Avocado toast is one of the quickest and healthiest breakfasts. Technically, preparing avocado toast is as easy as shelling pears: put a sliced ​​or crushed avocado on the prepared toast. But at the same time, you have an unlimited number of options to diversify it by adding a variety of ingredients, from the classic tomato to fruits such as mango and strawberries. In this article, we have tried to pick up the top recipes for the most delicious avocado toast to help you diversify your diet.

Classic avocado toast

Spread avocado wedges drizzled with olive oil and lemon juice on rye or whole grain toast. You can not add lemon juice at the beginning, but decorate the toast with a slice of lemon, which can then be squeezed out. Salt, pepper will help you to diversify the taste, as well as paprika flakes, which will add hints of piquancy.

Avocado tomato toast

In this recipe for avocado toast, we will use mashed avocado. Bring the crushed avocado to the consistency you like, add salt and pepper to taste, a little olive oil. Spread the resulting spread on toasted bread, top with quartered cherry tomatoes and a few arugula leaves.

Crushed walnuts (or any other type of nut) will help add a special sophistication to the taste. If you have a few extra minutes, we would recommend replacing fresh cherry tomato slices with toasted cherry tomato halves. In any case, with any of the options, your avocado toast will turn out insanely juicy.

Avocado and cream cheese toast

In order to diversify a simple toast with cheese and avocado, we will add the following ingredients: on a slice of toasted bread, we first spread curd cheese, put avocado slices on it, which we season and salt to taste, then arrange flat slices of fresh tomato and fig slices. You are provided with a simply unsurpassed combination of flavors!

Avocado and egg toast

Avocado toast with poached egg

There is not a single self-respecting institution that would not offer this dish for breakfast or brunch. Hearty, healthy and insanely delicious - this is what they love toast with avocado and poached egg. First we need to prepare the toasted toast (note: try somehow taking a peeled clove of garlic and smearing the still hot toast - an unsurpassed flavor!). Then lay out the avocado slices, salt and pepper them to taste, add some leaves of your favorite salad and top with a cooked poached egg.

Avocado toast with boiled egg

Make a toast with your favorite type of bread (toast or use a toaster), top with avocado wedges, season and salt to taste, add a few drops of olive oil to help season the seasonings, and top with a sliced ​​boiled egg. A boiled egg can be of any kind: hard-boiled, in a bag or soft-boiled. Choose the option that you like best.

Avocado toast with scrambled eggs

One of the best ways to spice up scrambled eggs is to add an avocado. Cooking scrambled eggs according to the classic recipe: beat two eggs, add a pinch of salt, pour the resulting mass into a frying pan with warmed butter. Do not forget to constantly mix so that lumps form. On the fried toast, first spread a small layer of cottage cheese, then crushed avocado and scrambled eggs on top. We can also add radish slices and some greens for an original taste.

Avocado toast with red fish

This version of Avocado Salmon Toast is very satisfying and nutritious, as it uses many healthy ingredients. We will prepare a toast of whole grain bread, on which we will apply a small layer of cottage cheese and crushed avocado on top (in the process of preparing mashed avocados, we add spices and salt to taste, do not forget about a small amount of olive oil and lemon juice). The next layer is flat slices of tomato, and then we put thinly sliced ​​red onions for piquancy, and we complete this pyramid with any kind of red fish (salmon, trout - it doesn’t matter, choose what you like).

Avocado and strawberry toast

This toast will be a great appetizer at any event. If you want to surprise your guests, then prepare a recipe for toast with avocado and strawberries. It is necessary to cut the strawberries into thin slices, sprinkle with balsamic vinegar and leave for 5 minutes. It is necessary to prepare a toast from any bread, crush the avocado, add salt and squeeze out some lemon juice. We put strawberries on the very top, you can decorate our toast with sesame seeds. Note: If you like to experiment, add fresh basil leaves before the strawberries. Cool flavor guaranteed.

If you were looking for avocado toast recipes and landed on our article, we hope you found it useful. All the ideas that we have collected here confirm one thing, there can be a large variety of toast variations. You can make avocado toast for breakfast or as a main course. The more ingredients there are, the richer and healthier your meal will be. We leave our feedback in the comments to the article and share it on social networks if it was useful to you.

Avocado toast is healthy and nutritious! Avocado toast is a food that is perfect for breakfast, lunch or dinner. This fruit can be attributed to the list of the most healthy foods (superfoods). Avocados are packed with vitamins and minerals and will help keep your skin and hair healthy. Especially high in it is the content of vitamin E and the trace element potassium.

