Getting housing is one of the main goals of every family. Privatization is often carried out for this purpose. However, after this procedure, you usually need to secure your rights to housing. Below you will find information on how to register a privatized apartment as your property without any problems.

About privatization

Housing privatization is a voluntary, free transfer of state-owned apartments into the ownership of the citizens who live in them.

After privatization of housing, the participant becomes its owner. The former owner, represented by a government agency, ceases to have this right, due to the fact that it passes into private hands.

However, along with the opportunity to own property, a citizen also has responsibilities regarding its maintenance.

Changes that have occurred to housing must be supported by documents so that the right is secured legally.

For this purpose, certificates are issued to prove the authority of the owner.

Who will be the owner?

In the field of privatization, housing is owned by the person for whom the contract was drawn up through the administrative authorities.

When privatizing housing for one person, this one person is the owner by law. He receives responsibilities for the maintenance of housing, its preservation and payment of all expenses for improvement and repairs.

In this case, the owner can dispose of the privatized apartment according to his wishes (sell, inherit, donate, bequeath, etc.).

When privatizing for two people, these owners own the housing in equal shares. These persons will have equal rights and responsibilities. Their property in this case is shared.

It is also required to obtain consent for privatization from minor children, after which they can be made co-owners.

Note: In the case when privatization is carried out for three people, each of the shareholders receives equal rights. By law, everyone receives the status of owner of a share of real estate.

The situation also occurs when more than 3 people live in an apartment.

It happens that several people are registered in an apartment, but some of them refused to participate in privatization. In this situation, they will not become home owners.

Who owns housing if it is not privatized?

The following can own a non-privatized apartment:

  • municipality;
  • government agencies;
  • institution such as an institute, factory, etc.

The people living in the apartment are not the direct owners in this case. If they want to make changes or alienation to housing, they must coordinate their activities with the legal owner.

In most cases, non-privatized apartments are provided under social rent or another agreement.

Is privatization of housing required when it is owned?

If you buy an apartment, receive it by inheritance and get it to the owner in any other way, with the exception of transfer from the state, no additional actions will be required.

It is already the personal property of the person who acquired it.

What to do to register privatized housing?

It is important to understand that the issuance of a privatization agreement does not yet give you ownership of the apartment. You need to get it.

This procedure will require collecting the required documents. They need to be taken to the BTI department, and an employee must be called to issue a CP. This procedure at BTI takes approximately three months, but if necessary, it can be done in one business day by paying an urgent tariff.

When all the technical documents are completed, you should take an extract from the CP and a copy of the cadastral plan.

Then, all family members who are involved in privatization should write an application for registration of property rights at the Office of the Federal Registration Center.

If one of the family members is unable to attend the management, a notarized power of attorney must be issued on his behalf.

You will also need to pay a state fee for registration.

After registering an apartment, its residents will receive a certificate of common ownership.

Preparing documents

To draw up a privatization agreement, you should prepare the following papers:

  1. Passports or birth certificates (for minors) of all family members who are involved in the transaction.
  2. Social tenancy agreement.
  3. Statement.
  4. Technical data sheet.
  5. Extracts from the house register.
  6. A certificate confirming the fact that residents do not have their own housing.
  7. A certificate excluding the fact that a person previously took part in privatization processes.

To obtain rights to an apartment after privatization, its registration is required. When housing is privatized, but without its registration, the residents will not be recognized as the legal owners.

It is noteworthy that the rights to an apartment received before the end of 1998 have full legal force even without registration.

You can submit documents for registration at the registration chamber, the MFC, the Internet portal “Gosuslugi” or a branch of Rosreestr.

To do this, you will need to provide the following documents:

  • registration applications;
  • applicant's passport;
  • privatization agreements;
  • technical passports from BTI;
  • certificates about everyone registered in the apartment;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state duty.

How much time and money will be spent?

You can wait different times for the result after submitting an application for registration of rights. This mainly depends on where the application was made. Registration occurs faster through the MFC and the Registration Chamber (no more than 14 days). If you used the State Services portal, you will have to wait 16-17 days. But there are times when you need to wait less, depending on how long the line is and how busy the employees are.

The state duty paid for these services is 2000 rubles. Only the payment shown is required. No other taxes are provided. However, some additional costs may apply. For example, if the applicant wished to use the services of the MFC or hired a representative by providing him with a power of attorney.

