Any repair in the apartment symbolizes family problems in a dream and an attempt to sort them out. The dream interpretation will analyze the dream event and clearly indicate what it is dreaming of in a particular situation.


Had a dream about how you were going to make repairs in the apartment? Unexpected, but rather unpleasant events are approaching.

Doing repairs in the apartment yourself in a dream means that you need to quickly deal with a bunch of forgotten cases. At night, they decided to do redevelopment, but did not start? Dream Interpretation believes that your expectations will not have the proper result.

See that they entrusted the work to an experienced specialist? Wake up will have to resort to the help of a knowledgeable person.

According to Miller

If the girl is personally engaged in rework in her dreams, then in reality she will help her husband in everything. You can see that an unfamiliar man is making repairs in an apartment before a marriage proposal.


Why dream if they started to repair the dwelling and turned it into a real dump? In reality, turbulent events are approaching, but in the end they will turn out to be empty.

Had a dream about entrusting someone else to repair the living space in a dream? The dream interpretation is sure: without the slightest fear, you can shift the chores or responsibility onto other people's shoulders.

What's the plan?

Do you want to have a true interpretation of sleep? It is very important to note what exactly was supposed to be repaired in the apartment.

  • Wallpapering - improvement of the situation, a new position.
  • Replacing windows - be careful, do not be frank.
  • Plumbers - unexpected fuss, hassle.
  • Plastering walls - do not miss a profitable business, a chance.
  • Whitewashing the ceiling - wasteful spending leads to quarrels.

In a dream, a major repair of the floors in the house symbolizes large cash costs.

Life is getting better!

Why dream of remodeling in your apartment? Expect great family joy.

At the same time, seeing familiar people in your hut trying to help means that you are at a crossroads and do not know where to go. The dream interpretation recommends listening to the advice of others.

Had a dream about how they invited designers to redo something in their apartment? Soon life will get better, and you will be able to relax.


In a dream, did you have to improve in someone else's hut? The dream interpretation warns: in reality, you will have to participate in an unfamiliar business.

Had a dream about watching the repair work in someone else's apartment? In real life, spend a lot of energy in order to improve the family life of friends or acquaintances.


Why dream of a renovation in a former hut? A series of worries and problems will lead to a complete breakdown. Had a dream about repairing a very old apartment? Dream Interpretation recommends looking for fresh ideas and perspectives within the framework of existing activities.

In a dream, did you have to finish finishing in a new, completely unfamiliar apartment? Get ready to move in soon.

Overhaul in the new apartment promises favorable changes. Sometimes redevelopment in a new living space promises very difficult, but promising relationships.

Happinnes exists!

Had a dream that you managed to make repairs in the apartment? In real life, the dream book guarantees recovery, joy, or meeting a special person.

In a dream, after much effort, were you able to make a chic renovation? After a rather difficult period, happy times are coming.

Don't miss out!

Why else dream of living space after a serious alteration? Very soon there will be an opportunity to realize an old dream.

Many are familiar with the state when the details of a dream are preserved in memory and persist throughout the day, causing a feeling of anxiety and anticipation of important events. A reasonable action would be to turn to the dream book, which will help interpret what is happening in a dream. If a repair process took place in a vision, then you should decide on the details and interpret depending on them.

Interpretation of sleep: repair in a general sense means changes in life or events that need to be addressed. Remember where the repair work took place, this will also help in clarifying.

  • The interpretation of dreams "renovation in the apartment" draws attention to the state of your affairs and the problems associated with them.
  • In a dream, make repairs in the house - a vision shows your relationships in the family and the fact that their condition concerns you. (cm. )
  • Seeing in a dream a new renovated apartment - your plans will come true exactly as you intended.
  • The dream "renovation in someone else's apartment" suggests that soon you will have to help other people cope with troubles.
  • The dream "repair at work" is associated with your career success. Depending on its course, a dream should be interpreted. (cm. )
  • The dream of "renovation in an old house" portends good news and joy in life.
  • The dream of "repairing the parent's house" reminds you that your loved ones need your help and care. Remember them more often.
  • The dream "renovation in the room" predicts the impossibility of fulfilling the plan.
  • The dream "renovation at the entrance" speaks of being at the crossroads of life, and how it will develop depends on your further actions.
  • To dream of an apartment without repair is a move, a change of housing.
  • The dream of "roof repair" personifies your actions to maintain your reputation.
  • Repair is a hard joint work with people unpleasant to you.

