpleasant situation. Toxicosis with eating disorders usually occurs in early pregnancy. At this time, the yolk sac “feeds” the baby, and the lack of normal and nutritious nutrition on the part of the parent can do little harm to the child. A little later, the baby, as in the case of a deficiency of certain substances, will get what he needs from the mother's body.

Moderate toxicosis, in which vomiting does not occur every hour, does not pose a particular danger to the mother and fetus. But strong, frequent vomiting, the inability to eat and drink, the occurrence of swelling or very rapid weight loss are alarming symptoms, in which a woman is often shown hospital treatment. In a hospital environment, she will be given the necessary vitamins and minerals intravenously or by drip so that the baby does not need them.

To the best of her ability, a woman should strive to eat even with toxicosis - in small portions, healthy and vitamin-rich foods. Toxicosis is the very case in which quality is better than quantity.

Multivitamin complexes designed specifically for expectant mothers will help provide the baby with the necessary substances for development and growth. They contain the necessary substances in an amount that satisfies the daily needs of the female body, taking into account the needs of a growing child.

About nutrition during pregnancy, as well as what the health of the unborn child depends on, see the following video.

It is naive to believe that only babies and children in the first feeding stage need a special, specialized "diet", which is strikingly different from the "adult" table. In fact, the nutrition of a child in a year and up to about 3 years also requires a special approach, because it plays a leading role in shaping the health (or, conversely, ill health) of this child in the future. So what should be the right baby food?

What and how to feed a child in a year, two or three - every parent asks this question. It is obvious that it is still too early to "transplant" the baby entirely to the "adult" menu. On the other hand, he also categorically lacks the infant diet - for intensive growth and development, for the formation of strong immunity, the child needs a fundamentally different food. What is it?

Proper baby food: no longer babies, but still babies

Every parent who dreams of raising a healthy, active, strong child with strong immunity and proper eating habits should understand that there are not one, but at least two important transitional periods in the life of a child, associated with a special approach to children's diet.

The first falls on the period of 6-9 months - when the child gradually begins to receive complementary foods, while the proportion of breast milk (or artificial milk formula) in his diet gradually decreases.

The second period is more extended in time and falls on the age of 1 to 3 years: at this time, the child is not quite ready for "adult" food, but at the same time he is in dire need of a well-balanced and enriched diet.

After all, the needs of a growing baby's body in various vitamins, macro and microelements and other useful substances differ greatly from the needs of an adult. This means that the menu of a small person should be special - no longer infantile, but also not quite adult.

It is in order to ensure that the transfer of the child to the "adult table" is the most adequate, gradual and does not have a negative impact on the health of the baby, a new scientific direction has appeared in modern pediatric nutrition - the creation of food products specifically for children aged 1 to 3 years. A kind of special baby food for toddlers.

These products are distinguished by an extremely picky selection of raw materials, as well as the highest requirements for the "purity" of production, for the composition of the product and for its packaging.

‌Currently, the main share of products specially produced for the nutrition of children in the age category from 1 to 3 years are special children's cereals and specialized dairy (as well as sour-milk) products.

Another undoubted plus of "store" baby food is that most industrial baby food products are additionally enriched with vitamins and / or minerals, strictly taking into account the physiological needs of modern children in this age group - 1-3 years. Which also gives a significant advantage to children's products over all other similar products.

Features of nutrition of children from one year to 3 years: regimen and diet

Modern Russian pediatricians are sounding the alarm - our children aged from one to three, for the most part, eat incorrectly, which entails a whole trail of medical and social problems in the future life of these children.

Today, pediatricians across the country observe the same picture - the nutrition of our children aged 1-3 years is often unbalanced, too excessive in calories and is a very poor source of macro and micronutrients that are really necessary for adequate growth and development of the child.

From the national program for optimizing the nutrition of children aged 1 to 3 years in the Russian Federation:“In this age period, the principles of rational nutrition are often violated. First of all, children after 1 year of life are transferred too quickly to the adult "family" table. This does not correspond to the capabilities of their digestive system and often leads to violations of the nutritional, neuropsychic and immune status of children, the development of alimentary-dependent conditions and dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.

And on the other hand - proper children's diet for children aged 1-3 years, which very smoothly and gradually prepares them for the transition to the "adult table", allows you to:

  • to form the basis of proper eating behavior in the child;
  • avoid the problem of childhood and adolescent obesity;
  • accustom the child to a variety of healthy and nutrient-rich foods;
  • cover the basic needs of a growing child's body in terms of the vitamins, microelements and other important nutrients that form the immune system.