Upon completion of registration, the applicant receives a certificate of registration of rights containing the basic requirements about housing and the owner.

It is this certificate that will be necessary when conducting various housing transactions.

Refusal of registration

There are cases of refusal to issue a certificate. Usually it is motivated by the fact that an incomplete package of documents was provided, or they were selected incorrectly. In addition, the documents may be expired.

After correcting problems with documents, you can submit them again.

The refusal is made in writing and must be confirmed by the signatures of the responsible persons so that the applicant is familiarized with its reasons. There should be no unreasonable refusal.

Design features

After submitting documents to the relevant organization, the applicant must obtain a receipt from its employee confirming their acceptance. If an employee fails to provide such a document, you need to remind him of this.

This way you will protect yourself from problems by proving the employee’s responsibility for the accepted papers and will have the opportunity to prove the date of receipt of the application.

The receipt cannot be lost. It will need to be exchanged for a completed certificate of rights.

It is issued upon completion of registration and receipt of a contract from the housing department of the administration.

Denationalization can also be carried out in court if any controversial issues arise. In such a situation, the certificate will be issued not by agreement, but by court decision.

Shared ownership

As noted above, an apartment can be privatized not only for one tenant, but also for several. In this case, common ownership of the property is considered shared ownership. To privatize real estate for several family members you will need:

  1. Obtain the consent of each owner to carry out this procedure.
  2. Unanimous decision on privatization.
  3. If one or more residents refuse to participate in the transaction, they must prepare a written refusal in favor of the other owners, which will be notarized. Consent cannot be obtained by force through judicial proceedings.
  4. When minors or disabled children live in the object of the transaction, consent will be required from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

If housing is privatized by a husband and wife, its area is distributed in shares, since this apartment was not jointly acquired and will not be joint property.

A separate share of an apartment cannot be privatized.


Thus, when registering housing after privatization, the rights of residents to own it are recognized and confirmed. To prove ownership of a given home, official registration is required.

To implement it, you need to collect a package of documents, pay a state fee and transfer all the papers to Rosreestr or the MFC. Employees of these authorities will check all the data and make a decision on permission or refusal to obtain housing rights.

Video on the topic

Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated November 26, 2015 No. 883: in the form of documents on paper: - through a personal appeal to the rights registration authority, to an authorized person of the rights registration authority during an on-site reception, through the MFC; - by mail with a declared value upon forwarding, an inventory of the contents and a notification of delivery; in the form of electronic documents and (or) electronic images of documents signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by federal law: - using public information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, through a unified portal of state and municipal services (functions), or an official website, or other information technologies for interaction with the rights registration authority.

Registration of ownership of a privatized apartment

  • It is necessary to be present only at the final signing of documents;
  • all certificates will be properly completed.

But at the same time, the cost of lawyers’ work is quite high. This option is convenient for those who cannot spend a lot of time completing the required papers. What laws govern? The privatization procedure is regulated by Federal Law-1541-I.
Article 217 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation determines the procedure. Procedure of action It is of great importance to adhere to a certain procedure when registering the privatization of an object:

  • collecting all necessary papers and documents;
  • filling out a request;
  • submitting an application and a package of documents to the authority;
  • registration of ownership of the object;
  • registration of ownership of the premises in Rosreestr or MFC.

The registration procedure is not that complicated, but it may require time and money.

Features of real estate registration after privatization

It is worth noting that if a child is registered in the apartment, then he is included in the privatization agreement. Those wishing to purchase an apartment should pay attention to the privatization period. If privatization occurs during 1992 - 1994, then children who were not included in the number of owners could be registered in the apartment; the presence of this issue can be challenged by the court, which will bring many unpleasant consequences for the buyer when registering ownership rights. If a child is involved in the registration, the following additional documents are required: permission from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities and an extract from the previous home from the house register.

How is privatization registration carried out?

Grounds for refusal Sometimes it happens that the registration authority does not approve the application. In some cases, they have every right to do so. The following situations may serve as grounds for refusal:

  • the applicant provides only part of the required documents;
  • the desired privatization object cannot be transferred into ownership by anyone, for example, if the house has been assigned an emergency status;
  • the applicant is not a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • the provision of the required documentation is carried out by the wrong citizen (not registered in the apartment and without a power of attorney);
  • There is no information about the object in Rosreestr.