Monounsaturated fats in avocados lower bad cholesterol levels and keep you feeling full longer. Avocado is the most nutritious fruit. The calorie content of this product is 208 kcal per 100 gr. However, nutritionists around the world recommend including this product in your diet because of the beneficial fatty acids it contains, which and.

If you love avocados, then definitely with avocados.

Avocado toast - 3 breakfast ideas

The toast bread in the recipe can be substituted with whole grain bread.

Ingredients for Caprice Avocado Toast:

  • 2 ripe avocados
  • 2 tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 4 slices of bread for toast
  • 115 gr. mozzarella, cut into pieces
  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes, cut in half or regular tomatoes
  • 1/4 cup basil leaves, coarsely chopped
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste
  • balsamic glaze for decoration

How to make avocado toast

Cut the avocado in half, remove the pulp and put on a plate, add lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste, mash the pulp with a fork.

Toast bread for toast in a toaster or in a dry frying pan.

Spread the avocado puree evenly over the bread slices. Top with mozzarella pieces, tomatoes and basil leaves, drizzle with balsamic glaze.

Garlic toast with avocado


  1. Preheat oven to 190 degrees.
  2. Mince the garlic.
  3. Mix butter with olive oil and garlic. Brush each piece of bread generously with the prepared mass. Bake the bread in the oven using a baking sheet until golden brown.
  4. In a bowl, mix the avocado pulp and lemon juice, mash the mass with a fork. Add salt, black and red pepper to taste.
  5. Put the prepared avocado mass on bread.

Avocado and Egg Toast


  • pulp from two ripe avocados
  • juice from 1/2 lime or lemon
  • salt and pepper for taste
  • 4 slices of bread for toast
  • 1 medium tomato, thinly sliced
  • 1 sweet pepper, thinly sliced
  • 1-2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 tbsp. l. chopped fresh parsley

How to make Avocado Egg Toast Recipe

  1. Place the avocado pulp in a bowl, mash the pulp thoroughly with lime juice, salt and pepper to taste. Divide the minced avocado between slices of bread.
  2. Top with chopped tomatoes and bell peppers. Set the toast aside.
  3. - icing. Lay the scrambled eggs on the prepared toast, sprinkle with chopped parsley on top.

These avocado and egg toasts are just perfect for a quick and complete breakfast.

Bon Appetit!

The avocado toast recipes I shared earlier always started with toasted bread. So it will be this time. Delicious toasts are good in a toaster, but if one is not at hand, it does not matter - I will tell you how to make delicious toasts in a pan. We put a frying pan with a flat bottom on a strong fire, calcine it well and put a piece of bread on a hot surface. We do not use oil, just press the bread strongly against the pan with a spatula and fry until it is browned, then turn it over to the other side and repeat the process - the crispy toast is ready! Transfer the toasted bread to a plate, wash the avocado and cut into thick strips. Be sure to look at the photos and read, , in this detailed guide, I reveal all the small but very useful secrets! Spread the avocado in a thick layer on the crispy toast, sprinkle with freshly ground black pepper and salt, if needed, and olive oil. Already such toasts with avocado - breakfast is excellent! But even more delicious breakfast is toast with egg 🙂 Therefore, we do not stop and make toast with an egg in a pan. In the same frying pan in which the bread was fried, pour a little olive oil and put on medium heat. We break an egg into it so that we get a fried egg and fry until cooked until the protein turns white, then sprinkle with black pepper. The egg toast, the recipe of which I am reciting, is apparently not complicated at all.
We shift the fried eggs on toast with avocado and it turns out ... Toast with avocado and egg! On top, you can sprinkle, for example, flaxseeds or sesame seeds and salt if you want.
Fried toast with egg and avocado can be served at the table! Now you know how to make egg and avocado toast.

Delicious toast with avocado and egg for breakfast. Recipe short

  1. We prepare delicious toasts for breakfast: cut off slices of bread not too thin and fry them in a toaster or in a hot frying pan: for this, put slices of bread on a hot surface and press with a spatula, fry until browned, then turn over and repeat the process. Transfer the crispy toast to a plate.
  2. My avocado, quickly peel and cut into strips .
  3. Spread half an avocado on 1-2 toasts, sprinkle with black pepper, salt and pour olive oil.
  4. We put the same pan on medium heat, pour a little vegetable oil and break the eggs into it. Fry the fried eggs until all the protein turns white. Sprinkle with black pepper.
  5. Transfer the fried eggs to the avocado toast.
  6. Bread toasts with egg and avocado are ready! Now you know how to make delicious toast.