A more complete and detailed interpretation can be seen in the following dream books.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Dream "renovating the roof of the house" - You need to develop new methods of protection from danger and harm. (See sleep House)

Women's dream book

  • To see an apartment renovation in a dream - in family life you will become an indispensable helper around the house and in solving everyday issues.
  • Why dream of shoe repair - attempts to restore justice will end in nothing.
  • Why dream of repairing someone else's apartment? Other people's problems, the solution of which will be delayed.

Dream interpretation of the 21st century

  • A dream about repairs in an apartment speaks of imminent changes for the better in your destiny.
  • Dream Interpretation: getting ready to make repairs - if you don’t gather your strength, then hopes and plans will never come true.
  • Why dream of repairing the roof of a house? The vision represents your attempts to restore your reputation.

Erotic dream book

What does renovation in an apartment mean in a dream? Show your fantasy in sexual relations, otherwise your romance has every chance to end soon.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

The dream of "car repair" - the black streak in life ends, undertakings will be successful. (Cm. )

Esoteric dream book

  • Making repairs in a new apartment is the hassle associated with documentation and certificates.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see repairs - a difficult situation will not require your intervention, everything will be decided by itself.
  • In a dream, give shoes for repair - despite the difficulties, you can achieve your goal if you make enough effort.
  • Why dream of an apartment without repair? You have ample opportunities for your implementation.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Dream Interpretation: repairs in the house - a vision warns that soon you will have to correct your mistakes. (See sleep House)

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

  • Dream "apartment after repair" - the circumstances are developing according to your plans, everything conceived will certainly come true.
  • Dream Interpretation: floor repair portends a big waste of money.
  • Why dream about home renovation? The vision promises sudden and dramatic changes in your life.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

  • A rich house with someone else's renovation - a dream promises cardinal changes in your life in all areas.
  • The dream "a new apartment without repair" is a family happiness that you have to build with your own hands.
  • Why dream of a new renovated apartment? Your material well-being will soon multiply.
  • A dream about auto repair - do not expect good luck in new business.(Cm. )

Combined dream book

  • In a dream, to see road repairs - adjust your plans according to life circumstances. (cm. )
  • Interpretation of sleep "vacuum cleaner repair" - be prepared for a little spending.
  • The dream "the dead man makes repairs" - there are unresolved issues between you.
  • With the late husband, they made repairs in a dream - a vision portends a change in life and the worries associated with it.
  • Seeing repairs at work in a dream is a high probability of getting the position that you have been dreaming of for so long.
  • Dream Interpretation: new apartment, renovation - the dream speaks of the strength of your family and the readiness to jointly accept the blows of fate.
  • Dream Interpretation: bathroom, renovation - expect changes in your personal life.
  • Dream Interpretation: apartment after renovation - in the near future, expect an invitation to participate in a new interesting project.
  • Why dream of repairing someone else's apartment? You have to take care of the other person's business. Be patient, this will take a long time.
  • Why dream of repairing the entrance? You are in a transitional period of your life, how it goes on depends on you.
  • In a dream, the husband makes repairs - pay attention to your relationship, he may need your help.