To ensure healthy and adequate nutrition for children aged 1-3 years, parents should:

  1. Keep a varied diet for your child. In other words, we must try to ensure that “representatives” from the main food groups are present in the daily diet of the child. Such groups include dairy and sour-milk products, meat (as well as fish) products, fruits, vegetables and berries, bread and cereals, vegetable and butter.

Widely known and beloved pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky advises moms and dads not to be too philosophic about a varied diet, but to choose products according to a simple principle:

Every day the child should eat: something meaty(this also includes fish products and eggs), something milky(This also includes dairy products) some of the vegetables,some fruit, something cereal(any porridge, here are bakery products).

Feel the difference: if we give the baby pasta first, rice for lunch, and buckwheat for dinner, we by no means adhere to the principle of a varied and balanced diet, since all of the above products belong to the same nutritional group - “cereals, cereals”. But if we gave buckwheat porridge and some fruit for breakfast, fish soup and meatballs with vegetable puree for lunch, children's yogurt or cottage cheese (or even ice cream) for afternoon tea, and pasta with chicken for dinner - in this case, variety observed exactly.

  1. Ensure food is of good quality and fresh. At this point, it is very important to understand for yourself what, in your understanding and in reality, means a “quality product” for baby food. Among modern mothers these days there is an opinion that truly healthy and high-quality food can only be cooked at home, with one's own hands. However, in reality this is not entirely true. Alas, not every mother (only if she does not have her own farm) can guarantee the quality and freshness of the food she buys in supermarkets or on the market.

Whereas industrial baby food products (especially if it is a well-known manufacturer with a reputable name and considerable history) can really declare their quality - after all, in the process of industrial production of any baby food product, the most severe control is carried out at any stage, starting with the acceptance of raw materials from suppliers. Not a single self-respecting modern baby food manufacturer today simply puts dubious raw materials on the conveyor, risking paying with its reputation and thereby giving a “ski” to wakeful competitors ...

Unfortunately, it cannot be said about "village" products that they are produced in conditions of "surgical" purity. And not that this should turn us away from farm shopping completely - not at all! But, being prudent people and responsible parents, we just have to remember every time that not every grandmother who sells “homemade” milk, kefir, yogurt and the like on the market is really able to guarantee the high quality of this product.

  1. Make sure that in the diet of a child under 3 years old there are no such products as:
  • mushrooms;
  • canned snacks, pickled vegetables and fruits;
  • canned foods in tomato sauce;
  • dry concentrates for preparation of garnishes;
  • spicy seasonings and sauces;
  • natural coffe;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • juices and drinks in the form of dry concentrates;
  • products containing food additives (flavors, dyes, etc. of artificial origin), and here - chewing gum;
  • cakes and pastries.
  1. If the child has any disease or physiological feature, the child's daily diet should be adequately adjusted - not at your parental inclination, but with the involvement of a pediatrician, pediatric nutritionist or other necessary specialist.

The role of dairy and sour-milk products in the nutrition of children from one to three years

Dairy and fermented milk products - whole milk, yogurt, kefir, biolact, cottage cheese and others - occupy a special place in the range of specialized baby food products intended for children from one to three years old. Why are they so special for the health of our children?

Let's start with baby milk: it contains more than 100 different components that are extremely useful for the adequate growth and development of children in the second and third years of life. Milk proteins contain all the essential amino acids and are highly digestible (up to 90% - ideal for baby food during the period of active growth and the formation of the immune system!). At the same time, milk fats include the main classes of fatty acids (about 40 in total) and are actively involved in metabolic processes in the body of a small child. Phospholipids, cerebrosides and gangliosides, which are present in the composition of baby milk, are needed by the baby for the development of the brain and the formation of cognitive functions. In addition to valuable proteins and fats, milk gives children the necessary calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins.

When choosing milk for a child, pay attention to fat content. The optimal values ​​​​for a baby 1-3 years old are milk 2.5 - 3.2% fat. And including curds and yogurts in the children's diet, it is worth "leaning" on products without added sugar or with a minimum content of it.