Recipes for delicious toasts are very diverse, many of them have already been published on my blog in the appetizers section, and more will appear very soon new toasts with all kinds of fillings: eggplant, cheese, herbs, tomatoes - for every taste. Be sure not to miss anything subscribe to recipe mailing list in the right sidebar! By the way, the most delicious ready for your evaluation. And they really... The most. Delicious. In my life 🙂
Well, healthy breakfast toasts, the recipes with photos of which I gave, were a success. Try cooking, leave comments and remember that you are more talented than you can imagine and that tasty, healthy and proper food is available to everyone! Enjoy your food!

This simple recipe consists entirely of win-win combinations. Avocado toast is not very well known here, because getting quality avocados that are soft and pliable but not overripe can sometimes be a problem - but this is a classic. But the duo of eggs and ham needs no introduction, just as it is not necessary to explain that dipping a crispy toast into a flowing yolk is a little comparable pleasure.

Avocado and egg toast can be made for breakfast or, if you're not averse to eating egg dishes for dinner, serve it as a simple but not without sophistication snack. I especially want you to try this toast with poached: of course, you can get by with a soft-boiled or even hard-boiled egg, but in this case it will be much more difficult to evaluate the idea.

Toast with poached egg and avocado

Avocado and poached egg toast can be a delicious breakfast or a simple but not without sophistication snack for lunch or dinner, depending on your plans.
Alexey Onegin

Make toast with good bread, transfer to plates and let cool slightly. Peel the avocado, then cut in half, rotate one half in relation to the other, separate the two halves, then stick a knife into the pit and remove it.

Cut the avocado halves into thin slices and fan out on the toast. On top of each avocado toast, place half a slice of dry-cured ham, pressing lightly in the middle to create an indentation from which the egg will not slip out.

Read also:

Prepare poached eggs. My favorite way is 1 hour in sous vide at 62 degrees, then pour into a saucepan with freshly boiled salted water, the heat under which has been reduced to a minimum, and take it out after 20 seconds.

If you don’t have sous vide, or time, which is also understandable, bring the salted water to a boil in the same way, reduce the heat so that the water stops bubbling, break the egg into a slotted spoon, let the liquid part of the protein drain, gently lower the egg into the water and Remove with a slotted spoon after 3.5 minutes.

Pat the eggs dry with paper towels and place them on the toast. Drizzle with olive oil (preferably truffle or just a good Extra Virgin), salt and season with freshly ground pepper.

Top the eggs with some arugula and drizzle again with olive oil and season with a pinch of salt and a little pepper. Serve immediately as poached cheese cools quickly and is the only hot ingredient in your toast.

Eating the same avocado toast for breakfast every day is boring, and even the awareness of the benefits brought to the body does not save you from hating the trendy toast that covers you three days later. You have to be creative!

The fashion for avocado toast for breakfast was introduced by Manhattan nutritionists a few years ago. At first, the idea of ​​replacing traditional butter and jam with a healthy fruit was something of a fitness revelation: this simple and tasty solution to a complex dietary quest literally blew up the health-minded American beau monde.

Avocado toast migrated from stylish New York cuisines to restaurants and cafes in all major cities in America, and then to Europe - today this dish can be found in breakfast sets almost everywhere.

avocado toast

The idea is simple: take a delicious (preferably whole grain or rye) bread, toast it in a toaster, knead a ripe avocado with a drop of olive oil and lemon juice, spread it on toast, salt, sprinkle with sesame seeds or chia seeds and happily eat. In the basic configuration, such a toast supplies us with healthy fats, a bunch of nutrients, avocados maintain a stable blood sugar level until lunch, bread energizes, and so on, solid health benefits. Well, delicious, if, of course, you love this fruit.

healthy breakfast: ideas

However, eating the same avocado toast every day is boring, and even the awareness of the benefits brought to the body does not save you from hating the trendy toast that covers you after three days. Therefore, adherents of avocados for breakfast supplement and enrich the basic recipe with a variety of components and flavors. For instance:

  • toast with avocado, soft cheese and radish slices
  • toast with avocado, pear and pecorino
  • avocado toast with egg (simply boiled, fried or crumbled)
  • toast with avocado and shrimp


avocado toast with pink pepper, avocado toast with soft cottage cheese and radishes, avocado toast with hummus and egg Avocado, bacon and soft cheese toast

And here are 5 more avocado toast ideas from GH TV.