And other errors that Windows 7 likes to throw out, I have already written more than once. Today I want to write about how to disable automatic system restart on error.

In Windows (not only in the seven), it is set up so that during some more or less serious error, the system automatically reboots. Well, that's not bad, especially when such an error is caused by some program. The computer will restart, the program will close and everything will work, or should work :).

But another thing is when the computer restarts through the same blue screens, or other serious system errors. It's just that such errors are usually a permanent phenomenon, well, or until the cause is removed. So, if some kind of error appears, and the computer immediately restarts, then we do not have time to consider the inscription that is on the same blue screen. And if you read what is written there, and also rewrite the error code, then you can look for a way to fix it.

So it's worth disabling automatic reboot, and now I'll write how to do it. Moreover, the computer can always be restarted by pressing a special button.

Disable automatic system reboot

Right-click on "Computer" and select "Properties".

In the new window on the right, select .

A small window will open, in which we click on “Options” in the section.

Another window will open, in which we uncheck the box. Click OK and close all windows.

Apple provides a three-month free trial subscription to the Apple Music service, but requires you to enter payment information when connecting to the service. If you do not unsubscribe in advance, funds will be debited from your bank card monthly in accordance with the selected tariff plan: 169 rubles for an individual service or 269 rubles for a family service up to six people.

Those who start using Apple Music today will be charged on October 1st. Before that time, a lot of things can happen - for example, you can be completely disillusioned with music and you will not need any music services.

To avoid being charged as an unpleasant surprise, you can cancel your subscription right now, and pay money only when you are one hundred percent sure that you want to continue using Apple Music. You can cancel the subscription through the music player on iOS 8.4 or the program on Windows or Mac.

In the player on iOS 8.4, you need to click on the silhouette that is shown on the main page in the upper left corner and go to your Apple ID account. At the bottom of the page there will be a link to the section for managing subscriptions. Go to it - you will see all your active and inactive subscriptions. Here you can change the type of Apple Music subscription (individual or family) or turn off its auto-renewal with a toggle switch, which magically in iOS 8.4 from iOS 4. Funds will not be debited after cancellation.

Similarly, you can manage your subscriptions on your computer through iTunes. Run it, go to the iTunes Store section, find the "Account" link, click it, enter your Apple ID password, scroll down to the settings page and go to the subscriptions section. In it, you can disable automatic debiting of money from a bank card, including for Apple Music.

It's important to note that once auto-charge is turned off, you'll be able to enjoy Apple Music for the duration of the trial period. This does not affect the functionality of the service.

How to disable autoload programs m starting with the operating system? Hi admin! I installed two operating systems Windows 7 and Windows 8 two months ago, and now they both slow down and freeze, and they take forever to load.

In Windows 7, I launched the built-in msconfig utility, went to the "Startup" item and turned everything off there: Skype (a program for communicating over the Internet), Download Master (file downloader), DAEMON Tools Lite (working with ISO images), Zune Launcher (a program for phone) and so on, by the way I found one virus. Two weeks later I looked at startup, and some programs are again there. Do you know why? I worked with all these programs for two weeks, and when they start, they again install their services in startup. What to do? My computer is powerful and copes, but it's still a shame, a month ago Windows loaded in 15 seconds, and now in 40 seconds.
. With her, the situation is better, after two weeks only a few programs have arbitrarily returned to autoload, but the programs that I reinstall everything calmly go to autoload.

I installed the AnVir Task Manager program on your advice, launched it, the program is good and does not start anything at autoload and warns about everything, but what's interesting, I found the All entries tab in this program, and was stunned, there are 500 entries, and that's all I have in autoload! Andrey.

How to disable autoload programs

Hello friends, disabling startup of any program is quite easy, you can do it using the "msconfig" utility in Windows 7 and the Task Manager in Windows 8. In addition, you can enter the settings of any program and uncheck the option "Run at Windows startup" .

Something else is a little more difficult - to prevent a certain program from being automatically loaded when it is installed on your computer, and the matter here will not do without one good free program.

The whole secret is that most of the programs, when installed on your computer, will not ask you for permission to go into autoload, it will just go through and that's it, and you won't even know about it.

Today I will tell you two interesting stories, and at the same time we will learn how to disable autoload programs in Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating systems and how to prevent the program from being autoloaded again.
If you reinstalled the operating system and actively use it - install various programs, drivers (printer, scanner, camera ...), antiviruses, and so on, then in just a month there are so many of these programs that Windows loading slows down very much. And most importantly, users simply do not know (and most are not interested) where to find all these programs that slow down the loading of the operating system, they only catch on after Windows starts to load and work very slowly.

