Removal of plaster may be necessary in different cases. This may be natural destruction from time to time, poor-quality installation, any negative physical or chemical impact, etc. The reason is not important, the main thing is that local repairs are impossible.

How to remove old plaster from walls with different tools

In the process of removing plaster, especially if you have to work with a puncher or peeling machine, be sure to wear a respirator.

Removing the solution with a perforator

The easiest and most effective way to remove is to use a drill or puncher with a “wide chisel” attachment to them.

  • We put a nozzle on the tool, turn on the chiselling mode.
  • We put the perforator to the wall at an angle of about 80 degrees and pierce the layer to its entire depth.
  • We immediately reduce the angle to 30-40 degrees and in this position we move the tool along the wall, removing the plaster.

The same is true in the question “how to remove plaster from the ceiling”: we work with a perforator.

Note:We use a large angle of entry in cases when we break through an untouched area, and we start moving from already processed ones with a small one. In the process, we make sure that the perforator, during the removal process, does not damage the material from which the wall itself is made.

How to remove old plaster from the walls: the video illustrates the work of a perforator.

How to remove plaster from walls with a peeling spatula or chisel

You can remove the old solution without the use of power tools. This is done with a wide chisel or peeling spatula. We lean the tool against the wall, first vertically and, tapping it with a hammer, we cut out a recess for the entire thickness of the coating. Next, we tilt the chisel / spatula at 45 degrees and continue to work from the “beginning”: moving in some direction with continuous tapping on the handle with a hammer.

For your information: this method of removing the coating from the walls is the quietest and does not entail the appearance of dust clouds. However, it makes sense to use it only when you need to remove a small area, since the speed of work will be very low.

How to remove old plaster from walls: use a peeling spatula

Removing decorative plaster

How to clean the walls of plaster if it forms a very thin layer? This question arises in cases where it is necessary to remove decorative trim. If in the case of leveling coatings we had to knock them down, then we will grind or scrape them. The fastest way is to work with a grinding machine. On its "sole" there are serrated rollers that rotate to remove a small layer from the surface.

How to remove decorative plaster from the walls: it is very easy to do this with a power tool

Removing textured or Venetian plaster in this way will not be difficult. We press the switched on machine with the “sole” against the wall and move it from side to side with pressure. The number of passes in the same place is determined visually: the rough coating is exposed - we proceed to the removal of the next section. Cleaning the surface is fast and with a minimum of physical effort. The downside is the need to purchase a not too cheap tool.

How to remove decorative plaster from walls: work with a grinding machine

Note:the second way to remove the decorative layer is to scrape off the cycles. The work is not difficult - just move the tool along the surface from side to side, scraping off the finish. The minus of this method is one and quite significant: the cycle has a small width, which means that at a time it will be possible to remove a very small area of ​​​​stucco. The removal will be slow.

Features of removing plaster from different surfaces

Gypsum plasters are the easiest to remove. They are quite loose and at the same time sensitive to moisture. Therefore, about 15 minutes before the start of removal, we soak the walls well. Acetic acid can be added to water. This will make the finish soft and pliable. The same applies to plasters based on lime and clay.

And how to remove plaster from the walls if it is made recently and from good concrete? Too strong and thick coating is sometimes difficult to remove even with a perforator. In this case, the Bulgarian will help us. We cut the surface with it to the depth of the finish, with squares of about 50x50 cm. Then it will become much easier to remove. And if there is a brick wall under the plaster, then do not forget to go through the seams with a chisel to remove the remnants of the finish, which are not noticeable at first glance.

How to remove old plaster from the walls: the plaster surface can be pre-wetted

]]> ]]> During repairs, the old coating often has to be removed. And at this moment you may have a question -? Depending on how well it adheres to the walls, it can be eliminated completely or partially. Read more about the technology in the article.

Removing plaster: testing the coating

The coating can be removed completely or partially. In the first case, this is done when the surface of the walls is in an unusable condition. In the second case, if the entire coating is holding well, but there are only some falling off places, then these areas are scraped off. And after, they are sealed with a new plaster solution (puttying is done). However, before that, you need to test the coverage. You can check how well the plaster adheres to the wall with a scraper or spatula.

