This article describes the history of the creation of the fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant", its plot, morality and main idea.

A fable is a moralizing work that ridicules the vices of people. The characters in a fable are usually animals, things, plants or insects. With their help it is easier to understand the essence of morality. Who wrote the fable "Dragonfly and Ant"? The moral, main idea and reasoning can be found in this article.

Who and when wrote the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”: author, history of creation

"Dragonfly and Ant"

But the creator of this work was not Krylov. He simply rewrote a fable by the French writer Jean de La Fontaine from another language into Russian. "Cicada and Ant". La Fontaine is also not the author of the fable, since he borrowed the plot from Aesop, a Greek fabulist who lived in the 6th century BC. But it was Krylov who made the translation into Russian. The result is a work that we know now, and on which many generations have been brought up.

Fable by I.A. Krylov “Dragonfly and Ant”: text

The text of the work is small. Primary school children are assigned to learn it. It is easy to remember. Here is the text of I.A. Krylov’s fable "Dragonfly and Ant":

I.A. Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”: morality, main idea

Like any other work, "Dragonfly and Ant" Krylova contains the moral and the main idea.

  • Morality is at the end, and before that an interesting plot unfolds. The dragonfly was not prepared for winter; it sang and danced all the warm summer days. But when winter came, she came to the Ant and began to ask him to eat and warm up.
  • The ant worked hard from the beginning to the end of summer to be ready for the winter cold. Therefore, he answered the Dragonfly with a hint of sarcasm: since she sang all summer, let her go and dance now.
  • Main idea The fable is that Dragonfly did not work in the summer, and in the winter he was left with nothing - without a home and food. The ant worked all summer, so he has a place to live and something to eat.

Human vices are hidden under the actions of the Dragonfly in this fable. After all, there are also people who do not like to work, but when they need something, they ask those who worked.

I.A. Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”: a summary for the reader’s diary

Primary school students in Russian literature need to keep a reading diary in which they write down brief summaries of the works they read. This helps you remember stories and fables better. Here is a summary for the reader's diary of I.A. Krylov's fable "Dragonfly and Ant":

Jumping Dragonfly did not work all summer, but only sang and danced. Under each sheet she had both a table and a house ready. But the summer quickly ended. The Dragonfly had neither food nor a home, and she decided to go to the Ant, who had been working all summer. The Ant asks the Dragonfly, what did she do all summer? The dragonfly has nothing to answer except: “Sang.” “Oh, were you singing? So go ahead and dance,” Ant answered her.

How to characterize the heroes of the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”: characteristics of the heroes

"Dragonfly and Ant"

At school they are asked to characterize the characters of this fable. With the help of characteristics, you can understand which character is positive and which, on the contrary, is negative.

  • Characteristics of Dragonfly- frivolous and proud. Doesn't like to work, but only sings and dances. Cheerful, lively, joyful, but at the end of the fable - sad and preoccupied.
  • Ant Characteristics- wise, loves to work. Serious and always insists on his decision. Smart, because he understands that in order to have food and shelter in winter, you need to work all summer.

If these characters are characterized in two words, then the Dragonfly is flighty and uncalculating, and the Ant is sensible and businesslike.

Why did the Dragonfly turn to the Ant, what did the Dragonfly ask the Ant to do?

The Dragonfly turned to the Ant because he is a hard worker and worked all summer so that in winter he would have a place to live and something to eat. The Dragonfly admitted its mistake and asked the Ant politely for shelter and food, so that he could feed and warm it.

What is condemned and ridiculed in the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”; what does the fable teach?

"Dragonfly and Ant"

In the work "Dragonfly and Ant" frivolity and narcissism are condemned. It also ridicules such human vices as laziness, carelessness and idleness. The fable teaches people to be hardworking, wise, serious and responsible. In addition to holidays and fun, there are also workdays, when you need to work so that you have something to eat and where to live.

How does the author relate to the Dragonfly and the Ant in Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”?

The dragonfly evokes sympathy. She cannot realize that she did the wrong thing, she is used to living one day at a time and having everything ready. She is ready to accept advice, but only for a while, since basically Dragonfly is only capable of a carefree existence. She is not a negative hero, but she is not worthy of being an example for others.