In Windows 7, you can disable startup programs using the msconfig utility built into the operating system.
start, run, msconfig,

Then in Windows 8 you can disable the program from startup directly in the Task Manager in the special Startup tab. For example, let's remove the Skype program from startup, call the Task Manager,

In my opinion, the main mistake of users is that they control the startup of programs only using the tools built into Windows, which cannot show all the programs that are in startup, and even more so cannot stop the services of programs going into startup. When users install the AnVir Task Manager program specially created to control startup and see everything that is actually happening in their startup, they are in shock for a long time after that, watching numerous unnecessary services and processes, sometimes even remote programs.
To emphasize the seriousness of the situation, I want to tell you this. Working for several years in the Windows 7 operating system, in which a licensed antivirus with the latest updates was installed, a firewall and the AnVir Task Manager program (a program that monitors startup, which will be discussed later), I got into this situation about once a week. Working on the Internet, I often had to go to unfamiliar sites (like all of you), sometimes in search of drivers, and sometimes the right information. So, during the day I was browsing a lot of sites and being on some web pages, at first glance harmless, the AnVir Task Manager program installed by me (controlling autoload) quite often signaled me with such a window,

saying that an unfamiliar program is rushing to autoload me, and this is with complete silence and connivance. Such programs, friends, are nothing more than a terry virus.
I foresee your question, what will happen if you do not have the AnVir Task Manager program and the program will quietly go into autoload? And it will be something like what I described in my articles "" and "". This is how we catch viruses with you.
True, with the advent of the Windows 8 operating system, the situation has become a little better, all programs that are in startup can already be seen more clearly in the Task Manager in the Startup tab. The system, according to Microsoft, is better protected, and so on. Although a small problem remains. All programs, when installed, still quietly go into autoload.

I’ll tell you another interesting case, in which I will tell you in detail how to disable startup programs.

One of my classmates asked me to reinstall his operating system and install a package of free software. Three months ago, he bought a laptop with Windows 8 preinstalled. This laptop was used by his entire family, even without one for each family member. And now the laptop freezes, loads for a long time and slows down. My friend agreed to my proposal not to reinstall the system, but to figure out what was the reason for the long system boot.
To see all the programs that are in the startup of the new Windows 8 operating system, launch the Task Manager, select the Startup item. We carefully look friends at everything that is in my friend's autoload, as we see what is not here. Please note that he even has two antiviruses installed.

and this despite the fact that the Windows 8 system also has a built-in one that can also work. Of course, in this case, the computer will boot by no means 4 seconds. My friend claims that he installed the second antivirus out of curiosity and then removed it. But the facts say otherwise, the antivirus program works, we remove the second antivirus program correctly, through the "Install or change a program" panel

A more interesting picture of autoload will open if we install the AnVir Task Manager program, official website If after reading our article you want to download and install this program, then be sure to read our article, it contains a more detailed description of working with the utility.

Note: if you open the “All entries” item, then all files, drivers, services, registry keys will open, that is, rather redundant information for a novice user, but in fact you can figure it out (for example, I have about four hundred any codecs and filters for working with video).

1) Drivers for C-Media sound card. It's rather strange how they got here, because the built-in sound card on my friend's Realtek computer, disable the C-Media drivers from startup or delete them altogether.

2) DAEMON Tools Lite is a good program for creating disk images and emulating virtual CD/DVD drives. They use it once a week, so it is also not needed in autoload.

3) The Download Master program is needed to download files, but the owner of the computer does not even know about it and has never used it, we disable the program from startup, if necessary, it will be launched manually.

4) Skype (a program for communicating via the Internet), if you do not use it constantly, uncheck it.

5) The process known as ZuneLauncher.exe belongs to software Zune by Microsoft. With the help of this program, files are exchanged and synchronized music, images, video files on a computer and a phone running Windows Phone. The strangest thing is that my friend has a Samsung phone based on Android and his wife and child too, which means he does not need the Zune program at all. Disable the program from startup or better delete it.

In the "Services" at the very top there are two services related to the HP laser printer, we will not touch these services. Also here is the TeamViewer 8 service, which is related to the very good remote access program TeamViewer (for those who are interested, read the article). But unfortunately my friend does not remember exactly who installed it and why. We delete it from startup, if necessary, it can be started and so, disable it from startup.

That's basically it.

We restart the computer and after the reboot, our Windows 8 literally came to life. In my opinion, all the problems were created by the second anti-virus program.

But what we see is that all our programs removed from startup are asked to go there again, we kick them out through the door, and they climb out the window, that's the attack.