Dream Interpretation of the World

  • In a dream, buying an apartment without repair is failures and problems in all areas of life. Everything will go awry and will require the full return of all your forces.
  • Dream Interpretation: to make repairs in the house - your life is entering a streak of success and luck. Everything planned will surely come true.(See sleep House)
  • Dream Interpretation: repairs at work - a dream promises an improvement in relations with colleagues.
  • Dream "shoe repair" - be patient, wishes will come true very soon.
  • Dream Interpretation: car repair - in the near future you should not expect profit.
  • Dream Interpretation: renovation in someone else's apartment - be careful, your kindness can play a cruel joke on you. Having taken on the problems of another person, do not expect him to appreciate it.
  • Dream Interpretation: wall repair promises reconciliation with a loved one, forgiveness of long-standing grievances.
  • The dream of "road repair" predicts a generous reward for your work.
  • Dream Interpretation: to give away a broken women's watch, repair - a vision speaks of your craving for building an ideal relationship.
  • Dream "ceiling repair" - a favorable period for making changes in life. (cm. )

Dream interpretation from A to Z

  • Dream "repair" - expect new experiences, but be prepared for the fact that they may turn out to be negative.
  • Seeing repairs in a dream is a harbinger of change that does not promise any benefits.
  • Dream Interpretation: ceiling repair - relatives will come to the rescue in a difficult period of life.
  • Dream Interpretation: kitchen renovation - fortune is favorable to you, success awaits you in your endeavors.
  • Dream Interpretation: class repair - the future promises a meeting with first love.
  • A new renovation in a dream shown to guests predicts the fulfillment of your plans and hopes exactly as you wanted it.
  • Why dream of renovating a room? You are tired of worries and worries, you need an urgent rest.

The latest dream book

Dream Interpretation: repairs are interpreted as a harbinger of trouble and large cash outlays.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation: renovation in an apartment - in a family portends conflicts and quarrels, in business - inertia and routine.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Dream Interpretation: making repairs - harmony in relationships with a spouse, comfort and understanding.

Dream Interpretation: repairing the roof of a house portends good luck in work.

Miller's dream book

  • Miller's dream book considers repair from the position of repairing clothes and interprets it as an attempt to rectify the situation. (Cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: making repairs in an apartment for a young woman means that in reality she will become an indispensable assistant to her husband.
  • Dream Interpretation: a house without repair, interpreted as a harbinger of sad events.(See sleep House)
  • Dream Interpretation: car repair - a dream predicts failure. (Cm. )

Freud's dream book

  • Repair in a dream is a symbol of sexual intercourse.
  • Dream Interpretation: repairing a room - you should not worry about discord in your intimate life, showing maximum tact and patience, you can fix everything.
  • Why dream of a new apartment without repair? You are open to new acquaintances and relationships.
  • Why dream of car repair? The dream indicates that you have an inferiority complex.
  • Why dream about repairs in the church. Harmony and mutual understanding with your partner will come in your personal life.

General dream book

  • Why dream of car repair? Fate will soon give you luck, business will be successful.(Cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: road repair - you create your own destiny, your happiness depends only on you.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see repairs in an apartment - help from relatives and friends will come to you at the right time.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see repairs in someone else's apartment - your loved ones will need your help and participation.
  • Dream Interpretation, why dream of the repair you are doing - get ready to act and invest energy, no one but you will suit your life.
  • Dream Interpretation: repair in the entrance - pay attention to relationships with your loved one.
  • Dream Interpretation: making repairs in someone else's apartment is the beginning of a new relationship.
  • The dream "an apartment without repair" reflects the state of mind of a person, his uncertainty and confusion of thoughts.
  • Why dream of repairing someone else's house? You strive to take control of everything and personally monitor the situation.(See sleep House)
  • Dream Interpretation: to see repairs at work - it is possible to get the position of your dreams.
  • Why dream of a new repair - changes in fate are not always good.
  • Why dream of repairing a room? Get ready for changes in your life.
  • Why dream of roof repair? You will reach a high position in the service.
  • Why dream of repairs in the parents' house? A reminder that parents also need your care and participation.
  • I dreamed that I needed to make repairs - some things in your house need to be repaired.
  • Dream Interpretation: what is the dream of repair? If it is successful, then expect significant and joyful events in the future.
  • What is the dream of the repair done? Your plans are being implemented exactly as you intended.
  • Why dream of repairing a school? Memories of the first hobbies and school friends will soon make themselves felt.
  • Seeing the repair of an old house in a dream is trouble in intimate relationships.
  • Seeing repairs in someone else's apartment in a dream portends other people's worries that you will have to take on.
  • The dream "to make repairs in the apartment of relatives" - in reality, you can do your favorite hobbies and find time to chat with friends.