To understand how firmly the coating holds on the wall, slopes and ceiling, you need to take the handle of a spatula or hammer and tap the entire surface with it. If you hear a dull sound, then the plaster is not holding well in these areas. Also a good way to check the coverage is the presence or absence of dampness in the room. So, if there are places where moisture appears, then we can say for sure that the plaster is weakened in these areas. You will have to remove this area and the space adjacent to it (40 centimeters in each direction).

Existing cracks in the walls or ceiling should be widened to a V-shape and moistened with plenty of water. to 2/3 of the depth, then re-moisten with water and the mortar for plastering the walls is applied again. At the last stage, make a grout. The testing methods have been described above. But there are times when there is no strong need to check the coverage. For example, if you tear off the wallpaper and the plaster comes off with them. This is a clear sign that you will have to change the entire coating completely.

Removing old plaster: tools used

Before wondering how to beat off the plaster, it is important to prepare a number of appropriate tools for the job. Moreover, the list of tools used may be different depending on how firmly the coating adheres to the wall surface. But we will list the most popular ones.

How to clean the wall from plaster?

The methods for testing coverage have been described above, as well as methods for embedding small areas. But here's what to do if you need to completely eliminate the coating. ? To do this, we provide a detailed technology of work. To begin with, it is important to moisten the surface with plenty of warm water. Firstly, it will soften and the plaster will be easier to detach. Secondly, during the work there will not be a lot of dust. And in general, in the process, the walls must constantly be wet. Therefore, if they have dried up in certain areas, you need to moisten them again with warm water (the procedure can be repeated as often as necessary).

Next, the removal of the plaster begins. A hammer or a small sledgehammer is taken in hand. Tapping starts from the top of the wall. Poorly held areas will fall off immediately. Having knocked down one section of the plaster layer, you can pry another with a spatula and separate it with a whole layer. In the event that the coating is held firmly, then you need to use a puncher, setting the crushing mode (this option is the most dusty and noisy). Also, if the plaster does not depart from the surface at all, then a grinder is used. Special discs are installed on it for working with concrete or stone. Next, begin to cut the coating into small sectors. Then they are disconnected from the wall.

There is another way - grinding with a special power tool. But you may have a question - how to remove the old plaster in this case? The fact is that grinding does not remove the coating, it gradually erases it. Insert abrasive discs into the machine and begin work. As a rule, the grinding machine is used in conjunction with a perforator. In the process of work, be sure to moisten the entire surface with water, otherwise there will be a lot of dust. After all of the above methods have been used (removal with a hammer, drill, grinder, grinding), they begin to clean the surface with a metal brush. They do this in order to remove dust from the finished base. That's all, the question of how to remove the plaster from the wall should no longer arise.

Attention! For safety reasons, be sure to wear safety goggles, a respirator and rubber gloves during work.

]]> ]]> In the event that you started a repair and intend to remove the old, unnecessary plaster coating, then you will need a number of recommendations. How to remove plaster from walls and ceilings and we will tell in this article.

1 How?

To make a decision about partial or complete replacement of the plaster, you need to examine the entire area and find out how well it adheres to the wall. You can check this with a spatula or scraper. If the plaster crumbles only in some places, then it is necessary to putty weak areas or cover it with a mixture of fine-grained sand.

If lime or cement plaster begins to fall off when the wallpaper is removed, then it is impossible to “fix” such a coating. You will have to completely remove it and apply a new one. To determine the strength of the plaster of the ceiling, slopes and walls, you need to tap the entire surface with a handle or hammer. In those places where it is held weakly, a dull sound will be heard.

If in certain places dampness has appeared on the walls and thereby weakened the plaster, then it is important to remove the old coating not only in these areas, but also 50 centimeters above (below) the level of moisture. Existing grease stains cannot be removed by rinsing alone. It is necessary to prepare the walls for plastering and cut down those areas where there is fat. Then everything is sealed with new plaster.