Why I liked the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”: reasoning

All fables are moralizing and therefore adults and children like them after reading them. After all, with their help you can see vices and learn not to make the same mistakes that the characters do. Here is a detailed discussion of why I liked the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant:

Even though the dragonfly didn’t work all summer and didn’t store food or shelter for the winter, but only sang and danced, I still feel sorry for it. She is not worthy of being an example for others, but she is regrettable. Dragonfly asked Ant to shelter her only until spring. But he refused because she did not realize her mistakes, which she would repeat again and again. The diligent and hardworking Ant, on the contrary, worked all summer, and it is clear why he refused to help the Dragonfly. He knows that it is necessary to take care of tomorrow. But I still do not agree with the moral of this fable, since the Ant could have shown mercy and let the Dragonfly live with him for the winter.

With the help of this fable, the author gives advice to readers on how to live: not to be lazy, but to work. But you also need to rest. The ant worked all summer, and in winter he rests, because it is cold outside, but he has shelter and food. The following advice can be given to the Ant: to remain as serious and hardworking, and to the Dragonfly to gain intelligence, work and think about the future.

The fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”: a plan for an essay, what questions can be asked?

The Dragonfly came to the Ant to ask for food and shelter.

Primary school students are asked to write an essay at home or in class on the theme of the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”. Here is the outline for the essay

  1. Dragonfly Entertainment.
  2. Asking Ant for help.
  3. How did he teach Dragonfly a lesson for idleness?

To make it easier to write an essay, you can pose questions, and the answers to them are a finished essay. Here are the questions:

  1. What did Dragonfly do in the summer?
  2. What changed in her life with the onset of cold weather?
  3. Who did Dragonfly turn to when she needed help? What did she ask?
  4. What did Ant answer her? How to understand his words: “You sang everything? This is the case. So go and dance”?
  5. Do you feel sorry for Dragonfly? Give a detailed answer.
  6. What would you do if you were Ant and why?
  7. Which lines contain the main idea of ​​the fable?
  8. With the help of this work, what did the author want to convey to us?
  9. Using the example of the Dragonfly and the Ant, what should people not do?

When writing an essay, it is important to understand the main idea of ​​the work. In this fable, it lies in the fact that you don’t need to act thoughtlessly, otherwise you may be left with nothing later.

What catchphrases and proverbs can be extracted from the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”?

Catchphrases and aphorisms from this work are used even by modern people in colloquial speech. This suggests that this work is truly interesting and instructive. Catchphrases that can be extracted from the fable "Dragonfly and Ant":

This expression means spending time without benefit, a waste of time.

This expression indicates the fleetingness of time. Summer is short and passes quickly, followed quickly by winter.

Dragonfly had treats everywhere. You can sleep and eat anywhere.

This expression indicates that you don’t even want to do your favorite things if you’re hungry and cold.

Frivolous behavior always leads to a person forgetting about important matters.

To the fable "Dragonfly and Ant" The following proverbs are suitable:

Proverbs that fit the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”

How to quickly learn the fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”: tips

Any fable by Krylov can be learned within half an hour. You need to use some tricks. Here are tips on how to quickly learn a fable "Dragonfly and Ant":

  1. You can sing the words of the work. Three or four such repetitions to your favorite melody, and the fable will quickly be remembered.
  2. Imagine yourself as a great reader and read the fable in front of the mirror.
  3. Imagine the events described in the fable. Also imagine the sequence of plot development. Of course, you won’t be able to remember it the first time, but you can peek while you’re memorizing it - 30 minutes and the fable is memorized without difficulty.
  4. Can also be repeated in quatrains. First learn the first 4 lines, then the second and so on. Then repeat the entire piece 3 times.

In addition, memorization can be helped by imagining yourself as a Dragonfly. You also need to talk through everything according to a pre-drawn plan. The plan and questions for the fable were written above. Designate for yourself the sequence of events and then learning the piece will not be difficult.

Staging of a fable, script for a theatrical production for the autumn holiday “Dragonfly and Ant”: words, text

Fable "Dragonfly and Ant" It’s small and can be told in 30 seconds. But this does not mean that it will not be possible to make a theatrical production with this work. You can come up with an original dramatization of the fable, for example, for the autumn holiday. Here is the script for this fable - words, text:

A dragonfly goes to an anthill, wrapped in a dry leaf. Ant looks out.

This skit is for 5 minutes. It will turn out to be interesting and fun. The scenery and costumes of the characters play an important role. The Autumn Festival with a staging of Krylov's fable will be memorable, since the work "Dragonfly and Ant" everyone's favorite - both adults and children.

Video: Dragonfly and Ant. I.A. Krylov. Fable

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Allegory is an ancient Greek word, and translated it means “ allegory».

