It so happens that, as if by someone's evil whim, a lot of work is piled up at the same time, and the volume of information coming from outside simultaneously increases, which you simply do not have the right to omit or postpone for later. Therefore, everything that I planned to write down begins to jostle in my head and demand an exit, but I have to make a lot of efforts in order to keep thoughts in my head until I figure out what claims to be “passing out of turn”.

Thank God, the intermediate line has been drawn. I hope at least. Why did I decide so? Probably because yesterday an absurd incident happened to me, which scared me seriously. Let me explain.

Over the past few days, I have been working with materials of various directions, in which, by a strange coincidence, the topic of reptilians was touched on to a greater or lesser extent. It seems that someone upstairs is pushing me hard to think about how reliable the reptilian version is. Such intrusive behavior of the information field cannot but arouse suspicion that the flow of information is clearly controlled by someone. Well, it cannot be a mere coincidence that, in addition to the articles and videos sent by friends, entirely devoted to the version of the global control of the Earth by reptilian entities, in many official messages I began to "imagine" indirect confirmation of the correctness of David Icke.

For example, several events seemed to me to be interconnected, which at first glance, it would seem, are not connected in any way. By the way, not only me. Several of my friends immediately drew attention to them, and one of them even added one more event to this chain, which I initially did not put in this row:

1. - Killing a gorilla at the Cincinnati Zoo, Ohio USA. 05/29/2016. The reason was child, caught in the enclosure to the animal. The boy was not in danger. Obviously a ritual murder, a sign for those "in the know."
2. - The murder of the singer Grimmie in Orlando, state Florida. Killer from a neighboring town Petersburg. It happened 11.06.16 The eleventh number is beloved by the Kabbalists. The number of death. (9/11, Fukushima).
3.- Execution 50 buggers in Orlando, state Florida 13.06.16 The meaning of the number thirteen is not worth mentioning. There are two days between the second and third events.
4. - The crocodile dragged the child into Orlando state Florida 15.06.16 Between these events in Orlando - just a difference of two days. It's all a fantasy here. An army of police officers and other supermen on boats and helicopters is caught reptile- the murderer, while being executed 5(FIVE) innocent alligators. It can be seen that only after their death is it established that the fingerprints are not the same. The guilty alligator vanished. I wonder what would be done with a crocodile suspected of attacking a human cub? Judged? Sentenced to death in the electric chair? In general, a real farce. An explicit staging, with a ritual sacrifice of a child, and a demonstrative warning to the reptilians.
5 - 16.06.16 (three sixes on the date) A "computer glitch" wiped out 12 years of data on US Air Force internal investigations.

No, and there is no trial: the US Air Force decided to whitewash itself before history - a “computer failure” destroyed data on internal investigations over the past 12 years All information since 2004 has disappeared from the computers of the US Air Force Prosecutor’s Office as a result of an alleged accidental “glitch”. According to the Defense One portal, we are talking about internal investigations, ranging from small labor disputes to large fraud facts, both about “signals” and about the decisions that were made on them.

Now collect all the words in bold in one line, and try to establish a pattern.

There is only one conclusion. There is a magical invisible battle going on in the USA, with the epicenter in Florida. The fact that we do not see those who met in this duel does not mean the absence of the duel itself. Ants also do not know why their anthill collapsed. They think that this is an element, inevitability, fate. But in fact, the forest inspector gave a pumpkin to a poacher, and he fell into an anthill.

About the same with us. We see only a reflection of a small detail of a global event that is happening before our eyes, but we do not have sufficient means and knowledge to understand what is actually happening.

And when I already began to think that it was time to end this, that the hour was not even - “the roof would go” on one topic of reptilians, they sent me the last convincing sign. I myself, face to face with one of them.

I won't name him because he is a very famous person. Let me just say that I have known him for 15 years, and during the first meeting I liked him incredibly. Tall, despite his advanced age, fit, outwardly, he was very similar to Bill Clinton. Today, he has turned into an old man who can easily be confused with Brzezinski, Rothschild, or Soros.

When yesterday I opened the door for him, I turned my head to the side, and with peripheral vision I saw something ... It was as if the skin fell off his face, and a gray-green scaly muzzle with unblinking pupils stretched vertically was exposed. I was dumbfounded. The first thought, of course, was “I read, I saw enough, everything, damn it, I knew what mind games are.”