Any cracks in the ceiling and walls first expand into a V-shape and are wetted with water. Next, they are covered with plaster and rubbed. The plaster mixture is applied in several stages. First, to the very bottom, after drying to 2/3 of the recess, and at the end completely cover the crack. Therefore, when asked how to clean the wall from plaster, it is necessary to apply the above recommendations.

]]> ]]> 2 Tools

Also, the removal of plaster can be carried out in several ways and with different tools. The removal of plaster and the choice of tools depend on how firmly it adheres to the wall. We list the main tools that may be needed when removing old plaster.

  1. Hammer.
  2. Putty knife.
  3. Bulgarian.
  4. Scraper.
  5. Axe.
  6. Shoulder blade.
  7. Special machine for removing plaster.
  8. Perforator.

3 How to remove old plaster?

If the question arises - how to remove the plaster from the wall, the following technology is proposed. To begin with, it is necessary to check the complete or partial removal of the plaster (this is described above). Further, the damaged sections or the entire wall are “beaten off”. How to beat off the plaster, we will tell below.

Hammer breaks through the entire surface. Weakened areas will immediately disappear. Then they are scraped off with a spatula or scraper. Durable areas are moistened with water using a brush or cloth. Then they tap again with a hammer. Crumbling coarse-grained plaster is easily scraped off with a spatula. However, this is a long process that requires some effort. It is easier to use a special mesh.

« Advice! To reduce the amount of dust, periodically spray the surface with water. To do this, you can use a spray bottle with water. Also, as a precaution, it is worth wearing a gauze bandage, gloves and goggles.

In cases where the plaster is difficult to beat off manually, you can use a perforator with the “blow” option. How to remove plaster with this device is written in the instructions, but the technique is quite simple. To do this, a special nozzle is attached to the socket, and the switch is moved to the "blow" position.

Bulgarian is also often used. A cutting wheel with a diamond edge is attached to it. On the surface, transverse and longitudinal cuts are made. At the final stage, ordinary tools are used, such as a scraper, spatula.

There are also power tools for removing the plaster layer. For example, a machine for removing plaster AGP, Flex or a grinder angle grinder, LSHM, PSHM. The use of a particular tool directly depends on the thickness of the layer, the type of plaster, density and the required surface cleanliness.

How to remove old plaster from walls? Instruction

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You will need





There are a lot of ways to remove old plaster from a wall and it is difficult to list them all. Factors that influence the choice of the necessary tools and the method of removal are the strength of the plaster, its composition. But in any case, it is recommended to stock up on power tools, spatulas, a hammer, you can grab an ax and so on.


If the plaster is removed from the internal pasted walls, it is recommended to remove the wallpaper so that it does not interfere with the work. If the walls are not glued, no preparatory work can be carried out. It is also recommended to pre-moisten the wall with a plentiful layer of hot water so that the surface layer is slightly weakened.


Consider the following technology how to remove old plaster from the wall. First you need to decide whether the outdated solution will be partially or completely knocked down. In the first case, all work will be carried out only on the damaged areas, in the second - along the entire wall.

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Then it is necessary to walk on the surface with gentle blows of the hammer. The weakest areas will immediately fall off, it is recommended to clean around them with a scraper or spatula. The most durable areas should be moistened again with water with a rag or brush, allowed to dry for about five minutes and knocked out again with a hammer.


In places where the plaster has a larger grain size, it will also begin to fall off and they can be removed with a spatula. This process is quite laborious and long, it is recommended to use the mesh. According to the instructions on how to remove plaster from the walls, it is recommended to spray the surface periodically to eliminate the appearance of dust. It is also recommended to wear gloves, goggles and a gauze bandage.


If after 3-4 passes it was not possible to beat off the plaster, it is recommended to use a perforator or grinder with a diamond wheel installed. In the first case, it is necessary to knock down the solution from the bottom, in the second, it is necessary to cut grooves along the entire wall along and across. If possible, you can borrow or purchase a special machine designed to remove old plaster: it will help save time and significantly reduce the repair time if there are a lot of walls to be cleaned.