Check the box Don't ask again about this startup item and click Remove. Send the program to quarantine if you want.
If you want to return the desired program to autoload, this can be done in the settings of the AnVir Task Manager program.

In this way, with the help of this program, you will instantly put things in order in your autoload.

Articles on this topic.

Have you noticed that every time you turn on your computer, some of the programs installed on it start automatically? If this interferes with your work, you can disable the automatic inclusion of programs. In this guide, we will give you some tips on how to do this.

With CCleaner

Download, install and launch CCleaner.

Open Tools > Start and select Disable / Turn on for the program you need:

Using msconfig

Msconfig is a Microsoft tool for managing programs that are activated at Windows startup.

Click menu Start and select Run. Or press the [ Windows] + [R] to open the tab Run. In the window that appears on the screen, enter msconfig and press OK. In the window system configuration go to tab launch. Select from the list and uncheck the boxes for those programs that you do not want to run at startup Windows. Click OK to save changes:

You will be prompted to restart your computer, which is optional. But if you still reboot, then immediately after launch, a window will appear on the screen in which you need to check the box next to the command Do not show this window again and press OK so that it does not appear every time you start your PC.

N.B. Windows 8 does not require a restart after these changes.

With WinPatrol

WinPatrol is a similar program.

With StartupLite

StartUpLite is a small piece of software released by the developers of Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware.

Easy to use, it allows you to disable or remove unnecessary programs to optimize your computer's startup.

Download it to your computer and run it to open the program window:

The list of programs will already be given in the section Disable, you will only need to press Continue to disable them.

You can also remove any program by checking the box Delete, but you need to be very careful with this option.

If you are in doubt about any item in the list and prefer to save the program at startup, just check the box No action, then press Continue.

If you want to re-activate the service, just click the link at the top of the window Restore Disabled Items, and immediately go directly to the system setup utility MSConfig.

If your operating system takes a very long time to load when you turn on the computer, then the point is in those programs that open automatically. A whole bunch of applications run at the same time. This significantly slows down the computer. Therefore, you need to disable the automatic launch of applications. We will consider the most popular methods for various systems.

Autorun programs in Windows 7. MSConfig utility.

This method is very simple. Go to the start menu. Next, enter msconfig in the search bar. Open the first (and only) result.

Here you see a huge list of applications. And they all run on boot. Review the entire list carefully. Uncheck those utilities that you do not need at startup. Then save your changes and be sure to restart your computer. The OS should boot many times faster.

Tip: if you accidentally disabled some necessary utility, don't worry! Just go back and check the boxes in the right place.

How to disable autorun through the registry?

This is the hardest way. It is better not to do anything in the registry, as you can disrupt the computer if you do something wrong. So, open the Start menu. Below, in the search bar, type regedit.

Then find the two Run sections. You can see the full paths in the screenshot. One of them is responsible for automatic launch for the current user, and the other for all users.

Go there and just remove the components of those utilities that you don't need.

Programs to disable autorun

There is a utility Autoruns, it is quite powerful. In it you can find absolutely all applications that start at boot.

You can download it from this official site:

Then unzip the archive and run the utility. This is how it looks like:

Go to the Everything tab. This means that programs are collected there that automatically open on your computer. After, uncheck the boxes next to those that you want to disable at startup.

CCleaner utility.

This utility is convenient in that, in addition to disabling autorun, it can also remove any garbage from the computer, making it even more productive.

You can download it from this site:

Select the required setting. If you do not know which one to choose, then choose the first one.

Disable unnecessary utilities and they won't bother you the next time you start.

In this way, you can easily and simply disable any program from autorun. The following methods will be covered for other versions of Windows.

How to disable autorun programs in Windows 8

Through the system partition.

Hold down keys such as Win + R.

A window like this will open. Type shell:startup, then click OK.

This is where the applications of the current user are stored.

And if you want to open to all users, then enter shell: common startup.

Now just click on any of the folders you don't need at startup and delete it.

Via Task Manager

In the following versions of operating systems, automatic startup is not in the MSConfig utility, but in the Task Manager. Call the context menu on the control panel with the mouse and select the item you need.

Select an unnecessary application and click on the "Disable" button.

How to disable autorun programs in Windows 10

For this operating system, those methods that are listed for version 8 are suitable. Even the location of the folders in the registry is the same.

Tip: use any means other than the registry. It stores important data that is very easy to damage. If you are bad at the registry, it is better not to even go there.

Thus, now no unnecessary applications will interfere with the boot of the computer. Just do not disable all the utilities in a row. Of these, some are extremely important for the full operation of the computer.