It is believed that the very first person to actively use this technique in his works was the fabulist Aesop.

The fact is that Aesop was a slave. He wanted to ridicule the behavior and habits of his masters, but to do so openly meant inevitable death. So he came up with his own language, which consisted entirely of hints, allegories and secret symbols.

Allegory is a disguise of the true meaning

A definition of this term will be given below, but first I want to continue the topic of its appearance. Just below you can see images of the author of this method of artistic speech (trope) - Aesop.

Most often, he depicted people in the form of animals, endowing them with the appropriate habits and character traits. And everyone, including the gentlemen, really liked the works of Aesop.

They read them with pleasure, not even suspecting that at that moment they were laughing at themselves - at their vices and shortcomings. Later even such a term as “ Aesopian language».

Now the promised definition of allegory:

Very often in literary works and in everyday life we ​​come across the following correspondences:

An example of allegory in modern literature

Before you now is an excerpt from one of the most famous poems Boris Pasternak "Winter Night". Read and answer a simple question - what is it about?

Chalk, chalk all over the earth
To all limits.
The candle was burning on the table,
The candle was burning.
To the illuminated ceiling
The shadows were falling
Crossing of arms, crossing of legs,
Crossing fates.
It was snowy all month in February,
Every now and then
The candle was burning on the table,
The candle was burning.

If you understand everything literally, then the picture seems clear. The harsh Russian winter is pictured in my mind’s eye, and somewhere there is a lonely house. Everything happens in some village, since there is no electricity, and the house is lit with candles. Well, inside there are two lovers who periodically have sex. Looks like it, right? That's just not the least bit true.

To understand the meaning of “Winter Night”, you need to understand who Pasternak is. This is a rebel, a truth-teller. An author who was banned in the USSR for a long time. And it would be strange to assume that he suddenly wrote such banal love lyrics. But he didn’t even write it! There is a much deeper meaning hidden in this poem:

You see, through a seemingly banal picture of winter, Pasternak described some of the main laws of the universe. Or better yet, disguised one in the other. This is an ALLEGORY.

Allegories in Krylov's fables

Ivan Krylov also uses a lot of allegories in his fables. In each of his works, the main characters are animals. But in them we can easily recognize human behavior or actions, often not the most correct and exemplary.

Krylov very clearly ridicules human vices or, conversely, praises their virtues. In every animal some character is encrypted:

But Krylov hides not only characters under allegories, but even entire foundations of life, relationships between different layers of society and historical moments. A striking example is the fable “The Wolf and the Lamb.”

The powerful are always to blame for the powerless:
We hear countless examples of this in history.

In the story, the Wolf reproaches and in every possible way belittles the Lamb, who dared to drink water from the same stream as him. But it’s not about this pair of animals. Behind the images of the Wolf and the Lamb, Krylov hid those in power and the common people.

And the fabulist also has another work - “The Wolf in the Kennel”.

The wolf at night, thinking of getting into the sheepfold,
I ended up at the kennel.
Suddenly the whole kennel yard rose up -
Smelling the gray so close to the bully.

In this fable, Krylov skillfully disguised the events of 1812. Then Napoleon (Wolf), realizing that he could not defeat Russia (Psarnya), tried to hold peace negotiations.

But in the end, our commanders, led by Kutuzov, did not buy it and drove the French army all the way to Paris. And the fable just ends with the fact that the experienced hunter (Kutuzov) did not negotiate with the wolf (Napoleon) and unleashed all the dogs on him.

Other examples of allegories in literature

Of course, we find allegories not only in Krylov, and not only in fables. For example, many Tales of Saltykov-Shchedrin full of allegories. The most striking example is “The Wise Minnow”.

After all, under the mask of a little fish that decided to isolate itself from everything in the world, not get involved in anything, not help anyone and live only for itself, you can see passive people. They do not strive for anything, do not try to get to the very top, do not fight to improve their own lives. And the author makes a completely fair conclusion that such creatures (whether fish or humans) are of no use.

They give no one cold, no warmth, no dishonor, no honor. They just waste space and eat food.

Another example - “Song of the Petrel” by Maxim Gorky. After all, this is not about a bird, although it is the main character.

The stupid penguin timidly hides its fat body in the rocks... Only the proud Petrel soars boldly and freely over the foam-gray sea! ...Storm! A storm is coming soon!