In other situations, the service is obliged to issue a certificate of ownership.

Registration of a privatized apartment in the Rosreestr

The process of state registration of property rights is the final and mandatory stage of privatization. This legal procedure formalizes the transfer of ownership of residential premises from municipal and state authorities to citizens of the Russian Federation. Participants in privatization have the opportunity to register an apartment for one or several persons, that is, for shared use.

In order to register ownership of a property you must:

  1. maintain a certain order;
  2. collect a package of documents;
  3. pay the state fee.

After which the registrar, after checking the information provided, will be able to make a decision on consent or refusal to register the transfer of ownership.

Required documents

Conclusion of an agreement The conclusion of an agreement must be carried out within 2 months from the date of approval of the application for privatization. The document must be prepared in writing. The parties to the transaction are considered to be an individual and the local administration. The contract should include the following key points:

  • the rights and obligations of each party;
  • information about the parties to the agreement;
  • number, signatures;
  • what object is being privatized (address, number of floors, area);
  • which parts belong to each of the owners.

The agreement must contain the signatures of each owner.

A sample privatization agreement is here. Deadlines The deadlines for registering property rights in 2017 remained the same - 30 calendar days.

Registration of a transaction with an apartment


  • The procedure for registering real estate
  • Documents for registering ownership of an apartment
  • Registration of ownership of a privatized apartment
  • List of documents for registration of a privatized apartment

Registration of real estate is carried out by the state registration authority - the Federal State Service. registration, cadastre and cartography. To register, you must provide the necessary documents to the registration authority at the location of the property. Ownership of the registered property will be confirmed after receipt and verification of documents in due time and making an entry in the Unified State Register of Rights (Rosreestr).

Documents for registration of ownership of an apartment


Registration of privatization A citizen is recognized as a full owner only if he has ownership rights to the property. All information must be entered into the unified Rosreestr database. You must provide a package of documents to the selected registration authority.

It is necessary to find out in advance whether any other papers are required, since in some cases the list may be supplemented. Where to apply? Registration of apartment privatization can be carried out in the following organizations:
  • branch of the Unified State Register servicing the privatization object;
  • Internet resource of Rosreestr.

You can submit your application and documents in person or by mail. It is also acceptable to transfer documentation through a legal representative.

List of documents for apartment registration

If the property was not acquired during the marriage and is not marital property, no permission is required.

  • If, according to the agreement, which is the basis for registering property rights, the other party is a legal entity, it is necessary to attach the necessary statutory documents of the previous owner to the consideration of the application for registration of real estate.
  • In case of sale of his share of the apartment, the seller is obliged to provide documents that confirm compliance with the requirements of the law on granting the pre-emptive right to purchase this share to the remaining owners.

The boundary plan, technical plan, survey report, map plan of the territory are submitted to the rights registration authority exclusively in the form of electronic documents signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature of a cadastral engineer. Other documents necessary for the implementation of state cadastral registration and (or) state registration of rights in the form of documents on paper (with the exception of acts of state authorities, acts of local government bodies, as well as judicial acts establishing rights to real estate, and statements) are not submitted. in less than two copies, one of which (the original) must be returned to the applicant after state cadastral registration and (or) state registration of rights.

The process of state registration of property rights is final and mandatory stage privatization. This legal procedure formalizes the transfer of ownership of residential premises from municipal and state authorities to citizens Russian Federation. have the opportunity to register an apartment for one or several persons, that is, for use.

In order to register ownership of a property you must:

After which the registrar, after checking the information provided, will be able to make a decision on consent or refusal to register the transfer of ownership.

Registration of residential premises in the ownership of citizens

Citizens who occupy residential premises of state and municipal housing funds on the basis of social rent have the right to purchase these real estate objects as personal property. The transfer of ownership powers is formalized by a privatization agreement, for the conclusion of which it is necessary to collect the following package of documents:

  • Passport details (birth certificates) of all registered residents.
  • Social tenancy agreement.
  • Statement of the established form.
  • Extracts from the house register, according to.
  • A certificate confirming that the parties to the transaction do not have their own home.
  • A certificate stating that the person has not previously taken part in the privatization process.