Then he calmed down and began to think. Yes, the "reptilian face" appeared for a fraction of a second, but I saw it too clearly to attribute it to the play of light and shadow. In addition, the close, suspicious look of the visitor that followed convinced me of the reality of what was happening. He (or it?), clearly understood that I saw something. And his further behavior during the meeting fully confirmed my guess. He behaved with me emphatically friendly, joking and laughing, and even praised me several times, although there were no grounds for this.

And when he got into his giant black executive sedan and left our city, I had enough time to comprehend what happened, and analyze recent events. Not without analogies with the old Hollywood film "They are here", in the original - "They live". There, according to the plot, in order to see "strangers", it was necessary to use special glasses that looked like ordinary sunglasses. It seems that in a feature film, we were shown the world as it really is.

Now, the works of Alexander Krivonos and Avraam Sakralsky from the category of “I admit the probability” have moved into the category of “almost certain”. It is possible that in a slightly different form than it appears today, taking into account the existing knowledge and experience, all this looks a little different. But this is not so important. The main thing is that IT IS. They are really alive, they exist, and in this case, we are inevitably manipulated.

I admit the possibility that physically they are not among us, but there are some projections, or avatars. After all, it is absolutely not necessary for radiations or fields to have a dense body in order to physically influence the material world, objects of high density. Who said they can't be sane? After all, even those objects, the existence of which we do not question, can turn out to be just holograms.

The Blue Beam project is already being successfully applied. And the most striking example can be considered a "terrorist attack" on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon 11 .09.2001. There were no planes. There were only their holograms, which has already been proven more than once by many researchers who analyzed each frame, out of thousands taken, by many cameras, in fractions of a second.

No, this is not an overload of the brain, not the result of the influence of information repeatedly repeated on the air, which involuntarily infiltrated the consciousness. This is a real phenomenon.

No other topic has caused such a violent negative reaction from society as the reptilians.

Who are the reptilians?

reptilians- This is a race of humanoid reptiles, which for a long time, secretly live on the same planet with people. And they do not just live, but cooperate with the TMP (Secret World Government). Reptilians - they are the same and Reptilians are a race of highly developed cosmic beings that have a significant impact on the vector of human development.

In our dimension, reptilians can stay for about 3 years, but no more, since they do not tolerate light well. For this reason, they are forced to build concrete, sheathed with lead bases (wall thickness up to 3 meters), underground. Ordinary human vision does not capture reptilians due to the difference in the dimensions of spaces.

Electromagnetic corridors (portals)- the entrance to the space of tunnels and bases inhabited by reptilians.

Human abduction by reptiles

A pretty resident of Northern California, Jim Spark, through the YouTube video hosting site, has been broadcasting for several years about an unusual event that happened to him at the age of 34 and radically changed his idea of ​​\u200b\u200blife. The one and a half hour videos are about the impressions of an American received from his abduction by reptilians. It happened in 1988, but frankly, he spoke only recently with the release of a book called The Watchers.

Jim calls himself an abductee, a victim of repeated abduction by an extraterrestrial civilization. While the reptilians were conducting their research, the American zealously resisted, not wanting to put up with the humiliating role of "guinea pig".

Here is what he himself says: “This time, like the others, passed for me in complete paralysis. When I came to my senses, I noticed that my body was floating in the air, slowly sinking back to the ground. All this took place in an abandoned park. Despite the dark time, I could make out the outlines of the solid-sized creatures waiting for me. There were about ten of them. The reptilians stood in a semicircle, the immensity of their bodies was frightening. This thought was the last before I lost consciousness.

When he woke up, on a telepathic level, he heard clear words: "Your ability to act has led to the granting of knowledge about us to you."

Jim saw twelve aliens standing around him. Their height was about two and a half meters. The reptilians hid their appearance behind hologram, faintly luminous masks of human faces. Apparently, the true appearance greatly frightened the earthlings.

Dialogue between an American and a Reptilian

There are a number of things that you need to consider. We do not deny that we have been in contact with your government and law enforcement agencies. It will not be a lie that the people were not aware of the agreements adopted by both sides. Certain people have died. We had nothing to do with it.

The emitted voice did not match the movement of the alien's lips, and the hologram of the human face did not match the outline of the creature's head. However, Jim was not afraid of this picture. He listened attentively to the guest from another planet, who hesitated and continued the story.

The planet is in great danger, which has led us to contact the leaders of your government. The reptilians spoke out about the fact that people are not ready to coexist next to the aliens. Despite this, the terms were determined during which earthlings would get used to the idea of ​​living side by side with representatives of extraterrestrial civilization. Also, a decision was made, the purpose of which is to improve the current ecological state of the planet in a certain way, using our recommendations and technologies. However, the governments of many countries still did not keep a single word.

