There are many options for repairs in the house, for example, you can make a cosmetic, well, or renovation. Renovation has appeared quite recently and has become very common. Nowadays, renovation of a house includes such works as, possibly, replacement and heating, as well as all kinds of necessary work.

Renovation in a private house

To date, there are many different finishing materials that will allow you to realize all your ideas that have arisen, and it also allows you to carry out even cosmetic repairs with high quality.

The concept of "European-style renovation" is rather conditional and, of course, has nothing to do with Europe. Renovation is considered an elite renovation in a house or apartment.

Installation and replacement of doors and windows

Features of finishing works

Tiling is sometimes done in conjunction with mosaics. To finish the floor, boards are taken from the array, the floor is also finished with cork, in this way a beautiful view of the house is created.

During renovation, attention is also paid to and. Mirrors are used to finish the ceiling, tiles with various patterns and textures are used to finish the walls. Renovation also affects the choice of plumbing, so an electric water heater, bidet, shower for hygiene, hydromassage, etc. are installed in the bathroom.

To sum up, renovation of a house is not a simple matter and is quite labor- and financial-intensive.

European-style renovation also requires special skills and knowledge of technological processes, but all the same, renovation of a house can be done with your own hands. But first you need to fully familiarize yourself with the various subtleties of the work. To understand the repair process, you can watch a photo or video describing each stage of the work. Renovation is not done as often as major or cosmetic. Moreover, if you have purchased a new house, then you should not do European-style repairs in it immediately, since the house did not precipitate

Before you decide to make a renovation, then carefully study everything about it and it is better to hire trusted specialists for work.

Good luck in your endeavors. We hope that this information was useful to you.

Your own country house is the key to a comfortable rest after work or on weekends. This is an opportunity to enjoy the silence and forget about the city noise for a while. At the same time, high-quality turnkey repairs are needed for living, which will create a suitable atmosphere for relaxation, which is no less important.

Features of repairing houses in Moscow and the region

Country real estate can be built both individually by the owner of the land plot, and centrally by a developer who builds the entire village at once. In the second case, the direct internal repair of houses in the Moscow region falls on the shoulders of the new owners, allowing the implementation of individual design projects. The latter are diverse, so the standard has become the delivery of real estate with a free finish, which allows the most efficient use of the area of ​​a country house, but somewhat delays the repair. In general, the latter includes the following steps:

  • development of a design project;
  • rough finishing of a country house (construction of partitions, wiring of communications, plastering of walls and floor screed);
  • clean finish.

The best option here is to carry out turnkey repairs of houses by one contractor. This will simplify control and prevent situations when disputed points by different contractors will be dumped on each other. At the same time, questions are being removed in terms of finding contractors to perform certain types of work, which reduces the time to complete the repair of a house in the Moscow region.

Whom to entrust the finishing?

If you have purchased a country house in the Moscow region on the primary or secondary market and now want to carry out major or cosmetic repairs, then our company is at your service. We have been working in this area for many years, offering customers the following benefits:

  • the possibility of repair of any degree of complexity;
  • affordable prices for services;
  • work with own and give-and-take material;
  • quality assurance.

We are confident in the professionalism of our employees, therefore we have no problems in checking objects by customers with the involvement of independent specialists. For convenience, it is possible to pay for the repair of houses in the Moscow region by bank transfer or with the involvement of credit funds.

How we are working?

The cost of interior decoration of a private house can vary widely. To prevent any nuances and omissions, we without fail come to the work site to inspect the premises, agree on the nuances and draw up a contract. The latter will indicate the cost of repairing your particular house in the Moscow region. In general, it is determined by the following factors:

  • area of ​​​​the premises (the price is set depending on the number of square meters);
  • remoteness of the property from the Moscow Ring Road;
  • a specific list of works;
  • using customer's building materials or our own.

You can get additional information and agree on the time of the visit of our specialist for consultations by phone or by leaving a request on the website.

Where does renovation begin? With understanding. Repair cannot be completed, it can only be stopped ... the words of the famous Zhvanetsky are the first thing that comes to mind to someone who is seriously thinking about carrying out repair work in an apartment or house.

Over time, the interior becomes boring or becomes unusable and there is a need (there is a desire and means) to update, change or restore it. And every time the property owner understands that it will not work to follow the beaten track, because the market of modern building and finishing materials constantly offers various novelties, both in materials and technologies. And to say exactly what exactly the notorious “European-style renovation” includes is often beyond the power of even a professional with many years of experience.

Therefore, before proceeding with specific actions, you need to get brief theoretical information about what an apartment renovation is and how it differs from a regular renovation.

What is renovation?