Aesop's dream book

  • Why dream of road repair? Don't miss out on this great and significant deal.
  • Dream Interpretation: new house, renovation - do not miss the moment to realize your old cherished dream.(See sleep House)
  • Dream Interpretation, interpretation: the renovation that your friends are doing in your house suggests that you are extremely dependent on other people's opinions and cannot choose your only one.

Modern dream book

  • Repair in the bathroom, dream book - indicates the need for rest for you. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: an apartment without repair - you should not count on success in business, most likely they will turn into a failure.
  • Dream Interpretation: office renovation - changes are coming in a career.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

  • Why dream of repairing an apartment? Take care of your problems in the family until they develop into a full-fledged conflict.
  • Why dream of doing repairs? Your work needs to be revised, perhaps an oversight has crept in somewhere.
  • Dream Interpretation: shoe repair - vision means delays and obstacles in your work.
  • Sleep "renovation in the house" - tensions in the family.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

  • Dream Interpretation: construction, repair - means the beginning of the implementation of new projects.
  • Dream Interpretation: indoor repairs - avoid nervous overwork.
  • Dream Interpretation: temple, renovation outside reminds you of your ability to achieve everything on your own.
  • Dream Interpretation: repairs in the house, rearrangement talk about your openness to the new and the unknown.
  • Dream Interpretation: bridge repair - a dream speaks of your subconscious desire to change your life.
  • Dream Interpretation: renovation in an old house warns of a loss of money.
  • Why dream of ceiling repair? Engage in refuting the rumors that your enemies spread about you, and your life will turn out well.
  • Dream "repair in the room" - the unexpected appearance of guests or unpleasant thoughts.
  • Why dream of doing repairs in someone else's apartment in a dream? Do not try to take other people's problems on yourself, few people will appreciate it.

Islamic dream book

The Islamic dream book interprets repairs in the house as a deterioration in the situation due to waste through one's own fault. It will take a lot of work to get everything back.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou Gong

  • Dream Interpretation: home renovation inside - expect a happy life.
  • Dream Interpretation: repairing the roof of a house - a vision promises many years of life.
  • Why dream of a kitchen renovation? Success and joy in the family.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

  • Dream Interpretation: repairs in a strange house - you will clarify your relationship and deal with long-standing grievances.
  • Why dream of construction, repair? Change of residence.(See sleep House)
  • The dream of "renovating an old house" is peace and satisfaction in love affairs.

Psychoanalytic dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: a house being renovated warns that your married life requires work on yourself.
  • Dream Interpretation: repairing a house from the outside - predicts the restoration of ties outside the family.
  • The dream "new apartment, renovation" - reminds you that you create your future yourself.

English dream book

Why dream of car repair? Your feelings about a successful vacation are reflected in your dreams. (Cm. )

Why dream of watch repair? You worry too much. Stop and decide what is really important to you.

Family dream book

Why does a woman dream of repair? In married life, she will share household issues in half with her husband.

Why dream of repairing an old house? Wealth and prosperity await you.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

A dream about repair reminds you of the need to fix something in reality.

Dream Interpretation of Pastor Loff

  • What does repair mean in a dream? You will try to restore the lost position.
  • Why dream of repairing a wall? If in a dream you are repairing a wall by pasting it, then in the near future you will have a short change of residence.
  • Why dream of a new renovated house? The future promises a promotion and an increase in material well-being.(See sleep House)

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

Why does a girl dream of doing repairs in an apartment? In family life, you will become a valuable assistant.

American dream book

The meaning of sleep repair is interpreted as a symbol of the fact that something is also broken in your life.