The American at that moment suddenly felt all the sadness of the aliens standing around him. It seemed to him that the Reptilians were experiencing a sense of great loss.

Jim caught himself thinking that he had never before paid attention to the emotions of the aliens. This prompted him to ask his own question:

So you don't renounce earthlings?

There was a long silence, after which the reptilians answered Spark.

Answer to the question

No. The reptilians noted that at the moment, they direct all their energies to people who do not have power. This is the right direction, rather than futile negotiations with governments. Pollution of your water bodies and air occurs every second. The plant world is disappearing. Food chains are breaking down. Your planet is teeming with nuclear and biological weapons. The earth is overpopulated. If you do not start to change everything now, then it will be too late. There are other ways to get energy and food without damaging the planet. People in the government know about these methods, moreover, they can apply them.

After these words, the stranger fell silent, while Jim was impatient to ask the following question:

So why are they delaying?

There was no answer, apparently, guests from another planet were considering the answer. Despite it all, Spark felt like an equal member of the meeting, even if it was an unplanned one. Never before had he been able to ask questions on his own and still get answers. Now, everything was different. He no longer felt like a laboratory animal. Soon, Jim asked again, the answer was immediate:

Clean energy and food richness is seen by government leaders as a risk of losing the security of their countries.

That is, people in power, endowed with knowledge to save the planet and improve life, but do not do it intentionally?

Long pause and answer

A long pause, then the reptilians answered:

Amnesty. All those in power, those who withheld information, should be amnestied, this is our opinion. Their inappropriate behavior in the past should not be condemned now. This opportunity is the only one, otherwise, the government will refuse to implement new technologies, and will in every possible way suppress people's attempts to change something. The planet is on the brink of ecological collapse. There is very little time.

Silence again, most likely for Jim's understanding of the information received.

And now what i can do? Am I assigned a role? - with excitement in his voice asked the American.

You already do it! Just keep going! came the answer. - Work with the public that comes to your classes. Teams of like-minded people and just people who want to learn something new are formed every day in the world. The desire to learn makes such people the core of the nation. To take a step towards the restoration of the planet, amnesty will help.

Suddenly it began to rain, heavy rain, but the guests from another planet did not seem to notice it. It was amazing that the drops falling from the sky did not touch the bodies of the aliens. Perhaps some kind of protective field is to blame. Jim distinctly heard the sound of rain.

Can I ask you…” Spark broke the silence. I would like to see you without the hologram.

I do not think that your natural appearance will frighten me more than the present. - Why are you looking carefully, don't ...

All of a sudden, things started to happen that didn't fit in my head. The upper parts of the aliens' bodies and their heads began to glow with a white-green light. The light they radiated increased, only then did Jim clearly see the full power of their physiques. As soon as the light became bright enough, another surprise awaited the American, scales...

Appearance of reptiles

Reptilians were a cross between lizards and snakes. This radically changed Jim's idea of ​​small gray humanoids. Diamond-shaped eyes, emphasized by red pupils. The heads were in proportion to the huge body. The hands were also massive, and had fingers that were called tuber-like. The following was surprising: the frontal part of the head bulged out and resembled a brain that was covered with skin. This is the hallmark of the race.

“I could only stand silently and contemplate them, while thinking about everything that had happened,” said Jim. - The message of the reptilians did not go out of my head. There was no doubt about the connection of the leaders of my country with extraterrestrial civilizations. Most of the inhabitants of the Earth are unaware of what is happening around. Then, quite unexpectedly, my body seemed to accelerate, making a flight, and after that I turned off completely. ”

On this, contact with the extraterrestrial race of reptilians ended, but an equally interesting, albeit painful process began - the realization of what had happened.

Farm "Planet Earth"

An obvious fact, the reptilians of this species had a neutral attitude towards the inhabitants of the Earth. We can say that people are like agricultural raw materials for them, only instead of a farm we have a planet. We are just an irreplaceable, efficient material in the economy, which does not require special care, but directly depends on their survival. This continues to this day.

Despite this, the ecological situation on the planet has deteriorated, humanity is on the verge of self-destruction. It is fortunate that the aliens are not engaged in killing people, using their subtle energy (gawwah energy) to the maximum. Reminds me of food.

Gavwah energy − the energy that reptilians feed on. This energy is thrown out by a person at the moment of strong bodily and mental experiences. It is collected using special technological equipment. Also, the reptiles introduced special devices on Earth that spread and increase the emotional stress of people. For this reason, negative energy arises, which the reptilians feed on, thereby supporting their existence.