Let's start with a brief excursion into the history of the appearance and meaning of the word (definition) renovation of an apartment, private house, office, room, etc. Let's go back to the dashing 90s, when for the majority of compatriots even a redecoration of an apartment was too expensive, and the "new Russians" in Moscow and St. Petersburg polished their apartments, using imported materials and mandatory redevelopment. This is how the term “European-style renovation of an apartment” appeared in everyday life, which has become familiar.

Summarizing opinions on the essence of this type of repair, we can conclude that European-style repair is a type of repair, during which modern technologies, high-quality materials and equipment are used. And construction work is carried out at the European level in accordance with international requirements for economy, safety and environmental friendliness of housing.

In turn, a turnkey renovation is based on three pillars: modern technologies, the latest materials, the individuality of the project (uniqueness).

To understand in more detail what the concept of renovation will include, you need to consider what types and types exist, and the distinctive features of each option.

Types of renovation of apartments and houses

Domestic regulatory documents distinguish only two types of repairs: cosmetic and capital. In everyday life, taking into account the cost of work, repairs are often defined by the categories: "economy", "standard", "luxury" and "elite" (premium). And there is also the concept of "turnkey repair".

What types of apartment / house repairs are there and what is included

For clarity, we present the data in the form of a table:

Front of works Type of repair according to regulatory documents Alternative classification (according to the estimate documentation of construction companies) The most popular approach to the classification of renovations
Surface finishing of walls, painting of ceilings, heating radiators, pipes Cosmetic Cosmetic Economy
Replacement of pipes, electrical wiring, plumbing, flooring Capital Capital Standard
Redevelopment: removal or displacement of interior partitions, merging or separating rooms Reconstruction Suite
Installation of exclusive (designer) assemblies and interior elements made according to individual drawings Author's Elite

Turnkey repair stands apart and represents any of the types of work listed in the table, after which the customer can immediately begin to operate the housing. Thus, a turnkey renovation is not a type of repair, but the degree of its completion.

What includes renovation of different types

  • economy. Cosmetic equivalent. Includes renovation of wall coverings, ceiling, pipe painting. Replacement of windows and doors is not provided, and the wiring of plumbing and electrical networks also remains unchanged. In fact, an economy class renovation is a regular cosmetic repair, which is usually carried out by the owner of the apartment on his own;
  • standard. Widespread variant. In addition to the range of economy repairs, it involves the replacement of windows, doors, electrical wiring, old pipes with new, plastic ones. If other goals are not pursued, then do-it-yourself renovation is quite within the power of anyone;
  • luxury. Akin to a major overhaul, tk. work begins with the removal (dismantling) of non-bearing partitions, communications. It is advisable to entrust such repairs to a professional;
  • elite. These are author's projects that are carried out in a single copy. In addition to specialists in general construction works, highly specialized craftsmen in stone, glass, metal and fabrics, artists, decorators, and designers are involved.

Depending on the type of renovation, the accents in the work are placed differently.

The material was prepared for the site

The type of renovation is selected in accordance with a specific purpose and, in turn, affects the cost, the choice of performers and their areas of responsibility.

Type of euro-repair Target Performers Permits and project documentation Warranties and support
Economy - prepare for sale;
- quickly start the operation of housing.
- the owner of the property;
- "masters" with insufficient qualifications;
- masters working alone;
Standard - update the interior without significant costs. - the owner of the property;
- small construction teams.
No need, missing. Responsibility is removed from the contractor at the time of delivery of the object.
Suite - make housing comfortable in accordance with the taste of the owners. - construction teams;
- construction companies.
under the responsibility of the customer. Up to 1 year.
Elite - to make housing exclusive, technologically advanced, to reflect the lifestyle of the owners as much as possible. - design workshops;
- construction companies;
- specialized firms.
In the area of ​​responsibility of the performer. More than 1 year. The period of support is negotiated additionally.

What is the difference between European-quality renovation of the "elite" class and ordinary European-quality renovation?

Elite renovation differs from conventional renovation in a number of ways:

  • application of the most advanced technologies that appear in more developed countries;
  • use of advanced materials when remodeling and decorating the premises. Preference is given not just to new, fashionable and beautiful finishing materials, the emphasis is on their environmental friendliness, compliance with sanitary and fire safety standards, the possibility of combining with other equivalent materials;
  • coverage of all types of work, ranging from checking the strength of floors, ending with a complete cleaning of the renovated premises and removal of construction waste;
  • automation of most of the work performed. Modern construction tools allow you to repair much faster, and without compromising quality;
  • development and implementation of a unique residential design. The interior of the apartment / house, designed within the chosen style, detailed study of the functional areas in each room, an abundance of author's decorative elements;
  • high manufacturability of the finished premises. The “smart home” system (home automation) installed during the repair process brings the level of comfort of residents to a qualitatively new level.
  • availability of a designer and a project. The key difference between an elite European-quality renovation and other types is its “thoughtfulness”. Even at the stage of discussion, the customer sees the final result of the reincarnation. In the elite renovation of an apartment, replacements are excluded in the course of work, everything is thought out and agreed in advance both with the customer and with the licensing authorities;
  • professional repair worker- large teams or construction companies (certified, licensed). The market for such services is a very competitive niche, so firms invest in training their employees. They are always aware of novelties in the market of materials, technologies and tools.
  • availability of an act of services performed. Moreover, with the signing of the act, the work of the performing companies does not end. As a rule, they accompany the project during the entire warranty period, tracking changes and making the necessary adjustments.

Renovation is a service available to the owner of real estate of any size. True, with some caveats:

  1. Availability of housing for renovation. It is desirable that before starting work, the apartment was freed from everything in the literal sense of the word.

  2. Time (repair period). The readiness period for some finishing materials is quite long: leveling the ceiling and walls, screed, self-leveling floor, masonry work - you need to have a margin of time to complete the preparatory work without violating the time intervals prescribed by the technology.

  3. Budget. To a large extent, the degree of "euro" depends on the funds of the initiator of the repair.

How does renovation of an apartment or house begin?

Renovation begins long before the furniture is taken out and the old wallpaper is torn off. Even a simple repair of the "standard" class implies the existence of a project (even if not documented, but well thought out), which will reflect the mutual dependence of individual functional and decorative elements of the interior among themselves.

Renovation of the "luxury" and "elite" class and does not do at all without the development of a plan (design project), often with 3d visualization. Prior to the start of work, a color palette, finishing materials, etc. are selected.

Stages of renovation

The difference between European-style renovation and the usual traditional one is manifested at all stages of its implementation. We emphasize that we are talking about the differences between "luxury" and "elite", from traditional repair and European-quality repair of the "standard" and "economy" (cosmetic) class. After all, it is the elite repair that today can rightfully be considered European.

  • design. It allows not only to get a general idea of ​​the appearance of housing after repair and superficially outline the scope of work. At this stage, a designer is involved in the work, who develops a unique project, taking into account the wishes of the owners and the characteristics of the premises. A distinctive feature of the projects is the use of flowing space or zoning, an increase in space due to the demolition of partitions and the unification of rooms - redevelopment. The result is a solution that is distinguished by stylistic and color unity. The project is the starting point for future changes and for the choice of materials. A mandatory item is the approval of the project in the licensing authorities;
  • dismantling. Everything that has a high degree of physical or moral deterioration, or does not fit into the overall concept of the interior, is removed. Naturally, the supporting structures remain unchanged;
  • replacement of utilities. This is a mandatory and necessary condition. Worn-out and low-power communications (electrical wiring, water and sewer pipes) are not designed for the load that modern household appliances create. And the creation of a technological premises is impossible without technical innovations;
  • warm circuit update. Windows and doors are also to be replaced. At the same time, multi-chamber double-glazed windows are installed in a 5-chamber profile, in the manufacture of which lead was not used. Entrance doors must be replaced with insulated metal doors with reinforced locks and other means of armor, heat, and noise protection. Internal doors (interroom) are also replaced with new ones, veneered, solid wood, glass, etc. Natural wood for warm contour elements is little used due to its tendency to crack and warp;
  • leveling of all surfaces with the obligatory use of heat and sound insulating materials;
  • execution of finishing works;
  • interior decoration.

Professionals who carry out repairs of this class do not operate with the concepts of "little things". They were replaced by an understanding of the importance of every detail in rough preparation or in interior decoration. Turnkey renovation is not just a word to denote a repair of a certain complexity. It carries a deeper semantic load, emphasizing the quality at every stage of the work.

What is renovation - video

The specifics of renovation of an apartment with a different number of rooms

Features of renovation depending on the number of rooms and the area of ​​​​the apartment

Each apartment, despite the rather typical development projects, after renovation will be different from the others. And the smaller the area of ​​​​the apartment, the greater the challenge for the designer. Those. the approach to repair will differ from the number of rooms in the apartment, or rather, from the area:

Renovation of a one-room apartment

The peculiarity is that there are practically no maneuvers for redevelopment. The room is already alone, there is no point in dividing it, and combining it is also not quite functional. But from odnushki 40-50 sq.m you can make a good and spacious studio.