How to remove plaster from a wall? This process depends, most often, on the specific situation. In one case, this can be done very quickly, in the other, a more complex version should be used. There are options when it is not necessary to remove the old plaster at all. How to quickly remove plaster from the walls, the article will tell.

Before removing the plaster from the wall, it is necessary to carefully examine the entire surface and determine the strength of its retention on the wall with a spatula or scraper.

If the coating is peeling off only in some places, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Fill in weak areas.
  • Cover the surface with a mixture of fine-grained sand.


  • If lime or cement plaster falls off when wallpaper is removed, such a coating will not be “fixed”, it will be necessary to completely remove it and apply a new coating.

Tip: To determine the strength of plaster on walls, ceilings, slopes, tap the entire surface with a handle or a small hammer. In places where it is weakly held, a dull sound will be heard.

  • In some areas, dampness appeared on the walls, which weakened the plaster, it is necessary to remove the old coating not only in these areas, but also for half a meter within the radius of the moisture level.
  • There are grease stains, they cannot be removed only by washing. In this case:
  1. walls are prepared for plastering;
  2. areas where fat is found are cut down;
  3. everything is sealed with new mortar.
  • Existing cracks on surfaces, they are:
  1. expand to a V-shape;
  2. wetted with water;
  3. covered with plaster;
  4. overwritten.

Tip: The application of the plaster mixture into the gap is carried out in several stages. First, it is placed on the very bottom, after complete drying, 2/3 of the recess is filled, and then the entire crack is completely smeared.

The relevance of removing plaster from the walls with your own hands depends directly on the composition of the plaster solution, which can be:

  • Clay. It is more often used for finishing fireplaces, heating shields, stoves (see Clay mortar for stove plastering: proportions). If the clay finish is destroyed or peeled off, it will need to be replaced, due to a decrease in thermal conductivity.

When finishing the stove with tiles, a sufficiently dense base is necessary, so cleaning off the old plaster is inevitable.

  • Izvestkov. Such a coating is completely removed when the layer is weakened and, if necessary, a plaster based on cement and sand is applied.
  • Gypsum. Dismantling of such plaster is carried out as it is destroyed.
  • Cement. Often removed due to design errors that were made by previous builders, if the requirements for cement-sand plaster are not met.
  • Polymer. These are quite strong compositions on which a variety of solutions can be applied. Therefore, when removing synthetic masses, errors often occur that are associated with their incorrect application, which leads to delamination and cracking of the solution.

Tip: Remove plaster only in justified cases. Don't change it for no reason.

Old coatings are removed completely or partially, which is associated with the state of the existing coating and the proposed composition.


  • When repairing, it is necessary to remove weak, very loose, highly exfoliated fragments. With preserved solid plaster in a small area, the wall must be cleaned completely. And with minor damage, it is better not to touch the entire surface, only problem areas are cleaned.
  • When replacing, the new mortar can firmly fix on the old one, but also strong enough, which depends on the hardness of the existing coating and the new mortar:

Tip: The new plaster should be weaker than the previous one so that when it shrinks, it cannot destroy the old weak coating, which has less tension.

  1. on a cement-sand coating, if it is not loose, any other type of mortar can be laid;
  2. cement mortar cannot be applied to gypsum, due to the fact that the latter will destroy the previous layer, the adhesion will not be strong and not durable;
  3. lime coating is reliable, as the basis for clay and gypsum;
  4. nothing but clay should be applied to clay plaster - nothing will stick to it. And the clay-sand mixture itself can be applied to any base.

How to remove old plaster from walls

If, under the pressure of the tool, the layer of plaster begins to move, this indicates a lack of adhesion to the base. Such places must be cleared.

To remove the old coating, it is convenient to use a steel scraper for removing plaster, with which you can pry loose pieces and then cut them off. Strongly holding parts are knocked down with an ax, pick or chisel.

Tip: Any plaster should be well moistened before dismantling. This will soften it and greatly reduce the amount of dust.

When removing a coating from drywall, the latter can be easily damaged. In this case, strong blows must be excluded, it is better to use a cycle - a tool resembling a sharpened spatula.