Reptilians spared neither time nor effort, "cultivating" the human nation, and we suddenly decided to start the process of self-destruction. Therefore, they decided to play it safe, collecting biological samples of humans and animals, so that in the event of the death of the planet, they could recreate a new life somewhere else.

reptilians(also reptilian people, reptoids, draconians, lizard people, saurians) - a hypothetical race of humanoid reptiles, whose representatives are most often (though not always) depicted as having an extraterrestrial origin, as well as endowed with intelligence and the ability to take the form of a person. Wikipedia

Reptilians, reptilian civilization, lizard-like aliens. Lots of fluff on this subject. And the more turbidity, the more difficult it is to find the truth in it. The secret is that there is no need to seek the truth in the mud. It is necessary to rise above the muddy surface, and then everything will become clear.

There are laws of mind manipulation that need to be understood in order to clarify everything.

  1. Any lie in its pure form cannot exist - a priori. In order to bring down, confuse a person, first they feed him with the truth, rub him into confidence, and then they begin to gradually feed the person with lies.
  2. At some point, when the topic starts to smell, and some begin to wonder where is the truth, where is the lie, the topic is brought to the attention of the masses and ridiculed (through jokes, television, comedians, shows) instead of eradicating the problem or if things are really bad, then signboards, names change and the booth moves to a different address and starts to muddy the waters with a new one.

Reptilians appear in all cultures, myths. During archaeological excavations, there are corresponding figurines, images of these creatures. In esotericism, extrasensory perception, reptilians are known firsthand. People who see (the subtle plan) see reptilians, some communicate with them and deal with them on some terms. Feeling people feel the influence of reptilians. Some of these creatures help, some lead through life. Massons and reptilians are one, and the shadow government that runs the world, together with them, is from the same barrel.

This is all interesting, of course. Our attention is constantly distracted by the search for brothers in mind in space, but it turns out that they have all been here on earth for a long time. In fact, everything is simple. And we must understand: people like us, people like us, by development, do not have the technology to make themselves known. Like us, they do not have the opportunity to fly far from the earth. And so it will be until the consciousness of mankind changes - no one will allow the “HOME” to dine in a restaurant until he begins to correspond to the level of this restaurant. And those civilizations that are higher than earthlings in terms of development are not interested in us, just as alcoholics and the same homeless people are not interested in an intellectual. Intellectuals and the homeless belong to different strata of society, do not intersect with each other, and they do not interfere with each other's life, well, with a few exceptions. I apologize for such comparisons, but they clearly make the essence of the topic clear.

We are shown that aliens fly to earthlings to help them develop or attack them and conquer the territory of the planet. Anyone who knows how karma works will never attack and show aggression - this is dearer to themselves. And as for help... Have you often seen an oligarch, when he sees a HOMEMAN, try to help him? For the oligarch to wash the homeless, dress him, put on shoes, buy him a house, give him money, etc.? Probably not. And for good reason. There is a good proverb: a pig will always find dirt

Everything is God: each of us is individual and at the same timeare united in God. Like drops in the sea, ocean. The ocean (GOD) is whole, but consists of many drops (souls). When we separate one drop from it, does the ocean become different, does it become smaller? And when we return a drop to the ocean and take another from it, where does the first one go?

Isis. Madonna. Reptile. What is it for?

Everything that happens in the universe is One, everything is according to His will. A blade of grass in a field will not move without His will. Black and white, bad and good, birth and death, left hand and right hand are all One. Why deal with all this diversity? Each incarnating being has its own mission, purpose, and it is fully compatible with His will. This is only the EGO, thinks and keeps itself in the illusion that she herself can do something, decides, accepts, rejects. And life dictates its own rules.

Yes, the reptilian civilization operates on 3 energy centers. Its representatives have no love, no longing, no pity. They organize a totalitarian system, organize wars, and what is no less important - answering for their promises (many people still need to learn from them). Reptilians appeared on earth long before people settled here. Their goal is to enslave humanity without violating the laws of the universe, just as the reptilians once enslaved the "gray". And they are good at it. Reptilian civilization is the counterforce that helps humanity to degrade. And here it’s a personal matter for everyone - to sleep or wake up, to degrade or. Wake up, develop, and you will see everything with your own eyes, take exams, and then you will leave the earth. There are an infinite number of beautiful places, planets, worlds where life is on a higher level, where there is no lie, suffering, etc.