To increase the usable area, apply such techniques as:

  • zoning;
  • use of sliding doors instead of swing doors;
  • device of a multi-level ceiling or floor;
  • compact placement of multifunctional built-in furniture;
  • partial replacement of furniture facades with mirrors;
  • the use of calm pastel colors and bright accents;
  • thoughtful and sufficient lighting;
  • other tricks and ideas to make the most efficient use of every meter of residential, common and non-residential area.

The main thing in the project of a 1-room apartment is to avoid the effect of clutter in the room.

Renovation of a two-room apartment

The presence of two rooms implies a large area and opens up room for maneuver, but they are not enough to scatter precious square meters of space. Repair features include:

  • difficulty in redevelopment of rooms;
  • the impossibility of combining the kitchen and one of the rooms;
  • refusal of a balcony or loggia to increase the usable space of the room;
  • varying the area of ​​​​the corridor with the subsequent expansion of the kitchen and living area.

Renovation of a three-room apartment

The presence of three rooms is a potentially large enough area for the implementation of the design intent. The features of the repair are:

  • the ability to combine or reschedule the arrangement of rooms;
  • the ability to change the quadrature (area) of individual rooms, i.e. make one bigger at the expense of the other;
  • combining the kitchen with one of the bedrooms allows you to create a full-fledged studio-type living room, as a place for meetings and pastime for the whole family;
  • create separate corners for each of the family members;
  • install a second additional bathroom;
  • apply more bulky details in the interior;
  • opportunity to implement a phased renovation of the apartment.

Materials for renovation of an apartment

Any materials used for European-quality repair can be used. The determining factor is not the price category of facing and finishing materials, but the degree of their fire and sanitary safety. You can also save on materials for renovation. The effect is achieved due to the competent miscalculation of consumption and the creative use of waste.

Much more attention is paid to the technical component of the repair. In the process of work, professional equipment is used, which allows performing high-quality cuts, sawing, drilling, etc. Not every company can afford to buy such a tool, so the cost of European-quality repairs cannot be low.

Apartment renovation cost

To draw up an estimate and a general understanding of how much repairs will cost, it should be understood that the price per square meter of work performed varies over a wide range. The spread depends on:

  • the area of ​​​​an apartment or a private house;
  • original state of housing. For example, repairs in a new building will cost less than in an operated apartment of the Soviet period of construction (“Khrushchev”, “Stalinka”);
  • design complexity;
  • applied materials and technologies;
  • agreed terms of work;
  • and even from the region, renovation in Moscow will cost more than in Yekaterinburg, all other things being equal.

Usually the cost of renovation is directly dependent on the price of materials adjusted by a certain coefficient. After analyzing the proposals of several dozen construction companies, we can conclude that the repair ratio differs depending on the type of renovation.

That is, if material for the amount of 100 conventional units was purchased for repair work, then 180 USD will have to be paid for the work (repair). (economy class) or 270 c.u. (for elite).

In general, repairs carried out by a construction team of 3 people, depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises, will cost approximately the following amount:

To do renovation with your own hands or to order, everyone decides for himself. Yes, you can do it yourself, but you need experience, time, special tools.

How to choose a company for renovation of an apartment

When choosing a company (executor) for repair work, it is better to play it safe and pay attention to:

  • the number of work performed;
  • having a license;

Procedure for renovation work

Turnkey apartment renovation involves the implementation of a comprehensive finish of all surfaces - ceilings, walls, floors, - the replacement of all plumbing fixtures, all electrical wiring, and, if necessary, redevelopment. And all this in accordance with the design project.

Design project
Any renovation must be carried out in accordance with the design project. All elements of the interior should be in harmony with each other, performed in the same style and meet the general concept of the apartment. The explanatory note should include a list of materials and their brief characteristics.

Complex execution of works
Renovation of turnkey apartments implies the implementation of a comprehensive finish of all surfaces - ceilings, walls, floors, - replacement of all plumbing fixtures, all electrical wiring, if necessary - redevelopment. And all this in accordance with the design project.

High-quality building materials and technologies
This is a very important aspect, but there are some "pitfalls" here. European materials must be treated carefully, look at the country of origin. If, for example, in Spain there are no negative temperatures, then all Spanish materials are designed for such operating conditions. They should not be used in areas with cold winters. You can often find illustrative examples of misunderstanding of such a factor: the very next year, "European-style renovation" gives cracks and delaminations on the facade of the building.

Unconditional observance of technology
If the instructions indicate the sequence of application of various building materials, their setting time, the need for technological breaks, then this is exactly what should be done, our favorite “maybe” and “somehow it will do” does not work. As a result, a very unpleasant result can turn out - even very expensive materials will lose their qualities in a few years, and you will have to do repairs again.