In addition, milk is extremely valuable not only in itself, but also as an indispensable basis for fermented milk products, whose benefits for modern children can hardly be overestimated. With the help of special symbiotic starter cultures (the selection of which for baby food products is carried out with the utmost care!) special children's curds, yogurts, kefir, biolact and other goodies are produced from milk. After the main fermentation, it is often the children's "sour milk" that is additionally enriched with probiotic strains of bacteria, which ultimately increases the benefits of the finished product. Namely:

Fermented milk products for children regulate the motor function of the intestine, have a beneficial effect on the state of the microflora, contribute to the production of bactericidal substances in the child's body, and have immunomodulating properties (increase the production of immunoglobulin A, interferon, etc. substances). It is not surprising that once fermented milk products were sold not in stores, but exclusively in pharmacies - as a medicine ...

When is the best time to give your baby a fermented milk product and how much?

According to the same document (recall that leading pediatricians, nutritionists and children's nutritionists of the country took part in its creation), the approximate portions for children of the second and third years of life are:

  • cottage cheese 70-80 g
  • thick yogurt - 125 g
  • fermented milk drink (kefir, biolact, drinking yogurt and others) - 150-180 g

Pediatricians and nutritionists advise using dairy products in baby food three times a day- preferably for breakfast (eg milk porridge) and afternoon tea (eg yogurt and cottage cheese). In total, a baby of 2-3 years old should receive 400-500 ml of liquid dairy products per day (this is whole milk and “sour milk”), as well as 70-80 g of cottage cheese.

Despite the fact that dairy and sour-milk baby products are very beneficial for the health, development and well-being of babies (and besides, children love their taste!), You should not overdo it with them. If you oversaturate the child's diet with "sour milk" (albeit useful), you can provoke the appearance of intestinal dysfunction in the baby.

Children's products are preferred over adult counterparts - why?

Parents constantly ask this question when faced with a grocery choice in the store - which is better: buy regular cereal or special baby cereal based on the same cereal, take regular milk or exactly what is labeled as “baby milk”, etc.

In fact, the answer is very simple: all industrial products intended for baby food (in this case, we are talking about children from one to three years old, and this information will definitely be indicated on the packaging of the baby product) are subject to more strict and thorough quality control. .

Even if, say, dairy products are produced at the same plant and the raw materials for their production are purchased from the same suppliers, in any case, baby food products will undergo much stricter control at all stages of production, starting with the selection of raw materials and up to the packaging of the finished product. This is exactly the picture we observed, for example, at the Danone plant: the “holy of holies” of the plant - the “children's” workshop, where Tyoma products are produced, intended for baby food for children under 3 years old, resembles rather an operating room surrounded by a dozen laboratories in which all kinds of control tests, samples, measurements and studies are carried out around the clock.

In addition, this nuance is also important: children's products - in particular sour-milk ones - have a small package that is ideal for feeding children (there is no need to store already opened packages).

And finally, one more significant advantage: at the legislative level, it is forbidden to use artificial additives (dyes, flavor enhancers, etc.) in baby food products. On the contrary, these products are often enriched with nutrients necessary for the proper development and growth of babies (vitamins, minerals, etc.).

It is important not only what children eat, but also how: the wisdom of children's food

It is more pointless to talk about the choice in favor of specialized children's products and dishes for feeding babies 1-3 years old - we have already listed all the advantages of this approach to feeding your child. We only repeat that the abrupt transfer of a baby after a year to a full-fledged adult table is fraught with the risk of all kinds of medical problems associated with the health of the child in the future. Whereas specialized baby products, which in the second and third years of a baby’s life make up a certain proportion of his diet (at your parental discretion), are quite capable of ensuring a healthier and more harmonious transition of the child from infant food to adult food.

Nutrition of children is a question both simple and complex at the same time. Everyone knows about the need for a balanced diet, the importance of a variety of menus and adherence to the rules of cooking. Many try to adhere to these rules, at least when it comes to preschool children. But life takes its toll...

Our parents never thought about the fact that an apple bought on the market can cause poisoning for their baby, or that the liver, in addition to being good, can cause serious harm. Now, even if parents are serious about nutrition, it is probably not possible to completely protect the child from harmful substances. Even if you completely switch to subsistence farming, you will have to buy animal feed, graze a cow in a meadow, but no one knows what this grass or grain contains. Of course, we cannot solve the problem completely, this should be done by government officials, owners of factories and farms, and other responsible persons. All we can do is to minimize the risks associated with low-quality food for the health of our loved ones, especially children.