Look through yours - rarely anyone living on earth has not been embodied in reptilians. Everything was created by the will of the Almighty, and the reptilians are no exception, and they, too, are part of Him. When you went to kindergarten or went to school, you were not tormented by questions about why the canteen works this way and prepares this particular menu today, why the director is a woman or a man, why the lessons are 45 minutes long. You did not rebel, did not resent - you graduated from school, graduated from the last class and went on with your life. Only thanks to difficulties, training, Will, truly strong and wise souls are obtained - true Creators.

Isis. Mother of God. Reptile. What is it for?

About reptilians, you can see Sidorov G.A. in "Chronological and Esoteric Analysis of the Development of Modern Civilization". Books 1 and 2 are well written. There is a lot of truth here, even a lot, but the author periodically "carries", and his judgments are not the ultimate truth. But you need to know how and what happened. People who do not know their past are doomed to repeated trials. It was not in vain that Moses led the people through the desert for 40 years.

You can watch and listen to the recordings of David Icke about reptilians. His first videos are just wonderful, I can’t say the same about the next ones. Maybe then he "baked", or in general, the reptilians are behind him. I don’t know what his mission is, and it’s not interesting to know about it. It was like this for me: I collected all this information about the reptilian civilization bit by bit, and when I understood what was stated above, then I came across both videos and books on this topic. There was a kind of reconciliation of books and videos with what I already knew, and it was cool.

According to a 2013 sociological survey, 12 million Americans believe that the US government is reptiles or hybrids of humans and lizards, skillfully disguised as ordinary people.

Confessions of David Icke

Talk about the fact that the earthly authorities are collaborating with aliens, allowing them to kidnap people and mutilate animals, began back in the 1980s. The Englishman David Won Icke went further. He stated that all earthly politicians are either disguised as people, or people who carry reptilian genes in themselves.

Ike used to be a professional football player, but arthritis forced him to cut his career short. He began working as a sports commentator for the BBC, then joined the Green Party. In 1990, while visiting a psychoanalyst, David experienced a mental shock. There was a voice in his head saying that he must save the Earth.

Ike has written several books about the conspiracy theory that aliens have taken over Earth long ago. And in 1999, the book "The Biggest Secret" was published, which says that we are ruled by reptiles from the planet Dragon. Several million aliens, according to the author, live in underground caves on Earth and interbreed with people. They have developed mind control technologies and are able to influence our minds through television, computers and other electrical devices, even if the cord is simply plugged in and the device itself is not working.

Presidents and monarchs, and simply the powers that be, to one degree or another, carry their genes. Those who look too much like lizards hide their appearance with the help of some magical actions. There is only one way to expose them. Lizardman, Ike claims, is unable to pronounce the word "kininigin".

David refers to a witness - Jennifer Ann Green, a former alien slave. The Reptilians have been mind-controlling her since childhood in order to raise an obedient priestess to perform satanic rituals. The entire British royal family allegedly took part in them. Rites necessarily included human sacrifice, cannibalism, violence and unbridled orgies. The blood of the dead was mixed with arsenic, an element necessary for the nutrition of reptilians, and drunk. After that, the reptilians stopped pretending to be people, showing their real appearance. Among them, Jennifer saw US presidents and their wives. According to her, in France she performed a ceremony with the participation of the Pope. She did not name him for ethical reasons.

The Reptilians' power over Ann Green's mind began to wane when the creator of her "obedience program" died. This allowed her to tell about the true appearance of the powerful of this world.
“The United States can lose freedom? Ike writes. “My God, she was never here.”

Parallel Civilization

David Icke found many supporters and followers. Among them was Stuart Alan Sverdlov, a descendant of the legendary Bolshevik Yakov Sverdlov. He claimed that he himself "communicated with aliens and beings from other dimensions in the course of his work in secret government projects." Most reptiles and hybrids, Sverdlov claims, live underground, where a small sun burns in a huge cavity: “Inner Earth has become home to reptilians who survived the war between Atlantis and Lemuria. There they created an underground civilization. Hence the legends about hell and demons living in fire underground.

They built tunnels with fast transport, similar to the subway, built underground cities - Akkadia, Agartha, Shambhala. The main entrances to the Inner Earth are at the North Pole, where a passage with a diameter of 200 kilometers is open, and at the South Pole, where the entrance has a diameter of 150 kilometers. These passages are visible from space. Artificially created entrances are located under the Giza plateau in Egypt, under the Denver airport, the largest air bases, as well as under many temples in India and China.