Plaster removal instructions offer:

  • First, break the integrity of the coating, which is located in weak areas, they are cleaned in small fragments, this will allow access to the end part of the layer.
  • Cycle is driven under it.
  • The cover is removed.

If it holds firmly and cannot be removed, it is better to use a chisel, a chisel, lightly tapping on them with a hammer. The chisel should be placed at an acute angle, which will protect the drywall from destruction.

For strong compounds that cannot be knocked down by hand, the following can be used:

  • Hammer drill, which is an electric drill with a slotting mode. But, with such a process, a high level of dust and noise is generated, which is not always acceptable.
  • Bulgarian with a disk, which is designed to work with the appropriate composition. She cuts the plaster into small squares, which are then knocked down with a perforator or chisel.
  • Machine for removing plaster with coarse sandpaper, as in the photo.

Tip: When using mechanical tools, you should use equipment that can suck out dust. For example, a vacuum cleaner.

In any case, weak areas are first removed along the entire wall, working with a pick or chisel, and after that mechanical equipment can be used. Decorative gypsum plasters are relatively easy to remove. However, polymeric or silicate ones are very difficult to remove: these compounds are quite strong.

Since it is not always possible to remove decorative plaster from walls without difficulties, the coating can be left. This is acceptable if the polymeric coatings form a reliable base for a new coating with any solution.

Gypsum plaster is the easiest to remove. It is quite loose and sensitive to moisture. To remove it, about 20 minutes before the start of removal, the walls are well soaked. It is better to add a little acetic acid to the water to make the material soft and pliable. In the same way, plaster based on clay and lime is removed.

From different materials, the coating is removed with some features:

  • To remove plaster from concrete walls, if the coating is too strong and thick, it is sometimes very difficult to remove it even with a perforator. For this, a grinder is used, with which the surface is cut to the entire depth of the finish, the squares are taken with dimensions of approximately 50x50 centimeters. Further removal of the plaster will go much easier.
  • How to remove plaster from brick? In this case, it is necessary to go through the seams with a chisel in order to then remove the remnants of the coating, which are not noticeable at first glance.

How to reduce renovation costs

The cost of repairing the premises may be less if only the exfoliated layers are removed, and the securely held ones are left. This will allow the leveling of the surface to be done with the application of a smaller amount of mortar.

In addition, to reduce the cost of work:

  • It is possible, if the expensive mixture is laid thinly, and for the main thickness, use the same composition that the wall was previously covered with. The cost of repairs will be minimal, despite the use of finishes with a high price.
  • If a situation arises when it is necessary to involve professionals for finishing the premises, the preparation of surfaces on their own can be a source of savings. Dismantling the plaster increases the fee per square meter.

How can you use the waste from the dismantling of plaster

The problem of recycling old finishes is quite acute. Not everyone has the opportunity and free time to take it out. This may be due to the removal of the building from city dumps, the lack of utilities.

It is possible to remove construction waste from apartment buildings by distributing it into packages and loading it into special containers, if this is not prohibited by public utilities. In private homes, the problem is solved more simply: waste after repair can be used.


  • Use a cement-sand screed for pouring paths, filler available in concrete solutions, use for pouring sidewalks, platforms.
  • Clay plaster can be stored on site for a second use. In this case, mixing the solution is not required, the proportions of sand and clay are observed here, it is enough to soak the materials and mix thoroughly.
  • The remaining gypsum plaster is used as bulk insulation in the construction of floors of other outbuildings.
  • Lime plaster can be used to fill under the ground where trees will not grow.

Tip: Before removing the decorative coating from the walls, it is necessary to prepare in advance the place where the waste will be stored.

After removing the cover:

  • It is better to store the remains of plaster before the start of implementation under a canopy. Otherwise, getting caught in the rain, they will simply get wet, which will increase their weight and make it difficult for loaders to load onto a garbage truck.
  • When storing clay waste "in bulk", they are combined into a solid monolith.
  • Small construction loose debris is best stored in bags. To facilitate loading, a bucket without a bottom is suitable, on which a bag is put on from below, the bucket is placed on the floor. Loading is carried out with a shovel or shovel. After filling the bucket, it rises, and the contents fall into the bag.