The realities of our time have led to dramatic changes in the recommendations for baby food. Gastroenterologists advise excluding liver and factory chickens from the child's menu, as they are saturated with many chemical compounds that can have an extremely negative effect on the child's body. , in addition, contains antibiotics and hormone-like substances used in poultry farming to prevent the loss of poultry and accelerate weight gain. It is unlikely that you can completely do without chicken meat, so you need to be able to choose the safest product. On the shelves you can find chickens from different factories: opt for the one whose bird has denser bones (determined by sampling) and a proportional amount of meat. If chicken legs are more like pork legs, it is better not to take them.

The quality of chicken meat is well checked during cooking- the broth should be transparent, have a specific pleasant smell and a well-defined fat with large drops of fat of a rich amber color. If possible, buy domestic chickens for your child, preferably from the same seller. Established personal relationships often help to avoid buying low-quality goods (this applies to any food).

When buying pork, pay attention to the severity of subcutaneous fat- if it is very small, the pig received additives harmful to humans. Therefore, we choose with a good layer of fat, but remember that you cannot use it for cooking.

Fresh beef has white or yellowish fat(depending on the age of the slaughtered cattle), when pressed, the formed hole immediately straightens out, the meat is not sticky to the touch. I do not advise using frozen meat in children's nutrition: it is, of course, cheaper, but it is absolutely impossible to determine its quality when buying.

It is difficult enough to provide children with high-quality fruits and vegetables if there is no grandmother in the village, so we will proceed from what most Russians have - the market. The safest are locally produced with wormholes. The codling moth never settles in pesticide-treated and fertilized fruits. Abroad, wormy apples have long been the most expensive, as this is evidence of their environmental safety.

When buying imported fruits, be sure to peel them before eating - most of the harmful substances accumulate in the peel. It is necessary to remove the upper green leaves from the cabbage, you can not use the stump for food. The quality of carrots is determined by the brightness of the color of the core - the paler it is, the more nitrates it contains. Greenhouse winter cucumbers should not be given to children: in recent years, frequent cases of poisoning by them have been noted. Potatoes (if you are not sure of their quality) are best cooked without a peel so that harmful substances come out into the water. It is for this reason that the broth cannot be used to make mashed potatoes, it should be drained, and potatoes can be soaked in water before making soups. By the way, about the soup - the first dishes are made either lean or cooked on lean meat. Bones cannot be used!

Dairy products require a separate discussion. Be sure to check the expiration date and ingredients of the product. It is not necessary to include curd glazed curds, yoghurt products with a long shelf life in the daily diet of a child. In this situation, the observation is absolutely true: the simpler, the better. Ordinary milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, natural yogurt, cottage cheese and butter - that's what your baby needs.

Fat-free foods are not used in children's diets, except in special situations when it is prescribed by a doctor: cholesterol is absolutely necessary for brain development. Margarine can only be used for baking and certainly not every day. For the preparation of sandwiches, cheese, natural butter (fat content over 80%), caviar, cottage cheese with herbs, sour cream, a slice of salted red fish (if the child is not allergic) are used. If the child does not eat cottage cheese, cook cheesecakes, casseroles, cheesecakes. You can always find an original and uncomplicated recipe that allows you to make an unloved product attractive to your baby. My daughter, for example, does not like rice porridge, but she eats rice pudding with great pleasure, especially if it is served with jelly.

The diet of a modern child should not include sausages and frankfurters. If you had the opportunity to visit a meat packing plant, none of you would be able to eat them anymore. In principle, sausages and frankfurters prepared according to all the rules from natural meat exist, but most of our compatriots cannot afford them. Instead of sausages, you can cook their substitutes at home: bake pork or beef in foil, cook a minced meat roll with eggs or herbs. It will be much tastier and healthier. It takes very little time to prepare them and not so much money (minced meat roll will be one and a half times cheaper than the average boiled sausage), the main thing is desire.

In addition, children do not have to eat meat every day. Numerous studies and long-term observation of large groups of children prove the benefits of the existence of lean or. These days, the pancreas and the gastrointestinal tract as a whole rest.

Plant foods contain fiber, which helps cleanse the intestines. Porridge, vegetables and fruits are rich in minerals, vitamins and trace elements necessary for the proper growth and development of the child.

Overfeeding, excessive consumption of sweets, meat and fatty foods are the causes of many ills, including diabetes, obesity and hypertension. Take care of the future health of your children now - teach them how to eat right.

People learn even in schools thanks to the course of anatomy. But not many people know what happens next. How does a baby eat in the womb?