The open dominance of the reptiles was prevented only by other extraterrestrial civilizations. Reptilians are hiding because of them. Earthlings are used in satanic rituals not only to satisfy the thirst for violence, but also to successfully disguise themselves as people. The older the hybrids, the more they need blood and tortured "vibrations".

Sverdlov stated that from childhood he took part in rituals and sexual orgies of reptilians. Before his eyes, famous politicians, TV presenters and writers "greedily consumed blood, which for them was a real delicacy." Everyone, except Kennedy Jr., turned into lizards during the ritual. On the sexual side of the rites, we will only say that neither the age nor the sex of the participants had any special meaning there.

Origins of the legend

When the newfangled conspiracy theory could no longer be ignored, historians and sociologists had to seriously look for its origins. Political science professor Michael Barkun of Syracuse University discovered that it was based on ... Robert Howard's fantasy story "The Kingdom of Shadows", published in 1929. Howard is mostly remembered as the creator of Conan the Barbarian, a muscular character much loved by writers in Hollywood.

The hero of the "Kingdom of Shadows" was another, no less physically gifted character. This was in the time of Atlantis. King Kull, who seized the throne in Valusia, was warned of the existence of the reptilian people: “These creatures can impersonate anyone. They throw a veil of spells over themselves with some kind of witchcraft spell, and you can no longer distinguish them from a living person ...

There was a long and terrible war, centuries passed until people became a race that owns the world. Humans eventually won... The snake people survived and returned in masks when the human race was weakened and forgotten about the previous battles.

It is also mentioned in the story that the lizard-men are trying to seize power by all means, including the substitution of rulers: “The kings owned Valusia as people, but, dying in battles, they died like snakes ... How could this happen? After all, these kings were born women and lived the way people live! There is only one answer: the real kings were secretly killed, and the priests of the Serpent took their place. And not a single living soul knew about it.

There is also a magic word there, which gives out reptilians with a head. Only it sounds different - “ka nama kaa layerama”, and not “kininigin”.

The second point of reference was the story of Warren Shufelt, a mining engineer from Los Angeles. In 1934, he stated that there was another city underground, built and inhabited by intelligent lizards. With the help of "radio-x-rays" (biolocation), he mapped the scheme of halls, passages and tunnels. Warren got permission to drill a mine in the city center. After walking 76 meters, instead of a lizard tunnel, he stumbled upon groundwater and stopped working.

Both stories were used by the American esotericist Claude Doggins, founder of the White Temple Brotherhood sect. In the brochure "Secrets of the Gobi", written by Claude under the pseudonym Morris Doreal, he described snake people hiding in underground shelters.

extraterrestrial race

In 1948, Doggins wrote another work, Flying Saucers from an Occult Point of View. There, in particular, it was said that the snake people replaced Stalin. Now nuclear war is inevitable. He called on all those who cherish life to settle in the “Shambhala Ashram” he founded among the Rocky Mountains - the only place that would not be affected by a nuclear holocaust. The start of the war was predicted by Doggins for "May, August or September 1953". 800 members of the sect settled in a mountain valley and closed the gates to outsiders.

Years passed, but the atomic war did not start. After the death of Doggins in 1963, the sect noticeably thinned out, but did not cease to exist.

David Icke does not hide the fact that Morris Doreal was one of the sources of his writings. Another author mentioned by David was the occultist Robert Dickhoff. In 1951, he wrote the book Agharta, describing the alliance of underground reptiles and human black magicians. They direct negative energy into the brains of their victims, provoke murders, wars, and crashes. Only Tibetan warrior monks fight on a physical and mental level with the damned creatures and their allies.

“Today, one need only think of serpent people living in human form to feel their ominous radiation,” Dickhoff wrote. “They often hold high positions, are respected, rich and serve Lucifer himself.”

In the early 1970s, the first rumors about underground alien bases appeared. Over time, they merged with stories about underground shelters of reptilians. Now, for the birth of a legend, it was enough to imagine that the reptilians had already seized power.

The last straw was John Carpenter's 1988 film They Live (Strangers Among Us). David Icke in Children of the Matrix writes: “If you follow Carpenter's career, it becomes clear that he is one of the initiates. I highly recommend watching this movie about an extraterrestrial race that has taken over the Earth and masquerades as humans."

Many ufologists share the opinion that disguised aliens live among us, although they try to stay away from sensational stories about reptilians. David Jacobs, a well-known abduction researcher, titled his latest book Walking Among Us. If people manage to catch such an alien or hybrid with alien features, all myths will turn out to be reality in an instant, and fears will become reality.