The transfer of rights to privatized property is subject to mandatory state registration. If housing privatized but not registered ownership, the citizen is not recognized as the legal owner of the property.

The important thing is that the rights to the apartment that have arisen until January 31, 1998, have full legal force without registration.

Mandatory state certification of the powers of the owner of such real estate is carried out at his personal request (Article 69 of the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 No. 218-FZ).

Citizen R purchased an apartment in April 1997, in October 2000 he decided to sell the property, having collected the necessary documents, he and the buyer went to the local branch of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr). The registration of the transfer of ownership was refused due to the fact that the privatization agreement did not have a stamp confirming the registration of the document.

It is important that the state duty is always paid before documents are sent for official registration, since without confirmation of the fact of payment of the fee, registration will not take place.


State registration of privatized property is a legal process on the basis of which the rights of citizens to a property are recognized and confirmed. Official registration is the only evidence the existence of a registered right (clause 5 of article 1 of Federal Law dated July 13, 2015 No. 218-FZ “On state registration of real estate”).

To carry out registration, it is necessary to collect a certain package of documents, follow the procedure established by law, pay a fee, and send papers to the territorial offices Rosreestr or MFC. Officials of the registration authority check the information received and, based on the results, make a decision decisions on refusal or permission in state registration of rights to real estate.


Refusal to accept documents in Rosreestr

My husband and I privatized an apartment, after which we sent an application and a package of documents for state registration. An amount of 2,000 rubles was attached to the list of required information as payment of the state duty.

We were refused to accept documents, please tell us why?

The fact of payment is confirmed by a payment order or receipt. This fee is not paid at the offices of the registration authorities.

State duty is payable in banking institutions, in the relevant territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury, or in other organizations that open and maintain accounts.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 6 of the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 122-FZ “On state registration of rights to real estate and transactions with it” (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Registration of Rights), rights to real estate that arose before the entry into force of the Law on Registration of Rights are legally recognized valid in the absence of their state registration introduced by this law. State registration of such rights is carried out at the request of their owners.

Thus, if in the case under consideration the apartment was privatized in 1997 (i.e. before the Law on Registration of Rights came into force) and the agreement for the transfer of residential premises into ownership in the manner of privatization has a stamp confirming the registration of the agreement by a local government body or other authorized body , then the resulting ownership of the apartment is recognized as legally valid. State registration of such a right in accordance with the Law on Registration of Rights is carried out at the request of the copyright holder.

According to clause 2 of Article 6 of the Law on Registration of Rights, the mandatory state registration of rights to real estate that arose before the entry into force of the above law is provided only for state registration of rights to transfer this right to another person, its restrictions (encumbrances), that arose after the entry into force of the Law on Registration ) or a transaction with real estate completed after the entry into force of this law.

However, if the agreement for the transfer of ownership of residential premises through privatization does not have a stamp confirming the registration of the agreement in 1997, in this case state registration is required, since the right is not considered to have arisen. In this case, for state registration of property rights, the following documents must be provided:

Application from a local government body (enterprise, institution) and a citizen on the transfer of rights in accordance with Art. 16 of the Law on Registration of Rights (the application is filled out by a specialist when accepting documents). You can obtain an appropriate power of attorney from a local government body (enterprise, institution) if the participation of a representative would be difficult;

A document confirming payment of the state duty is presented on one’s own initiative (clause 4 of article 16 of the Law on Registration of Rights). The state duty is paid by an individual in the amount of 2 thousand rubles. (Clause 22, Clause 1, Article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). If the right is registered in relation to several citizens, the specified amount of the state duty is divided by the number of citizens in equal shares, with the exception of citizens exempt from paying the state duty;

The apartment transfer agreement in at least two copies in accordance with clause 5 of Art. 18 of the Law on Registration of Rights;

Cadastral passport of the apartment, if the apartment is not registered in the cadastral register, in accordance with clause 10 of Art. 33 of the Law on Registration of Rights;

Permission from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities in cases provided for in Art. 2 of the Law of the Russian Federation dated July 4, 1991 No. 1541-1 “On the privatization of housing stock in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Privatization);

An identity document or a notarized power of attorney for a citizen’s representative.