Penguins in this case are a gray mass. People who tremble before power and are afraid to resist it. And the Petrel are daredevils who are ready to challenge and sweep away the old order.

The same dissatisfaction with age-old foundations can be found in in the works of Alexander Blok.

The carriages walked in the usual line,
They shuddered and creaked;
The yellow and blue ones were silent,
In the green ones they cried and sang.

Although here it is necessary to explain what exactly the author means. In pre-revolutionary Russia, the train consisted of multi-colored carriages. The rich traveled in the first and second class (yellow and blue), while the common people huddled in the less comfortable third class (green) carriages.

But in this case, Blok, of course, does not mean any specific train.

Through an allegory, he describes the general way of life in the country - the rich enjoy and do not want to notice anything around, and the poor have no choice but to remain silent and endure.

Some authors use as allegories characters' names. For example, Gogol has Sobakevich and Tyapkin-Lyapkin. Fonvizin has Pravdin and Prostakov. Griboedov has Molchalin and Skalozub. And as soon as we see, we immediately understand what character this or that hero has, and how the author himself treats him.

How does allegory differ from metaphor?

An attentive reader may ask the question - what difference between allegory and metaphor? After all, both of these concepts imply allegory.

The essence is really the same - to enhance the meaning of what is written through vivid images. It's just that the scale is different here. , as a rule, just one word that very aptly notices character or properties.

For example, golden hands, deathly silence, passing time. But an allegory can take the form of an entire work. It is richer and deeper in meaning. And sometimes it’s even so complex that not every reader can figure out what its meaning is.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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A fable is a short work, sometimes in prose, more often in verse. The fable, in an allegorical form, ridicules the shortcomings of people and their actions. The heroes of fables are usually animals, insects, plants or inanimate objects, in the images of which certain qualities of people are embodied. The fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant” condemns laziness and frivolity. Hard work, on the contrary, deserves respect
and a worthy reward.
About the heroes
DRAGONFLY - frivolous, careless and lazy. She sings all day long, has fun and doesn't care about the future. The weak and stupid Dragonfly was left without food and shelter in winter, but it was her own fault. Those who do not want to work will face trouble.
ANT - hardworking, diligent, hard-working, responsible. Every day is filled with work and worries. He knows that he needs to think about tomorrow, and not spend time in idleness and idleness. The ant is the embodiment of diligence and hard work.

Writers in their moralizing works ridicule human vices. In I. A. Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant” we also see the shortcomings of people through the images of the heroes and learn the main idea, the moral that the author has prepared for readers.

Every moralizing work contains a moral: the main idea that the author wanted to convey to us. Krylov's fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant” also contains it. She, as expected in such works, is at the very end. And before it, whole events unfold before the readers, showing human qualities and vices in the faces of the ant and dragonfly.

It all begins with the fact that I. A. Krylov draws before our eyes how summer gave way to cold winter, the field died, and cold and need set in. The dragonfly was not prepared for this; it sang and sobered all summer. And now she has no time for songs, she wants to eat and warm up, but there is nothing and nowhere. She made a request to the ant, who had been working all summer to prepare for winter. He responded to the dragonfly with sarcasm, telling it that since it sang, then let it go and dance.

Krylov's fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant” shows us both the vices and positive qualities of people. After all, insect heroes were chosen to ridicule human shortcomings. In the image of a dragonfly, the author shows the category of people who do not think about the future. They are lazy and have an idle lifestyle. When times get tough, they try to save themselves with the help of others. It is no coincidence that the author chose such an insect as a dragonfly as one of the heroes. After all, people often call frivolous people that way. Since ancient times, the ant has personified the image of a hard worker who is always busy improving his home and searching for supplies.

Moral of the story

Any moralizing work ends with the author leading readers to the main idea. Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant” has the following moral: there always comes a moment when you have to pay for your idleness. Therefore, you need to be able to not only have fun, but also work.

This fable is always relevant, because it shows us how someone is trying to survive at the expense of someone else’s labor, without doing anything for it. In real life, there will always be “dragonfly” people and “ant” people. Some just want to have fun, while others think about the future. This is what Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant” shows us. Moral of the story: Everyone reaps their own rewards.


Krylov's fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant”, with the help of its heroes, shows us two types of people: idle and working. However, it is still worth thinking about the fact that these images are not just opposite. They also depict two extremes: excessive sloppiness and excessive hard work. You need to be able to both work and relax, but it is worth remembering that work comes first, and then rest and entertainment.