Big universal dream book

Why dream of doing repairs in the house? For girls, the vision portends the sharing of all household duties with her husband.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Why dream of repairs at work? A large number of worries and worries are expected in the future.

Collection of dream books

  • The dream of "renovation in the apartment" for a young woman promises mutual understanding with her husband.
  • Making repairs in a dream - warns of discord in your life.
  • To dream: to make repairs in the apartment - your subconscious mind tells you about the need for changes and the elimination of mistakes made.

Ukrainian dream book

What is the dream of repair? A lot of difficulties await you.

In a dream, to see "doing repairs at home." You seek to spread your influence and control everywhere.

Jewish dream book

To dream about repairs in an apartment - do not succumb to sudden mood swings and carefully consider your actions, otherwise you risk committing a bad deed.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

Seeing a home renovation in a dream is an improvement in well-being, good health. (See sleep House)

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

To dream: to make repairs to a young woman - promises the opportunity to become a true friend and indispensable assistant to her husband.

Phoebe's big dream book

Dreams of "a new house, renovation" carry a positive meaning and promise good health to the dreamer.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

The dream of "repairing a building" promises the development of a new direction in your work.


Housing symbolizes the inner state of a person, everything that happens in it is a reflection of human emotions and experiences. Pay close attention to repairs in a dream, be prepared for changes in your life. With enough effort, you can change your life for the better.

Why dream of doing repairs? The dream interpretation calls this plot a harbinger of change, luck, a new romantic feeling, and financial success. But also a vision in a dream indicates the need to solve a certain problem, the futility of hopes or the impending chagrin.

Family troubles

I dreamed of a plot when, due to alterations in the room, chaos reigned there, but is it still very far from completion? In reality, you will vigorously start some business, but do not finish it.

To make repairs only in the room, when the rest of the living space needs it even more - an improvement in relations with the husband (wife) will begin, but this surge will be short-lived.

Seeing repairs in your house in a dream means that there are some family problems that need to be resolved as soon as possible.

Expectations will deceive you, you will work hard

Are you about to start renovating your home, but keep putting it off because of constant interference? The dream interpretation explains: hopes are not destined to come true.

Why dream of getting ready to make repairs in the house, but not having the necessary materials, tools? Wake up will have to work hard and hard for a favorable course of affairs.

There are surprises, luck

In a dream, there is everything you need, and you have started finishing work? The dream interpretation claims: fate has prepared many surprises for you.

Did you dream of watching everything from the side? Among your environment there is someone who selflessly helps you.

To make repairs indoors and brag about them in a dream - there will be great luck. All plans, aspirations will succeed.

Good luck in business and love

Did you see how they did it in a new home? The dream interpretation indicates: positive changes are planned in the financial field.

Why dream of making it and admiring the result? Soon a romantic feeling may arise, which may be the beginning of a serious relationship.

Meaning according to Miller's dream book

Did a young woman do repair work in a dream? The dream tells: she will often and willingly help her husband in various matters.

Dream details

Remember what you dreamed of doing:

  • drill - you will begin to sort things out;
  • insert windows - wishes will come true;
  • glue wallpaper - make peace with a person after a long quarrel;
  • repairing the floor - bad news will seriously upset;
  • painting the walls - new impressions ahead;
  • ceiling decoration - you forgot about your original goals, it's time to return to them.

Work on yourself, help your loved ones

Why dream of helping to make repairs in someone else's apartment? The dream interpretation indicates: you need to look at yourself from the outside and try to get rid of the shortcomings.

Did you dream of doing repairs in someone else's home? Help your family or colleagues deal with problems. But do not forget about your own affairs.

Seeing updates in the kitchen in a new house in a dream? The dream book tells you: a streak of luck will begin. The better the result, the better things will go.

Where did he go?

The interpretation of sleep takes into account where it happened:

  • in a new house - large purchases for the improvement of life;
  • in the old - conflicts have to be settled;
  • with parents in an old home - relatives need your help;
  • in an apartment - the level of comfort in life will increase thanks to patience and diligence;
  • at work in a dream - changes in the workplace, which can be judged by the impressions of a dream;
  • in the church - you found that you were spiritually poor, and decided to work on yourself.