If the contract for the transfer of ownership of residential premises does not contain information confirming compliance with the conditions for privatization of residential premises established in paragraph. 1 tbsp. 2, para. 2 tbsp. 7 and Art. 11 of the Law on Privatization, it is recommended to submit duly certified copies of the following for state registration:

Social tenancy agreement for residential premises, in its absence - a warrant for residential premises (Article 2 of the Law on Privatization);

Documents containing information about the participation of all citizens of the Russian Federation living (registered) in the privatized residential premises in the privatization of residential premises or confirming the refusal of citizens of the Russian Federation who have the right to participate in privatization from the privatization of such residential premises (Article 2 of the Law on Privatization);

Documents confirming the one-time acquisition of residential premises free of charge in the manner established by the Privatization Law (Article 11 of the Privatization Law).

Upon completion of state registration, you will be issued an extract from the Unified State Register of Rights, which certifies the state registration of the emergence and transfer of rights to real estate, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 14 of the Law on Registration of Rights. The certificate of state registration of rights has not been issued since July 15, 2016.

Where to start privatizing an apartment in 2018 , procedure and step-by-step instructions for everyone who wants to carry out this procedure on their own - read further in the article.

Citizens living in municipal apartments under social tenancy agreements have the right to carry out their privatization, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation No. 1541-1 of July 4, 1991 “On the privatization of housing stock in the Russian Federation,” that is, to become home owners and register their ownership rights. Everyone can do this only once in their life, and children who participated in privatization together with their parents will be able to exercise their legal right once again after reaching the age of 18. According to current legislation, privatization is now free, but only until March 1, 2017 (according to Federal Law No. 19 of February 28, 2016). There is no talk of extending the deadline yet again.

First of all, it is important to determine the circle of persons who will participate in privatization. The rights of everyone must be strictly respected, otherwise privatization may be challenged in court and declared invalid. The right to privatization is determined taking into account the following circumstances:

  1. If several people are legally registered in an apartment, including minors and incompetent persons, then all of them have the right to privatization. Those who by law cannot participate on their own behalf (currently absent for valid reasons, incompetent, serving a prison sentence, etc.) have the right to issue a power of attorney for their representative to perform all necessary actions on their behalf. Parents act on behalf of children (under 14 years of age), and they themselves act on behalf of adolescents over 14 years of age with the formal consent of their parents.
  2. Everyone who has the right to privatization, but does not want to participate in it, must draw up and notarize a written refusal, as well as written consent to the privatization of the apartment by the remaining participants.
  3. If a person who has previously exercised his right to privatization (an adult citizen) is registered in the apartment, then his consent to the other participants will not be required.
  4. If a child was registered in the apartment, and then discharged and registered at a new address, then the consent of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities will be required to carry out privatization without it. Consent will be obtained if it can be proven that the child is registered at the new address and has already become the owner of the property.
  5. The consent of neighbors in a communal apartment is not required to privatize a room.

After all the necessary documents have been collected and registered, the result of the procedure will be the signing of an agreement with the municipality “On the transfer of ownership of the apartment.” Registration of this agreement with Rosreestr will mark the end of privatization, after which all owners will be able to dispose of the apartment at their own discretion.

The procedure for privatizing an apartment, step-by-step instructions

In total, there are five mandatory stages in the privatization procedure:

  1. Collection of documents.
  2. Registration of technical and cadastral passports.
  3. Receiving an extract from the Unified State Register.
  4. Signing of the privatization agreement.
  5. Registration of the agreement in the Unified State Register.

Let's look at what documents will be required at each of these stages.

Stage 1:

  1. Social rent agreement, and in its absence, a warrant. If both are absent for any reason, you should order an extract from the Unified Information and Settlement Center.
  2. Apartment registration certificate. Issued in BTI. It is accompanied by a floor plan of the apartment and a technical plan.
  3. Cadastral passport. It indicates the area of ​​the apartment, ceiling height, and layout. If there is an illegal redevelopment in the apartment, then the cadastral passport will have to be redone, legalizing all alterations, or returning the apartment to its original state.
  4. An extract from the house register, which is received at the passport office, it lists everyone who is registered in a given living space.
  5. An extract from the Unified State Register for this apartment (room), which can be ordered at the MFC or at the Registration Chamber.
  6. Extract from the Unified State Register Form No. 3. It is issued for each participant, it contains information about whether this citizen owns real estate.
  7. Certificate of form No. 2 from the BTI, which confirms that this citizen has not previously participated in privatization.
  8. A personal account for this apartment, which can be obtained from the management company or the passport office (accounting). Confirms the absence of arrears in rent and utilities.
  9. Notarized refusals of those who did not participate in privatization.
  10. Copies of passports of all participants (birth certificates for children under 14 years old).
  11. Powers of attorney for those who submit documents on behalf of participants who have delegated their rights.