Start of a new life

The first days after fertilization, the egg receives nutrients from its own. This occurs until it implants in the wall of the uterus and acquires a placenta. While the fetus is in the mother's abdomen, he receives all the necessary substances from her body. Based on this, a pregnant woman should diversify her diet and eat well.

She must use all the necessary vitamins, minerals, limit the use of smoked, salty, spicy. This is very important for the development of the baby.

There is an opinion among the people that only a born baby is like a "white" sheet of paper. But this is far from true. What does a baby feel in the womb? All the emotions that mom experiences, he also feels, whether it be joy or anxiety, feelings or happiness. It is affected by illness and the situation in the family.

After 4 weeks, the embryo receives the necessary and oxygen through the villi of the chorion, which turns into the placenta. It not only protects the baby from internal and external factors, but also through it the mother and fetus exchange the substances necessary for energy. A real home! The metabolic products of the baby are also excreted through the placenta. It is also customary to call it "children's place".

It is very interesting how the fetus eats in the womb. Let's say the future mom ate an apple. The digestive system breaks down nutrients into simple molecules. After that, the process of their absorption into the blood begins, which delivers all the necessary components to the body of the embryo.

Through the umbilical cord attached to the placenta, the fetus is directly nourished. It contains 2 arteries and 1 vein. Venous blood flows through arteries, and arterial blood flows through veins. Venous blood flows from the baby towards the placenta and stores metabolic products. It's that simple! Now you know how a baby eats in the womb. Interestingly, the width and length of the umbilical cord grows with the child. By the time of birth, its dimensions can reach from 30 centimeters to a whole meter.

Some nuances

We have already considered how the baby is fed in the womb. But it should be noted that the baby eats the same as the mother only if she consumes all the necessary vitamins and elements. And if the mother's nutrition is inadequate, the baby takes all the necessary "building materials" for the growing body from her tissues and cells. Is it dangerous for a woman? Of course yes! Therefore, the state of her health is deteriorating. There are problems with hair, teeth, nails. The child's need for calcium is great, since he must create his skeleton out of "nothing".

If the mother uses harmful substances

How does a child eat in the womb if she does not think about the consequences at all. We should not forget that the child will get not only useful, but also substances that are harmful to a small body if the mother smokes, uses alcohol or drugs. This will adversely affect the health of the unborn baby. Doctors advise well in advance of planning pregnancy to abandon these harmful habits.

Oxygen for baby

How does a fetus breathe and eat in the womb? It is very important for any living being, including humans, to receive oxygen, it is impossible to live without it. If the brain is not supplied with enough oxygen, then it suffers. The fetus does not breathe with the help of the lungs, it receives the right amount of oxygen through the placenta. Therefore, it is so important that the mother breathes properly and stays in the fresh air as long as possible. And during childbirth, proper breathing is important. It will help keep the child in excellent condition.

The course of pregnancy by week

You are the happiest person on earth! You will soon become a father or mother! Do you know everything about the development of a child in the womb by weeks?

  • 1-4 weeks. During this time, the nervous system also develops in the fetus.
  • 5-8 weeks. The brain begins to control the heart and muscle movement. Already in this period, the baby knows how to move, but the mother still does not feel it, since he is very small. The eyelids, inner and outer ear of the baby appear. By 8 weeks, he already looks like a man. The stomach begins to produce gastric juice. By blood it is already possible to establish the Rh factor. You can see tiny fingers. Mimicry develops.
  • 9-16 weeks. The weight is approximately 2 grams, and the height is already 4 cm. The genitals are forming. The kid already knows how to suck his finger, and he does this when he gets completely bored. He begins to hear sharp sounds and can even close his ears with his palms. And this suggests that he has formed hair on his head, and eyebrows and cilia on his face. He can already smile involuntarily.

  • 20-24 weeks. Your baby has already grown noticeably, his height is about 30 centimeters. And on the fingers of the limbs there are marigolds. The kid can already express his dissatisfaction. Going to bed at night, he sees dreams, this has been proven by scientists. The baby’s skin is red and all wrinkled, but don’t worry, a special lubricant protects it from exposure to water. If the baby appears at 24 weeks, he will survive, but, of course, with proper care and medical care. And nothing that its weight is only 500 grams.

3rd trimester of pregnancy

A little higher, the development of a child in the womb by weeks was described. But remember that labor can begin as early as the 38th week, and this is considered normal. Such births are timely. As a rule, at birth, the weight of the baby is from 3 to 4 kg, and the height is about 50 cm. As soon as he is born, you will hear the first cry. And your life will change forever!