For more information about all the nuances of removing the old coating from the walls, you can see the video in this article.

Sometimes during the repair process it turns out that it is not possible to carry out a fine finish on the old plaster. Well, or the new one is made very poorly and should be removed. In such cases, we face the question “how to clean the walls from plaster?”.

This article will help you understand how to remove coating from surfaces. Here, work will be considered with a spatula, a simple and peeling one, a perforator, as well as a grinding-peeling and grinding-vibrating machine.

How to remove plaster from ceilings and walls

The choice of method for removing the coating depends on the quality of the latter: gypsum can be removed from a brick or concrete wall by hand, and cement will most likely have to be worked with a power tool.

How to remove old plaster from walls: gypsum and cement

The easiest way to knock down gypsum coatings. With a small thickness, you can get by with a peeling spatula. It differs from a simple one in a thicker blade. You can remove the coating as follows: we lean the spatula at an angle of 90 degrees. to the wall; we begin to apply light blows with a hammer to the end of the handle; as the blade is immersed in the finishing layer, we tilt the tool, gradually reducing the angle between it and the wall. Move the spatula at the same time to remove one and move on to the next section. Similarly, old cement plaster that has lost its strength can be removed. Only the peeling spatula is replaced with a chisel.

How to remove the coating: using a peeling trowel

To the question "how to remove plaster from the walls, if it is made of cement, new and of high quality?" There is only one answer: a puncher + a chisel attachment. We turn on the tool at medium speed, put it to the surface at 80 degrees; as the chisel deepens into the thickness of the finish, we reduce the angle of inclination of the perforator and bring it up to about 30 degrees. We remove the coating in the chiselling mode.

Note:It is very easy to damage the base with a perforator. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the plaster carefully, slowly. It is better to go back and clean up the surface than to damage it and then repair it.

How to remove old plaster from the walls: work with a perforator

Removal of decorative coatings

How to remove decorative plaster from the walls, because it is thin and a perforator cannot work here? In this case, you can use a spatula / scraper, grinder and vibration machine. With a spatula, everything is simple: we lean the blade against the surface of a Venetian or other mineral finish at an acute angle and remove the composition with scraping movements.

Move the tool to another place and repeat the removal. This method is the most budgetary and does not produce a large amount of dust. However, it is suitable for processing small areas, since due to the low speed, it will not be possible to remove a lot in one working day. In addition, a spatula and scraper are only good for loose coatings that are easy to remove.

How to remove decorative plaster from walls and ceilings: you can use a regular spatula

Very thin, but strong plasters can be removed with a peeling and grinding machine. Its working disk removes the decorative layer with serrated rollers located on its underside. The work is not difficult: we press the machine, turned on at medium speed, to the surface with effort and slowly move it. We work in small areas, moving from one to another as the surface is cleaned. And do not forget about personal protection - a lot of dust is released in the process, so you need to protect yourself with a respirator.

How to remove old plaster from the walls: a video about the operation of a peeling and grinding machine.

Decorative plasters with a layer of 3 mm or more are easier to remove with a vibration grinder. It differs from roughing and grinding in the principle of operation: in a vibratory, the working element quickly moves from side to side, in one plane. It is easy to work with her: we lean the tool against the base at a slight angle and slowly move it in the right direction. It is not difficult to remove gypsum compounds in this way, but you will have to tinker with silicate ones.

Note:removing plaster with the indicated power tools is much easier than with a spatula or scrapers. However, you will have to spend money on buying a car or take care of finding a place where you can rent it.

How to Remove Old Plaster from Walls: Using a Vibratory Sander

How to remove cement and gypsum plasters: process features

Sometimes cement-sand plaster is difficult to remove even with a powerful puncher. That is, you can remove it, but very slowly, with great physical effort. In such cases, the coating must be weakened by cutting into sectors. This is done using a grinder with a diamond disc. The size of the sectors can be arbitrary, but the smaller they are, the easier it is to remove them with a perforator.

Note:under the influence of acids, gypsum becomes loose. This property of the material can be used if you need to remove plaster based on it. Half an hour before the start of work, it is necessary to soak the coating well with water acidified with vinegar. After that, it will be easier to remove the trim.