This is the basic list, but it can be expanded with additional documents. In particular, for children included in the social tenancy agreement, but currently unregistered in the apartment, you will need to submit:

  1. Permission obtained from the guardianship and trusteeship authority. Important: both parents should receive it, unless one of them is deprived of parental rights, regardless of whether the parents are legally married or not.
  2. An extract from the house register at the place of residence, as well as an extended extract from the previous place of residence, if minors were registered in this apartment after 07/01/1991.

The list can be further expanded when the minor is not only registered in the apartment (room), but is also currently under guardianship:

  1. A document confirming the fact that the minor is under guardianship (copy + original).
  2. Permission to privatize the guardianship and trusteeship authority.

Those citizens who previously had citizenship of another country must prepare a certificate from the OVR, which contains confirmation of the acceptance of Russian citizenship. For all citizens who have previously participated in privatization, additionally, Certificate No. 2 from the BTI, an extended extract from the house register and certificate No. 3 from the Registration Chamber should be issued. If the apartment was previously inhabited by persons who are now deceased, then notarized copies of death certificates should be prepared for everyone.

Stage 2.

Under favorable circumstances, the technical passport and cadastral passport for the apartment are already available, and they should only be attached to the general package of documents. Much more often these documents are required to be completed. The application must be submitted to the BTI at the place of residence or to the Cadastral Chamber. Attached to it:

  1. Social rent agreement or order.
  2. Applicant's passport.
  3. Extract from the house register.
  4. Receipts for payment of state fees.

Documents are accepted according to the inventory, and after 5-10 days, ready-made passports are issued. The law does not establish the validity period of these documents; however, receiving organizations often require confirmation of their validity, which means in practice the need to obtain new passports.

Stage 3.

To receive an extract from the Unified State Register about the current condition of the apartment, confirming that it belongs to the municipality, you must submit the following package of documents to Rosreestr:

  1. Social rent agreement or order.
  2. Applicant's passport (all + birth certificates).
  3. Extract from the house register.

At the appointed time, applicants are given an extract from the Unified State Register. This document is the final one in the list of papers required to conclude a privatization agreement.

Stage 4.

After successfully overcoming the three previous stages, the most crucial moment comes: concluding a privatization agreement with the municipality. To do this, all participants and their authorized representatives must appear at the MFC or BTI. The service is paid, so a receipt for payment of the state duty should be attached to the package of documents. You need to have the following documents with you:

  1. Social rent agreement or order.
  2. Cadastral passport and technical passport.
  3. Passports and birth certificates of applicants.
  4. Certificate of absence of debts on the personal account for utilities and rent.
  5. Extracts from the house register issued for each participant.
  6. Certificate No. 2 from the BTI for all participants.
  7. Extract from the Unified State Register.
  8. Additional documents (powers of attorney, death certificates, etc.).

The result of successful submission of documents will be a privatization agreement, which should then be submitted to Rosreestr. Refusal to conclude an agreement must be reasoned and in writing. For example, due to an incomplete or incorrectly compiled package of documents. If you consider the refusal to privatize to be unlawful, you can challenge it in court.

Stage 5.

In fact, from the moment the privatization agreement is concluded, all participants already become the owners of the apartment; all that remains is to register this right and receive a confirming document.

All privatization participants must submit an application or one general application to the Registration Chamber on their own behalf, and attach a receipt for payment of the state duty and documents to it:

  1. Technical passport and cadastral passport of the apartment.
  2. An extract previously received from Rosreestr.
  3. Privatization waivers certified by a notary.
  4. Passports and birth certificates of participants.
  5. Extracts from the house register for all participants from the current and previous places of registration.
  6. Social rent agreement or order.

After 14 days, applicants will receive extracts from the Unified State Register confirming the fact of registration of ownership rights to the apartment. Now everyone will have in their hands a complete package of documents in order to dispose of their part of the apartment (sell, donate, bequeath, exchange, etc.).