Collection of dream books

Why dream of Repair in a dream according to 17 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Repair” symbol from 17 online dream books. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all the dream books of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

What did you dream about Repair in a dream?

Make a chic renovation in your apartment in a dream- means that your life will soon change for the better.

If you are going to do it for too long, but for various reasons you cannot start- such a dream can be a harbinger of deceived hopes, an unfulfilled dream, a symbol of your naivety.

If a young woman dreams that she is doing repairs- this means that her husband will find in her person a good assistant in his affairs.

Dream Interpretation for Lovers

The girl who dreams that she is doing repairs- will help her husband in solving all problems.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Home renovation - mutual understanding with your spouse, trusting and tender relationship.

Clothing repair - profit and benefit.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Seeing repairs in a dream or doing repairs yourself- a sign that you need to improve your affairs. A more accurate meaning of sleep depends on what exactly is being repaired.

Apartment renovation in your house- symbolizes family problems.

Clothing repair - means problems with reputation or position in society.

The dream had a dream during the day not to me personally, but to my friend. We have a very close friend, a dream about him. An acquaintance dreamed that a friend was doing repairs at his house (at a friend's house) - he painted and made an iron door. What color he painted, he does not remember. In addition, I dreamed that a friend invited a former comrade to a meeting, with whom they had a long-standing quarrel. What does it all mean?

I had a relationship with this man 13 years ago, I didn’t even remember him anymore. not so long ago I dreamed about him, we were sitting at the table opposite each other. then he took my hand, and I removed it, as I knew about the presence of his wife. a few days later I accidentally met him with his wife, he was sitting at the next table opposite me. today he again dreamed of me, but the actions took place where I lived in childhood. he purchased my former housing, furnished it, made repairs. and I was next door. the dream ended with me in his arms and he began sexual foreplay. I experienced pleasant sensations

I dreamed of my husband's mistress, my girlfriend .. who took him away a month ago ... That she made me cosmetic repairs in my house. New suspended ceilings and hung flower curtains throughout the apartment. And I was about to leave with my husband. And I began to fight with her in a dream and cursed .. I woke up and was most scared.

This morning I saw myself in the apartment where I was born and where I have not lived for 28 years ... The apartment is two-room. Me and someone else whitewash the walls. There are a lot of small things on the floor that you have to carry every time to wash the floors underneath from splashes. I open the door of the apartment and see a crowd of relatives who have already come for tea. I turn, dissatisfied, and discover that we are not whitewashing, but painting the walls of the apartment in a pale lilac color with red edging around the door and windows and along the ceiling. The wall of the adjacent room is blocked by some kind of cabinet, I move it and the wall collapses. I see another room through the wall. And I think that it would be necessary to do not a cosmetic, but a major overhaul and demolish this wall. Then there will be one big room. At the same time, I think that it will be necessary to order wide couches with built-in wardrobes along the walls of the room in order to place our things in them and so that all our numerous relatives can sleep on the couches ... And I wake up

I dreamed of my late father, who was doing repairs in the apartment where we lived with him, my mother and my husband (now a dead man) and my little son before my father's death. Father was not cheerful, but not sad either, we did not talk to him at the same time.

My girlfriend and I started redecorating my apartment. We had a worker with us. The ceilings were very high. We decided to wash them out, but the worker refused and left. We decided to stick wallpaper for now, and then deal with the ceiling. And then I woke up. I didn’t see any wallpaper or any other building materials.

Hello. My whole family is doing renovations in the apartment. But after that. How did we see. There's still a lot to be done. Holes remained in the joints of the ceiling and walls. There was a large hole in the wall leading to the street. Which didn't exist before. You can see cars from it. the way. And outside the wall of the house. Thank you.