How to remove plaster from walls: cutting the coating into sectors

As you know, the preparation of the base is one of the most important stages of repair, since the quality of the subsequent finish and its durability depend on it. This procedure primarily includes the removal of the old coating, which is sometimes a very time-consuming job, especially when it comes to a plastered surface.

However, almost any construction operation has its own secrets that make it possible to simplify and speed up the process, and the removal of old plaster is no exception. Therefore, further we will consider how to quickly remove plaster from walls or ceilings in different cases, with minimal time and effort.

In what cases it is necessary to remove the plaster

The need to remove plaster from the walls with your own hands can arise only in one case - if the finish has begun to lag behind the base. It is very easy to check this, for example, . To do this, you need to knock on the wall with the handle of the tool every 30-40 cm.

If the sound is sonorous, as if you are knocking on concrete, then the coating is held firmly enough in this place. A dull sound, as if there is a void under the finish, indicates that the plaster has peeled off in this place.

It is quite possible that with stronger strokes of the handle, you will bring down a whole layer of lagging coating. Of course, you cannot finish finishing on top of such a coating, since soon it will begin to collapse on its own, and all repairs will go down the drain.

In addition, there are other symptoms by which peeling of the material from the base can be determined:

  • Wet spots began to appear on the walls. True, a similar picture can be observed only in rooms with a high level of humidity.
  • The surface of the old coating began to crack.

If you find at least one of all of the above signs, then you can safely dip the edge of the spatula into the coating and clean off the entire area that is amenable to the tool without much effort. At the same time, keep in mind that it is necessary to remove not only the exfoliating area, but also 30-40 centimeters of a well-fixed finish.

A spatula, of course, cannot always cope with the task. In this case, more modern methods come to the rescue, which we will consider below.

In this case, the easiest way is to use a grinder with abrasive nozzles. This work is not hard, but rather long.

The instruction will look like this:

  • First of all, the surface with the old finish should be moistened with plenty of water and wait until the coating absorbs moisture. If in some areas the drying occurred faster than the saturation of the finishing layers with moisture, then the procedure must be repeated, since the impregnation with water should be plentiful.
  • If the layer of decorative plaster is thin enough, then you can get by with sandpaper (coarse-grained) stretched over a grater. Remove the surface should be in a circular motion, periodically wetting the "skin" with water.
  • If the sandpaper quickly becomes unusable, and the finish remains practically untouched, then you need to use a grinder with an abrasive nozzle. Since the circle itself is not recommended to be wetted, the walls must be periodically sprayed with water.

After removing the coating, the base can be brought to an ideal state with a nozzle in the form of a metal brush.

Complete removal of the old finish

In some cases, it is necessary to completely remove the plaster from the walls, even if the coating adheres well to the base. For example, if the old layer of plaster is too thick, it can be replaced with modern, thinner materials.

In this case, of course, you will need more radical tools, such as a puncher and a grinder.

The work is done in the following order:

  • Before removing the old plaster from the walls, as in the first case, it must be moistened with water and wait until the material absorbs moisture.
  • Then you need to switch the puncher to the chiseling mode and put it at a slight angle to the surface, having previously installed the chiseling nozzle. Thus, large pieces of plaster can be removed.
  • If the coating turned out to be so strong that even with a puncher things are moving very slowly, you should use a grinder with a stone cutting disc. In this case, vertical and horizontal cuts are made on the coating, which will divide the surface into separate sections. After that, knocking down the old finish with a perforator will be much easier.

Having figured out how to quickly remove plaster from the ceiling or walls, do not forget about the safety of the work.
The respiratory tract must be protected with a respirator, and the eyes with goggles.


As we found out, it is not so difficult to clean the old coating from the surface of walls or ceilings, as it might seem to you at first glance. The most important thing in this business is to use the right tool, and do the job in accordance with the recommendations given above.

Thus, it is possible to prepare the base for subsequent finishing as quickly and efficiently as possible. Additional information on this topic can be obtained from the video in this article.