The old sofa folds like a table, a refrigerator, a black dog on the chairs covered with black material, he came out of there, I got scared, several men and one woman, like, were engaged in repairs, the wallpaper was torn off the wall in the hall, packages with things were left at our house, I I didn’t know this, I wanted to go on business because of the rain I returned home

Hello. As if we are doing repairs in our apartment, it is in a dream that it is clearly ours, in fact it is not. bare walls and rooms. My husband and I go and look at it all. I wonder where everything went, the situation, etc. Why do we need repairs at all? Then it seems to be a store and I see a very beautiful multi-colored bag. Husband's sister asks how much does it cost? I say 105 thousand rubles and I have a great desire to buy it, and for a very long time. I open it and there is a small pillow with a blanket, an envelope for babies, in general, like a carrier. I don't even remember if I bought it or not. These two episodes were just so vivid that I can't forget them.

i dreamed that I and my husband, with whom I have not had a close relationship for 2 years, are doing repairs in the apartment. I remember exactly that 3 rooms are very beautiful, and the kitchen is all collapsed, but in the wall, something magnificent under the plaster

The dream began with the fact that I entered the apartment, it turned out that a girl lives there (I met her by chance in August 2015, but didn’t communicate, but about 5 days ago I “met” again), there was a conversation that she was with father lives and makes repairs, but his father can not cope. The next scene was me helping her patch holes in the walls. As soon as I finished and turned around to look at my work, then all those places that I patched up became covered with cracks .. At this moment, everything around disappears (like sand scatters in the wind) and we find ourselves in a field where some man mows grass :D

My parents have an old house, I tore off a layer of paint from the walls, and after it another and another about seven, behind them I found old photographs of a small size, someone was depicted on them, then a rock dove flew into the house through the window, I released it back, in one of the upper corners there was a small hole formed during the repair process, there I saw birds crawling from the street, as I understand it, under the roof they were talking about something, I don’t remember. In general, everything I remember, then the plot changed and another dream began

Hello, Tatyana.
I dreamed that I was walking around a huge, freshly renovated apartment of my parents. But, I immediately notice that one wall is almost destroyed and the facade outside the window has not been restored. But inside everything is beautiful. Everything is beautiful, but something is not completed ...

I am looking for a husband in a truck (I drive myself, although I don’t know how to drive). I find it in a former apartment. He makes a chic repair (though not yet completed). My boss comes out of the next room (he is preparing some documents there and says that he liked our first door). I go to look at the door (the first door I pass through is really new, I see the front door - it has just been repaired) and wake up!

dreamed of expanding the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment of a friend.
Everyone who lives in her house took part
the dream was in dark colors, gray, black, there was practically no light.
I brought a friend some thing, what exactly I can not say.

I see myself in the courtyard of a newly built house, not very large, but new, and two-story white brick, walking past decorative grapes along a burgundy stone path, past a manicured lawn with lush, mowed grass, I go out to the back of the yard and see the sea , the sun has almost set, twilight, the sea is calm, the water is cool, I wet my feet and go to the house. I go into the house, climb the wooden stairs to the second floor, I see a large room, the walls of the house are white prepared for fine finishing, the floor is beige (the color of honey) either laminate or parquet board, the room is semicircular, the wall facing the street has windows to the floor, on the top there is a cornice and matte white chiffon. Two men - builders are doing repairs and I understand that I bought a house from them for 500 thousand rubles. , and with them the 1st mistress paid for the repair of this house for 300 tr. and I tell them to continue the renovation, and I know that downstairs, on the 1st floor, there is a ready-made living room, a kitchen-dining room and 2 rooms.

Hello, I dreamed about my mother, she picked up old notebooks of books, put them on top of tile glue and started laying tiles at the entrance to the house near the threshold, it turned out terribly dirty and ugly, I told her clean everything, don’t do nonsense, but she didn’t listen to me, then I called my ex-husband and asked lay the tiles and also demanded my level which he took and did not give back

I go into my entrance and see a broken staircase. The husband explained that the entrance was being renovated and the elevator was not working. I was afraid to climb up, because I have a sick heart. But we very easily and successfully reached the 8th floor. There was a mess in the apartment, the wallpaper was removed, the floor was broken. A builder was sitting in one of the rooms and explained that they would remove the stove. I also said that there will be a lot of dust and dirt. We never had a stove in our apartment. I saw some decorations on the floor, crosses on chains. Everything was piled up.

The late mother dreamed, we talked with her and I started to make repairs in her house, started to peel off the putty to apply a new one, she also asked me to tie a small dog to guard the house

In reality, my husband died 11 years ago, with whom we were just doing repairs .... and now I live in another apartment with my son. But quite often I dream that we (with my late husband) either bought ... or received some kind of apartment ... .. each time they are different (he was a military man). And we are thinking…planning…..renovation.

A large, glass house, with light decorations and inventory. I came to the house as a new mistress to a man and a child. There was a nice atmosphere and music. I changed some inventory items, equipment and moved those items that were there.

the house is not mine, but I need to move into it before doing repairs, and for some reason they started the repair with a stove that takes up a lot of space in the room, they invited a person who should glue the stove with tiles, by the way, he did it very nicely

Hello, Tatyana!
I see such a dream with periodicity of six months or a year. In our old apartment, my husband and I are going to make repairs, plan what kind of wallpaper, etc.
But in this dream, in a friend in a store, curtains by color help to choose the boss (woman) at work, but not directly, but standing higher. (Actually, she is currently dealing with the salaries of our department.) In a dream, I see that at some point, picking up the curtain by color (pink and purple), she turns out to be without trousers with bare genitals ...

hello, my mother and husband, my mother-in-law, did repairs, painted the floors and whitewashed the ceiling. I asked them if they warned her, yes. I asked them how long the paint would dry, they answered a week.

Repair in a dream, at least once in a lifetime, dreamed of every person who made repairs with his own hands. And if you turn to dream books, you can read quite interesting interpretations regarding this dream.

Interpretation according to the American dream book

If you believe American dream book, then a dreamed repair means that something in your real life needs to be fixed. In addition, the dream book strongly advises to do repairs and in reality. This will help to find the necessary balance and harmony in our present life.

According to the dream book of psychoanalysis

Says the same thing dream book of psychoanalysis. He claims that the repair seen in a dream is a sign of a subconscious desire to bring family relationships to agreement. And if you see repairs being made outside the home, then there is a desire to restore your former social position.

According to Miller's dream book

If a young girl sees herself doing repairs in a dream, then for her husband she will become an excellent companion in all joint endeavors. This is authoritatively stated by at least five well-known dream books, such as: family dream book, Miller's dream book, XXI century, dream book of lovers and even the dream book of a modern woman, it turns out that there is even one.

According to the dream book of the bitch and the latest

Dream interpretation bitch believes that repairs in a dream portend a tender and trusting relationship with a spouse. A latest dream book interprets the repair dream too literally: to unforeseen expenses. But in any case, many dream books agree with each other that a luxurious renovation in a dream is always an omen of an improvement in the quality of life.

A dream in which you can’t gather your strength in any way to start repairs warns that in your real life you need to be more careful, as they say: “Trust, but verify.”

According to the Wanderer's dream book

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer interprets the dream of repair as a warning about possible family troubles and domestic disagreements. And if such a dream is dreamed systematically, regularly repeating, then changes in the personal or business sphere, most likely, cannot be avoided.

According to the dream book from A to Z

The dream book “From A to Z” portends that repairs in a dream are news, unfortunately, not always pleasant. And if the repair in a dream is thoroughly completed, then in your personal life you will achieve amazing results in its improvement. So, if for some reason the repair in a dream was not completed, then calmly go to bed and complete it right today.

According to the esoteric dream book

Unusual esoteric dream book says that the repair he saw in a dream portends a bunch of paperwork. At the same time, if it is not you who are doing the repairs yourself, but completely different people, then all pressing problems will be solved without your efforts.

Whether to believe your dreams is up to you. But knowing their various interpretations and interpretations certainly doesn't hurt.